Persistence of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Patients With Coronary Artery Diseases After Percutaneous Coronary Interventions

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J Anal Res Clin Med, 2016, 4(1), 34-8.

doi: 10.15171/jarcm.2016.006,

Original Article

Persistence of cardiovascular risk factors in patients with coronary

artery diseases after percutaneous coronary interventions
Fariba Heidari1, Selva Shahabi2, Mahasti Alizadeh3, Bahram Sohrabi4, Omid Abbaszadeh5, Farid Karkon-Shayan*6

Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, School of Medicine, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
Student of Medicine, Connective Tissue Diseases Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, School of Medicine, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
Associate Professor, Department of Cardiology, School of Medicine, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
Student of Medicine, Liver and Gastrointestinal Diseases Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
Student of Medicine, Medical Philosophy and History Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran

Article info Abstract

Article History: Introduction: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is as a leading cause of death and disability all
Received: 17 Oct 2015 around the world. Multiple risk factors have a role in the development and progression of
Accepted: 02 Jan 2016 coronary heart disease (CHD). It is necessary to control risk factors, to achieve optimal results
ePublished: 29 Feb 2016 of treatment. The aim of present study was to evaluate the persistence of cardiovascular risk
factors in patients with CADs after percutaneous cardiac interventions.
Methods: In an analytical-descriptive study, 150 patient with CAD and percutaneous coronary
intervention (PCI) were performed for them, and referred to Cardiology Clinic of Shahid
Madani Hospital of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran, from September 2013
to September 2015, were studied. The persistence of coronary risk factors, 12-24 months after
performing PCI, was evaluated.
Results: The mean age of patients at time of PCI performing was 57.90 12.26 years. 72.7%
of patients were male and 27.3% were female and male to female ratio was 1 to 0.37.
Dyslipidemia in 52.0% of patients, hypertension in 51.3% patients, and diabetes mellitus
Keywords: (DM) in 41.3% patients were the most common underlying comorbidities. In both before and
Risk Factors, after doing PCI, 26.7% were a smoker, and smoking rates after doing PCI also showed no
significant change (P = 0.055), and also there were no significant changes in the physical
Coronary Artery
activity of patients compared before and after performing PCI.
Disease, Conclusion: Based on the findings of the present study, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and DM,
Percutaneous Coronary was the most frequent underlying diseases in patients with CAD respectively. Risk factors
Intervention such as smoking, and lack of exercise, had no significant changes after performing PCI.

Citation: Heidari F, Shahabi S, Alizadeh M, Sohrabi B, Abbaszadeh O, Karkon-Shayan F. Persistence of

cardiovascular risk factors in patients with coronary artery diseases after percutaneous coronary
interventions. J Anal Res Clin Med 2016; 4(1): 34-8. Doi: 10.15171/jarcm.2016.006

Introduction more than half of deaths.3,4 CAD, in addition,

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is as a leading to has a special role in mortality is one of the
cause of death and disability in all around the major causes of morbidity in patients and
world.1 The mean prevalence of CAD is due to disability particularly in workforce of
estimated to be 6.9% in men and 6.0% in communities, also impose heavy costs on the
women.2 Also in Iran, cardiovascular disease healthcare system of the countries.5,6 CAD
(CVD) and CAD is one of the major causes of and other chronic diseases are in need of
death and disability, and it is responsible for appropriate control and treatment, otherwise,

* Corresponding Author: Farid Karkon-Shayan, Email:

2016 The Authors; Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Heidari, et al.

they have many direct and indirect costs to disease (lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid
the health care system. According to the arthritis, etc.), chronic renal failure,
estimation of insurance, indirect costs of malignancies, and chemotherapy or radiation
CAD patients is multiplied of the direct cost therapy, treatment with glucocorticoids, heart
of disease.5,7 rhythm disorders, patients with implantable
Multiple risk factors are involved in the cardioverter defibrillator (ICD), and
development and progression of CAD. In unwillingness of patients to participate in the
general, risk factors of CVD and CAD can be study or continue that.
divided into two groups. The first group is With consideration of inclusion and
non-adjusted risk factors such as age, sex, exclusion criteria, 150 CAD patients were
race, and family history. The second group is evaluated. Patients demographic
adjustable risk factors such as hypertension, information, past medical histories,
diabetes mellitus (DM), dyslipidemia, adjustable risk factors before performing PCI
overweight, and smoking.4,8 Several studies and 12-24 months after that, were collected.
have demonstrated that the prevalence of For performing statistical analysis,
risk factors in patients with CAD is very high implemented software program was SPSS
and most of the risk factors related to (version 16, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
smoking and high blood pressure. It is also Collected information has been presented as
very important that 96% of CAD patients the mean standard deviation (SD) and also
had, at least, one adjustable risk factor.9 as frequency and percentage. Students t-test
Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) was used to compare quantitative variables
is one of the methods of diagnosis and and for chi-square (Fischer exact test if
treatment of CAD patients, and it is used needed) was used to compare qualitative
widely today. Studies have suggested that variables. In all cases of present study, results
CAD patients after coronary artery bypass were statistically considered as significant
graft (CABG) or PCI, not follow the treatment with P 0.050.
recommendations and they do not modify In term of research and medical ethics, the
their risk factors.10,11 Considering the protocol of the present study was approved
importance of reducing risk factors to achieve by the Ethics Committee of Tabriz University
optimum results in the treatment of CAD of Medical Sciences which follows
patients, the aim of this study was to evaluate Declaration of Helsinki.
the persistence of cardiovascular risk factors
in patients with CAD after performing PCI.
At the time of PCI performing, the mean age
of patients was 57.90 12.26 years. From 150
In a descriptive-analytical study from patients, 109 patients (72.7%) were male, and
September 2013 to September 2015, we 41 patients (27.3%) were female. Male to
studied 150 CAD patients and investigated female ratio was 1 to 0.37. In time of PCI
them in 12-24 months after undergoing PCI. performing, mean age of males was 57.82
Patients were selected randomly using 12.42 years and mean age of females was
software Rand List (version of 1.2) among 58.09 11.96 years. There was no significant
patients who came to Shahid Madani difference between men and women in the
Educational Centre of Tabriz University of age of PCI performing (P = 0.904).
Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran (which is a In term of comorbidities in patient at the
referral center for cardiology in the North time of PCI performing, dyslipidemia were in
West of Iran). 78 patients (52.0%) and dyslipidemia was the
Inclusion criteria were all patients with most common underlying medical disease.
CAD disease, and PCI was performed for Hypertension in 77 patients (51.3%), DM in
them. Exclusion criteria were collagen vascular 62 patients (41.3%), renal disease in 26

JARCM/ Winter 2016; Vol. 4, No. 1 35

Persistence of risk factors in patients with CAD

patients (17.3%), thyroid disease in 5 patients before performing PCI was 2.03 0.33 hours
(3.3%), and liver disease in 4 patients (2.7%) per week and mean physical activity of
were the other underlying medical conditions patients who had a type of physical activity
in order of frequency. in a week after PCI was 2.22 0.24 hours a
In terms of cigarette smoking in the time week. There was no significant difference in
of PCI performing, 40 patients (26.7%) were mean of physical activity before PCI
smokers with a mean of 21.45 5.56 performing comparing with 12-24 months
cigarettes a day. After 12-24 months from PCI after PCI performing (P = 0.153). Finally,
performing, again 40 patients (26.7%) were there were no any new cardiac events during
smokers with a mean of 20.60 6.40 this study.
cigarettes a day. There was no significant
difference in mean of cigarettes consumption
before PCI performing with 12-24 months CVD and CAD always is one of the major
after PCI performing (P = 0.055). causes of morbidity, and according to the
In terms of patients body mass index World Health Organization (WHO) report,
(BMI), mean of patients BMI in PCI time was CVD is the first leading cause of death all
27.79 3.62 and after 12-24 months from PCI around the world.12 In developed countries,
performing was 27.09 3.24. There was a CVD cause 1.4 million deaths annually, and
significant difference in mean of BMI before also 5.7 million deaths occurs in developing
PCI performing with 12-24 months after PCI countries because of CVD.13 The prevalence
performing (P = 0.001). of these diseases and CAD during the past
The mean systolic blood pressure (SBP) of decades had a great increase. However, the
patients before PCI was 129.50 22.80 mmHg risk factors, prevalence, and mortality of
and 12-24 months after PCI was these diseases are controllable and
126.17 21.31 mmHg. Decreases of patients preventable.14,15 Risk factors of CAD that
mean SBP was statistically significant increase mortality rate and morbidity,
(P = 0.020). The mean diastolic blood including age, weight, abdominal obesity,
pressure (DBP) of patients before PCI was cigarette smoking, inactivity, high blood
76.74 10.29 mmHg and 12-24 months after pressure, dyslipidemia, coagulation
PCI was 78.29 10.87 mmHg. There was no disorders, and resistance to insulin. Many of
significant difference in mean of DBP of these risk factors are controllable.16,17
patients, before PCI performing with 12-24 In the present study, we investigated the
months after PCI performing (P = 0.080). persistence of some common cardiovascular
Patients lipid profile before and after risk factors in patients with CAD after PCI
performing PCI was according to table 1. performing. Patients were studied in time of
Before performing PCI, 67 patients (44.7%) PCI performing and the next time of
had no any type of physical activity and evaluation was 12-24 months after PCI
12-24 months after PCI, 53 patients (35.3%) performing. Dyslipidemia in 52.0% of
had no any type of physical activity again. patients was the most common comorbidity
The mean physical activity of patients who in patients. Hypertension in 51.3% of
had a type of physical activity in a week patients, DM in 41.3% of patients, and renal

Table 1. Patients lipid profile before and after performing percutaneous coronary intervention
Lipid file P
In time of PCI 12-24 months after PCI
Cholesterol (mg/dl) 161.13 62.21 155.03 50.09 P = 0.009
TG (mg/dl) 186.03 62.83 182.10 55.17 P = 0.173
LDL (mg/dl) 101.82 40.36 97.64 36.91 P = 0.007
HDL (mg/dl) 36.12 10.66 39.46 9.72 P = 0.144
LDL: Low-density lipoprotein; HDL: High-density lipoprotein; PCI: Percutaneous coronary intervention; TG: Triglyceride

36 JARCM/ JARCM/ Winter 2016; Vol. 4, No. 1

Heidari, et al.

disease in 17.3% of patients were the next study, 21.0% of patients who were smoke
common underlying disease in this study. All before were persistent smokers. This study
patients who were smoke before PCI, they suggested that prevalence of smoking in
were smoke again after performing PCI, and European patients with CAD is too high, and
also there was no significant changes in the there is a need for the development of
amount of cigarette smoking in these patients effective smoking cessation programs.19 In
(P = 0.055). Although, there was a statistically our study, 40.0% of patients were smokers
significant change in patients mean BMI and all of them were persistent smokers in
(P = 0.001), but this change was a slightly 12-24 months after performing PCI. Based on
decline (27.79 3.62 vs. 27.09 3.24). There this result, we need more effective smoking
was a slightly decline in mean SBP of patients cessation programs to prevent of CAD
and this was statistically significant patients from smoking habit.
(P = 0.020), but DBP had no statistically Finally all available studies in the field,
significant changes (P = 0.080). Generally, suggest that it is very important to control
changes in BMI and SBP of patients before and decrease cardiovascular risk factors in
and after performing PCI had not significant CAD patients, and also studies demonstrate
clinically value. that risk factors control programs are not
In term of physical activity, 12-24 months very effective, and they need to be reviewed.
after performing PCI, 35.3% of patients had
no any type of physical activity in a week.
There was no statistically significant change Cardiovascular risk factors are numerous,
in mean time of physical activity in patients and we need plenty of time to evaluate the
who had a kind of physical activity in a week persistence of all in CAD patients. We
(P = 0.153). In term of patients lipid profile, recommend conduct similar study in other
there were statistically significant changes in educational centers.
cholesterol (P = 0.009) and in low-density
lipoprotein (LDL) (P = 0.007), but changes in
triglyceride (TG) (P = 0.173) and high-density Based on the findings of the present study,
lipoprotein (HDL) (P = 0.144) were not the most of cardiovascular risk factors in
statistically significant. CAD patients of our region in 1-2 years after
In a large multicenter study in 22 countries PCI performing do not change significantly.
in Europe, lifestyle, risk factor and Dyslipidemia, hypertension, and DM, was
therapeutic management of patients with the most frequent underlying diseases in
coronary heart disease (CHD) were studied. patients with CAD, respectively.
Based on findings of this study, 17.0% of
patients smoked cigarettes, 35.0% were obese,
and 53.0% were centrally obese. This Authors have no conflict of interest.
investigation demonstrated that large
proportions of CAD patients do not achieve
the lifestyle, risk factor and therapeutic targets Special thanks to Research Deputy of Tabriz
for CVD prevention.18 Similar to Europe University of Medical Sciences and Research
study, in our study there were no clinically Deputy Medical Faculty of Tabriz University of
significant changes in lifestyle or risk factors Medical Sciences. This manuscript is based on
of CAD patients after performing PCI. result of approved thesis at Research Deputy of
In another study, smoking habits of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences.
European patients with CAD after action on Finally, we sincerely thank who helped us in
secondary prevention through intervention conducting present study, and we especially
was investigated. Based on results of this appreciate the cooperation of patients.

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Persistence of risk factors in patients with CAD

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