Revenue Recovery Certificate Ver 1.2
Revenue Recovery Certificate Ver 1.2
Revenue Recovery Certificate Ver 1.2
Date: November 18, 2017
Round Seal
of the
Chief Officer
(See rule 5)
Notice of Demand to a Defaulter
7 Full Name of the defaulter
a Flat No
b Name of Society
c Building No
d Area
e Locality / Land Mark
f City - Pincode Mumbai -
You are hereby required to take notice that sum of Rs
is due from you on account of arrears of land revenue as per details given in
the sub-joint statement, and that unless it is paid within days *( from the
date of service of this notice) together with the sum of Rs.
being the fee chargeable for this notice, compulsory proceedings will be taken
against you according to law for the recovery of the dues , together with an
additional penalty not exceeding one-fourth of the said arrears under Section
174 of the Maharashtra Land Revenue Code 1966.
Date : Round
Place: Mumbai Seal of
Tahsildar Tahsildar.
Form 2.
(See rule 6)
Form of Proclamation and written Notice of Forfeiture
Round Seal
of the
Date :
Place :Mumbai
(Seal of officer)
(See Rule 9)
Warrant of Distraint of Movable Property.
(Name and office of the person charges with execution of the warrant)
Whereas ( Name of Defaulter)
You are hereby ordered to distrain the movable property of the said
defaulter.and unless the total amount due is
paid, to hold the same until further orders from this office.
You are further ordered to return this warrant on or before the day of ---------
2017 with an endorsement certifying the date and manner in which it has been
executed or stating why it has not been executed.
Date :
Place : Mumbai
(Seal of officer)
Round Seal
of the
Designation of the Revenue Officer.
(See Rule 11)
Order of Attachment of Immovable Property
Issued under my hand and seal of this office this --------- day of-----19----office
of -----Seal of Office Collector.
(See Rule 12 (2) (a))
Proclamation and Written Notice of Sale of Forfeited Property
Whereas the property specified below has been forfeited for the recovery of
the arrears of land revenue specified in column (5) of the below due by
Full Name of the defaulter
Flat No
Name of Society
Building No
Locality / Land Mark
City - Pincode Mumbai -
Notice is hereby given that unless the amounts due be paid to the Talathi of ----
-- before the day herein fixed for the sale, the said property shall be sold free
of all encumbrances imposed on it and all grants and contracts made in respect
of it. by public auction at --------- on the -------day of---19 ot or about o'clock.
Notes - (1) Arrears of land revenue due on each survey number or sub-division
number must be separately specified in column (5)
(2) If a holding consists of more than one survey or khasra number or sub-
division number it would be open to the office conducting the sale to sell one
or more of such numbers as may be considered necessary to recover the
*(Given under my hand and seal of the Officer)
Date :
Place : Mumbai
Seal of officer Collector of Mumbai Suburban District
(See Rule 12(2) (b))
Whereas the movable property specified below has been distrained for the
recovery of Rs. on account of demand in respect
of arrears due to MHADA Mumbai Board, recoverable as an arrears of land
Notice is hereby given that unless the amount due be paid to the Talathi of
before the day herein fixed for the sale, the said property shall be sold by
public auction at on
the day of ---------- 19, at or about ------ o'clock.
Any sale so made shall be / shall not be subject to confirmation.
Date :
Place : Mumbai
(Seal of officer)
Revenue Officer
(See Rule 12(2) (c))
Whereas the immovable property described below has been attached for the
recovery of Rs________________on account of demand from MHADA,
Mumbai Board, due by (Defaulter name and address)
Notice is hereby given that unless the total amount aforesaid be paid before
the day herein fixed for the sale, the said property shall be sold by (* * ) public
auction at (Place)________________________
on the _____day of ______, 201__at or about ______o' clock.
The sale extends only to the right, title and interest of the said defaulter in the
said property.
Details of Property
Flat No
Name of Society
Building No
Locality / Land Mark
City - Pincode Mumbai -
CTS no of the property
Area in Sq Meters
assessment if any
Any known
Date :
Place :
Date :
Place :
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