Benefits of Membership 2015
Benefits of Membership 2015
Benefits of Membership 2015
Introduction 3
Employability 45
Global influence and representation 67
ACCAs world-class global reputation with
employers helps you increase your earning
potential, improve your career progression
opportunities and truly provides international
mobility to your career. The value of ACCA
membership does not stop with just being
linked to our core values and a tradition of
excellence we provide so much more.
ACCA the choice among employers across all sectors
Increasing your employability Ready-made networks working in key sectors: oil and gas,
ACCA is respected everywhere to help you SMEs, financial services, public services
around the world, meaning ACCA The portability of our professional and not for profit, and shared services/
membership and being able to use qualification and ACCAs global outsourcing. There is also a hub
the ACCA designation after your presence means youre likely to find specifically for members in practice and
name is your key to professional fellow members or even a local office another for the area of internal audit.
opportunities throughout the world. wherever you are in the world. Our
networks can help provide crucial Professional services
An independent global survey of advice on the local job market, Our members are in demand as
500 employers showed that 50% salaries, living costs and which are auditors and accountants; many act
rate ACCA as the leading global the best recruiters to approach. as consultants in specialist fields,
professional accountancy. As advising multinationals on tax strategy,
competition for jobs intensifies, A truly flexible qualification transaction support, corporate
ACCA membership represents an To make sure that you get quicker recovery, risk management or forensic
instantly recognisable badge that access to sector-specific information, accounting; others manage and
sets you apart when employers we have introduced a series of hubs own their own practices, providing
and recruitment consultancies on the website that bring together all accounting and bookkeeping
are shortlisting for interviews. the relevant resources for members services to SMEs (small and medium
enterprises) and growing businesses.
national offices
around the world
178,000 members
and 455,000 students
across 181 countries
ACCA membership increases
your earning power and career
prospects on a global scale
Not-for-profit organisations
The skills and competencies typically
exhibited by our members make them
highly sought after by public bodies
and charities, keen to manage scarce
resources effectively and embed
best practice in financial reporting,
systems and procurement.
When our members speak, Many ways to get involved Regional panel and special
others listen ACCAs Council interest groups
As a transparent, democratic At the highest level of decision making, Supported by our 92 national offices,
organisation, ACCA offers members all members have the opportunity these groups focus on local issues
the opportunity to get involved, speak to stand for ACCAs Council which that are important to members from
up and make things happen within both provides strategic direction for ACCA building relationships with employers
ACCA and the wider profession globally. A 36-strong body and elected to tackling the challenges facing
by members annually, Council governs specific industries. Contact your local
Our members are regularly invited to ACCAs activities and works with the office to find out what groups you can
play a part in developing the profession executive management team which contribute to in your area.
at regional and international levels a delivers our strategic objectives and
clear acknowledgment that the ACCA manages our finances. Providing members a springboard to
syllabus develops a broad set of skills new opportunities
and knowledge. International Assembly As well as gaining satisfaction that
ACCAs International Assembly, comes from making a difference and
In doing so, members therefore comprises national and regional having your voice heard, members who
have the opportunity to shape representatives of ACCAs global contribute to ACCA activities benefit
opinion, inform strategy and network and helps contribute to by raising their profile, broadening their
influence policy that can make a Councils strategy. International professional network and from learning
positive difference to individuals, Assembly discusses such matters as new skills.
businesses and communities. member services, ACCAs international
profile and key issues impacting the
global profession.
There are many opportunities to get
involved within ACCA both at a global
and local level
Benefitting members
ACCA members not only have access
to this cutting edge research, offering
invaluable insight and sparking debate, it
also ensures ACCA are seen as setting the Being a member has kept me up to date with all
agenda for the profession. Additionally, the changes and issues affecting the profession.
ACCA regularly contributes and publishes
insights in response to public, government Membership has also given me the opportunity
and professional consultations, on issues to meet so many great people in my industry.
of importance to our members ensuring
Martin Turner FCCA, management consultant; ACCA president 201314
our members interests are represented.
members professional network
more than
more than
views across our
YouTube channel
followers of our
@ACCANews feed
I think it is a useful
consolidation of accounting
articles and technical
updates. I can (find)
this information from
various sources for free
but the ACCA magazine
more than 547,000 fans
has it all in one place. of our global Facebook page
Anonymous comment from a
survey of Accounting and Business
readers, Big Four, New Zealand
and over
33 regional pages
Personal development
Supporting you and opening the doors in your
professional development
ers service
apply for hundreds of finance vacancies