A Rare Complication of Acute Appendicitis: Superior Mesenteric Vein Thrombosis

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A Rare Complication of Acute Appendicitis:

Superior Mesenteric Vein Thrombosis
Hendra Koncoro*, Rafael Eddy Setijoso*, Maisie ME Johan**
*Department of Internal Medicine, Sint Carolus Hospital, Jakarta
**Department of Radiology, Sint Carolus Hospital, Jakarta

Corresponding author:
Hendra Koncoro. Department of Internal Medicine, Sint Carolus Hospital. Jl. Salemba Raya No. 41 Jakarta Indonesia.
Phone/facsimile: +62-21-3904441. E-mail:hendra_koncoro@yahoo.com.


Superior mesenteric vein (SMV) thrombosis caused by acute appendicitis is quite rare nowadays. These
conditions occurs secondary to infection in the region drained by the portal venous system. In this case, we report
a successfully treated case of SMV thrombosis and liver abscess associated with appendicitis with antibiotics
and anticoagulant.Early diagnosis and prompt treatment are basic to a favorable clinical course.

Keywords: superior mesenteric vein thrombosis, pyogenic liver abscess, appendicitis


Trombosis vena mesenterika superior yang disebabkan oleh apendisitis akut sangatlah jarang dewasa ini.
Kondisi ini terjadi karena infeksi di daerah yang didrainase oleh sistem vena portal. Dalam kasus ini, kami
melaporkan suatu kasus trombosis vena mesenterika superior dan abses hati yang disebabkan oleh apendisitis
dengan menggunakan antibiotika dan antikoagulan. Diagnosis dini dan terapi segera merupakan dasar terhadap
perbaikan keadaan klinis.

Kata kunci: trombosis vena mesenterika superior, abses hati piogenik, apendisitis

pyogenic liver abscess is often missed due to its non-
Acute appendicitis is the commonest surgical specific clinical presentation, such as abdominal pain,
emergency in adult. In United States, there were fever, chills, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting. Caution
250,000 cases annually.1 If untreated, acute appendicitis need to be taken because mortality rate in SMV
can have complications such as abscess formation, thrombosis and pyogenic liver abscess associated with
perforation and peritonitis.2 intra-abdominal infection can reach 25-50%.2,3
Traditional complications such as abscess or Rare complications in acute appendicitis were
peritonitis are relatively easy to detect while rare scarcely found. Therefore clinicians need to increase
complications such as mesenteric vein thrombosis awareness to decrease mortality. The aim of presenting
and pyogenic liver abscess are more difficult to this case is to discuss the management of this rare
recognize. Superior mesenteric vein (SMV) thrombosis complication of appendicitis.
and pyogenic liver abscess caused by appendicitis is
very rare now, owing to improved antibiotic therapy.
However, the diagnosis of SMV thrombosis and

204 The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy

A Rare Complication of Acute Appendicitis: Superior Mesenteric Vein Thrombosis

CASE ILUSTRATION Abnormal multiple focal densities located in the liver

were multiple, pyogenic liver abscess. Appendix was
A 17-year-old man presented to the St. Carolus
retrocaecal, swelling with periappendiceal haziness
hospital emergency department with a 3-day history of
suggestive of appendicitis. A small amount of abnormal
fever, chills, right lower quadrant abdominal pain and
fluid was seen around the liver, right paracolic gutter
jaundice. He was previously healthy until one week
and in the pelvis. On the basis of the microbiological
prior to presentation. It was initially a dull central lower
data, treatment was done with ceftriaxone 3 g IV q
abdominal pain that developed into a sharp intense
24 hours and metronidazole 500 mg IV q 8 hours. On
pain associated with rigors. Nausea accompanied
the 7th hospital day, the patients condition continued
his complaints. The patient was previously went
to improve and he was discharged 2 weeks later.
to surgery clinic six months ago with right lower
After 14 days from treatment with ceftriaxone and
quadrant abdominal pain and has been diagnosed with
metronidazole, his bilirubin level was lowered to
appendicitis and advised to be done appendectomy,
total bilirubin 4.90 mg/dL, direct bilirubin 3.43 mg/
however he refused. The patient is a student and denied
dL). Further treatment was not needed. We decided to
any recent travel or sick contacts. He had neither
treat the appendicitis conservatively with antibiotics
alcohol intake nor smokes.
and SMV thrombosis with therapeutic dose of heparin
On examination, his blood pressure was 138/70
after discussion with a haematologist. After two weeks
mmHg with a pulse rate of 100/min. He had a
of antibiotic therapy, the patient showed improvement
temperature of 38.1 0C, with an oxygen saturation of
in clinical and biochemical signs. This patient was
99% on air. Eyes were icteric. The abdomen was soft
planned to done interval appendectomy, however
but there was evidence of a hepatomegaly. Maximum
after careful treatment which showed improvement,
tenderness was elicited in the right upper quadrant of
he denied further appendectomy and discharged home.
the abdomen. The spleen were non-palpable. Bowel
sounds were slightly increased and minimal lower
quadrant tenderness was presented. Peripheral white
blood cell count was 22,750/mm3 (segmen neutrophil
88.7%). Hematocrit was 37.6% and platelet count was
85,000/mm3. Other values were AST 38 IU/L, ALT
52 IU/L, gamma-GT 160 u/L, alkaline phosphatase
202 IU/L, total bilirubin 9.90 mg/dL, direct bilirubin
8.70 mg/dL, protein 5.20 g/dL, albumin 2.04 g/dL,
INR was 1.12, and d-dimer 4650 ng/mL. Abdominal
ultrasonography revealed hepatomegaly with multiple
hypoechoicheterogen masses with largest mass was
45 x 35 x 46 mm, suggestive of abscess and minimal Figure 2. A contrast-enhanced CT scan confirmed the portal
vein thrombosis and also demonstrated superior mesenteric
sludge in gall bladder. The pancreas and kidneys vein thrombosis. Abnormal multiple focal densities located in
appeared normal (Figure 1). the liver were multiple, pyogenic liver abscess

Appendicitis is one of the most common surgical
diagnosis.Appendicitis usually complicated as
perforation, peritonitis and abscess formation. Some
reports stated that appendicitis can result in portal
Figure. 1. Ultrasonography revealed multiple hypoechoicheterogen vein thrombosis.3 Inflammed thrombosis of the portal
masses, suggestive of liver abscess
vein is called pylephlebitis. Pylephlebitis occurs as
Streptococcus agalactiae was grown from blood a result of an abdominal infection draining into the
culture. Since intra-abdominal septic foci were portal venous system.1 The thrombus began from the
suspected, abdominopelvic computerized tomography small veins of the affected area to larger veins, leading
(CT) scan was taken. A contrast-enhanced CT scan to septic thrombophlebitis of the mesenteric vein and,
revealed a thrombus within portal vein that extended eventually, of the portal vein. Swelling of the intestine
throughout superior mesenteric vein (Figure 2). and ischemia may occur due to SMV thrombosis which

Volume 17, Number 3, December 2016 205

Hendra Koncoro, Rafael Eddy Setijoso, Maisie ME Johan

lead to high morbidity and mortality.4 SMV thrombosis intra-abdominal infection, CT scanning may be the
caused by appendicitis itself is not common, with most reasonable initial choice for imaging, given its
incidence rate of 0.4% before 1950 and became proven ability to detect not only thrombi but infection
extremely rare afterwards due to adequate antibiotic foci as well. CT-scan also less operator dependent
use. However, when occurred the mortality rate compared to ultrasonography. Thus, CT scan is the
become 80% in the past and has decreased to 30-50% most reliable initial diagnostic choice. Early phase
nowadays.5 of this intraabdominal infection, hepatic infection are
Pathogenesis of SMV thrombosis are microscopic which coalesce to form macroabscess.8
thrombophlebitis resulting in thrombosis and can be On the basis of treatments, it appears that empirical
explained as follows:hypercoagulability state occurred antibiotic therapy for a patient with suspected SMV
due to abscesses in the mesoappendix; thrombi are thrombosis should include broad coverage for gram-
formed locally. Bacteria infiltrate into the SMV, negative bacilli and agents active against anaerobes,
cause inflammation such as portal vein phlebitis, and coverage for aerobic Streptococcus species.
and induce thrombus formation. Bacteria spread into Patients with demonstrated macroscopic liver abscess
tissues around the veins, cause periphlebitis along the complicating SMV thrombosis should probably
vessels, and as inflammation extends into the vascular receive at least 6 weeks of antibiotic therapy, with or
lumens, coagulation cascade is promoted, leading without drainage.1,8 In our case, ceftriaxone (3 g/ day)
to thrombus formation.6 Coagulation was facilitated and metronidazole (1.5 g/day) was performed for 2
via its surface and capsular components. The surface weeks and resulted in complete resolution of hepatic
component accelerates fibrin cross-linking and the lesions. Further appendectomy was planned, however
capsular polysaccharides initiate the clotting cascade due to condition improvement, he denied any surgical
by activating macrophages.1 procedure.
It is difficult to establish diagnosis only from The role of anticoagulation in the treatment of
clinical findings.The symptoms of SMV thrombosis SMV thrombosis is controversial. Several reports
are non-specific. High suspicion should be assumed in recommended using anticoagulation therapy to
patients who present with abdominal pain, fever, and reduce recurrence rate and mortality rate.9 No formal
signs of sepsis, as well as leukocytosis and elevated study of anticoagulation in SMV thrombosis has ever
liver enzymes. Other clinical features are as follows: been done.10 Despite such evidence that heparin may
fatigue, malaise, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, not be critical for the survival of patients with SMV
and weight loss. Hepatomegaly and jaundice are other thrombosis, the possibility exists that anticoagulation
clinical findings usually seen. SMV thrombosis can be might benefit some patients by decreasing the chance
diagnosed via abdominal ultrasonography showing of septic embolization to the liver from infected portal
a thrombus in the portal vein.4 An abdominal CT- thrombi and pulmonary emboli. In our patient, a
scan is less operator-dependent and is more widely previously healthy patient presented with nonspecific
used because of its ability to detect other sources of syptoms and fever. Streptococcus agalactiae was
infection in the abdomen. CT imaging can diagnose grown from blood, which clearly suggested an intra-
this complication at an early stage.7 abdominal origin. Infection was most likely caused
In our case, appendicitis was the cause of SMV by appendicitis, confirmed by abdominal CT, which
thrombosis. Diagnosis of SMV thrombosis are made by seeding to the mesenteric vein and liver. Septic
clinical signs and symptoms, laboratory examination, conditions were improved with early initiation of
blood culture and imaging modalities. Clinical broad-spectrum antibiotics. Surgical intervention were
signs and symptoms are fever, right upper quadrant denied due to improvement of condition.8
pain, jaundice and hepatomegaly. Pylephlebitis can
be caused by ascending Escherichia coli, Proteus
mirabilis, Klebsiella pneumonia, Enterobacter
species, Pseudomonas species and gram-positive cocci 1. Wong K, Weisman DS, Patrice KA. Pylephlebitis: a rare
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A Rare Complication of Acute Appendicitis: Superior Mesenteric Vein Thrombosis

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