Research Article: Social Anxiety, Tremor Severity, and Tremor Disability: A Search For Clinically Relevant Measures
Research Article: Social Anxiety, Tremor Severity, and Tremor Disability: A Search For Clinically Relevant Measures
Research Article: Social Anxiety, Tremor Severity, and Tremor Disability: A Search For Clinically Relevant Measures
Psychiatry Journal
Volume2013, Article ID257459, 5 pages
Research Article
Social Anxiety, Tremor Severity, and Tremor Disability:
A Search for Clinically Relevant Measures
Received18April2013; Accepted19June2013
Copyright 2013Duane A. Lundervold et al.This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.
Background. While social anxiety has been reported among essential tremor (ET) patients, very little is known about the
relation between self-report measures of social anxiety, tremor severity and disability, and cognition. Methods. Sixty-three
individuals diagnosed with ET took part in a comprehensive study examining neurocognition and behavioral functioning. A
psychiatric diagnostic interview, three social anxiety questionnaires, and an idiographic-based behavioral assessment to
pinpoint anxiety provoking situations and related distress were completed. Results .Thirty percent of the participants met
diagnostic criteria for social anxiety disorder (SAD). Social anxiety questionnaires were negligibly related to tremor severity
and disability. Idiographic behavioral assessment of subjective distress was moderately related to resting tremor severity
and disability and strongly related to social anxiety questionnaires scores. Only one cognitive variable was related to
tremor severity. Conclusions.Thesefindings suggest that (a) self-report measures of social anxiety with ET patients may
underestimate distress; (b) emphasis on tremor severity may be misleading; (c) tremor disability may be a more sensitive
and functional measure related to cognition and effect; (d) SAD is wide spread and does not appear to be related to
dysregulated executive function; and (e) development of an ET-specific measure of social anxiety is called for.
exclusionary criteria applied in the diagnosis of psychiatric ET based on diagnosis was15.87years (SD11.49). Mean
disorders may have limited examination of the extent and income was$61,115(SD7,351). Nearly70% of the sample was
characteristics of social anxiety that frequently co-occurs retired; approximately21% were working full or part time.
with ET. Employment of this criterion restricts the diagnosis Slightly more than21% of the participants reported an
of SAD to cases where the anxiety is unrelated to a medical immediate family history of ET,55% reported that alcohol
disorder such that a pure anxiety disorder may be altered tremor severity, though33% reported abstaining from
detected. With respect to ET, doing so limits our alcohol. Finally,60% of the participants were on ET-related
understanding of the relation between anxiety and medical medication, and38% were prescribed anxiolytic medication.
disorders and whether anxiety is a precursor to a medical Participants were recruited through direct and email
disorder, a pathological consequence, or a conditioned contact and a research announcement posted on the
emotional response brought about through learning as Interna-tional Essential Tremor Foundation website. The
proposed by Lundervold and Poppen [8]. announce-ment asked for persons with a diagnosis of ET
Reports of SAD among movement disorder clinic samples to take part in a study of ET cognition and anxiety. Any
range from3342% [ 9, 10]. SAD is comprised of three person with a diagnosis of ET could take part. Data were
response components: (a) emotion (fear and anxiety and collected in an office suite within a primary care medicine
embarrassment); (b) cognition (worry and anxious anticipa- building.The research was approved by the saint Lukes
tion), and (c) escape and avoidance behavior. Solely focusing Hospital Institu-tional Review Board, and informed
on embarrassment ignores the other two vitally important consents was obtained from participants.
response components leading to insensitive assessment of the
quality and characteristics of SAD is likely to lead to poorer
treatment outcomes and limited use evidence-based treatments 2.2. Measures
that address avoidance behavior [11]. Accurate behavioral
assessment requires that instruments are valid and reliable in
order to prevent measurement error. For example, Schneier et
Psychiatric Diagnostic Interview-Revised (PDI-R). The
al. [9] reported that ET patients experienced greater anxiety in PDI-R is a structured diagnostic interview that has
performance versus social interaction situations. Topcuoglu et demonstrated to have good reliability and validity
al. [10] reported increased avoidance behavior among ET-SAD [12].The PDI was completed by thefirst author.
compared to non-ET SAD patients. These patients also scored Clinical Rating of Tremor Severity (CRTS). The magnitude of
higher on performance-related fear. Tremor severity was not tremor severity was assessed using a nine-point rating system
related to measures of SAD, while the level of social anxiety
that we have used in our earlier research [1315]. Good inter
was found to be directly related to increased disability and
rater agreement and positive correlations between severity
decreased quality of life. Thesefindings point to the important
ratings and motor task performance have been obtained.
and unique situational components that evoke social anxiety
Tremor assessment was conducted by thefirst author.
and the multiple modes of responding that comprise all anxiety
disorders.The phe-nomenology of SAD among ET patients may Tremor Disability Scale -Revised (TREDS-R).The TREDS-
be different and points to the need to examine the utility of R, based on the original Bain et al. instrument [14, 16], is
current measures of SAD with this same group. Moreover, comprised of20items that measure the degree of disability
there is a clear need to establish reliability and validity in performance of activities of daily living related
measures of social anxiety used with patients with ET. performance of the hands. TREDS-R is a valid and reliable
Identification of such measures would lead to more precise
measure of tremor disability with high internal consistency.
assessment of social anxiety and evaluation of treatment
outcome of SAD among patients with ET.The purpose of the Anxiety Questionnaires. Three validated self-report measures
current study was to examine the relation between (a) self- of social anxiety were administered.The Social Phobia
report measures of social anxiety, tremor disability, and clinical Inventory (SPIN) [17] is a 17 -item instrument designed to
The ! = .56 .76
ratings of tremor severity and (b) measures of cognition and assess fear, avoidance, and physiological dimensions of social
anxiety. anxiety. Good test-retest reliability ( ), internal consis-
tency ( , depending on subscale) and convergent have been re por ted.
rating scale was used to measure the extent of discomfort in than one situation the mean score was calculated for that
anxiety provoking situations. An SUD score was obtained individual. A mean SUD rating of6.52(SD1.71) was obtained
only if the participant reported a distress evoking situation. indicating a moderate degree of distress (see Table2 ). Group
Higher scores indicated greater distress. mean scores for the SPIN, SPS, and SIAS suggest minimal
social anxiety, based on empirically derived cutoffscores as the
Measures of Cognition. Immediate and delayed recalls, per- criterion, with the exception of the SPS. Significant
ception, and language domains were assessed. Immediate and variability in self-reported social anxiety was observed. Based
delayed recalls of a word list were assessed using the procedure on cutoffscores,22% were above the clinical cutofffor the
associated ! = .32 .38 " .05
developed by Kalbe et al. [22]. Perception was assessed using SIAS,41% for the SPIN, and39% for the SPS.
kinetic ( , !) = .38 " = .008
two separate visual discrimination tasks. To assess language SUD ratings were moderately related to the SPIN, SPS,
functions, the phonemic verbalfluency task (F-A-S) [23] was and SIAS (
, ) with the SPS most strongly ! = .29 " = .04
used, whereas categorical f l uency was exam-ined using related to SUD ratings ( , ). SUD ratings were
animals, fruits, and vegetables categories [24]. In each case, the ! with right resting ( .005 , ) and le f t
= .31 .41 " = .01
participant was instructed in the task and given 60seconds to tremor severity ratings. SIAS, SPS, relate d t o rig ht and leftr estin g
generate as many responses as possible. and SPIN were consistently ! = .33 " = .02
.001 .004
invers e ! = .26" = .04
); however, only SUD
2.3. Design and Analysis. Data from all individuals taking part in ratings and the SPS were related to the TREDS-R ( ,
the research were analyzed. Self-report questionnaires ). TREDS-R was associated with line orientation significanc e f or
a Spearman rho correlation analysis was used. Measures of facial recognition (corrected score) ( , ).The
cognition, tremor severity, TREDS-R, and SUD ratings were relation between right and leftkinetic tremors and cance ( ,
linearly related, and a Pearson correlation was used. delayed recall approached signifi ! = .25 " = .053
consistently observed.
2.4. Procedure. Participants completed cognitive and
behav-ioral measures in a randomized order. For ease of
administration, social anxiety questionnaire items were read
to the participant who then provided a rating for each 4. Discussion
question using a visual aid which displayed the rating scale
Earlier research with clinic-based and epidemiological sam-ples
employed for that questionnaire. Idiographic behavioral
of patients with ET has found subtle but important change in
assessment of anxiety provoking situations was conducted
cognition. Other research with clinic-based sam-ples has
by asking the participant to describe any situation where
reported high levels of SAD, with increased anxiety in
anxiety and distress occurred, including situations directly
performance relative to social interaction domains. Our
related to tremor.The description was manually recorded by
research is thefirst to comprehensively assess and report
the researcher who then asked the participant to provide an findings examining the relationship between social anxiety,
SUD rating for that situation. A visual aid was provided to tremor severity and disability, and cognition. Consistent with
assist the participant in making the rating.The participant past reports, SAD is a common occurrence among commu-nity
was then asked if there were any other situations that dwelling individuals with ET.The 30% prevalence of SAD in our
evoked anxiety, and the process was repeated as before. sample is consistent with that reported among clinic-based
populations who are likely to have more severe tremor
3. Results suggesting that tremor severity is not the driving force behind
SAD.The high prevalence of SAD and the correspondingly high
Thirty percent of the sample met diagnostic criteria for use of anxiolytic medication within our sample suggest that
social phobia based on the PDI-R psychiatric interview pharmacotherapy is the primary means of treatment for SAD
conducted by thefirst author (D. A. Londervold).The DSM-IV among this ET sample; however, anxiolytic medication is also
exclusionary rule was not applied in making the diagnosis. used to treat tremor itself. It is unclear if anxiolytic medication
Table1 displays mean, standard deviation and minimum was prescribed for tremor per se or as a means to dampen
and maximum scores for measures of cognition, tremor arousal in anxiety provoking situations. It may also be that the
severity, and disability.The relatively low level of tremor participants prescribed anxiolytic medication were not receiving
severity with kinetic being more severe than postural tremor optimal treatment.
is of interest. Tremor disability, as measured by the TREDS- Despite the use of anxiolytic medication for SAD, signifi-
R, indicated clinically significant impairment (+1.5 SD) in cant distress was reported based on the self-report question-
motor performance and resultant disability compared to naires and idiographic behavioral assessment results. Such
normative data [16, 25].
medication may also result in iatrogenic effects that affect
Nearly78% of the sample reported distress in at least on
cognition and motor performance.These results point to the
situation and33% reported distress, based on SUD ratings, in
weak positive effect of anxiolytic medication alone in the
two or more situations. To calculate the mean SUD scores
treatment of ET-SAD.The effectiveness of cognitive behavior
obtained from only those participants providing ratings were therapy, shown to improve SAD among populations, needs to
used. If a participant provided an SUD rating for more be examined in the context of ET-SAD.
4 Psychiatry Journal
Table 1: Descriptive statistics for measures of cognition, tremor severity, and tremor disability.
4 <
Mean score for the TREDS-R is20based on a nonmovement disordered sample according to Lundervold [ 25].
Table 2: Descriptive statistics for SUD ratings and social anxiety questionnaires.
The lack of meaningful relationships among self-report In contrast to prior research on cognition among ET
questionnaires (SIAS, SPS, and SPIN), tremor severity and patients, we found few consistent relationships between
disability is an importantfinding for several reasons. First, from multiple measures of cognition, anxiety, tremor severity, or
a purely measurement perspective, the SPIN, SIAS SPS are tremor disability. Two visual perceptual tasks were related to
likely to underestimate the magnitude of distress because they the TREDS-R suggesting that, among this nonclinic sample of
are not assessing the conditions under which patients with ET ET participants, subtle but meaningful impairment in perception
report social anxiety, which are primarily performance-based was observed. Evidence suggests that both tasks assess right
situations. Use of a control group and an ET specific measure hemisphere integrity and do not rely on memory. Another
of social anxiety would allow a direct comparison and allow intriguingfinding is an inverse relation between kinetic tremor
testing< of this hypothesis. Secondly, the SPIN and SIAS were severity and delayed recall that approached significance.This
only related to resting tremor, which result lends tentative support to earlier observations regarding
was extremely mild (MN 1.00) and unrelated to tremor ET and dementia [27]. Replication of this inverse relation is
disability.This is a puzzlingfinding, especially if tremor needed using the same measures and a larger nonclinic
severity produces disability and severity is the causal link in sample.The limited number of significant relations between
producing social anxiety. It may be that some of the sample cognition, tremor severity and disability may be due to sample
participants may have had mild symptoms of Parkinsons characteristics, mild degree of tremor severity among the
dis-ease and these symptoms went undetected by the participants, or measurement procedures. The lack of inter
participants medical provider. Alternatively, resting tremor rateragreement for tremor severity could be a factor
in ET patients is not uncommon, with a prevalence rate contributing to the lack of relationship between tremor severity
of20% reported [26]. Given the extent of social anxiety and cognition. Cognitive measures were selected based on
within the ET patients, it is also likely that resting tremor past ET research using the same instruments and reporting
may have been due to anxiety itself, as tremor is a symptom change in cognition. Administration of measures of cognition is
of social anxiety. In sum, the self-report questionnaires standardized thus limiting measurement error. The sample
examined are likely to provide unreliable and invalid recruited for the research was independent living, community
estimates of treatment outcome relative to ET-SAD. dwelling adults in contrast to patients attending
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