Benefits of Membership 2015

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The benefits


Introduction 3

Employability 45

Global influence and representation 67

Knowledge and connections 89

Personal development 1011

Customer care and careers service 1213


ACCAs world-class global reputation with
employers helps you increase your earning
potential, improve your career progression
opportunities and truly provides international
mobility to your career. The value of ACCA
membership does not stop with just being
linked to our core values and a tradition of
excellence we provide so much more.

This brochure highlights the many

other benefits and services on offer to
members, all of which ensures that theres
real value in ACCA membership.

Helen Brand, chief executive


ACCA the choice among employers across all sectors

Increasing your employability Ready-made networks working in key sectors: oil and gas,
ACCA is respected everywhere to help you SMEs, financial services, public services
around the world, meaning ACCA The portability of our professional and not for profit, and shared services/
membership and being able to use qualification and ACCAs global outsourcing. There is also a hub
the ACCA designation after your presence means youre likely to find specifically for members in practice and
name is your key to professional fellow members or even a local office another for the area of internal audit.
opportunities throughout the world. wherever you are in the world. Our
networks can help provide crucial Professional services
An independent global survey of advice on the local job market, Our members are in demand as
500 employers showed that 50% salaries, living costs and which are auditors and accountants; many act
rate ACCA as the leading global the best recruiters to approach. as consultants in specialist fields,
professional accountancy. As advising multinationals on tax strategy,
competition for jobs intensifies, A truly flexible qualification transaction support, corporate
ACCA membership represents an To make sure that you get quicker recovery, risk management or forensic
instantly recognisable badge that access to sector-specific information, accounting; others manage and
sets you apart when employers we have introduced a series of hubs own their own practices, providing
and recruitment consultancies on the website that bring together all accounting and bookkeeping
are shortlisting for interviews. the relevant resources for members services to SMEs (small and medium
enterprises) and growing businesses.

of CFOs and finance directors in a recent

independent survey agreed or strongly agreed
that ACCA is a world-class organisation

national offices
around the world

178,000 members
and 455,000 students
across 181 countries
ACCA membership increases
your earning power and career
prospects on a global scale

The breadth and scope of the ACCA

Qualifications syllabus equips members
with complete flexibility in their careers

Commerce, industry and We are confident that the

financial services ACCA exam syllabus stretches
ACCA members include CFOs, financial our trainees and equips them
controllers and heads of finance leading with an excellent grounding in
finance teams across a host of sectors. business and accounting in
Increasingly, our members are moving order to service our clients.
into wider business management roles, as
Michael Walby, director of professional
CEOs or directors of resources, with remits
qualification training, KPMG LLP,
spanning other head office functions. United Kingdom
Others use their transferable skills to
springboard into entrepreneurial roles,
setting up their own businesses.

Not-for-profit organisations
The skills and competencies typically
exhibited by our members make them
highly sought after by public bodies
and charities, keen to manage scarce
resources effectively and embed
best practice in financial reporting,
systems and procurement.

When i hire staff with an

acca qualification i know
what im getting. and i
know that behind them is a
professional body thats
ACCA members and trainees helping guide the ethics
and principles that they use
are the driving force in their day to day work.
supporting our organisation to Patrick Sullivan, CFO, Standard
Chartered Bank, China
achieve its strategies.
Vic Tan, CFO, Ralph Lauren group, Japan

ACCA members contribute to the professionalism

in the NHS and help to ensure we deliver an
appropriate service to the public.
Ali MacPhail, learning & development adviser,
National Leadership Unit, NHS Scotland, United Kingdom

Global influence and repres

Your chance to be a global influencer and be represented
within the global community

When our members speak, Many ways to get involved Regional panel and special
others listen ACCAs Council interest groups
As a transparent, democratic At the highest level of decision making, Supported by our 92 national offices,
organisation, ACCA offers members all members have the opportunity these groups focus on local issues
the opportunity to get involved, speak to stand for ACCAs Council which that are important to members from
up and make things happen within both provides strategic direction for ACCA building relationships with employers
ACCA and the wider profession globally. A 36-strong body and elected to tackling the challenges facing
by members annually, Council governs specific industries. Contact your local
Our members are regularly invited to ACCAs activities and works with the office to find out what groups you can
play a part in developing the profession executive management team which contribute to in your area.
at regional and international levels a delivers our strategic objectives and
clear acknowledgment that the ACCA manages our finances. Providing members a springboard to
syllabus develops a broad set of skills new opportunities
and knowledge. International Assembly As well as gaining satisfaction that
ACCAs International Assembly, comes from making a difference and
In doing so, members therefore comprises national and regional having your voice heard, members who
have the opportunity to shape representatives of ACCAs global contribute to ACCA activities benefit
opinion, inform strategy and network and helps contribute to by raising their profile, broadening their
influence policy that can make a Councils strategy. International professional network and from learning
positive difference to individuals, Assembly discusses such matters as new skills.
businesses and communities. member services, ACCAs international
profile and key issues impacting the
global profession.

The number of ACCA members

representing 42 countries
and regions at our registrants to our 2014
International Assembly Accounting for the future
online event
ACCAs global reputation means
members can play a key part in
developing the profession
Our research programme ensures ACCA
are at the cutting edge of the profession,
providing members both invaluable
information and increased recognition

There are many opportunities to get
involved within ACCA both at a global
and local level

At the forefront of innovation

and change
ACCA carries out an extensive programme
of research into the issues that matter
today, and those likely to matter tomorrow.
Trusted by leading figures in the
accounting profession and business world,
our research and insights programme
provides leading-edge thinking, analysis,
practical recommendations and tools for
the profession and wider business. With
this research we seek to engage with
and impact the public, private and third
sectors, including small and medium sized
enterprises (SMEs).

Benefitting members
ACCA members not only have access
to this cutting edge research, offering
invaluable insight and sparking debate, it
also ensures ACCA are seen as setting the Being a member has kept me up to date with all
agenda for the profession. Additionally, the changes and issues affecting the profession.
ACCA regularly contributes and publishes
insights in response to public, government Membership has also given me the opportunity
and professional consultations, on issues to meet so many great people in my industry.
of importance to our members ensuring
Martin Turner FCCA, management consultant; ACCA president 201314
our members interests are represented.

Council membership has been a really

empowering and engaging journey for me. It has
allowed me to shape the profession and make a
positive impact on peoples lives.
Jenny Gu FCCA, field operations advisor, TPG Capital Limited, China;
ACCA Council member

Knowledge and connection

Stay informed and connect with like-minded individuals

PROFESSIONAL MAGAZINE Delivered to your inbox communities across a number of social

Accounting and Business is our We also produce regular ezines to both media platforms, both at a local and
professional magazine sent to all keep you up to date and support your global level, meaning you can tap into
members, published ten times professional growth. AB Direct is our the collective thinking of professionals
a year, in six tailored editions weekly e-zine containing news from around the globe and get advice,
relevant to your region. the profession and ACCA, technical support, and updates when you want.
updates, CPD promotions and job
Hugely popular amongst its readership,
opportunities. Members can tailor LinkedIn
the magazine addresses critical
their preferences by geographic and Our members-only LinkedIn group has
issues in accountancy and business
technical areas of interest, so you only more than 25,000 members connecting
including high profile interviews, news,
get the information you really want. and engaging daily on the issues
technical updates and analysis. It also
that matter to them, whilst ACCAs
features articles tailored to financial Our CPD Direct ezine provides
company page provides the latest
professionals working in the corporate, guidance and highlights the
industry insights and news from ACCA.
practice and public sectors and articles professional development
on CPD and careers. Accounting opportunities available to
and Businessis produced in print, you throughout the year.
Our range of Twitter feeds provides
as a magazine app and as a pdf. The
a behind the scenes look at our
digital versions also include video Get social
technical activities and offers updates
content. You can access the magazine You can keep in touch with ACCA and
on ACCAs latest projects and events., where your fellow ACCA members with our
you can also browse key articles. social media pages. We have growing

The magazine gives an

inside view of current
issues and gives me a
sense of ownership. It
feels that articles are
written for me and
accountants like me.
Anonymous comment from a
survey of Accounting and Business
of members usually or always read Accounting and Business magazine readers, health sector, Mauritius
A range of publications across a
variety of platforms keeping you
up to date and providing in-depth
commentary on todays business world

The largest social media presence of

any accountancy body providing
news, sparking debate and broadening

members professional network

Facebook These numbers are growing all the time...

Our Facebook page brings together
students and members who share
their experiences and help each other
through their studies and careers. more than
Our YouTube channel provides
video updates from ACCA
events, our publications team
25,000 members of
and ACCAs executive team. our exclusive
Full information on all our global and local ACCA members
social media resources can be found within
the members section of the website. LinkedIn group

more than

more than
views across our
YouTube channel

followers of our
@ACCANews feed
I think it is a useful
consolidation of accounting
articles and technical
updates. I can (find)
this information from
various sources for free
but the ACCA magazine
more than 547,000 fans
has it all in one place. of our global Facebook page
Anonymous comment from a
survey of Accounting and Business
readers, Big Four, New Zealand
and over
33 regional pages

Personal development
Supporting you and opening the doors in your
professional development

Professional development Technical resources Mutual Recognition

Being an ACCA member opens up A comprehensive repository of thought agreements
whole new doors to progress in leadership and reference materials, ACCA has long earned and enjoyed a
your professional development. Our from magazine articles and research high degree of respect, admiration and
Continuing Professional Development to presentations and seminar notes trust throughout the global accounting
(CPD) policy is very flexible and can a resource thats as flexible and profession. Today, we have a network of
accommodate any learning relevant to accessible as you need it to be. 80 formal partnerships in place around
your career. As well as providing all the the world, with other membership
CPD guidance and resources you need Further Qualifications and bodies, trade associations, training
to maximise your potential at work and professional partners providers and academic institutions.
increase your job satisfaction, you can In collaboration with some of the
also take advantage of our relationships worlds leading universities and Our partnership programme means
with carefully selected academic and professional institutions, we have that the profile and standing of
professional partners to enhance identified distant learning courses our members is considerably
your marketability to employers. which complement the ACCA enhanced, regardless of where they
Qualification and allow members to choose to live and work. ACCA
Online learning specialise within a particular area of has formed mutual recognition
Through our dedicated learning finance or management. Through agreements and arrangements
portal, My Development, we offer our partnerships, members benefit for recognition with several key
a range of online learning products from accelerated access routes prestigious global accountancy
in partnership with leading names and discounted fees on many of bodies, providing uncomplicated
in professional education, covering these courses and membership and inexpensive routes for ACCA
technical, management, strategy and subscriptions, whilst also ensuring members to enjoy the benefits these
personal effectiveness subjects, many the ACCA brand is synonymous with local organisations can offer:
at substantial discounts or exclusively excellence in professional education
developed for ACCA members. and recognised in the market.

To me, ACCA membership is

about being a member of a
globally recognised and well
known network of professionals,
which provides the platform to
share experience and meet on a
regular basis.
Accountancy partnerships
Dita Chrastilova ACCA, managing partner WITH ORGANISATIONS
Schulmeister Finance Professional AROUND THE WORLD
Czech Republic
We provide a wealth of learning
support and guidance to help you as a
professional and to further your career
Through our range of partnerships,
members can enjoy uncomplicated and
inexpensive routes to other membership
bodies and further qualifications
Face-to-face events held by your
national office can help your
professional development and also build
your professional network

The Certified General Accountants ACADEMIC PARTNERSHIPS

Association of Canada Global MBA with Oxford Brookes University
The Hong Kong Institute of Diploma in Financial Strategy, in association with Sad Business School,
Certified Public Accountants Oxford University
Public Policy and Management offering from SOAS,
The Malaysian Institute of University of London
Certified Public Accountants MSc in Financial Management with Edinburgh Business school,
The Institute of Certified Public Heriot-Watt University
Accountants of Singapore MSc in Professional Accountancy from University of London

Member events professional PARTNERSHIPS

We believe that individuals work better Chartered Management Institute (CMI)
when knowledge is shared. Therefore Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT)
many of our national offices organise face- Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT)
to-face professional development courses Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment (CISI)
and networking events, giving members Institute of Management Accountants (IMA)
not only the opportunity to develop their The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)
learning, but also meet fellow members
and enhance their professional profile.
The CPD events are really useful
Additionally, we like to recognise and
and I like the choice between the
celebrate new ACCA membership and
day events or the online webinars
fellowship as important stages in our
so you can make it work for you.
members professional development, so
Its important to make sure your
many of our national offices commemorate
technical knowledge is always up
these milestones with ceremonial events.
to date, not only as part of the cpd
requirement, but also because you
want to make sure youre good at
your job.
Lucy Park, Accounts senior
French Duncan, United Kingdom

Weve got loads of cpd and tools

online to help us. To give one
simple example, I needed
information about how to deal
with a transaction recently. I
went onto the acca website,
downloaded the technical
The saving ACCA members make factsheet and it was sorted.
from the Oxford Brookes Global
MBA fees John Fairgrieve, Director
NHM Accountants Ltd, United Kingdom

Customer care and careers

Managing your membership is easy with ACCA and our careers
service can put you on the right track

Enjoy excellent service. If you choose to phone us in Home to a wealth of

customer care some markets you can now contact opportunities
We are the only professional ACCA Connect through your local With thousands of global job
accountancy body in the world with ACCA office telephone number, opportunities available each day and
a customer contact centre, ACCA meaning theres no need to worry with direct employers and recruiters
Connect, working 24 hours a day, 365 about international call rates. specifically looking for ACCA members,
days a year meaning our members ACCA Careers is your one stop job
can always get their query dealt with, Our careers service search tool.
no matter where they are or what time to members
ACCA Careers has everything youd
of day it is. ACCA Careers is our global careers
expect from a best-in-class job search and
job board, providing you free access to
careers portal befitting a membership
ACCA Connect thousands of accounting and finance
body such as ACCA, including:
Provides members with quick, vacancies and job opportunities
friendly and effective support, worldwide as well as numerous a fully filterable and saveable job
whether it be over the phone, email interesting news articles covering a search facility allowing you to shortlist
or our recently launched Web Chat variety of careers and job related topics. positions youre interested in

The average time youll wait before being

connected to one of our highly trained
ACCA Connect advisors

Average number of calls

answered per day by
ACCA Connect
Members can get their issues and queries answered quickly and
efficiently by our customer care team thats open 24/7, 365 days a year

careers portal providing career
guidance and free access to browse and

ers service
apply for hundreds of finance vacancies

the ability to create a profile and to

store your CV to the CV database so
that you can be found by employers
looking to hire
able to apply for jobs with one click
the ability to sign up for personalised
email alerts when a relevant job is
a wealth of careers and job related
news articles
accessible across all mobile devices
and platforms.
Scan this QR code
to be taken straight to
ACCA Careers mobile enabled site

web chats handled within the first

six months of its launch

The average number ACCA Careers is part of our

of emails we receive recruitment strategy and
every day continues to help us attract
qualified finance professionals.
Cola Cola, Global Business Services, Human Resources
The information contained in this publication
is provided for general purposes only.
While every effort has been made to
ensure that the information is accurate
and up to date at the time of going
to press, ACCA accepts no responsibility
for any loss which may arise from
information contained in this publication.
No part of this publication may be
reproduced, in any format, without prior
written permission of ACCA.

ACCA August 2015

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