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Role & Responsibility

Charting (RACI)

By Michael L Smith and James Erwin

See RACI Template too.

By Sandra Diaferio
Role & Responsibility Charting



Responsibility Charting is a technique for identifying functional areas where there

are process ambiguities, bringing the differences out in the open and resolving
them through a cross-functional collaborative effort.

Responsibility Charting enables managers from the same or different

organizational levels or programs to actively participate in a focused and
systematic discussion about process related descriptions of the actions that must
be accomplished in order to deliver a successful end product or service.

Approach Definitions

Responsibility Charting is a way of systematically clarifying relationships

pertaining to:

1. Communication or actions required to deliver an acceptable product r

or service
2. Functional roles or departmental positions (no personal names).
3. Participation expectations assigned to roles by decisions or actions.

Process Functional Functional Functional Functional Functional

Model Role Role Role Role Role

or Actions

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Managers and supervisors are not accountable for everything in their
organization. Responsibility charting ensures accountability is placed with the
person who really can be accountable for specific work. Often this results in
accountabilities for actions being moved down to the most appropriate level.

Everyone has some process role in their job. Because of differing perceptions,
one person’s view of their role may be quite different than another’s. Role
perceptions held today will change tomorrow even though the job activities
remain the same. There are three (3) basic assumptions in any role. They are:

1. ROLE CONCEPTION: What a person thinks his/her job is and

how the person has been taught to do
it. His/her thinking may well be
influenced by many false assumptions
(e.g., misleading titles, training received
from a predecessor during his or her
last week on the job, etc.)

2. ROLE EXPECTATION: What others in the organization think

the person is responsible for, and how
he/she should carry out those
responsibilities. Others’ ideas may also
be influenced by incorrect information
(e.g., the way it was at a former job,
priority changes, assumptions,
inconsistent messages from leadership,
etc.). The role expectation is usually
based on the output of results expected
from the role.

3. ROLE BEHAVIOR: What a person actually does in carrying

out the job.

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Role & Responsibility Charting

Responsibility charting reconciles ROLE CONCEPTION with the ROLE

EXPECTATION and thus, ROLE BEHAVIOR becomes more predictable and
productive!. Ideally, what a person thinks his or her hob is, what others expect of
that job, and how the job is actually performed are all the same. The “RACI”
process is a tool to lock all elements in place. Working with other “process
providers” provides a real time consensus that clarifies “who is to do what, with
whom and when. This is of great benefit for overall process performance.

A substandard product or process can often be tracked back to a fault in the

chart. Common faults in the chart include: an action not included on the chart
(that should be), a position failing to perform as assigned or a missing or
misapplied responsibility code. The highly visible and collaborative nature of the
charting process promotes rapid and effective updates/corrections as well as
better understanding by those involved in the work.


The need for managers and supervisors to clarify roles and responsibilities does
not end after the Responsibility Charting process is complete; it must be an
ongoing activity. Managers need to acquire a “sixth sense” so they can recognize
the symptoms of role confusion and determine when the process needs to be
repeated. Perception “drift” is natural. The identification and elimination of “drift”
is important to the company’s overall well being as it relates to cost, service and

The symptoms of role confusion are:

• Concern over who makes decisions

• Blaming of others for not getting the job done
• Out of balance workloads
• Lack of action because of ineffective communications
• Questions over who does what
• A “we-they” attitude
• A “not sure, so take no action” attitude
• Idle time
• Creation of and attention to non-essential work to fill time
• A reactive work environment
• Poor morale
• Multiple “stops” needed to find an answer to a question

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“The Doer”
The “doer” is the individual(s) who actually complete the task. The “doer” Is
responsible for action/implementation. Responsibility can be shared. The
degree of responsibility is determined by the individual with the “A”.

“The Buck Stops Here”
The accountable person is the individual who is ultimately answerable for
the activity or decision. This includes “yes” or “no” authority and veto
power. Only one “A” can be assigned to an action.

“In the Loop”
The consult role is individual(s) (typically subject matter experts) to be
consulted prior to a final decision or action. This is a predetermined need
for two-way communication. Input from the designated position is required.

“Keep in the Picture”
This is individual (s) who needs to be informed after a decision or action is
taken. They may be required to take action as a result of the outcome. It is
a one-way communication.

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Responsibility Chart
The 5-Step Process
1. Identify work process
Start with high impact areas first
• Don’t chart process that will soon change
• Work process must be well defined
- Fewer than ten activities implies the definition is too
- Greater then 25 activities implies definition is too

2. Determine the decisions and activities to chart

• Avoid obvious, generic or ambiguous activities, such

- “Attend meetings”
- “Prepare reports”
• Each activity or decision should begin with a good
action verb

Evaluate Schedule Write Record Determine

Operate Monitor Prepare Update Collect
Approve Conduct Develop Inspect Train
Publish Report Review Authorize Decide

3. Prepare a list of roles or people involved in those tasks

Roles can be individuals, groups or entire departments

• Can include people outside your department our outside the


- Customers, suppliers, etc.

• Roles are better than individual names

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- RACI chart should be independent of personal

relationships so the chart would still be valid if all
new people filled the roles tomorrow

4. Develop the RACI chart

As a general rule, first assign R’s then determine who has
the A, then complete C’s and I’s

• For larger groups or more complex issues, an independent

facilitator is required

• Meeting time can be significantly reduced if a “straw model”

list of decisions and activities is completed prior to meeting

The ideal group size is four to ten people

5. Get feedback and buy-in

• Distribute the RACI chart to everyone represented on the

chart but not present in the development meeting
• Capture their changes and revise chart as appropriate
• Reissue revised RACI chart
• Update as necessary on a on-going basis

A follow-up meeting may be necessary if

significant changes are made

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An Example

Mother Father John Sally Mark Kids*

Feed the dog A C R
Play with dog I I A R
Take dog to vet R A/R C
Morning walk C A/R R
Evening walk C A/R R
Wash dog C A/R
Clean up mess C A R


An important element of Responsibility Charting is developing the

actions to be charted and agreed upon. The lists can be developed in
several ways. One effective way to gather information on functions,
decisions, or activities is in a one-on-one interview. This interview is an
analytical questioning process and ranges from broad questions such as
“what are the department’s objectives?” or, “what must the team
accomplish?” to very specific questions involving inputs and outputs of
work, to and from the participant.

An alternative to the interview is a group “brainstorm” or idea generation

technique with representatives from the “process participant”
departments. A facilitator would record the actions which then could be
fine-tuned in subsequent group meetings.

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Role & Responsibility Charting

R A C I Chart Review
Vertical Analysis
Finding Possible Interpretation

Lots of R’s Can this individual stay on top of so much?

No empty spaces Does the individual need to be involved in so

many activities?

Too many A’s Can some of the accountability be “pushed

down” in the organization?

No R’s or A’s Is this a line position? Could it be expanded or


Overall pattern Does the pattern fit the personality and style of
the role occupant? Does it go against the
personality type of the role occupant? (i.e.,
either too much or too little involvement, etc.)

Roles / People


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R A C I Chart Review
Horizontal Analysis
Finding Possible Interpretation

Lots of R’s Will the task get done?

Can activity or decision be broken into more specific tasks?

Lots of C’s Do all these individuals really need to be consulted? Do the

benefits of added input justify the time lost in consulting all these

Lots of I’s Do all these individuals really need to be routinely informed, or

could they be informed only in exceptional circumstances?

No R’s Job may not get done; everyone is waiting to approve, be

consulted, or informed; no one sees their role as taking the
initiative to get the job done.

No A’s No performance accountability; therefore, no personal

consequence when the job doesn’t get done. Rule #1 in RACI
charting: There must be one, but only one, “A” for each
action or decision listed on the chart.

No C’s / I’s Is this because individuals/departments “don’t talk”?

Does a lack of communication between individuals/departments
result in parallel or uninformed actions?

Roles / People


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R A C I Closing Guidelines

1. Place Accountability (A) and Responsibility (R) at the

lowest feasible level.

2. There can be only one accountable individual per activity

3. Authority must accompany accountability

4. Minimize the number of Consults (C) and Informs (I)

5. All roles and responsibilities must be documented and

6. Discipline is needed to keep the roles and responsibilities
clear. “Drift” happens. RACI has to be revisited
periodically, especially when symptoms of role confusion
reappear e.g.,

• Concern over who makes decisions

• Blaming of others for not getting the job done
• Out of balance workloads
• Lack of action because of ineffective communications
• Questions over who does what
• A “we-they” attitude
• A “not sure, so take no action” attitude
• Idle time
• Creation of and attention to non-essential work to fill time
• A reactive work environment
• Poor morale
• Multiple “stops” needed to find an answer to a question

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When To Use Responsibility Charting

• To improve understanding of the roles and

responsibilities around work process

§ “As Is”
§ “To Be”

• To improve understanding of roles and

responsibilities within a department

• To define the roles and responsibilities of

team members on a project

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Trying to get work done without clearly establishing

roles and responsibilities, is like trying to parallel park
with one eye closed.

What about role behavior? The RACI chart shows who does
what at a high level and their RACI role. If more specificity is
needed, and it often is, you can use process maps or list the
steps/decisions and document the specifics of what is done.

You can go from process maps to RACI or RACI to process maps

Planning Order Release

Meeting put in Cage

TS Reviews Orders
and assigns work by
Job size/program and
staff skill


Pick Mat'l
from Batch
List/Pick Plan

Count Items


Write range Write

and quantity ranges on
on pick plan pick plan

Scan Batch List

and Item ID

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Or, you can document your understanding of the role behavior by

taking the list from the RACI chart and listing the steps/decisions
and documenting the specifics of what is done. It’s as simple as
who, what, when, inputs and outputs. You can expect more
resistance clarifying the roles this way than just with RACI. We
now know who is to do what with whom, and when in such a way
that each person is truly accountable for their part of the overall

Task / RACI Who What When Inputs Outputs

Decision from to

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