Cast-In-Place Concrete - MST
Cast-In-Place Concrete - MST
Cast-In-Place Concrete - MST
(NTS: Various building codes require special structural tests and inspections during
construction to be conducted by an independent testing agency hired by the CM/CS.
This section is written to accommodate the special tests and inspections. Confer with
Chief Structural Engineer and coordinate building code requirements for the particular
project and its locale.
A. Provide, finish, protect, and cure cast-in-place concrete as indicated and specified.
B. Provide, finish, protect and cure cast-in-place concrete indicated and specified under
electrical work.
(NTS: Include the following paragraph for wire wound prestressed tanks.)
K. Section 13414: Wire Wound Prestressed Concrete Tanks.
(NTS: Select the appropriate references to be included in the project. Add or edit
references as appropriate. Delete those references that are not applicable.)
A. American Concrete Institute (ACI):
4. ACI 304R: Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete.
2. A 153: Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel
3. C 31: Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in
the Field.
6. C 40: Standard Test Method for Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregates for
7. C 42: Standard Test Method for Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and
Sawed Beams of Concrete.
11. C 109: Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement
Mortars (Using 2-in or [50-mm] Cube Specimens).
13. C 136: Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse
14. C 138: Standard Test Method for Unit Weight, Yield, and Air Content
(Gravimetric) of Concrete.
15. C 143: Standard Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic Cement Concrete.
17. C157: Standard Test Method for Length Change of Hardened Hydraulic
Cement, Mortar and Concrete.
18. C 171: Standard Specification for Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete.
21. C 231: Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by
the Pressure Method.
(NTS: Include the next reference when fly ash or pozzolans are specified.)
26. C 311: Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Fly Ash or Natural
Pozzolans for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete.
(NTS: Include the next reference when fly ash or pozzolans are specified.)
29. C 618: Standard Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural
Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete.
30. C 882: Standard Test Method for Bond Strength of Epoxy Resin Systems
Used with Concrete by Slant Shear.
(NTS: Include the next reference when blast furnace slag is specified.)
31. C 989: Standard Specification for Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag for
Use in Concrete and Mortars.
32. C 1064: Standard Test Method for Temperature of Freshly Mixed Portland
Cement Concrete.
37. E 154: Test Methods for Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Earth
Under Concrete Slabs, on Walls, or as Ground Cover.
38. E 329: Standard Specification for Agencies Engaged in the Testing and/or
Inspection of Materials used in Construction.
1. AASHTO M182.
7. BS 4449: Specification for hot rolled steel bars for the reinforcement of
8. BS 4461: Specification for cold worked steel bars for the reinforcement of
13. BS 5337: The structural use of concrete for retaining aqueous liquids.
1. Name and address of proposed Contractor's testing laboratory firm and a brief
description of prior work which is similar to that proposed for this project.
Provide prior work owner's full name, address and telephone number. ASTM
E 329 will also be used as one of the basis for evaluating the testing laboratory
2. Concrete design mixes and results of strength tests from trial concrete mixes
by the Contractor's testing laboratory firm.
(NTS: Include the next paragraph when drying shrinkage limits are specified. Drying
shrinkage limits are generally required for water containment structures.)
3. Concrete design mixes and results of drying shrinkage tests from trial concrete
mixes by the Contractor's testing laboratory firm.
B. Mill test reports for each shipment of cement, regardless of quantity, prior to
incorporation into the work.
(NTS: Include the next paragraph when fly ash or pozzolans are specified. Do not use
pozzolan for liquid retention structures that will contact potable water.)
D. Manufacturer's fly ash or pozzolan chemical analysis and results of physical test
reports in conformance with ASTM C 311 and as specified herein for each shipment
of fly ash or pozzolan, prior to incorporation into the work.
D. Do not use admixtures, including calcium chloride, which will cause accelerated
setting of cement in concrete.
E. Do not place concrete until design mix, material tests and trial concrete batch mix
compression test results are approved by the CM/CS. Approvals are required at least
30 days before placing any production concrete.
F. The Contractor shall employ an independent testing laboratory firm, acceptable to the
CM/CS, to test conformity of materials to specifications and to design concrete mixes.
Concrete testing shall be performed by an experienced and Professional Concrete
Field Technician.
G. Furnish, pay for and deliver representative samples of sufficient quantity of cement,
aggregates and admixtures required for trial concrete batch mixes to the testing
laboratory firm. Obtain materials from the concrete batching plant that will be
supplying production concrete in conformance with ASTM D 75.
H. The Contractors testing laboratory firm shall furnish trial concrete design mixes
having proportions, admixtures and slump proposed for use, based upon ACI 211.1.
Furnish at least three different water-cement ratios that will produce a range of
strengths, aggregate sizes and admixture combinations encompassing those required
for the work. Report design mixes for maximum permitted air, slump and
temperature of concrete used in trial batches.
I. Produce new concrete design mixes at no additional cost to the Owner when job site
concrete is not of required strength. Provide additional testing when original sample
materials produce unsatisfactory results or new material sources are to be used. All
additional testing shall be done by the same testing laboratory firm and paid for by the
J. Measure all materials for concrete, including water, with equipment and facilities
suitable for accurate measurement and capable of being adjusted in conformance with
ASTM C 94. Use scales certified by local Sealer of Weights and Measures within one
year of use and accurate when static load tested to plus or minus 0.4 percent of total
capacity of scale. Batch all materials by weight except admixtures that may be
batched by volume.
K. Once the mix design is approved, the contents of the mix ingredients shall not be
altered from the approved materials (volume, location, type, size, etc). Batch tickets
shall indicate the amount of material batched for each material. Material batched that
is not within the allowable tolerances shall be cause for rejection.
M. Compression test specimens shall be taken in each case from the same concrete used
for preparing drying shrinkage specimens. These tests shall be considered a part of
the normal compression tests for the project. Allowable shrinkage limitation shall be
as specified herein.
N. The maximum concrete shrinkage for specimens cast in the laboratory from the trial
batch, as measured at 21-day drying age or at 28-day drying age shall be 0.039
percent or 0.045 percent, respectively.
1. Shrinkage limitations apply only to 4,000 psi [27.5 MPa] or higher concrete
2. Use only mix designs for construction that have first met the trial batch
shrinkage requirements.
O. The CM/CSs testing agency will take control test specimens; conduct slump tests and
measure air content and temperature in the field.
T. Reject concrete delivered to job site that exceeds the time limit specified.
U. Reject concrete delivered to job site that exceeds the concrete temperature limitations
B. Order concrete from batching plant so that trucks arrive at discharge locations when
concrete is required. Avoid excessive mixing of concrete or delays in placing
successive layers of concrete in forms. Re-tempering of concrete is strictly
A. Do not place concrete until conditions and facilities for making and curing control test
specimens are in compliance with ASTM C 31 and as specified herein.
(NTS: Use the following paragraph on projects where structures are to contain potable
A. All materials used in concrete or the curing and repair of concrete, which can contact
potable water, shall be certified as meeting requirements of ANSI/NSF 61 for contact
with potable water when in the finished concrete.
B. Furnish Portland cement conforming to ASTM C 150. Use one approved brand from
one mill throughout the contract term unless otherwise approved by the CM/CS. Use
cement of uniform color.
2. Reject the entire shipment when cement is lumpy, wetted, partially or wholly
C. Water:
1. Use water for concrete that is potable and free from injurious amounts of oil,
acid, alkali, organic matter or other deleterious substances, conforms to the
requirements for water in ASTM C 94, and as specified herein.
2. The maximum water-soluble chloride ion in the water shall not exceed 0.060
percent by weight of cement.
D. Aggregates:
1. Use fine aggregates for normal weight concrete consisting of well graded
natural sand from a single source conforming to ASTM C 33 and to the
following requirements:
b. Organic impurities: Color intensity not darker than 2/3 standard color
solutions, nor darker than Organic Plate No. 2, determined by ASTM C
E. Use coarse aggregates from a single source for normal weight concrete consisting of
washed, well graded gravel or crushed stone conforming to ASTM C 33 and to the
following requirements:
(NTS: Next item used in areas where aggregates are potentially reactive.)
3. Test conformity of aggregate and confirm that aggregates intended for use in
concrete are potentially non-reactive when tested in conformance with ASTM
C 289.
F. Admixtures:
1. General Requirements:
2. Air-Entrainment:
(NTS: Include the next item when fly ash and pozzolans are specified.)
d. Adjust the admixture content to accommodate the fly ash or pozzolan
requirements, and other admixtures when used, in order to obtain the
specified air content.
G. Curing Compound: Liquid form, which will form impervious membrane over,
exposed surface of concrete when applied to fresh concrete by means of spray gun.
Compound shall not inhibit future bond of floor covering or concrete floor treatment.
Use Type I-D compound with red fugitive dye, Class B, having 18 percent minimum
solids conforming to ASTM C 309.
4. Or equal.
K. Curing mats shall be heavy carpets or cotton mats, quilted at 4 inches [100 mm] on
center. Curing mats shall weight a minimum of 12 ounces per square yard [420 grams
per square meter] when dry.
L. Dovetail Anchor Slots: Provide 24-gage [0.70 mm], foam-filled, hot-dip galvanized
steel dovetail anchor slots. Dovetail anchor slots shall be compatible with dovetail
anchors specified in Section 04200. Dovetail anchor slots shall be manufactured by:
4. Or equal.
1. Ductile iron wedge inserts, Type F-7 manufactured by The Dayton Sure-Grip
& Shore Co.
4. Or equal.
4. Or equal.
O. Vapor Retarder: 10 mil [0.25 mm] polyethylene sheet conforming to ASTM E 154.
P. Do not use fly ash, blast furnace slag or pozzolans in structures to contact potable
Q. Blast Furnace Slag: Provide grade 120 blast furnace slag in conformance with ASTM
C 989.
1. Class F fly ash conforming to ASTM C 618 for chemical and physical
4. Volume of fibers shall be a minimum of 0.1% (1.5 pounds per cubic yard [890
grams per cubic meter]).
6. Physical Characteristics:
2.02 MIXES:
B. Concrete Strengths:
1. Use 4,000 psi [28 MPa] concrete for all work unless otherwise indicated or
2. Use 4,500 psi [31 MPa] concrete for all liquid containment structures unless
otherwise indicated or specified.
3. Use 4,000 psi [28 MPa] fiber reinforced concrete for all concrete fills and
toppings, unless otherwise indicated or specified.
4. Use 1,500 psi [10 MPa] concrete for concrete under foundations or whenever
low strength concrete is indicated, specified or permitted by the CM/CS.
C. Secure, for every part of work, concrete of homogeneous structure having required
strength, water tightness, and durability.
1. 1- inches [38 mm] for walls greater than 30 inches [750mm] in thickness,
grade beams, footings, foundation mats, and base slabs.
3. 3/8 inches [10 mm] in congested areas where approved by the CM/CS and for
fireproofing around structural steel beams and columns and to fill cored holes.
(NTS: Include the next paragraph when fly ash or pozzolans are specified.)
G. Fly ash or pozzolan shall not exceed 15 percent of the combined weight of fly ash,
pozzolan or ground granulated blast-furnace slag and cement.
I. Concrete Slump: Provide concrete with a maximum slump of 4 inches [100 mm].
Provide concrete using water reducing admixtures with a maximum slump of 4 inches
[100 mm] before addition of the water reducer and a maximum slump of 6 inches
[150 mm] after the addition of a mid-range water reducer or a maximum slump of 8
inches [200 mm] after the addition of a high range water reducer. Determine concrete
slump in conformance with ASTM C 143.
A. Conform to the requirements specified in Section 03100 for finish tolerances for
formed surfaces.
A. Batch, mix and deliver Portland cement concrete in conformance with ASTM C 94.
Batch all constituents at a central batching or mixing plant. Produce concrete in
conformance with ACI 301 and as specified herein.
B. Seasonal Conditions:
1. Conform to ACI 305R and as specified herein for hot weather concreting. Do
not add retarder admixture to any concrete.
3.02 FORMS:
1. Clean all construction joints to remove loose concrete and laitance before
placing adjoining concrete. Do not damage exposed concrete edges, key
grooves, waterstops or reinforcement.
2. Do not place concrete against construction joints for at least 72 hours after
initial concrete set.
B. Embedded Items:
2. Install inserts, anchors, sleeves and other items into formwork where indicated
or specified under other sections of these specifications.
3. Aluminum items shall not be embedded in concrete.
5. Check location and support of piping, electrical conduits and other embedded
items before depositing concrete. Correct locations as required and secure in
5. Conduits, pipes, and sleeves passing through a slab, wall, or beam shall not
impair significantly the strength of the construction.
6. Conduits and pipes, with their fittings, embedded within a column shall not
displace more than 4 percent of the area of cross section.
7. Except when drawings for conduits and pipes are approved by the CM/CS,
conduits and pipes embedded within a slab, wall, or beam (other than those
merely passing through) shall satisfy the following:
a. Conduits and pipes shall not be larger in outside dimension than 1/3
the overall thickness of the slab, wall, or beam in which they are
b. Conduits and pipes shall not be spaced closer than 3 times the outside
diameters on center.
c. Conduits and pipes shall be placed within the middle third of the
element and between reinforcement layers. Do not install runs of
piping or conduit between formwork and reinforcement.
8. Pipes and fittings shall be designed to resist the effects of the material,
pressure, and temperature to which they will be subjected.
9. No liquid, gas, or vapor, except water not exceeding 90 deg. F [32 deg. C] or
50 psi [350 KPa] pressure, shall be placed in the pipes until the concrete has
attained its design strength.
10. Reinforcement with an area not less than 0.002 times area of concrete section
shall be provided perpendicular to piping or conduit at a maximum spacing of
12 inches [300 mm].
11. Piping and conduit shall be so fabricated and installed that cutting, bending, or
displacement of reinforcement from its proper location will not be required.
12. Close ends of conduits, piping and sleeves embedded in concrete with caps or
plugs prior to concrete placement.
B. Install material with 6 in. [150 mm] lap at joints and seal joints with tape as
recommended by the vapor retarder manufacturer. Tape material cut for slab
penetrations to the pipe, conduit or other items passing through the slab. Use tape
recommended by the vapor retarder manufacturer.
C. Install vapor retarder without punctures or tears and protect against punctures and
A. General: Conform to concreting procedures set forth in ACI 304R and as specified
2. Discharge concrete into forms within 1-1/2 hours after cement has entered
mixing drum or before the drum has revolved 300 revolutions after the
addition of water, whichever occurs first. Do not add water at the jobsite, nor
exceed the maximum water content in the approved concrete design mix.
B. Conveying: Convey concrete from agitator or mixer truck to place of final deposit in
forms by one of the following methods:
1. Buckets or hoppers with discharge gates having a clear opening equal to not
less than one-third the maximum interior horizontal area or five times the
maximum aggregate size being used, whichever is greater, and side slopes of
not less than 60 degrees to horizontal.
3. Round bottom, metal or metal-lined chutes with inclined slope of between two
to three feet [0.6 to 0.9 m] horizontally to one foot [0.3 m] vertically and of
sufficient capacity to avoid overflow.
A. The Contractor shall accept or reject each batch of concrete delivered to the point of
agitator or mixer truck discharge. The signature of a Contractors authorized
representative on the delivery batch ticket shall indicate concrete acceptance.
B. The Contractor shall reject concrete delivered without a complete concrete delivery
batch ticket as specified herein. The concrete supplier will furnish copies of the
signed batch ticket to the Contractor and CM/CS.
C. The CM/CSs testing agency shall perform field tests at the point of agitator or mixer
truck discharge. Accept or reject concrete on the basis of conformity with slump, air
content and temperature specified.
D. The CM/CSs testing agency shall inspect concrete transit truck's barrel revolution
counter and gauge for measuring water added to the concrete. Reject concrete which
exceeds the maximum barrel revolution of 300 or which has water content exceeding
the specified water-cement ratio.
E. The CM/CS shall reject concrete exceeding the time or temperature limitations
F. The CM/CS shall reject concrete not conforming to specification before discharging
into the forms.
B. Deposit concrete into its final position in conformance with ACI 304R and as
specified herein. Place concrete in horizontal layers 1-1/2 to 2 feet [450 to 600 mm]
thick maximum completely across forms. Avoid inclined layers and cold joints.
Place concrete at lower portion of slope first on sloping surfaces.
3. Do not splash forms and reinforcing above level of concrete being placed.
Regulate placing of concrete so that pressure caused by wet concrete will not
C. Pump Concrete:
1. Use equipment and procedures and schedule deliveries to maintain steady flow
of concrete at the discharge end of pipe.
4. Use pipe having a diameter at least three times the maximum coarse aggregate
size, but no less than 4 in. [100 mm].
D. Consolidation:
3. Insert and withdraw vibrator vertically at a uniform spacing over the entire
area of placement. Space distances between insertions such that spheres of
influence of each insertion overlap.
5. Use additional vibration with pencil vibrators on vertical surfaces and on all
exposed concrete to bring full surface of mortar against the forms so as to
eliminate air voids, bug holes and other surface defects. Employ the following
additional procedures for vibrating concrete as necessary to maintain proper
consolidation of concrete:
A. General:
1. The CM/CSs testing agency will use concrete samples provided by the
Contractor at the point of agitator or mixer truck discharge to perform slump,
air content, and temperature tests and for field control test specimens.
B. Notification of Delivery:
2. Place concrete during normal working hours whenever possible. Notify the
CM/CS of special conditions at least 48 hours in advance of placement when
concrete placement schedules require concrete placement at times other than
during normal working hours.
3. Furnish delivery batch ticket to the representative from the CM/CSs testing
agency or to the CM/CS's representative in the field with each batch delivered
to the discharge locations in conformance with ASTM C 94. Batch tickets
shall be written in ink or computer printed. Batch tickets bearing any
information written in pencil will be sufficient cause for rejection of the load.
(NTS: Next item shall be used when fly ash and pozzolans are specified.)
m. Type and amount of fly ash, pozzolan or ground granulated blast-
furnace slag.
1. The CM/CSs testing agency will take measurement of concrete slump, air
content and temperature for each load of concrete. The CM/CSs testing
agency will conduct the slump, air content and temperature test measurements
in conformance with ASTM C 143, ASTM C 231, and ASTM C 1064,
2. The CM/CSs testing agency will submit test reports of concrete field
measurements specified above to the Contractor and to the CM/CS.
1. The CM/CSs testing agency will cast a minimum of one set of four field
control test specimens in conformance with ASTM C 31 for each 50 cu. yd.
[38 cu. meters] of each mix design of concrete but not less than once a day nor
less than once for each 5,000 sq. ft. [450 sq. meters] of surface area of
foundation mats, base slabs, footings, pile caps, slabs on grade, grade beams,
walls, or elevated slabs.
2. Testing agency personnel will record truck and load number from the delivery
batch ticket, the concrete placement location of each specimen, the date,
concrete strength, slump, air content and temperature.
3. The Contractor shall furnish tightly constructed 6 in. [150 mm] diameter by 12
in. [300 mm] long nonabsorbent test cylinder molds. Use molds of same type
and manufacture for all test specimens. Leave molds on cylinders until
received in testing laboratory.
4. The Contractor shall furnish boxes for initial curing of test cylinders in
conformance with ASTM C 31 from time of fabrication until they are
transported to the testing laboratory.
6. The Contractor may take field control test specimens for small quantities of
concrete only if approved by the CM/CS.
E. Concrete Coring:
1. The Contractor will be directed by the CM/CS to take concrete cores at least 2
inches [50 mm] in diameter from the structure in conformance with ASTM C
42 should the control test specimen's compression test fail to be in compliance
with the Contract Documents or if the CM/CS detects deficiencies in the
3. Obtain additional cores to replace cores that show evidence of having been
damaged subsequent to or during removal from the structure.
5. Remove all anchors used to secure coring machine to concrete and patch holes
as specified herein.
6. The CM/CSs testing agency shall perform compression test the cores taken
from the structure in conformance with ASTM C 39. The CM/CSs testing
agency will submit test strength test results of cores specified above to the
Contractor and to the CM/CS.
7. All costs associated with coring and testing by the CM/CSs testing agency
will be borne by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner.
F. Load Testing:
1. The Contractor will be directed by the CM/CS to conduct a load test of the
structure in conformance with ACI 318 under the direction of the CM/CSs
testing agency should compression tests of concrete cores taken from the
structure fail to be in compliance with ACI 301 and ACI 318.
A. General:
2. Comply with curing procedures set forth in ACI 301, ACI 308 and as specified
5. Concrete required to be moist cured shall remain moist for the entire duration
of the cure. Repeated wetting and drying cycles of the curing process will not
be allowed.
B. Duration:
1. Start initial curing after placing and finishing concrete as soon as free moisture
has disappeared from unformed concrete surfaces. Initial curing starts as soon
as concrete achieves final set. Forms left tightly in place are considered as
part of the curing system, provided that wooden forms are kept continuously
moist. Keep continuously moist for not less than 72 hours.
2. Begin final curing procedures immediately following initial curing and before
the concrete has dried. Continue final curing for at least 7 days and in
accordance with ACI 301 procedures for a total curing period, initial plus
final, of at least 10 days.
C. Curing Requirements:
1. Unformed Surfaces: Cover and cure entire surface of newly placed concrete
immediately after completing finishing operations and water film has
evaporated from surface or as soon as marring of concrete will not occur.
Protect finished slabs from direct rays of the sun to prevent checking, crazing
and plastic shrinkage.
3. Water containment and below Grade Structures: Moist cure by the application
of water to maintain the surface in a continually wet condition. Use water that
is free of impurities that could etch or discolor exposed concrete surfaces.
D. Curing Methods
1. Water Curing: Use warm water curing for unformed surfaces. Continuously
water cure all exposed concrete for the entire curing period. Provide moisture
curing by any of the following methods:
2. Sealing Materials:
f. Maintain the continuity of the coating and repair damage to the coating
during the entire curing period.
3.10 REPAIR:
A. General: Repair all surface defects immediately after form removal. Surface defects
include tie holes, air voids and bug holes with a nominal diameter or depth greater
than 1/4 inch [6 mm], honeycombed areas, visible construction joints, fins, burrs,
color and texture variations and other defects as determined by the CM/CS. Make
concrete repairs in concrete surfaces to produce a uniform color and texture and free
of all irregularities.
B. Surface defects in all concrete surfaces that in the opinion of the CM/CS adversely
affect the durability of the concrete shall be repaired per the requirements of this
section. Such surface defects that require repair include all visible cracks in tank
floors and walls and the exterior envelope of structures below grade, regardless of
width; and cracks in all other areas in excess of 0.02-inch [0.5 mm] wide, honeycomb,
rock pockets, holes left by tie rods and bolts, and spalls.
C. Repair of Cracks:
1. Cracks, which have resulted from overstress conditions and are structural in
nature, shall be pressure grouted using an injectable epoxy.
2. Cracks in liquid retaining or below grade members, which have resulted from
shrinkage stresses and show any sign of leakage, or are positioned such that
leakage cannot be observed, shall be pressure grouted using a hydrophilic
3. Cracks in other members, which have resulted from shrinkage stresses and
exceed 0.020 inch [0.5 mm] in width shall be pressure grouted using a
hydrophilic resin.
2. Dampen the area to be patched and area at least 6 inches [150 mm] wide
surrounding it for at least 24 hours to prevent absorption of water from
patching mortar.
a. Compressive strength at one day: 2000 psi [14 MPa] (ASTM C 109).
(NTS: Use the following paragraph on projects where structures are to contain potable
d. Provide a copy of manufacturers certification that the repair material
meets the requirements of ANSI/NSF 61 for concrete surfaces that will
be in contact with potable water.
4. Use no more mixing water than necessary for handling and placing. Mix
patching mortar and allow to stand with frequent manipulation with a trowel,
without addition of water, until it has reached stiffest consistency that will
permit placing.
5. Brush bond coat of neat cement well into surface after surface water has
evaporated from area to be patched. Consolidate mortar into place and strike
off so as to leave patch slightly higher than surrounding surface to permit
initial shrinkage. Leave patch undisturbed for at least 1 hour before final
finish. Keep patched area damp for a minimum of 7 days.
E. Tie Holes: Fill tie holes solid with non-shrink, non-metallic patching mortar after
cleaning and dampening.
F. Core Holes: Roughen concrete surface, clean and dampen for at least 24 hours. Fill
core holes with the specified repair mortar. Wet cure for 7 days after placement. Fill
anchor holes completely with non-shrink, non-metallic patching mortar after cleaning
and dampening.
A. General: Dusting with dry cement or other mixtures or water addition during
finishing is not permitted.
C. Unformed Surfaces:
3. Provide steel-trowel finish to all top, horizontal and inclined surfaces not
otherwise specified or indicated. This includes concrete fills and toppings and
floors. Provide hand steel-trowel finish to all surfaces such as weirs or walls
over which liquids will flow.
D. Descriptions:
1. Rough Form Finish: Patch tie holes and defects. Chip or rub off fins
exceeding 1/2 in. [12 mm] in height. Leave surfaces with the texture imparted
by the forms.
2. Smooth Form Finish: Patch tie holes and defects. Remove fins flush with
parent concrete and make necessary repairs. Wet and rub finned and repaired
areas as described for smooth form rubbed finish, below.
3. Smooth Form Rubbed Finish: Patch tie holes and defects. Remove fins flush
with parent concrete. Wet surface and rub with carborundum stone or other
abrasive until uniform color and texture are produced. Complete rubbing not
later than 24 hours after the curing period. Use no cement grout other than
cement paste drawn from the concrete itself by the rubbing process.
5. Scratched Finish: Provide float finish then roughen the surface with stiff
brushes or rakes before the final set.
A. Secure castings, inserts, conduits and other metalwork encased in concrete to prevent
metalwork from being displaced or deformed during concrete work.
C. Build dovetail anchor slots into new concrete against which facing brick, concrete
masonry units, tile, stone or any type ashlar is to be installed. Provide vertically at
16-in. [400 mm] centers where facing brick, etc., passes by concrete. Provide one
continuous anchor slot where facing brick, etc., abuts the concrete work.
4. Or equal.