Osa Policies & Precedures
Osa Policies & Precedures
Osa Policies & Precedures
The OSA in coordination with the Guidance Counseling 1. Filing the complaint. The complainant submits a written
Center conducts an orientation program for all college freshmen complaint to the DSA in three (3) copies. The complaint shall
student once every first semester of the academic year, to welcome new contain the ff:
freshmen and transfer students and at the same time introduce them to (1) name, course, year and ID # of the student
FCU community. It is during this time when key officials of the (2) date, time and place of the incident
University talk to the new students as they introduce the functions of (3) detailed narration of the circumstances
their offices to the students . Students are briefed of their rights and (4) signature over printed name of the
responsibilities in and out of the campus; the rules and regulations complainant and the witnesses
they are expected to observe as well as the privileges they are to enjoy. (5) signed testimonies of the witnesses , if ny
2. Summons: The DSA immediately informs the concerned
Student Accident & Health Insurance student in writing of the complaint and tells him to answer the
Every officially enrolled student/pupil is covered with a group complaint within three (3) days.
accident and health insurance, renewable annually. It covers the assured 3. Initial Investigation. After studying complaint and the answer
wherever in the country and whenever he/she is 365 days, 24 hours the DSA schedules an initial meeting with both parties, either
during the term of the Policy separately or together. A notice indicating the time and place
of the meeting is sent to both parties. During the initial
Student Loan Assistance (PGMA-HELP) investigation, the DSA
By virtue of Resolution #330, 2006 of the Commission en (1) informs the student the nature of the offense /
banc, the President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo Higher Education Loan of the school regulation violated
Program was created. This is open to third year, fourth year and (2) explore possible amicable settlement and , if
graduating students who need financial help in the payment of their this is not reached
tuition fees. The amount loaned is payable for a period of three months 4. Action of the Committee: The Chair of the SDC then notifies
(short term) or five years after graduation (long ) term with an interest the Dean/Principal/the Complainant, and the respondents'
rate of not more than 6% per annum. Application forms for PGMA- guardian or parent/s and the members of the SDC of the
HELP is available at the OSA. scheduled hearing or investigation of the case to the Student
Discipline Committee.
Student Discipline 5. If the defendant acknowledges that he had committed the
In cases of infractions of the rules of conduct, the DSA offense againstFilamer Christian University he is deemed
investigates and ascertain all facts before recommending appropriate guilty and he submits a written affidavit to the effect;
sanctions. For minor offenses he may impose any of the following: similarly, he is deemed guilty by a single majority vote of the
Warning; Reprimand or Written Censure. members of the SDC. If the sanction is dropping or expulsion,
the DEP Ed or CHED guidelines shall be followed. The 3. Ptr. Ronald Parpa Member
decision of the Committee shall be made known to the 4. Dr. Felimon Pimentel- Member
defendant 15 days from the end of the investigation. 5. HRDC Ex-Officio Member
6. The Committee then submits recommendation/s to the College 6. OSA Director Ex-Officio Member
President for approval, after which, when approved it is 7. Head, Security Office Ex-Officio Member
referred back to OSA for proper disposition. The Student Grievance Committee has no
7. Appeal for Reconsideration. The erring student shall have disciplinary authority but it undertakes the following:
the right to appeal the for reconsideration, either to reduce the 1. studies and screens the complaint to determine its
sanction or for clemency. The appeal is made in writing, validity
addressed to the University President, stating the reason for 2. makes representations with the Office concerned
the appeal. for possible mediation/settlement of issues/cases
8. Amicable Settlement. If both the complainant and the 3. conduct follow up on complaints or grievances
respondent agree to have an amicable settlement, both sign a referred to it
written affidavit. However, this does not exempt the erring
student from receiving the corresponding disciplinary sanction
if he has violated the school regulation. School Identification Card
9. Sanctions: The DSA determines the penalty to be imposed The OSA takes charge of the printing and the issuance of ID
based on the ff: cards to all freshmen and new students in the Basic Education, the
a. previous record of the erring student Higher and the Graduate Schools. During the period of enrollment, new
b. character and position of the aggrieved person, and freshmen students fill up an application form for ID with the
c. other circumstances as deemed proper and necessary students number assigned to him/her printed on it.
by the SDC. Any of the following may be imposed as
penalty to erring student: Guidelines in the Use of the ID Card
a. admonition 1. All students are required to have an official student
b. censure identification card printed by the OSA. This school ID shall be
c. reprimand worn before entering the campus, with the student's picture
d. restitution visibly displayed at the front part of the body.
e. suspension 2. The NO ID, NO ENTRY policy shall be strictly enforced at
f. dropping the gates.
g. dismissal/expulsions 3. Nameplates should not take the place of the official school ID.
4. Students who lose their ID cards are required to report the loss
The Students Grievance Committee to OSA so that he could be given a temporary gate pass. The
Complaints and grievances of students, student student is then advised to comply with the following
groups/organizations, faculty or staff, or an administrator requirements :
wil be heard. The Student Grievance Committee was a. a fully accomplished application form (available at
created for this purpose. the OSA)
The Committee is chaired by the Guidance b. an affidavit of loss
Counselor with the following as members: c. official receipt of payment for ID from the
1. Mis Pearl Joy Arenga Secretary Cashier's Office
2. Rev. Webster Bedecir- Member
5. Mutilated/Damaged ID cards shall be confiscated and be 7. Clubs/Organization/OJT uniforms maybe worn with their logo
replaced after the procedural requirements have been during special occasions/celebrations of the organization .
complied with 8. Sports/Athletic shorts, tights, /cycling shorts shall be worn
6. Confiscated Ids should be claimed at the OSA within 48 hours only in the athletic field, swimming pool, gym or court or
after they have been confiscated. during sports training, competitions or any special
7. No student shall have two (2) ID cards at the same time. Lost sports/athletic events. No student shall be allowed to enter the
Ids when found should be surrendered to the OSA. campus or attend his/her classes in these attire.
8. The ID cards shall be used for the following: 9. On the Job Training students (OJT) together with their
a. entry to the campus Adviser may decide on their OJT uniform. This however,
b. official business transactions with the University needs the recommendation of the Student Uniform Committee
Administration and other University and the approval of the College President.
offices 10. Exemptions from wearing the prescribed school uniform may
c. claims of personal letters and other documents be granted based on the following reasons: Part -time studies;
d. admission to official functions of the University pregnancy; regular employment
e. signing of clearance 10. Students requesting for exemptions shall comply with the
requirements of the OSA.
The School Uniform
Filamer Christian University prescribes an official school Campus Dress Code
uniform for men and women, for the sake of economy identity and for The following are considered inappropriate for campus
security. wear/get-up, and therefore should be avoided;
For Men:
Guidelines & Policies Sleeveless shirts (sando),
1. All students are required to wear the prescribed Tattered jans/pants; knee-length pants (porontong)
school uniform on class days. Sandals worn without socks; rubber slippers; earrings;
2. For men: white polo with logo on breast pocket tattoo in the body;
,plain white undershirt properly tucked -in; back use of hair clips or head bands;
pants, black leather shoes, and white socks colored/dyed hair; hair longer than 1 inch above the
3. For women: light blue skirt, white blouse; close black shoes brows and 3 inches above the cola line
4. Students who are not wearing the prescribed school uniform
may be allowed to attend classes after the security officer at For women:
the gate or any school authority has turned over the student's Tight-fitting jeans or dresses;
ID to OSA. However, the student is marked absent from the Low/revealing necklines; spaghetti straps;
class he attended, and therefor required to present a letter of tube-tops; haltered sleeves; see-through
excuse the next time he comes to his class. dresses;
5. Students with classes on weekends (except graduate school) Shorts/knee-length pants; slippers; double
should be in their uniform when entering the campus. earrings; anklets; tattoo in the body;
6. The prescribed PE uniform shall be worn during PE time only. colored /dyed hair
Students are given sufficient time to change from the official
school uniform to PE uniform and vice versa before and after
classes as the case may be.
Student Organizations 5. Student organizations shall be allowed to exist in the campus
only after the issuance of the Certificate of Recognition by the
Guidelines and Procedures for Recognition OSA.
All campus student organizations applying for 6. The University President may cancel or withdraw the
recognition/renewal of recognition are screened, evaluated and recognition granted to any organization which does not abide
endorsed by the OSA. Sports/Athletics and Cultural Groups are by its statement of purpose or which is found guilty of
likewise encouraged to submit themselves for recognition. violating any University Regulation or Policy.
7. No elementary, high school or college freshman shall be
Procedures for Recognition allowed to form or join any fraternity or sorority in the
1. Any group of bona fide students/pupils may request campus.
permission to form an organization in writing 8. All applications for recognition/renewal of recognition shall
2. A student/pupil may be allowed to join up to two (2) be submitted to OSA on or before the 45 th day after the first
organizations and may hold the position of President, Vice- day of the official opening of classes.
President, Secretary, and Treasurer in only one organization 9. The FCUSR, the supreme student council, and the Hillside
within the same academic year. Echo, the Hillside Echo Jr., the Graders Echo and the
3. Each organization must have at least one but not more than Filamerian which are the official papers and yearbook are
three advisers who are full-time faculty or staff of the legitimate organizations of FCU.
4. Campus student organizations seeking recognition shall Student Activities
comply with the following requirements: To equip students with opportunities to develop their talents &
a. Application letter addressed to the University President, skills in academics, culture and the arts, leadership capabilities and
noted by the Adviser, favorably endorsed by the social responsibility, their inter-personal relationships, the OSA in
Dean/Principal/Chaplain (in the case of religious coordination with the SOC, the Chaplain's Office, the Sports/Athletics
organization) and recommended for approval by the DSA Committee and the Cultural Committee together with some linkages in
b.. Constitution -and -By laws (CBL) the outside agencies, facilitates the participation and involvement of
c. Calendar of activities/Action plan for the academic students in various activities in and outside FCU.
d. List of at least 25 members, officers, adviser/s with Guidelines for the Conduct of Student Activities
their addresses, course and year level, age, and contact 1. All activities in and out of the campus require approval of the
numbers proper school authority.
e Letter of acceptance of responsibilities of the Advisers 2. Letter request to conduct an activity which is not in the
For renewal: approved calendar shall be submitted to OSA for endorsement
a. the organization's annual report of at least one (1) week before the schedule. It shall contain the
accomplishment following: title and nature of the activity; objective/s; date &
b. two (2) copies of approved calendar of activities time; venue and sample program of activity.
or the year 3. The presence of the faculty Adviser during the whole duration
1. c.. Treasurer's financial report duly signed of the activity is required. In case the Adviser may not be
by the President, noted by the Adviser available, he may designate a replacement/substitute provided
the OSA is informed of the substitution.
d. Revised Constitution-and-By Laws (if any)
4. In activities, in which resource speakers or lecturers are 3. Request letter for participation shall be submitted to OSA for
invited his resume should be attached to the request letter. Endorsement two (2) weeks before the schedule of the
5. A report of the activity, noted by Adviser shall be submitted to activity.
the DSA not later than one (1) week after the activity. The
report shall include the following: B. Field Trip
a. title and nature of the activity
b. date, duration and venue 1. Field trips/exposure trip are recognized as essential curricular
c. . nature of participation ( delegate, activities and should therefore cooperatively and carefully
presentor, demonstrator, etc) planned by the teacher advisers and students 20 days before
d. recognition or awards received during the the scheduled date.
activity 2. These activities should be on voluntary basis. Students who
e. names of participants are unable to join the trip should not be fined or given penalty
f. name of the faculty adviser/coach in the form of grade reduction or extra projects and
e. evaluation of the activity assignments.
3. Field trips should be reflected in the approved calendar of
6. To ensure that cultural/religious activities, shows, programs activities or syllabi.
are within the context of the VMG of the University, a 4. The organizers of the trips should ensure that the places to be
preview or screening of the presentation shall be made by the visited offer sufficient facilities that are relevant to the
Committee created for this purpose. All activities should end purpose of the trip.
before 10 pm. By this time students shall be off the campus. 5. The letter requesting approval to conduct the trip should be
submitted to OSA two (2) weeks before the actual schedule. It
Off-Campus Activities, Field Trips/Educational Tours should state the purpose /s, place, venue, and the date of the
activity. This will be endorsed by the Dean/Principal/
A. Off-campus Activities OIC/Department Head where the class belongs. The VP-AA
1. The attendance of student/s to any off-campus activity needs shall be furnished with the approved copy of the request letter.
the recommendation of the DSA and the approval 6. For academic-related field trips/tours, a formal letter to
of the University President. conduct the trip shall be submitted by the teacher-adviser to
2. The student/organization who wish to attend off-campus the DSA for endorsement two (2) months before the schedule
activities shall write a letter requesting permission .The letter with the following attachments:
shall contain the following: a. Memorandum of understanding between the
a. date, time, venue of the activity organizer and the agency/barangay official
b. a photocopy of the invitation letter b. Name of the teacher-Adviser/Chaperon
c. resume of the resource persons ( if the activity s a c. Objective of the trip
seminar, symposia or the like) d. Nature of the activity
d. name of the teacher chaperon e. Proposed itinerary including places of lodging
e. itemized expenses to be possibly incurred f. Travel requirements and preference in
f. accomplished parents consent form transportation
g. memorandum of understanding between the g. Recommended travel agency
organization and the agency or community ( if h. Itemized expected expenses
7. The Chief Security Officer and the teacher-advisers shall 3. Unused financial holdings from the preceding year, if any,
conduct an orientation before the actual trip to discuss the shall be carried over to the existing balance of the organization
following in the current academic year.
a. objective/s of the trip 4. Each organization is required to submit to OSA, a report of
b. itinerary the organization's finances, including its existing balance.
c. norms of conduct and proper decorum
d. appropriate attire Fund-Raising Activity
e. presence of one (1) chaperon for every twenty 1. Fund -raising activities require prior approval of the
five (25) students/pupils University President through the endorsement of the OSA.
f. materials and equipment needed for the trip 2. Student organizations are allowed only one -major fund
g. provision for meals -raising activity per semester after complying with the
h. first aid following:
i. provision for housing/lodging if necessary a. a resolution or a certified copy of the minutes of the
j. transportation arrangement organization's meeting showing support of the activity by
8. Teacher advisers should make sure that students are covered the majority of its members
by accident insurance and that they have submitted b. endorsement of the activity by the Dean if it is related to
accomplished parental consent forms duly signed by their an educational tour/trip or any academic course
parents/guardians. c. a formal letter stating the purpose, date and venue of the
9. All field trips should proceed as initially planned. Unless activity and the expected gross income
circumstances beyond control require a slight modification or 3. Solicitation letters/tickets shall bear the endorsement of the
its outright suspension or cancellation. DSA/Dean( in case of academic related activity) who shall
10. For general education subjects, only a one day trip is allowed; assign the control number to ensure the validity of each
but for major subjects wherein students need exposure to solicitation letter/ticket. Absence of the endorsement will
institutions, company experiences, and places related to the make the letter/ticket unofficial in which case the fund raising
subject, one or more days may be considered. activity shall immediately be canceled and the erring officials
11. Evaluation of the activity is required. This shall be submitted shall be properly sanctioned
to the Dean/Principal, a copy is furnished each of the DSA and
the VP-AA. Curfew and Overnight Stay
1. Filamer Christian University shall observe curfew hours at
Funds and Fund -Raising Activity 9pm.
Funds 2. Request for overnight stay of students shall be done in
1. No student organization not its officers shall collect fees or writing, addressed to the College President, favorably
contributions of any sort for any purpose without prior endorsed by the Dean of the College where the students
approval of proper authority. belong, and recommended for approval by the DSA at least
2. Official receipts for financial transactions entered into by the three (3) days before the scheduled activity. The letter shall
student organizations shall be issued only by the University indicate and specify the facilities to be used and the exact
Business Office. Temporary receipts for payment made by period /time they be be used.
students/members may be issued by the organization for 3. The letter shall also indicate the name of the faculty
accounting or auditing purposes only. adviser/coach/trainer who shall stay with the students during
the whole duration of the activity. The note of the Chief 7. The Officers and Advisers of student campus organizations
Security Officer is important. should help in the implementation of these guidelines.
4. The Officers and Adviser/s shall brief the students of the rules 8. Any information material that does not conform to the above
of conduct and behavior they should observe during their stay guidelines shall be removed by the DSA, faculty, staff, the
in the campus. security officers or any school authority.
5. Students shall be required to present their school ID to the
guard/s on duty at the gate, or any school authority upon Student Activities Financial Assistance Fund (SAF)
6. Students who were to stay overnight should be in place before Guidelines and Procedures for the Utilization of Student Activities
9pm. No one shall be allowed to enter the campus beyond this Fund
time nor leave the place once they have settled without just 1. The Student Activities Fund is generated from the
reasons. contributions of all bona fide students from the
7. Students who were granted curfew extensions are expected to Elementary, Secondary, and College students. This fund
wrap-up before the curfew hours so that they can make their is appropriated proportionately to the different academic
exits on time.
units according to their contributions to ensure that each
Guidelines in the Posting of Information Materials
unit gets its unit allocation.
1. There shall be officially designated areas for posting 2. Twenty-five percent of the SAF shall be allotted for
formation materials in the campus. Definitely no information students awards and incentives, the remaining Seventy-
materials shall be posted on the doors and walls of the seven for seminars, trainings, and other student
classrooms and buildings. development programs and activities.
2. The approval of the DSA (for posters) and the Mass Media 3. SAF assistance shall be made available to
Office (for streamers) is necessary before any information recognized/accredited student organizations and bona fide
material may be posted. students only ONCE during the year, except in special cases
3. The information materials must be worked out appropriately when the same set of students are the only ones who qualify
and presented neatly, showcasing the standard of excellence of to attend the activity.
the University. The use of glue, paste or rugby is strictly 4. Financial assistance for seminars, trainings -workshops,
prohibited. conferences and the like is fifty percent (50%) of the total
4. The quotation, verse or excerpt to be posted should bear the budget requested by the student. For contests/competitions
name of the author or the source. in the local, regional and national levels, the contestants
5. A maximum of eight (8) cartolina-size and fifteen (15) bond shall get full assistance (100%) of the requested budget.
paper size of information material may be posted at a time. 5. The number of student delegates/participants who can avail of
6. The following sanctions shall be imposed to any student the SAF privilege is limited to only THREE, for each seminar,
organization who violate these guidelines: to give other students the chance to enjoy the privilege.
1st offense one month suspension 6. To avail of the SAF assistance, the student or organization
/banning from posting information shall write a request letter addressed to the University
materials in the campus President, noted by the Dean/Principal/Unit Head, endorsed
2nd offense appropriate sanctions to the by the DSA, and recommended for approval by the VP-AA,
officers which will be determined VP-F not less than five (5) days before the travel or activity.
by the SDC The request letter shall contain the following:
a. list of participants, name of the teacher 7. The following criteria shall guide the Committee in
adviser/coach/trainer/chaperon determining student awardees in the different categories.
b. budget allocation for expected expenditures
c. photocopy of the invitation to the activity A. Academic Honors
7. Approval of the request shall depend on the availability of
funds. 1. Graduating students with an average grade of 1.75 and above
8. Students/organization who are recipients of SAF with no grade lower than 1.75 qualify for any of the
assistance are required to submit a written report of the following honors:
activity he/she/it has attended to the OSA at least one (1) Summa Cum laude 4.5 up
week after the activity. Magna cum laude -- 4.26 to 4.49
Cum Laude ---------- 3.75 to 4.25
Students Awards and Incentives
2. In cases when no one qualify for the Latin Honors, a graduating
Guidelines in the Giving of Awards and Incentives student with honor points comparable to a Cum Laude but
1. Students' achievements in academics, sports, socio-cultural with a grade lower than 1.75 although with no failing grade
activities, journalism and other exemplary performances will (5.0) qualify for the Highest Academic Award
be recognized and be given corresponding awards. 3. Students who belong to the first top five in rank in their year
2. There will be an Institutional Students Award Committee levels shall be considered for academic honors. The same
composed of member representatives from every academic grade requirement, (average grade of 1.75 and above with no
unit. grade of 1.75) shall apply. Their medals and certificates will
3. The Committee will screen the student awardees in the be awarded during the recognition program intended for them.
different categories, as nominated by the Advisers/Coaches
and will recommend these to the Dean for approval. The final B. Other Awards
list of awardees is then submitted to the DSA for records and The recipients of the following special awards shall be nominated
for the preparation of the medals and certificates. by the Adviser/Coach as the case may be to the Student
4. There shall be separate programs for the recognition of honors Awards Committee of the Unit for screening and be approved
and the giving of awards to graduating honor students, and the by the Dean. The selection shall be based on the following:
non-graduating students. a. Loyalty Award
5. Medals and certificates for Latin Honors and Loyalty Awards HED- students who have continuously enrolled in this
for graduating students shall be given during the University since Kindergarten up to the time he finishes his
Commencement Exercises. Major awards for graduating course.
students and non-graduating students shall be given during the High School- students who have continuously studied in
recognition programs for the graduating and non-graduating Filamer from Kindergarten to High School
students respectively. Elementary pupils who have continuously studied in the
6. Certificates for the Best in.. and other minor awards shall be Filamer from Kindergarten until he completes grade six.
given during the Department /Unit Cultural Enrichment Kindergarten - pupils who have continuously studied in
convocations. In the case of the College of Nursing, the Unit Filamer from Nursery to Kindergarten 2.
may opt to recognize and give the minor awards in an
appropriate ceremony of their choice. b.. Model Student
One male and one female student per level shall be should have no record of misconduct or violation of school
selected based on the following criteria: rules and regulations.
(1) Impressive behavior and conduct, attitude towards
peers & school authorities 50% f. TOSP
(2). scholastic performance 30% Every year the University will select through a
(3) extra and co-curricular activities 10% rigid screening, two (2) outstanding students who will be
(4). community involvement 10% the University's nominees to the TOSP Regional Search
100% and Formation Program. These two shall be
recognized as FCU-TOSP for the current year
c. Leadership Award during the recognition program for the graduating
a. The FCUSR President and deserving Governor of any students.
province 8. Funds for the medals and certificates to be awarded to
b. Active officer/s of an accredited campus student graduating student achievers shall be taken from the
organization with impressive performance Graduation Fund, while for the non-graduating students, the
c. has no record of misconduct or report of violation of fund shall come from the SAF.
school rules and regulations 9. Aside from the medals and certificates, a national achiever, in
d. Criteria to be followed any category, shall receive a cash incentive in the amount to
Character & conduct 30% be determined by the Student Award Committee subject to the
Leadership capabilities 40% approval of the University President.
Achievements/outputs: 20%