Free Resource Microdosing

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Are You Interested in Microdosing?


Help with Depression

Help with ADHD

To Quit Smoking


The act of consuming psychedelics, like LSD and Magic Mushrooms, is
illegal according to Western Law. I do not advocate the use of these
substances. The information that follows in this book is for informative
purposes only.

Also, Im not a doctor. Talk to a medical professional before consuming
any sort of drug to help with health issues (like depression or ADHD).

Microdosing For Productivity and Creativity

I have a close friend who was recently involved in the Tech Start-Up
scene in San Francisco.

In a recent conversation with this friend, he mentioned an astonishing

Over 40% of C-level (corporate-level) people in San Francisco try, or
have tried, microdosing with LSD.

And all of them are doing it for the same reason:

To gain an edge in productivity and creativity on professional work

I began microdosing for the same reason I wanted to gain a creative
edge in my entrepreneurial work, and set myself apart from the pack.

Here are the main reasons why microdosing works to improve
productivity and creativity:

1. It increases your overall physical energy

Although this effect isnt particular to microdosing, it goes a ways in
helping an individual to work longer hours without diminishing returns.

On days I microdose, I do not need a nap and I do not need to take a
break from work.

Coffee and smart drugs like modafinil also increase physical energy.
HOWEVER, one particularly noticeable difference between microdosing
and other smart drugs that increase energy levels is the balance
between creativity and energy.

Which brings me to my next point

2. Microdosing makes it easier to access the state of Flow

Flow is a term coined by positive psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
to describe the state in which creative work becomes nearly effortless.

In colloquial English, we call it being in the zone.

When on a microdose, it is much easier to ignore the tug and distraction
of email and Facebook. Instead, the brain becomes entirely occupied
with the task at hand, making it much easier to write, brainstorm, and
execute on new ideas.


3. Microdosing makes the Flow state last even longer

According to Dr. James Fadiman, author of the Psychedelic Explorers
Guide, and a huge proponent of microdosing, many of his friends have
used microdosing to write the first drafts of books.

He also reports other users who claim microdosing helps them to stay in
the creative state for a longer period of time.

Most creative types can only work for 2-3 hours on a specific task before
exhausting their stores for the day.

Microdosing helps to extend this time frame to upwards of 4-5 hours
before becoming exhausted.

Final note:

If you want to integrate microdosing into your routine, I recommend
checking out an eBook I recently published, detailing EVERYTHING
about microdosing, including

How to obtain the substances you need
How much to take for a microdose
The daily and weekly schedule to follow when experimenting with

Microdosing to Help With Depression

In a 1976 interview with High Times, Albert Hofmann, the inventor of
LSD, commented on how small amounts of LSD (perhaps 25
micrograms) might be beneficial as an anti-depressant.

His assumption might hold some legitimate ground.

Recently, a few articles have cropped up about the efficacy of
microdoses for treating depression. These articles largely stem from
two sources:

Anecdotal reports collected by Dr. Fadiman
Stories from Internet forums, particularly Reddit

In these reports, several people microdosed as a means of alleviating

In one article, published by Vice in September 2015, Dr. Fadiman
mentions a report he received from an individual with Parkinsons.
Although the microdosing did not assist with his Parkinsons symptoms,
it did help his underlying depression.

In the same article, a woman with depression named 'Sue' is

Before turning to magic mushrooms, she tried the typical regimen of
anti-depressants and heavy duty SSRIs. They left her numb and unable
to feel any emotion.

While researching alternative options to hardcore prescriptions, Sue
stumbled upon an Internet forum with information on microdosing
psychedelics for depression. She reached out to Dr. Fadiman, who sent
her a standardized regimen (the same regimen described above) to

Sue reached out to a friend who had magic mushrooms and bought
enough for a round of microdosing. On the first day, she ingested a small
teaspoon. The effects were noticeable but minor on the day of the

However on the day after, Sue felt a substantial lift in mood, including a
near elimination of her obsessive negative thinking.i

One final example comes from the sub-reddit Psychonaut. Two
separate users reported on the efficacy of microdoses of magic
mushrooms in improving depression.

One user went so far as to say, I still to this day believe that [magic]
mushrooms saved my life.ii

Although anecdotal research is limited (and scientific research non-
existent) the reports thus far prove hopeful for the use of microdosing
in helping individuals deal with depression.

There is one major downside when it comes to microdosing and

Microdosing appears to be ineffective in treating depression over the
long-term. Meaning, if the user stops consuming a regular regimen of
microdoses, he or she will return back to pre-microdose levels of

On a basis of assumption, the long-term effects of microdosing on
depression may be aided by a combination of psychedelics and therapy.

If responsible users are given small amounts of psychedelics to take on
a semi-regular basis and attend regular therapeutic sessions, long-term
improvement is more likely.

Similar research has been carried out with MDMA and PTSD. The results
have been phenomonal. In fact, an entire book Acid Tests, was dedicated
to the benefits of MDMA in conjunction with psychotherapy in treating

If you wish to experiment with microdosing to help with depression,
you are best off following the guidelines laid out by Dr. Fadiman:
Microdose two times per week for 10 weeks
Take daily notes in your journal on how you feel make sure to
take notes on the day you microdose, the day after you microdose,
and two days after you microdose

Also, be aware of one important fact: Although microdosing is shown to
help in the short-term, it still hasnt proven to be effective in the long

Microdosing to Help With ADHD

One primary focus of microdosing research should be on the efficacy of
microdosing in helping with ADD and ADHD.

The current prescriptions for ADHD Ritalin, Adderal, Vyvanse, etc.
can cause long-term physical and mental damage, especially when used
on children as young as five years old.

There is a laundry list of negative side effects when consuming ADHD
medications (It is important to note that many of these negative side
effects have NEVER been identified in low to moderate doses of

Negative Side Effects:

Appetite Loss

Studies have also shown that Ritalin might have a negative impact on
the healthy development of the brain in children and teenagers.iv

As anyone who has taken ADHD medication will tell you, these
medications are extremely addicting from both a physical and
psychological standpoint. The FDA has corroborated these claims by
warning about the risk of drug abuse with amphetamine stimulants.v

University students often become dependent on Adderall to study and
to take exams. Some students even take Adderall as a way to wake up in
the morning and carry out their basic daily functions.

This is due to two main reasons:
1. Many students who abuse Adderall have become psychologically
dependent on the substance. They believe they arent as smart or
focused without using Adderall.
2. This belief persists because of the Adderall Crash, which causes
serious withdrawal symptoms when individuals try to stop taking
ADHD medications.

"The theory is people with ADHD have a brain that's a little bit thirsty
for dopamine," says F. Allen Walker, MD, a psychiatrist who runs his
own clinic specializing in ADHD in Lousville,

By taking these medications, dopamine and norepinephrine levels get a
boost in the brain. When external substances actively boost these
compounds, the brain forms a physical and psychological dependency
on ADHD medications.

If an individual wants to stop taking Adderall, he or she must deal with a
laundry list of withdrawal symptoms.vii

Powerful craving for more. You might be unable feel normal
without it.
Sleep disturbances. Some people alternate between insomnia and
sleeping too much.
Intense hunger
Anxiety and irritability
Panic attacks
Lack of energy, fatigue
Inability to feel happy
Phobias or panic attacks
Suicidal thoughts

None of these withdrawal symptoms, according to a 2009 study review,
can be treated with an effective medication.viii

This is why many long-time users of ADHD medication find it impossible
to stop taking them, when they desire.

And, to think, we are legally feeding this substance to children as young
as five years old.

Compare the above list of symptoms to microdoses of psychedelics.
Substances like LSD and Magic Mushrooms do not cause any sort of
physical dependency or addiction. Additionally, if you microdose for 10-
12 weeks straight, and decide to stop, you will suffer from zero
withdrawal symptoms.

Yet, you still get ALL of the benefit PLUS some. Taking microdoses
induces similar benefits focus, energy, creative flow - without any of
the drawbacks.

In discussions with renowned ethnobotanist Terence McKenna, Albert
Hoffman, the inventor of LSD, stated his belief in the power of
microdosing to help with ADHD.ix

Microdosing inspires a similar level of focus and energy as ADHD
medications, but without the nasty side effects. Ask anyone who has
taken Adderall, Ritalin, or other ADHD medications about the efficacy of
these drugs in helping with creative pursuits and most responses will be
the same: ADHD medication works well for rote, repetitive work but not
creative, think-outside-the-box tasks. Users describe this as having
tunnel vision.

I liken the effect of Ritalin and Adderral to jet fuel - it accelerates the
mind to record levels but, to change course and remain flexible in ones
thinking is nigh impossible.

Microdoses bring on an overall amplifying affect without the
acceleration. It becomes much easier to think creatively without the
additional burden of 'I need to get as much shit done as fast as possible.'

In reports I've collected from friends and acquaintences, they often
compare the effects of microdosing to their previous experience with
ADHD medications. They find microdosing to be much 'softer', allowing
additional room for the creative thought process.

Fadiman provides further reasoning as to why we should be cautious of
ADHD medication like Adderal:

"As a general hint, if it says, Do not miss a dose, and do not try to stop
this medication without medical help, you know that you have a drug
which is hard to get off of. Its a very tricky area, because the
pharmaceutical industry seems to not worry about this problem. In fact,
theres a term in the medical literature when youre trying to get off of
one of these substances. It isnt called withdrawals, as it is for illegal
drugs; its called tapering."x

His quote is supported by the overwhelming list of withdrawal

If you wish to experiment with microdosing to help with ADHD, you
have a couple options:

1. First, wean yourself off of your current ADHD medications. One way
to possibly do this is to use microdosing as an aid with your withdrawal

2. Once you have completely weaned yourself off the ADHD medication,
experiment with a 10-week cycle of microdosing as outlined by Dr.

Microdosing To Quit Smoking

Psychedelic substances may help with smoking cessation, according to a
study carried out by Johns Hopkins University. Although this study was
done with full doses of psychedelics, rather than microdoses, it still
creates room for the possibility of microdosing to help with quitting.

In the study carried out by Johns Hopkins, 12 of 15 recidivist smokers
managed to stop smoking for six months after three psychedelic
sessions. This represented an 80% success rateunheard of in the
notoriously difficult treatment of tobacco addiction.xi

To further validate claims of psychedelics assisting with smoking
cessation, more extensive research is necessary. Although it is possible
to draw conclusions from one experiment, the sample size was limited.

To date, there have been no official experiments on the efficacy of
microdosing in helping individuals quit smoking.

However, different people have carried out various personal
experiments to test the effectiveness of microdosing.

In a podcast about breaking bad habits on the Tink Tink Club, one of the
hosts discussed how he microdosed on consecutive days with magic
mushrooms to quit smoking.xii

He consumed .4 g of magic mushrooms, every day, for 10 consecutive

The first 3 days he microdosed, he smoked 2 or 3 cigarettes.
On the fourth day of microdosing, he had no urge to smoke a
After nixing the urge, he microdosed for 6 more days (7 days total
without smoking a cigarette).

After microdosing for a total of 10 days, he eliminated the urge to
continue smoking.

Why did the microdosing assist him in quitting?

He emphasized a few important points for those who may consider
microdosing to help with smoking cessation:

1. By consuming a psychedelic, his urge to eliminate a nasty habit
became too present to ignore. Psychedelics will often encourage
individuals to be the best person they can be. Any glaring, nasty
habits become very clear when on psychedelics due to a clearing
of irrational rationalizations for poor habits. This mental behavior
likely results from the psychedelics effect on the ego.
2. You have to WANT to quit smoking for psilocybin to be effective.
It does not work as a magic pill. Microdosing helps put one in the
correct mindset because psychedelics initiate a desire to be
3. Your urge to smoke will not completely dissipate upon consuming
a microdose. You will still need to use a small amount of
willpower to overcome your urge to smoke. Microdosing helps to
mitigate the desire for short-term gratification versus long-term
consequences. It does not act as a panacea to all impulses and

There is also one report on Vice about a user who quit smoking with the
help of LSD.xiii

He had smoked cigarettes for 18 years on and off but had never
managed to quit for more than 1 week at a time.

After taking a moderate dose of LSD, he felt a flip switch inside him. He
came to the realization of the ridiculousness of smoking and made a
mental commitment to stop.

Although his body still craved nicotine, he had no mental urge to
continue smoking.

Quitting nasty habits like smoking is a common urge after an effective
psychedelic trip. Psychedelic users report similar feelings when it comes
to their use of alcohol.
If you wish to use microdosing to quit smoking, you could follow the
protocol laid out above:

1. Microdose every day for 10-14 days. For the first few days, wean
yourself off cigarettes.

2. On the 4th, 5th, or 6th day, try quitting cigarettes completely.

3. Continue to microdose for 4-6 days after quitting cigarettes.

About Author

Tom Williams is the founder of the website and community The Third

His mission is to inform and educate individuals on the power of
psychedelics for transformative change both within individuals and
communities of people.

To stay up to date on how you can use psychedelics to improve your life,
and the lives of those around you, join the Facebook community
Psychedelics for Personal Growth.

You can also like them on Facebook and get on their email list for news
and updates.


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