What Is Plasma Osmolality?:, 23 Mei 2007 Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy
What Is Plasma Osmolality?:, 23 Mei 2007 Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy
What Is Plasma Osmolality?:, 23 Mei 2007 Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy
Percentage Physical Examination Findings
History of fluid loss but no findings on physical
<5 examination
8. When and how much fluid can be given via the subcutaneous route?
In mild dehydration, subcutaneous fluids are useful. Isotonic fluids should be used and no more
than 5 to 10 ml/lb should be given at each injection site. The rate of subcutaneous fluid flow
usually is governed by patient comfort. These fluids are aseptically administered and multiple sites
are required to provide adequate fluid volume. Generally, all subcutaneous fluids are resorbed
within 6 to 8 hours. If fluids are still noted subcutaneously after this time, the use of intravenous
fluids to reestablish peripheral perfusion should be considered.
10. When and how are you going to administer the intravenous fluids?
In general, intravenous fluid administration is indicated in dogs and cats with 7% or greater
dehydration. There are numerous potential routes for intravenous fluid administration:
o Peripheral veins
o Jugular veins
o Intraosseous
11. When and how do you estimate the volume of fluids to be given an animal?
The amount of fluid needed for replacement depends on the patient's status. Of primary concern is
the status of the blood volume and later concern is directed to restoration of total body water and
Deficit replacement volume (ml) = % dehydration x body weight (lb) x 454 a x 0.80
Deficit replacement fluid volume (ml) = 0.07 x 22 lb x 454ax 0.80 = 560 ml
a = 454 mls = 1 pound
Deficit replacement volume (ml) = % dehydration x body weight (kg) x
1000b x 0.80
Deficit replacement fluid volume (ml) = 0.07 x 10 x 1000 x 0.80 = 560
b = 1000 ml = 1 kilogram
Figure 2. Maintenance fluid volumes for the dog. Recommended volumes are calculated from the
formula (30 X BWKg) + 70.
Example 2:
A 22-lb (10 kg) dog is assessed to be 7% dehydrated and has been vomiting. How much fluid
should be given during the next 24 hours?
Volume (ml of fluid required) = deficit volume + maintenance volume
= [0.07 x 22 lb x 454 x 0.80] + [(10 x 30) + 70]
= [560] + [370] = 930 ml
= [0.07 x 10 kg x 1000 x 0.80] + [(10 x 30) + 70]
= [560] + [370] = 930 ml
17. Does the formula recommended above satisfy water needs in the sick animal?
The question regarding energy (water) requirements in sick animals continues to elicit controversy.
Traditionally it has been taught that illnesses, injuries, and surgery resulted in the increased need
for more energy (water). These teachings were extrapolated from human and rodent data. In the
dog, there is mounting evidence that increased energy requirements are not common in the sick,
injured, or surgical dogs. In fact, there are increased numbers of publications documenting the
lower energy (water) requirements for both the normal and sick or traumatized dog. Additionally,
from an evolutionary perspective, it seems logical to expect the dog to preserve available energy
with illness or injury. The reserves are already minimal and it makes little sense to increase
metabolic requirements in order to survive. It makes more sense to conserve available energy and
to reduce metabolic (thus energy and water) requirements. Studies on dogs in a critical care unit
have documented the presence of significant hypothyroid function. Thus, metabolic requirements
are reduced.
The decision to change the formulae for calculating water requirements will only come with more
objective evidence taken from normal and sick dogs and cats.
18. How do you account for continuing losses during the replacement phase of fluid therapy?
A crude but effective guideline for replacing continuing abnormal losses is to estimate the volume
of fluid loss and then double this estimate. The result will be surprisingly close to the actual
volume of vomitus, diarrhea, or urine.
19. How do you tell when an animal is receiving an inadequate fluid volume?
Any acute change in body weight results from losses or gains in water. If the animal is losing body
weight while being given crystalloid fluids, the animal is likely receiving inadequate volumes of
fluid. One group of patients where body weight may fool you is in animals that are third-spacing
fluids (peritonitis, pyometritis, pleural effusions). In these animals the animal may still be
dehydrated but the body weight may not have changed. Monitoring the central venous pressure will
result in a value which is well below 5 cm H20. Additionally, if renal function is adequate, an
animal which is dehydrated will have a urine specific gravity above 1.025.
21. List the common crystalloid fluids, their electrolyte composition, pH, and osmolality.
Dextrose 5% in
Water - - - - - - 170 278
Dextrose 2.5% in
0.45% Saline 77 - 77 - - - 85 280
Ringers Lactate
Solution 130 4 109 3 - Lactate 28 9 272
Ringers Solution
147 4 156 4.5 - - - 309
Acetate 27
140 5 109 - 3 Gluconate 15 294
Dextrose 5% in
Ringers Lactate 130 4 109 3 - Lactate 28 179 525
Normal Saline
(0.9%) 154 - 154 - - - - 308
Dextrose 50%
- - - - - - 1700 2525
Dextrose 5% in
Saline (0.9%) 154 - 154 - - - 170 -
Potassium Chloride
- 2 2 - - - - -
Lactated Ringer's + KCl
Chronic renal failure
N/D N/D N D N/D Lactated Ringer's solution, 0.9%
Adrenocortical insufficiency 0.9% NaCl
Suggested Reading
Aberman A: The ins and outs of fluids and electrolytes. Emerg Med 14(7):121-127, 1982.
Adams LG, Polzin DJ. Mixed acid-base disorders. Vet Clin N Amer: Small Anim Pract 19(2):307-326, 1989.
Bonner CW, Stidham GL, Westenkirchner DF, Tolley EA: Hypermagnesemia and hypocalcemia as predictors of high mortality in critically ill
pediatric patients. Crit Care Med 18:921-928, 1990.
Concannon KT. Colloid oncotic pressure and the clinical use of colloidal solutions. J Vet Emer Crit Care. 3:49-62, 1993.
Dubick MA, Wade CE: A review of the efficacy and safety of 7.5% NaCl/6% dextran-70 in experimental animals and in humans. J Trauma 36:323-
330, 1994.
Duval D. Use of hypertonic saline solutions in hypovolemic shock. Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet 17(10):1228-1231, 1995.
Garvey MS: Fluid and electrolyte balance in critical patients. Vet Clin North Am: Small Anim 19:1021-1057, 1989.
Haskins SC: A simple fluid therapy planning guide. Sem Vet Med Surg 3(3):227-236, 1988.
Kronfeld DS: Protein and energy estimates for hospitalized dogs and cats. Proc Purina International Nutrition Symposium, Jan 15, 1991, Orlando,
FL, pp 5-11.
Ogilvie GK, Salman MD, Kesel ML, et al. Effect of anesthesia and surgery on energy expenditure determined by indirect calorimetry in dogs with
malignant and nonmalignant conditions. Amer J Vet Res 57(9): 1321-1326, 1996.
Ogilvie GK, Walters LM, Salman MD, et al. Resting energy expenditure in dogs with nonhematopoietic malignancies before and after excision of
tumors. Amer J Vet Res 57(10):1463-1467, 1996.
Schaer M: General principles of fluid therapy in small animal medicine. Vet Clin North Am Small Animal 19:203-213, 1989.
Schertel ER, Allen DA, Muir WW, et al. Evaluation of a hypertonic saline-dextran solution for treatment of dogs with shock induced by gastric
dilatation-volvulus. J Amer Vet Med Assoc 210(2):226-230, 1997.
Thatcher CD: Nutritional needs of critically ill patients. Compend Cont Educ Vet 18(12):1303-1337, 1996.
Walters LM, Ogilvie GK, Salman, MD, et al. Repeatability of energy expenditure measurements in clinically normal dogs by use of indirect
calorimetry. Am J Vet Res. 54:1881-1885, 1993.
Walton RS, Wingfield WE, Ogilvie GK, et al. Energy expenditure in 104 postoperative and traumatically Injured dogs with indirect calorimetry. J Vet
Emerg Crit Care 6(2):71-75, 1996.
Copyright, 1998. Wayne E. Wingfield, DVM, Colorado State University. All Rights Reserved.