USC Assignment Cover Sheet

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Assignment Cover Sheet

Individual and Group Submission


Student Details
Last Name First Name
Contact Phone No Email Address
Student ID
Assessment Task Details
Course Code Course Title
Assessment Task
Course Coordinator
Tutors Name Tutorial Day/Time
All assignments must be electronically date-stamped. Failure to do so will result
in the assignment being considered late.

To date stamp your cover sheet at USC, place the Date Stamp Here box in the Date Stamp Here
middle of the red lines in the time clock and it will be stamped electronically.

Declaration and Statement of Authorship

I declare that: I agree and acknowledge that:

1. This assignment is my own work and complies with both the 1. This work may undergo electronic detection through SafeAssign.
University's Student Academic Integrity - Governing Policy and
2. A copy of the work will be retained on the University database and
Student Academic Misconduct - Procedures.
used to make comparisons with other assessment submissions.
2. I understand the serious nature of student academic misconduct
3. I have retained a copy of this work and I acknowledge that it may
and the penalties for such conduct.
be reproduced and provided to another member of USC staff for
3. I confirm that I have not engaged in academic misconduct the purpose of assessment.
(Schedule 1 - Types of academic misconduct).
4. I have read and understood the declaration and statement of
4. No part of this assignment has been written for me by any other authorship above.
person except where such collaboration is part of the task and
5. If I do not agree to the Declaration and Statement of Authorship,
has been authorised in writing by the Course Coordinator.
the assignment will not be assessed and I will not receive any
5. This work has not been submitted previously, in whole or part, for marks for it.
assessment, in this course or program at USC or any other

The Student Academic Integrity Governing Policy and Student Academic Misconduct Procedures are available on the USC website: and

Signature of student:
Date due: Date submitted:

Last Name First Name
Assessment Title Student ID
Course Code Course Title

All assignments must be electronically date-stamped. Failure to do so will result

in the assignment being considered late.
Date Stamp Here
To date stamp your assignment receipt at USC, place the Date Stamp Here box in
the middle of the red lines in the time clock and it will be stamped electronically.
Assignment Cover Sheet
Individual and Group Submission

Group Assignment Details ( L i s t e a c h p e r s o n i n t h e a s s i g n m e n t g r o u p )

Last Name First Name Student ID

In the case of group assessment submissions (specifically electronic), it is assumed that all members agree with the declaration above and
all group members will be responsible for individually retaining a copy of the assessment item.

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