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Surgical Treatment

of Bunions
This patient education brochure is presented
courtesy of Wright.
Patient results may vary. Please consult your physician to
determine if these products are right for you.
For more information about Wrights products or
prescribing information, including warnings and
contraindications, please visit www.wright.com.

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
What Causes Bunions? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Types of Bunions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Symptoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Bunion Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Bunion Solutions from Wright . . . . . . . . . 8
Who Is Wright? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Why Would Your Surgeon Select a Wright
Product for Your Surgery? . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Potential Risks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
After Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Healing takes Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Frequently Asked Questions . . . . . . . . 12-13

Your big toe and its
associated joint are
the hardest working
parts of your foot. For
example, most of your
weight is supported by
the big toe and the big
toe joint when your foot
pushes off the ground
while walking. Since it is so important to your
mobility, any issue with your big toe can make
jogging, walking, or simply standing a painful
chore. One of the most common problems of
the big toe is called a bunion, which is defined
as an excess or misalignment of the bone at the
big toe joint. Bunions may be painful and they
often drastically change the shape of your foot,
limiting your choices in footwear and activities. If
nonsurgical treatment has not relieved your pain,
or if you have a severe bunion, you may want to
consider surgery. Your doctor may recommend
foot surgery with an implant manufactured
by Wright. Facing surgery can be daunting.
However, Wright has decades of experience
producing revolutionary products which provide
hope every day for patients, such as yourself,
who are struggling with pain and unable
to live the active lifestyle they once did.

Normal Foot with

Foot Bunion

What Causes Bunions?
Foot problems, such as bunions, often develop in
early adulthood and worsen with aging. While
there are many contributing factors, bunions are
primarily thought to be hereditary and may be
just one of several problems of weak or poor foot
structure. Additionally, bunions can be aggravated
by arthritis. For some people with leg length
discrepancies, bunions tend to form on the foot of
the longer leg, due to excessive pronation, or the
inward rolling of the foot.
However, the greatest cause of bunions for those
with a genetic predisposition is years of wearing
tight, poorly fitting shoes
especially high-heeled and
pointed shoes. While this
leaves women especially
prone to developing bunions,
anyone who wears shoes
that gradually squeeze the
foot bones into an unnatural
shape may eventually
develop bunions.
Additionally, you may get bunions if:
The unique shape of your foot puts too much
pressure on your big toe joint while walking. People
with a family history of bunions are more likely to
develop bunions.
Your foot rolls inward too much when you walk. A
moderate amount of inward roll, or pronation, is
normal. But damage and injury can occur with too
much pronation.
You have flat feet, which alters the dynamics of the
foot during walking.
You have suffered previous trauma to your foot.
All of these may put unusual pressures on
the big toe joint, especially while walking.
Over time, these pressures force the big toe
out of alignment, bending it toward the
other toes, thereby creating a bunion.
Two Types of Bunions
You may have one or a combination of two
basic bunion types:
Positional (mild) bunions arise
from the growth of new
bone. As new bone grows,
the joint enlarges, which
stretches the joints outer
covering of tissue. Force
created by the stretching
of this tissue pushes the
big toe toward the smaller
ones. Eventually, the inside
tendons tighten, pulling
the big toe farther out of
Structural (severe) bunions
result when the joint at the
base of the toe shifts position.
When the angle between the
bones of the first and second toes is greater than
normal, the big toe slants toward the smaller
ones. In severe cases, this may also cause the
second and third toes to buckle.

Some people with bunions
do not exhibit any symptoms.
However, for others, bunions
may create excessive nerve
pain in the big toe, red or
irritated skin over the bunion,
or swelling at the base of the
big toe. In severe cases, the
big toe may point toward the
smaller toes, causing them
to develop problems such as
hammertoe (one or more toe
joints are permanently bent

Diagnosing Bunions
To determine the
best treatment for
your problem, your
doctor may assess
the frequency and
intensity of your
bunion pain. He
or she will likely
examine how far
and how smoothly
the affected joint
moves. Your doctor
may also watch
how your feet
rotate and flatten
as you walk to
evaluate if incorrect foot mechanics are causing
your problem.
X-rays are often used to check for bone problems
or to rule out other causes of pain and swelling.
Blood tests or arthrocentesis
(removal of fluid from a joint
for testing), are sometimes
performed to analyze the
existence of problems that
can cause joint pain and
swelling. These problems
might include gout,
rheumatoid arthritis, or joint

Treatment of Bunions
If a bunion is not painful or severe, your doctor
may simply recommend that you wear a
different shape or style of shoe, or you may
be prescribed custom-made shoe inserts to
correct your foot mechanics. For painful or
severe bunions, outpatient surgery may be
Bunion Surgery
There are over 100 different surgical procedures
for bunions. Research does not indicate which
type of surgery is best; surgery needs to be
specific to your condition. For that reason, a
combination of more than one procedure may
be done at the same time. All surgeries may
use a variety of orthopedic implants, from
plates to pins to screws, to ensure fixation and
stabilization of the joint.

The general types of bunion surgery are:

Exostectomy or bunionectomy Removal of part
of the metatarsal head (the bulging foot bone).
Realignment of the soft tissues (ligaments) around
the big toe joint.
Osteotomy Cutting and realignment of bone
with stabilization pins or screws.
Resection Removal and reshaping of bone from
the big toe joint (metatarsophalangeal joint).
Arthrodesis Fusion of the big toe joint to
minimize motion and pain.
Lapidus Realignment and fusion of the joint
where the metatarsal (the bone in the forefoot
behind the toe) joins the mid-foot.
Arthrodiastasis The use of an external fixator
to maintain joint motion, correct joint alignment,
and preserve toe length.

Bunion Solutions from Wright
Many of Wrights products can be used to assist
your doctor in correcting your bunions. These
products range from staples and screws, to
plates, implants, and external fixation solutions.
Depending on the type of procedure required,
your doctor may choose one or more Wright
products for your surgery.

Arthrodesis (Fusion)

ORTHOLOC 3Di Foot ORTHOLOC 3Di Foot CrossCHECK Plating

Reconstruction System Reconstruction System System MTP
MTP Fusion Plate Lapidus Plate CompressionPlate

TCP Total Compression DARCO Lapidus Plate SIDEKICK CORETRAK

Plate System (Lapidus Fusion) Tube Fixator
(Arthrodesis Fusion
or Arthrodiastasis)



Fixation System Hammertoe Allograft Fixation System



Reconstruction System (Reconstruction) (Osteotomy)
BOW Plate


(Osteotomy) (Resection or Osteotomy)

Arthroplasty (Joint Realignment/Replacement)

SWANSON Great Toe SWANSON Weil Silastic LPT Great

Implant (Arthroplasty) Hammertoe Toe Implant


Decompression Implant Great Toe Implant Sterile Allograft

Who Is Wright?
Wright was founded in 1950 in Memphis,
Tennessee by Frank Wright. He created the
company to distribute a rubber heel support
for walking casts. From this simple beginning,
Wright has become a global orthopaedic device
manufacturer with over 1,200 employees in over
60 countries.
The growth of Wright results from our ability
and drive to create new surgical technologies
with striking efficacy for patients and surgeons.
Many of these technologies were firsts in the
orthopaedic industry. This spirit of invention
leads Wright to continually innovate.

Why Would Your Surgeon Select a Wright

Product for Your Surgery?
With Wright, both you and your doctor have
options. Wright is widely recognized as the
leader in foot and ankle surgery. Surgeons
rely on Wright to help deliver the best result
for their patients. Wright boasts an industry-
leading portfolio of foot and ankle solutions,
all designed with the best possible patient
outcomes in mind. If your surgeon recommends
a Wright product for you, youll receive some
of the most technologically advanced solutions
available today.

Potential Risks of Bunion Surgery

In any surgical procedure, the potential for
complications exists. The potential risks and
complications with products used to treat bunions
include infection, pain, inflammation and swelling

at implant site, allergic reaction to implant
material(s), loosening or dislocation of implant
resulting in revision surgery, deterioration or loss
of bone, over-production of bone, blood vessel
blockage, and negative bodily response due to
implant rejection and/or implant wear debris.

After Surgery
Bunion surgery can both reduce pain and
improve the appearance of your feet. However,
for best results, see your doctor as scheduled
and follow all recovery instructions carefully.

Healing Takes Time

Your foot will be bandaged after surgery. If soft
tissues were shifted, you may be given a splint
to limit foot movement for a while. In such cases,
the majority of healing should occur within a few
weeks. If bone was cut,
you may need to wear a
surgical shoe or your foot
may be placed in a cast.
Depending on the extent
of the repair, the usual
recovery period is 6 weeks
to 6 months. In extreme
cases, complete healing
may take as long as 1 year.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can bunions be prevented?

A. For some, proper footwear can help reduce the

risk of bunions. Wear roomy shoes that have wide
and deep toe boxes, low or flat heels, and good
arch supports. Avoid tight, narrow, or high-heeled
shoes that put pressure on the big toe joint. Also,
excessive foot pronation (an inward rolling of the
foot) has been linked to bunion formation. You
may be able to prevent excessive pronation by
wearing supportive shoes or using arch supports.

Q. When is surgery appropriate for bunions?

A. Only you and your doctor can determine the correct

course of treatment for you and your condition.
Surgery should be the last step and should be
considered when other alternatives have proven
ineffective and, when foot pain significantly
impacts the activity and quality of your life.

Q. Will my bunion(s) return after surgery?

A. Surgical correction of bunions seeks to address

the underlying structural causes of bunions, and
is often very successful. However, bunions may
return after surgery, especially if you continue
to wear narrow or high-heeled shoes. To reduce
the risk of bunions returning, comply fully with
all your doctors recovery instructions.

Q. Will surgery improve the appearance

of my feet?

A. Your expectations may influence your satisfaction

with the surgery. For example, although surgery
may improve your foots appearance, those
who make appearance their primary reason for
surgery are generally disappointed in the results.
Discuss your expectations with your doctor.

Q. Will I lose any flexibility?

A. Depending on the procedure you receive,

flexibility of your big toe joint may either
increase or decrease, which may be a concern if
you are active and need a full range of motion
in the big toe. Discuss your expectations with
your doctor to determine which type of bunion
surgery is right for you.

Q. When will I be walking again?

A. Most procedures will initially limit your walking.

With certain procedures, you may be able
to return to normal daily activity with some
limitations as soon as one week after surgery. After
some procedures, no weight can be put on the
foot for 6 to 8 weeks to promote optimal healing,
after which there are a few more weeks of partial
weight-bearing with the foot in a special shoe or
boot to keep the bones and soft tissues steady as
they heal. It is very important that you fully comply
with your doctors recovery instructions.

Q. When may I wear normal shoes again?

A. Walking casts, splints, special shoes, or wooden

shoes are sometimes used. Return to roomy,
supportive shoes can happen from 1 to 6
weeks, depending on the type of surgery. Again,
your doctor will provide you with recovery
instructions to ensure optimal healing.

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Memphis, TN 38117
800 238 7117
901 867 9971

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69006 Lyon
+33 (0)4 72 84 10 30

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Letchworth Garden City
Hertfordshire SG6 1UG
United Kingdom
+44 (0)845 833 4435

and denote Trademarks and Registered Trademarks of Wright Medical Group N.V. or its affiliates.
2016 Wright Medical Group N.V. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

009672B 03-Feb-2015

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