KCC DataSheet EH2350 (P) (ENG) PDF
KCC DataSheet EH2350 (P) (ENG) PDF
KCC DataSheet EH2350 (P) (ENG) PDF
Product A two-component, polyamine cured epoxy resin based self-priming, anti-abrasion coating with
Description excellent resistance to seawater, crude oil, fuel oil and abrasion. Applicable to new or old steel,
requiring only the removal of loose rust as a surface tolerant coating, curable at low temperature even
-18 /-0.4 and meeting VOC requirements as high solids coating.
Recommended Use As an anti-corrosion and anti-abrasion coating for long-life protection of steel structures in severely
corrosive environment such as Underwater hull outside, Boottop, Topside, Exposed parts of ship,
Water ballast tank, Cargo holds, etc. As a tank coating for ships crude oil tanks, fuel oil tanks and
interior of pipe lines transfer crude oils, etc.
Applicable to steel structures for offshore projects, plants, bridges and others.
For application in water ballast tanks at newbuilding stage in accordance with PSPC (IMO Res.
MSC.215(82), see the Technical Information for PSPC Applications-Korepox EH2350(P)
Physical Properties
Finish and Color 1151(Greyish yellow), 1128(French grey)
Solids by Volume Approx. 78 % (Determined by ISO 3233)
Specific Gravity Approx. 1.50 for Mixture of Base and Curing agent.
Base (EH2350(P)PTA) : 26C / 79F (Closed cup)
Flash Point
Curing Agent (EH2350(P)PTB ) : 26C / 79F (Closed cup)
Application Details
Surface Remove any oil, grease, dirt and any other contaminants from the surface before painting by proper
Preparation method such as solvent cleaning and fresh water washing, etc.
- Blast cleaning to Sa2 or power tool cleaning to St3, etc.
- Profile requirements : 30 ~ 75 in case of full or partial blast cleaning.
Application The surface should be adequately clean and dry. Do not apply when relative humidity is above 85 %.
Condition The surface temperature should be at least 3C / 5F above dew point to prevent condensation.
Temperature during application and curing is preferable from -18C / 0F to 49C / 120F. This
temperature condition is for the substrate and surrounding air.
Mixing EH2350(P)PTA (Part A, Base) : EH2350(P)PTB (Part B, Curing agent) = 4 : 1 (by volume)
- Mix with supplied mixing ratio only. Do not vary or subdivide.
- Before mixing, shake or stir the Base very thoroughly.
- Pour the curing agent into the Base with constant mechanical stirring.
Do not mix in reverse order.
Continuous stirring until mixture is free of lumps
Disclaimer : The information in this data sheet is believed to the best of our knowledge based on laboratory test and practical experience.
However, there are many factors affecting the performance of product and the product quality itself, so we are not able to guarantee
KCC Corporation
without the confirmation of the purpose of using the product from us in writing. We reserve the right to change the data without notice and
you should check that this data sheet is current prior to using the product.
IMO Compliance
Technical Data Sheet
Korepox EH2350(P) (Two-Component)
-. Depending on the purpose and the area of use, different film thickness may be applied.
Thinning Product Name : Thinner No. 024 or Other thinner approved by KCC
Thinning Ratio : 5% ~ 10% (by volume)
* Do not dilute each component separately.
Disclaimer : The information in this data sheet is believed to the best of our knowledge based on laboratory test and practical experience.
However, there are many factors affecting the performance of product and the product quality itself, so we are not able to guarantee without
KCC Corporation
the confirmation of the purpose of using the product from us in writing. We reserve the right to change the data without notice and you
should check that this data sheet is current prior to using the product.
IMO Compliance
Technical Data
Korepox EH2350(P) (Two-Component)
Ventilation Adequate ventilation with clean air should be maintained during application and curing to assist
solvent evaporation.
Safety Precautions Protect skin and eyes from direct contact with liquid paint, and avoid prolonged breathing of solvent
Use with adequate ventilation.
Respiratory protection is recommended when applying this product in confined spaces or stagnant
Disclaimer : The information in this data sheet is believed to the best of our knowledge based on laboratory test and practical experience.
However, there are many factors affecting the performance of product and the product quality itself, so we are not able to guarantee
KCC Corporation
without the confirmation of the purpose of using the product from us in writing. We reserve the right to change the data without notice and
you should check that this data sheet is current prior to using the product.