A Bayesian Framework For Optimal Motion

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2008 IEEE International Conference on

Robotics and Automation

Pasadena, CA, USA, May 19-23, 2008

A Bayesian framework for optimal motion planning with uncertainty

Andrea Censi, Daniele Calisi, Alessandro De Luca, Giuseppe Oriolo

Abstract Modeling robot motion planning with uncertainty believe this leads to clearer analysis and implementa-
in a Bayesian framework leads to a computationally intractable tion.
stochastic control problem. We seek hypotheses that can justify We extend the forward search algorithm first described
a separate implementation of control, localization and planning.
In the end, we reduce the stochastic control problem to path- in [1]. The robot is given the option to stay still for
planning in the extended space of poses covariances; the better localizing itself, and we use a more powerful
transitions between states are modeled through the use of the dominance heuristics. Moreover, in addition to the
Fisher information matrix. In this framework, we consider two minimum-time problem, we solve also the minimum-
problems: minimizing the execution time, and minimizing the final-covariance problem.
final covariance, with an upper bound on the execution time.
Two correct and complete algorithms are presented. The first is We describe another optimal algorithm for the
the direct extension of classical graph-search algorithms in the minimum-time problem. It can be considered a back-
extended space. The second one is a back-projection algorithm: projection algorithm: uncertainty constraints are propa-
uncertainty constraints are propagated backward from the goal gated backward from the goal towards the start state. Its
towards the start state. search tree can be re-utilized as long as the goal state
remains the same. Interestingly, these two correct and
I. I NTRODUCTION complete algorithms often find distinct solutions.
This paper considers the problem of planning a safe Due to space constraints, proofs of the propositions are
path for a mobile robot, in spite of noisy odometry and omitted; they can be found in [3]. The full C++ source
sensor readings. The difficulty in approaching this problem code and datasets are available for download at the website
is twofold. Firstly, with respect to the regular path-planning http://purl.org/censi/2007/ppu. At the same site,
problem, there is considerable more machinery needed to there are animations of the search process in the Flash
formalize uncertainty: this implies some design decisions format.
even at the modeling stage. Then, the resulting model is a
stochastic control problem which is very hard to solve in the II. R ELATED WORK
general case, hence many approximations are needed to turn
it into an approachable problem. There have been many approaches to robot motion plan-
This paper tries to solve the problem by working in the ning with uncertainty. In this section, we first discuss the
extended space of posescovariances, as has already been different formalizations used, and then we provide a cursory
done in [1], [2]. The following are the main contributions of sample of the literature on the subject, in a more-or-less
this paper with respect to previous work. chronological order.
Which problem to solve. Different works attempted to
We model the problem in a Bayesian framework and
solve different problems. This paper is concerned with two
we formalize transitions between information states
problems: minimizing the execution time, or minimizing the
by using the Fisher information matrix. We look for
final covariance (with a bound on the execution time). Some
the hypotheses that lead to a weak separation princi-
approaches (e.g., [4], [5]) tried to solve a simpler problem:
ple: that is, a theoretical justification for splitting the
finding an admissible plan, without optimality properties.
stochastic control problem in separate implementations
Other works ([6]) try to maximize the collected information,
of planning, localization, and control. In particular, the
with free final pose. The approach in [7] maximizes the
use of the information matrix decouples planning and
probability of success. Finally, many works do not explicitly
localization: the planned paths will be safe whatever
model the uncertainty evolution in time, and only minimize
localization algorithm is used (Kalman filters, particle
a traversal cost, which is based on some localizability
filters, etc.), as long as it is statistically efficient.
measure (e.g., [8]).
We define our two algorithms as specializations of the
same template, which is defined by a generic dominance Representation of the uncertainty. There are two main op-
relation ! and a generic precedence relation ". We tions for representing uncertainty: a probabilistic representa-
tion, in terms of covariances, or a set-membership approach.
A. Censi is with the Control & Dynamical Systems department, California In the set-membership approach ([5], [4]), the uncertainty is
Institute of Technology, 1200 E. California Blvd., 91125, Pasadena, CA. represented by a pose q(t) and a set SU(t). The assumption
andrea@cds.caltech.edu is that the true pose q(t) belongs to the set obtained by
D. Calisi, A. De Luca, G. Oriolo are with the Dipartimento di Informatica
e Sistemistica A. Ruberti, Universit di Roma La Sapienza, via Ariosto enlarging q(t) by the set SU(t): q(t) q(t) SU(t) (here
25, I-00185 Rome, Italy. {calisi,deluca,oriolo}@dis.uniroma1.it denotes morphological dilatation).

978-1-4244-1647-9/08/$25.00 2008 IEEE. 1798

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path planning stochastic control problem path planning in extended space
state space poses probability distribution on poses posescovariances

start q ! (0) = q start (1) q(0) assigned p.d. (2) q !0 = q start !0 = start (3)

safety q ! (t) Cfree (4) P(q(t) Cfree ) 1 ! (5) k : Mi CONSTRAINTS (q k )

: !k Mi (6)

goal q ! (tf ) Ctarget (7) P(q(tf ) Ctarget ) 1 ! (8) q !tf Ctarget !tf max (9)

qk qk + (10)
Compatible with Given stochastic models of actions
transition kynematic/dynamic and sensing, the belief evolves ac- 1 1
k I (q k , , t) + [k + ()] (11)
constraints. cording to Bayes rule.

solution A function q ! (t). A map from belief to actions. A function q !k , which implies a certain !k .
optimality Minimizing a functional Minimizing the expectation Two problems considered: 1) minimizing the final
of q ! (t). of a functional of q(t). time 2) Minimizing the final covariance.
Fig. 1. Comparison of the three formalizations discussed in this paper: simple path planning (first column), the full stochastic control problem (second
column), reduction of the stochastic control problem to path-planning in the extended space (third column).

The other option is to employ a probabilistic represen- solved the problem in a variety of ways, covering most,
tation. The straightforward possibility is to propagate the if not all, known planning methods: back-projection [13],
mean/covariance of the distribution (e.g., [1], [9]). Some value/policy iteration [10], gradient descent [5], analytic
methods operate in a reduced information space ([10]), in closed-form solution [6], multi-sine optimization [14], clas-
which the belief is compressed by using a small set of pa- sical graph search [1], dynamic programming [15], RRT [2],
rameters. For simplicity and computational advantages, some POMDPs [16].
works use an isotropic representation of uncertainty ([4], [9])
this might or might not be a limiting choice, depending on In chronological order, the main family of approaches in
the other assumptions about the sensors and the environment. the literature have been pre-image back-chaining [17], [13],
[18]; sensory uncertainty fields [8], [19], [20], [21]; sensor-
Modeling of sensing actions. Modeling of the sensing
based planning [22], [4], [23]; the Information Space ap-
actions can be done in a number of ways. One can have
proach [10]; the set-membership approach [24], [5]; stochas-
essentially blind robots, with only a limited form of odom-
tic dynamic programming [15], [25]; and classical search
etry ([11]), or proximity sensors ([10]), or one may employ
strategies in an extended space [12], [1], [9], [26], [27].
complex models of exteroceptive sensors ([12]). As for the
The latter is the family to which this paper belongs. These
exteroceptive sensors, one can choose to model the fact that
methods try to solve the problem in the extended space of
a sensor is a source of continuous information, and the
posescovariances by applying classical search strategies,
robot collects new information also by just standing still;
such as A! and RRT.
this is the model used in this paper. Or, one could model
an exteroceptive sensor as a device that allows a bounded
uncertainty in its working zone, but this uncertainty does
not decrease with time ([5]). Another sensing option is the In this section, we show how taking into account uncer-
use of safe areas (e.g., [13]). If the robot arrives in one of tainty into a classic path-planning problem leads to a stochas-
those areas, its uncertainty is reset to zero (or a small value), tic control problem; then we introduce the hypotheses and
and it stays constant to that value while the robot remains in approximations that allow to reduce the problem to classic
the area. path-planning in the extended space of posescovariances.
Plan representation. In general, the solution of a planning The table in Fig. 1 shows side-by-side the equations (1)
with uncertainty problem must be a policy: a map from the (11) used in the different formalizations. In the following,
history of observations to the action space. In some cases, let q be the robot configuration. Bold uppercase letters refer
the plan is a function from the compressed belief space to to matrices: is the covariance of the estimate of q, I is
the actions [10]. In some other cases ([1]), the plan is a the Fisher information matrix.
reference trajectory, along which the motion is guaranteed
to be safe, in spite of uncertainty this is also our case. A. From path-planning to the stochastic problem.
Finally, the output of some methods ([13], [4]) is a sensor- Path-planning can be formulated as minimizing a certain
based motion: a sequence of action/termination condition, functional over a set of functions that respect constraints (1),
where the condition depends on the sensory input (walk (4), (7), plus any applicable kinematic and dynamic con-
until you see the wall). straint. Note in particular that (1) and (7) impose that the
Planning algorithm. The methods reviewed here have initial and final states belong to prescribed sets, and that


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(4) guarantees safety of the path by avoiding collisions with The term 1 q|z represents the information that the mea-
obstacles. surements z provide about q. It is possible to estimate this
Uncertainty can be introduced by modeling the result of term using the CramrRao bound (CRB): 1 q|z I(q k ),
actions and sensing using stochastic equations. Instead of an where I(q k ) is the Fisher information matrix for the sensor
initial state, one considers an initial probability distribution some regularity hypotheses are needed for the bound to be
for the state. Now that the configuration is uncertain, one valid; we refer the reader to [30] for the technicalities. There-
should replace the deterministic constraints (4)-(7) by the fore, the following bound (sometimes called the Bayesian
probabilistic constraints (5)-(8). Optimality criteria can be CramrRao bound) holds for the updated covariance:
specified as the minimization of the expectation of a certain "
functional; for example, if in path-planning one minimizes k I(q k ) + [k1 + ()] (14)
the time to the goal, in the stochastic version one minimizes The inequality in (14) can be substituted by an equality if
the expected time to the goal. the CRB is strict and the localization algorithm is unbiased
The solution of the stochastic control problem consists of (E{q} = q) and statistically efficient.
two parts [28]: 1) an observer, which produces a probability Note that the information matrix depends on the sensor
distribution for the system state and 2) a control policy: a model, that is on the distribution p(z|q), and it depends on
map from probability distributions to action. the actual pose q k , but it does not depend on the actual
The observer is the easy part, because, assuming the measurements. This means that it can be computed a priori,
system is Markov, and given the state transition model before taking the measurements, if one knows q k . But at
p(q k |q k1 , uk ) and the sensor model p(z k |q k ), one can planning time we just know our planned pose q !k : the best we
explicitly write the evolution of the belief Bel(q k ): can do is to assume I(q k ) ) I(q !k ), that is the complexity
Bel(q k ) p(z k |q k ) p(q k |q k1 , uk )Bel(q k1 )dq k1 (12) of the environment (variability of I in space) is low with
respect to the localization and control errors that make up
In this expression, uk is the odometry data, and z k is the sen- the difference q q ! = (q q) + (q q ! ).
sory input. Of course, having an explicitly expression is often Let us recapitulate the assumptions we needed:
only of theoretical interest, because the equation is typically The distribution of q is well approximated by a Gaus-
not solvable in closed form, except in the linear(ized) case, sian during the optimal motion.
which corresponds to the (Extended) Kalman Filter. Particle The localization algorithm is unbiased and statistically
filters solve the equation by approximating the integral by efficient. No other hypothesis is needed on the localiza-
sampling [29]. tion algorithm, that can be a (Extended) Kalman filter,
The planning part is the difficult part: one must antici- a particle filter, etc.
pate every possible belief, and even if the configuration space The uncertainty of the pose is low with respect to the
is finite-dimensional, the belief space is infinite-dimensional. environment complexity. We express this as a condition
There are algorithms that solve this problem in a generic way, on the information matrix: I(q) ) I(q ! ).
typically discretizing the action and sensing space (policy If these are satisfied, given a path {q !k }, we can recover the
iteration), but they suffer from the curse of dimensionality: sequence of the covariance {!k } by using the transitions
the time required grows with the length of the plan and the defined in (10), (11). Now, given a planned path {%q !k , !k &},
number of possible actions and sensing events. it is possible to evaluate whether it respects the safety con-
B. Simplifying the model straints. Hence the stochastic control problem is reduced to
path-planning in the extended space of poses covariances.
The goal of this section is to reduce the stochastic control In the following, we will define some other mundane
problem to a deterministic problem in an extended space. details about the transitions, and how the safety constraints
The key to somehow decouple localization and planning is can be transformed into obstacles in the extended space.
to be able to predict at planning time the uncertainty of the
robot along a given path. This is only possible if the model is C. Defining admissible states
adequately simplified and additional hypotheses are needed From now on, we will indicate couples %q, & as states.
on the environment and the localization algorithm. For characterizing admissible states, we note that (2), (5), (8),
In this paper, we are focusing on modeling the sensing in the case of a polygonal world, are approximately equiv-
aspect in a sound way, because it is the dominant part of the alent to linear constraints on the covariance (Fig. 2). This
problem. As such, we ignore the dynamics and kinematics of model is similar to the one employed in [15].
the robot. In particular, we assume that an action moves We discretize the configuration space in cells, and for
the robot configuration from q to q + + e, where e is each cell q we define a set of matrices CONSTRAINTS(q) =
a zero mean Gaussian variable with covariance (). If {Mi }. The state %q, & is admissible if Mi for all
also the distribution the sensor model p(z k |q k ) is Gaussian, Mi in CONSTRAINTS(q). We use some of the elements of
then (12) transforms a Gaussian %q k1 , k1 & to another CONSTRAINTS (q) to ensure safety of the motion (Fig. 2); but
Gaussian %q k , k &, with q k = q k1 + , and k given by: also arbitrary limits can be put in CONSTRAINTS according
#1 to the application requirements. We set CONSTRAINTS(q) to
k = 1 q|z + [ k1 + ()] (13) {0} (an impossible constraint to satisfy) if q / Cfree .


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D. Modeling sensor information and odometry uncertainty. Time is important: A property of PP is that, if one ignores
In our implementation, we assume that the odometry error dynamic constraints, time is merely one of the possible
due to a step is proportional to the step size ||: () = parameterizations for the path; instead, the right timing is
k||I. The quantity of information acquired by the robot, essential for PPU, as sensors have a well-defined acquisition
during the motion from q to q + is assumed to be frequency: a given path could be feasible only if performed
slowly enough, as a faster pace would result in less sensor
I(q, , t) = t sensor_freq (I(q) + I(q + )) /2 readings than needed to remain localized.
Another feature of PPU is that the solution might include
where I(q) is the information matrix for one sensor reading. moments when the robot stays still to acquire more informa-
Note that these expressions are valid also when the robot tion at a particular point; in general, the projection to q of
does not move ( = 0): if the robot is in a zone where it the q trajectory might contain loops.
senses something (I(q) += 0), its uncertainty will decrease.
Ultimately, the matrix I(q) depends on the particular IV. GENERIC SEARCH FRAMEWORK
sensor used. In the Section VII, we use range finders. For
All the algorithms described in the following sections
such sensors, the information matrix was studied in [31],
are specializations of the same generic template (see, for
along with matters of efficiency: it turns out that, in this
example, [27]), enriched by a dominance relation !, which
case, the Cramr-Rao bound is a good approximation to the
is used to discard useless nodes. To instantiate the template,
feasible localization accuracy.
one needs to define the state space, the function SUCC(n)
E. Which problem to solve? which generates the successors of n, the predicate IS _ GOAL,
and the two dominance and precedence relations ! and ".
In this paper, we focus on two problems, of the many that
could be defined in this framework:
Algorithm 1 Generic search algorithm
Problem 1: PPU-T: Minimize the execution time, while
1: VISITED : a !-poset of length 1.
remaining localized:
2: OPEN : a !-poset of length 1, ordered by ".
min tf , subject to (t) max 3: Put n0 in OPEN .
4: while OPEN is not empty do
Problem 2: PPU-COV: Minimize the final uncertainty,
5: Pop first (according to ") node n from OPEN.
with a limit on the total time allowed:
6: for all s in SUCC(n) do
min (tf ) subject to tf tmax 7: Report success if IS _ GOAL(s).
8: Ignore s if it is !-dominated in VISITED.
We refer to these two problems as PPU (path planning 9: Discard nodes in VISITED !-dominated by s.
with uncertainty), as opposed to PP for simple path- 10: Put s in VISITED.
planning. PPU has a number of interesting features. 11: Discard nodes in OPEN !-dominated by s.
Number of solutions: A solution for PPU might not exist 12: Put s in OPEN.
even if it does for PP for example, any case in which 13: end for
there is not enough information to remain localized. Also, 14: end while
it is common for PPU to have a continuum of solutions. 15: Report failure.
For example, for PPU-COV, the final covariance depends
on all the information acquired along the path, as a rather
complicated non-linear functional of I(q). Fix a path q(t) The partial order1 ! is used to define node dominance
with final covariance (tf ). In typical cases, small per- and therefore discard nodes. If nodes n1 and n2 are present,
turbations of q(t) produce another final covariance (tf ) and (n1 ! n2 ) is true, then n2 is discarded. Algorithm 1
such that neither (tf ) (tf ) nor (tf ) (tf ), and guarantees that, at any moment, no node dominates any other,
therefore the perturbed path is another, different, solution for in either OPEN or VISITED both sets are posets2 of length 1.
the problem. The total order3 " is used to order the list of open nodes.
In a totally ordered set, there is always a minimum; this
property is needed in Algorithm 1 at line 5, in which the
first element is extracted from OPEN.
point impact
segment impact V. F ORWARD SEARCH
This section describes a forward search algorithm in the
extended space of posescovariances. We describe it by
defining the variable parts of the generic template.
1A partial order is a reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive relation.
Fig. 2. A set of matrices CONSTRAINTS(q) is associated to each cell q. 2A poset is a set with a partial order defined on it. The length of a poset
The constraints are obtained by considering the possible collisions of the is the size of the longest chain n1 ! n2 ! . . . ! nn .
robot with the environment, due to its uncertainty. 3 A total order is a partial order where any two elements are comparable.


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Nodes. A node n is a tuple %q, , t&, whose intuitive (1 2 WAIT(q 1 , 1 , t2 t1 ) 2 )
meaning is: It is possible to go from start to q in time
t with final covariance .. Successors to a node are created Solving PPU-T. We solve the PPU-T problem using A! .
using (10), (11). In this case, " is defined as:
Definition of the ! relation. When a search algorithm (n1 " n2 ) t1 +h(q 1 , q goal ) t2 +h(q 2 , q goal ) (17)
like A! is used to solve PP, a dominance relation is implic-
itly defined. In PP, nodes are couples containing the pose In this expression h(q, q goal ) must be an admissible heuris-
and the time %q, t&; a node is discarded if it reaches the tic. The choice of the heuristic is tied only to the cost function
same pose of another one, but in more time (cost). This being minimized. Because the cost function (time spent) is
is the resulting dominance relation for PP: (n1 ! n2 ) the same in PP and PPU-T, the heuristic does not change,
(q 1 = q 2 ) (t1 t2 ). The direct extension of this to PPU and the covariance plays no role in it.
is (n1 ! n2 ) (q 1 = q 2 ) (t1 t2 ) (1 = 2 ); better Solving PPU-COV . We solve PPU-COV using wave-
yet is to exploit the relation for matrices4 , by defining front expansion. With respect to the use of A! in the last
section, the relation ! remains the same, while the relation "
(n1 ! n2 ) (q 1 = q 2 ) (t1 t2 ) (1 2 ) (15) and the termination condition will change. The relation "
In simple PP, ! is a total order: all the nodes with is modified to expand nodes generation by generation in
the same q are comparable according to their cost (time), successive waves. The search does not terminate immediately
therefore there is, at most, one node per cell. This is not true if a state is found in q goal , because there could be a path with
in PPU, as ! is only a partial order on nodes: it is common longer time but better covariance. At the end of the execution
that during the search there will be many nodes for the same there will be, in general, more than one node at q goal ,
cell because their covariances are not comparable (neither and all will have different times and covariances. At this
1 2 nor 2 1 , as in Fig. 3, left), or one has better point, one should take the minimal subset according to this
time, but worse covariance (Fig. 3, right). relation: (n1 ! n2 ) (1 2 ): after the exploration,
Trading time for information. The ! relation can be nodes with low times and big covariances (that had to be
further extended to possibly discard a node in the latter preserved), are not interesting anymore and can be safely
case. Let the two nodes n1 and n2 have the same pose discarded.
(q 1 = q 2 ), with n1 having better time (t1 < t2 ) and n2
having better covariance (2 1 ). Consider node n1 : to
dominate n2 , it needs to compensate the difference in the This section describes a search algorithm to solve the
covariance in a time t = (t2 t1 ). If the environment is PPU-T problem, backward. In the previous section, states
such that I(q 1 ) += 0, the robot might remain still and acquire were propagated forward through actions, here constraints
measurements to decrease its covariance. After waiting for are propagated backward through the inverse of the actions.
t, its covariance will be Unfortunately, because we represent uncertainty by a full
$ 1 %1 matrix, instead of a single number, the computations get a
WAIT(q 1 , 1 , t) # 1 + t sensor_freq I(q 1 )
bit tricky: in this paper, proofs and some details have been
Therefore, there is a strategy (waiting) that generates the omitted and can be found in [3].
node n#1 = %q 1 , WAIT (q 1 , 1 , (t2 t1 )) , t2 & as a successor Nodes. A node is a tuple %q k , {Mi }, tg&, whose intuitive
to n1 . The node n#1 might, in turn, be comparable to n2 , meaning is There is a path from pose q k to the goal,
because it has the same time t2 . Hence, the node n2 can in time tg (time-to-goal), if the covariance is such that
be discarded if WAIT(q 1 , 1 , t2 t1 ) 2 . Finally, we can i : Mi . The first node to be put into the OPEN
update the definition of ! as follows: list is the node relative &to q goal and the constraints'to be
respected there: n0 = q goal , CONSTRAINTS(q goal ), 0 : this
(n1 ! n2 ) (q 1 = q 2 ) (t1 t2 ) (16) node represents the goal states.
4A B A B is negative semidefinite. Successors. Consider a node %q k , {Mi }, tg&. For any pos-
sible forward action , the successor to n are generated by
applying the inverse action . The successor to the node
will be n = %q k , , tg + t&. The set of constraints
will be transformed from {Mi } to

t2 {Mi } {back-proj(Mi )} CONSTRAINTS (q k ) (18)
t2 = t1 The back-projection of a single constraint Mi is that
t 1 < t2
matrix back-proj(Mi ) such that k1 back-proj(Mi ) is
equivalent to k Mi . By algebraically manipulating the
(a) Same time, non comparable . (b) Better time but worse .
covariance update equation (11), one obtains that k Mi
Fig. 3. Examples of nodes that are not comparable according to the relation is equivalent to the following:
defined by (15). Nodes in (b) could be comparable with the relation defined $ %1
in (16). k1 Mi 1 I(q, , t) ()


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and therefore one can define back-proj(Mi ) as But it is the case that CI({M1 , M3 }, 0.5) M2 , and
$ 1 %1
Mi I(q, , t) (). therefore M2 can be discarded.
However, there are many special cases that must be taken M1
care of. It could happen that
$ the constraint is trivial
% to satisfy: M2
this is the case when Mi 1 I(q, , t) 0; if the M3
constraint is trivial, it can be removed from the constraint set.
ci(M1 , M3 ) M3
It could happen that the constraint is impossible to satisfy:
this is the case when at least one eigenvalue of back-proj(Mi )
is negative; if the constraint cannot be satisfied, the successor With the CI trick, the simplification problem is reduced to
is discarded. the following.
Simplification of the constraints set. A recursive applica- Problem 4: Given a set {Mi } and a matrix N, is there a
tion of (18) make the number of constraints grow indefinitely, vector such that CI({Mi }, ) N?
as it collects geometry constraints along the reverse path. This is an open problem for us. In the implementation,
Therefore, it is important to find criteria to simplify this set of when it is needed to check for this condition, the covariance
constraints, when possible. In practice, the following criteria intersection is done for only a finite number of values for :
allow to keep the number of constraints as low as 3-4 per with only one element set to 1: = %. . . , 0, 1, 0, . . .&; with
node in environments similar to that used in Section VII. two elements set to 0.5: = %0.5, 0.5, 0, . . .&; with all
In the following, let RESP({Mi }) be the set of covariance elements set to (1/n): = %1/n, . . . , 1/n&.
matrices that respects all the constraints {Mi }: Design of the " relation. To use an A! -like algorithm,
Definition 1: RESP({Mi }) # { | i : Mi } define " as
Formally, we define the simplification problem as
Problem 3: (Constraints simplification) Given a set {Mi }, (n1 " n2 ) tg 1 + h(q start , q 1 ) tg 2 + h(q start , q 2 )
find a smaller set {Nj } such that RESP({Mi }) =
RESP({Nj }). Note that, this time, the heuristics must estimate the distance
From the following proposition, we conclude that, in order to the start, instead of to the goal, as in (17).
to simplify the constraints, we only need to discard some Design of the ! relation. A node n1 !-dominates n2
matrices from {Mi }. if its time is better or equal, and all covariances admissible
Proposition 1: If two constraints sets {Mi } and {Nj } de- for n2 are also admissible for n1 , that is, the set RESP({Nj })
fine the same admissible set of covariances (RESP({Mi }) = is a subset of RESP({Mi }). Formally, the relation ! is defined
RESP({Nj })) , then one is a subset of the other. as
A first idea is for the simplification is to exploit the partial
order induced by on the matrices. In the following exam- (n1 ! n2 ) (t1 t2 ) (RESP({Mi }) RESP({Nj }))
ple (a), the set {M1 , M2 , M3 , M4 } can be reduced to {M1 }.
This case is lucky because there exists only one -minimum. Now we need a way to check whether RESP({Mi })
In case (b), there are two minima, {M1 , M2 }, which must RESP({Nj }). To start things off, if for all constraints in {Mi }
be kept. there is a stricter constraint in {Nj }, then the condition is
met: this holds in the following example (left). However,
n o 4
n o the inverse implication does not hold: a counter-example
M2 M2
2 2
3 3
1 M1 M4 1 M4
M3 M1 M3 is shown (right); in this case, RESP({Nj }) is contained
(a) One -minimum (b) Two -minima in RESP({Mi }) but the matrices in {Mi } are not bigger than
Using covariance intersection. There is, however, a more those in {Nj }.
powerful heuristics using covariance intersection. Covari- {Mi } {Mi }
ance Intersection (CI) is a statistical tool that allows to
perform data-fusion of measurements having unknown cor- ff ff
N1 M1 N1 M1
relation [32]. N2 M2 N2 M2
Definition 2: Given a set of positive
( definite matri-
ces {Mi }, and a vector such that i i = 1, define the {Nj } {Nj }
$( %1
covariance intersection as CI({Mi }, ) # i M1 .
i Covariance intersection gives, once again, a more powerful
Here, we use only a geometric property of CI:
Proposition 2: A matrix belongs to RESP ({Mi }) iff it
Proposition 3: If for every matrix Mi there is a covari-
is smaller than the covariance intersection of {Mi } for all
ance intersection of the matrices {Nj } which is smaller
values of :
than Mi , then RESP({Nj }) is contained in RESP({Mi }).
RESP ({Mi }) : CI({Mi }, )
The following is an example with three matrices. The three i : CI({Nj }, ) Mi (RESP({Mi }) RESP({Nj }))
matrices do not dominate each other according to , there- Therefore, also the design of the ! relation is reduced to
fore they cannot be simplified using the previous criterion. solving Problem 4.


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only y observable
forward backward forward forward
A! A! A! wave
only x observable
created nodes 5 474 10 110 369 11 956 1 943
popped nodes 4 211 7 321 229 9 830 1 536
active nodes 4 477 7 337 328 9 767 1 500
both observable
epochs - - - 109 58
matrix comparisons 106 252 1 021 156 - 233 874 -
time - G4 (seconds) 0.51 2.13 0.04 5.01 0.10
time - P4 (seconds) 0.23 1.06 0.02 2.50 0.05

(c) Information in the environment (d) Performance comparison

goal constraints goal

at goal
of constraints

Detours to
re-localize different
detours robot no detour
waits this time

start safe start start


(e) Minimum-time solution (forward algorithm) (f) Minimum-time solution (backward algorithm) (g) Minimum-final-covariance solution

Fig. 4. Legend for the table: created nodes: Number of nodes that entered the OPEN or VISITED set. This number does not include nodes that got created
by SUCC but were immediately discarded because they were dominated; popped nodes: number of nodes that were popped out of OPEN and then expanded;
active nodes: Number of nodes contained in VISITED when the simulation stopped; epoch: Number of generations expanded; matrix comparisons number
of times that it was needed to check for a matrix inequality; time - G4 1.5GHz: CPU time needed on a PowerPC G4 1.5GHz; time - P4 2.8GHz: CPU
time needed with a Pentium 4 Xeon 2.8GHz. In both cases, the program was compiled with GCC 3.3 with options -02.

VII. E XAMPLES information: in the middle of the path, to relocalize before a

For illustrative purposes, we show here the results for a difficult passage, and at the end: when the robot arrives at the
simple environment/sensor for which the three algorithms goal, the best option is to stay still and acquire information
give very different results. We assume the robot to have 4 until the available time expires.
range sensors mounted in direction N,S,W,E, and the walls From the table in Fig. 4(d), we see that the backward
are only in the N-S or W-E directions: in this way, the search expands more nodes than the forward search (about
environment is partitioned in four kinds of zones (Fig. 4(c)): twice as much) and takes more time (it is about four times
where the robots receives no sensing, x observable, y ob- slower). However, because they start their search at different
servable, both x and y observable. For this configuration, places, it is easy to construct examples where any of the two
the resulting paths are easily interpreted. perform very badly with respect to the other.
Fig. 4(e) and 4(f) show the PPU-T solutions found by the Also note that the backward search provide more infor-
forward and backward algorithm. They have the same time mation: its search tree can be reused for the next query if
(up to the cell discretization), but the paths are different. In the goal state remains the same. Moreover, the output of the
fact, PPU-T has, in general, a continuum of solutions. The backward algorithm contains the bounds {Mi } at each step
typical case is that the robot must make a detour to relocalize: (the purple ellipses in Fig. 4(f)): if, for any reason, during
in Fig. 4(e)-4(f) one can see the detour about half-way the motion, the covariance of the estimate is bigger than the
along the path; choosing when to make this detour produces planned covariance e.g., because of unexpected occlusions
different solutions. It is common that the two algorithms in the environment one can compare the new covariance
produce different (optimal) solutions, as their search is biased to the bounds in the plan: if the bounds are still respected,
in different ways. than the plan is still valid and still optimal.
Fig. 4(g) shows the solution for PPU-COV found by
the forward wavefront-expansion algorithm; this solution is On the website http://purl.org/censi/2007/ppu,
topologically different from the PPU-T solution. Here, there there are Flash animations of the search process for all
are two points where the robot stays still to acquire more methods, for this and other environments.


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