Fluent-Intro 16.0 WS08a Tank Flush
Fluent-Intro 16.0 WS08a Tank Flush
Fluent-Intro 16.0 WS08a Tank Flush
Tank Flushing
16.0 Release
Introduction Basic Setup Preparing to Solve Solving Post-Processing Summary
5 2015 ANSYS, Inc. February 26, 2015
Define Simulation Type
In the General Panel
Choose Transient Solver
Enable Gravity
set Gravitational Acceleration to -
9.81 m/s2 in the y-direction
The operating density should be set to the density of the lightest fluid in
the domain when using the VOF model; otherwise, an erroneous
hydrostatic pressure distribution will occur.
Introduction Basic Setup Preparing to Solve Solving Post-Processing Summary
12 2015 ANSYS, Inc. February 26, 2015
Define Boundary Conditions [Inlet, Mixture]
Solution Setup > Boundary Conditions
Expand the Boundary Conditions branch in the
tree, then expand the branch for "inlet"
Right click on the main inlet branch, as shown
to the right and choose Edit to open the
Mass-Flow-Inlet panel for the Mixture entries
select Normal to Boundary for Direction
Specification Method
For the turbulent quantities, select Intensity
and Hydraulic Diameter, with TI of 5% and
HD of 2.1 cm
In multiphase problems,
displaying contours of
volume fraction to
confirm the correct initial
condition before
beginning to iterate is
highly recommended.
This is a snapshot of the graphics windows after the completion of the first 100 time steps.
Introduction Basic Setup Preparing to Solve Solving Post-Processing Summary
33 2015 ANSYS, Inc. February 26, 2015
Post-Process Results
To run the animation,
expand the Animations
branch, right click on
Solution Animation Playback
and then Edit
- Use the Play button to view a
movie of the series of images (if
necessary, set the graphics
window to "2:Contours of
Volume fraction")
- If desired, this can be written
out as an mpeg movie (change
Write/Record Format from
Animation Frames to MPEG)