Muh. Yamin , Sutrio2, Wahyudi2
Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika
Program Studi pendidikan Fisika FKIP
Universitas Mataram
Mataram, Indonesia
Email: Muhyamin996@gmail.com
This research are Classroom Action Research (CAR),the aims to inerease physical activity and result
of learning of class VIII.A SMPN 3 Lingsarin academic year 2015/2016. The subjects in this
research is class VIII A totaling 30 people. Classroom Action Research consists of four stages:
planning, execution, observation and evaluation, and reflection. While the implementation of
cooperative learning model type group investigation carried out through five stages namely stage of
selection of topics, presentation of information, organizing, guidance, and evaluation. This study is
successful if the learning outcomes of students achieving classical completeness 85%. Based on the
evaluation of the obtained value of the average grade on the first cycle of 72.77 with 74.07%
classical completeness. In the second cycle learning outcomes of students had increased by 5.16 with
an average value of 77.93 and completeness classical amounted to 86.21%. Based on the results of
this study concluded that by applying cooperative learning model investigation of the group can
improve learning outcomes physics class VIII A SMPN 3 Lingsar in academic year 2015/2016.