SyncIQ Failures Checking
SyncIQ Failures Checking
SyncIQ Failures Checking
This troubleshooting guide helps you identify and address common issues that
can cause SyncIQ to fail.
August 2017
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Contents and overview
Follow all of these steps, in order, until you reach a resolution.
1. Perform
Start troubleshooting
Page 3
steps in order.
2. Appendixes Appendix A
Identify the error in the policy report output
Appendix B
Determine whether there is a source pool
Appendix C
How to use this flowchart
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Start troubleshooting
Start troubleshooting here. If you need help
to understand the flowchart conventions that Start
are used in this guide, see Appendix C: How
to use this flowchart.
1. Obtain the SyncIQ job ID by running the following command on the source cluster, where
<policy-name> is the policy name. See Appendix
_________ A for an example of the output:
2. View the report by running the following command, where <policy-name> is the policy name
and <JobID> is the job ID you obtained in step 1. The output of the command lists the error.
See Appendix
_________ A for an example of the output:
Did the
Within policy fail within After
the first the first five minutes of the first
starting, or after the first
five minutes five minutes? five minutes
Go to Page 4 Go to Page 9
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Sync fails within the first five minutes
Error Tables
Find your error in the tables on this page and the next few
pages. Follow the instructions for your error.
Error Action
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Sync fails within the first five minutes (2)
Error Action
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Sync fails within the first five minutes (3)
Error Action
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Sync fails within the first five minutes (4)
Error Action
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Sync fails within the first five minutes (5)
Error Action
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Sync fails after the first five minutes
Error Tables
Find your error in the tables on this page and the next few
pages. Follow the instructions for your error.
Error Action
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Sync fails after the first five minutes (2)
Error Action
Failed to smkchdirfd to target OneFS 7.0 -7.1: SyncIQ fails with error "Failed to
directory smkchdirfd to target directory" and "Operation not
Operation Not Permitted permitted", article 469809
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SyncIQ error connecting to daemon (bandwidth, throttle, pworker)
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SyncIQ error connecting to daemon (bandwidth, throttle, pworker) (2)
You could have arrived here 12
Check whether the policy has a source pool restriction by running the
following command on the source cluster, where <policy-name> is the
name of the policy.
Appendix B for example output
In the output, note whether a Source Subnet and Source Pool are listed.
These identify the source pool restriction.
Does the
policy have a source Yes Go to Page 14
pool restriction?
Go to Page 13
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SyncIQ error connecting to daemon (bandwidth, throttle, pworker) (3)
You could have arrived here from: 13
Use the OneFS web administration interface to add a source pool restriction
as follows:
Make sure that the front-end network ports on all
of the nodes in the source pool restriction can
see each other on the LAN.
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SyncIQ error connecting to daemon (bandwidth, throttle, pworker) (4)
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SyncIQ error connecting to daemon (bandwidth, throttle, pworker) (5)
OneFS 7.1.x
In the output, locate the source pool restriction that you identified in
the previous step (displayed in the form subnet:pool in the output of this
command). Then, for that restriction, check whether node 1 (the node with
LNN 1) is listed in the Pool Membership.
See the box on this page for example output. In this example, nodes 2 and 3
are listed in the Pool Membership, but node 1 is not listed.
Is node 1
listed in the Pool Yes Go to Page 17
Go to Page 16
In Subnet: subnet1
Allocation: Static
Ranges: 1
Pool Membership: 6
2:10gige-1 (up)
2:10gige-2 (up)
3:10gige-1 (up)
3:10gige-2 (up)
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SyncIQ error connecting to daemon (bandwidth, throttle, pworker) (6)
You could have arrived here from: 16
OneFS 8.x.x
Run the following command to view a list of the network pools within a groupnet or subnet:
Extract the groupnet:subnet value for the desired pool name from the output, for example, groupnet1.subnet3 for
pool5, and provide it as an input for the following command to check the nodes within that pool.
See the boxes on this page for example output of both the previously-listed commands.
Is node 1
listed under Ifaces? Yes Go to Page 18
Go to Page 17
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SyncIQ error connecting to daemon (bandwidth, throttle, pworker) (5)
Is it acceptable
for your workflow to Contact
add node 1 to the No Isilon Technical Support.
source pool?
Run the following command to try to run the SyncIQ job again,
where <policy-name> is the name of the failed policy.
End troubleshooting
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SyncIQ error connecting to daemon (bandwidth, throttle, pworker) (6)
On the source cluster, increase the logging level by running the following
command, where <policy-name> is the name of the sync policy:
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SyncIQ error connecting to daemon (bandwidth, throttle, pworker) (7)
isi_gather_info -f /var/crash/isi_migr*
This step is very important. Failure to do this may cause boot flash drives
to degrade prematurely.
On the source cluster, set the logging level back to normal by running the following
command, where <policy-name> is the name of the policy.
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Appendix A - Identify the error in the policy report output
Output for the isi sync reports list --policy-name=policy1 --sort job_id command
cluster-1# isi sync reports list --policy-name=policy1 --sort job_id
Policy Name Job ID Start Time End Time Action State
policy1 1 2016-02-02T11:06:30 2016-02-02T11:06:38 run finished
policy1 2 2016-02-02T11:06:44 2016-02-02T11:06:53 run finished
policy1 3 2016-02-02T11:18:37 2016-02-02T11:18:41 run failed
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Appendix B - Determine whether there is a source pool restriction
A source pool restriction can be found by running the following commands. The bold lines
in the example output identify the restrictions. In these examples, the restrictions are
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Appendix C: How to use this flowchart
Describes what the section helps you to
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