Nike Transformation
Nike Transformation
Nike Transformation
Figure 1: Nikes corporate presence in major social platforms all over the world (date: February 1st, 2012)
Orkut (Brasil) RenRen (China) VKontakte (Russia)
In addition to joining public social Mass-customizing products: a tools instead of pen and paper
communities, Nike developed its new model becoming reality to create new products. The
own social offerings for the runner In the early 2000s, Nike started transition did more than improve
community. The Nike+ concept selling customized shoes under the the firms design capability. It
includes multiple connected NIKEiD trademark. As technology also supported sustainability
components: a shoe, an Internet improved in the 2010s, the firm policies and appealed to younger
platform, and a device (such as significantly improved its mass- designers who expected digital
an iPod, iPhone, GPS watch and customization capabilities. As design capabilities. CEO Mark
FUELband) that can geo-track a with the case of Nike+, NIKEiDs Parker explained Materials,
runner (see figure 2). Runners can social media capabilities play a componentry, construction
share their performance online dual role: providing consumers an methods, manufacturing methods,
and even receive customized opportunity to engage with the the whole digital revolution.
advice from coaches. Nike+ is also product online by sharing designs Knitting technology that
an opportunity for the firm to and voting on them, and providing allows you to make completely
improve its understanding of the Nike a rich source of consumer sustainable design and footwear
consumers needs and tastes.2 A data (see figure 3). By listening without any cutting and stitching,
Wired Magazine article described to online conversations, Nike can without any archaic manufacturing
Nikes capabilities as early as 2008, identify the most popular designs, processes. We are embedding all
With such a huge group, Nike is and sense new trends.4 that thinking into the product.5
learning things weve never known
before. In the winter, people in the Designing products digitally
US run more often than those in Digital technologies have Digital technologies have
Europe and Africa, but for shorter transformed internal processes
distances. The average duration
transformed internal
in addition to consumer-facing
of a run worldwide is 35 minutes, processes. One major internal
processes in addition
and the most popular Nike+ change was moving from paper- to consumer-facing
Powersong, which runners can set based to fully digital product processes
to give them extra motivation, is design. In the early 2000s,
Pump It by the Black Eyed Peas.3 Nike started using 3D design
Figure 2: The Nike+ platform leverages multiple components to connect runners to the company and each other
Share Information
Recording and
positioning device information Advices/coaches
(Phone, watch) Portal
Connection with
Figure 3: NIKEiD offers many options to design a customized pair of shoes
2 In 2012, Nike+ had over 4 million members, the worlds largest runners community.
3 Article published in 2008 when Nike+ had 1.2 million members:
4 See Nike Digital Privacy Policy at
6 Adapted from
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