Cooling Tower Exp 3
Cooling Tower Exp 3
Cooling Tower Exp 3
The objectives of this experiment were to observe changes in water temperature, water flow
rate and air velocity affect the performance of cooling tower and the corresponding values for
Range, Approach and Cooling Load. In cooling tower air and water are brought into direct
contact with each other in order to reduce the water's temperature. In the experiment water
tank was filled to maximum water level on the indicator in order to prevent any damage of
the heater used as well as to prevent inlet air direct heating from heater. After that as initial
adjustment the water flow rate, water inlet temperature and air flow rate were varied. All the
corresponding data were noted by software of the instrument. To understand relation among
the varying parameter with cooling tower performance approach, range and effectiveness
were calculated. To illustrate these results for varying one parameter while keeping other two
constant different graph were plotted. A control unit was also connected to the tower to
control the process variables. Initially the water flow rate (WFR), water inlet temperature
(WIT) and air flow rate (AFR) were kept at 1.07 l/min, 30.4C and 15.24 l/s respectively. The
procedure was repeated for water flow rate 1.5 l/min, 2.0 l/min and 2.5 l/min; water
temperature 35C, 40C and 45C and air flow rate 30 l/s, 45 l/s and 60 l/s. For each case, one
parameter was changed keeping the other two constant. The values of cooling range,
approach, cooling load and effectiveness were calculated from these observed data. From
these graphs relation among different could be understood. Cooling range, Cooling Load,
Approach and Effectiveness each were individually plotted against WFR, WIT and AFR by
changing one parameter and keeping the others constant. Finally, Approach was plotted
against Cooling Load by varying all other parameters. The most effective cooling processed
occurred when the inlet water temperature was 39.9C, inlet air temperature was 31.4C with
air and water flow rate respectively being 60 L/s and 1.1 L/min respectively resulting in range
being 5.5C, approach being 3.65C and effectiveness being 60.109 %.
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Air outlet
Water distributor
Water inlet pipe
Control unit
Air blower
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
WFR (L/min), WIT (0C),AFR (L/s)
Figure 2: Cooling Range Vs Water Flow Rate(WFR), Air Flow Rate(AFR) , Water Inlet
Temperature(WIT) Graph
Cooling 0.15
Load (KW)
0 10 20 30 40 50
Approach vs AFR
Approach 2.5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Air flow rate (L/s)
Effectiveness vs WIT
Effectiveness 50.00
(%) 40.00
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Water inlet temperrature (0C)
Approach 6
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
Cooling Load (KW)
Figure 6: Approach Vs Cooling Load Graph For Changing Water Inlet Temperature
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For observation no. 5 when water inlet temperature is changing:
= (34.8 32.8)
= 2
By using relative humidity table provided in the lab manual and performing linear
interpolation, the wet bulb temperature can be found out.
Approach value = Water outlet temperature Wet bulb temperature of inlet air
= (32.8 30.72)
= 2.08
Effectiveness = + 100%
= 2+2.08 100%
= 49.019%
Absolute humidity of inlet air = 0.0284 ( ) [1]
Absolute humidity of outlet air = 0.0327 ( ) [1]
Mass Balance:
Amount of moisture in inlet humid air = 1+0.0284 ( )
= 0.027616 ( )
Amount of moisture in inlet air = (0.027616 0.00115)
= 3.2034 105
Amount of moisture
= Volumetric flow rate of inlet air
Volume of inlet air
= 4.63 104 /
= 0.0167 /
Mass flow rate of outlet dry air = Mass flow rate of inlet dry air
= 0.0163 /
= Absolute humidity of outlet air Mass flow rate of outlet dry air
= (0.0327 0.0163) /
= 5.33 104 /
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= Mass flow rate of moisture in outlet air Mass flow rate of moisture in inlet air
= 7.0086 105 /
Mass flow rate of inlet water = /
= 0.017887 /
Mass flow rate of outlet water = Mass flow rate of inlet water Rate of evaporation of water
= 0.017817 /
= Cooling range
Cooling load:
= Mass flow rate of outlet water Specific heat of water Temperature difference
= (0.017817 4.189 2) /
= 0.1493
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= 0.23797 KW
We see that the power measured in the heater by the system is 1.68 KW where the theoretical
cooling load measured by the observed data by mass balance and energy balance was
calculated as 0.15 KW and 0.24 KW respectively. The disparity in the value can be explained
as the sensor used to measure the heating system does not take into account the heat exchange
at the bottom of the column due to the mixing of cold and hot water . So the power measured
by the sensor may not represent the actual power on which we have considered equilibrium
has attained. Also due to atmospheric air relative humidity being so close to saturation
resulted in inaccurate assumption of absolute humidity inlet air which may cause the value to
be wrongly calculated.
Evaporation loss, E=1% of the total flow per 5.56 oCCorrection factor
For 2 oC, % = 0.359% of total flow
=91.545 m3/h
= 0.00130000
=30 m3/h
Blow down, B= 1 = = 30.515 m3/h
= 91.545+30+30.515
= 152.06 m3/h
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The range of Cooling Range was from 0.8C for water inlet temperature 30.8C to 5.5C for
water inlet temperature 39.9C and the corresponding range of Approach was found to be
0.18C to 3.65 C. The range of Effectiveness was between 21.16% for water inlet
temperature 30.8C and 81.63% for water inlet temperature 39.9C.
Cooling towers are a special type of heat exchanger that allows water and air to come in
contact with each other to lower the temperature of the hot water. During the cooling tower
working process, small volumes of water evaporate, lowering the temperature of the water
that's being circulated throughout the cooling tower. Thus its principle is based on
evaporative cooling. The important parameters, from the point of determining the
performance of cooling towers are
Range: the difference between the cooling tower water inlet and outlet temperature.
Range is a direct function of the quantity of water circulated and the heat load. The
higher the range is, the better is the performance of cooling tower.
Approach: the difference between the cooling tower outlet cold water temperature
and ambient wet bulb temperature. Although, both range and approach should be
monitored, the Approach is a better indicator of cooling tower performance. It is a
function of thermal conditions and tower capability. Lower Approach indicates better
Effectiveness: cooling tower effectiveness (in percentage) is the ratio of range, to the
ideal range or the difference between cooling water inlet temperature and ambient wet
bulb temperature. Higher Effectiveness indicates better performance.
Cooling load: the heat rejected in kW, given as product of mass flow rate of water,
specific heat and temperature difference.
The measured wet bulb temperature is a function of relative humidity and ambient air
temperature. Wet bulb temperature essentially measures how much water vapor the
atmosphere can hold at current weather conditions. A lower wet bulb temperature means the
air is drier and can hold more water vapor than it can at a higher wet bulb temperature. An
important aspect of wet bulb selection is, whether it is specified as ambient or inlet. The
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ambient wet bulb is the temperature, which exists generally in the cooling tower area,
whereas inlet wet bulb is the wet bulb temperature of the air entering the tower. Cooling
tower performance is related to ambient wet bulb conditions. In a cooling tower of infinite
size and with an adequate air flow, the water leaving will be at the wet bulb temperature of
the incoming air. For this reason, the difference between the temperature of the water leaving
a cooling tower and the local wet bulb temperature is an indication of the effectiveness of the
cooling tower.
The UOP6-MKII Basic Cooling Tower used in this experiment is completely computer
controlled and all data were recorded in excel file throughout the experiment. Data for
graphical representations were selected after a short period of time from start up for stable
conditions. Here the following passages explained the nature of graphs-
1. From figure 02, it can be seen that as WIT was increased, Cooling Range also increased
which is theoretically expected as range is proportional to WIT.
2. It was also observed that with increasing air flow rate we can see that the heat lost by the
water increases so the range also increases with increasing the value of air flow thus the rate
of heat changes increase (figure 2). That is represented by the trend shown in the graph.
3. With increasing water flow rate the range increases lightly at first but since water has
higher heat capacity by simply increasing water flow rate without changing power does not
increase the temperature of water thus the changes range is so small.
1. For constant WFR and AFR, if the inlet temperature of water is increased then its capacity
for releasing heat also increases. Thus with increasing heat transfer the cooling load also
increased as it can be seen from figure 03.
1.In case of approach, it is observed that the approach increases with the raise in air velocity
but when maximum heat and mass transfer rate occurs approach reaches its highest values the
it decreases as we can not exceed the amount of heat absorbed. As the approach is the
difference between water outlet temperature and ambient wet bulb temperature, it
depends on the weather condition. So the decrease of approach is not uniform which can be
seen in figure 4.
1.From figure 05, it is evident that with increasing WIT, Effectiveness decreases. As
Effectiveness in inversely related to approach and as approach increased with WIT, it can be
said that increasing WIT decreases performance based on effectiveness.
1.The approach of a cooling tower varies directly with the cooling load of a process. Cooling
load is defined as the total heat to be removed from the circulating water by the cooling tower
per unit time (kW). For increasing water inlet temperature, cooling load increases along with
the increase in the approach. For increasing air flow rate, cooling load decreases along with
the increase in the approach. As shown in the figure 6. For water flow rate, no specific trend
was observed due to experimental error.
In this experiment, a counter flow force drift cooling tower was used. One of the
disadvantages of this kind of cooling tower is difficulty in using variable water flow, as spray
characteristics may be negatively affected. Besides for this experiment, nozzle distributor was
used. Thus the water might not uniformly dispersed over the packing. These reasons might
have caused erroneous result while considering the effect of variable water flow rate. It is
important to use the data while the process variables is on stable state. Effect of variables
cannot be properly found if the system is unstable. For this reason, some of the data after
startup was not used in calculation.
Another important term for cooling tower performance evaluation is evaporation loss.
Evaporation loss increases with the increase of air velocity. When the air velocity increases
the volume flow rate of air also increases which takes away more water vapor. As a result
evaporation loss increases. More makeup water is needed for increased evaporation loss.
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Entrainment of water with outlet air may also cause water loss. Thus demister was used in
this experiment.
Distilled or demineralized water must always be used for filling and topping up of this unit to
eliminate problems with scale and unsightly stains resulting from water impurities.
The make-up tank must always be refilled before the water level falls below minimum level.
The make-up tank should be drained whenever the unit is inoperative for more than two
hours to ensure that any leakage past the float valve does not result in water entering the air
The pump must not be switched on unless the system is filled with water. The air flow
through the air heater must not be obstructed, and the air heater must not be switched on
unless the fan damper is open and the fan is running.
It is necessary to notice the water level indicator. If the water level falls below the minimum
level, the heating coil would be exposed to air which could damage the coil and also could
heat up the cooling air which might reverse the whole heat transfer process by heating hot
While analyzing the performance of a cooling tower, a common misconception is that range
or the difference between hot water temperature and cold water temperature, is influenced by
cooling tower performance. In reality, approach is what actually defines the cooling
capability of a cooling tower. The range is influenced by the heat rejection of the process for
which a cooling tower serves. Whether a power plant, commercial building, or any other
application, the range will stay consistent under the same flow and heat rejection conditions.