EXPRO Policies and Safety: Section 1
EXPRO Policies and Safety: Section 1
EXPRO Policies and Safety: Section 1
Section 1
Table of Contents
Expro Policies.............................................................. 12
HSEQC Policy................................................... 12
Quality Policy..................................................... 13
Pressure Test Policy......................................... 14
H2S Policy......................................................... 17
Safety........................................................................... 1 13
General HSE Guidelines................................... 1 13
PPE................................................................... 1 14
Safety Meetings and Tool Box Talks................. 1 16
Driving Safety.................................................... 1 17
Risk Assessments............................................. 1 18
H2S and Hazardous Substances...................... 1 25
Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) 1 28
Graeme Coutts,
Chief Executive Officer
9th September 2007
Quality Policy
Expro International Group Plc is committed to:
Provide services and products that consistently meet our customers expectations.
Ensure everyone working for the Expro Group is fully aware of their responsibility for
quality and for ensuring all business processes that may impact upon quality are
performed in a controlled manner.
Adopt best management practices in order to promote continual improvement of our
business processes, for the benefit of all our stakeholders.
The organisation and arrangements for implementing this Policy within the Expro
Group are detailed in Group and Region supporting information.
Graeme Coutts,
Chief Executive Officer
1st March 2007
The Expro Group ensures that this Policy is;
Understood: By explaining it during the employees initial induction programme and
following any subsequent changes.
Implemented: By regularly auditing Quality Management systems.
Maintained: By conducting Management reviews to verify the continued
effectiveness of the Policy.
Operating Pressure
The normal operating pressure that the system will be exposed to (i.e. wellhead
pressure, expected pump pressure).
Pressure Test
Normally performed at the Well Site and always equals operating pressure plus a
safety margin. This safety margin is 1.2 times the maximum expected operating
pressure (never to exceed MWP of the equipment).
Proof Test
Demonstrates the integrity of the pressure equipment when the wall thickness of all
equipment part/parts is in doubt or the pressure rating cannot be accurately
calculated. Always conducted with a liquid test medium under test bay conditions,
the pressure is applied in stages until specified pressure is reached or the proof test
Leak Test
Carried out to confirm that the pressure retaining equipment does not leak while
under pressure. Leak testing is generally carried out at a low pressure (i.e. 500 psi),
this is held for a period of 5 minutes and an inspection carried out to make sure that
no visible leaks exist.
Function Test
Ensures that the pressure equipment moveable parts can be activated under
pressure to confirm functionality (e.g. opening/closing of valves). The pressure
applied should not be above the pressure equipment rated MWP.
Prior to any pressure testing taking place a Risk Assessment and Toolbox
Talk must be conducted. Ensure that a work permit is raised for the testing.
The immediate area of the pressure test shall be cordoned off and a
responsible person shall be sited to monitor the test area.
Prior to pressure testing, all personnel shall be informed by Public Address
(PA) announcement of the location of the pressure test and instructed to keep
clear. If pressure testing is continuing for some time then regular PA
announcements should be made, stating that pressure testing is still ongoing
and informing all personal to continue to obey the signs and barriers.
Prior to commencing any pressure testing, all control lines and hoses that will
be pressurised must be tied down and secured.
If during the test, any leaks are discovered then pressure should be bled off
the system before remedial action is taken to rectify the leak. Under no
circumstances will attempts be made to rectify leaks while pressure is still in
the system.
On completion of the pressure testing in a test bay, ensure that all the
relevant valves are shut to isolate the test unit. The test lines must be bled
down to zero. If pressure testing a single item, check that the item is de-
pressurised and drained of fluid.
On completion of the pressure testing at the well site, slowly bleed off test
pressure until it is equal to the anticipated well pressure below the
swab/master/crown valve + 1.2 (the Safety Margin).
At end of the pressure testing ensure all barriers and signs are removed.
Inform all personnel that the test is completed and sign off work permits.
When pressure testing any equipment, a low pressure test of 500 psi will be
applied and held for 3 minutes. The pressure is then increased in stages of
1000 psi to the maximum pressure test rating and held for 15 minutes. The
result of the pressure test should be recorded on a Martin Decker Chart
Recorder or equivalent.
Use of water in pressure testing is much safer than gas because gases at the
same pressure and equivalent volume have more than 200 times the stored
energy. If the pressure equipment fails during pressure test with a gas
medium, a high velocity gas blast can occur whereas a liquid medium can be
contained more easily. Where practicable use fresh water, or a water/glycol
mixture as the pressure test medium.
Prior to any pressure testing with Gas/Nitrogen medium, a pressure test with
a liquid medium must performed first.
Great care should be taken when pressure testing with Nitrogen due to the
nature of the gas i.e. its expansion rate (1 cu ft liquid = 696.10 scf gas) and
the fact that it can cause asphyxiation. If an uncontrolled leak of Nitrogen
occurs, the gaseous Nitrogen displaces the air (in a closed environment) and
suffocation can occur.
It is not permitted to pressure test with diesel or base oil due to the possibility
of explosion if all the air has not been flushed out of the equipment prior to
applying pressure.
H2S Policy
Hydrogen Sulphide:
A gaseous compound, commonly known by its chemical formula, H2S (also known
as Sour Gas, Acid Gas, Sulphurated Gas and Sulphurated Hydrogen) is frequently
found in oil and gas reservoirs where it is formed by sulphate reducing bacteria that
breaks down organic matters in the absence of oxygen.
H2S characteristics:
H2S is extremely toxic, ranking second only to hydrogen cyanide; it is five to
six times more toxic than carbon monoxide.
It is heavier than air with a specific gravity of 1.192 at 77F but vapours may
travel a considerable distance to a source of ignition and flash back.
In small quantities, it has an odour similar to rotten eggs.
It is colourless.
It burns with a blue flame and produces Sulphur Dioxide (SO) gas, which is
very irritating to the eyes. Although less toxic than H2S, So can cause serious
injury. Chemical pneumonia can develop in a few hours.
It forms an explosive mixture with air, between 4.3% and 43% by volume. This
mixture has an autoignition level of 500F. (Note: a cigarette burns at
It is soluble in both water and liquid hydrocarbons. The solubility factor is 4 to
1 in water at 32 F and 2.6 to 1 in water at 68F.
It has a pH of 3 in water.
It is corrosive to all electrochemical metals and reacts with plastic, human
tissues and nerves.
It causes irritation to the eyes, throat, and respiratory system.
It affects major nerves within the human nervous system, including the
olfactory nerves and respiratory nerves.
It has a boiling point of 79F and a melting point of 117F.
H2S Training
Personnel who are going to work in areas where there is a known risk of H2S must
receive detailed training in the precautions to be taken. Because this training is of a
specialist nature, suitable external training must be arranged. H2S training provided
to staff must also meet with the Client requirements.
Characteristics of H2S
Risk to health - toxicity levels, threshold limits, lethal concentration,
physiological properties
The correct use and maintenance of breathing apparatus / escape sets
The emergency procedures for gas alarm conditions
The correct use and maintenance of gas monitoring equipment
A full explanation of the potential hazards from exposure to H2S should be given
during the worksite specific induction training course.
All areas where a potential danger of free H2S can be present should have
continuous gas monitoring taking place using either fixed or portable monitors,
with audible and visual alarms, activated whenever the concentration of H2S
in air exceeds 10 ppm. All personnel should also wear personal calibrated
H2S monitors.
A radio should be used to communicate between crew members.
Escape routes and wind direction must be checked from time to time.
Test for H2S and combustible gas in the wellhead, cellar and piping vicinity
with a detector prior to the start of the job.
Never work alone within an H2S hazardous area. Always apply the buddy
system; every operator must constantly be in sight of another person who will
raise the alarms in case of an emergency.
Do NOT blindly rush to the aid of a crew member overcome by the gas. Raise
the alarm and put on the B.A. before assisting the fallen person..
All crew members should remain upwind of wellhead whenever possible.
Crew members must be ready to put on the B.A. during any pressuring up or
bleeding off the Pressure Control Equipment (PCE) string.
If an H2S leak is suspected or confirmed and cannot be contained
immediately, then all personal in the areas of risk must withdraw to the
designated Safe Muster Point Area and follow the emergency procedures
If an H2S alarm is activated, crew members should follow the procedures below
unless client procedures are in place and require a different response:
Mask up immediately.
Warn all personnel in the area and leave immediately to the Muster Point
Area upwind of the incident. All Well Test activities must be suspended.
When it is safe to do so, an investigation team should be formed to investigate
the leak. The team should comprise of at least two members with sufficient air
supply for 30 minutes.
Once the source of the leak has been found then the appropriate remedial
action can be taken.
All equipment must be specifically selected and maintained for a H2S well
All equipment must be inspected and tested periodically with well maintained
records including the tracing of all new and replacement material sources.
H2S certified well head pressure equipment (in accordance with NACE MR-
01-75 regulations) must be used in H2S environment.
If H2S is present, all elastomeric seals should be made of a suitable material.
Position all vent and bleed off lines on the downwind side of the wellhead.
Safety Eyewear
Protective safety glasses must be worn at all times in the workshop and yard
areas of all Expros bases and at all operational locations and well sites.
Safety spectacles may be substituted by full-face visors or goggles for
particular activities (e.g. steam/pressure washing, handling chemicals).
Safety Footwear
Protective footwear must be worn at all times in the workshop and yard areas
of all Expros bases and all operational locations and well sites.
The steel-toe leather boots (pull-on or lace-up) may be substituted by steel-
toe rubber boots for particular activities (e.g. in waterlogged areas or for
corrosive chemical handling).
Steel-toe safety shoes may only be worn on base in areas where there is
minimal risk of turned-ankle accidents (e.g. machine shop and store areas).
All protective footwear must conform to the requirements of the national
Protective Clothing
Fire-Retardant Clothing: it is mandatory for all personnel to wear long sleeved
fire retardant clothing in work areas with a recognized fire risk (e.g. well sites
where hydrocarbons may be present, welding shops, mechanics shops).
Fire-retardant clothing can be made from treated fabric or non-flammable
material (e.g. Nomex).
Ensure that additional non-flammable materials, such as patches or
embroidery, do not compromise safety of the clothing. Do not wear fire
retardant clothes that are heavily soiled with grease or oil as these can be as
dangerous as wearing non fire retardant clothing. Ensure that any wet or cold
weather clothing worn on top of overalls is fire retardant.
Work Uniforms
In work areas with minimal fire risk (e.g. storage areas, wash down areas)
employees will be provided with work uniforms to provide a basic standard of
personal protection and to prevent damage to their own clothing.
Work uniforms may be provided in the form of shirts, trousers, overalls,
coveralls, lab coats or otherwise at the discretion of the responsible manager.
Hearing Protection
Hearing protection devices must be worn by employees whenever they might
be exposed to noise levels above 85 dB(A). Hearing protection may be
provided in the form of disposable ear plugs, re-usable ear plugs, individually-
molded ear plugs or ear defenders (ear muffs). Where possible employees
will be given the choice of the protection device which they find most effective.
Information on how noise levels are assessed, and how appropriate hearing
protection devices are selected is available from the Group HSEQC
department via the Expro Portal.
Pre-Job Meeting
Prior to the start of any operation a pre-job meeting must take place between all the
relevant supervisors, personal and any other involved parties. This meeting should
cover but not be limited to the following:
Permit to Work (PTW), Toolbox Talk (TBT) and Risk Assessment (RA)
Operational timings.
Toolbox Talk
At the start of every shift and when the operation or task changes, a Toolbox Talk
will be held at the worksite. The attendees should be every Expro crew member
involved during that shift. Other personnel (rig crew, vendor representatives etc.
should also be invited to attend).
This talk will be recorded on the relevant form and distributed as per local
instructions. All persons in attendance should sign off on this form. This talk should
Please refer to Travel and Journey Planning in Job Planning Section.
One of the highest risk activities in the oil business is driving to and from land
well sites or to heliports for offshore work.
Ensure that the vehicle has a current road worthy certificate.
Ensure all safety features are in working order: lights, indicators, windscreen
washers, windows, brakes etc.
Always use the vehicle seatbelt(s) and ensure that any other passengers are
using the seatbelts.
No driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication. The vehicle
speed must be kept within the road speed limit.
Do not use a mobile phone whilst driving unless a handsfree set is fitted.
Pull back from the vehicle in front.
Practice defensive driving techniques.
Always observe the road and plan ahead.
Risk Assessment
A Risk Assessment of any activity(s) or operation(s) must be performed
before commencing work (relevant forms for all risk assessments can be
found on the Expro Portal Group HSEQC section).
Many generic operations will already have assessments in place.
It is mandatory that new assessments are carried out or existing assessments
are reviewed when:
1. Starting a tour at a client work site.
2. Starting any specific operational sequence.
3. When the operation changes (e.g. from routine to fishing).
4. When those involved feel it is prudent to do so.
Risk assessments (for the workplace, activity and the operation) must be
carried out in accordance with The Expro Group Corporate Standard for Risk
A number is used as a tool to assist in working out the degree of risk for each
hazard, agreeing on a number for the severity of harm and the likelihood of
harm occurring generates this number. These values are derived from the
Risk Assessment / Incident Potential Matrix HSE_GRP_FRM_007.1 latest
revision, a copy of which can be found on the Expro Portal - Group HSEQC
Reference Material/Group HSE Forms.
The risk rating is the result of the subjective assessment of the assessment
team. This figure is a simple tool to allow the degree of risk to be quantified
and therefore prioritised.
The risk rating is calculated by multiplying the Probability (P) and Severity
(S) ratings;
Use the risk assessment to reduce the risk rating to As Low As Reasonably Possible
Lifting Equipment
All lifting equipment must be used in accordance with Lifting Operations and
Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER), and the British Standard Code of
Practice for Inspection and Repair of Offshore Containers BS 7072.
For operations outside the UK refer to the local lifting regulations. If none exist
then the UK regulations apply. Updated LOLER guidelines are available on
the Expro Portal or at http://www.hse.gov.uk
Ensure that all lifting equipment is:
1. Sufficiently strong, stable and suitable for the proposed use. Similarly
the load and anything attached (e.g. timber pallets, lifting points) must
be suitable.
2. Positioned or installed to prevent the risk of injury e.g. from falling or
striking people.
3. Visibly marked with any appropriate information to be taken into
account for its safe use (e.g. safe working loads).
Ensure that lifting operations are planned, supervised and carried out in a
safe manner.
When equipment is used for lifting people it must be marked accordingly, and
it should be safe for such a purpose (e.g. all necessary precautions have
been taken to eliminate or reduce any risk).
Before any lifting equipment (including accessories) is used for the first time, it
must be thoroughly examined. Lifting equipment will be tested for safe use by
a competent person at periods specified in the Regulations.
Following testing or inspection of any lifting equipment, a report will be
submitted by the competent person.
Lifting equipment includes any equipment that is used for lifting or lowering
loads, including attachments used for anchoring, fixing or supporting the load.
The (LOLER) regulations cover a wide range of equipment that includes
cranes, fork-lift trucks, lifts, hoists, mobile elevating work platforms, vehicle
inspection platform hoists and also includes Rig-up and accessories such as
chains, slings, sheaves, eyebolts etc.
Other more specific legislation may also apply, for example the Personal
Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992. Under these particular
regulations there may be a need to provide a safety harness.
A Risk Assessment must be completed before any lifting of equipment or
personnel is carried out.
Accidents with cranes can be both costly and spectacular, especially in the oil
industry where an accident can fracture oil or gas lines or damage major pieces of
equipment. It is essential then that all personnel working with or around cranes are
familiar with their general characteristics and capabilities. (Please refer to the Job
Planning section)
Pressure Test
All pressure equipment to be pressure tested must have current certification and a
steel test band indicating:
a) Maximum Working Pressure (MWP)
b) Test pressure
c) Test date
d) Test certification number
e) Service: Standard or Sour
f) Inspection authority stamp or authenticity
When pressure testing any equipment, a low pressure test of 500 psi will be
applied and held for 3 minutes. The pressure is then increased in stages of
1000 psi to the maximum pressure test rating and held for 15 minutes.
If during the test any leaks are discovered then pressure should be bled off
the system before remedial action takes place to rectify the leak. Under no
circumstances will attempts be made to rectify leaks while pressure is still in
the system.
On completion of the pressure testing in a test bay, ensure that all the
relevant valves are shut to isolate the test unit. The test lines must be bled
down to zero. Check that equipment is de-pressurised and drained of fluid.
Please refer to the Pressure Test Policy for more information.
Hydrogen Sulphide:
A gaseous compound, commonly known by its chemical formula, H2S (also known
as Sour Gas, Acid Gas, Sulphurated Gas and Sulphurated Hydrogen) is frequently
found in oil and gas reservoirs where it is formed by sulphate reducing bacteria that
breaks down organic matters in the absence of oxygen.
H2S characteristics:
H2S is extremely toxic, ranking second only to hydrogen cyanide; it is five to
six times more toxic than carbon monoxide.
It is heavier than air with a specific gravity of 1.192 at 77F but vapours may
travel a considerable distance to a source of ignition and flash back.
In small quantities, it has an odour similar to rotten eggs.
It is colourless.
It burns with a blue flame and produces Sulphur Dioxide (SO ) gas, which is
very irritating to the eyes. Although less toxic than 2 H2S, SO can cause
serious injury. Chemical pneumonia can develop in a few hours. 2
It forms an explosive mixture with air, between 4.3% and 43% by volume. This
mixture has an autoignition level of 500F. (Note: a cigarette burns at
It is soluble in both water and liquid hydrocarbons. The solubility factor is 4 to
1 in water at 32 F and 2.6 to 1 in water at 68F.
It has a pH of 3 in water. It is corrosive to all electrochemical metals and
reacts with plastic, human tissues and nerves.
It causes irritation to the eyes, throat, and respiratory system. It affects major
nerves within the human nervous system, including the olfactory nerves and
respiratory nerves.
It has a boiling point of 79F and a melting point of 117F.
If the individual breathes in so much H2S that the body cannot cope, it builds up
in the bloodstream and the individual becomes poisoned. The nerve centres of
the brain that control breathing are paralysed; the lungs stop working and the
person is asphyxiated.
In high concentration H2S will deaden the sense of smell; therefore the lack of
the distinctive odour does not mean that this lethal gas is not present in high
quantities. The true level of H2S can only be verified by use of a calibrated H2S
Exposure Limits have been set, which determine the maximum concentration of
H2S to which personnel can be exposed over a specified period without
detriment to their health. Please see Table 2: Time Weighted Average.
Prior to the start of any job, all personnel must have received H2S training
and a well site induction.
A Risk Assessment and a Pre-Job Meeting must be conducted before the
start of the job; discuss permit to work, hazardous areas, safe areas,
escape routes, emergency procedures, muster points, smoking area etc.
Warning Signs must be posted and the work area roped off. Only essential
personnel should be within the work area.
A Safe Muster Point Area must be designated prior to the start of the job. It
must be chosen with regards to the prevailing wind direction (upwind) and
in a higher elevated position than the hazardous area (if possible). An
alternative muster area should also be designated in case the wind
changes direction during the operation.
If the well site does not already have a minimum of two windsocks,
position the required number of wind socks to aid in determining the wind
direction for both the positioning of the equipment and ongoing operations.
At least 2 fully charged 20 minute Breathing Apparatus (B.A.) sets for
rescue operations, together with fully charged spare air cylinders must be
available at the two Safe Muster Point Areas.
For on-shore jobs, an escape emergency vehicle capable of carrying the
crew must be positioned for easy mobilisation (i.e. no lines or obstructions
in the way) and in an upwind location.
No smoking is allowed except in designated areas indicated in the Pre-Job
If there is a possibility that H2S will be leaked into the atmosphere, then
sufficient Breathing Apparatus (B.A.) sets must be supplied on location for
all the well site personnel. These should be worn at all times if required
(please see Table 3: working with H2S). If B.A. is not required to be worn,
self rescue (10 minutes) sets or rescue masks must be carried at all times.
Never enter or work in a closed space or area where there is an H2S risk
without wearing B.A.
Breathing Apparatus (B.A.) must be inspected once a month or before
each use. The inspection includes a check of tightness, connections,
pressure and condition of the face piece, headbands, valves, connecting
tubes, and canisters. Rubber or elastomeric parts must be inspected for
pliability and signs of deterioration.
All areas where a potential danger of free H2S exists should have
continuous gas monitoring using either fixed or portable monitors, with
audible and visual alarms, activated whenever the concentration of H2S in
air exceeds 10 ppm. All personnel should also wear personal calibrated
H2S monitors.
If possible, a radio should be used to communicate between crew
Escape routes and wind direction must be checked from time to time.
Test for H2S gas at the wellhead, cellar and piping vicinity with a detector
prior to the start of the job.
Never work alone within an H2S hazardous area. Always apply the
buddy system; every operator must constantly be in sight of another
person who will raise the alarms in case of an emergency.
Do NOT blindly rush to the aid of a crew member overcome by the gas.
Raise the alarm and put on the B.A. before assisting the fallen person.
All crew members should remain upwind of wellhead whenever possible.
Crew members must be ready to put on the B.A. during any pressuring up
or bleeding off the PCE string.
If an H2S leak is suspected or confirmed and cannot be contained
immediately, then all personnel in the areas of risk must withdraw to the
designated Safe Muster Point Area and follow the emergency procedures.
NORM is not a significant risk whilst it is contained within plant and pipework.
When plant and pipework is dismantled, the shielding effect of the pipework is
removed therefore the risk of being exposed to radiation and the radioactive
material itself increases. This further increases when the (potential) scale
inside the plant and pipework is allowed to dry.
The contamination on surfaces can become airborne when it dries. If the
radioactive material becomes airborne or gets onto the skin and clothing of an
individual it can from there transfer internally to the human body through
smoking, eating, drinking, inhalation, cuts etc. Radioactive materials that have
entered the body pose a significantly increased health risk compared to the
same radioactive materials external to the body.
The primary method of identification for the potential for NORM occurring is
through prior assessment. There are a number of factors that will increase the
likelihood of NORM occurring: well age, use of water injection and a known
history of NORM occurring (however, just because a well has not had NORM
previously, does not mean that it will not generate NORM scale at some later
Wherever possible, equipment that has been exposed to NORM should be
identified at the Client location, and suitably marked and contained to reduce
the potential for release or transfer of contamination.
All equipment retrieved from a well that has a history of NORM or where it is
suspected it may be present should be checked for NORM before being
handled by personnel.