FMG 301 MBA Sem3
FMG 301 MBA Sem3
FMG 301 MBA Sem3
Finance Group
Open University
Corporate Finance
Authors : Dr. Satish Kumar, Dr. Latika Ajbani
Prof. Sudhir. K. Jain Prof. Karuna Jain Dr. Latika Ajitkumar Ajbani
Vice Chancellor Director Assistant Professor,
Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University N I T I E, Vihar Lake, School of Commerce & Management
(SMVDU) Katra Mumbai - 400087 Y. C. M. Open University, Nashik
Jammu and Kashmir
Authors Editor
Dr. Satish Kumar Dr. Latika Ajitkumar Ajbani Dr. Deepak Verma
Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor
Department of Management Studies School of Commerce & Department of Management Studies
Malaviya National Institute Management Malaviya National Institute of
of Technology, Jaipur Y. C. M. Open University, Technology, Jaipur
Shri. Anand Yadav
Manager, Print Production Centre, Y. C. M. Open University, Nashik- 422 222
In every business, manager has to take verity of decisions starting from buying raw
materials, assembling a workforce and finally producing and selling finished products. Every
business decision has certain financial implications. Specifically, business decision which in-
volves money can be termed as corporate finance decisions. Every business has scarce
resources thus need to be utilized optimally. The primary goal of corporate finance is to
maximize a companys value. All businesses have to invest their resources wisely, find the
right kind and mix of financing to fund investments, and return cash to the owners if there are
not enough good investments.
In line with the above statement, this book is written to combine theory of corporate
finance with practical applications. This book begins with the explanation of fundamental
concept related to time value of money, risk and return and valuation of various securities. In
subsequent units methods of capital budgeting, theories of capital structure, dividend policy,
working capital management, cash management receivable management and inventory man-
agement are discussed. The book contains a comprehensive treatment of topics. Concepts
are made clear in simple language for better understanding of students. This book is divided
in to 19 units and each unit includes the summary, key terms, review question and
exercises in the end. This book is specifically designed to cater the need of management
students. It is hoped that this book will facilitate a better understanding of subject matter
among readers.
The information contained in this book has been obtained by authors from sources believed
to be reliable and are correct to the best of their knowledge. However, the publisher and its
authors shall in no event be liable for any errors, omissions or damage arising out of use of
this information and specially disclaim any implied warranties or merchantability or fitness
for any particular use.
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Dear Students,
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Education today accepts the principle that it is possible to achieve excellence and
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The syllabus of this course has been structured in this book in such a way, to
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Best Wishes!
- Vice-Chancellor
Corporate Finance
Structure NOTES
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Unit Objectives
1.2 Meaning of Corporate Finance
1.3 Scope and Importance of Corporate Finance
1.4 Goals of Financial Management
1.5 Role of Finance Manager
1.6 The Agency Problem
1.7 Organization of Finance Functions
1.8 Key Terms
1.9 Summary
1.10 Questions and Exercises
1.11 Further Readings and References
1.0 Introduction
Finance may be defined as the science or art of managing money. Suppose you
decide to start a firm to make cricket bats. To do this, you hire managers to buy raw
materials, and you assemble a workforce that will produce and sell finished cricket
bats. In the language of finance, you make an investment in assets such as current
assets and fixed assests. The amount of cash you invest in assets must be matched
by an equal amount of cash raised by Financing the business. When you begin to sell
cricket bats, your firm will generate cash. This is the basis of value creation.
Corporate finance is the study of money-related decisions in a business,
which are essentially for a business. Despite its name, corporate finance applies to
all businesses, not just corporations (Investopedia, 2013). The primary goal of
corporate finance is to know how to maximize a company's value by making good
decisions about investment, financing and dividends. In other words, how should
businesses allocate scarce resources to minimize expenses and maximize revenues?
How should companies acquire these resources- through shares or bonds, owner's
capital or bank loans? Finally, what should a company do with its profits? How much
should it reinvest into the company, and how much should it pay out to the business's
Corporate Finance : 1
Introduction to Corporate Finance owners? This unit will explore each of these business decisions in greater depth.
Corporate Finance : 7
Introduction to Corporate Finance
To study financial decision making in a firm, we first need to understand the goal of
corporate finance. Such an understanding is important because it leads to an objective
basis for making and evaluating financial decisions taken by a finance manager in a
firm. Assuming that we consider only profit making businesses, the goal of financial
management should be to make money or adding value for its shareholders' (owners).
Check Your Progress
This goal is a little vague, of course, so we examine some different ways of formulating
5. What do you it in order to come up with a more precise definition. Such a definition is important
understand by
because it leads to an objective basis for making and evaluating financial decisions.
acquisition of funds?
6. Important feautres
1.4.1 Profit Maximization
of modern approach
of corporate finance. Profit maximization is probably the most commonly featured business goal, but this
7. What is Investment is not a very precise objective. Do we mean profits this year? If so, then policies
Decision? such as postponing maintenance expense, low inventory, and other short-run, various
8. Define Capital cost-cutting measures will lead to increase in profits. The goal of maximizing profits
Structure? is vague and ambiguous as it is unclear that whether profits refer to "long-run" or
"short-run", or "average" or "net profits", "profits after tax" or "profits before tax".
In the definition of profit maximization, it's unclear exactly what this means.
A famous economist once remarked, in the long run, we're all dead! Also profit
maximization goal doesn't tell us the appropriate trade-off between current and
future profits.
Corporate Finance : 8
Possible Goals of a firm Introduction to Corporate Finance
If we were to consider possible financial goals, we might come up with some ideas
like the following:
Avoid financial distress and bankruptcy.
Beat the competition.
Maximize sales or market share of the firm.
Minimize costs.
Maintain steady earnings growth.
Each of these possible goals presents problems for the financial manager.
For instance, firm can easily increase its market share or sales by lowering the
selling price or by relaxing credit terms. Similarly, firm can always cut costs by
lowering the budgetary allocation on research and development. Firma can also
avoid bankruptcy by never borrowing any money from the banks/bondholders or
never taking any risks, and so on. Are these actions in the stockholders' best interests,
it is not very clear to the finance manager? Profit maximization would probably be
the most commonly cited goal, but as discussed above it is also not free from ambiguity.
The hunt of profit normally involves some element of risk, so it isn't really possible to
maximize both safety and profit. What we need, therefore, is a goal that encompasses
both factors.
A financial manager needs to know all five basic because they all impact his or her
job. While the manager's primary responsibilities may be raising money or choosing
NOTES investment projects, the manager also needs to know about capital markets and
debt/equity optimal levels, be able to manage risks of the business and governance
of the corporation. Corporate governance is a function because a manager wants to
act in the best interest of its shareholders. New methods of managing risk have
been developed in recent years, and a manager must be aware of these in order to
maximize shareholder value. The function performed by finance manager can be
categorized under the following heads:
Analysing and evaluating the investment activities: The finance
manager has to evaluate the investment alternatives and decide how to
allocate funds into profitable ventures so that there is safety on investment
and regular returns is possible as per the objectives of the firm.
Estimation of capital requirements: A finance manager has to make
estimation with regards to capital requirements of the firm. This will depend
upon expected costs and profits and future programmes and policies of a
concern. Estimations have to be made in an adequate manner which increases
earning capacity of firm.
Determination of capital composition: Once the estimation of capital
requirement has been made, the capital structure has to be decided. This
involves debt-equity analysis. Finance manager need to decide how much
debt and how much equity need to be raised from the market. The choice
of method will depend on the relative merits and demerits of each source
and period of financing.
Management of surplus: Finance manager has to decide about how to
dispose the net profits of the firm. This can be done in two ways (a) dividend
declaration which includes identifying the rate of dividends and other benefits
like bonus and (b) retained profits - The volume has to be decided which
will depend upon expansion, innovation, and diversification plans of the
Management of cash : Finance manager has to make decisions with
regards to cash management. A firm require cash for various purposes like
payment of wages and salaries, payment of electricity and water bills,
payment to creditors, meeting current liabilities, maintenance of inventory,
purchase of raw materials, etc.
Financial control : The finance manager has not only to plan, procure and
utilize the funds but he also has to exercise control over finances of the
firm. This can be done through many techniques like ratio analysis, financial
Corporate Finance : 10
statement analysis, financial forecasting, cost, volume and profit control Introduction to Corporate Finance
(CVP), etc.
Understanding Capital Markets : As we know that share of a public
company are traded on stock exchanges and there is a continuous sale and
purchase of securities. Hence, a clear understanding of capital market is an
important function or role of a financial manager. When securities are traded
on stock market there involves a huge amount of risk involved. Therefore a
financial manger understands and calculates the risk involved in this trading
of shares and bonds. The practices of a financial manager directly impact
the operation in capital market and therefore a clear understanding is must
for efficiently discharging its duties. In the globalized environment, financial
markets are integrated and knowledge of domestic capital market is not
enough therefore, a finance manager needs to be aware about the functioning
of world capital markets.
Corporate Finance : 11
Introduction to Corporate Finance The term agency cost refers to the costs of conflict between shareholders
and management of a company. Agency costs are borne by the shareholders to
prevent/minimise agency problem as to contribute to maximization of shareholders'
wealth. These costs can be direct or indirect. The situation described above
(pharmaceutical business) is one example of indirect agency cost. Direct agency
NOTES costs are of two types. The first type is corporate expenditure that benefits
management but costs the shareholders. Purchase of corporate jet would fall under
this category of direct agency costs. The second type of expenditure includes the
expense to monitor the management actions such as external audit fees etc.
It is clear from the role of finance managers that the financial decisions in
an organisation are of utmost importance and therefore to perform these functions,
a sound and efficient organisation structure is needed. The organisation of finance NOTES
function means the division and classification of functions relating to finance. Although
in case of corporate form of business, the main responsibility to carry out finance
function rests with the top management yet the top management or Board of Directors
for organisational convenience can delegate its powers to any subordinate executive
which may be called Chief Financial Officer, Director Finance, Chief Financial
Controller, Financial Manager or Vice President of Finance. Since, financing decisions
are quite significant for the existence and survival of the company; it is the duty of
the Board of Directors or top management to perform the finance functions. Another
reason to assign financial duties in the hand of top management are (i) the growth
and expansion of business is affected by financing policies and (ii) the loan payment
capacity of the business depends upon its financial operations.
The organisation of finance function is not similar in all businesses and it
depends on the nature, size, financial system and other characteristics specific to a
firm. For example in a small business (Sole proprietor), owner of the business himself
looks after the functions of finance. Owner is responsible for various functions
including the estimation and arrangement of funds, cash budget preparation and
arrangement of the required funds, inspection of all receipts and payments, credit
policy preparation, collecting debtors etc. No separate officer is appointed for the
finance function in this form of business.
With the increase in the size of business, specialists were appointed for the
finance function and the decentralisation of the finance function started. In a medium
sized firm, the responsibility of the finance function is performed by a financial
controller, finance manager, deputy chairman (finance), finance executive or treasurer.
On the other hand, in a large sized company the finance function has become more
complex and the position of financial manager occupy an important place. Generally,
the person handling the activities related to finance is the member of top management
of the firm. Due to size, it is not possible for a finance manager to perform all the
finance functions alone or to co-ordinate with the various departments. Therefore,
finance and financial control are separated and allocated to two different sub-
departments. For 'finance', treasurer is appointed and for the 'financial control',
financial controller is appointed.
In a corporate form of business, a finance committee is established between
the Board of Directors and Managing Director to look after the financial planning
and financial control. Finance committee comprises of financial Manger,
representatives of the directors and departmental heads of various departments.
Managing Director is the chairman of the finance committee. The main function of
Corporate Finance : 13
Introduction to Corporate Finance finance committee is to advise the Board of Directors on the financial planning,
financial control and co-ordinate the activities of various departments. The figure1.2
depicts the organisation of finance functions in a corporate form of business.
1.9 Summary
Corporate finance is that activity of management which is concerned
with the planning, procuring and controlling of the firm's financial
resources. The scope and coverage of financial management have
undergone fundamental changes over the last half a century.
During 1930s and 1940s, it was concerned of raising adequate funds
and maintaining liquidity and sound financial structure. It is known as the
'Traditional Approach' to procurement and utilization of funds required
by a company. As per traditional approach corporate finance was
regarded as an art and science of raising and spending of funds.
The need for most profitable allocation of capital was recognized during
1950's. During 1960s and 1970s many scholars have introduced various
analytical tools and concepts like funds flow statement, ratio analysis,
cost of capital, earning per share, optimum capital structure, portfolio
theory etc. As a result, a broader concept of finance began to be used.
Thus, the modern approach to finance emphasizes the proper allocation
and utilization of funds in addition to their procurement.
Corporate Finance : 15
Introduction to Corporate Finance Corporate finance is concerned with the planning and controlling of the
firm's financial resources. It is also referred as financial management
and includes planning, organizing, directing and controlling the financial
activities such as procurement and utilization of funds of the enterprise.
Corporate finance in the modern approach can be broken down into
NOTES four decision or functions: (i) Investment decisions or Capital Budgeting
decisions (ii) Financing decisions or Capital structure decisions (iii)
Dividend decisions or Profit allocation decision and (iv) Liquidity decisions
or Working capital management decision.
The goal of maximizing profits is vague and ambiguous as it is unclear
that whether profits refer to "long-run" or "short-run", or "average" or
"net profits", "profits after tax" or "profits before tax".
The wealth or value maximization objective is no doubt a better objective
and shareholders of a firm can measure it in terms of increase in their
earning per share (EPS) or market price of the share (MPS). Because
the goal of financial management is to maximize the value of the stock,
financial manager need to learn how to identify those investments and
financing opportunities that increases the value of the stock.
The relationship between managers and shareholders in a company is
called Agency relationship. There is a possibility of a conflict of interest
between the principal and agent. This conflict of interest is termed as
agency problem. Agency problem is the likelihood that managers may
place their personal goals above of corporate goal.
The agency problem can be prevented or minimized by acts of (i) market
forces and (ii) agency costs. Market forces include (a) behaviour of
institutional investors and (b) Threat of hostile takeovers.
Agency cost includes (a) expenditures which are related with the
monitoring the activities of the management may fall in to audit and
control fees. (b) Offering incentives plans such as stock options to the
managers. Stock options allow managers to purchase the shares of the
company at concessional special price. (c) Offering monetary and non-
monetary incentives to managers to act in the owner's interest. (d)
Opportunities costs which arises from the inability of the managers to
respond to the new opportunities available in the market.
The organisation of finance function means the division and classification
of functions relating to finance. Although in case of corporate form of
business, the main responsibility to carry out finance function rests with
the top management yet the top management or Board of Directors for
organisational convenience can delegate its powers to any subordinate
executive which may be called Chief Financial Officer, Director Finance,
Chief Financial Controller, Financial Manager or Vice President of
Corporate Finance : 16 Finance.
Due to large size, it is not possible for a finance manager to perform all Introduction to Corporate Finance
the finance functions alone or to co-ordinate with the various departments.
Therefore, finance and financial control are separated and allocated to
two different sub-departments. For 'finance', treasurer is appointed and
for the 'financial control', financial controller is appointed.
1. Ross, Westerfield & Jaffe, "Fundamental of Corporate Finance", TMH
2. Brealey, Myers & Allen, "Principles of Corporate Finance", TMH
3. Van Horne and Wachowicz , "Fundamentals of Financial Management",
Pearson Education
4. Chandra, Prasanna, "Financial Management", TMH Publication. Corporate Finance : 17
Introduction to Corporate Finance 5. Khan, M.Y. and Jain, P.K., "Financial Management- Text, Problems and
cases", TMH Publication.
6. Damodaran, A., "Corporate Finance- Theory & Practice", Wiley
7. Pandey, I.M, "Financial Management", Vikas Publication House Pvt.
NOTES Ltd, New Delhi
Web Resources:
1. Complete Guide To Corporate Finance available at http://
w w w. i n v e s t o p e d i a . c o m / w a l k t h r o u g h / c o r p o r a t e f i n a n c e / 1 /
2. Organization of finance functions, available at:
Corporate Finance : 18
Long Term Sources of
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Unit Objectives
2.2 Long Term Financing Needs of a Business
2.3 Long Term Financing
2.4 Advantages of Long Term Financing
2.5 Sources of Long Term Finance
2.5.1 External Sources of Finance
2.5.2 Internal Sources of Finance
2.6 Key Terms
2.7 Summary
2.8 Questions and Exercises
2.9 Further Readings and References
2.0 Introduction
Finance is the life blood of any business, whether it is small or large. Without adequate
finance, no business can possibly achieve its objectives. Finance is major factor
involved in the success of any organization. The need of finance depends on various
factors like size and the nature of the business. Without adequate finance business
cannot survive in the market. There are various sources to raise the money for the
new and existing project. Bank loans, loans from specialized financial institutions,
raising money from capital market in form of Bonds, debenture or equity shares,
loans from foreign countries are among few alternatives available to the organizations.
Exact suitability of these sources depends on number of factors like nature of business,
amount of finance, credit rating of the firm and purpose of finance etc. The main
objective of this unit is to discuss various alternative sources of financing the long
term business requirements along with their merits and demerits.
The Bank provides term loan assistance in both rupee and foreign
currencies for Greenfield projects as also for expansion, diversification and
modernization. Interest rate on rupee term loan is fixed or floating based on
BBR plus a fixed spread, as per creditworthiness of borrower, rating, risk
perception, tenure of loan and other relevant factors. Interest Rate on Foreign
Currency Loan is normally floating rate based on LIBOR plus a fixed spread
according to creditworthiness of borrower, rating, risk perception, tenure of
loan and other relevant factors.
2.6 Summary
Finance is the life blood of any business, whether it is small or large.
Without adequate finance, no business can possibly achieve its objectives.
This is the major factor involved in the success of any organization. The
need of finance depends on various factors like size and the nature of
the business.
There are several sources to raise the money for the new and existing
project. Bank loans, loans from financial institutions, raising money from
capital market in form of Bonds, debenture or equity shares, loans from
foreign countries are among few alternatives available to the
Suitability of these sources depends on number of factors like nature of
business, amount of finance, financial credibility of firm and purpose of
finance etc.
Long term financing is a form of financing that is provided for a period
of more than a year which may extends up to 30 years. Long term
financing are provided to those business entities that face a shortage of
The main sources of long term finance can broadly divided into: Internal
sources and External sources of finance. Retained earnings and sale of
fixed assets are two important source of internal financing..
Long term financing may be needed to fund expansion projects, purchase
fixed assets, develop a new product, R&D, Mergers and acquisitions
Issuing equity shares, preference shares, debentures &Bonds, raising
term loans, venture capital, leasing are sources of long term finance.
The term 'venture capital' represents financial investment in a highly
risky project with the objective of earning a high rate of return. Venture
capital (VC) is financial capital provided to early-stage, high-potential,
Corporate Finance : 30
high risk, growth start-up companies. The venture capital fund makes Long Term Sources of
money by owning equity in the companies it invests in, which usually
have a novel technology or business model in high technology industries,
such as biotechnology, IT and software.
Lease financing is important method for the companies who don't have
access to capital market. Lease is a contract granting use or occupation
of property during a specified period in exchange for a specified rent. A
lease is a method of obtaining the use of assets for the business without
using debt or equity financing. Lease financing can be of two types;
financial lease and operating lease.
Corporate Finance : 32
Short Term Sources of
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Unit Objectives
3.2 Short Term Financing
3.3 Advantages of Short Term Finance
3.4 Sources of Short Term Finance
3.5 Key Terms
3.6 Summary
3.7 Questions and Exercises
3.8 Further Readings and References
3.0 Introduction
Finance is the life blood of any business, whether it is small or large. A firm may
require finance for long-term, medium-term or for short-term period. Short term
finance facilitates the smooth running of business operations by meeting day to day
financial requirements. It is also required to allow flow of cash during the operating
cycle. Operating cycle refers to the time gap between commencement of production
and realization of sales. Financial requirements with regard to short term or working
capital vary from one organization to other. In the previous chapter we have discussed
about the various types of sources for long term financing needs. In this chapter we
will study about the various sources of financing like trade credit, cash credit, overdraft,
and bank loan etc which make money available for a shorter period of time and their
relative merits and demerits.
SBI DFHI Ltd. has a scheme, SBI DFHI Money, through which Corporates can
place ICDs with us. We take Inter Corporate Deposits based on the on-going
rates of CBLO and Call Rates in the Money Market. If you are a corporate with
short term surplus funds, we can help you earn good returns. Place Rs. 5 crores
and above with us for periods starting from a minimum of 7 days in the form of
Inter Corporate Deposits (ICD) and earn high returns. ICDs placed with us will
enable you to earn interest on very short term floats with zero risk to your
Corporate Finance : 37
Short Term Sources of
Exhibit 3.2: Recourse and Non- Rescourse Factoring,
In recourse factoring the factor turns to the client (seller), if the receivables
become bad, i.e. if the customer does not pay on maturity. The risk of bad
receivables remains with the client, and the factor does not assume any risk
associated with the receivables. The factor provides the service of receivables
NOTES collection, but does not cover the risk of the buyer failing to pay the debt. The
factor can recover the funds from the seller (client) in the case of such default.
The seller assumes the risks associated with the credit and the buyers
creditworthiness. The factor charges the seller for the management of
receivables and debt collection services, while also charging interest on the
amount advanced to the client (seller).
In non-recourse factoring, the factor assumes the risk of non-payment
by the clients customers. The factor cannot demand any outstanding amount
from the client (seller). The commission or fees charged for non-recourse
factoring services are higher than for recourse factoring. The factor assumes
the risk of non-payment on maturity and consequently takes an additional fee
called a del -credere commission.
3.5 Key Terms
Accounts receivable : a record of all short-term (less than 12 months)
expected payments, from customers that have already received the goods/
services but are yet to pay. These types of customers are called debtors
and are generally invoiced by a business.
Factoring : Factoring is when a factor company buys a business'
outstanding invoices at a discount. The factor company then chases up
the debtors. Factoring is a way to get quick access to cash, but can be
quite expensive compared to traditional financing options.
Time Deposit: A savings account or certificate of deposit whose funds
are subject to notice (such as 30 days) prior to withdrawal. In the event
of early withdrawal a penalty will normally be incurred.
Credit rating : A credit rating is an evaluation of the credit worthiness
of a debtor, especially a business (company) or a government, but not
individual consumers. The evaluation is made by a credit rating agency
of the debtor's ability to pay back the debt and the likelihood of default.
Overdraft : An extension of credit from a lending institution when an
account reaches zero. An overdraft allows the individual to continue
withdrawing money even if the account has no funds in it. Basically the
bank allows people to borrow a set amount of money.
Letter of credit : A letter from a bank guaranteeing that a buyer's payment
to a seller will be received on time and for the correct amount. In the
event that the buyer is unable to make payment on the purchase, the bank
will be required to cover the full or remaining amount of the purchase.
Cash Credit : Cash Credit is defined as a short term loan provided by
banks or financial institutions to its customers up to a certain limit. The
customer can withdraw the required amount not exceeding such specified
3.6 Summary
Short term finance is any form of investment, which has a maturity
period of less than one year. In business, short term financing loan is
where you get a loan, and you are expected to repay in a period of less
Corporate Finance : 40 than one year.
Short term financing is required to finance day to day expenses incurred Short Term Sources of
in the routine operations of a firm. There are various sources of short
term financing such as trade credit, cash credit, overdraft, factoring, bill
discounting, commercial papers etc.
Bank financing is most important and commonly used method of short
term financing. Commercial banks grant short-term finance to business NOTES
firms which are known as bank finance or credit. Bank credit may be
granted by way of loans, cash credit, overdraft and discounted bills.
Trade credit is a spontaneous source of finance arising from day to day
business transactions like credit purchase and outstanding expenses.
For many businesses, trade credit is an essential tool for financing growth.
Factoring is a financial transaction in which a business sells its accounts
receivable (i.e., invoices) to a third party (called a factor) at a discount.
Under factoring agreement, the business owner sells his receivables in
the form of invoice to the factor, which makes an advance of 70-85% of
the purchase price of the receivable amount.
1. Ross, Westerfield & Jaffe, "Fundamental of Corporate Finance",
TMH Publication.
2. Brealey, Myers & Allen, "Principles of Corporate Finance", TMH
3. Van Horne and Wachowicz , "Fundamentals of Financial
Management", Pearson Education
Corporate Finance : 41
Short Term Sources of 4. Chandra, Prasanna, "Financial Management", TMH Publication.
5. Khan, M.Y. and Jain, P.K., "Financial Management- Text, Problems
and cases", TMH Publication.
6. Damodaran, A., "Corporate Finance- Theory & Practice", Wiley
7. Pandey, I.M, "Financial Management", Vikas Publication House Pvt.
Ltd, New Delhi
8. Kapil, Seeba, "Financial Management", Pearson Publication.
Web resources:
1. Sources of Short-term Finance, available at:
2. Definition of Commercial Paper, available at:
3. Sharma, Rajini (2012), "Commercial Papers-Advantages and
disadvantages", available at:
4. Prashnathi (2012), "Sources of Finance - Short term and Long Term",
available at:
5. FAO Corporate Document Repository, "Sources of finance", available
at :
Corporate Finance : 42
Valuation : Basic Concepts
4.0 Introduction
4.1 Unit Objectives
4.2 Concept of Time Value of Money
4.3 Techniques of Time Value of Money
4.3.1 Compounding Techniques/Future Value Techniques
4.3.2 Discounting/Present Value Techniques
4.4 Amortization Schedule
4.5 Key Terms
4.6 Summary
4.7 Questions and Exercises
4.8 Further Readings and References
4.0 Introduction
Most important financial decisions such as the purchase of fixed assets or procurement
of funds, affect the firm's cash flows in different time periods. For example, if
machinery is purchased, it will require an immediate cash outlay and will generate
cash flows during many (up to the expected life of machine) future periods. Similarly,
if the firm borrows funds say by issuing bonds, it receives cash today and commits
an obligation to pay interest and repay principal in future periods. The firm may also
raise funds by issuing equity shares or through bank loans. The firm's cash balance
will increase at the time when shares are issued, but as the firm pays dividends in
future, outflow of cash will occur. Sound decision-making requires that the cash
flows which a firm is expected to give up over the period should be logically
comparable. In fact, the absolute cash flows which differ in timing and risk are not
directly comparable. Cash flows become logically comparable when they are
appropriately adjusted for their differences in timing and risk. The importance of the
time value of money and risk is integral in financial decision-making. The main
objective of this unit is to explore the concept of time value of money, understanding
what gives money its time value, how the value of money changes with time and
how to calculate the time value of money.
Corporate Finance : 43
Valuation : Basic Concepts
4.1 Unit Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to :
Understand the concept of time value of money
Know why money has time value
Discuss the concepts of simple interest and compound interest.
Learn the methods of calculating present and future values
Understand the concept and calculation of annuity and perpetuity
Calculate the amortization schedule of a loan payment
Recognize the importance of time value of money in the financial decision
(a) Future Value of a Single Amount: The Future value (FV) of an investment with
compound interest i earned in a given period of n number of year can be calculated
using the compound interest principle. A generalized procedure for calculating the
future value of a single amount compounded annually is as follows :
FVn = PV (1 + r)n
FVn = Future value of the initial flow n year hence
PV = Initial cash flow
r = Annual rate of Interest
n = number of years
By considering the above example 2, we get the same result.
FVn = PV (1 + r)n
= 1,000 (1.10)3
FVn = 1331
In order to solve the future value problems, we consult a future value interest factor
(FVIF) table. The table shows the future value factor for certain combinations of
periods and interest rates. To simplify calculations, this expression has been evaluated
for various combinations of 'r' and 'n'. Exhibit 4.1 presents the sample of one such
table showing the future value factor for certain combinations of periods and interest
Exhibit 4.1 : Future Value Interest Factor (FVIF) Table
Period 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%
1 1.010 1.020 1.030 1.040 1.050 1.060 1.070 1.080 1.090 1.100
2 1.020 1.040 1.061 1.082 1.103 1.124 1.145 1.166 1.188 1.210
3 1.030 1.061 1.093 1.125 1.158 1.191 1.225 1.260 1.295 1.331
4 1.041 1.082 1.126 1.170 1.216 1.262 1.311 1.360 1.412 1.464
5 1.051 1.104 1.159 1.217 1.276 1.338 1.403 1.469 1.539 1.611
Example 4.3 : If you deposit Rs. 50,000 in a bank which is paying a 10 per cent
rate of interest on a five-year time deposit, how much would the deposit grow at the
Corporate Finance : 46 end of five years?
Solution Valuation : Basic Concepts
Using the formula for calculating the future value of a single amount compounded
annually, we can solve as follows:-
FVn = PV (1 + r) n
FVn = PV(FVIF10%,5 yrs)
FVn = 50000 (1.10)5
= 50000 1.611
= Rs 80550
Multiple Compounding Periods : Interest can be compounded monthly,
quarterly and half-yearly. If compounding is quarterly, annual interest rate is
to be divided by 4 and the number of years is to be multiplied by 4. Similarly,
if monthly compounding is to be made, annual interest rate is to be divided
by 12 and number of years is to be multiplied by 12. The formula to calculate
the compound value is
r mn
Fvnn = Pv (1+
FV )
FVn = Future value after 'n' years
PV = Present value of cash flow today
r = Interest rate per annum
m = Number of times compounding is done during a year
n = Number of years for which compounding is done.
Example 4.4
Calculate the compound value when Rs 2,000 is invested for 3 years and the interest
on it is compounded at 20% p.a. semi-annually.
Given : PV = 2000
n = 3 years
r = 20%
= 2000 (1.10) 6
= 2000 x 2.5937
= 5187.50 Ans.
Corporate Finance : 47
Valuation : Basic Concepts (b) Future Value of a Series of Payment: So far we have considered only the
future value of a single payment at time zero. In many instance, we may be
interested in the future value of a series of payments made at different time
periods. For example, Mr. A deposit at the end of each year Rs 1,000 Rs. 2,000
Rs.3,000 Rs.4,000 in his saving bank account .The Interest rate is 5% . He
NOTES wishes to find the future value of his deposits at the end of the 4th year. Table 4.2
present the calculation required to determine the sum of money he will have.
Table: 4. 2 Future Value of Series of Payment
Example: 4.5
What amount will accumulate if we deposit Rs.5,000 at the end of each year for the
next 5 years? Assume an interest of 6% compounded annually.
Corporate Finance : 48
Given : Valuation : Basic Concepts
A = 5000
n = 5 years
r = 6%
Using the formula FVoa = CIFArn*A, we can find the tuture value :
FV = 5.637x5000 = 28,185
Thus, total accumulated amount of 5000 in 5 years with 6 percent interest
rate will be Rs.28,185
Corporate Finance : 49
Valuation : Basic Concepts Calculation of Present Value
Practical problem related to present value calculation can be categories as follow
(a) Present value of a single cash flow
(b) Present value of a series of cash flows
NOTES (c) Present value of an annuity
(a) Present value of a single cash flow: We will first look at discounting a
single cash flow or amount. The cash flow can be discounted back to a present
value by using a discount rate that accounts for the factors mentioned above
(present consumption preference, risk, and inflation). Conversely, cash flows
in the present can be compounded to arrive at an expected future cash flow.
The present value of a single cash flow can be written as follows:
PV = FVn / (1 + i)n
PV = the present value (or initial principal)
FVn =future value at the end of n periods
i = the interest rate paid each period
n = the number of periods
Example: 4.7
Suppose X offer to pay you Rs.150, 000 in five years. You determine that you
can invest today in a five-year government note that yields 8.5%. What is the
present value of this offer?
Solution: We can solve our problem using formula :
PV = FVn / (1 + r)n
= Rs. 1, 50,000 / (1 + .085) 5
The lower the discount rate, the more valuable are future amounts -- in a low-
inflation economy, the promise of being a millionaire in ten years means
The higher the discount rate, the less valuable are future amounts -- in a high-
inflation economy, the promise of becoming a millionaire in ten years means
(b) Present Value of a Series of Cash Flows: Till we have considered only the
present value of a single receipt at some future date. In many situations,
especially in capital budgeting decision, we may be interest in the present
value of a series of receipts receiving by a firm at a different time period. For
Corporate Finance : 50 calculating present value of series of cash flow we need to determine the
Valuation : Basic Concepts
present value of each future payment and then aggregates them to find the
total present value.
C1 C2 C3 Cn Cet
PV = + 2
+ 3
+ = n
(1 + i ) (1 + i ) (1 + i ) (1 + i ) t = 1 (1 + i )t
Formula for calculating the Present Valu of a Series of Cash flow:
PV = Present Value of a series of cash flow
C1, C2, C3, Cn = Cash flow in time records, 1,2,3 and n year.
i = rate of Interest for each year
t = number of year extending fram year 1 to n.
The present value interest factor (PVIF) table is used for simplifying the process
of calculating the present value of a serious of cash flow. This table is used to
find the present value per rupee of cash flows based on the number of periods
and rate per period. Once the value per Rupee of cash flows is found, the
actual periodic cash flows can be multiplied by the Rupee amount to find the
present value.
Example : 4.8
Mr. X purchased government bonds in order to temporarily invest funds that are
being held for future plant expansion. The bonds will yield interest of Rs. 10000,
12000, 11000 respectively in first, second and third year. What is the present value of
the stream in interest receipts from the bonds? Assuming a discount rate of 10%
compounded annually.
Solution: As shown from the following calculations the present value of this stream
is Rs 27,188 if we assume a discount rate of 10% compounded annually.
Corporate Finance : 51
Valuation : Basic Concepts Table 4.3: Present Value Factor (PVIF) of Rs. 1
Period 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%
1 0.990 0.980 0.971 0.962 0.952 0.943 0.935 0.926 0.917 0.909
2 0.980 0.961 0.943 0.925 0.907 0.890 0.873 0.857 0.842 0.826
3 0.971 0.942 0.915 0.889 0.864 0.840 0.816 0.794 0.772 0.751
4 0.961 0.924 0.888 0.855 0.823 0.792 0.763 0.735 0.708 0.683
5 0.951 0.906 0.863 0.822 0.784 0.747 0.713 0.681 0.650 0.621
Present Value = 1000 x 3.993
= Rs. 3993
Table 4.4: Present Value Factor of an Annuity (PVIFA) of Rs 1
Period 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%
1 0.990 0.980 0.971 0.962 0.952 0.943 0.935 0.926 0.917 0.909
2 1.970 1.942 1.913 1.886 1.859 1.833 1.808 1.783 1.759 1.736
3 2.941 2.884 2.829 2.775 2.723 2.673 2.624 2.577 2.531 2.487
4 3.902 3.808 3.717 3.630 3.546 3.465 3.387 3.312 3.240 3.170
5 4.853 4.713 4.580 4.452 4.329 4.212 4.100 3.993 3.890 3.791
4.6 Summary
Most important financial decisions such as the purchase of fixed assets
or procurement of funds, affect the firm's cash flows in different time
The importance of the time value of money and risk is integral in financial
One of the most fundamental concepts in finance is that money has a
"time value." That is to say that money in hand today is worth more than
money that is expected to be received in the future. It is because money
today helps an individual to buy whatever he want today.
There are two approaches for adjusting time value of money namely,
compounding techniques/Future value techniques and discounting/Present
value techniques. Compounding techniques are used to calculate the
future value of present cash flows. This concept is based on the principle
of compound interest.
The present value of a future cash inflow or outflow is the amount of
current cash that is of equivalent value to the decision maker. The present
value is always less than or equal to the future value because money has
interest-earning potential.
An important use of present value concepts is to know the payment
required for an installment type loan. An important use of loan (installment
based) is that it is repaid in equal periodic payments that include both
interest and principal.
1. Ross, Westerfield & Jaffe, "Fundamental of Corporate Finance", TMH
Publication. NOTES
2. Brealey, Myers & Allen, "Principles of Corporate Finance", TMH
3. Van Horne and Wachowicz , "Fundamentals of Financial Management",
Pearson Education
4. Chandra, Prasanna, "Financial Management", TMH Publication.
5. Khan, M.Y. and Jain, P.K., "Financial Management- Text, Problems and
cases", TMH Publication.
6. Damodaran, A., "Corporate Finance- Theory & Practice", Wiley
7. Pandey, I.M, "Financial Management", Vikas Publication House Pvt.
Ltd, New Delhi.
8. Kapil, S. "Financial Management", Pearson Education, New Delhi.
Web resources:
1. Basic Concept of Time Value of Money, available at: http://
2. Present Value of Annuities, available at:
3. Introduction to concept of value and return, available at: http://
4. Time Value of Money Practice Problems, available at:
5. Time Value of Money Problems, available at:
6. Tajirian, A., "Time Value of Money", available at: http://
Corporate Finance : 57
Leasing and Hire Purchase
Structure NOTES
5.0 Introduction
5.1 Unit Objectives
5.2 Concept of Leasing
5.3 Essentials of a Lease contract
5.4 Historical background
5.5 Classification of Leasing
5.6 Advantage of leasing
5.7 Legal aspect related to leasing
5.8 Financial evaluation of Leasing
5.8.1 Evaluation of Lease from lessee perspective
5.8.2 Evaluation of Lease Methods
5.8.3 Evaluation of Lease from lessors perspective
5.9 Lease accounting in India
5.10 Concept of Hire Purchase system
5.11 Features of Hire Purchase Agreement
5.12 Advantages and Disadvantages of Hire Purchase
5.13 Difference between leasing and Hire purchase
5.14 Legal Aspects of Hire Purchase
5.15 Key terms
5.16 Summary
5.17 Questions and Exercise
5.18 Further Readings and References
5.0 Introduction
As we know that starting any business need financial planning for the acquisition of
fixed assets. These fixed assets are used to produce goods and in rendering services.
Most business entrepreneurs are scared of capital intensive projects due to huge
financial commitments. When large capital is involved in the business, owner wishes
to spread cost of acquisition of fixed assets over a longer period of time. This
enables to reduce per year commitment towards the cost of fixed asset. The main
objective of this is to match the commitment with the money generated per year so
that the payments are easily manageable without any cash flow mismatch.
Management of Financial
Services : 93
Leasing and Hire Purchase The most common sources of medium term and long term finance for
Services investment in capital assets are Hire Purchase and Leasing. They have emerged as
innovative techniques of financing industrial equipment in the recent past. In India
Leasing and Hire purchase has been developed as an important supplementary
NOTES source of finance and gaining increased acceptance from the industries. Leasing
and hire purchase are financial facilities which allow a company to use an asset
over a fixed period, in return for regular payments know as lease rental or instalments.
In such arrangement, company chooses the equipment as per its need and the
financial institutions buys it on behalf of the business. The initial cost of buying the
assets/equipment is borne by the financial institution or finance company, thereby
saving the initial investment for the business organization. Later, the asset is used by
the business organization for payment of a periodic instalment or lease rental. Main
objective of this unit is to understand the mechanism of leasing and hire purchase.
A contract where a party being the owner (lessor) of an asset (leased asset)
provides the asset for use by the lessee at a consideration (rentals or down
payment ), either fixed or dependent on any variables, for a certain period
(lease period), either fixed or flexible, with an understanding that at the end
Management of Financial of such period, the asset, subject to the embedded options of the lease, will be
Services : 94
either returned to the lessor or disposed off as per the lessors instructions
In the contract of lease there are two parties involved, lesser and the lessee. Leasing and Hire Purchase
The lessor or lessee can be a company a co-operative society, a partnership firm or Services
an individual involved in the manufacturing, services or allied activities. The Transfer
of Property Act 1882 defines a lease as a transaction in which a party owing an
asset provides the asset for use over a certain period of time to another for NOTES
consideration either in the form of periodic rent and/or in the form of a down payment.
Check your progress
According to Accounting Standard (AS) 19, a lease is an agreement whereby the 1. What is lease and lease
lessor conveys to the lessee the right to use an asset for an agreed period of time in financing?
return for a payment or series of payment. 2. Who is lessee on lease
Indian leasing industry entered the third stage in the growth phase in 1982,
when numerous financial institutions and commercial banks either started leasing
or announced their plans to start leasing services. ICICI, prominent among financial
institutions, entered the industry in 1983 giving a boost to the concept of leasing.
This was also the time when the performance of the two leading companies, First
Leasing and 20th Century had been made public, which contained all the fascination
for many more companies to join the industry. In the meantime, International Finance
Corporation announced its decision to open four leasing joint ventures in India. To
add to the leasing boom, the Finance Ministry announced strict measures for listing
of investment companies on stock-exchanges, which made many investment
companies to turn overnight into leasing companies. As per RBIs records by 31st
March, 1986, there were 339 equipment leasing companies in India whose assets
Management of Financial
leased totaled Rs. 2395.5 million. One can notice the surge in number - from merely
Services : 96
2 in 1980 to 339 in 6 years.
Another significant phase in the development of Indian leasing was the Leasing and Hire Purchase
Dahotre Committees recommendations based on which the RBI formed guidelines Services
on commercial bank funding to leasing companies. The growth of leasing in India
has distinctively been assisted by funding from banks and financial institutions.
Banks themselves were allowed to offer leasing facilities much later - in 1994. NOTES
However, even to date, commercial banking machinery has not been able to gear Check your progress
up to make any remarkable difference to the leasing scenario. The post-liberalization 3. How leasing started
era has been witnessing the slow but sure increase in foreign investment into Indian worldwide?
leasing. Starting with GE Capitals entry, an increasing number of foreign-owned 4. First company to offer
leasing services in India?
financial firms and banks are currently engaged or interested in leasing in India.
Domestic and International Lease: When all the parties of the lease
agreement reside in the same country, it is called domestic lease. International
Management of Financial lease are of two types Import Lease and Cross Border Lease. When
Services : 98 lessor and lessee reside in same country and equipment supplier stays in
different country, the lease arrangement is called import lease. When the Leasing and Hire Purchase
lessor and lessee are residing in two different countries and no matter Services
where the equipment supplier stays, the lease is called cross border lease.
5.6 Advantages and Limitation of Leasing
Check your progress
The question of how to pay for the new equipment or assets is always a major 5. What is Operating lease?
consideration for the business. Should you pay cash for the new equipment? Should 6. How finance lease is
different from operating
you get a bank loan? Or should you lease the equipment? A strategy used by J. Paul lease?
Getty suggests that If it appreciates in value buy it, if it depreciates in value
lease it. The major reason for the popularity of leasing is its off-balance sheet
funding of assets. Leasing is better than direct lending particularly during recession.
Leasing provides various advantages to the business that is listed as follow:
1. Cash Saving: By leasing your next equipment acquisition you can save
your cash on hand to take advantage of other business opportunities. Also
you can have a contingency fund for any emergencies that just come up
2. 100% Financing : With leasing you do not have to make large cash down
payment in most cases. Only the first and last months payments are
required. With leasing you can finance the entire cost of the new equipment
including taxes, shipping and equipment setup. With bank financing, you
would have to pay for these fees separately most of the time.
4. Flexibility: Leasing offers flexibility to both the lessor and lessee as both
can negotiate the terms and conditions of leasing in such a way as to benefit
both the parties.
2. Lessee cannot enjoy ownership of asset property. At the end of the lease
NOTES agreement, not only lesser have to return the property in good operating
Check your progress condition as per the terms and conditions of the lease contract.
7. What is Leveraged lease?
8. What are advantages of 3. Taking a property or equipment on lease can be expensive. Leases are
lease? almost always more expensive in the long run than buying items with cash,
9. State limitations of leasing and leases are sometimes more expensive than obtaining commercial loans
to buy the same equipment. It depends on a number of factors, such as: the
cost of funds (interest rate), the length of the lease term, the residual value
of the equipment, lease initiation fees and the capitalized cost of the assets
or equipment etc.
5.7 Legal aspects of Leasing
Since there is no separate law for equipment leasing in India, the provision related
to bailment in Indian Contract Act 1872 governs leasing agreement as well. Section
148 of Indian contract act defines Bailment as: The delivery of goods by one
person to another, for some purpose, upon a contract that they shall, when the
purpose is accomplished, be returned or otherwise disposed off according to the
directions of the person delivering them. The person delivering the goods is called
the bailor and the person to whom they are delivered is called the bailee. Since
an equipment lease transaction is regarded as a contract of bailment, the obligations
of the lessor and the lessee are similar to those of the bailor and the bailee (other
than those expressly specified in the least contract) as defined by the provisions of
sections 150 and 168 of the Indian Contract Act. Essentially these provisions have
the following implications for the lessor and the lessee.
1. The lessor has the duty to deliver the asset to the lessee, to legally authorise
the lessee to use the asset, and to leave the asset in peaceful possession of
the lessee during the currency of the agreement.
2. The lessor has the obligation to pay the lease rentals as specified in the
lease agreement, to protect the lessors title, to take reasonable care of the
asset, and to return the leased asset on the expiry of the lease period.
Cost of Asset
Less: PV of lease rentals (LR) (Discounted at Kd)
Add: PV of tax shield on LR (Discounted at Kd)
Less: PV of interest on debt tax shield (Discounted at Ke)
Less: PV of tax shield on deprecation (Discounted at Ke)
Less: PV of salvage value (Discounted at Ke) Management of Financial
Services : 101
Leasing and Hire Purchase If NAL/ NPV (L) is +, the leasing alternative to be used, otherwise borrowing
Services alternative would be preferable.
There are two methods available for calculating the present value. These
are: Method I (Normal method): Discount lease rentals at pre taxes and discount rest
of the cash flow at post tax rates. Method II (Alterative method): Discount all cash
flows at post tax rates ignoring the cash flow on account of interest tax shield on
displaced debt.
(i) Present Value Analysis Method: In this method, the present value of the
annual lease payments (after tax) is compared with annual loan payments adjusted
for tax shield on depreciation and interest, and the alternative which has the lesser
cash outflow will be chosen.
(ii) Internal rate of return analysis: Under this method, there is no need to
assume any rate. In this way, this method is different from present value method,
where after tax cost of borrowed capital was used as rate of discount. The result
of IRR analysis is the after tax cost of capital explicit in the lease which can be
compared with that of other available sources of finance such as equity capital,
retained earnings or debt. In simple words, IRR analysis method seeks to establish
the rate at which the lease rental, net of tax shield on deprecation are equal to the
cost of leasing.
(iii) Bower- Herringer- Williamson method: This method separates the financial and
tax shield aspects of lease financing. The cash flow stream related to financing is called
the financial advantage (FA) of leasing, which can be defined as follows:
FA (L) = Initial investment PV of lease payments
The cash flow stream related to tax shields and residual value is called the operating
advantage (OA), which is calculated as follows:
OA (L) = PV of tax-shields residual value of asset
In case, FA (L) plus OA (L) is positive the asset can be leased. Otherwise the
assets can be purchased. A negative FA (L) means financial disadvantage and a
negative OA (L) indicate operating disadvantage of a leasing. If FA (L) plus OA
(L) is negative, leasing is not beneficial.
1. This Standard should be applied in accounting for all leases other than:
a. Lease agreements to explore for or use natural resources, such as
oil, gas, timber, metals and other mineral rights; and
b. Licensing agreements for items such as motion picture films, video
recordings, plays, manuscripts, patents and copyrights; and
c. Lease agreements to use lands.
2. This Standard applies to agreements that transfer the right to use assets
even though substantial services by the lessor may be called for in connection
with the operation or maintenance of such assets. On the other hand, this
Standard does not apply to agreements that are contracts for services that
do not transfer the right to use assets from one contracting party to the
3. The classification of leases adopted in this Standard is based on the extent to
which risks and rewards incident to ownership of a leased asset lie with the
lessor or the lessee. Risks include the possibilities of losses from idle capacity
or technological obsolescence and of variations in return due to changing
economic conditions. Rewards may be represented by the expectation of
profitable operation over the economic life of the asset and of gain from
appreciation in value or realisation of residual value.
4. A lease is classified as a finance lease if it transfers substantially all the risks
and rewards incident to ownership. Title may or may not eventually be
transferred. A lease is classified as an operating lease if it does not transfer
substantially all the risks and rewards incident to ownership.
5. Since the transaction between a lessor and a lessee is based on a lease
agreement common to both parties, it is appropriate to use consistent
definitions. The application of these definitions to the differing circumstances
of the two parties may sometimes result in the same lease being classified
differently by the lessor and the lessee.
6. Whether a lease is a finance lease or an operating lease depends on the Management of Financial
substance of the transaction rather than its form. Examples of situations which Services : 103
would normally lead to a lease being classified as a finance lease are:
Leasing and Hire Purchase a. The lease transfers ownership of the asset to the lessee by the end of the lease
Services term;
b. The lessee has the option to purchase the asset at a price which is expected
to be sufficiently lower than the fair value at the date
NOTES c. The option becomes exercisable such that, at the inception of the lease, it
is reasonably certain that the option will be exercised;
d. The lease term is for the major part of the economic life of the asset even
if title is not transferred;
e. At the inception of the lease the present value of the minimum lease
payments amounts to at least substantially all of the fair value of the leased
asset; and
f. The leased asset is of a specialised nature such that only the lessee can
use it without major modifications being made.
7. Indicators of situations which individually or in combination could also lead to a
lease being classified as a finance lease are:
a. If the lessee can cancel the lease, the lessors losses associated with the
cancellation are borne by the lessee;
b. Gains or losses from the fluctuation in the fair value of the residual fall to
the lessee (for example in the form of a rent rebate equalling most of the
sales proceeds at the end of the lease); and
c. The lessee can continue the lease for a secondary period at a rent which is
substantially lower than market rent.
8. Lease classification is made at the inception of the lease. If at anytime the lessee
and the lessor agree to change the provisions of the lease, other than by renewing
the lease, in a manner that would have resulted in a different classification of the
lease under the criteria in paragraphs 5 to 9 had the changed terms been in effect
at the inception of the lease, the revised agreement is considered as a new
agreement over its revised term. Changes in estimates (for example, changes in
estimates of the economic life or of the residual value of the leased asset) or
changes in circumstances (for example, default by the lessee), however, do not
give rise to a new classification of a lease for accounting purposes.
(A) Finance Leases: At the inception of a finance lease, the lessee should
recognise the lease as an asset and a liability. Such recognition should be at
an amount equal to the fair value of the leased asset at the inception of the
lease. However, if the fair value of the leased asset exceeds the present
value of the minimum lease payments from the standpoint of the lessee, the
amount recorded as an asset and a liability should be the present value of the
minimum lease payments from the standpoint of the lessee. In calculating
the present value of the minimum lease payments the discount rate is the
interest rate implicit in the lease, if this is practicable to determine; if not,
the lessees incremental borrowing rate should be used.
c. Initial direct costs are often incurred in connection with specific leasing
activities, as in negotiating and securing leasing arrangements. The
costs identified as directly attributable to activities performed by the
lessee for a finance lease are included as part of the amount recognised
as an asset under the lease.
b) For operating leases, lease payments (excluding costs for services such as
insurance and maintenance) are recognised as an expense in the statement
of profit and loss on a straight line basis unless another systematic basis is
more representative of the time pattern of the users benefit, even if the
payments are not on that basis.
c) The lessee should make the following disclosures for operating leases:
a) The lessor should recognise assets given under a finance lease in its balance
sheet as a receivable at an amount equal to the net investment in the lease.
b) Under a finance lease substantially all the risks and rewards incident to
legal ownership are transferred by the lessor, and thus the lease payment
receivable is treated by the lessor as repayment of principal, i.e., net
investment in the lease, and finance income to reimburse and reward the
lessor for its investment and services.
d) A lessor aims to allocate finance income over the lease term on a systematic
and rational basis. This income allocation is based on a pattern reflecting a
constant periodic return on the net investment of the lessor outstanding in
respect of the finance lease. Lease payments relating to the accounting
period, excluding costs for services, are reduced from both the principal
and the unearned finance income.
f) Initial direct costs, such as commissions and legal fees, are often incurred
by lessors in negotiating and arranging a lease. For finance leases, these
initial direct costs are incurred to produce finance income and are either
Management of Financial
recognised immediately in the statement of profit and loss or allocated against
Services : 107
the finance income over the lease term.
Leasing and Hire Purchase g) The manufacturer or dealer lessor should recognise the transaction of sale
Services in the statement of profit and loss for the period, in accordance with the
policy followed by the enterprise for outright sales. If artificially low rates
of interest are quoted, profit on sale should be restricted to that which
NOTES would apply if a commercial rate of interest were charged. Initial direct
costs should be recognised as an expense in the statement of profit and loss
at the inception of the lease.
The lessor should make the following disclosures for finance leases:
a. A reconciliation between the total gross investment in the lease at the balance
sheet date, and the present value of minimum lease payments receivable at the
balance sheet date. In addition, an enterprise should disclose the total gross
investment in the lease and the present value of minimum lease payments
receivable at the balance sheet date, for each of the following periods: (i) not
later than one year; (ii) later than one year and not later than five years; (iii)
later than five years;
e. Contingent rents recognised in the statement of profit and loss for the period;
a) The lessor should present an asset given under operating lease in its balance
sheet under fixed assets.
b) Lease income from operating leases should be recognised in the statement
of profit and loss on a straight line basis over the lease term, unless another
systematic basis is more representative of the time pattern in which benefit
derived from the use of the leased asset is diminished.
c) Costs, including depreciation, incurred in earning the lease income are
Management of Financial recognised as an expense. Lease income (excluding receipts for services
Services : 108 provided such as insurance and maintenance) is recognised in the statement
of profit and loss on a straight line basis over the lease term even if the
receipts are not on such a basis, unless another systematic basis is more Leasing and Hire Purchase
representative of the time pattern in which benefit derived from the use of Services
the leased asset is diminished.
d) Initial direct costs incurred specifically to earn revenues from an operating
lease are either deferred or allocated to income over the lease term in
proportion to the recognition of rent income, or are recognised as an expense
in the statement of profit and loss in the period in which they are incurred.
Check your progress
e) The depreciation of leased assets should be on a basis consistent with the 12. Who regulates leasing
normal depreciation policy of the lessor for similar assets, and the firms in India
13. What are the salient
depreciation charge should be calculated on the basis set out in AS 6,
features of AS 19 related
Depreciation Accounting. to lease in India?
f) A manufacturer or dealer lessor does not recognise any selling profit on
entering into an operating lease because it is not the equivalent of a sale.
g) The lessor should, in addition to the requirements of AS 6, Depreciation
Accounting and AS 10, Accounting for Fixed Assets, and the governing
statute, make the following disclosures for operating leases:
(I) For each class of assets, the gross carrying amount, the accumulated
depreciation and accumulated impairment losses at the balance sheet
date; and (i) The depreciation recognised in the statement of profit
and loss for the period; (ii) impairment losses recognised in the
statement of profit and loss for the period; (iii) impairment losses
reversed in the statement of profit and loss for the period;
(II) The future minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating
leases in the aggregate and for each of the following periods (i) not
later than one year; (ii) later than one year and not later than five
years; (iii) later than five years;
(III) Total contingent rents recognised as income in the statement of profit
and loss for the period;
(IV) A general description of the lessors significant leasing arrangements
(V) Accounting policy adopted in respect of initial direct costs.
1. The person who has hire the goods will give regular installment or rent to
the owner of the good which will include some portion of principal amount
and some portion of interest as agreed by both the parties.
2. The ownership of good passes only when the person has paid the last
installment of the goods which he or she has hired.
3. In case of hire purchase the person who has taken the good on hire cannot
transfer the goods to a third party as he or she does not have the ownership
Management of Financial of the goods.
Services : 110
4. Every installment is treated as hire charge for using the asset.
5. The hire vendor has the right to repossess the asset in case of difficulties in Leasing and Hire Purchase
obtaining the payment of installment. Services
6. If the hirer does not want to own the asset, he can return the assets any
time and is not required to pay any installment that falls due after the return.
However, once the hirer returns the assets, he cannot claim back any
payments already paid as they are the charges towards the hire and use of
the assets.
Hire purchasers also enjoy the tax benefit on the interest payable by them.
Ownership of the Asset: In lease, ownership lies with the lessor (owner
of asset). The lessee has the right to use the equipment and does not have
an option to purchase. Whereas in hire purchase, the hirer has the option to
purchase. The hirer becomes the owner of the asset/equipment immediately
after the last installment is paid.
Tax Impact: In lease agreement, the total lease rentals are shown as
expenditure by the lessee. In hire purchase, the hirer claims the
depreciation of asset as an expense.
There is no exclusive legislation dealing with hire purchase transaction in India. The
Hire purchase Act was passed in 1972. An Amendment bill was introduced in 1989
to amend some of the provisions of the act. However, the act has been enforced so
far. The provisions of are not inconsistent with the general law and can be followed
as a guideline particularly where no provisions exist in the general laws which, in
the absence of any specific law, govern the hire purchase transactions. The act
contains provisions for regulating:
In absence of any specific law, the hire purchase transactions are governed by the
provisions of the Indian Contract Act and the Sale of Goods Act.
Management of Financial
Services : 112
EXHIBIT 5.1 Sample Agreement For Hire of Machinery Leasing and Hire Purchase
(1) The Owner owns a _______ machinery (hereinafter called the machinery) installed
at the factory premises of the Owner situated at ____________, which is not being
used for past several years.
(2) The Hirer has approached the Owner and has offered to take the machinery on hire
and the Owner has agreed to let it on hire on the terms and conditions hereinafter
1. Hire of Machinery
The Owner lets on hire the machinery under this Agreement for a period of ____ years
and during the period of this Agreement, the machinery shall be in use and possession of
the Hirer who shall also be entitled to use the premises at which the machinery is installed.
The Hirer shall not be entitled to remove the said machinery from the premises where the
machinery is installed unless it has obtained the consent of the Owner in writing.
2. Rent
The Hirer shall pay to the Owner by way of rent for the hire of the said machinery the
sum of Rs. _________ per month in advance by the ___th day of each month, the first
payment being due on _____. In addition, the Hirer shall also pay to the Owner a fee of
Rs. ______ per month for the use and possession of the premises where the said
machinery is installed and the same shall be paid along with the monthly rent for the
The Hirer shall, at his own expense, keep the machinery in good order and condition
and shall, on the expiration of the term of this Agreement or its earlier termination,
return the same to the Owner in the same condition in which it was let on hire (reasonable
wear and tear excepted), and in case of any loss or damage to the machinery due to any
reason, whatsoever, it shall be made good by the Hirer at his own expense.
The Hirer shall, to the satisfaction of, and in the name of the Owner, keep the machinery
insured against any damage or loss by fire or theft in the sum of Rs._______ with an
insurance company and shall punctually pay all premium in respect thereof and produce, Management of Financial
Services : 113
Leasing and Hire Purchase
on demand, to the Owner, the receipt for all such premium payable in respect of such insurance.
5. Claims from Insurance Company
In case, the machinery or any part thereof is destroyed by fire or lost by theft or got
NOTES damaged due to any other reason, all moneys received from the insurance company as
insurance claim shall be paid forthwith to the Owner who may apply such moneys either
in making good the damage done or in replacing the machinery or such part by other
articles of similar description and value and such substituted articles shall become subject
to the provisions of this Agreement in the same manner as the articles for which they are
The Owner or his representatives shall be entitled, at all reasonable times, to inspect the
machinery, its state and condition and the Hirer shall furnish to him or them such
information as he or they may require in respect of the state and conditions of the
7. Termination of Agreement
If the Hirer commits the breach of any terms and conditions of this Agreement, the
Owner shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement by giving ________ months notice
to the Hirer and on such termination, he shall be entitled to retake possession of the
machinery. The Hirer shall, however, remain liable for the payment of any money due to
the Owner prior to the termination of this Agreement.
The Hirer shall also be entitled to terminate this Agreement by giving to the Owner a
notice of ___________ months and on making the payment of any money due to the
Owner at the time of termination of this Agreement.
8. Arbitration Clause
Every dispute, difference, or question which may, at any time, arise between the parties
hereto or any person claiming under them, in respect of any clause of the Agreement or
the subject-matter thereof, shall be referred to the arbitration of ___________ (name of
the arbitrator) or, if he shall be unable or unwilling to act, to another arbitrator to be
agreed upon between the parties or failing Agreement, to three arbitrators one to be
appointed by each party to the dispute or difference and the two appointed arbitrators
shall appoint the third arbitrator who shall act as the presiding arbitrator and the decision
of the arbitrator (or, arbitrators) shall be final and binding on the parties. Subject as
aforesaid the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and the rules made there under shall
apply to the arbitration proceedings under this clause. The award of the arbitrator or
arbitrators appointed as above shall be conclusive and binding on the parties.
IN WITNESS WHERE OF, the parties hereto have signed this Agreement on the day and
year first here-in-above written.
For and behalf of the Company
Authorised Representative
For and behalf of the Firm
Note: This Agreement is a simple hire agreement and it does not contemplate hire purchase
Management of Financial
Services : 114
Leasing and Hire Purchase
5. 15 Key Terms Services
5.16 Summary
Business need financial planning for the acquisition of fixed assets. These fixed
assets are used to produce goods and in rendering services. Most business
entrepreneurs are scared of capital intensive projects due to huge financial
commitments. When large capital is involved in the business, owner wishes to
spread cost of acquisition of fixed assets over a longer period of time.
The most common sources of medium term and long term finance for
investment in capital assets are Hire Purchase and Leasing. They have
emerged as innovative techniques of financing industrial equipment in the
recent past. In India Leasing and Hire purchase has been developed as an
important supplementary source of finance and gaining increased acceptance
from the industries.
Leasing is an age old concept all over the world. Although it may seem that
leasing is one of the newer financing methods, the first cases of practical
Management of Financial application occurred in ancient times. Evidence found indicates that first
Services : 116
case of leasing contract is believed to have occurred in 1066. One of the Leasing and Hire Purchase
first theoretical descriptions of leasing was found in Roman legal documents. Services
In India, leasing activity was initiated in the year 1973. The first leasing
company in India, namely First Leasing Company of India Ltd. was set
up in 1973 by Farouk Irani, with industrialist A C Muthia. For several
years, this company remained the only company in the country until
20th Century Finance Corporation was set up in 1980. By 1981, the
competition started in the leasing business in India and Shetty Investment
and Finance, Jaybharat Credit and Investment, Motor and General
Finance, and Sundaram Finance etc. joined the leasing game.
Indian leasing industry entered the third stage in the growth phase in 1982,
when numerous financial institutions and commercial banks either started
leasing or announced their plans to start leasing services. ICICI, prominent
among financial institutions, entered the industry in 1983 giving a boost to
the concept of leasing.
Leases are classified into different types based on the variation in the
elements of a lease. Main types of leases are financial and operating lease.
Apart from these two main types, there are sale and lease back and direct
lease, single investor lease and leveraged lease, and domestic and
international lease.
Financial lease, also known as full payout lease, is a type of lease wherein
the lessor (owner) transfers substantially all the risks and rewards related
to the asset to the lessee (user). Generally, the ownership is transferred to
the lessee at the end of the economic life of the asset. On the contrary, in
operating lease, risk and rewards are not transferred completely to the
lessee. The term of lease is very small compared to financial lease. The
lessor depends on many different lessees for recovering his cost. Ownership
along with its risks and rewards lies with the lessor.
A sale and lease back is a type of lease agreement whereby a party that
owns an asset sells it to another party and then takes back the asset on
lease for a fixed period. There is no physical transfer of the assets. In
Management of Financial
other words, an agreement whereby the lessee sells his asset or equipment
Services : 117
to the lessor (financier) with an advanced agreement of leasing back to
Leasing and Hire Purchase the lessee for a fixed lease rental per period. It is exercised by the company
Services when it wants to free its money, invested in the equipment or asset, to
utilize it for any reason.
NOTES Since there is no separate law for equipment leasing in India, the provision
related to bailment in Indian Contract Act 1872 governs leasing agreement
as well.
There are three steps in financial evaluation of lease. These are as (a)
evaluation of client in terms of financial strengths and credit worthiness;
(b) evaluation of collateral/security offered; and (c) financial evaluation of
proposal. It is worth noting that financial evaluation of lease financing is
performed both from the point of view of the lessor as well as lessee.
Hire purchase is a type of instalment credit under which the hire purchaser,
called the hirer, agrees to take the goods on hire at a predetermined rental,
which is inclusive of the repayment of principal as well as interest, with an
option to purchase. Under this transaction, the hire purchaser acquires the
property (goods) immediately on signing the hire purchase agreement but
the ownership or title of the same is transferred only when the last instalment
is paid to the owner (hiree). The hirer has the right to terminate the
agreement at any time before the transfer of ownership of the asset.
There is no exclusive legislation dealing with hire purchase transaction in
India. The Hire purchase Act was passed in 1972. An Amendment bill
was introduced in 1989 to amend some of the provisions of the act. In
absence of any specific law, the hire purchase transactions are governed
by the provisions of the Indian Contract Act and the Sale of Goods Act.
5.17 Questions and Exercises
1. Define lease financing? What is the rationale of using lease financing
over debt financing.
Web resources
Management of Financial
Services : 120
Risk and Return : An Overview
6.0 Introduction NOTES
6.1 Unit Objectives
6.2 Concept of Security Return
6.3 Measurement of Single Security Return
6.4 Concept of Security Risk
6.5 Measurement of Single Security Return
6.6 Risk and Return Trade off
6.7 Key Terms
6.8 Summary
6.9 Questions and Exercises
6.10 Further Readings and References
6.0 Introduction
Security investment is a conscious act that involves deployment of money (cash) in
various securities or assets issued by any financial institution or a company with a
view to obtain the target returns over a specified period of time. Investment decisions
are very complex in nature and influenced by various motives. People invest in
various avenues like shares, debentures, real estate and gold etc as per their financial
need. Risk and return are most integral part of any investment. All investment
decisions are mainly guided by risk and return trade-off. To make effective investment
decisions, investors need to understand what causes risk, how it should be measured
and the effect of risk on the rate of return required by investors. This unit aims to
explain the concepts of risk and return.
where :
C = Cach Payment received dooing the period
Pe = Price at the end of the period
Pb = Price at the beginning of the period
Corporate Finance : 76
Example 6.1: Ram purchase 100 share of X limited with a price of 10 Rs. Per Risk and Return : An Overview
share. He received a dividend of Rs.2 per share during the year and sold the share
for Rs.13 per share at the end of the year. Calculate the rate of return earned by
Ram on these shares.
Given :
C = 2 Rs. per share
Be = 13 Rs. Per share
pb = 10 Rs. per share
Total Return (R) =
= 50 %
Where =
E (R) = expected return
Pi = Return of Stock under state i
Pi = Probabiliy that state i occus
n = number of probable state
Where =
NOTES E (R) = expected return
Ri = Return of Stock under state i
Pi = Probability that state i occurs
n = number of probable state of the world.
Example 6.2 : The possible return corresponding to the state of economy and
probability of occurrence of a particular state is given below. Calculate the rate of
return of ABC ltd. security
State Ps Rs Ps * Rs
Good 30% 20% 0.3(0.2)
Average 50% 15% +0.5(0.15)
Poor 20% - 4% +0.2(-0.04)
EMBED Equation3 12.70%
Corporate Finance : 78
6.4.1 Systematic Risk Risk and Return : An Overview
It refers to that portion of variability in return which is caused by the factors affecting
all the firms. It refers to fluctuations in return due to general factors in the market
such as money supply, inflation, economic recessions, interest rate policy of the
government, political factors, credit policy, tax reforms, etc. These are the factors
which affect almost all firms in an economy. The effect of these factors is to cause
the prices of all securities to move together. This part of risk arises because every
security has a built in tendency to move in line with fluctuations in the market.
Investor cannot avoid or eliminate this risk even with precautions or diversification.
The systematic risk is also called the non-diversifiable risk or general risk.
= Market Risk: The market risk refers to variability in return due to change in the
market price of investment. Market risk appears because of reaction of investors to
different events. There are different social, economic, political and firm specific
events which affect the market price of equity shares. Due to one or the other
factor, investors' attitude may change towards equities resulting in the change in
market price. Change in market price causes the return from investment to vary.
This is known as market risk. Market psychology is another factor affecting market
prices. In bull phases, market prices of all shares tend to increase while in bear
phases, the prices tend to decline. In such situations, the market prices are pushed
beyond far out of line with the fundamental value.
= Interest-Rate Risk:The interest rate risk refers to the variability in return caused
by the change in level of interest rates. Such interest rate risk usually appears through
the changes in market price of fixed income securities, i.e., bonds and debentures.
Prices of bonds and debentures have an inverse relationship with the level of interest
rates (Prices of existing securities fall increases with decline in interest rates and
= Purchasing power or Inflation Risk: The inflation risk refers to the uncertainty
of purchasing power of cash flows to be received out of an investment. It shows the
impact of inflation or deflation on the investment. The inflation risk is related to
interest rate risk because as inflation increases, the interest rates also tend to increase. Check Your Concept
This is due to the fact that the investor wants an additional premium for inflation risk 1. What are the different
(due to decrease in purchasing power of money). An investment involves a sacrifice components of return?
of present consumption for future return. The inflation risk arises because of 2. Differentiate between
uncertainty of purchasing power of the amount to be received from investment in expected and realised
future. return?
3. What do you mean by
6.4.2 Unsystematic Risk financial risk?
It represents the fluctuations in return from an investment due to the factors which
are specific (unique) to the particular company. Since these factors are unique to a
particular company, these must be examined separately for each firm and for each Corporate Finance : 79
Risk and Return : An Overview industry. These factors may also be called firm-specific as these affect one firm
without affecting the other firms. For example, fluctuation in price of crude oil will
affect the petroleum companies but not the textile manufacturing companies. As the
unsystematic risk results from random events that tend to be unique to an industry or
a firm, this risk is random in nature.
NOTES Components of Unsystematic Risk
= Business Risk : Business risk refers to the variability in income of a firm
due to changing operating conditions. Investopedia define business risk "as
the possibility that a company will have lower than anticipated profits, or that
it will experience a loss rather than a profit. Business risk is influenced by
numerous factors, including sales volume, per-unit price, input costs and
competition". For example, if the earning or dividends from a company are
expected to increase say by 6%, however, the actual increase is 10% or
12%.Thus, variation in actual earnings than the expected earnings refers to
business risk.
(R R)
r =1
Corporate Finance : 80
n 1
Risk and Return : An Overview
= 2
Where :
2 = Varius of Return
= Standard Deviation of Return
Ri = Return from the security for the period i
R = Asuthmetic Mean of all returns far all the period
n = Number of periods
Example 6.3
Calculate the standard deviation of returns of Alpha ltd. last five years of return are
as follow
Year Rt
2002 15%
2003 20%
2004 10%
2005 10%
2006 5%
Year Ri R i -R (Ri-R)2
2002 .15 .05 .0025
2003 .20 .10 .01
2004 .01 00 00
2005 .01 00 00
2006 0.5 -.05 .0025
N=5 Ri = .05 (Ri-R) = .10 (Ri-R)2 = .015
R = Ri/n
R = .1
n 2
( R1 R )
2 = r =1
n 1
Corporate Finance : 81
Risk and Return : An Overview
= .0612 or 6.12% an
2 = Pi[Ri-E(R)]2
2 = Risk (Variance)
Ri = Return for the ith possible outcome
E(R) = Expected return
Pi = Probability associated with 'i' Possible outcome.
Example: 6.4
Calculate the standard deviation of returns on Axis bank stocks. The possible return
corresponding to state of economy and probability of occurrence of a particular
state is given in the table.
State Pi Ri
Good 30% 20%
Average 50% 15%
Poor 20% -4%
Corporate Finance : 82
Risk and Return : An Overview
Pi Ri
6.8 Summary
Risk is an important concept in financial analysis, especially in terms of
how it affects security prices and rates of return. Most investments
carry some amount of risk with them.
All investment decisions are mainly guided by risk and return trade-off.
To make effective investment decisions, investors need to understand
what causes risk, how it should be measured and the effect of risk on
the rate of return required by the investors.
Return on investment includes the regular income in the form of dividend
and interest along with the capital appreciation of the investment.
Risk is the chance of financial loss. Investment having greater chances
of loss is considered more risky than those with lesser chances of loss.
It can be calculated by measuring the volatility of returns.
Mainly risk is of two types first, systematic risk, caused the factors
which affect the variability in returns of all the firms. Second,
unsystematic risk caused by the factors which are specific (unique) to
the particular company.
4. An investor buys a stock for Rs.47 and gets an annual cash dividend of
Rs.2.25. Will he experience a capital gain or a capital loss if he sells the
stock for Rs.51.75 one year later? What is the investor's percentage
5. The returns for two different investments are shown in the following
a. Which of the two investments seems to be more risky? Explain why.
b. What are the standard deviations of returns of each investment?
Year Return on A (in %) Return on B (in %)
2002 5 10
2003 16 14
2004 11 8
2005 1 13
2006 9 9
2007 24 12
6. The table below shows the returns for three alternative investments.
Determine which of the three investments seems to be most risky.
Which appears to be the safest investment?
What are the standard deviations of returns of each investment?
Year Return on A Return on B Return on C
2003 8 16 24
2004 8 5 16
2005 8 9 10
2006 8 14 3
2007 8 1 7
Corporate Finance : 85
7. You are expected to earn a return of 15% on a share. If the inflation rate
is 6%, what is your real rate of return?
Risk and Return : An Overview
6.10 Further Readings and References
1. Ross, Westerfield & Jaffe, "Fundamental of Corporate Finance", TMH
NOTES Publication.
2. Brealey, Myers & Allen, "Principles of Corporate Finance", TMH
3. Van Horne and Wachowicz , "Fundamentals of Financial Management",
Pearson Education
4. Chandra, Prasanna, "Financial Management", TMH Publication.
5. Khan, M.Y. and Jain, P.K., "Financial Management- Text, Problems and
cases", TMH Publication.
6. Damodaran, A., "Corporate Finance- Theory & Practice", Wiley
7. Pandey, I.M, "Financial Management", Vikas Publication House Pvt.
Ltd, New Delhi.
8. Kapil, S. "Financial Management", Pearson Education.
Web resources:
1. Computation of risk and return, available at:
2. Types of risk, available at:
3. Risk and Return Trade-off, available at:
Corporate Finance : 86
Portfolio Theory
7.0 Introduction NOTES
7.0 Introduction
Any investment process mainly includes two different but interrelated steps. The
first step is security analysis for assessing risk and return of individual security. The
second step is portfolio construction which involves choosing the best possible
portfolio. The term portfolio refers to combination of financial assets such as stocks,
bonds, and other securities. Portfolio theory provides a standard approach to investor
to make investment decision under risk.
The Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT), a hypothesis put forward by Harry
Markowitz in his paper "Portfolio Selection," (published in 1952 in the Journal of
Finance) is an investment theory based on the idea that risk-averse investors can
construct portfolios to optimize or maximize expected return based on a given level
of risk. MPT was the first formal attempt to quantify the risk of portfolio and
develop a methodology for determining optimal portfolio. Harry Markowitz was the
first person to show quantitatively why and how diversification reduces risk. Portfolio
theory was expanded on in 1958 by James Tobin and again in 1964 by William
Sharpe. In 1990, Markowitz, Sharpe and Merton Miller shared the Nobel Prize for
economics for their development in what is now called modern portfolio theory.
Corporate Finance : 87
Portfolio Theory
7.1 Unit Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to:-
Explain the modern portfolio theories
E[Rp] = the expected return on the portfolio, NOTES
N = the number of securities in the portfolio,
wi = the proportion of the portfolio invested in security i, and
E[Ri] = the expected return on security i.
Example 7.1:
Oliver's portfolio holds security A, which returned 12.0% and security B, which
returned 15.0%. At the beginning of the year 70% was invested in security A and
the remaining 30% was invested in security B. Calculate the return of Oliver's
portfolio over the year.
Solution : Rp = (.612%) + (.315%) = 12.9%
Example: 7.2
What is the portfolio standard deviation for a two-asset portfolio comprised of the
following two assets if the correlation of their returns is 0.5?
Asset A Asset B
Expected return 10% 20%
Standard Deviation of Expected Returns 5% 20%
Amount Invested 40000 60000
Solution : given
WA = .4
WB = .6
= .25
= .2
PAB = .5
Corporate Finance : 90
Portfolio Theory
AB = W2A 2
= 0.0172
= 0.131179 or 13.1149%
Corporate Finance : 93
Portfolio Theory
Figure 7.4- Feasible set, the efficient set and Indifference curves
Corporate Finance : 94 (Source: Efficient Set, avilable at:
7.6 Key Terms Portfolio Theory
7.7 Summary
The Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT), originally proposed by Harry
Markowitz, was the first formal attempt to quantify the risk of portfolio
and develop a methodology for determining optimal portfolio based on
the idea that risk-averse investors. MPT was the first formal.
Expected return on portfolio is the weighted average of the expected
returns on the individual securities in the portfolio. But the portfolio,
measured in terms of variance and standard deviation is not the weighted
average of the risks of the individual securities in the portfolio.
An efficient portfolio is portfolio option which expected to yield the highest
return for a given level of risk or lowest risk for a given level of return..
Optimum portfolio can be obtained out of different efficient portfolio by
combining the risk preference of individual invested with it.
(a) Calculate the average return and standard deviation of returns for
Assets A and B.
(b) Find the portfolios expected return for EACH of the 6 years.
(c) Calculate the (arithmetic) average expected portfolio return, over the
6-year period.
(d) Calculate the standard deviation of expected portfolio returns, over
the 6-year period.
(6) Calculate the average return of the following portfolio
Corporate Finance : 96
Investment Avg. Return Amount invested Portfolio Theory
Web resources:
1. Portfolio risk and return, available at:
Corporate Finance : 97
Portfolio Theory
2. Markowitz portfolio theory, available at:
3. Numerical Exercise, available at:
Corporate Finance : 98
Assets Pricing
8.0 Introduction NOTES
8.1 Unit Objectives
8.2 Capital Assets Pricing Model (CAPM)
8.2.1 Assumptions of CAPM
8.2.2 Inputs for CAPM
8.2.3 Security Market Line
8.2.4 Capital market Line
8.3 Single Index Model
8.4 Arbitrage Pricing Theory
8.5 Key Terms
8.6 Summary
8.7 Questions and Exercises
8.8 Further Readings and References
8.0 Introduction
The theory of asset pricing is concerned with explaining the price of financial assets
in an uncertain world. Asset pricing theory tries to determine the prices or values of
claims to uncertain future payments. The aim of these theories is to determine the
fundamental value of an asset. As we know that there is a close relation between
this fundamental value and an appropriate return. Thus the main focus of asset
pricing theories is to determine this appropriate return. A low price implies a high
rate of return, so one can also think of the theory as explaining why some assets pay
higher average returns than others. In this unit, we get familiarized with Sharpe
Index Model and classical asset pricing models, such as CAPM and APT (Arbitrage
Pricing Theory).
Corporate Finance : 99
Assets Pricing
8.2 Capital Assets Pricing Model (CAPM)
The model was introduced by Jack Treynor, William Sharpe, John Lintner and Jan
Mossin independently, building on the earlier work of Harry Markowitz on
diversification and modern portfolio theory. The CAPM is a model for pricing an
NOTES individual security or a portfolio. The CAPM, in essence, predicts the relationship of
an assets and its expected return. This relationship helps in evaluating various
investments options. The CAPM assumes that investors hold fully diversified
The measure of risk used in the CAPM, which is called 'beta', is therefore
a measure of systematic risk. The minimum level of return required by investors
occurs when the actual return is the same as the expected return, so that there is no
risk at all of the return on the investment being different from the expected return.
This minimum level of return is called the 'risk-free rate of return'
Therefore, the expected rate of return for any security under CAPM is
deflated by the following equation:-
1. Risk free rate of return: In theory, the risk-free rate is the minimum rate of
return an investor expects for any investment with zero risk. In practice, however,
the risk-free rate does not exist because even the safest investments carry a very
small amount of risk. However, short-term government debt is a relatively safe
investment and in practice, return on these assets can be used as an acceptable
proxy for the risk-free rate of return under CAPM. The risk-free rate of return is
also not fixed, but will change with changing economic circumstances.
2. Market Risk Premium : Market risk premium is the difference between the
expected return on a market portfolio and the risk-free rate. It results of
investment in risky security rather than risk free security. The market risk premium
can be calculated as follows:
Market Risk Premium = Expected Return of the Market - Risk-Free Rate
3. Beta: Beta is an indirect measure which compares the systematic risk associated
with a company's shares with the systematic risk of the capital market as a whole.
If the beta value of a company's shares is 1, the systematic risk associated with the
shares is the same as the systematic risk of the capital market as a whole. Beta can
also be described as 'an index of responsiveness of the returns on a company's
shares compared to the returns on the market as a whole'. For example, if a share
has a beta value of 1, the return on the share will increase by 10% if the return on
the capital market as a whole increases by 10%. If a share has a beta value of 0.5,
the return on the share will increase by 5% if the return on the capital market
increases by 10%, and so on. Beta values are found by using regression analysis to
compare the returns on a share with the returns on the capital market. Beta can be
calculated as fallow:
Beta= Cov (Ri,Rm)/Variance of Rm
8.2.3. Security Market Line (SML)
The security market line (SML) is the line that reflects an investment's risk versus
its return, or the return on a given investment in relation to risk. The measure of risk
used for the security market line is beta. The SML essentially graphs the results
from the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) formula. The x-axis represents the
risk (beta), and the y-axis represents the expected return.
The market risk premium is determined from the slope of the SML. The
relationship between and required return is plotted on the securities market line
(SML) which shows expected return as a function of . The intercept is the nominal
risk-free rate available for the market, while the slope is the market premium, E
(Rm) ?Rf. The securities market line can be regarded as representing a single-
factor model of the asset price, where beta is exposure to changes in value of the
Market. The equation of the SML is thus:
As discussed in the previous section, adjusting for the risk of an asset using the risk-
free rate, an investor can easily alter his risk profile. Keeping that in mind, in the
context of the capital market line (CML), the market portfolio consists of the
combination of all risky assets and the risk-free asset, using market value of the
assets to determine the weights. The CML defined by every combination of the
risk-free asset and the market portfolio. The Mean-Variance criteria as proposed by
Henry Markowitz' did not take into account the risk-free asset.
The CML results from the combination of the market portfolio and the risk-
free asset. All points along the CML have superior risk-return profiles to any portfolio
on the efficient frontier, with the exception of the Market Portfolio, the point on the
efficient frontier to which the CML is the tangent. From a CML perspective, this
portfolio is composed entirely of the risky asset, the market, and has no holding of
the risk free asset, i.e., money is neither invested in, nor borrowed from the money
market account.
E (Ri)=Rf +
E(Ri)= Expected rate of return of portfolio (i)
Rf = Risk free rate of return
= slope of CML
Corporate Finance : 103
Assets Pricing i = standard deviation of portfolio (i)
The slope of CML can be obtained as follow:
=E(Rm)-Rf/ m
Rf = Risk free rate of return
= Slope of capital market line
m = standard deviation of market returns
8.6 Summary
The theory of asset pricing is concerned with explaining the price of financial
assets in in an uncertain world. Assets pricing theory tries to determine
the prices of values of claims to uncetain future payments. The aim of
these theories is to determine the fundamental value of an asset.
The CAPM is a model for pricing an individual security or a portfolio.
Corporate Finance : 106
The CAPM, in essence, predicts the realtionship of an assets and its
expected return. This relationshkp helps in evaluating various investments Assets Pricing
options. The CAPM assumes that investors hold fully diversified
portfolios. The measure of risk used in the CAPM, which is called 'beta',
is therefore a measure of systematic risk.
The Sharpe Single - Index Model was developed by William Sharpe as a
tool for reducing the number of inputs (estimates) needed for Markowitz
porfolio optimization. The model starts with the observation that the return
on most assets move in relation to the returns on the overall merket, as
measured by the market portfolio.
The Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) was developed primarily by Stephen
Ross. Wherease the CAPM is a single factor model, the APT is a multi
factor model. APT is a general theory of asset pricing that holds that the
expected return of a financial asset can be modelled as a linear function
of various macro-economic factors or theoretical market indices, where
sensitivity to changes in each factor is represented by a factor - specific
beta coefficient.
1. Ross, Westerfield & Jaffe, "Fundamental of Corporate Finance", TMH
NOTES Publication.
Web resources:
1. CAPM, available at:
h t t p : / / w w w. c h i n a a c c . c o m / u p l o a d / h t m l / 2 0 1 3 / 0 6 / 2 7 /
h t t p : / / w w w. c h i n a a c c . c o m / u p l o a d / h t m l / 2 0 1 3 / 0 6 / 2 7 /
2. Arbitrage pricing theory, available at:
3. Numerical Exercise, available at:
9.0 Introduction NOTES
9.1 Unit Objectives
9.2 Meaning of Capital Budgeting
9.3 Importance of Capital Budgeting
9.4 Capital Investment Projects
9.5 Estimation and Evaluation of Cash Flows
9.6 Capital Budgeting Decision Techniques
9.7 Key Terms
9.8 Summary
9.9 Questions and Exercises
9.10 Further Readings and References
9.0 Introduction
A logical prerequisite to the analysis of investment opportunities is the creation of
investment opportunities. In order to remain profitable, a firm must continually evaluate
possible investments. Any investment decision depends upon the decision rule that is
applied under circumstances. Investment decisions regarding long-lived assets such
as machinery, technology and other fixed assets are a part of the on-going capital
budgeting process. All ideas about what projects to invest in are generated through
facts gathered at lower management levels, where they are evaluated and screened.
The suggested investments that pass this first level filter up through successive
management levels toward top management or the board of directors, who make
the decisions about which one will get how much capital.
The process of capital budgeting is vital to any responsible, well managed
business. If that business is public and owned by public shareholders, the budgeting
process becomes more crucial, since shareholders can hold management accountable
for accepting unprofitable projects that can have the negative effect on shareholder
value. This unit explains the concept of capital budgeting, types of investment projects,
various methods of evaluating capital budgeting along with their merits and demerits.
3. Estimate and forecast future cash flows - future cash flows are what create
value for businesses overtime. Capital budgeting enables executives to take a
potential project and estimate its future cash flows (both inflows and outflows),
which then helps determine if such a project should be accepted.
4. Facilitate the transfer of information - from the time that a project starts in
form of an idea to the time it is accepted or rejected, numerous decisions have
to be made at various levels of authority. The capital budgeting process facilitates
the transfer of information to the appropriate decision makers within a company
to enable better decision making.
A new capital investment project is important for the growth and expansion of a 4. Explain how capital
company. It is also important for the economy at large as it means research and budgeting affect form
development that in turn will generate new technologies, products, services in the
economy. This type of project is one that is either for expansion into a new product
Corporate Finance : 111
line or into a new product market. For example, if Reliance Industries decided to
Capital Budgeting invest a new venture say in Bio-technology industry, it will be categorised under
Decision - I
new product or new market.
The capital expenditure decisions are evaluated in terms of their cash flows. Cash
flows indicate both cash outflows and cash inflows. It is necessary to estimate the
cash flow in the process of analysing investment proposal. While analysing the cash
flow, it is also necessary to estimate the cash outflow as well as cash inflow. The
estimation of future cash flows for a project is one of the most important steps in
capital budgeting. If future cash flows are not determined and estimated correctly,
then the profitability of project proposal(s) cannot be estimated correctly. Cash flow
need to be adjusted for various non- cash adjustments like depreciation and taxes.
Example 9.1
The book value of an asset which was purchased at Rs 5, 00,000 five year
ago today is Rs. 2, 50,000 and cash salvage value today is Rs. 3, 00,000. In
this case, the profit will be Rs 50,000, which is known as normal gain. If
there is the provision of 40% normal tax Rs. 20,000 (40% of Rs. 50,000)
must be paid as tax. If the company desired to purchase the new assets of
Rs 5, 00,000, the net investment can be determined as follows:
Example: 9.2
Considering the followings:
Original value of assets = Rs 3, 00,000,
Book salvage value of assets = Rs 2, 00,000
Cash salvage value of assets = Rs 3, 30,000
Capital gain = Cash salvage value - Original value = 3, 30,000 - 3, 00,000
= Rs 30,000/-
Normal gain = Original value - Book salvage value = 3, 00,000 - 2, 00,000
= Rs 1, 00,000/-
Let us assume capital gain tax rate 25% and normal tax rate is 40% in that case
tax paid will be:
Normal tax (40% of 1, 00,000) = Rs 40,000
Capital gain tax (25% of Rs 30,000) = Rs 7,500
If company desired to purchase the new assets of Rs 5, 00,000, the new
investment can be determined as follows:
Purchase price of new assets ................... = -5, 00,000
Cash salvage value of old assets.............. = + 3, 30,000
Tax paid on capital gain............................. = -7,500
Tax paid on normal gain.......................... = -40,000
Net investment........................................ = -2, 17,500
Case (4) if cash salvage value is less than book salvage value: If company sells
fixed assets less than book salvage value, company suffer from loss. In
this situation, it can save tax. In other words, when company faces loss,
the tax needs not to be paid. As a result, the taxable amount comes to be
surplus at a certain percentage.
Example: 9.3
ACF = Constant Annual Inflow from project
Sometime if cash inflows are uneven during the life of project, we need to calculate
the cumulative net cash flow for each period and then use the following formula for
payback period:
Payback Period (PB) = .... Eq. 9.2
A is the last period with a negative cumulative cash flow;
B is the absolute value of cumulative cash flow at the end of the period A;
C is the total cash flow during the period after A
Corporate Finance : 119
Capital Budgeting Decision Rule
Decision - I
The PB can be used as a decision criterion to select investment proposal. In order to
arrive at a decision rule using PB criteria, firms compare the project's payback with
a predetermined standard payback. The predetermined standard payback is decided
by the management. The following acceptance rule is applied
If the PB is less than the standard payback period, accept the project.
If the PB is greater than the standard payback period, reject the project.
If the PB is equal to the standard payback period, may or may not
accept the project.
Example 9.4
A project involves a total initial expenditure of Rs. 2, 10, 000 and the project is
estimated to generate future cash inflow of Rs. 20,000, Rs 28,000, Rs 38,000, Rs
32,000, Rs 25,000, Rs 45,000, Rs 40,000, Rs 42,000, Rs 26,000 and Rs 22,000 in its
final year. Calculate the payback period of this project.
Years Cash inflows Cumulative cash inflows
1 20,000 20,000
2 28,000 48,000
3 38,000 86,000
4 32,000 118,000
5 25,000 143,000
6 45,000 188,000
7 40,000 228,000
8 42,000 270,000
9 26,000 296,000
10 22,000 318,000
So after 6 years, Rs 188,000 are recovered. Payback period lies between the sixth
and seventh year. We can calculate the pay back of the project using equation 9.2.
That is:
PB = 6 = 6.55 years
The average profits after taxes are determined by adding up the PAT for each year
and dividing the result by the number of years. Similarly, average investment is
calculated taking into consideration initial investment and salvage value.
Decision Rule
The ARR method is based on accounting information and in order to select or reject
any project using ARR method, the ARR of any project is compared with the rate of
return established by management. In other words, accept or reject criterion, under
this method is as follow
Accept all those projects whose ARR is higher than the minimum rate
established the management.
Reject those projects which have ARR less than minimum rate
established by management.
May accept or reject those projects which have ARR is equal to minimum
rate established by management.
This method would rank a project number one if it has highest ARR and
lowest rank would be assigned to the project with lowest ARR.
Example: 9.5
A project requires an initial investment of Rs. 10, 00,000 with a useful life of 5 years.
The plant & machinery required under the project will have a scrap value of Rs.
80,000 at the end of its useful life of 5 years. The profits after tax and depreciation
are estimated to be as follows:
Year 1 2 3 4 5
Annual Profit After 50,000 75,000 125,000 130,000 80,000
tax (Rs)
You are required to calculate the ARR of the project.
Average investment =
ARR = 17.04 %
CI = cash flows at time t
C0 = Initial investment
K = cost of capital
PVIF = present value interest factor
Decision Rule
The present value (PV) method can be used as an accept-reject criterion. The
present value of the future cash streams or inflows would be compared with present
value of outlays. The present value outlays are the same as the initial investment.
If the NPV is greater than zero, accept the project.
If the NPV is less than zero, reject the project.
Symbolically, accept-reject criterion can be shown as below:
PV > Co Accept [NPV > 0]
PV < Co Reject [NPV < 0]
Where, PV is present value of inflows and C is the outlays. This method can be
used to select between mutually exclusive projects also. Using NPV the project
with the highest positive NPV would be ranked first and that project would be
selected. The market value of the firm's share would increase if projects with positive
NPVs are accepted.
Example: 9.6
XYZ Company needs a machine for its manufacturing process. The cost of the new
machine is Rs 80,700. The expected useful life of the machine is 8 years. At the end
of 8-year period, the machine would have no salvage value. After installation, the
machine would increase cash inflows by Rs 30,000 per year. XYZ is interested to
know the net present value of the machine to accept or reject this investment. The
minimum required rate of return of the company is 16% on all capital investments.
Compute net present value of the machine.
Example: 9.7
Suhana Trading Company has obtained a license to introduce a new product for 6
years. The product would be purchased from manufacturing company for Rs 10 per
unit and sold to customers for Rs 20 per unit. The estimated annual cash expenses
to sell the new product would be Rs 18,000. Other information associated with the
new product is given below:
Sales Revenue (5,000 units Rs 20) = Rs 100,000
Cost of goods sold (5,000 units Rs 10) = Rs (50,000)
Expenses = Rs (18,000)
Net annual Cash Inflows = Rs 32,000
Using 9.6 equation:
NPV = (Rs.6, 000) +Rs.2, 000 (PVAIF5,r) = 0
Rs. 6,000 = 2,000 (PVAIF5,r)
PPVAIF5,r = 3
The rate which gives a PVAIF of 3 for 5 years is the project's IRR approximately.
While referring PVAIF table across the 5 years row, we find it approximately under
20% (2.991) column. Thus 20% (approximately) is the project's IRR which equates
the present value of the initial cash outlay (Rs. 6000) with the constant annual cash
flows (Rs. 2000 p.a.) for 5 years.
When any project generates uneven cash flows: The IRR can be found out by trial
and error. If the calculated present value of the expected cash inflow is lower than
the present value of cash outflows a lower rate should be tried and vice versa. This
process can be repeated unless the NPV becomes zero.
For example, A project costs Rs. 32,000 and is expected to generate cash
inflow of Rs. 16,000, Rs.14,000 and Rs. 12,000 at the end of each year for next 3
years. Calculate IRR. Let us take first trial by taking 10% discount rate randomly. A
positive NPV at 10% indicates that the project's true rate of return is higher than
10%. So another trial is taken randomly at 18%. At 18% NPV is negative. So the
project's IRR is between 10% and 18%.
Decision Rule
To evaluate a project using IRR method, manager compare the IRR of any project
with the required rate of capital as decided by the management. The required rate
of return is also known as cost of capital, cut-off rate or hurdle rate. When IRR is
used to make accept-reject decisions, the decision criteria are as follows:
If the project IRR is greater than project cost of capital, accept the
project. (r >k)
If the project IRR is less than project cost of capital, reject the project.
If the IRR is equal to project cost of capital, may or may not accept the
project (r=k)
Example: 9.9
A machine can reduce annual cost by Rs 40,000. The cost of the machine is Rs 2,
23,000 and the useful life is 15 years with zero residual value. Compute internal rate
Corporate Finance : 126
of return of the machine.
Solution: Capital Budgeting
Decision - I
Internal rate of return factor = Investment required or cash outflows/ Net
annual cash inflows
= Rs 223,000/ Rs 40,000
= 5.575 NOTES
Now refer the internal rate of return factor (5.575) in 15 year of the present
value of an annuity if Rs 1 table. After finding this factor, see the corresponding
interest rate written at the top of the column. It is observed to be 16%. Therefore,
internal rate of return is 16%.
Decision Rule
Using the PI method
Accept the project when PI>1
Reject the project when PI<1
May or may not accept when PI=1, the firm is indifferent to the project.
Example: 9.10
ABC ltd. has an initial cash outlay of Rs 1,00,000 and it can generate cash inflows of
Rs 42,000, Rs 30,000, Rs 45,000 and Rs 21,000 in years 1 through 4. Assume a 10%
rate of discount and calculate the PI for the project.
PV of Cash Inflow
Year Cash inflows PV @ 10% Present value of cash inflow
1 42,000 0.909 38,178
2 30,000 0.826 24,780
3 45,000 0.751 30,040
4 21,000 0.683 14,343 Corporate Finance : 127
Capital Budgeting Total present value of cash inflows = Rs 1,07,341
Decision - I
PI = = 1.073
Example: 9.11
Minotab Manufacturing Company uses discounted payback period to evaluate
investments in capital assets. The company expects the following annual cash flows
from an investment of Rs 35,00,000.
Year Cash flow Year Cash flow
0 Rs. (30,50,000) 4 Rs 9,00,000
1 Rs. 9,00,000 5 Rs 9,00,000
2 Rs. 9,00,000 6 Rs 9,00,000
3 Rs 9,00,000 7 Rs 9,00,000
9.11 Summary
Capital budgeting decision may be defined as the firm's decision to invest
its current fund more efficiently in the long term assets in anticipation of
an expected flow of benefits over a series of years. The long-term assets
are those that affect the firm's operations beyond the one year period.
Capital budgeting is important because it creates accountability and
measurability. The decision of whether to accept or reject an investment
project as part of a company's growth initiatives, involves determining
the investment rate of return that such a project will generate.
The capital expenditure decisions are evaluated in terms of their cash
flows. Cash flow indicates a cash outflow and cash inflows. It is necessary
to estimate the cash flow in the process of analysing investment proposal.
When computing the cash flow, the company adds back non-cash losses
such as depreciation, capital losses, and increases in debt and decreases
in accounts receivable - money owed to the company.
The various techniques used for capital budgeting decisions are divided
into two broad groups: Non-discounting cash flow techniques (NCDF)
and Discounting cash flow techniques (DCF) (time-adjusted techniques).
Non-discounting cash flow techniques do not adjust the various cash
flows for their respective time value. In such evaluation techniques, we
assume that there exists no opportunity to reinvest the money generated
by the project proposals. There are mainly two type of methods under
this head- the payback period (PB) method and the accounting rate of
return (ARR) method.
Discounting cash flow techniques discount the future expected cash
flows by the relevant discount factor to arrive at its present value. There
are mainly five type of methods under this head - net present value
method (NPV), internal rate of return method (IRR), profitability index
method (PI), discounted payback period method (DBP) and terminal
Corporate Finance : 130
value method (TV).
The payback period is the amount of time required by the firm to recover Capital Budgeting
Decision - I
its initial investment in a project, as calculated from cash flows.
The accounting rate of return is also known as average rate of return of
return on capital employed. The ARR is the ratio of the average after
tax profit divided by the average investment.
The NPV is the difference between the present value of future cash
inflows and the present value of the initial outlay, discounted at the firm's
cost of capital.
The internal rate of return (IRR) is the discount rate that equates the
NPV of an investment opportunity with Rs.0 (because the present value
of cash inflows equals the initial investment). It is the compound annual
rate of return that the firm will earn if it invests in the project and receives
the given cash inflows
NOTES c. It is now determined that the cost of capital for both projects is 14%.
Which project should be selected? Why?
10. Cash flows for two mutually exclusive projects are shown below:
1. Ross, Westerfield & Jaffe, "Fundamental of Corporate Finance", TMH
2. Brealey, Myers & Allen, "Principles of Corporate Finance", TMH Publication.
3. Van Horne and Wachowicz , "Fundamentals of Financial Management", Pearson
4. Chandra, Prasanna, "Financial Management", TMH Publication.
5. Khan, M.Y. and Jain, P.K., "Financial Management- Text, Problems and cases",
TMH Publication.
6. Damodaran, A., "Corporate Finance- Theory & Practice", Wiley Publication
7. Pandey, I.M, "Financial Management", Vikas Publication House Pvt. Ltd, New
8. Kapial, Seeba "Financial Management", Pearson Education.
Web resources:
1 "Introduction and meaning of capital budgeting" available at http://
2 "Meaning and importance of capital budgeting" available at https://
3 "Cash flow estimation" available at
4 "Capital investment projects" available at
5 "Numerical problems" available at http://www.accounting
6 Singh, S, Jain, P. and Yadav, S.S (2012) "Capital budgeting decisions: evidence
from India, Journal of Advances in Management Research, Vol. 9 Iss: 1, pp.96
- 112
Corporate Finance : 133
Capital Budgeting Decision - II
UNIT 10 : Capital Budgeting Decision - II
10.0 Introduction NOTES
10.1 Unit Objectives
10.2 Capital Rationing
10.3 Capital budgeting under Risk and Uncertainty
10.4 Capital budgeting practices in Indian Companies
10.5 Key Terms
10.6 Summary
10.7 Questions and Exercise
10.8 Further Readings and References
10.0 Introduction
In the previous unit, we have already discussed the concept, importance and various
methods of capital budgeting. As we have learnt that capital budgeting decisions are
associated with the long term investment decisions of the firms and organisations.
Therefore, capital budgeting decisions are vital and very crucial because they affect
the firms value in long term. Apart from it, Capital rationing is an important concept
in capital decisions as it maximise the value of the shareholders. Generally, risk and
uncertainty are associated with all the investment decisions. An investment option
having high profitability also have high level of risk and vice versa. Thus, for the
managers it becomes very important to analyse the risk or uncertainty related to the
investment proposals. This unit explains the capital budgeting under risk or uncertainty
and how capital budgeting is done in practice in Indian companies.
Step 2
In this step, the projects that pass the test in step 1 are further analysed using net
present value and internal rate of return methods to know whether money should be
allocated in such projects or not.
Step 3
The projects which left after the screening of step 2 are ranked using a predetermined
criteria and compared with the available funds. Finally, the projects are selected for
funding.The projects that remain unfunded may be reconsidered on the availability
of funds. Range
Range in statistical term, means the difference between the two extreme outcomes
of the probability distribution. It is simply the difference between the highest and
lowest score in the sample. In capital budgeting range means the difference between
the best and the worst outcomes of a given project as shown below in equation 10.1:
The larger is the range, higher is the risk inherent in the project large range denotes
that the outcome of the project will fall under two extreme values; means high
variations in outcomes and vice- versa.
Standard deviation is the square root of the mean of the squared deviation, where
deviation is the difference between an outcome and the expected mean value of all
outcomes and the weights to the square of each deviation is provided by its probability NOTES
of occurrence. Higher the value of the standard deviation for the given project
higher is the variation in the actual and the projected figure and, thus, higher is the
risk involved in the investment.
Example: 10.1
Calculate the standard deviation from the data given in table 10.1 and 10.2 below:
Table 10.1 Standard deviation of project X
CF CF (CFi - CF) (CFi - CF)2 Pi (CFi - CF)2 P i
1200000 1095
x = Pn (Cfn - Cf)2
= 1200000 = 1095
Table 10.2 Standard deviation of project Y
CF CF (CFi - CF) (CFi - CF)2 Pi (CFi - CF)2 P i
4400000 = 2098
In the above example, Project Y is riskier as standard deviation of project Y is higher
than the standard deviation of project X. However, the project Y has higher expected
value also so the decision-maker is in a dilemma for selecting project X or project Y. Corporate Finance : 139
Capital Budgeting Decision - II But, ultimately, the selection of the project will depend upon the risk preference of
the decision maker.
CV = ..............................Eq. 10.3
Example: 10.2
Based on the data given in example 10.1, calculate the coefficient of variation of
project X and Y.
For project X = CVx = = 0.1825
ENCFt = the expected cash flow after tax
krt = risk adjusted discount rate = Risk free rate + Risk Premium
C0 = Initial cash outflows
Decision Rule
The risk adjusted approach can be used for both NPV & IRR.
If NPV method is used for evaluation, the NPV would be calculated using risk
adjusted rate. If NPV is positive, the proposal would qualify for acceptance, if
it is negative, the proposal would be rejected.
In case of IRR, the IRR would be compared with the risk adjusted required
rate of return. If the r exceeds risk adjusted rate, the proposal would be
accepted, otherwise not.
Example: 10.3
An investment project has following cash flows:
Cash outflows = Rs 1,50,000
ENCFt year 1 = Rs 50,000
ENCFt year 2 = Rs 40,000
ENCFt year 3= Rs 45,000
Its risk free rate is 6% and Risk adjusted rate is 10%. Determine the NPV of
project using the RADR method.
Step 1
Estimating the certainty equivalent coefficient () it represents the relationship
between the certain cash flows and the uncertain cash flows. This can be determined
by using following Eq. 10.5
Example: 10.4
A company is considering investment in machine. By investing in Machine Company
expect a risky cash flows of Rs. 80,000 and a risk free cash flows of Rs. 65,000.
You are required to calculate certainty equivalent coefficient of investment in machine.
CE factor (
t) =
Step 2
Determining the present value of future cash flows: After determining
thecertainty equivalent factor, we need to determine the present value of the expected
cash flows with the help of the discount rate. The discount rate is the normal risk
free rate, which reflects the time value of money. It is used in determining the net
present value of future cash flows to evaluate investment proposals :
1 (CF1) 2 (CF2) 3 (CF3)
+ n
+ 2
+ 3
- C0
(1+krf) (1+krf) (1+krf) (1+krf)n
t(CF )
. Eq. 10.6
-C t 0
t=1 (1+krt)
Example: 10.5
A project is costing Rs. 100000 and it has following estimated cash Flows and
certainty equivalent coefficients. If the risk free discount rate is 5%. Calculate
NPV of the project.
Year NCF (Rs.) CE Coefficient Adjusted PV @ 5% PV (Rs)
Decision Rule
Following decision criteria is applied for selection/rejection of the project:-
If NPV method is used, the proposal would be accepted if NPV of CE cash
flows is positive, otherwise it is rejected.
If IRR is used, the Internal Rate of Return which equates the present value of
CE cash inflows with the present value of the cash outflows, would be
Corporate Finance : 143
Capital Budgeting Decision - II compared with risk free discount rate. If IRR is greater than the risk free
rate, the investment project would be accepted otherwise it would be rejected.
Project B
Net Investment (Rs) 90,000
The NPV calculations of both the projects suggest that the projects are equally
desirable on the basis of the most likely estimates of cash flows. However, the
Project A is riskier than Project B because its NPV can be negative to the extent of
Rs. 21,890 but there is no possibility of incurring any losses with project B as all the
NPVs are positive. Since both projects are mutually exclusive, the actual selection
of the projects depends on decision makers attitude towards the risk. The manager
will select Project A (if manager is risk taker) or Project B(if he is risk averse).
Sensitivity analysis and Scenario analysis are quite useful to understand the uncertainty
of the investment projects. But, both methods do not consider the interactions between
variables and also, they do not reflect on the probability of the change in variables.
The use of the computer can help to incorporate risk into capital budgeting through
a technique called Monte Carlo simulation. The term Monte Carlo implies that the NOTES
approach involves the use of numbers drawn randomly from probability distributions.
It is statistically based approach which makes use of random numbers and pre
assigned probabilities to simulate a projects outcome or return. It requires a
sophisticated computing package to operate effectively. It differs from sensitivity
analysis in the sense that instead of estimating a specific value for a key variable, a
distribution of possible values for each variable is used.
The simulation model building process begins with the computer calculating
a random value simultaneously for each variable identified for the model like market
size, market growth rate, sales price, sales volume, variable costs, residual
asset values, project life etc. From this set of random values a new series of cash
flows is created and a new NPV is calculated. This process is repeated numerous
times, perhaps as many as 1000 times or even more for very large projects, allowing
a decision-maker to develop a probability distribution of project NPVs. From the
distribution model, a mean (expected) NPV will be calculated and its associated
standard deviation will be used to gauge the projects level of risk. The distribution
of possible outcome enables the decision-maker to view a continuum of possible
outcomes rather than a single estimate.
a. Calculate the expected NPV.
b. Calculate the standard deviation of NPV.
c. Calculate the coefficient of variation (CV) of NPV.
1. Ross, Westerfield & Jaffe, Fundamental of Corporate
Finance, TMH Publication.
2. Brealey, Myers & Allen, Principles of Corporate Finance, TMH
3. Van Horne and Wachowicz , Fundamentals of Financial
Management, Pearson Education
4. Chandra, Prasanna, Financial Management, TMH Publication.
5. Damodaran, A., Corporate Finance- Theory & Practice, Wiley
6. Pandey, I.M, Financial Management, Vikas Publication House Pvt.
Ltd, New Delhi
7. Kapial, Seeba Financial Management, Pearson Education
Bierman, H. (1993), Capital budgeting in 1992: a survey,
Financial Management, pp. 24-24.
Block, S. (2005),"Are there differences in capital budgeting
procedures between industries? An empirical study, The
Engineering Economist, Vol.50 Issue 1, pp. 55-67.
Cherukuri, U. R. (1996), "Capital budgeting practices: a
comparative study of India and select South East Asian
countries, ASCI Journal of Management, Vol. 25 Issue 2, pp.
Graham, J. R. & Harvey, C. R. (2001), "The theory and practice
of corporate finance: evidence from the field", Journal of
financial economics, Vol. 60 Issue 2, pp. 187-243.
Kolb, B. A. (1968), "Problems and pitfalls in capital
budgeting", Financial Analysts Journal, pp. 170-174.
Mukherjee, T. K. & Henderson, G. V. (1987),"The capital
Corporate Finance : 150
budgeting process: theory and practice, Interfaces, Vol. 17 Issue Capital Budgeting Decision - II
2, pp. 78-90.
Sandahl, G. & Sjgren, S. (2003), "Capital budgeting methods
among Swedens largest groups of companies. The state of the
art and a comparison with earlier studies, International Journal
of Production Economics, Vol. 84 Issue 1, pp. 51-69. NOTES
Velez, I., & Nieto, G. (1986), "Investment decision-making
practices in Colombia: A survey" Interfaces, Vol. 16 Issue 4, pp.
11.0 Introduction NOTES
11.1 Unit Objectives
11.2 Concept of Cost of Capital
11.3 Significance of Cost of Capital
11.4 Concept of Opportunity Cost of Capital
11.5 Cost of Debt
11.6 Cost of Preference Capital
11.7 Cost of Equity Capital
11.8 Cost of Retained Earnings
11.9 Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)
11.10 Terms
11.11 Summary
11.12 Questions and Exercises
11.13 Further Readings and References
11.0 Introduction
Making an investment decision is of utmost importance for an organisation. Under
investment decision process, the cost and benefit of prospective project is analysed
and the best alternatives is selected on the basis of the result of analysis. The
benchmark of computing present value and comparing the profitability of different
investment alternatives is cost of capital. The Cost of capital is the minimum required
return necessary to make a capital budgeting project, such as building a new factory,
investing in a new machine. The Cost of capital includes both the cost of debt and
the cost of equity. A company uses debt, common equity and preferred equity to
fund new projects. In the long run, companies typically adhere to target level for
each of the sources of funding. When a capital budgeting decision is being made, it
is important to keep in mind how the capital structure may be affected.
The Capital structure is a mix of a company's long-term debt, specific short-
term debt, common equity and preferred equity. The capital structure represents
how a firm finances its overall operations and growth by using different sources of
funds. Debt comes in the form of bond issues or long-term notes payable, while
equity is classified as common stock, preferred stock or retained earnings. Short-
term debt such as working capital requirements is also considered to be part of the
Corporate Finance : 153
capital structure. Selection of sources for financing from debt and equity depends
The Cost of Capital on the cost associated with them. Each of these sources of finance has cost and can
be measured as opportunity cost of capital. The main objective of this unit is to
understand the costs associated with each of the source of finance, how to compute
the cost of each source of finance and overall cost of capital.
capital? n It + Pt
P0 = t
..............Eq. 11.1
t=1 (1 + k )
Before-tax cost of debt (kb) can be determined by simply considering the interest
payable as follows:
kb =
While calculating the cost of debt, we use after tax cost of debt because interest
payments are tax deductible for the firm. After-tax cost of debt, which is denoted by
kd, can be determined by using following equation:
After-tax cost of debt (kd) = kb (1-tax rate) ................Eq. 11.2
It is important to note that in the calculation of average cost of capital, the
after-tax cost of capital must be used instead of before-tax cost of debt.
Example: 11.1
Star Ltd. borrows Rs. 5, 00,000 for five years at 10 per cent. The cost of debt is Rs
5,000 which is the annual interest. You are required to calculate the after tax cost of
debt if the corporate tax rate is 30 per cent.
kb = 50,000/ 5, 00,000 = 10%
After tax cost of debt, i.e., kd is calculated by adjusting before-tax cost for the tax
rate (t) applicable.
kd = kb (1-tax rate)
= 10 (1-0.3) = 7%
kb = or kd = ...........Eq. 11.3
NOTES Solution
Using equation 11.3, we can calculate the cost of irredeemable debt as follow:
kd = (0.10 (100 / 109) 0.60)
= 5.5 %
Example 11.3
Zee Limited owns perpetual debt in its capital structure that amounts to Rs. 2,
00,000. The rate of interest on debt is 12%. Given the corporate tax rate is 40 per
cent, calculate the cost of debt capital under the following conditions: a) at par, b) 12
per cent discount, c) 10 per cent premium.
(a) Debt issued at par for Zee Ltd.
kd = =
kd = =
kd = =
Example 11.4
A company issues 10% Rs 100 debentures. The floatation cost is Rs 4. Tax rate is
30%. Debentures are redeemable after 5 years at a premium of Rs 3. The difference
between the redemption value and the net amount realised is to be written off during
the life time of the debentures. Find the cost of debt.
Kd = [{10 (1 - 0.30)} + {(103 - 96)/5} {1 - 0.30)] / (103 + 96)/2
= 0.0802 = 8.02%
NOTES Solution
Annual dividend = 10% of Rs 100 = Rs 10 per share
kp = 10/115 = 0.087 or 8.7%
(b) For the newly issued preference shares
The cost of irredeemable preference share is:
kp = cost of preference shares
D= dividend paid on preference shares
NP = net proceed received from issue of preference shares after deducting
the issue expenses
Example 11.6
XYZ Ltd. issues 8% irredeemable preference shares. The face value of
share is Rs 100 but t issued at Rs 105. The cost of floatation is Rs 3 per share.
Calculate the cost of preference share capital.
kp = 8 / (105- 3) = 0.0784 or 7.84%
kp = .................Eq. 11.7
ke = .....................Eq. 11.8
Corporate Finance : 161
The Cost of Capital Where,
ke = cost of equity capital
D1 = Annual dividend per share on equity capital in period 1
P0 = Current market price of equity share
Note: In case shares are issued first time, then NP (net proceed from equity share
issue) will be used in place of P0 (Current market price of equity share).
Example 11.8
ABC limited is expected to distribute a dividend of Rs 20 on each equity share of
Rs. 10. The current market price of share is Rs 120. Calculate the cost of equity as
per dividend yield method.
Ke = Rs 20/ Rs 120 = .167 or 16.7 %
ke = +g .................Eq. 11.9
Where, P0
ke = Cost of equity capital
D1 = Expected dividend per equity share
P0 = Current market price of equity share
g = growth rate by which dividends are expected to grow per year at a
constant compound rate
Example 11.9 (Constant dividend growth)
The market price of BIL limited equity share is Rs 220. The expected dividend per
share is Rs 20. It is expected to grow at a constant rate of 6% p.a. You are required
to calculate the cost of equity share capital.
ke =
The current price of Star limited share is Rs. 250 with a face value of Rs 10. The
flotation cost per share is Rs 15.The gross dividends per share over the last three
are given below-
Expected current year dividend = Rs. 1.45 (1 + 0.10) = Rs 16
The dividend is growing at 10% and is expected to continue to grow at this rate.
ke =
Note: In some cases, dividend growth model formula for the calculation of equity
share capital is also written as follows, if last declared dividend is known
D0 (1+g)
ke ............................... Eq.11.10
= +g
Where, P0
ke = Cost of equity capital
D0 = Recent dividend paid per equity share
P0 = Current market price of equity share
g = dividend growth rate
Example 11.11
Aranav limited recently paid a dividend of Rs 2 per share. The firm's common stock
has a current market value of Rs 35 per share. It is expected that firm's annual
dividend are expected to grow 5 per cent per year. Calculate the cost of equity.
Using equation 11.10, we can calculate the cost of equity capital of Aranav limited
ke =
ke = Cost of equity capital
Corporate Finance : 163
The Cost of Capital D0 = Recent dividend paid per equity share
P0 = Current market price of equity share
g = dividend growth rate
ke = cost of equity capital
EPS = earnings per share
MPS = market price per share
Example 11.12
ABC Ltd. Profit after tax for the current year is Rs 2, 00,000 and the current market
value of its share is Rs 90. The firm has 10,000 shares outstanding of Rs 10 each
and has no debt. Calculate cost of equity based on PE method.
EPS = 20, MPS = 90
ke = 20/90 = 22.22-1
ke = Cost of equity capital
EPS = current earnings per share
MPS = market price per share
Example 11.13
The Blue line limited has common stock that has a current price of Rs 200 per share
and Rs 5 dividend. Blue line's dividends are expected to grow at a rate of 3% per
year forever. The expected risk-free rate of interest is 2.5% and the expected
market premium is 5%. The beta of Blue line's stock is 1.2.
a. What is the cost of equity for Blue line using the dividend valuation model?
b. What is the cost of equity for Blue line using the capital asset pricing model?
NOTES Where:
ke = cost of equity
kre = cost of retained earnings
f = floatation cost
Example 11.14
Vaibahv limited received Rs 10 lakhs of retained earnings and Rs 100 lakhs of equity
through new issue. The equity investors are expecting a desired return of 14 per
cent. The cost of issue external equity is 5 per cent. You are required to calculate:
(a) Cost of retained earnings and
(b) Cost of external equity.
(a) Cost of retained earnings (kre) = 14%
(b) Cost of external equity (ke)
ke = kre (1- f)
ke = 0.14 (1 - 0.05)
= 14.74%
Ke = 14.74%
Wd = weight of debt
kd = cost of debt
We = weight of equity
ke = cost of equity
Wp = weight of preferred stock
kp = cost of equity
Example 11.15
A firm has debt in the form of 2000 bonds each of face value Rs 1000 per bond.
The book value of the bond is Rs 20, 00,000. The firm has 30,000 preferred share Check Your Concept
issued at a par value of Rs 10 each and 3,00,000 equity share issued at par value of 10.Explain different methods
Rs 10 each. Compute the cost of each source on the basis of their book value. The to calculate cost of
weights of different fund sources for a given firm.
11.What is cost of equity?
12.Define Beta.
13.What is floatation Cost
Example 11.16
The capital structure of a company consist of 5000 debentures with a face value of
Rs 100 each issued at par. The current market price of debenture is Rs 800 The firm
also has 10,000 preferred share currently traded at Rs 200 per share and 2,00,000
equity share with current market value of Rs 190 . Using market value method,
determine the weights of each source of finance.
Weights Calculation on Market Value Method
Market value Amount (Rs) Weights
Debenture: 5,000 at current market price Rs 800 40,00,000 9.09
Preferred stock: 10,000 share at current market 20,00,000 4.5
price of Rs 200
Equity shares 2,00,000 at current market price 3,80,00,000 86.36
of Rs 190.
Total market value of capital 44,000,000 100
A firm is considering a new project which would be similar in terms of risk to its
existing projects. The firm needs a discount rate for evaluation purposes. The firm
has enough cash in hand to provide the necessary equity financing for the project.
The capital structure of the company is composed of following sources:
a. 10,00,000 equity shares outstanding at current price 112.5 per share. The next
year's dividend expected to be Rs 10 per share and the firm estimate that
dividends will grow at 5% per year after. The flotation costs for new shares
would be Rs 2 per share.
b. 1,50,000 preferred shares current traded at price is Rs 95 per share. The
current dividend is Rs 10 per share. If new preferred shares are issued, it will
be sold at 5% less than the current market price (to ensure full subscription)
and involve direct flotation costs of Rs 2.5 per share.
a. Rs 10,00,00,000 (par value) debt in the form of bonds with 10 years left to
maturity. It pay annual coupons @ of 11.3% p.a. Currently, the bonds sell at
106% of par value. Flotation costs for new bonds would equal 6% of par
The firm's tax rate is 40%. What is the appropriate discount rate for the new project?
Calculation of total market value:
12.0 Introduction NOTES
12.1 Unit Objectives
12.2 Meaning of Financing Decision
12.3 Source of Long Term Finance
12.3.1 Equity Financing
12.3.2 Debt Financing
12.4 Concept of Leverage
12.4.1 Operating Leverage
12.4.2 Degree of Operating Leverage
12.4.3 Financial Leverage
12.4.4 Degree of Financial Leverage
12.4.5 Degree of Financial Leverage
12.5 Capital Structure
12.6 Determinants of Capital Structure
12.7 Capital Structure Theories
12.7.1 Relevance Theories
12.7.2 Irrelevance Theories
12.8 Key Terms
12.9 Summary
12.10 Questions and Exercises
12.11 Further Readings and References
12.0 Introduction
There are two fundamental types of financial decisions that every finance manager
needs to make in a business: investment and financing. These two decisions are
related with how to spend money and how to borrow money. Every time a firm
make an investment decision, it is at the same time making a financing decision also.
An investment decision is related to spending capital on assets that will yield the
highest return for the company over a desired time period. On the other hand financing
decision deals with how the firm should raise money to undertake the desired
investment projects. It is up to the finance department to figure out the different
options and the process of financing. There are broadly two ways to finance an
investment: using a company's own money (using reserve and surplus) or by raising
money from external sources. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. There Corporate Finance : 175
Capital Structure Decision are two ways to raise money from external funders: by taking on debt or selling
equity. It is the financing decision process that determines the optimal way to finance
the investment. This unit explore the financing decisions of firm, concept of capital
structure, theories of capital structures and various factor that affect the choice of
sources of finance for a firm.
12.4 Leverage
A firm can used different source of financing which are differing in terms of cost.
The debt involves fixed interest while equity returns vary according to the earnings
of company. The fixes return sources have implication for those who are entitled to
a variable return. Thus the return of equity share holder is affected by the magnitude
of debt in the capital structure of the firm. Leverage, as a business term, refers to
debt or to the borrowing of funds to finance the purchase of a company's assets.
Business owners can use either debt or equity to finance or buy the company's
assets. Using debt, or leverage, increases the company's risk of bankruptcy. It also
increases the company's returns; specifically its return on equity. This is true because,
if debt financing is used rather than equity financing, then the owner's equity is not
diluted by issuing more shares of stock. There are two types of leverage operating
and financial leverage.
Firm-A Firm-B
Sales 20000 22000
Fixed cost 16000 2000
Variable cost 2000 16000 NOTES
EBIT 2000 4000
FC/TC 8/9 1/9
50% increase in sales
Sales 30000 33000
Fixed cost 16000 2000
Variable cost 4000 23000
EBIT* 10000 8000
% change in EBIT 400 100
% change in EBIT= (EBIT*-EBIT)/EBIT
From Table 12.2, we can see that the impact of the financial leverage is
quite significant when 50 percent debt (debt of Rs 250,000 to total capital of Rs
Check Your Concept 500,000) is used to finance the investment. The firm earns Rs 1.65 per share, which
3. Explain degree of is 37.5 per cent more than Rs 1.20 per share earned with no leverage. Similarly,
operating leverage. ROE is also greater by the same percentage.
4. What is capital
structure? 12.4.4 Degree of Financing Leverage
5. What is EPS-EBIT Operating leverage affects earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT), whereas
financial leverage affects earnings after interest and taxes, or the earnings available
to common stockholders. The degree of financial leverage (DFL) is defined as the
Corporate Finance : 180
Capital Structure Decision
percentage change in earnings per share that results from a given percentage change
in earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT), and it is calculated as follows:
Percentage Change in EPS
Percentage Change in EBIT
(rEBIT/EBIT) .............................. Eq. 12.2
The degree of financial leverage or DFL helps in calculating the comparative change
in net income caused by a change in the capital structure of business. It helps in
determining the fate of net income of the business. DFL also helps in determining
the suitable financial leverage which is to be used to achieve the business goal. The
higher the leverage of the company, the more risk it has and a business should try to
balance it as leverage is similar to having a debt.
Note: As the Tax rate is not mentioned in the question that is why EBIT/EBT is
used for calculating financial leverage.
Creates an impact on
Purchase of plant & machinery
Other long term decision
Cost of Capital Ke
Leverage (Debt/Equity)
Assumptions of NI approach
The Net income approach is based on the following assumptions:
1. There is only two type of finance i.e. debt and equity
2. There are no taxes
3. The cost of debt (Kd) is less than the cost of equity (Ke).
4. The use of debt does not change the risk perception of the investors
5. The dividend payout is 100% i.e. no retained earnings.
The value of the firm on the basis of Net Income approach can be ascertained
as follows:
V= S+B .. .................. Eq. 12.4
Check Your Concept Where:
6. Assumptions of Net V= Value of the firm
income approach? S= Market value of Equity
7.What is optimum capital B= Market value of debt
structure? Market value of equity can be ascertained as follows:
8. Differentiate between S= NI/ Ke . .........................................
Eq. 12.5
levered and unlevered Where:-
S= Market value of Equity
NI= Earnings available for equity shareholder
Corporate Finance : 186 Ke= Equity capitalization rate
Example: 12.3 Capital Structure Decision
X limited is expecting an annual EBIT of Rs. 1 lakh. The company has Rs. 4 lakhs
in 10 % debenture and 60,000 shares of Rs 10 each. The cost of equity capital is
12.5%. Yor are requred to
a. Calculate the total value of the firm.
b. Calculate the overall Cost of capital (WACC)
c. Show the effect on the value of the firm and WACC if debt is raised to
Rs 6, 00,000 from Rs 4, 00,000.
Particulars Amount
Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) 1,00,000
Less: Interest at 10 % on Rs. 4 Lakhs 40,000
Earnings available for equity share holders (NI) 60,000
Capitalization rate (Ke) 12.5 per cent
Market Value of Equity (S): NI/Ke (60000/12.5*100) 4,80,000
Market value of debt (B) 4,00,000
(a) Total Value of Firm (S+B) 8,80,000
(b) Overall Cost of capital (K=EBIT/V) 11.36
(c) Effect on firm value of debt is increased to Rs 6,00,000:-
Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) 1,00,000
Less: Interest at 10 % on Rs. 6 Lakhs 60,000
Earnings available for equity share holders (NI) 40,000
Capitalization rate (Ke) 12.5 per cent
Market Value of Equity (S): NI/Ke (40000/12.5*100) 3,20,000
Market value of debt (B) 6,00,000
Total Value of Firm (S+B) 9,20,000
Overall Cost of capital (K=EBIT/V) 10.86
The above example show that value of the firm increased from 8,80,000 to
9,20,000 in case the amount of debt is decreased from Rs 4 laks to Rs 6 lakhs and
also the cost of capital reduced from 11.36% to 10.86% . Thus leverage has effect
on value of the firm.
Market Value and the WACC of Micro limited (Traditional Approach)
Particulars No Debt 6% Debt 7% Debt
EBIT 150 150 150
Less: Interest Cost Kd*D - 18 42
Net Income 150 132 108
Cost of equity, Ke 0.1000 0.1056 0.1250
Market Value of equity E= NI/Ke 1500 1250 864
Market Value of debt, D 0 300 600
Total Value of firm, V= E+D 1500 1550 1464
Cost of Capital (WACC) NOI/V 0.1000 0.0970 0.1030 Corporate Finance : 189
Capital Structure Decision 12.7.2. Irrelevance Theories of Capital Structure
The irrelevance theories advocate that the firm's capital structure does not affect its
value because firm value is independent of its capital structure. These theories
argue that the value of the firm is a function of investment decision rather than of
financing decision. The firm's profitability on investment decision determines the
actual value of firm not the way its projects are financed. Due to this reason there is
no optimum capital structure rather one capital structure is as good as other and
thereby no matter whether company raise money by debt or equity. The main
irrelevance theories are:
Net Operating Income Approach
Modigliani- Miller (MM) Model
Value of firm
According to the NOI Approach, the value of a firm can be determined by the
following equation:
V= EBIT/K .................................... Eq. 12.6
V=value of firm
K=overall cost of capital
EBIT= Earnings before interest and tax
Proposition I
Modigliani and Miller explained that with the assumptions of "no taxes and perfect
capital market", the capital structure does not influence the valuation of a firm. In
other words, leveraging the company does not increase the market value of the
company. It also suggests that debt holders in the company and equity share holders
have the same priority i.e. earnings are split equally amongst them. Modigliani and
Miller showed that two identical firms, differing only in their capital structure, must
have identical total values. If they did not, individuals would engage in arbitrage and
create the market forces that would drive the two values to be equal.
MM's Proposition I states that for firms in the same risk class, the total
market value is independent of the debt-equity mix and is given by capitalising the
expected net operating income by the capitalisation rate (i.e., the opportunity cost of
capital) appropriate to that risk class. In other words, Value of levered firm = Value
of unlevered firm).
V = NOI/Ko.......................... Eq.12.7
V= Value of the firm
NOI = Net operating income
Ko = Firm's opportunity cost of capital
Arbitrage process
Arbitrage process is the operational justification for the Modigliani-Miller hypothesis.
It is the process of purchasing a security in a market where the price is low and
selling it in a market where the price is higher and thereby locking into riskless profit.
This results in restoration of equilibrium in the market price of a security asset. This
process is a balancing operation which implies that a security cannot sell at different
prices. The MM hypothesis states that the total value of homogeneous firms that
differ only in leverage will not be different due to the arbitrage operation. Generally,
investors will buy the shares of the firm that's price is lower and sell the shares of
the firm that's price is higher. This process or this behaviour of the investors will
have the effect of increasing the price of the shares that is being purchased and
decreasing the price of the shares that is being sold. This process will continue till
the market prices of these two firms become equal or identical. Thus the arbitrage
process drives the value of two homogeneous companies to equality that differs
only in leverage.
Limitations of MM Proposition I
Investors would find the personal leverage inconvenient. Check Your Concept
The risk perception of corporate and personal leverage may be different. 9. What is homemade
Arbitrage process cannot be smooth due the institutional restrictions. leverage?
Arbitrage process would also be affected by the transaction costs. 10. Explain the arbitrage
The corporate leverage and personal leverage are not perfect substitutes. process
Corporate taxes do exist. However, the assumption of "no taxes" has 11. What is interest tax
been removed later. shield
Thus, the total market value of the firm which employs debt in the capital structure
(L) is more than that of the unlevered firm (U). According to the MM hypothesis,
this situation cannot continue as the arbitrage process, based on the substitutability
of personal leverage for corporate leverage, will operate and the values of the two
firms will be brought to an identical level.
Suppose an investor, Mr. X, holds 10 per cent of the outstanding shares of
the levered firm (L). His holdings amount to Rs 31,250 (i.e. 0.10 x Rs 3, 12,500) and
his share in the earnings that belong to the equity shareholders would be Rs 5,000
(0.10 x Rs 50,000).He will sell his holdings in firm L and invest in the unlevered firm
(U). Since firm U has no debt in its capital structure, the financial risk to Mr. X
would be less than in firm L. To reach the level of financial risk of firm L, he will
borrow additional funds equal to his proportionate share in the levered firm's debt on
his personal account. That is, he will substitute personal leverage (or home-made
leverage) for corporate leverage. In other words, instead of the firm using debt, Mr.
X will borrow money. The effect, in essence, of this is that he is able to introduce
leverage in the capital structure of the the unlevered firm by borrowing on his personal
account. Mr. X in our example will borrow Rs 50,000 at 10 per cent rate of interest.
His proportionate holding (10 per cent) in the unlevered firm will amount to Rs
80,000 on which he will receive a dividend income of Rs 10,000. Out of the income
of Rs 10,000 from the unlevered firm (U), Mr. X will pay Rs 5,000 as interest on his
personal borrowings. He will be left with Rs 5,000 that is, the same amount as he
was getting from the levered firm (L). But his investment outlay in firm U is less (Rs
30,000) as compared with that in firm L (Rs 31,250). At the same time, his risk is
Corporate Finance : 194
identical in both the situations.
Proposition II Capital Structure Decision
Corporate Finance : 198 6. A company has operating income of Rs 50,000. It has Rs 1, 00,000 of
debt carrying 10% interest rate. The equity capitalization rate is 20%. Capital Structure Decision
Indicate the market value of the firm assuming no taxes.
7. Firm A being a levered one has 10% Rs 4, 00,000 debentures. Firm B is
an unlevered firm. Both firms earn 20% operating profit on their assets
valued at Rs 10, 00,000. The tax rate is 30% and equity capitalization
rate is 20%. Calculate WACC for the two firms NOTES
8. X ltd. has 2,000 bonds outstanding with a face value of Rs.1,000 each
and a coupon rate of 9%. The interest is paid semi-annually. What is the
amount of the annual interest tax shield if the tax rate is 34%?
9. Evaluate firm A and B in terms of financial and operating leverage
S.No. Particulars Firm-A Firm-B
1 Sales 2,0,00,000 3,0,00,000
2 Variable Cost 40% of sales 30% of Sales
3 Fixed Cost 500,000 700,000
4 Interest 100,000 125,000
10. Companies P and Q are identical in all respects including risk factora
expect for Debt/Equity , P having 10% debentures of 9 lakhs while Q
has issued only equity. Both the companies earn 20% before interest
and tax on their total assets of Rs.15 lakhs. Assuming tax rate of 50%
and capitalization rate of 15% for all equity company, compute the value
of companies P and Q according to net income approach.
11. Thompson & Thomson is an all equity firm that has 500,000 shares of
stock outstanding. The company is in the process of borrowing 8 million
at 9% interest to repurchase 200,000 shares of the outstanding stock.
What is the value of this firm if you ignore taxes?
Web resources:
NOTES 1. Determinants of capital structure, available at:
2. Sources of long term finance, available at:
3. Operating and financial leverage, available at:
4. Traditional view of capital structure, available at:
5. Theories of capital structure, available at:
13.0 Introduction NOTES
13.1 Unit Objectives
13.2 Meaning of Dividend
13.3 Conflicting Dividend Theories
13.3.1 Irrelevance Theory of Dividend
13.3.1 Relevance Theory of Dividend
13.4 Dividend Policy
13.4.1 Objectives of Dividend Policy
13.4.2 Factors Affecting the Dividend Policy
13.4.3 Practical Considerations in Dividend Policy
13.5 Dividends Policy Analysis of Indian Companies
13.5.1 Factors Favoring Higher and Lower Dividend
13.6 Forms of Dividends
13.6.1 Cash Dividend
13.6.2 Stock Dividend
13.6.3 Property
13.6.4 Scrip Dividend
13.6.5 Liquidating Dividend
13.7 Bonus Shares
13.7.1 Reasons for Issuing Bonus Shares
13.7.2 Stock Splits
13.7.3. Advantages of Bonus Shares to Company
13.7.4. Advantages of Bonus Shares to Shareholders
13.7.5. Disadvantages of Bonus Shares to Company
13.8 Key Terms
13.9 Summary
13.10 Questions and Exercises
13.11 Further Readings and References
Step 2
Assuming there is no external financing, the total capitalized value of the firm would
be simply the number of shares (n) times the price of each share (P0).
Step 3
The company can finance its investment either by retained earnings or by issue of
new shares. The value of the firm will thus be defined as:
rn = is the number of new shares issued at the end of year 1 at price P1.
Step 4
Check Your Concept
The new number of shares issued at the end of year 1 at price P1 in case the firm
finance all the investment proposals. 1. What is dividend ?
Step 5
Substituting equation 13.4 with equation 13.3
Solving the equation and cancelling the positive and negative , we have
.........Eq. 13.6
Step 6
Since the dividend are not there in the last equation, MM concludes that dividends
do not count and that dividend policy has no impact on the share price of the firm.
Example 13.1
A company whose capitalization rate is 10% has outstanding shares of 25,000 selling
at INR100 each. The firm is expecting to pay a dividend of INR 5 per share at the
end of the current financial year. The company's expected net earnings are INR.
250,000 and the new proposed investment requires 500,000. Using MM model show
how the dividend payment does not affect the value of the firm.
1. Value of the firm when dividends are paid:
i. Price per share at the end of year 1:
P0 = 1/(1 + ke) x (D1 + P1)
P1 = INR.105
(1 + 0.10)
=> INR.2,500,000
P1 = INR.110
Criticism of MM Model
1. The assumption of perfect capital market is unrealistic. In real world there
exist taxes, floatation costs and transaction costs.
2. Investors cannot be indifferent between dividend and retained earnings under
conditions of uncertainty. This can be proved at least with the aspects of (i)
near Vs distant dividends, (ii) informational content of dividends, (iii) preference
for current income and (iv) sale of stock at uncertain price.
1. Walter Approach
The Walter approach was given by James E Walter and is based on a simple argument
that where the reinvestment rate, that is, rate of return that the company may earn
on retained earnings, is higher than cost of equity (rate of return of the shareholders),
then it would be in the interest of the firm to retain the earnings. If the company's
reinvestment rate on retained earnings is the less than shareholders' rate of return,
the company should not retain earnings. If the two rates are the same, then the
company should be indifferent between retaining and distributing.
The Walter's model is based on the following assumptions:
1. The firm finances its entire investments by means of retained earnings only.
2. Internal rate of return (r) and cost of capital (KE) of the firm remains constant.
3. The firms' earnings are either distributed as dividends or reinvested internally.
4. The earnings and dividends of the firm will never change.
5. The firm has a very long or infinite life.
The Walter formula is based on a simple analysis that the market value of equity is
the capitalization of the current earnings and growth in price.
Hence, the basis of Walter formula is:
VE = D /KE - g) ................Eq. 13.7
VE = market value of equity shares
D = initial dividend
KE = costs of equity and
g = expected growth rate of earnings
Corporate Finance : 208
Here, the growth factor occurs because the rate of return on retention done by the Dividend Decision
company is higher than the cost of equity. That is to say, the company continues to
earn at r rate of return on the retained earnings, and this is what causes growth g.
g = r (E-D)/ KE...........................Eq. 13.8
Inserting equations 13.8 into 13.7, we have
..............Eq. 13.9
VE = market value of equity shares
r = rate of return on retained earnings of the company
E = earnings rate
D = dividend rate
Example 13.2
Supposing a company the nominal value equity is Rs. 100, and the dividends at the
rate of 10 % are Rs.10. Supposing the company earns at the rate of 12%, what is
the market value of equity if the cost of equity is 8%?
The market value of the share comes to Rs. 162.50. This is explainable easily. As
the company is earning Rs.12, and distributing Rs.10, it retains Rs. 2 every year, on
which it earns at 12%. The capitalized value of 0.24 at 8% will be the expected
growth. Therefore, the sustainable earnings of the shareholders will be Rs. 10 +3,
which, when capitalized at 8%, produces the value Rs. 162.50.
The key learning from Walter's approach is not what the market value of
equity is, but how the market value of equity can be maximized by following a
proper distribution policy. For instance, in the present case, it is not advisable for the
company to distribute any dividend at all, as the company earns more than the
shareholders' opportunity rate. If the company was not to distribute anything, the
market value of the share may increase to Rs. 225.
Walter's view on optimum dividend payout ratio can be summarized as below:
a. Growth Firms (R> KE)
The firms having R> KE may be referred to as growth firms. The growth firms
are assumed to have ample profitable investment opportunities. These firms
naturally can earn a return which is more than what shareholders could earn
on their own. So, optimum payout ratio for growth firm is 0%. Corporate Finance : 209
Dividend Decision b. Normal Firms (R= KE)
If R is equal to KE, the firm is known as normal firm. These firms earn a rate
of return which is equal to that of shareholders. In this case dividend policy will
not have any influence on the price per share. So there is nothing like optimum
payout ratio for a normal firm. All the payout ratios are optimum.
c. Declining Firm (R< KE)
If the company earns a return which is less than what shareholders can earn
on their investments, it is known as declining firm. Here it will not make any
sense to retain the earnings. So, entire earnings should be distributed to the
shareholders to maximise price per share. Optimum payout ratio for a declining
firm is 100%.
Limitations of Walter Model
1. Walter's model assumes that the firm's investments are purely financed
by retained earnings. Thus, this model would be applicable only to all-
equity firms.
2. The assumption of r as constant is not realistic.
3. The assumption of a constant Ke ignores the effect of risk on the value
of the firm.
2. Gordon Approch (The Bird-in-the-Hand Theory)
The essence of the bird-in-the-hand theory of dividend policy (advanced by John
Litner in 1962 and Myron Gordon in 1963) is that shareholders are risk-averse and
prefer to receive dividend payments rather than future capital gains. Shareholders
consider dividend payments to be more certain that future capital gains- thus a
"bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush".
Gordon contended that the payment of current dividends "resolves investor
uncertainty". Investors have a preference for a certain level of income now rather
that the prospect of a higher, but less certain, income at some time in the future.
The key implication, as argued by Litner and Gordon, is that because of the less
risky nature dividends, shareholders and investors will discount the firm's dividend
stream at a lower rate of return, 'r', thus increasing the value of the firm's shares.
6. The retention ratio (b) once decided upon is constant. Thus the growth
rate (g) is also constant (g = br).
7. Corporate tax does not exist.
According to the constant growth dividend valuation (or Gordon's growth) model, NOTES
the value of an ordinary share, SV0 is given by:
SV0 = D1/ (KE -g)
Where, the constant dividend growth rate is denoted by g, ke is the investor's required
rate of return, and D1, represents the next dividend payments. Thus the lower ke is
in relation to the value of the dividend payment D1, the greater the share's value. In
the investor's view, according to Linter and Gordon, KE, the return from the dividend,
is less risky than the future growth rate g. The Gordon's view on the optimum
dividend payout ratio can be summarized as below:
1. The optimum payout ratio for a growth firm (R> KE) is zero.
2. There no optimum ratio for a normal firm (R= KE).
3. Optimum payout ratio for a declining firm R< KE is 100%.
Thus the Gordon's Model's conclusions about dividend policy are similar to
that of Walter. This similarity is due to the similarities of assumptions of both the
Example 13.3
From the following data given below, determination the value of shares:
Rs.20 (1 - 0.60)
P = => Rs. 81.63 (Case A)
0.17 - (0.60 x 0.12)
Rs. 20 (1 - 0.70)
P = => Rs.62.50 (Case B)
0.18 (0.70 x 0.12)
Gordon's model thus asserts that the dividend decision has a bearing on the market
price of the shares and that the market price of the share is favourably affected with
more dividends.
5. Capital market considerations: The extent to which the firm has access to
the capital markets, also affects the dividend policy. In case the firm has easy
access to the capital market, it can follow a liberal dividend policy. If the firm
has only limited access to capital markets, it is likely to adopt a low dividend
payout ratio. Such companies rely on retained earnings as a major source of
financing for future growth.
6. Inflation: With rising prices due to inflation, the funds generated from
depreciation may not be sufficient to replace obsolete equipments and machinery.
So, they may have to rely upon retained earnings as a source of fund to replace
those assets. Thus, inflation affects dividend payout ratio in the negative side.
Higher Dividend: There are factors that make higher dividends beneficial.
For example, higher dividends tend to decrease an agency's costs. This occurs
because the more dividends management needs to pay out, the more external
financing the firm will require. The external financing increases the scrutiny
that management actions have to undergo and, therefore, decreases the agency
problem and agency costs. It is also suggested that for investors to sell current
stock to obtain income equivalent to dividends is not the same psychologically
than receiving dividends. It is harder psychologically to sell stock to obtain
income than to use dividends to obtain income. Therefore, it is argued, that
these two actions cannot be viewed as substitutes, as proposed by the dividend
irrelevance theory. The above point suggests that shareholders who need income
that comes from dividends are psychologically more comfortable with receiving
dividends than with selling part of their shares.
Another argument for the benefits of higher dividends is Time Value refers to the
fact that Rs 1 of dividends received now cannot be seen as equivalent to Rs 1 of
future dividends or stock appreciation to be received at some point in the future.
Lower dividend : Transactions costs often make lower dividends more
beneficial for stockholders and for the firm. It is more beneficial for a stock
holder if an investor intends to reinvest dividends in stock. This occurs because
there are transactions costs that investor have to incur to buy stock such as
brokerage fees.
The firm will benefit from paying lower dividends in the case where external
financing is required. This is because external financing results in costs such as
flotation costs. If firm just uses retained earnings available instead of paying
out dividends then the costs of external financing will be avoided or decreased.
Tax that investors have to pay on capital gains is generally lower than tax that
they have to pay on dividends. Also, if investors want to reinvest dividends by
buying more stock, investors still lose money by paying taxes on dividends.
Therefore, an argument made by dividend irrelevance theory suggesting that
investors can reinvest dividends by buying more stock and therefore obtaining
the same result as by funds being reinvested is irrelevant as soon as assumptions
of a perfect world (which includes the assumption that there are no taxes) is no
longer hold.
Example 13.4
Cash Dividend
On February 1, 2014 ABC International's board of directors declares a cash dividend
of $0.50 per share on the company's 2,000,000 outstanding shares, to be paid on
June 1 to all shareholders of record on April 1, 2014. On February 1,2014 the company
records this entry:
Debit Credit
Retained earnings 1,000,000
Dividends payable 1,000,000
On June 1, 2014 ABC pays the dividends, and records the transaction with this
Debit Credit
Dividends payable 1,000,000
Cash 1,000,000
Stock Dividend
ABC International declares a stock dividend to its shareholders of 10,000
shares. The fair value of the stock is $5.00, and its par value is $1. ABC records the
following entry:
Debit Credit
Retained earnings 50,000
Common stock, $1 par value 10,000
Additional paid-in capital 40,000
Debit Credit
Retained earnings 4,000,000
Dividends payable 4,000,000
On the dividend payment date, ABC records the following entry to record
the payment transaction:
Debit Credit
Dividends payable 4,000,000
Long-term investments - artwork 4,000,000
Scrip Dividend
ABC International declares a $250,000 scrip dividend to its shareholders that has a
10 percent interest rate. At the dividend declaration date, it records the following
Debit Credit
Retained earnings 250,000
Notes payable 250,000
The date of payment is one year later, so that ABC has accrued $25,000 in Check Your Concept
interest expense on the notes payable. On the payment date (assuming no prior
6. What are the different
accrual of the interest expense), ABC records the payment transaction with this forms of stable dividend?
7. What is optimum
Debit Credit dividend payout ratio?
On the dividend payment date, ABC records the following entry to record
the payment transaction:
Debit Credit
Dividends payable 1,600,000
Cash 1,600,000
13.9 Summary
Dividend is the portion of profit which is distributed amongst its shareholders on
the recommendation of board of directors. It can either be paid in cash or in the
form of shares.
The Dividend Decision, in corporate finance, is a decision made by the directors
of a company about the amount and timing of any cash payments made to the
company's stockholders. The Dividend Decision is important as it may influence
its capital structure and stock price of any company.
On the basis of impact of dividend payout on firm value, there are two different
and conflicting schools of thought: relevance and irrelevance dividend theories.
According to one school of thought the dividends are irrelevant and the amount
Check Your Concept
of dividends paid does not affect the value of the firm while the other theory
considers that the dividend decision is relevant to the value of the firm. 10. Differentiate between
bonus issue and stock
According to Modigliani and Merton Miller value of the firm is determined by split?
the basic earning power, the firm's risk and not by the distribution of earnings.
11. Why companies issue
The value of the firm therefore depends on the investment decisions and not
bonus shares.
the dividend decision.
The Walter approach is based on the cost of equity and the rate of return on Corporate Finance : 223
Dividend Decision reinvestment. In case of higher reinvestment rate compare to cost of capital,
firm value can be increased by retaining the profit. In opposite situation, firm
should prefer the higher pay out for increasing firm value.
Gordon approach based on bird-in-the-hand theory advocate that shareholders
are risk-averse and prefer to receive dividend payments rather than future
NOTES capital gains. That is why market price of shares of high-payout companies will
command premium.
Web resources:
1. Bhattacharya, S. (2012). 'Why Companies Do and Do Not Pay
Dividends', Forbes India. Available at
2. DeAngelo, H., DeAngelo, L, Stulz, R. (2006). "Dividend policy and
the earned/contributed capital mix: a test of the life-cycle theory",
Journal of Financial Economics 81, pp. 227-254.
3. Feldstein, Martin, and Jerry Green. 1983. Why do companies pay
dividends? American Economic Review Issue, 73, No.1, pp. 17-30.
4. Dividend Policy: Its Impact on Firm Value (Harvard Business School
Press, Boston, Massachusttes).
5. Malkawi, H., Raffery, M., Pillai, R., (2010). Dividend Policy: A Review
of Theories and Empirical Evidence, International Bulletin of Business
Administration, Issue 9.
14.0 Introduction
The assets and liabilities of a business can be classified on the basis of the duration
as fixed assets and current assets and as long-term liabilities and short-term or
current liabilities. The fixed assets are retained in the business to earn profits during
the life of these assets and are not for sale. Examples of fixed assets are land,
building, machinery, long term investments, etc. Short -term assets or current assets
on the other hand are the liquid assets of the company, which are held either in cash
or other forms which can be easily converted into cash within one accounting period,
usually a year. Similarly the long term liabilities are the obligations of the company
Corporate Finance : 227
Working Capital Management which are repayable over the period greater than the accounting period like the
share capital, debentures, long-term loans, etc. Short -term liabilities or current liabilities
have to be paid within the accounting period and includes sundry creditors, bills
payable, outstanding expenses, short-term loans, etc. Short-term, or current, assets
and liabilities are collectively known as working capital. Table 11.1 show the structure
NOTES of the current assets and current liabilities commonly present.
Table 14.1: Structure of Current Assets and Liabilities
The gross working capital is financial or going concern concept while net
working capital is an accounting concept of working capital. These two concepts of
working capital are not exclusive. The net working capital may be suitable only for
proprietary form of organizations such as sole-trader or partnership firms. The gross
concept of working capital, on the other hand, is suitable to the company form of
organization where there is diverse between ownership, management and control.
The task of the financial manager is to keep the working capital at the
efficient level so that there is sufficient liquidity in the firm and the long term sources
of funds are not over invested in current assets. The liquidity of the business is
measured by the ability of the firm to meet its short term obligations when they
become due. The three basic measures of liquidity are:
a. Current Ratio: current assets/current liabilities.
b. Acid -Test (Quick Ratio): Quick Assets / current liabilities
Corporate Finance : 229
Working Capital Management c. Net working Capital : Current Assets - Current liabilities
Normally the current ratio at the level of 2:1, quick ratio at the level of 1:1
and positive net working capital are considered as good level of working capital.
However, it may change form industry to industry. The concept of gross working
capital and net working capital can be understood form the following example:
Example 14.1: Calculation of Working Capital Measurements
Current Assets (in Rs lakhs) Current Liabilities (in Rs lakhs)
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
Cash 203 Short - term loans 132
Short term financial Accounts payable 356
investments 138
Accounts receivable 470 Accrued income taxes 67
Inventories 455 Current due on long term
debt 83
Other current assets 264 Other current liabilities 575
Total 1530 Total 1214
Gross working capital = Total Current Assets = Rs.1,530
Net working capital = Total current Assets - Total Current Liabilities = Rs.1,530 -
Rs.1,214 = Rs.316
Current ratio = current Assets/ Current Liabilities = 1,530 / 1,214 = 1.26
Quick Ratio = (current assets - Inventory- other current assets)/ current liabilities
=Rs 811/1214
= 0.67
The total of inventory conversion period and debtors' conversion period is referred
to as Operating Cycle (OC) and symbolically represented as:
Operating Cycle (OC) = RMCP + WIPCP + FGCP + DCP
The difference between operating cycle and the payable period is Cash Cycle (CC).
Cash cycle is also termed as net operating cycle, asset conversion cycle, working
capital cycle or cash conversion cycle. Thus,
Cash Cycle (CC) = OC - CDP
The various terms in the orating cycle are calculated as under:
Average Payments
Net Credit Purchases per day NOTES
RMCP = Raw Material Conversion Period
WIPCP = Work- in- Progress Conversion Period
FGCP = Finished Goods Conversion Period
DCP = Debtors Conversion Period
CDP= Creditors Deferral Period
Example 14.2
DX had the following balances in its trial balance at 31 March 2010. You are required
to calculate the length of DX's working capital cycle.
Trial balance extract at 31 March 2010
Sales Revenue 2,40, 000
Cost of sales 1,40, 000
Purchases in the year 1,60,000
Inventories 36, 000
Trade receivables 29,000
Trade payables 19,000
Cash and cash equivalents 9,500
Check Your Concept
a. Inventory Conversion Period (ICP) = (Inventory/ Cost of sales ) x365 =
3. What is the difference
(36,000/140000)x 365 = 93.86 days
between temporary
b. Debtors Conversion Period (DCP) = (Trade receivables / credit sales) x and permanent working
365 days = (29,000/240,000)x365 = 44.10 days capital?
c. Creditors Payable Period (CDP) = (Trade payables / purchases) x 365 4. What are the
days = (19,000/160,000)x365 = 43.44 days disadvantages of excess
Operating Cycle = ICP (Inventory conversion Period) +DCP (Debtors working capital?
Conversion Period) = 93.86 days + 44.10 days = 137.96 = 138 days 5. Explain the components
Cash Conversion Cycle =ICP (Inventory conversion Period) +DCP of operating cycle.
(Debtors Conversion Period) - CDP (Creditors Payable Period) = 93.86
Corporate Finance : 235
Working Capital Management days + 44.10 days - 43.44 days = 94.52 = 95 days
From the above example it is clear that it takes 95 days to the company
from procurement of its raw material to finally realize the cash on sales
of goods.
a. Nature of Business
The working capital requirements of a firm basically depend upon the nature
of its business. The two relevant features in the nature of the business are
the cash nature of the business that is cash sale and the sale of services
instead of commodities. Public utility undertakings like electricity, water supply
Corporate Finance : 236
and railways need very limited working capital because they offer only cash Working Capital Management
sales and supply services. As such no funds are tied up in inventories and
receivables. Similarly, the working capital needs will be eats in the hotels,
restaurants and eating houses. On the other hand, trading and financial firms
require less investment in fixed assets, but have to invest large amount in
Current Assets like materials, receivables and cash. The manufacturing firms NOTES
also require sizable working capital along with fixed investments.
b. Size of Business/Scale of Operation
Generally, the greater the size of a business unit, the larger will be the
requirements of working capital. Though, in some cases a smaller concern
may also need more working capital due to high overhead charges, inefficient
use of available resources and other economic disadvantages of small size.
c. Production Policy
The working capital needs are affected by the production policy. For example,
in certain business lines the demand is subject to wide fluctuations due to
seasonal variations, and the requirement of working capital depends upon the
production policy. Production could be kept either steady by accumulating
inventories during slack periods with a view to meet high demand during the
peak season or the production could be curtailed during the slack season and
increased during the peak season. If the policy is to keep production steady
by accumulating inventories it will require higher working capital.
d. Length of Production Cycle
The production cycle refers to the time involved in the manufacture of goods.
It covers the time period from procurement of the raw materials and completion
of the manufacturing process leading to the production of finished goods.
The requirement of working capital increases in direct proportion to the length
of manufacturing process. The longer the process period of manufacture, the
greater will be the amount of working capital required.
e . Availability of Raw Materials
In certain industries raw materials are not available throughout the year.
They have to buy raw materials in bulk during the season to ensure an
uninterrupted flow and process it during the entire year. A huge amount is
blocked in the form of material inventories during such season which gives
rise to more working capital requirements. This uncertainty leads to the
business having larger working capital requirements in the busy season than
in the slack season.
f. Working Capital Cycle
In a manufacturing concern the working capital cycle starts with the purchase
of raw materials and ends with the realization of cash from the sale of finished
products. The speed with which the working capital completes one cycle Corporate Finance : 237
Working Capital Management determines the requirement of working capital. The larger the period of cycle,
the greater will be the requirement of working capital.
g. Rate of Stock Turnover
There is a high degree of inverse relationship between the quantum of working
NOTES capital and the velocity or speed with which the sales are affected. A firm
having a high rate of stock turnover will need lower amount of working capital
as compared to a firm having a low rate of turnover.
h. Credit Policy
In some firms most of the sale is at cash and even it is received in advance
while, in other sales is at credit and payments are received only after a month
or two. In former case less working capital is needed than the later. The
credit terms depend largely on norms of industry but enterprise some flexibility
and discretion. The credit policy affects the requirements of working capital
in two ways: (1) through credit terms granted by the firm to its customers/
buyers of goods and services and (2) credit terms available to the firm from
its creditors. In order to ensure that unnecessary funds are not tied up in book
debts, the enterprise should follow a rationalized credit policy based on the
credit standing of the customers and other relevant factors.
i. Business Cycle
Business cycle refers to alternate expansion and contraction in general business
activity. The period of boom or upward phase, the larger amount of working
capital is required. On the contrary, in times of depression or downswing
phase firms the demand is less and the sale tends to fall and the need for
working capital declines.
j. Growth Rate
The working capital requirements of a concern increases with the growth
and expansion of its business activities. In a fast growing concern large amount
of working capital is required even though the relationship between the growth
in the volume of business and the growth in the working capital is difficult to
determine. The critical fact, however, is that the need for increased working
capital funds does not follow growth in business activities but precedes it. It
is clear that advance planning is essential for a growing concern.
k. Earning Capacity and Dividend Policy
The levels of profits differ from one enterprise to another. The net profit is
the source of working capital to the extent it is earned in cash. Thus, the high
profit margins improve the prospects of generating more internal funds and
contributing to the working capital pool. Firms with high earning capacity
may generate cash profits from operations and contribute to the working
capital. Likewise, the payment of dividend has also the bearing on the working
capital. The payment of dividend requires cash and affects the working capital
Corporate Finance : 238 to that extent. Thus a firm that maintains a steady high rate of cash dividend,
irrespective of its quantum of profits, had less funds available for working Working Capital Management
capital and its working capital investment is reduced.
l. Price Level Changes
Generally the rising prices will require the firm to maintain larger amount of
Working Capital as more funds will be required to maintain the same Current NOTES
Assets. Some firms may be affected much while some others may not be
affected at all by the rise in prices.
m. Taxation Rate
Taxes are the first appropriation of profits and the management has no
discretion in this respect. The payment of taxes is often made in advance and
the firm needs to make provisions for taxation in advance. Since the tax
liability is short term liability and paid in cash, if the tax liability increases, it
leads to the increase in working capital requirements and vice versa.
n. Management ability
Proper co-ordination in production and distribution of goods may reduce the
requirement of working capital, as minimum funds will be invested in absolute
inventory, non-recoverable debts, etc.
o. Other factors
Certain other factors such as operating efficiency, management ability,
irregularities of supply, import policy, assets structure, importance of labor
and banking facilities, depreciation policy followed by the firm also influence
the requirements of Working Capital.
Example 14.3
ABC Company is new business which wants to know its working capital requirements for
next year. The following information is available about the projections for the current year:
Per unit
Elements of cost: (Rs.)
Raw material 40
Direct labor 15
Overhead 30
Total cost 85
Profit 15
Sales 100
Corporate Finance : 242
Other information Working Capital Management
Calculation of Working Capital Requirement
(A) Current Assets Rs. Rs.
i. Stock of material for 4 weeks (96,000 x 40 x 4/52) 2,95,385
ii. Work in progress for month or 2 weeks
Material (96,000 x 40 x 2/52) x 0.5 73,846
Labor (96,000 x 15 x 2/52) x 0.5 27,692
Overhead (96,000 x 30 x 2/52) x0.5 55,385 1 56,923
iii. Finished stock (96,000 x 85 x 4/52) 6,27,692
iv. Debtors for 2 months (96,000x 85 x 8/52) 12,55,385
Cash in hand or at bank 50,000
Investment in Current Assets 23, 85,385
(B) Current Liabilities
b. Conservative Approach
The financing policy of the firm is said to be conservative when it depends
more on long-term funds for financing needs. Under this approach, the firm
finances its permanent assets and also a part of temporary Current Assets
with long-term financing. In the periods when the firm has no need for
temporary Current Assets, the idle long-term funds can be invested in tradable
securities to conserve liquidity.
14.9 Summary
Working Capital is the difference between resources in cash or readily
convertible into cash (Current Assets) and organizational commitments
for which cash will soon be required (Current Liabilities). It refers to the
amount of Current Assets that exceeds Current Liabilities.
Objectives of Working Capital Management are to decide the optimum
Level of Investment in various WC Assets, decide Optimal Mix of Short
Term and Long Term Capital and decide appropriate means of Short
Term Financing. Two Steps involved in the Working Capital Management
are (i) Forecasting the Amount of Working Capital (ii) Determining the
Sources of Working Capital.
Working Capital Management is important because Working Capital is
the Life Blood of the Business. Fixed Assets (Long Term Assets) can
be purchased on Lease/Hire Purchase but Current Assets cannot be.
Both the excess and deficit working has disadvantages to the firm. Thus
the firm has to strike balance between Liquidity and Profitability
Gross Concept of working capital means total Current Assets. This is
knows as Quantitative aspect of Working Capital (Focus is on (i) Optimum
Investment in Current Assets and (ii) Financing of Current Assets).
Net Concept of working capital means difference between Currents
Assets & Current Liabilities. This is knows as Qualitative aspect of
Working Capital. (Focus is on (i) Liquidity Position of the Firm and (ii)
WC Amount that can be financed by Permanent sources of Funds)
Operating cycle/ working capital cycle is Cash -> Raw-Materials ->
Work-in-Process -> Finished Goods -> Cash.
Factors affecting Working Capital/ Determinants of Working Capital
are - Nature of Business/Industry; Size of Business/Scale of Operations;
Growth prospects; Business Cycle; Manufacturing Cycle; Operating
Cycle & Rapidity of Turnover; Operating Efficiency; Profit Margin;
Corporate Finance : 248
Profit Appropriation; Depreciation Policy; Taxation Policy; Dividend Working Capital Management
Policy and Government Regulations.
The various methods of estimating Working capital needs are
Conservative Approach, Components Approach, Operating Cycle
Approach, Ratio of Current Assets to Fixed Assets and Current Assets
Holding Period.
Working capital financing requires the selection the right mix of long
trams as well as short term sources of funds.
The principles that guide the financing of working capital are the principle
of Risk Variation, principle of Equity Position, principle of cost of capital
and the principle of maturity of payment.
Various approaches to finance the working capital are the Hedging/
Matching approach, Conservative Approach and the aggressive approach.
14. During January 20X4, Gazza Ltd made credit sales of Rs.30,000, which
have a 25% mark up. It also purchased Rs.20,000 of inventories on
credit. Calculate by how much the working capital will increase or
decrease as a result of the above transactions?
[Hint: Increase in trade receivables Rs. 30,000 ; Increase in trade payables
(Rs.20,000) ; Inventories - increase due to purchases Rs. 20,000 ;
Inventories - Decrease due to sales (i.e. COS) {30,000 x 100 / 125}
(Rs.24,000) ]
[Ans: Increase in WC by Rs. 6,000]
15. Agile Ltd has an annual turnover of Rs.18m on which it earns a margin
of 20%. All the sales and purchases are made on credit and it has a
policy of maintaining the following levels of inventories, trade receivables
and payables throughout the year.
Inventory = Rs.2 million
Trade receivable = Rs. 5 million
Trade payable = Rs. 2.5 million
You are required to calculate Agile Ltd's cash cycle to the nearest day?
[Ans: 89 Days]
1. Ross, Westerfield & Jaffe, "Fundamental of Corporate Finance",
TMH Publication.
2. Brealey, Myers & Allen, "Principles of Corporate Finance", TMH
3. Van Horne and Wachowicz , "Fundamentals of Financial
Management", Pearson Education
4. Chandra, Prasanna, "Financial Management", TMH Publication.
5. Khan, M.Y. and Jain, P.K., "Financial Management- Text, Problems and
cases", TMH Publication.
6. Damodaran, A., "Corporate Finance- Theory & Practice", Wiley
7. Pandey, I.M, "Financial Management", Vikas Publication House Pvt.
Ltd, New Delhi.
8. Kapil, S. "Financial Management", Pearson Education.
Corporate Finance : 251
Working Capital Management 9. Maheshwari S.N., "Financial Management: Principles and
Practices", Sultan Chand & Sons.
Web resources:
1. "Concept of Working Capital Management". Available at http://
2. Mathur, S.N. (2010). "Working Capital Management". Available at
15.0 Introduction NOTES
15.1 Unit Objectives
15.2 Concept of Inventories
15.3 Costs Associated With Inventories
15.4 Motives of Holding Inventories
15.5 Inventory Management
15.6 Inventory Management Techniques
15.6.1 Economic Order Quantity
15.6.2 Reorder Level
15.7 Inventory Control Systems
15.7.1 ABC Analysis
15.7.2 VED Analysis
15.7.3 Just-in-Time
15.8 Key Terms
15.9 Summary
15.10 Questions and Exercises
15.11 Further Readings and References
15.0 Introduction
Inventory is the stock of any item or resource used in an organization. An inventory
system is the set of policies and controls that monitor levels of inventory and determine
what levels should be maintained, when stock should be replenished, and how large
orders should be. Inventories occupy the most strategic position in the structure of
working capital of most business enterprises. It constitutes the largest component of
current asset in most business enterprises. Over inventory or under inventory both
have an effect on financial health of the business as well on business opportunities.
Inventories are the most important part of working capital in most of the business
because of its large contribution to current assets. Due to huge funds tied up with
inventories, a proper management of inventories is very much desirable for the
success of any business. That is the reason why Inventor manager has to achieve
the optimum level of inventory and ensure that the business has the right goods on
Corporate Finance : 253
Inventory Management hand to avoid stock-outs and to prevent spoilage. The basic purpose of inventory
analysis, whether in manufacturing, distribution, retail, or services, is to specify (1)
when items should be ordered and (2) how large the order should be. Many firms
are tending to enter into longer-term relationships with vendors to supply their needs
for perhaps the entire year. This changes the "when" and "how many to order" to
NOTES "when" and "how many to deliver." This unit explore the concept of inventory,
techniques of managing inventories and how to finance inventory in any organization.
Spare part inventories are mainly held for purpose of coping up with untimely
breakdowns in machinery and facilities. This may form a minor part of the
inventory, however are as necessary as holding raw materials inventory.
15.3 Cost Associated with Investories
Inventory is very much essential and major contributor to corporate profitability of
every business. That is why management must carefully determine when various
items should be ordered, how much to order each time, and how often to order to
meet customer needs so that overall cost of inventory can be minimized. Broadly
following cost are associated with inventory.
2. Ordering costs
Ordering costs are those fees associated with placing an order, including expenses
related to personnel in purchasing department, communications, and the handling
of related paper work. Lowering these costs would be accomplished by placing
small number of orders, each for a large quantity. Unlike carrying costs, ordering
expenses are generally expressed as a monetary value per order.
3. Stock-out costs
They include sales that are lost, both short and long term, when a desired item
is not available; the costs associated with back ordering the missing item; or
expenses related to stopping the production line because a component part has
not arrived. These charges are probably the most difficult to compute, but
arguably the most important because they represent the costs incurred by
customers when an inventory policy falters. Failing to understand these expenses
can lead management to maintain higher inventory levels than customer
requirements may justify
15.6 Inventory Management Techniques
The primary objective of inventory management is to minimize the overall cost of
inventory so that profitability of firm can be maximized. It can be achieved through
maintaining the optimum level of inventory all the time. Optimum level of inventory
can be managed by answering two basic questions.
What should be the size of order?
When should it be ordered?
First question can be answered by determining Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)
and second question by determining Re-order Level.
Economic order quantity can also be calculated by using mathematical model which
is known as Wilson EOQ Model or Wilson Formula. The model was developed by F.
W. Harris in 1913, but R. H. Wilson, a consultant who applied it extensively. EOQ is
essentially an accounting formula that determines the point at which the combination
of order costs and inventory carrying costs are the least. The result is the most cost
effective quantity to order. In purchasing this is known as the order quantity, in
manufacturing it is known as the production lot size.
Assumptions of EOQ model
Demand is known and constant.
Maximum Inventory
Re-order point
Source :
2 D CO
A = Annual Demand of Inventory
CO = Ordering Cost Per order
CH = Holding Cost Per Unit
An auto parts supplier sells Hardy-brand batteries to car dealers and auto mechanics.
The annual demand is approximately 1,200 batteries. The supplier pays Rs.28 for
each battery and estimates that the annual holding cost is 30 percent of the battery's
value. It costs approximately Rs.20 to place an order (managerial and clerical costs).
You are required to :
a. Determine the economic order quantity (EOQ).
b. How many orders will be placed per year using the EOQ?
c. Determine the ordering, holding, and total inventory costs for the EOQ.
Solution :
The reorder level is that level of stock at which a purchase requisition is initiated by
the storekeeper for replenishing the stock. This level is set between the maximum
and the minimum level in such a way that before the material ordered for is received
into the stores, there is sufficient quantity on hand to cover both normal and abnormal
circumstances. The fixation of ordering level depends upon two important factors
viz, the maximum delivery period and the maximum rate of consumption. In designing
reorder point subsystem, three items of information are needed as inputs to the
Usage rate
This is the rate per day at which the item is consumed in production or sold
to customers. It is expressed in units. It may be calculated by dividing annual
sales by 365 days. If the sales are 50,000 units the usage rate is 50,000/365
= 137 Units per day.
Lead time
This is the amount of time between placing an order and receiving goods.
This information is usually provided by the purchasing department. The time
to allow for an order to arrive may be estimated from a check of the company's
record and the time taken in the past for different suppliers to fill orders.
Safety stock
The minimum level of inventory may be expressed in terms of several days'
sales. The level can be calculated by multiplying the usage rate and time in
the number of days that the firm wants to hold as a protection against
Re-order level = (Lead Time * Consumption rate) + Safety stock.
Example 12.2
You are required to calculate the re-order level of raw material for Bharat limited,
manufacturer of furniture from the following in formations:
Annual Consumption(360 days) 12000 units
Cost per unit Rs.1
Normal Lead Time 15 Days
Safety Stock 30 Days Consumption
Solution :
Annual Consumption = 1200 unit
Lead Time = 15 Days
Corporate Finance : 261
Inventory Management Safety Stock = 30 days Consumption
Re-Order Level = (Lead time x Consumption Rate) + Safety Stock
= 15 33.3 + 1000
= 500 + 1000
= 1500 units
15.9 Summary
Inventories occupy the most strategic position in the structure of working
capital of most business enterprises. It constitutes the largest component
of current asset in most business enterprises.
The key decision in manufacturing and retail businesses is how much
inventory to keep on hand. Inventory decisions involve a delicate balance
between three classes of costs: ordering costs, holding costs, and shortage
Costs of inventories are very closely related to size of inventories, so the
manager should decide precisely about the quantity to order and at what
time these order should be placed.
EQO represent the point where total ordering cost is equal to total holding
cost and total cost of inventory is minimum.
Fixation of various inventory levels such as Re-order level, minimum Corporate Finance : 265
Inventory Management stock level, maximum stock level and safety stock level helps in proper
inventory management.
Proper inventory management can only be achieved through proper
monitoring for that purpose various techniques like JIT, ABC analysis
are used.
15.10 Questions And Excercises
1. Define Inventory and its types. Also discuss the concept of Inventory
2. Explain various reasons for holding inventory in any organization.
3. What do you understand by Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) ? Explain
the procedure of calculating EOQ.
4. Explain the selective control of inventory? Why is it needed?
5. What are the various cost associated with inventory?
6. Imagine that you work for Game World and you have been asked to
decide on the best inventory control policy for the computer game 'Aliens'.
You are told that the demand is fairly constant at 5000 units' p.a. and it
costs Rs.14.40 to place an order. You are also told that the storage cost
of holding one unit of the game per annum is Rs.5. determine the EOQ
for the Game World.
7. A firm uses 1,100 units of a raw material per annum, the price of which
is Rs 1,500 per unit. The order cost per order is Rs 150 and the carrying
cost of the inventory is Rs 200 per unit. Find the EOQ and the number of
orders that are to be made during the year.
8. Total demand for a commodity is 1000 tonnes in time T. The carrying
cost is Rs 20 per tonne of stock during time T, and the order cost is Rs 2
per order. Find out:
a. The EOQ and the number of orders. How long will a particular order of
inventory last?
b. The EOQ if the order cost comes down to Re 1.
9. EOQ is 14.1421 tonnes with a total demand for the stock being 1000
tonnes, order cost being Rs 2 per order and carrying cost being Rs 20
per tonne. The supplier provides discount at the rate of Re 0.10 each
tonne if the purchase amount is at least 20 tonnes. Should the firm place
an order for 20 tonnes in order to avail of the discount?
10. X Ltd. uses 1,000 electric drills per year in our production process. The
ordering cost for these is Rs.100 per order and the carrying cost is
assumed to be 40% of the unit cost. In orders of less than 120, drills cost
Rs.78 per unit; for orders of 120 or more the cost drops to Rs.50 per
unit. Should company take advantage of the quantity discount?
Corporate Finance : 266
Inventory Management
15.11 Further Readings and References
1. Ross, Westerfield & Jaffe, "Fundamental of Corporate Finance",
TMH Publication.
2. Brealey, Myers & Allen, "Principles of Corporate Finance", TMH NOTES
3. Van Horne and Wachowicz , "Fundamentals of Financial
Management", Pearson Education
4. Chandra, Prasanna, "Financial Management", TMH Publication.
5. Khan, M.Y. and Jain, P.K., "Financial Management- Text, Problems and
cases", TMH Publication.
6. Damodaran, A., "Corporate Finance- Theory & Practice", Wiley
7. Pandey, I.M, "Financial Management", Vikas Publication House Pvt.
Ltd, New Delhi.
8. Kapil, S. "Financial Management", Pearson Education.
Web resources:
1. Motives of Holding Inventories, available at: http://
2. Concept and types of inventories, available at:
3. Objectives of inventory Management, available at:
4. Economic order quantity, available at: article=1006 &
context = imesp
5. Reorder level, available at:
6. ABC Analysis, available at:
16.0 Introduction NOTES
16.1 Unit Objectives
16.2 Motives for Holding Cash
16.3 Objectives of Cash Management
16.4 Factors Affecting the Cash Requirements
16.5 Determination of Cash Needs
16.6 Cash Management Strategies
16.7 Cash Management Techniques
16.8 Cash Management Practices in India
16.9 Key Terms
16.10 Summary
16.11 Questions and Exercises
16.12 Practical Problems
16.13 Further Readings and References
16.0 Introduction
Cash is considered as one of the most important areas of working capital management
because of its liquidity. The question arises, "Why Cash is so important?" - The
answer is "Because of its liquidity". Cash is the ready currency to which all the
current assets can be reduced. Cash is the lifeblood of the business and is important
for the short-term stability and long-term survival of the firm. Cash management
also includes cash equivalents. Cash equivalents are the near cash assets like the
deposits in banks and marketable securities because of their ease with which they
can be converted into cash. The cash equivalents fulfill the cash requirements when
in need. Cash management is important to meet the cash expenditure needs of the
business and reduce the additional blockage of funds in cash and cash equivalents.
The unit explains the significance of cash management and the process used in
management of cash.
NOTES It is the length of the time between the payment for purchase of raw material
& receipt of sales revenue. So, the cash cycles refer to the time that elapsed
from the point when the firm makes an outlay to purchase raw material to the
point when cash is collected from the sale of finished goods produced using
that raw material.
The longer cash cycle means large cash needs of the firm because the time
difference between the cash outflows and inflows is more and so the firm will
have to maintain sufficient cash balance to meet the payments schedule for
the period. The smaller cash cycle means that the time difference between
the cash outflows and inflows is less and so the firm will have to maintain
small cash balance to meet the payments schedule for the smaller period.
b. Synchronization of Cash Inflows & Cash Outflows
Every firm has to maintain cash balance because its expected inflows &
outflows rates are not always synchronized. The timings of cash inflows may
not always match the timings of the outflows. Therefore a cash balance is
required to fill up the gap arising out of difference in timings & quantum of
inflows and outflows. If the inflows are appearing just at the time when cash
is required for payment, then no cash balance will be required to be maintained
by the firm.
c. Cost of Cash Balance
Another factor to be considered while determining the minimum cash balance
is the cost of maintaining excess cash or of meeting shortage of cash. If the
firm is maintaining excess cash then it is missing the opportunities of investing
these funds in a profitable way. Similarly, if the firm is maintaining inadequate
cash balance then it may be required to arrange funds on an emergency basis
to meet any unexpected shortage. Even if the shortage is expected to continue
Corporate Finance : 272 only for a short period, yet the funds are to be arranged & there will always
be a cost (may be more than normal cost) of raising fund. If the cash shortage Cash Management
cost is lower than the excess cash balance cost, the firm tends to maintain
large balances and vice versa.
d. Other Considerations
In addition to the above factors, there may be some other considerations also NOTES
affecting the need for cash balance. There may be several subjective
considerations such as uncertainties of a particular trade, staff required for
cash management activities etc., which will have a bearing on determining the
cash balance required by a firm.
17.0 Introduction NOTES
17.1 Unit Objectives
17.2 Concept of Receivable
17.3 Cost Associated with Receivable
17.4 Receivable Management
17.5 Credit Policy
17.5.1 Types of Credit Policy
17.4.2 Optimum Credit Policy
17.6 Credit Standard and Analysis
17.7 Credit Terms
17.8 Collection Policy and Procedures
17.9 Factoring
17.9.1. Type of Factoring
17.10 Key Terms
17.11 Summary
17.12 Questions and Exercises
17.13 Further Readings and References
17.0 Introduction
Management of Receivables also known as management of trade credit is one of
three primary components of working capital, the other being inventory and cash.
Receivables occupy second important place after inventories and thereby constitute
a substantial portion of current assets in several firms. The capital invested in
receivables is almost of the same amount as that invested in cash and inventories.
Receivables thus, form about one third of current assets in India. Trade credit is an
important market tool. As, it acts like a bridge for mobilization of goods from production
to distribution stages in the field of marketing. Since real profit only occurs when an
invoice is paid, but in a modern "trade credit" economy, in order to keep customers
and grow your business you need to offer credit terms. Even with the buyer's
agreement on when payment is supposed to be due, payments will often lag, putting
a dent in your cash flow or worse, forcing you to increase borrowing to maintain
Corporate Finance : 287
Receivable Management operations. Poor accounts receivable practices equal poor cash flow, so proper
management of these account receivable is critical for the success of any business.
The main objective of this unit is to explore the concept of receivables management,
its importance and various strategies or methods of receivables management.
When a firm sells goods for cash, payments are received immediately and, therefore,
no receivables are credited. However, when a firm sells goods or services on credit,
the payments are postponed to future dates and receivables are created. Accounts
receivables constitute a significant portion of the total currents assets of the business
next after inventories. They are direct consequences of "trade credit" which has
become an essential marketing tool in modern business. When goods and services
are sold under an agreement permitting the customer to pay for them at a later date,
the amount due from the customer is recorded as accounts receivables. Receivables
are assets accounts representing amounts owed to the firm as a result of the credit
sale of goods and services in the ordinary course of business.
17.9 Factoring
Factoring is a financial technique where a specialized firm (factor) purchases from
the clients accounts receivables that result from the sales of goods or the provision
of services to customers. In this way, the customer of the client firm becomes the
debtor of the factor and has to fulfil its obligations towards the factor directly. The
factoring agreement usually assumes that the whole credit risks as well as the
collection of the accounts are taken by the factor. Factoring offers enterprises,
Check Your Concept particularly small and medium ones, a means of financing their need for working
4. What is optimal credit capital, but also an instrument of collection of receivables and default risk hedging.
policy? Factoring is often used synonymously with accounts receivable funding. Factoring
is a form of commercial funding whereby a business sells its accounts receivable (in
5. What are the sources
the form of invoices) at a discount. Effectively, the business is no longer dependent
of obtaining credit
on the conversion of accounts receivable to cash from the actual payment from
their customers, which takes place on typical 30 to 90 day terms. Businesses benefit
6. What is the difference from the acceleration of cash flow.
beetween recourse
and non-recousrse 17.9.1 Types of Factoring
There are a number of types of factoring in both theory and practice. They depend
on the relation between the main actors in the factoring operation. Some basic data
on factoring are given below:
Recourse Factoring
In recourse factoring, the factor turns to the client (seller), if the receivables
become bad, i.e. if the customer does not pay on maturity. The risk of bad
receivables remains with the client, and the factor does not assume any risk
Corporate Finance : 294 associated with the receivables. The factor provides the service of receivables
collection, but does not cover the risk of the buyer failing to pay the debt. The Receivable Management
factor can recover the funds from the seller (client) in the case of such
default. The seller assumes the risks associated with the credit and the buyer's
creditworthiness. The factor charges the seller for the management of
receivables and debt collection services, while also charging interest on the
amount advanced to the client (seller). NOTES
Non-recourse Factoring
In non-recourse factoring, the factor assumes the risk of non-payment by the
client's customers. The factor cannot demand any outstanding amount from
the client (seller). The commission or fees charged for non-recourse factoring
services are higher than for recourse factoring. The factor assumes the risk
of non-payment on maturity and consequently takes an additional fee called a
"del credere commission".
17.11 Summary
Receivables arise out of credit sales for which payment has not yet
received. This process of credit sales involves costs such finance cost,
opportunity cost and time cost that is why its management is very
important. To maximize the value of the firm, these costs must be
controlled and managed properly.
Volume of receivable depends on the extent of credit sales, credit policy
and the collection efforts of a firm.
Effective receivable management can be done by determining the trade-
off between the cost of receivable and profitability of additional credit
Credit terms refer to the conditions recognized by the firms for making
credit sale of the goods to its buyers. In other words, credit terms mean
the terms of payments of the receivables.
Collection policy of firm should focus on the acceleration of credit
collection and reduction of bad debt. Cash discount policy can be used
for seed up repayment of credit sales.
Factoring can be used for accounts receivable funding. Factoring is a
form of commercial funding whereby a business sells its accounts
receivable at a discount. Effectively, the business is no longer dependent
Corporate Finance : 296
on the conversion of accounts receivable to cash from the actual payment Receivable Management
from their customers, which takes place on typical 30 to 90 day terms.
Businesses benefit from the acceleration of cash flow.
1. What is trade debt? What are the costs involved in extension of credit to
the customers?
2. Effective management of receivable is essential for achieving
organizational objectives. Do you agree? Discuss the statement in the
light of effect of receivable management on firm value.
3. Explain the importance of Receivable management.
4. Taking an example of Cement industry, comment on the receivable
management policies of the Top 5 plays in the Cement Industry.
5. Explain the objectives of credit policy? What is an optimum credit policy?
6. What is factoring? Explain the difference between factoring and bill
7. Explain the process of credit analysis in detail.
8. Discuss the role of credit rating in receivables management.
9. Taking an example of Service industry, comment on the credit policy of
the firms operating in this industry.
10. Discuss the various sources of information to be obtained before granting
credit to a customer.
10. Discuss the various sources of information to be obtained before granting
credit to a customer.
11. Differentiate between recourse and non- recourse factoring?
12. How are the five Cs of credit used to perform in-depth credit analysis?
Why this framework is typically used only on high-dollar credit requests?
13. How is credit scoring used in the credit selection process? In what types
of situations is it most useful?
14. What are the key variables to consider when evaluating the benefits and
costs of changing credit standards? How do these variables differ when
evaluating the benefits and costs of changing credit terms?
15. Why should a firm actively monitor the accounts receivable of its credit
customers? Explain with suitable illustrations.
1. Ross, Westerfield & Jaffe, "Fundamental of Corporate Finance", TMH
NOTES Publication.
2. Brealey, Myers & Allen, "Principles of Corporate Finance", TMH
3. Van Horne and Wachowicz , "Fundamentals of Financial Management",
Pearson Education
4. Chandra, Prasanna, "Financial Management", TMH Publication.
5. Khan, M.Y. and Jain, P.K., "Financial Management- Text, Problems and
cases", TMH Publication.
6. Damodaran, A., "Corporate Finance- Theory & Practice", Wiley
7. Pandey, I.M, "Financial Management", Vikas Publication House Pvt.
Ltd, New Delhi.
8. Kapil, S. "Financial Management", Pearson Education.
Web resources:
1. Concept of receivable management, available at: http://
2. Receivable management, available at:
3. Credit policy, available at:
4. Factoring, available at:
18.0 Introduction
18.1 Unit Objectives NOTES
18.2 Concept of Risk Management
18.3 Types of Financial Risk
18.4 Derivatives
18.5 Types of Derivatives Products
18.5.1 Forward
18.5.2 Future
18.5.3 Options
18.5.4 Swap
17.6 Participants in Derivatives Market
17.7 Key Terms
17.8 Summary
17.9 Questions and Exercises
17.10 Further Readings and References
18.0 Introduction
In every business, decision making involves certain amount of risk. This risk can
broadly be classified as business risk and financial risk. These risks have always
been part of financial activities, but after 1990s risk management has become a key
business function. Now a days due to increased volatility of stock markets forced
managers to pay attention on risk management to reduce the risk. This chapter
describes various financial instruments that help financial institutions in managing
risk in a better way. These instruments, called financial derivatives, have payoffs
that are linked to previously issued securities and extremely useful risk reduction
In this chapter, we mainly focus on most important financial derivatives like
future, forward, option and swaps. We will also look in to the functioning of these
instruments and try to understand that how these instruments reduce the financial risk.
18.4 Derivatives
One of the key features of financial markets is extreme volatility. Prices of foreign
currencies, petroleum and other commodities, equity shares and instruments fluctuate
all the time, and pose a significant risk to those whose businesses are linked to such
fluctuating prices. To reduce this risk, modern finance provides a method called
hedging. Derivatives are widely used for hedging. Of course, some people use it to
speculate as well. A derivative is a financial contract with a value that is derived
from an underlying asset. Derivatives have no direct value in and of themselves -
their value is based on the expected future price movements of their underlying
asset. The underlying asset can be equity, forex, commodity or any other asset. For
example, wheat farmers may wish to sell their harvest at a future date to eliminate
the risk of a change in prices by that date. Such a transaction is an example of a
derivative. The price of this derivative is driven by the spot price of wheat which is
the underlying.
In the Indian context the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956
(SC(R)A) defines derivative to include - Corporate Finance : 301
Derivatives & A security derived from a debt instrument, share, loan whether secured
Risk Management or unsecured, risk instrument or contract for differences or any other
form of security.
A contract which derives its value from the prices, or index of prices, of
underlying securities.
NOTES Derivatives are often used as an instrument to hedge risk for one party of a contract,
while offering the potential for high returns for the other party. Derivatives have
been created to mitigate a remarkable number of risks such as fluctuations in stock,
bond, commodity, and index prices; changes in foreign exchange rates; changes in
interest rates; and weather etc.A derivative is traded between two parties who
are referred to as the counterparties. These counterparties are subject to a pre-
agreed set of terms and conditions that determine their rights and obligations.
Derivatives can be traded on or off an exchange and are known as
Exchange-Traded Derivatives (ETDs): Standardised contracts traded
on a recognised exchange, with the counterparties being the holder and
the exchange. The contract terms are non-negotiable and their prices
are publicly available.
Over-the-Counter Derivatives (OTCs): Bespoke contracts traded
off-exchange with specific terms and conditions determined and agreed
by the buyer and seller (counterparties). As a result OTC derivatives
are more illiquid, eg forward contracts and swaps.
18.5.1 Forward
A forward contract is a private agreement between two parties giving the buyer an
obligation to purchase an asset (and the seller an obligation to sell an asset) at a set
price at a future point in time. The party who agrees to buy the asset is called the
long and the party selling the asset is called the short. The assets often traded in
forward contracts include commodities like grain, precious metals, electricity, oil,
beef, orange juice, and natural gas, but foreign currencies and financial instruments
are also part of todays forward markets.
18.5.2 Futures
A futures contract is an agreement between two parties - a buyer and a seller - to
buy or sell something at a future date. The contact trades on a futures exchange and
is subject to a daily settlement procedure. Future contracts evolved out of forward
contracts and possess many of the same characteristics. Unlike forward contracts,
futures contracts trade on organized exchanges, called future markets. Future
contacts also differ from forward contacts in that they are subject to a daily settlement
procedure. In the daily settlement, investors who incur losses pay them every day to
investors who make profits. In every futures contract, everything is specified: the
quantity and quality of the commodity, the specific price per unit, and the date and
method of delivery. The price of a futures contract is represented by the agreed-
upon price of the underlying commodity or financial instrument that will be delivered
in the future
Essentially a Futures contract has following features
The buyer of a futures contract, the long, agrees to receive delivery;
The seller of a futures contract, the short, agrees to make delivery;
The contracts are traded on exchanges either by open outcry in specified
trading areas (called pits or rings) or electronically via a computerized
Futures contracts are marked to market each day at their end-of-day
settlement prices, and the resulting daily gains and losses are passed
through to the gaining or losing accounts;
Futures contracts can be terminated by an offsetting transaction (i.e., an
equal and opposite transaction to the one that opened the position)
executed at any time prior to the contracts expiration. The vast majority
of futures contracts are terminated by offset or a final cash payment
rather than by delivery; and
The same or similar futures contracts can be traded on more than one
exchange in the United States or elsewhere, although normally one
contract tends to dominate its competitors on other exchanges in terms
of trading activity and liquidity.
Corporate Finance : 303
Derivatives & Difference between futures and forward contracts:
Risk Management
Forward contract Futures contract
Definition A forward contract is an A futures contract is a
agreement between two parties standardized contract, traded
NOTES to buy or sell an asset (which on a futures exchange, to buy
can be of any kind) at a pre- or sell a certain underlying
agreed future point in time at instrument at a certain date in
a specified price. the future, at a specified price.
Structure & Customized to customer needs. Standardized. Initial margin
Purpose Usually no initial payment payment required. Usually
required. Usually used for used for speculation.
Transaction Negotiated directly by the Quoted and traded on the
method buyer and seller Exchange
Market regulation Not regulated Government regulated
market (the Commodity
Futures Trading
Commission or CFTC is the
governing body)
Institutional The contracting parties Clearing House
Risk High counterparty risk Low counterparty risk
Guarantees No guarantee of settlement Both parties must deposit
until the date of maturity only an initial guarantee
the forward price, based on the (margin). The value of the
spot price of the underlying operation is marked to
asset is paid market rates with daily
settlement of profits and
Check Your Concept Contract Maturity Forward contracts generally Future contracts may not
1. What is risk? mature by delivering the necessarily mature by
commodity. delivery of commodity.
2. What do you mean by
price risk? Expiry date Depending on the transaction Standardized
3. What do you mean by Method of pre- Opposite contract with same Opposite contract on the
derivatives? termination or different counterparty. exchange.
4. Difference between Counterparty risk remains
Exchange-Traded while terminating with different
Derivatives (ETDs) counterparty.
and Over-the-Counter Contract size Depending on the transaction Standardized
Derivatives (OTCs). and the requirements of the
contracting parties.
Corporate Finance : 304
Market Primary & Secondary Primary
Derivatives &
18.5.3 Options Risk Management
An options contract is an agreement between a buyer and seller that gives the
purchaser of the option the right, but not the obligation to buy or sell a particular
asset at a later date at an agreed upon price. Options contracts are often used in
securities, commodities, and real estate transactions. It establishes a specific price, NOTES
called the strike price, at which the contract may be exercised, or acted upon.
Contracts also have an expiration date. When an option expires, it no longer has
value and no longer exists.
Option contracts are either put or call options:
Call Option. The owner of a Call Option has the right to purchase
the underlying good at a specific price, and this right lasts until a
specific date.
Put Option. The owner of a Put Option has the right to sell the
underlying good at a specific price, and this right lasts until a specific
date. In the money/at the money/out of money
In case of option contract, when the price of the underlying security is equal to the
strike price, an option is at-the-money. A call option is in-the-money if the strike
price is less than the market price of the underlying security. A put option is in-the-
money if the strike price is greater than the market price of the underlying security.
A call option is out-of-the-money if the strike price is greater than the market price
of the underlying security. A put option is out-of-the money if the strike price is less
than the market price of the underlying security.
8. Differentiate between Interest rate swaps: An interest rate swap is an agreement between
American and two parties to exchange one stream of interest payments for another,
Europen options. over a set period of time. In an interest rate swap, the principal amount
is not actually exchanged between the counterparties, rather interest
payments are exchanged based on a notional amount or notional
Corporate Finance : 306 principal.
Currency swaps: A currency swap is a contract which commits two Derivatives &
Risk Management
counter parties to an exchange, over an agreed period, two streams of
payments in different currencies, each calculated using a different interest
rate, and an exchange, at the end of the period, of the corresponding
principal amounts, at an exchange rate agreed at the start of the contract.
18.8 Summary
19.0 Introduction
A business can grow through either internal expansion or external expansion. In
external option, firm can acquire a running business and expend overnight through
the combination of business. These combinations can be in the form of merger,
acquisitions and takeovers. Mergers and acquisitions have now become a prominent,
and permanent, part of the corporate landscape. A glance at any business newspaper
will indicate that mergers and acquisitions are big business and are taking place all
the time. Some sectors, such as finance, oil, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications,
IT and chemicals, have been transformed since 1994 by the occurrence of very
large-scale mergers and acquisitions. Many corporations are using it with a great
effect to improve their competitive positions. And unlike routine capital investments,
merger and acquisition (M&A) deals often strike like lightning, literally changing a
company's strategic and financial characteristics overnight. It has become significantly
popular in India after 1990s, where India entered in to the Liberalization, Privatization
and Globalization (LPG) era.
19.3 Mergers
The term 'merger' is not defined under the Companies Act, 1956, the Income Tax
Act, 1961 or any other Indian law. Simply put, a merger is a combination of two or
more distinct entities into one; the desired effect being not just the accumulation of
assets and liabilities of the distinct entities, but to achieve several other benefits such
as economies of scale, acquisition of cutting age technology etc. A merger is a
corporate strategy of combining different companies into a single company in order
to enhance the financial and operational strengths of both organizations. In a merger
the owners of separate, roughly equal-sized firms pool their interests in a single firm.
The surviving firm owns the assets and assumes the debts and other liabilities previously
owned or owed by the separate firms. For example, corporation A and corporation
B, of roughly equal size, pool their assets and liabilities into a new corporation AB,
with the shareholders of corporation A holding 40 percent of AB stock and the
shareholders of corporation B holding the remainder, 60 percent of AB stock. Merger
can also be done through absorption, where one firm get absorbed into another firm
and lost its identity. Usually merger occur in a consensual setting, where executives
from the target company help those from the purchaser in a due diligence process to
ensure that the deal is beneficial to both the parties.
19.4 Acquisition
Acquisition is a corporate action in which a company acquire effective control over
the assets or management of other company without any combination of companies.
Therefore in acquisition two or more companies may remain independent but there
may be a change in the control of the companies. Acquisitions are often made as
part of a company's growth strategy whereby it is more beneficial to take over an
existing firm's operations and niche compared to expanding on its own. An acquisition
can be friendly or hostile. In friendly acquisition companies proceed through
negotiations. But in case of hostile acquisition, target company is unwilling bought
without the prior acceptance by the board of target company. An acquisition is not
always results in full legal control. Sometime a company can also have effective
Corporate Finance : 314 control over other company by holding a minority ownership.
Merger and Acquisition
19.5 Difference between Merger and Acquistion
Although merger and acquisition are often used as synonymous terms, there is a
subtle difference between the two concepts. In the case of a merger, two firms
together form a new company. After the merger, the separately owned companies
become jointly owned and obtain a new single identity. When two firms merge, NOTES
stocks of both are surrendered and new stocks in the name of new company are
issued. Generally, mergers take place between two companies of more or less same
size. In these cases, the process is called Merger of Equals. However, with acquisition,
one firm takes over another and establishes its power as the single owner. Generally,
the firm which takes over is the bigger and stronger one. The relatively less powerful,
smaller firm loses its existence, and the firm taking over, runs the whole business
with its own identity. Unlike the merger, stocks of the acquired firm are not
surrendered, but bought by the public prior to the acquisition, and continue to be
traded in the stock market.
In an acquisition, on the other hand, one business buys a second and generally
smaller company which may be absorbed into the parent organization or run
as a subsidiary. A company under consideration by another organization for a
merger or acquisition is sometimes referred to as the target.
The primary regulators governing M&A activity in India are the Securities
and Exchange Board of India ("SEBI"), the Reserve Bank of India ("RBI")
the Foreign Investment Promotion Board ("FIPB") and the Competition
Commission of India ("CCI").