Sampling For Qualitative Research

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Family Practice Vol. 13, No.

Oxford University Press 1996 Printed in Great Britain

Sampling for qualitative research

Martin N Marshall

Marshall, MN. Sampling for qualitative research. Family Practice 1996; 13: 522-525.
The probability sampling techniques used for quantitative studies are rarely appropriate
when conducting qualitative research. This article considers and explains the differences
between the two approaches and describes three broad categories of naturalistic sampling:
convenience, judgement and theoretical models. The principles are illustrated with practical
examples from the author's own research.
Keyword. Qualitative sampling.

Introduction a representative sample. The most common approach

The benefits of a qualitative approach to health care is to use random, or probability samples. In a random
research are becoming increasingly recognized by both sample the nature of the population is defined and all
academics and clinicians, but misunderstandings about members have an equal chance of selection. Stratified
the philosophical basis and the methodological approach random sampling and area sampling are variants of
remain. The impression is sometimes given that random sampling, which allow subgroups to be studied
qualitative research differs from the hypothetico- in greater detail.
deductive model simply in terms of the way that data The size of the sample is determined by the optimum
is collected. The process of sampling is one of the prin- number necessary to enable valid inferences to be made
cipal areas of confusion, a problem not helped by the about the population. The larger the sample size, the
inadequate way that it is covered in the literature, where smaller the chance of a random sampling error, but since
there is little agreement on definitions and authors fre- the sampling error is inversely proportional to the square
quently invent new and complex terms which cloud root of the sample size, there is usually little to be gained
simple fundamental issues. In this article I will describe from studying very large samples. The optimum sample
both quantitative and qualitative methods of sampling size depends upon the parameters of the phenomenon
and consider the basic differences between the two under study, for example the rarity of the event or the
approaches in order to explain why the sampling tech- expected size of differences in outcome between the in-
niques used are not transferable. I will consider issues tervention and control groups.
relating to sample size and selection in qualitative
research and illustrate the principles with practical
examples. Comparing the quantitative and qualitative approaches
The choice between quantitative and qualitative research
methods should be determined by the research ques-
tion, not by the preference of the researcher. It would
Quantitative sampling be just as inappropriate to use a clinical trial to examine
Choosing a study sample is an important step in any behavioural differences in the implementation of clinical
research project since it is rarely practical, efficient or guidelines as it would be to use participant observation
ethical to study whole populations. The aim of all quan- to determine the efficacy of antibiotics for upper respira-
titative sampling approaches is to draw a representative tory tract infections. The aim of the quantitative ap-
sample from the population, so that the results of proach is to test ore-determined hypotheses and produce
studying the sample can then be generalized back to generalizable results. Such studies are useful for answer-
the population. The selection of an appropriate method ing more mechanistic 'what?' questions. Qualitative
depends upon the aim of the study. Sometimes less studies aim to provide illumination and understanding
rigorous methods may be acceptable, such as incidental of complex psychosocial issues and are most useful
or quota samples, but these methods do not guarantee for answering humanistic 'why?' and 'how?' questions.
The principal fundamental differences in both the
Received 30 May 1996; Accepted 15 July 1996. philosophical foundation of and the methodological
Institute of General Practice, University of Exeter, Postgraduate approach to the two disciplines are summarized in
Medical School, Barrack Road, Exeter EX2 5DW, UK. Table 1.

Sampling for qualitative research 523
Why is random sampling inappropriate for approach to sampling, data collection, analysis and in-
qualitative studies? terpretation. This contrasts with the stepwise design of
quantitative studies and makes accurate prediction of
The process of selecting a random sample is well defined sample size difficult when submitting protocols to
and rigorous, so why can the same technique not be funding bodies.
used for naturalistic studies? The answer lies in the aim
of the study; studying a random sample provides the
best opportunity to generalize the results to the popula- Sample strategies
tion but is not the most effective way of developing an There are three broad approaches to selecting a sample
understanding of complex issues relating to human for a qualitative study.
behaviour. There are both theoretical and practical
reasons for this. Convenience sample
First, samples for qualitative investigations tend to This is the least rigorous technique, involving the selec-
be small, for reasons explained later in this article. Even tion of the most accessible subjects. It is the least costly
if a representative sample was desirable, the sampling to the researcher, in terms of time, effort and money,
error of such a small sample is likely to be so large that but may result in poor quality data and lacks intellec-
biases are inevitable. Secondly, for a true random sam- tual credibility. There is an element of convenience
ple to be selected, the characteristics under study of the sampling in many qualitative studies, but a more
whole population should be known; this is rarely pos- thoughtful approach to selection of a sample is usually
sible in a complex qualitative study. Thirdly, random justified.
sampling of a population is likely to produce a represen-
tative sample only if the research characteristics are nor- Judgement sample
mally distributed within the population. There is no Also known as purposeful sample, this is the most com-
evidence that the values, beliefs and attitudes that form mon sampling technique. The researcher actively selects
the core of qualitative investigation are normally the most productive sample to answer the research ques-
distributed, making the probability approach inappro- tion. This can involve developing a framework of the
priate. Fourthly, it is well recognized by sociologists1 variables that might influence an individual's contribu-
that people are not equally good at observing, understan- tion and will be based on the researcher's practical
ding and interpreting their own and other people's knowledge of the research area, the available literature
behaviour. Qualitative researchers recognize that some and evidence from the study itself. This is a more in-
informants are 'richer' than others and that these people tellectual strategy than the simple demographic
are more likely to provide insight and understanding stratification of epidemiological studies, though age,
for the researcher. Choosing someone at random to gender and social class might be important variables.
answer a qualitative question would be analogous to ran- If the subjects are known to the researcher, they may
domly asking a passer-by how to repair a broken down be stratified according to known public attitudes or
car, rather than asking a garage mechanicthe former beliefs. It may be advantageous to study a broad range
might have a good stab, but asking the latter is likely of subjects (maximum variation sample), outliers
to be more productive. (deviant sample), subjects who have specific experiences
(critical case sample6) or subjects with special exper-
Sample size tise (key informant sample). Subjects may be able to
recommend useful potential candidates for study
Quantitative researchers often fail to understand the (snowball sample). During interpretation of the data it
usefulness of studying small samples. This is related is important to consider subjects who support emerg-
to the misapprehension that generalizability is the ing explanations and, perhaps more importantly, sub-
ultimate goal of all good research and is the principal jects who disagree (confirming and disconfirming
reason for some otherwise sound published qualitative samples).
studies containing inappropriate sampling techniques.2
An appropriate sample size for a qualitative study is Theoretical sample
one that adequately answers the research question. For The iterative process of qualitative study design means
simple questions or very detailed studies, this might be that samples are usually theory driven to a greater or
in single figures; for complex questions large samples lesser extent. Theoretical sampling necessitates building
and a variety of sampling techniques might be interpretative theories from the emerging data and
necessary. In practice, the number of required subjects selecting a new sample to examine and elaborate on this
usually becomes obvious as the study progresses, as theory. It is the principal strategy for the grounded
new categories, themes or explanations stop emerging theoretical approach3 but will be used in some form
from the data (data saturation). Clearly this requires in most qualitative investigations necessitating
a flexible research design and an iterative, cyclical interpretation.
524 Family Practicean international journal
TABLE 1 Comparison of quantitative and qualitative methods interviews,4 an anthropological technique utilizing rich
information sources, which has defined sample selec-
Quantitative Qualitative tion criteria.5 A sample of 10 national figures in posi-
tions of leadership and responsibility within the
Philosophical Deductive, Inductive, holistic
profession were chosen. Since the total population of
foundation reducdonalist possible key informants is small, this was necessarily
Aim To test pre-set To explore complex a convenience sample, though there was an element of
hypothesis human issues a judgement approach, since efforts were made to ensure
Study plan Step-wise, Iterative, flexible that participants came from a range of clinical,
predetermined academic, managerial and political backgrounds. The
Position of Aims to be detached Integral part of advantage of this approach lies in its simplicity but it
researcher and objective research process was difficult to determine at the sampling stage whether
Assessing quality Direct tests of Indirect quality the informants fulfilled the published selection criteria.
of outcomes validity and reliabi- assurance methods of
lity using statistics trustworthiness
The second stage involved in-depth interviews with
Measures of Generalizability Transferability
practising clinicians throughout the South and West
utility of results Region. The aim was to develop an understanding and
an interpretative framework of the process of interaction
between specialists and GPs. I started with a judgement
It is apparent from the above description that there sample framework including variables such as time since
is considerable overlap even between these three broad qualification, gender, geographical location, rurality,
categories. The relative balance will depend upon the fundholding status and teaching hospital status. As the
research question and the chosen style of data analysis data was collected and analysed, an interpretative
and interpretation. It is important to recognize that framework was constructed, so the sampling strategy
the essence of the qualitative approach is that it is changed from largely judgement to largely theoretical,
naturalisticstudying real people in natural settings in order to build on the developing theory. New themes
rather than in artificial isolation. Sampling therefore stopped emerging after about 15 interviews and an ac-
has to take account not only of the individual's ceptable interpretative framework was constructed after
characteristics but also temporal, spatial and situational 24 interviewsthe stage of thematic and theoretical
influences, that is, the context of the study. The re- saturation.
searcher should consider the broader picture: would this The third stage of the study brought GPs and
individual express a different opinion if they were in- specialists together in focus groups to collect the dif-
terviewed next week or next month? Would they feel ferent level of data produced by personal interaction.
differently if they were interviewed at home or at work? For pragmatic reasons, this had to be conducted in my
Should I study mem when they are under stress or re- own locality, and it was important for the study that
laxed? There is no correct answer to these questions, the participants were able to interact in a productive,
just as there is no perfect way to sample, but the in- rather than dysfunctional way. I was able to use my
fluence that these factors might have on the trustwor- local knowledge to satisfy these sampling requirements
thiness of the results should be acknowledged. using a combination of convenience and purposive
A practical example of sampling strategy The three qualitative stages of the study will form
In practice, qualitative sampling usually requires a flex- the basis of a Likert survey to test out emergent themes
ible, pragmatic approach. This may be illustrated by and which will be distributed to a stratified random
my own study of the professional relationship between sample of the whole population of clinicians work-
GPs and specialists (in progress). ing in the Region. This will represent a different, not
The way that the two branches of the medical necessarily a stronger, perspective of the professional
profession work together is a key component of the relationship.
primary-secondary care interface, which, in terms of
sociological interaction, is largely unresearched. The
study aims to describe the current relationship, com-
pare this with the historical literature, and elucidate the Sampling for qualitative research is an area of con-
principal factors causing a change in the interaction be- siderable confusion for researchers experienced in the
tween the two main branches of the medical profession. hypothetico-deductive model. This largely relates to
Four methods of data collection have been used, each misunderstanding about the aims of the qualitative
of which view the interaction from differing perspectives approach, where improved understanding of complex
and each of which have required different sampling human issues is more important than generalizability
strategies. of results. This basic issue explains why probabilis-
The first stage involved the use of key informant tic sampling is neither productive nor efficient for
Sampling for qualitative research 525
qualitative studies and why alternative strategies are References
used. Three broad categories of naturalistic sampling 1
techniques have been describedconvenience, judge- Jackson JA. Professions and professionalisation. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1970.
ment and theoretical samplingthough in practice there 2
Pound P, Bury M, Gompertz P, Ebrahim S. Stroke patients'
is often considerable overlap between these approaches. views on their admission to hospital. Br MedJ 1995; 311:
Acknowledgements Glaser BG, Strauss AL. The discovery of grounded theory:
Strategies for qualitative research. London: Weidenfield and
I would like to thank Ms Nicky Britten for her com- Nicholson, 1968.
ments on this paper. The study of the professional rela- Marshall MN. The key informant technique. Fam Pract 1996;
tionship between specialists and GPs is funded by a 13: 92-97.
Burgess RG (ed.). Field research: a sourcebook and manual.
Research and Training Fellowship from the Research London: Routledge, 1989.
and Development Directorate of the South and West 6
Bradley C. Turning anecdotes into datathe critical incident
Regional Health Authority. technique. Fam Pract 1992; 9: 98-103.

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