NOTE: If you have not removed the transmission from the vehicle
when removing the valve body, some of the internal parts will fall out. It
may be easier for you to remove the transmission from the vehicle to
install this kit.
This kit will allow you to modify your 700R4 transmission for your par-
ticular driving requirements.
STREET PLUS: This type of modification is what TCI uses when build-
ing a Street Fighter transmission. The shift feel is very positive and
Remove Plug
Accumulator Accumulator
Piston Piston
STEP 5. Remove the auxiliary valve body. Most 700R4 transmis- Throttle Pressure
sions now have this auxiliary valve body (See Photo 4A.) Some Servo Exhaust Hole Mechanism
700R4 transmissions do not have this auxiliary valve body but came
with a small support plate. If you have this type of 700R4 transmission, Photo 5
remove the four bolts holding the small support plate to the case at the
rear of the valve body. Remove the two valve body bolts holding the balls from the valve body, verify location of the check balls. (See
throttle pressure mechanism. Disengage the wire cable linkage while Photo 7.)
removing the mechanism. Remove the bolt holding the detent roller
spring assembly. (See Photo 5.) VALVE BODY MODIFICATIONS
STEP 6. Remove the remaining valve body bolts except for one STEP 7. M.T.V. Up Valve: (See Photo 8.) Remove the roll pin
near the center of the valve body. Holding the valve body securely, holding the M.T.V. Up Valve assembly. Remove aluminum plug, valve
remove the last bolt and lower the valve body, separator plate and and spring. Discard spring. Reinstall the valve, aluminum plug and roll
gaskets. Remove the 3-4 accumulator spring, 3-4 accumulator piston pin. The roll pin must fit flush with the casting.
and 3-4 accumulator piston pin. (See Photo 6.) Some of the accu-
mulator assembly parts will drop out of the valve body as it is lowered. STEP 8. Converter Clutch Valve: (See Photo 8.)
There are several check balls above the separator plate and in the
valve body. Be careful not to lose them. Before removing any check DIESEL APPLICATION: DO NOT MODIFY. Skip to Step 11.
STEP 9. Line Bias Valve: (See Photo 9.)
HEAVY DUTY: Remove the large roll pin holding the line bias valve
assembly. Be careful not to damage this pin. Remove the aluminum
plug, valve and spring. Replace the stock spring with the Green spring
supplied. Install new spring, valve and aluminum plug into the valve
body. Reinstall roll pin being sure it fits completely into the bore. The
roll pin should be flush with the casting.
STREET PLUS: Remove the large roll pin holding in the line bias valve
assembly. Be careful not to damage this pin. Remove the aluminum
Photo 6 3-4 AccumulatorAssembly plug, valve and spring. Replace the spring with the blocker rod sup-
plied. Install blocker rod, valve and aluminum plug into the valve body.
A Install roll pin. Be sure it fits flush with the casting.
87 & Later
Locate the converter clutch valve on the valve body. You can actually
see the valve assembly in the bore. If you do not see a spring, no
modifications are necessary. If you can see a spring then you must do
the following modification. Use a small punch to push the roll pin out.
Carefully remove the converter clutch throttle valve and sleeve assem-
bly. Do not remove the converter clutch valve from the bore. Remove
the throttle valve and spring from the sleeve. Replace the stock spring
with the Black spring supplied. PRE-86 MODELS ONLY: Install the
throttle valve and new spring into the sleeve. Install sleeve assembly
into valve body. Replace roll pin. Tap it into place. Make sure the roll
pin is completely inside. It should be flush with the casting.
Photo 10 Pressure Regulator
M.T.V. Up
Down From Top)
STEP 10. All Applications: Remove the pressure regulator assembly
from the transmission pump. Push down on the TV boost valve sleeve
while removing the retaining ring. Be careful as there is heavy spring
tension behind it. Slowly lower the sleeve to relieve spring tension.
Remove the TV boost valve sleeve and valve, the reverse boost sleeve
and valve, and the pressure regulator spring. The pressure regulator
valve may also drop out. If it does not, do not remove. Replace the
Converter pressure regulator spring with the Purple spring supplied. Reinstall the
pressure regulator assembly with the new spring as shown. (See
Photo 8 Photo 11.) Install the new retaining ring supplied with this kit.
STEP 13. SEPARATOR PLATE: All Applications: Enclosed in your TCI
Reverse Pressure Regulator kit you will find a separator plate for the early model and late model 700R4
TV Boost Spring
Valve Boost Valve valve body. You may have to modify the TCI separator plate to fit your
valve body. When the 700R4 transmission was put into production, a va-
riety of separator plates and valve bodies were produced. Match your OE
separator plate with one of the plates supplied with this kit. You will see
that some additional holes are located on your old plate. You must drill the
Replace with Pressure missing holes into the new TCI separator plate. The gaskets supplied will
TV Boost Reverse Boost new TCI Spring Regulator
Valve Sleeve need no modifications.
Valve Sleeve Valve
Photo 11 Pressure Regulator Assembly LATE MODEL: The late model separator plate marked 700R4 may re-
quire one to three holes drilled. Match the plate and look carefully at your
NOTE: The boost valves and reverse boost sleeve can easily be installed old plate and mark the holes that are missing on the new TCI plate. (See
incorrectly. Incorrect assembly will cause the transmission to function im- Illustration 3.) We have indicated the area where the additional holes
properly. BE SURE these parts are installed in the correct order, facing should be located. It is very important that you match the diameter of each
the right direction. The TV Boost Valve and sleeve may be replaced with a hole with the proper drill bit size. Please note that if your OE plate has a
.500" diameter TCI 374301 to further increase pressure. square/rectangle hole, you will need to mark and measure the length and
STEP 11. 3-4 ACCUMULATOR ASSEMBLY: (See Photo 3) width of the square/rectangle hole. Whichever dimension is largest, use
that size drill bit. All new holes must be drilled in the stock location and be
STREET: Install the thin spacer supplied (black) into the accumulator pis- drilled to the exact diameter of the OE opening.
ton with some grease to hold in place. Install the 3-4 piston pin into the
case. Install the accumulator piston/spacer assembly into the case. Install EARLY MODEL: The early model TCI separator plate 701R4 will also
the stock spring against the spacer. require drilling of additional holes. Please note that if your OE plate has a
square/rectangle hole, you will need to mark and measure the length and
HEAVY DUTY: Install the thick spacer supplied (silver) into the accumula- width of the square/rectangle hole. Whichever dimension is largest use
tor piston with some grease to hold it into place. Install the 3-4 piston pin that size drill bit.
into the case. Install the accumulator piston/spacer assembly into the
case. Install the stock spring against the spacer. Remember, mark each hole on the new TCI separator plate. Next, size
the original hole on your old separator plate and drill the new hole to the
STREET PLUS: Install the allenhead into the hole located in the case of proper diameter. After all holes have been drilled, deburr holes and clean
the transmission in the 3-4 accumulator piston bore. (See Photo 12.) Us- separator plate thoroughly. You are now ready to complete assembly of
ing 1/4" x 20 allenhead screw self tapping plug into the accumulator hous- the valve body.
ing located in case.
VALVE BODY: Install check balls in the valve body in the case as shown
(See Photo 7.)
CASE: 1982-1987 Install three (3) check balls in the case as shown (See
Photo 13.) Use grease to hold check balls in place.
1988 AND LATER Install two (2) check balls in the case as shown. (See
Photo 13.) Use grease to hold check balls in place.
Install 1/4" x 20 A
Allenhead Screw
into this hole B
Photo 12
EXTRA FIRM SHIFT: Discard all accumulator parts (piston and spring). C
FIRM SHIFT: Do not install allenhead into 3-4 accumulator. Follow Heavy
Duty instructions.
STEP 12. All Applications: Put the new gaskets in position on the sepa-
1988 and Later Install Two (2) Check Balls
rator plate by using a little grease to hold them on the plate. The gasket
Locations B & C Only
with the C goes on the separator plate that fits to the case. The gasket
(Do Not Install in Location A.)
with the V or VB goes on the separator plate that fits next to the valve
body. Photo 13
STEP 15. Place the separator plate with gaskets against the trans- pump. TCI recommends using a new filter. A late model filter will retrofit
mission case. Install the small support plate (1982-1986) or auxiliary in MOST cases. Check by installing filter and without using a pan gas-
valve body (1987 and later) and four OEM bolts loosely. For models ket, install pan. If pan does not fit flush with pan rails use early filter and
with an auxiliary valve body you must reinstall the large check ball in two O-rings. TCI offers a deep aluminum pan (TCI 378000) for this
the proper location. (See Photo 4B.) Insert two valve body bolts into transmission.
the two alignment holes in the separator plate. Tighten the support
plate bolts. Remove two valve body bolts from the alignment holes. STEP 21. Clean all old gasket material from oil pan and the case.
Wash pan in solvent and install with new pan gasket supplied. Do not
STEP 16. INSTALL VALVE BODY: Be sure to engage manual valve use any gasket sealer. Make sure the servo exhaust hole is not
with linkage properly. Do not force the valve or bend the linkage during plugged or stopped up. (See Photo 5.) When clean gasket material,
assembly. Install one valve body bolt to hold the valve body into place. some can accidently get into this opening. Install pan bolt and tighten
Do not tighten bolt. to 10 foot pounds.
STEP 17. Install the throttle pressure mechanism. Attach the cable STEP 22. Throttle Cable Adjustment: Hold gas pedal to the floor and
linkage to the large lever. Holding the large lever down and small lever check to be sure the throttle is fully open to wide open throttle position.
up, slip the mechanism over the roll pin on the valve body and install
STEP 23. Adjustment is made with engine not running.
STREET: Install the accumulator piston into the housing. Install the
large orange spring supplied with this kit. STEP 24. Disconnect the Throttle Valve Cable at the Carburetor so
the cable can be moved. Remove the plastic plug from the Throttle
HEAVY DUTY: Install the thin spacer (black) into the accumulator pis- Valve opening in the transmission, you should be able to see a hook in
ton. Install the piston into the housing. Install the large orange spring the opening. With needle nose pliers pull the TV link hook out about
supplied with this kit. half an inch. Next, take the end of the TV cable and hook the TV Link-
age hook into the hole at the end of the cable. Now pull the cable at the
EXTRA FIRM SHIFT: Install 1/4" x 20 allenhead screw into apply hole. other end, making sure that the Linkage hook and Cable hook fits un-
(See Photo 14.) If hole needs to be drilled, use a #7 drill bit. Clean and der the Throttle Cable housing. Now push the end of the cable housing
deburr before installing into transmission. Discard piston and spring. into the Throttle Valve Cable opening and install the cable. (See Illus-
tration 1.)
Photo 14 1-2 Accumulator Housing
FIRM SHIFT: If shift point is too firm remove allenhead screw and rein-
stall thin spacer and accumulator piston.
Now you are ready to reinstall accumulator housing assembly. Install
using the housing bolts that were kept separated. Tighten the bolts to 8
foot pounds. NOTE: If your transmission came with an accumulator
separator plate, reinstall.
STEP 19. Install all the remaining valve body bolts, the detent roller
spring and wire clips. Refer to your wiring diagram. Insert the plug end ILLUSTRATION 1
of the wiring harness into the connector in the case. Install the wire
connector onto their proper switches. Tighten the valve body bolts,
throttle pressure mechanism bolts and small support plate bolts to 8 STEP 25. Now reconnect the TV Cable to the carburetor or injection
foot pounds. Tighten detent roller spring bolt to 10 foot pounds. Do Not lever.
Over Tighten.
STEP 26. Locate the readjust tab. (See Illustration 2.) Depress tab
STEP 20. Install the Filter Seal Ring supplied onto the filler tube. Lu- and move slider through the fitting away for the lever assembly. When
bricate the seal with transmission fluid and install the filter into the the slider stops against the fitting, release the readjust tab.
STEP 27. By hand, open the throttle lever to full or wide open throttle ADJUST TAB
stop position. This will automatically adjust cable. Release the throttle
lever and check the cable to see that it is not binding or sticking. SLIDER
CARBURETOR. Failure to re-adjust the T.V. Cable will result in
improper shifts and/or transmission failure!
STEP 28. Pour five (5) quarts of automatic transmission fluid into the
transmission. Start engine and check transmission fluid level. Add
additional fluid until fluid reaches full level. Do Not Overfill Transmission.
STEP 29. Now with the adjustment complete, road test. With moderate PUSH SLIDER BACK THIS
acceleration your transmission should shift: DIRECTION FOR ADJUSTMENT
1st to 2nd .................... 15 - 20 MPH
2nd to 3rd .................... 25 - 30 MPH ILLUSTRATION 2
3rd to 4th..................... 40 - 45 MPH
If the throttle Valve Cable is not adjusted properly, the transmission will
shift into 1st, 2nd, and 3rd within seconds of acceleration. DO NOT
If you continue to have problems, please contact TCIs tech department
for assistance.
Low Detent
Late Model - 3 Holes Drilled
Early Model - 4 Holes Drilled
3-4 Clutch
3rd Clutch
(Early Model ONLY)