1954 South Bend Rebuild
1954 South Bend Rebuild
1954 South Bend Rebuild
Ryan Battelle
December 28, 2015
This document was created from a website on the same subject that
was removed from the internet after its host server was discontinued. I
have reproduced the original website as a .pdf file, with many updates
and corrections and enhancements.
This work took many hours, not only in terms of performing
the work of refurbishing the lathe, but particularly in the time
spent creating this document. I provide it free of charge, in
the hopes it may help the community. I ask that you obey
international copyright law by not attempting to make a profit
from it.
If you paid money to receive this document, or otherwise believe you re-
ceived it by some illegal means, please contact me at rcbattelle@woh.rr.com.
Thank you, and enjoy.
1 Introduction 8
1.1 Moving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2 Dealer Shenanigans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2 Underdrive 12
2.1 Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.1.1 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.1.2 Removing The Vee-Belt Pulley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.1.3 Removing The Underdrive Cone Pulley From Its Casting 19
2.1.4 Removing The Underdrive Cone Pulley . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.1.5 Replacement of Failed Bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.2 Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.2.1 Pressing On The First Bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.2.2 Replacing The Cone Pulley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.2.3 Final Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.3 Tensioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.4 Countershaft Reinstallation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3 Motor 30
4 Back Gear 34
5 Headstock Spindle 38
5.1 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
5.2 Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.2.1 Removing The Bull Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
5.2.2 Condition of the Bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.2.3 Bearing Damage Due To Expanders Being Pulled Out . . 47
5.3 Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.3.1 Some Detail of the Bull Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
5.3.2 Installing the Bull Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
5.3.3 Reinstalling The Headstock Spindle . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
7 Headstock Casting 66
7.1 Issue With Front Oil Wick Tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
7.2 Clean Headstock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
7.3 Headstock Felts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
7.4 Making New Wicks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
7.5 Shims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
7.5.1 Rear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
7.5.2 Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
8 Electrical 78
8.1 Options for Powering this Lathe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
8.2 Some Commentary on Choosing a Variable Frequency Drive . . . 78
8.3 Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
8.4 Various Wiring Options for a VFD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
8.4.1 The Most Basic VFD Wiring Scheme (Never Do This) . . 81
8.4.2 VFD With Safety Switch (Minimum Safe System) . . . . 82
8.4.3 VFD with Fused Safety Switch and External Controls
(maximum complexity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
8.5 How to Buy a Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
8.6 A Note About Wire Sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
8.7 Specifics For This Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
9 Compound Rest 97
11 Gearbox 108
11.1 Removing Reversing Geartrain in Preparation for Removing the
Gearbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
11.2 Removing the Gearbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
11.3 Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
11.4 Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
11.5 Gearbox Lubricant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
11.6 Reinstalling the Gearbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
12 Apron 129
12.1 Threading Dial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
12.2 Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
12.2.1 Half Nuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
12.2.2 Worm Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
12.2.3 Clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
12.2.4 Cross Slide Drive Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
12.2.5 Traverse Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
12.2.6 Handwheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
12.2.7 Drive Selector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
12.3 Apron Lubrication System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
12.4 Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
12.4.1 Main Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
12.4.2 Central Drive Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
12.4.3 Worm Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
12.4.4 Cross Slide Drive Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
12.4.5 Repaired Apron Oiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
12.4.6 Sump Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
13 Saddle 159
14 Tailstock 163
15 Lubricants 169
List of Figures
1 Trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2 Lathe strapped to trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3 Underdrive before cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4 Underdrive after cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5 Location of countershaft pivot rod set screw . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6 Removing the underdrive using a floor jack . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
7 Annotated tensioner details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
8 Long punch driving out underdrive pivot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
9 Overview of underdrive notated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
10 Vee-belt pulley being removed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
11 Pulling the vee-belt pulley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
12 Driving out the underdrive pulley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
13 Removing underdrive pulley from shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
14 Pulley removed from casting and shaft being removed . . . . . . 20
15 Complete countershaft assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
16 Original countershaft bearing with shield removed . . . . . . . . 22
17 Failed bearing opened . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
18 Pressing on the first countershaft bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
19 Positioning pulley cone before assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
20 Interim step installing the cone pulley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
21 Method for pressing on second countershaft bearing . . . . . . . 25
22 Finishing pressing the countershaft bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
24 Tensioner assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
25 Tensoner assembled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
26 Installing complete counterdrive assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
27 Motor overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
28 Removing motor mount plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
29 Motor plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
30 Motor end bell showing oil port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
31 Motor wiring diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
32 Back gear overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
33 Back gear set screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
34 Back gear front bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
35 Back gear spindle being removed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
36 Cleaned and assembled back gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
37 Headstock spindle assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
38 Removing rear headstock cap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
39 Front bearing with cap removed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
40 Rear bearing cap removed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
41 Takeup nut gear and key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
42 Rear of spindle showing thrust bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
43 Spindle with rear bearing removed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
44 Overview of spindle with pulley cone removed . . . . . . . . . . . 44
45 Closeup of pulley cone bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
46 Tool used to press off the bull gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
47 Detail of tool used to remove bull gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
48 Rear spindle protected by tape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
49 Closeup of rear bearing sleeve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
50 Closeup of front bearing sleeve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
51 Front bearing showing damage from bearing expander . . . . . . 49
52 Cleaned rear bearing showing raised areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
53 Overview of cleaned spindle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
54 Front spindle bearing area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
55 Detail of back of bull gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
56 Pulley cone showing bull gear features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
57 Bull gear being pressed on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
58 Bull gear installed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
59 Reinstalled headstock spindle showing rear bearing . . . . . . . . 55
60 Reinstalled headstock spindle showing front bearing . . . . . . . 56
61 Wick retention rod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
62 Reversing gear train prior to removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
63 Reverse gear train removed and labeled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
64 Reverse gear train with gears A and B removed. . . . . . . . 60
65 Reverse gear train showing main shaft damage . . . . . . . . . . 60
66 Reverse bracket showing felt passages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
67 Reverse gear casting showing plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
68 Drilling out plug in reverse gear casting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
69 Method for pulling plug from reverse gear casting . . . . . . . . . 63
70 Reverse gear showing second plug to be removed . . . . . . . . . 64
71 Reverse casting with new pipe plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
72 Headstock with spindle removed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
74 Front bearing showing recessed tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
75 Oil tube extraction tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
76 Oil tube properly positioned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
77 Cleaned headstock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
79 Parts of a newly made felt wick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
80 Picture of spindle wick experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
81 Rear spindle shim drawing (operator side) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
82 Rear spind shim drawing (far side) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
83 Rear bearing cap refurbished . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
84 Front spindle shim drawing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
85 Front bearing cap refurbished . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
86 Simple schematic of original wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
87 Simple schematic of new wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
88 Safety switch showing internals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
89 Safety switch completely assembled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
90 Safety switch wiring diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
91 Installed safety switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
92 Original equipment motor starter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
93 A simple latching relay design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
94 Complete bidirectional motor starter diagram . . . . . . . . . . . 88
95 Completed motor starter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
96 Freshly unboxed Hitachi X200 VFD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
97 Safety switch before refurbishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
98 Notice page inside safety switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
99 Safety switch cleaned up and rewired . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
100 One VFD mounting option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
101 Complete wiring diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
102 Compound rest lock screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
103 Carriage with compound rest removed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
104 Removing the compound rest handle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
105 Parts of the compound rest dial lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
106 Parts of the compound rest dial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
107 Compound rest gib screw location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
108 Compound rest gib adjustor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
109 Compound rest gib removed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
110 Location of compound rest leadscrew nut retaining screw . . . . 101
111 Complete compound rest parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
112 Cross slide handle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
113 Cross slide with dial removed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
114 Cross slide gib adjustor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
115 Removing pin from cross slide leadscrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
116 Cross slide parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
117 Front and rear cross slide leadscrew bearings . . . . . . . . . . . 106
118 Complete cross slide in pieces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
119 Reversing gear train . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
120 Method for removing gearbox input shaft nut . . . . . . . . . . . 109
121 Reversing gear sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
122 Reversing gear train removed to access gearbox . . . . . . . . . . 110
123 Screws that secure the gearbox to the bed . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
124 Complete gearbox removed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
125 Gearbox parallelism adjustor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
126 Gearbox showing parts and power pathway . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
127 Detail of leadscrew where it enters the gearbox . . . . . . . . . . 114
128 View of inner leadscrew bearing with leadscrew removed . . . . . 114
129 Location wick in leadscrew output port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
130 Removing the countershaft pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
131 Direction to remove the shift rail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
132 Shift rail hole showing wick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
133 Mainshaft taper pin notated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
134 Mainshaft being removed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
135 Gear stack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
136 Output shaft inner bearing removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
137 Damaged gearbox input shaft bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
138 Inside of empty gearbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
139 Output side of gearbox showing lubrication points . . . . . . . . 121
140 Input side of gearbox showing lubrication points . . . . . . . . . 122
141 Mainshaft showing new felt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
142 Completed mainshaft installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
143 Input shaft reinstalled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
144 Method of installing new felt in gearbox shafts . . . . . . . . . . 125
145 Gearbox showing felt protruding from shift rail . . . . . . . . . . 126
146 Reinstalling the leadscrew in the gearbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
147 Apron before removal showing important parts . . . . . . . . . . 129
148 Thread dial parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
149 Back of apron before disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
150 Apron with sump cover removed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
151 Removing the half nuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
152 Half nut cam assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
153 Half nuts removed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
154 Worm drive removal direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
155 Worm drive end bushings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
156 Driving out the worm drive end caps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
157 Star wheel before removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
158 Star wheel removed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
159 Clutch pack being removed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
160 Clutch parts breakdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
161 Mockup of clutch assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
162 Clutch parts showing unusual gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
163 Position of cross slide drive gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
164 Rack drive gear (traverse gear) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
165 Handwheel shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
166 Drive selector taper pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
167 Complete apron gearset layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
168 Apron casting with new hole for handwheel shaft . . . . . . . . . 145
169 Felt routing for inner and outer rack gear bearings . . . . . . . . 146
170 Felt routing for rack gear bearings with gears installed . . . . . . 147
171 A heavy 10 apron showing different upper felt routing . . . . . . 147
172 New upper reservoir felt routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
173 Clutch gear felt routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
174 Clutch gear felt routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
175 Felt routing around the main drive gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
176 Felt routing for main drive gear shown from above . . . . . . . . 151
177 Central drive gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
178 Drive interlock engaged . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
179 Drive interlock disengaged . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
180 Worm drive installed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
181 Cross slide drive gear felt routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
182 Repaired apron oiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
183 New sump gasket in position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
184 Reinstalled sump cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
185 Magnet on apron oil drain plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
186 Saddle showing back side gib . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
187 Saddle removed showing parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
188 Underside of saddle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
189 Saddle ways showing major wear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
190 New saddle felt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
191 Saddle cleaned and reinstalled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
192 Tailstock before removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
193 Tailstock showing handwheel parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
194 Tailstock rear bushing removed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
195 Tailstock anchor in position under bed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
196 Tailstock anchor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
197 Tailstock ram locking mechanism removed . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
198 Tailstock pin and set screw for key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
199 Overview of tailstock parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
200 New tailstock base felt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
201 New tailstock base felt installed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
1 Introduction
This document chronicles what I did when refurbishing (not rebuilding) my 1952
South Bend Lathe. Its all here, including mistakes I made. It is not meant to
be an authoritative source on how to rebuild a machine like this - just one
persons experiences in the hopes others might learn from what I did. Please
dont take any of the content of this document as being the correct way of
doing anything.
In June 2008 I made the mistake of having a look around Ebay and Craigslist
at lathes. I was always worried that by the time I was ready to buy a lathe there
either wouldnt be any in my price range, or all the old timey models would be
One evening I found a 13 South Bend on Ebay located in Lima, OH that
was ending in just a few hours with no bids. I emailed the seller and let him
know I was interested, but would need to inspect the lathe before bidding. When
the lathe didnt sell, he contacted me and we set up a time for me to look at it.
It was located at a company called High Tech Metal Products, and the
proprietor took time out of his Saturday morning to show me the lathe. He
made numerous cuts on a steel round bar, demonstrating that the machine cut
no taper at least 3 inches out from the chuck. The lathe was utterly silent when
running, except for the gentle tick-tick-tick of the metal links in the leather
flat belt contacting the pulley cones. It was clear to me the moment he turned
it on that Id be buying it.
1.1 Moving
So I took some measurements and headed home to fabricate a rolling platform
for the lathe. I simply used 3x1/4 angle iron (A36) for the front and rear,
linked together by pieces of 1.5x1/4 square A36 tube. I bolted casters to the
angle iron at each corner - two fixed, two swivel), and used 2x12 pine boards
for the lathe to rest on. Figure 1 is a photo of the platform strapped into the
trailer I rented.
There are 4 500-lb ratcheting straps, one at each corner, and the casters are
locked with wheel brakes.
The trailer is a Bil-Jax Escalate, rated to 5000 lb and equipped with a
hydraulic deck elevating system. You simply pull a lever and push a button to
raise or lower the deck to the ground.
When I got to High-Tech, the owner loaded the lathe atop the platform with
a forklift, placing the forks under the bed way. At one point, while maneuvering
the lathe into position, he picked it up by the chip pan, so I can say with absolute
Figure 1: Rolling platform secured to the trailer with straps
and ready to depart.
confidence that a South Bend 13 chip pan will support the entire weight of the
lathe (between 1300 and 1500 lb).
In figure 2 we have the lathe as it was towed back the 90 miles to my house.
There are a total of 10 ratcheting straps holding it to the trailer. 4 straps on
the rolling platform rated at 500 lb each (as seen in figure 1), 4 1500 lb straps
wrapped around the bed, and 2 1500 lb straps wrapped around the underdrive
cabinet and secured to the front and rear of the trailer.
I stopped at two rest areas on the highway to check and adjust the strap
tension. At the first stop, about 10 miles from High Tech, I found one strap
had loosened. At the second stop no straps were found loose.
This thing survived a trip through some of the worst sections of highway in
the country (I think). I drove as slow as I could without causing an accident,
and everything went fine. Nothing broke.
You can see in figure 1 a piece of angle iron clamped to the platform trans-
versely. 2 of these were clamped to the underside of the platform for the
drive home as added insurance against tipover (the lathe is apparently very
top heavy).
There are lots of smart, experienced machinery movers who would castigate
me for moving in this manner. Technically, the safest way to move this machine
would be to weld it directly to the trailer deck and weld strong steel support
beams between the lathe and the trailer, effectively making the machine and
the trailer a single piece of metal. Then fasten it securely using either chain
binders or rachet straps with minimum 5000 lb capacity. At the destination,
the welds are torch cut.
Although the way I secured it worked, I make no claims it was the correct
Figure 2: The lathe strapped to the trailer after moving it
The second example of ridiculous dealer pricing was at Mohawk. They had
an 11 Logan on a cabinet stand that was worthy of the scrap heap. It had
obviously been out in the rain for some time, and although the ways had little
rust, almost everything on the machine was frozen. They wanted $1275 for it.
I dont know what happens to these machines that end up at dealers who
try to sell them for substantially more than theyre worth, but I suspect that
after sitting in the warehouse for awhile unsold they end up being scrapped.
Thats a shame, because theres a buyer for almost everything out there if the
price is right.
My point in relaying these stories is caveat emptor (buyer beware) when
shopping machinery dealers. Im not saying they are all crooked, but the buyer
needs to be well educated to avoid being ripped off.
2 Underdrive
We begin this project at the bottom. Specifically, the underdrive assembly,
shown in figure 3. The housing here contains the motor and countershaft, which
drives the headstock spindle. Figure 3 depicts the as-purchased state of the
This really isnt bad. Most of whats in here is bits of rubber from the vee-
belts that link the motor to the large drive wheel. Theres a slight oil film as
well, which gets worse as you move toward the top of the housing. I suspect this
is leakage of oil from the headstock down, because there are no oil-lubricated
parts in the underdrive assembly.
There are 2 bearings on the countershaft, both of which were initially smooth
and silent. They are double shielded bearings (not sealed). Its remarkable that
theyre still in excellent shape after all these years, but I suppose that has to do
Figure 4: Underdrive after cleaning
Figure 5: Showing location of countershaft pivot set screw.
2.1 Disassembly
After running the lathe for a couple hours, I became aware of a squeak-squeak-
squeak-squeak somewhere in the underdrive assembly. Near as I could tell, it
was coming from one of the two bearings in the countershaft pulley. You know,
the two bearings that I referred to as smooth and silent earlier. I decided to
tackle the problem immediately, even though I was in the middle of my first
real job in the lathe.
2.1.1 Removal
To remove the assembly, begin by removing the motor and its mounting plate
as described in section 3. Remember to remove the flat belt before proceeding.
To extract the counterdrive assembly, you must remove the pivot shaft at
the rear of the cabinet. This shaft is secured on the right side (the side closest
to the chuck) by a single socket head set screw. Figure 5 illustrates the location
of the set screw. It is not possible to see the screw without shrinking down to
the size of a house cat or being a contortionist and using several mirrors. Rest
assured its a socket-head screw (six point), and just feel around until you find
Youll need to drive the shaft out to the right. Its set in babbit! This
may or may not make it difficult to remove. I was able to drive the shaft out
with no particular trouble using a good quality 3/8 diameter punch and a 3-
lb hammer. Several hard its were required to dislodge the shaft initially, then
things got easier.
Youre pressing this shaft a long distance. The shaft itself is more than a
foot long, and it must be driven completely out of the cabinet. So youll need
Figure 6: Method for removing the underdrive with a hydraulic
floor jack.
a long punch. I started with the aforementioned 3/8 x 6 long punch, then
moved up to a 1-foot piece of 4340 steel rod (1/2 diameter) that I use as a
punch. I finished up using a 3-foot piece of 4340 1/2 rod to drive the shaft the
last few inches.
The assembly must be supported while the shaft is removed, not only to
prevent it dropping to the floor when the shaft comes out, but (more impor-
tantly), to keep the weight of the countershaft assembly from binding the shaft.
One method of doing this is shown in figure 6. This floor jack is convenient,
although a smaller model would be even better. Try to place the jack near the
center of gravity for the assembly (its toward the back).
With the countershaft safely supported, disengage the tensioner by removing
the return spring and unscrewing the tension adjustment bolt from the coun-
tershaft casting, as shown in figure 7. The bolt will rotate inside the tensioner,
because it attaches using a ball-and-socket joint at the top. Use pliers on the
unthreaded portion as necessary. This is a somewhat slow process.
Figure 7: Details of the underdrive tensioner assembly.
Figure 8: Long punch being used to drive out the underdrive
pivot pin.
Figure 10: Vee-belt pulley being removed.
Figure 11: Pulling the vee-belt pulley using a 7-ton OTC brand
2/3-jaw puller.
Figure 11 illustrates the procedure to pull the pulley from the countershaft.
Thats an OTC model 1038 2/3 jaw puller, good to 7 tons. In the case of this
lathe, it took no more than a couple hundred pounds of force to remove that
pulley. It practically fell apart.
Figure 12: How to remove the underdrive pulley assembly.
Figure 13: Pulling the shaft through the underdrive pulley.
This is being done so that there is enough room to remove the
entire pulley from the casting.
Figure 14: Pulley has been removed from the casting and is
being pulled off the shaft.
Once youve removed the countershaft from the casting, its a simple matter
of pulling the front bearing (which I also failed to photograph). At that point,
the cone pulley can be pulled off the shaft as shown in figure 14. This doesnt
take very much force, but just enough to make it more convenient to set a puller
on it.
Figure 15: Complete countershaft assembly showing all parts.
the originals. I could detect no flaws in these bearings, except that they were
devoid of oil - the only thing remaining of the original grease was the binder.
To repack them, the shield on one side had to be removed. These bearings
use a 2-part shield, with a layer of felt between. Figure 16 shows the outer shield
removed. Figure 17 shows both shields removed and laying atop the bearing.
I always end up destroying the shields when I remove them from bearings.
The problem with going shield-less in this case is the potential for bits of metal
from the lathe contaminating the bearings. But since these bearings may need
replacement anyway, Im willing to accept that risk.
I cleaned the bearings as best I could to remove all the old grease binder,
then carefully repacked them with Magnalube Teflon grease.
The experiment failed, however, as I found the squeak-squeak-squeak-squeak
returned a few hours after repacking. Since the assembly had already been out
once, it was a piece of cake to remove it again and replace the bearings with
new Japanese-origin bearings from Emerson.
Figure 16: Original countershaft bearing with shield removed.
2.2 Reassembly
2.2.1 Pressing On The First Bearing
The bearing for the vee-pulley end of the countershaft is somewhat tricky to
press back on, owing to the length of the shaft. My arbor press isnt tall enough
to do it, so I used a bench vise (figure 18) to support the bearing with just
enough space for the countershaft to slide between the jaws. The press fit isnt
particularly strong, and the bearing is pressed in until it contacts a shoulder on
the shaft.
Be sure to protect the threaded end of the shaft. I put the takeup nuts on
and set a piece of steel on top to strike with the hammer.
2.2.2 Replacing The Cone Pulley
With the left side bearing pressed on, youll want to practice putting the shaft
into the main casting in order to find a method for yourself that yields good
I took some time with steel wool to clean up the casting so that the bearings
can slide in and out of their bores with a light hand pressure. That way theres
no need to be pounding the shaft into place.
I was therefore able to position the cone pulley as shown in figure 19, then
insert the shaft (with left end bearing pressed on) from left-to-right. Thats a
2x4 piece of scrap beneath the pulley, which placed the cone pulle at nearly the
correct height to accept the shaft.
Figure 20: An interim step in installing the cone pulley.
Figure 21: A method for supporting the left end of the coun-
tershaft while the right side bearing is pressed into place.
Install the right side bearing plate as well, and press until the bearing contacts
the backing plate. This will ensure the assembly is in the proper position. Figure
22 shows the process.
Figure 22: Finishing the process of pressing on the right side
bearing for the countershaft.
2.3 Tensioner
Its worth taking a quick look at the flat belt tensioner. Figure 24 shows the
tensioner dismantled, except that I left the hand lever intact because I couldnt
see how it comes apart. I suspect theres a pin that secures the handle, but
attempts to drive out what looks like a pin failed. In the photo, the swivel
bracket rotates about the pin, which is secured by the set screw as shown.
In figure 25 Ive assembled the two parts from the previous section and the
tensioner has been added to the photo. Notice the oil hole for lubricating the
ball-and-socket joint.
Figure 23
Figure 25: The assembled tensioner to show functionality.
Figure 26: Installing the completed counterdrive assembly in
the underdrive cabinet.
3 Motor
The original motor for this machine is a squirrel-cage induction polyphase type
made by Century Electric Company from St. Louis, MO, depicted in figure 27.
Century doesnt exist as an independent any longer, having been bought out by
A.O. Smith some time ago.
Specifications listed on the motor plate are as follows (laid out roughly as
they appear on the plate):
Code K
Model SC-203-N Spec No. 13102
H.P. 1 Phase 3 RPM 1740/1450
Cycle 60/50 Volts 220/440 Amps 3.8/1.8 - 4.6-2.3
Time Rating: Continuous Open Temp Rise 40 C
Service Factor 1.25 Serial No. AG1
The bottom of the plate reads This motor will operate successfully on 208
This motor is in remarkable mechanical condition considering its age. Other
than a light coating of rubber particles (from the vee-belts), its relatively clean
and free of any grease or oil. The bearings are whisper-quiet and smooth, but
I do intend to add some grease to them (ball bearings) to keep them happy. I
spoke with a local electric motor repair shop, M&R Electric, and they provided
me (free of charge!) some old-timey grease that will be compatible with any
existing grease still in the bearings. [Modern bearing grease for electric motors
is Polyrex EM, but its never a good idea to mix grease formulations].
Re-greasing the bearings wont be easy without removing the end bells from
the motor, since theres no direct shot to the bearing housings. But Ill do my
best to force a bit in there. I will not be using a grease gun, as excessive grease
pressure can damage the bearings, so why take a chance?
Centurys slogan, at least during this time period, was They Keep a-
Running. The literature abounds with rhetoric about how long lasting (indeed,
invincible) these motors are. They sure are substantially built - that little 1
hp weighs about 40 lb.
The motor is heavy, but can be removed solo if you stack at least 2.75
of blocks beneath it before removing the 4 3/8-16 screws that secure it to the
motor plate. The motor plate, however, is easier to remove and install if you
use either 2 people or a floor jack, as shown in figure 28. The key is to get the
hinge pin out while keeping the motor plate level, thereby preventing the pin
Figure 29 shows the motor mount plate removed. This is a simple piece,
made from solid cast iron roughly 1/2 thick - which means its remarkably
Figure 30 shows the rear end bell on the motor with the oil (or grease) fill
plug notated. That fill plug, and the corresponding one on the front, gave me
fits trying to figure out what should go in there. This is a ball bearing motor,
which suggests it should be greased, but theres no drain plug for cleaning out
the old grease. After a great deal of debate and discussion with various motor
shops I finally decided to use the old timey grease I mentioned earlier, along
Figure 29: The motor plate.
with a couple tiny drops of Mobilgear 629 gear lube for good measure. I added
very little grease. I suspect this motor has never been regreased, as I could find
no evidence whatsoever that any grease had ever been pumped into the bearing
housings - they were extremely clean inside.
As you can see in figure 31, the motor has a diagram indicating how to wire
it for 220 or 440 volts. I was a bit concerned by the diagram because it suggests
(to me, anyway) that there was originally some sort of 9-pin circular connector
that was installed and subsequently cut out in favor of electrical tape. I was
tremendously pleased, then, when I removed the electrical tape from the motor
leads to find the wires all have crimped lugs with the wire number stamped into
each lug. (You cant see these stampings in the photos).
The electrical tape will be replaced by self-fusing silicone tape. The wires
coming in from the power supply were merely curled and sandwiched between
the lugs for each phase. I will eliminate those and use crimped and soldered
replacement lugs for 10 ga. wire.
4 Back Gear
Theres really not much story to tell here, but for completeness Ill go over
what I did with the back gear. The back gear is merely a reduction geartrain
that permits slow head speeds and very high torque. The pulley cone in the
headstock is separate from the headstock spindle, with a large bearing surface
between the two so that they can rotate at different speeds.
In normal running, the motor drives the countershaft which, via the flat belt,
drives the pulley cone in the headstock, which is mechanically linked (via the
bull gear pin) to the headstock spindle.
In back gear mode, the bull gear pin is disengaged, which allows the spindle
and the pulley cone to rotate at different rates. The back gear shaft is then
engaged, which transmits power from the pulley cone, through 2 reduction gears,
then into the headstock spindle at the rear.
Figure 32 shows the basic functionality Ive just described. The only thing
not visible is the headstock spindle, which runs through the center of the pulley
cone. This mechanism worked fine, but I dismantled it anyway for cleaning and
The back gear has a plug at the center of the shaft which is supposed to be
lubricated annually using Teflon grease. Upon disassembly I found there to be
a light coat of old oil inside, but no grease. There was also oil residue coating
Removing the back gear assembly is straightforward. First, remove the set
screws located beneath the castings in the headstock. Figure 33 shows the rear
one, and theres another one at the front of the shaft.
Figure 33: Set screw below the engagement handle that retains
the back gear shaft.
At the front of the assembly theres a big bushing that must be driven out
(after the set screw is removed), depcted in figure 34. Note: the slotted screw
shown in figure 34 is NOT the set screw for the bushing! That particular screw
holds down a shield that fits over the top of the headstock there. The set screw
for the front bushing is located beneath the casting, similar to the rear one
shown in figure 33.
To drive out the bushing I placed a flat-blade screwdriver tip in the position
shown in the photo and gently tapped with a light hammer. The bushing doesnt
fit real tight in there - in fact, if there werent an oil residue film on the bushing
it would slide right out without the need for a hammer.
The bushing is slotted, and I used a flat blade screwdriver to twist it out
the last 1/2 inch or so because at that point it wasnt possible to keep driving
it out with the screwdriver from the back side.
On reassembly, I discovered theres a way to adjust the holding power of the
back gear shaft. As you tighten the set screw that retains this large bushing it
causes the bushing to squeeze the back gear shaft (since the bushing is slotted).
That way you can adjust how much torque it takes to pull the back gear lever
into position for using the back gear. (It has no effect on the rotation of the
back gear itself - only on the effort required to twist the back gear handle into
operating position.)
Once the front bushing has been removed, the spindle for the back gear can
be pulled out, as shown in figure 35. I had to pull hard and twist at the same
time, but it slid out without any trouble.
I soaked the back gear, screws, and bushing in degreaser ovenight. The
spindle I cleaned with some extra-fine steel wool to remove the aforementioned
Figure 34: Back gear front bushing being driven out.
residue, then greased everything up with Teflon grease and set it aside.
I also went back and cleaned up the bores in the iron headstock casting so
that the bushings for this slide in and out by hand.
Shown in figure 36 is the fully assembled back gear and the Teflon grease
Im using. The grease came from McMaster-Carr. You may notice that when
this photo was taken the back gear shaft is backward! The correct orientation
places the larger gear at the same end as the hand lever. It becomes obvious
which way it goes when you try to reassemble it on the headstock.
Figure 36: Cleaned and assembled back gear.
As clean and lubricated as the back gear assembly is, it is badly worn and
literally sounds like a washing machine full of rocks when used. The reason for
this is the gears themselves are heavily worn and now have massive backlash.
I believe most of the wear is on the small-end gear attached to the headstock
pulley cone (the gear on the left side of figure 37 on page 39). That particular
gear is not made of steel - its made of some kind of yellow metal, and it has
worn over time. The back gear system works fine, and I have used it often at
high power and speed, but it is awful to listen to.
5 Headstock Spindle
In my opinion the two most important parts of any lathe are the headstock
spindle and the bed ways. When evaluating a lathe for purchase its important
to pay close attention to the condition of the headstock spindle; particularly the
bearings. These bearings are singularly critical to the performance of the lathe.
If they are worn or damaged the lathe cannot produce top-quality work. It is
absolutely essential that these bearings are clean, oiled, and smooth.
From what Ive read there are two main types of headstock bearings - roller
and plain. Most South Bend lathes use plain bearings, which actually offer a
better surface finish on machined parts than roller bearings1 .
The headstock bearings are particularly costly to replace. As of this writing,
a new bearing for this lathe costs $400, and there are 2 on the spindle.
This particular lathe had very smooth bearings, with good clearance ( 0.002
as measured according to procedures described by South Bend in their litera-
ture). The oil cups were full of clean oil, and the bearings ran silently and
generated little or no heat.
Nevertheless, I wanted to dismantle the headstock to check the condition of
the bearings, the expander screws, and the oiling system. In my opinion, this is
part of regular lathe maintenance to ensure the bearings are getting proper oil.
We begin with figure 37, which shows a complete headstock spindle assembly
with names for each important part labeled. It will help the reader understand
what I mean when I use various terms related to disassmebly and refurbishing.
1 Plain bearings in the headstock are NOT lower quality than roller bearings. As proof,
consider the lathes produced by Dean, Smith, and Grace, for instance. DSG is widely consid-
ered to be the Rolls Royce of lathe builders, and plain bearings were offered on their lates
as an option for operators who needed the best possible surface finish.
Figure 37: Complete headstock spindle assembly with important parts labeled.
5.1 Removal
Removing the spindle is straightforward, as described in detail by South Bend
(look at http://www.wswells.com/data/howto/SBL_form_2002.pdf). We be-
gin by removing the bearing caps AFTER REMOVING THE EXPANDER
SCREWS! There are small bearing expanders installed in slots in the bear-
ings that are used to spread the bearing slightly so that an oil passage between
the spindle and the bearing is created.
In figure 38 Ive removed the pipe plugs (which are socket-head), expander
screws (which are slotted-head, beneat the pipe plugs), and the cap screws that
retain the bearing caps. South bend says to use a rod to jar the bearing cap
loose, and I agree with them - mine were stuck in place by the factory paint.
Figure 38 is showing the rear cap, but the front is exactly the same (although
slightly larger). Notice Ive backed off the takeup nut several turns, as instructed
by South Bend in their form 2002 (linked above). According to South Bend
Form 2002 the takeup nut is threaded on hand-tight, then backed off 3/8 and
clamped down when in service.
In figure 39 Ive removed the front bearing cap and noted the various parts.
I labeled the bull gear pin even though it has nothing to do with this discussion,
merely because its clearly visible in this shot.
Its dirty on the outside here - lots of oil goo - but otherwise appears to
be in working order. Its hard to see but theres a tiny letter F stamped at
the front of the bearing expander.
In figure 40 Im showing the rear bearing with the cap removed, because
theres an interesting problem - the bearing expander has (apparently) been
installed backward! The little F stamped into it should be toward the Front
of the headstock, right?
Figure 39: Front bearing with cap removed.
I suspect it was installed this way from the factory, although I could be
wrong. Its not clear to me whether the orientation really matters on these,
but there is a very subtle difference between the front and rear of the expander.
The rear of the expander has a round radius to it, while the front has a tiny flat
section. Itll be more clear when I show a closeup of the expanders...
With the bearing caps removed the spindle can be lifted out of the headstock.
This isnt necessarily hard, but there are two things to bear in mind:
1. The assembly is heavy - probably between 35 and 45 lb, and 2. The
presence of the flat belt makes it difficult for one person to remove the assembly.
I suggest, therefore, that an assistant be employed when its time to remove
the headstock spindle. Its not strictly necessary (I did the job alone), but it
really makes things easier. This isnt something you want to risk damaging in
any way. I had to lift it out and set it back down 3 times before I got myself in
a position where I could get it out through the flat belt. If you have someone
else to hold the belt out of the way it would make the job much easier. Or, if
you remove the flat belt.
5.2 Disassembly
With the spindle sitting out on the bench it can be disassembled. We begin by
removing the takeup nut and the rearmost gear. The gear is not press-fit, so it
simply slides off. It engages the spindle via the key as shown in figure 41.
Figure 42 the spindle with the takeup nut and gear removed. Once that
little key is pulled out, both thrust bearings and the spindle bearing slide off
the spindle. This is followed buy the pulley cone, which also slides right off.
Figure 42: Rear of the spindle with the takeup nut and gear
Figure 43 shows the condition of the spindle in the area that was under the
bearing. There are no score marks or damage of any kind. This is in excellent
Figure 44: Overview of spindle with pulley cone removed.
Figure 45 is a shot inside the pulley cone bearings. They look excellent. No
visible damage. Theres some tiny oxidation spots here and on the spindle, but
nothing significant. When operating with back gears engaged this is one of the
two bearing surfaces that permits a difference in speed between the pulley cone
and the spindle. Notice the oil grooves.
Figure 45: Closeup of rearmost pulley cone bearing.
by using 6 PVC instead of 4, but I used what was to hand. PVC is nice
because no matter what you do you wont harm the steel parts.
Make it at least 6.5 long to have sufficient room to press the gear until it
can be moved by hand. The gear has a press fit over the section its sitting on
from the factory, and a very close fit through the area where the cone pulley
mounts. But I was able to twist it by hand down the section where the cone
pulley bearing surface is, once the gear cleared the keyway of the shaft.
The fit between the bull gear and the spindle isnt as loose as I wouldve
liked, but gave no real difficulty to the tool. I tightened the press, then smacked
the gear with a rubber mallet, which would jar it forward along the shaft a
little. Then re-tighten the press and repeat.
Be sure to wrap the rear bearing area and takeup nut threads with tape
before sliding the gear off as shown by figure 48. You can see a nick in the tape
Figure 47: Detail of tool used to remove the bull gear from the
in figure 48, but it didnt penetrate down to the metal because I double-wrapped
the tape.
Figure 48: Tape the rear bearing area of the spindle to protect
it in case the bull gear strikes it during removal (as it did in
this case).
Figure 49: Closeup of rear bearing sleeve.
one is simply cleaner. As with the rear bearing, you can feel these grooves with
your finger.
Figure 50: Closeup of front bearing sleeve.
did this tore into it, broke the bearing, then went back and read the instructions
before continuing.
When you dont first remove the expander screws, you end up pulling the
expander out from the bearing by force. Something has to give, and in this case
it was the bearing shell. It would have been more convenient if the expander
had broken - its a lot cheaper than a new bearing.
Fortunately, I dont think this bearing is trash. Ive seen this machine run,
and the bearings are silent and smooth. The only issue I had with it is the
clearance, which measures 0.002 (it should be betweeo 0.001 and 0.0015).
I should be able to properly set clearance when I reassemble it despite this
It turns out the rear bearing, which I thought was completely undamaged,
has suffered from someone reassembling the bearing cap with the expander
sitting atop the bearing (rather than in the slot cut in the bearing). This has
the unfortunate effect of placing indentations in the bearing which precipitate
corresponding raised sections in the slot. Ive tried to show one of these raised
areas in figure 52. Its difficult to see, as the camera doesnt have a very effective
macro mode.
Figure 51: Front bearing showing where damage has occurred
from the bearing cap being removed without first pulling the ex-
pander screws. The expander has been pulled straight through
the bearing shell.
Suffice to say there were two raised sections in this slot, and two correspond-
ing indentations on the top of the bearing. Much better photography of this sit-
uation on another machine may be found here: http://www.practicalmachinist.
I used a smooth mill file to gently file away most of these protuberances.
5.3 Reassembly
To reassemble the spindle we begin by putting the front bearing in place, en-
suring the Front of the bearing and its expander are properly oriented. Once
the back gear has been installed its not possible to remove the bearing, so its
important to get it right the first time if you dont want to have to press the
back gear off again. Figure 53 shows the entire spindle.
Figure 52: Cleaned rear bearing showing where expander has
damaged the bearing by being reinstalled on top of the slot
rather than in it.
Figure 53: Overview of cleaned spindle.
Before I show the back gear going on, I thought Id show a couple closeup
shots of the spindle. We see in figure 54 the spindle has been discolored with
what looks like grooves in a record. These lines are so shallow that I cant feel
them with my fingers - neither the skin nor the nails. The spindle comes su-
perfinished and hardened from the factory, which means the surface roughness
is under 0.00005 (I think). Obviously something has happened to the spindle
in this area, but its not clear what.
Figure 55: Details of the back side of the bull gear.
It seems somewhat odd that the gear is a press fit at all. Theres little reason
for a press fit here, since the gear is keyed to the shaft. The presence of that key,
in fact, makes the pressing operation that much harder, since you must ensure
the keyway on the gear will clear the key during the press. The only reason for
the press fit, then, is to prevent the gear from walking off the shaft. But since
this is a straight-cut gear, the axial load is going to be tiny (if any), and the
thrust bearings can take up any such load with no problem.
Note the proper orientation of the bull gear, with the bull pin facing FOR-
WARD. Thats very important. The gear butts up against a shoulder on the
spindle when its been properly positioned as shown in figure 58.
Figure 56: Inside of headstock pulley cone showing features
that interact with the bull gear.
the top oil port, which runs right through the hole in the oil tube I showed on
the spindle, you press the wick down and put the rod in to hold it. The rod
will also retain the oil tube in case you make a mistake and drop the spindle
into the casting. After the spindle is installed you pull the rod out and the wick
springs up to contact the spindle. This is the method recommended by South
Figure 58: Bull gear installed.
The next step is to install the bearing caps and set the spindle clearance
describe and show pictures of my initial shims, which were 0.015 brass. When
I got the lathe it had 0.0025 clearance (as measured per the South Bend
procedure) using 0.017 shims on both sides of both the front and rear bearing.
South bend says to run 0.0007 - 0.001 clearance in the bearings. This is
measured by pulling up on the spindle with a force of approximately 75 lb.
Figure 60: Reinstalled headstock spindle showing front bearing
on the spindle.
Rear bearing. 0.016 on the operator side and 0.015 on the far side gave
an indicated clearance of 0.001 - 0.0015, again depending on how hard I pull
up on the spindle.
These clearances are larger than the maximum specification, but my incli-
nation is to leave them alone. As it stands, it seems like theres a lot of drag
on the spindle. If I spin it by hand without the chuck in place I get between
1/2 and 3/4 revolution before it stops. With the chuck installed, I get around
3 turns before it stops.
More disturbingly, Ive noticed the drag decreases for about 1/4 of the rota-
tion, suggesting something is binding up for 3/4 of the rotation.
6 Reversing Gear Train
The reversing geartrain is used to control whether the gearbox (and hence the
leadscrew) rotate in the same direction or opposite direction of the headstock
spindle. Instructions for removing the lower portion of the gear train the parts
that mate with the gearbox see section 11.1 on page 108.
As shown in figure 62, if the selector level is moved up to the upper detent,
gear A engages the gear on the headstock spindle, which causes the gearbox
and leadscrew to rotate in the same direction as the headstock.
On the other hand, if the selector lever is moved down to the lower detent,
gear B engages the gear on the headstock spindle, which causes the gearbox
and leadscrew to rotate in the opposite direction as the headstock.
In figure 62 the selector is positioned at the center detent, which is neutral.
Neither A nor B are engaging the spindle gear.
As I note in the photo, the nut on the bottom gear (aka the stud gear) is
threaded onto the gear shaft, and rotates with the gear. The nut shouldnt be
very tight. To remove it youll need to lock the spindle using the back gear. To
do this, simply engage the back gear with the lever and dont pull the bull gear
lock pin out.
If, like me, your back gear isnt installed when you get around to working
with the reversing gear train, youll need to find a way to hold the bottom gear
fixed whilst loosening the nut. I clamped a pair of Vise Grips to the gear on
the front and rear faces (back away from the teeth) to wedge against the central
casting. This held the gear while I loosened the nut. I did this with the reversing
gear assembly removed from the headstock.
To remove the reversing geartrain, simply remove the two slotted screws that
retain the reverse assembly retention bracket (bottom of figure 62). The whole
assembly then slides right out of the headstock casting. You must remove the
takeup nut on the spindle (if installed) to clear the reverse gears!
Figure 63 what it looks like removed from the headstock. The nuts that
retain gears A and B dont rotated with the gear, so theyre easily removed.
Dismantling this is straightforward. Remove the stud gear nut, and the two
nuts that retain A and B. Drive out the small pin that retains the selector
lever to remove it and the pin. Theres a strong spring around the pin, which
will shoot the pin across the room when the selector lever is removed!
Figure 64 shows gears A and B removed and sitting in the background
on their shafts. Its a good idea to mark which side each gear and shaft goes.
If the lathe is old the gears will have worn according to their position, and its
probably worth putting them back where they were.
I removed the smaller of the 2 stud gears using a gear puller, because theres
plenty of clearance between them to get the puller jaws in there.
To remove the larger stud gear youll need to drive the shaft out by pounding
with a hammer. But there is great danger in this. I slightly damaged the key in
the shaft and the reverse casting because the key was in just the right position
relative to a felt wick groove in the casting. Figure 65 shows how I damaged it.
There was no way to see what was going on with the stud gear in place, so I had
no way of knowing what I was doing. Thank God the key is made of soft steel
and the damage to the casting is almost undetectable. To avoid doing this, I
1. If possible, pull the key out before driving the shaft off. This wasnt an
option for me, because the key fit too tight with the stud gear.
2. Rotate the shaft so that the key is in front of a section of the casting away
from the felt wick groove. This should cause the casting surface to push
the key out as you drive the shaft.
Figure 64: Reverse gear train with gears A and B removed.
The key cleaned up nicely with a file, and the damage wont harm the
operation of this assembly.
Figure 65: Reverse gear train showing how the main shaft key
was improperly installed and damaged.
The reverse gear casting has a series of oil rifles drilled through it which form
a sort of oil reservoir for feeding oil (via wicks) to the reverse gears. Figure 66
here shows the position of the oil rifles and the wicks that I found installed. The
semi-transparent green lines in the photo are indicating the oil galleys drilled
into the casting. This is a fairly complex felt scheme. The top felt carries oil
across each of the two holes behind gears A and B, as shown. At each of
those holes, oil is transferred to another felt that carries it out to yet a third
felt embedded in a groove in each shaft for A and B. There are a total of
7 felt wicks in this assembly!
Figure 67: Reverse gear casting showing plug.
Figure 68: Drilling a hole to remove the plug in the reverse gear
Figure 69: One method for removing the plug in the reverse
Figure 70: Reverse gear casting showing the second plug to be
Figure 71: Reverse casting showing where 1/16 pipe plug has
been substituted for the 3/16 plug that was previously in place.
you have direct access to it. I attempted to install the wick before removing the
plug, and found it too difficult. But I believe with a little patience it might be
possible to stuff new wick in the top oil rifle without drilling out the plug. For
example, its probably possible to thread a wick in there via the main (vertical)
oil rifle.
I was left with a rather large non-round hole when I got done drilling (since
I drilled at the wrong angle, as mentioned). I tried a few different ideas for
plugs and finally settled on a 1/16 NPT plug. To do this, I had to drill a
15/64 shallow hole in the casting centered at the top oil rifle. If you do this,
you can only drill to a depth of around 3/8 at most, since any deeper would
risk penetrating the hole in the casting for the gear B shaft. Simply tap the
new hole and insert the plug, as shown in figure 71.
7 Headstock Casting
Here we discuss the headstock casting, which is the fixed emplacement used to
hold the headstock spindle. It includes the spindle lubrication system and the
reverse geartrain.
Figures 72 and 73 show the casting just after removing the spindle. Figure
73 has the important parts of the bearing lubrication system labeled. Theres
an oil reservoir just beneath the bearing area in the photo, and a corresponding
reservoir at the front bearing.
Figure 73
alone. It may not be critical to have it sticking up, but if it can be fixed, it
should be.
The problem with repairing this is theres nothing to grab on to, and the oil
tube is only 3/8 diameter. Its pressed into the casting, but initially I wasnt
sure just how tight the press fit is.
Turns out the fit is not very tight at all. Figure 75 is a tool I made to pull
up the tube. Its a piece of 1/8 welding rod (6011, not that it matters) that I
heated and bent a tiny (1/8) hook into. I inserted this into the oil tube, and
hooked it into the quadrant that is farthest from the operator when facing the
machine - that area has a void in the casting where the hook could engage the
bottom of the oiler tube.
Initially I pulled up by hand, while I was experimenting with whether this
was going to work. I managed to move the tube up so that it was flush with
the bottom of the casting surface using my bare hands. This made it clear the
press fit isnt very tight, which is good.
To go the rest of the way, I clamped a pair of vise grips to the rod, hooked
into the tube, and tapped upward on the pliers. The tube easily popped up,
with no damage. I pulled it up farther than necessary, then gently drove it back
into proper height using a piece of wood and tapping with the hammer. I set it
right about 0.1 proud.
Figure 75: Tool used to extract the oil tube from the front
spindle bearing casting.
Figure 76: Oil tube properly repositioned.
Its not as good as if I had removed the casting and soaked it in degreaser,
but its really not bad, as you can see. Actually it looks better in person than
in the photo. Im reluctant to pull the headstock casting because I dont want
to deal with realigning it.
Let me comment briefly on the paint job here. I thought the paint on this
machine was factory original, but now Im not so sure. There are clearly 2 layers
of paint to be seen in the headstock casting, but the color is very similar. The
top layer of paint has drips that have run down into the casting. But if it was
repainted, whoever did it did a halfway decent job. There are no brush strokes,
and only minor drips on various brackets and parts.
However, the top coat hasnt adhered well to the paint beneath, as it chips
off very easily. It would really be nice to completly strip this machine and
repaint, but Im reluctant to do so because, 1) the paint doesnt look too bad,
and 2) I dont want to have to realign everything.
Figure 77: Cleaned headstock.
LeBlond corporation.
with the bottom felt that I pulled out of the machine. You need a less dense felt
in the bottom portion of the spring so that the entire wick can be compressed
by the spindle. F1 is very resistant to compression, and probably wouldnt be
squishy enough to provide proper spring pressure to the wick.
Its possible to purchase new wicks direct from Leblond for $15 plus $6
shipping. As I mentioned earlier, I bought one so I could examine it. I believe
what theyre using is a lower felt made from some kind of cotton-based yarn,
and a top felt made from an SAE grade.
Figure 78
For the top felt, I decided to use F5, which is significantly less dense and less
firm than F1. F1 is too hard and incompressible to use here, and F5 will flow
more oil than F1 in general. Unfortunately, I couldnt locate F5 in cord-form, so
I had to buy a strip of it 1 x 3/4 in cross section (again from McMaster-Carr).
I cut myself a small block from the F5 strip, then used a razor blade to trim
it until it was mostly round and small enough to fit inside the spring. F5 is
much more consistent with the felt at the top of the new wick I bought from
Leblond, although it appears the Leblond stuff is very low-grade, low-density,
low-firmness felt. F5 is rather high quality stuff.
The resulting wick is shown in figure 79. Indeed, the spring compresses as
desired, although the force required to do so is considerably higher than the old
felts. That may be because the old felts were quite worn, or it might be that
this wick design packs too much felt into the spring.
The nice thing about using the big F5 strip to make my top felts is I was
able to customize the shape a bit. The felt I made is slightly larger diameter at
the top, so that slightly more of it is in contact with the spindle. That should
provide a little more lubricant to the spindle.
Figure 79: Parts of a newly made felt wick using the original
equipment spring retainer.
Uncompressed Compressed
Time to saturate bottom felt <60s <20s
Time to saturate top felt 8 min 6 min
within 1/2 of the tip of the wick. That means the wick only needs to pull
oil up a very short distance. They show that this arrangement is acceptable.
Furthermore, we find that the F10 felt acts to quickly move oil from the reservoir
up to the top felt, where it is retained until transferred to the spindle.
After putting the whole spindle back together I ran it at top speed for about
10 minutes. The bearings reached a temperature somewhere between 105F and
110F. Spindle movement is extremely smooth.
7.5 Shims
7.5.1 Rear
The shims I found beneath the rear bearing cap were badly mangled. They
are obviously not the original equipment - or, if they are, someone really did a
number on them. I measured each and found them to be between 0.015 and
0.017 thick.
So I bought a small sheet of brass shim stock 0.015 thick. I used some blue
layout fluid to transfer an impression of each bearing cap onto a sheet of paper.
The impression was then scanned, and a CAD model was created as a template
for making new shims. The rear shims are shown in figures 81 and 82 (there are
two drawings because my rear bearing is slightly different on each side). If you
print the photos at 1:1 scale they are the correct size for the real thing. The
small hole is 5/16 diameter, and the large hole is 9/16 diameter.
After quite a bit of work I ended up with the replacement shims you see in
figure 83. It was a lot of work because:
1. 0.015 brass sheet is harder to cut than you think. Use a good pair of
metal snips.
Notice the new bit of F10 felt Ive installed in the expander in figure 83. F10
is the right grade to use here because you need something very compressible so
as to avoid binding the spindle. I tried initially with F1 and found the spindle
bound up badly when the bearing cap was installed.
7.5.2 Front
Not much more to tell here, except that the front shims were in much better
condition than the rears. I replaced them anyway.
Both sides of the bearing cap were pretty much identical and the shim draw-
ing is given by figure 84. It took me about 1 hour per side to make these shims,
which seems like quite a long time just for shims.
In figure 85 notice the new bit of F10 felt for the expander. F10 is the right
grade to use here because you need something very compressible so as to avoid
binding the spindle. I tried initially with F1 and found the spindle bound up
badly when the bearing cap was installed.
Figure 81: Rear spindle shim drawing for the operator side.
Figure 82: Rear spindle shim drawing for the far side of the
Figure 83: Refurbished rear bearing cap with new expander felt
and shims.
Figure 85: Refurbished front bearing cap with new expander
felt and shims.
8 Electrical
Disclaimer: Electricity is dangerous. It will kill you and burn down your house
and everything you own if you fail to pay it the proper respect. If you dont feel
competent to work with it, dont. And if youre using electrical tape youre doing
it wrong.
This page does not provide every last detail, and assumes a basic familiarity
with wiring. If you lack this basic familiarity STOP and call an engineer or
1. Swap the motor for a single phase version. This would require an increase
in power rating, since single phase motors are less efficient (produce less
torque given an input power).
2. Convert my single-phase power to 3-phase.
It turns out that modern Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) are so cheap as
to make options 1 and 2 effectively the same cost. The choice, therefore, is clear
- a VFD should be used to convert my 1-phase power to 3-phase. VFDs offer a
great many practical advantages over a single-phase motor, chief among these
There are two types of modern VFD control systems: sensorless vector
and V/f. Both offer the same motor-tuning options (acceleration/deceleration
curves, frequency tuning, emergency stop, infinite variable speed, etc).
Many people will tell you that the only appropriate control for a machine
tool is sensorless vector. They claim that sensorless vector is a constant torque
drive, which means maximum motor torque can be achieved all the way down
to near-zero RPM. Sensorless vector drives (an example would be the Hitachi
SJ200) are significantly more expensive than their V/f counterparts.
I would tend to disagree with most people, after a careful review of the SJ200
and X200 manuals. The X200, which uses V/f control, provides full torque to
the motor down to roughly 6 Hz running frequency. Why would anyone ever
need to go below 6 Hz at peak torque? The motor on this lathe doesnt even
begin rotating until around 5 Hz. At 6-Hz the rotational speed of the motor is
probably around 3 or 4 RPM - why would anyone need such a low speed?
The X200 has 3 modes that are user-selectable: variable torque, reduced
torque, and constant torque. By default, the unit is set to constant torque.
I believe, therefore, that the important difference between sensorless vector
and V/f drives is the minimum rotational frequency at which maximum motor
torque can be achieved. Heres what Hitachi has to say about it:
full motor torque down to 6 Hz. The SJ200 will maintain full motor torque
down to 0.5 Hz, which is quite remarkable, but irrelevant to lathe (and mill?)
Figure 87 is where Im going with the wiring. I have replaced the motor
starter with a VFD and the house power is now single phase. Input power is
two hot wires (240v across) and one ground wire (the bright green one). The
control panel is intact, but is now communicating the desired actions to the
Figure 87: Simple schematic of new wiring.
of VFD and general how do I wire this questions I see in various machine
tool forums, I will take some time here to explain (as best I can) my personal
opinions on wiring a VFD. I am not an electrical engineer.
I will present the following in three subsections, arranged in order of increas-
ing complexity:
1. The most basic VFD wiring scheme (which should NEVER be used).
2. A VFD with a safety switch and fused input power (minimum required
configuration for safe operation).
3. A VFD with safety switch, fused input power, and external controls (the
most sophisticated arrangement).
VFD Input VFD Output
Wire 1 Hot House Power Wire 4 3-phase leg 1
Wire 2 Hot House Power Wire 5 3-phase leg 2
Wire 3 House Ground Wire 6 3-phase leg 3
VFD choose one with a good user manual as top priority. Ive found the Hitachi
manuals are extremely well written and clear.
Dont get hung up on the safety switch idea - were just talking about a
simple switch, as shown in figure 88. This particular one came with the lathe,
and you can see theres a terminal for each of the 3 phases. Although this
was meant to be connected to 3-phase power (hence the 3 terminals), you can
connect it to any power source. In my case, since Im wiring in single-phase
house power, I simply used one of the terminals for the hot line, one for the
neutral, and the last for the other hot line. It makes no difference what order
these wires go. I chose to place the neutral in the middle because it made
sense. this makes a positive disconnect of each individual line (which actually
exceeds the requirements in the NEC, I think).
Figure 88 shows the inside of the safety switch during assembly. Its missing
the fuses I installed, and a few other parts, but it shows the wiring nicely. The
output terminals at the bottom arent visible here, but the house power input is
visible. You want to wire the house power to the terminals shown because they
are live when the machine is plugged in, and you want to minimize the danger
of electrocuting yourself if you open up the box while live. (The other terminals
are connected to the knives, which would be very easy to touch and die).
Figure 89 shows the switch completely assembled and wired. In many re-
spects, this switch (which is typical of industrial safety switches) is no different
than the big knife switches from the original Frankenstein movie (also Young
Frankenstein), the main difference being that the knives are enclosed and a
mechanism for activating them is included.
Figure 88: Safety switch showing internal components.
Figure 90 is a schematic version of figure 89. Yellow wires are headed for the
VFD. Red and white wires are house input. The green wire is ground. Notice I
added two fuses - one for each hot line. I didnt bother with one for the neutral.
I did this only because the VFD I bought specified 20A fuses on the input line,
and the circuit Im using at the house is 30A.
Also note the neutral line isnt required if you only need 240v power! I
included it because it was convenient to do so, and it will offer a simple way
to get 120v power if I ever need it. Never use the 120v power you get
between any hot line and the ground! Never! Thats a great way to kill
yourself (or others) and burn your house down. So if you think youll need 120v
power on the tool some day, go ahead and provide yourself a neutral line.
Pretty much all industrial safety switches since the dawn of time have looked
like this one. But there are other ways of accomplishing the same thing. For
example, some machines may have a simple two-button switch that looks very
much like an ordinary machine tool switch. They all serve the same purpose - a
means to disconnect the machine from house power even while its still plugged
There is another way of doing this. It turns out the NEC allows a circuit
breaker to be used as the disconnect for a motor. So if you really wanted to, you
could use the circuit breaker in whatever load panel youve tapped for your 240v
(or 120v) power as your motor disconnect. Having a safety switch, however, is
generally preferred.
Figure 89: Completed safety switch.
To get power to the safety switch, you want to use a quality service cord
if youre going to put a plug on it. (If youre wiring directly into house power
without a plug, then you could use something else such as individual wires in
electrical conduit). Whatever you do, use at least the minimum gauge for the
current youre handling. Even better, use the next larger gauge.
Im a bit of a stickler when it comes to wiring terminals, so Im using a
46-amp rated Amphenol MIL-SPEC circular connector to connect house power.
Thats why in figure 91 you dont see any wires going into the box from house
power - I didnt have the cable connected when I took the photo.
Figure 91: Installed safety switch.
8.4.3 VFD with Fused Safety Switch and External Controls (maxi-
mum complexity)
Heres where things get a little tricky, and particularly hard to explain. Most
(all?) VFDs have a front control panel, whereby every function of the VFD -
including complete motor control (on/off/stop/speed/etc) - is available. You
can use these controls to operate your machine, and dont even bother reading
this section if you want. But there are a couple disadvantages to operating that
1. It requires the VFD to be mounted close, so you can access the controls.
This reduces your flexibility in choosing where to mount it.
2. Theres a bit of a safety concern here, since the buttons are typically pretty
small on a VFD and if you need to STOP in an emergency it might be
difficult to nail the button on the first try.
3. Most VFD control panel buttons are very light duty, and not really meant
for regular use, especially with grimy hands.
To overcome these issues, most (all?) VFDs have an option for external
control. This allows you to wire your own switches (of pretty much any type)
into the VFD to control it. Every VFD is different with respect to the way
this is done, and the VFD user manual is the only way to get the instructions
specific to your VFD. But theyre all going to be pretty similar to what Im
about to describe.
Before we dive into the VFD itself, we need to address something that can be
intimidating - the motor starter. If your machine has a drum switch or other
push-and-stay-engaged or toggle-type switch, you probably dont have a motor
starter. A motor starter allows the use of momentary pushbutton switches to
control the motor. There are some very good reasons for this arrangement,
which Ill discuss shortly.
Figure 92 shows the motor starter that was on my lathe. This looks complex
and intimidating, but its actually not too bad, once you understand the logic.
This is really just 2 relays (one for motor forward, one for motor reverse) and
a couple big terminal blocks to hold all the wiring. This allows momentary
pushbuttons to start and stop the motor.
See, the problem with a momentary pushbutton is its, well, momentary.
Its only making a connection as long as you have the button pressed. Since
its impractical to operate a piece of equipment while holding your finger on
a button, you have to have some way of latching the motor on with just
a momentary connection. Thats what this type of motor starter does - it
latches the motor in the on state until you press the STOP button on your
operator control panel.
a SPST run switch, as long as its normally open, which would look identical
to the pictured STOP switch except that the switch terminals would be in the
open-circuit state at normal rest. So why did I use a DPST switch instead of
SPST? Because thats what came on the machine, and theres no reason to go
buy new switches if I dont have to.
In the off state, which is shown in the diagram, relay input power is traveling
into the STOP switch via wire A. It moves through the STOP switch itself,
into the normally-open side of the RUN switch via wire F. Power is also routed
to one of the switched terminals in the relay via wire B.
When the RUN button is pressed, power travels through A, B, and
F as before, but now it also travels through the RUN switch via C, which
is wired to both sides of the relay - both the electromagnet terminal and the
switched terminals. The negative wire (green) is completing the circuit for the
electromagnet, so it turns on (connects) the switched terminals in the relay.
This effectively connects input power, A, to the output power, D, as well
as to the switched terminals!
Now, when the user releases the RUN button, power is traveling through
the stop switch via A, to the switched-side of the relay via B. From there,
it travels to the electromagnet side of the relay and to the device you want
to recieve power via D. In effect, the relay is now stuck (latched) in the
ON position. The electromagnet inside the relay which activates the switched
terminals is being supplied with power right through the stop switch.
Finally, when the user presses the STOP switch, power to the relay is cut
off, since the input power only has access to the relay via wire A and B.
This cuts power to wire D, and turns off your switched circuit.
This is exactly what the motor starter in figure 92 is doing! Its a little bit
more complex because in reality we have 2 relays - one that is wired to spin the
motor forward, and one that is wired to spin the motor in reverse.
Why do it this way? Well, the main motivation is safety.
1. If the power goes out while the motor is running, the system will not
restart when power is restored, which makes the whole thing quite fail-
2. Only a very tiny current is traveling through the control switch. This
minimizes the chances that an operator can be electrocuted, and allows
small-gauge wires and light-duty switches to be used if desired.
So how does this relate back to the VFD? Well, the external control bus
on most (all?) VFDs is a low-voltage DC signal that is meant to be wired in
such a way as to send signals to various terminals on the VFD that tell it what
to do. Figure 94 shows the full schematic of the motor starter that I built to
operate the VFD using the original pushbutton controls that came with my
lathe. Remember, if youve got a drum switch or toggle switches you dont need
this relay setup, since your switch is latching all by itself!
The Hitachi 24VDC controller bus has a number of terminals, but the most
important are:
No signal on either 1 or 2 tells the VFD to stop the motor. A +24v signal
to BOTH 1 and 2 will stop the motor (a failsafe in case the operator presses
forward and reverse at the same time).
Other VFDs will vary in their terminal labels, and even their bus voltage,
but theyre all going to work the same basic way. All of this is explained, of
course, in the VFD instruction manual in greater detail, but they generally
dont show you how to wire your relays as I have here.
Given the terminals I described, you can imagine how this would work with
toggle switches or a drum switch - you merely route the P24 signal though your
switch and back to terminal 1 or 2 (whichever is appropriate) - no need to use
the ground signal at L.
Figure 95 shows the actual implementation of the relay system (motor starter)
as I designed it. Those are two 24VDC relays I picked up at the local electronic
surplus shop (very cheap). One for forward, one for reverse. Theyre so small
they fit inside the little junction box that came on my lathe. I no longer have
any need for the huge motor starter shown in the first photo here, because Ive
exactly reproduced its functionality.
(You might ask, why is there Velcro on the back of those relays? Originally
I was going to Velcro the relays into the junction box.)
To be fair, that old motor starter also provided thermal protection for the
motor. In cases where the motor current was sufficiently high for a period of
time the thermal cutouts would cut power to prevent overheating the motor.
However, the VFD which I have installed has automatic thermal protection built
And thats it! Dont get caught up making this more complex than it is. All
were doing here is switching power around to make things do what we want.
Spend some time with the schematics Ive shown and convince yourself how they
work. Once it clicks in your mind youll realize its really very simple.
1. Coil voltage. The relay coil voltage rating must equal your control signal
voltage. In my case, the X200 external control bus is 24VDC, so I need
a 24VDC coil. When dealing with automobiles youd need a relay with a
12VDC coil.
2. Contact rating. This is the current rating of the relay contacts. Be sure
to get one that can handle the current youre going to be switching. In
the case of the X200 external control bus, the current is very low (<<1
amp DC), which almost any relay can handle. But the current of the load
youre trying to switch also sizes the relay. Since I only need to switch a
few milliamps, I certainly dont need a giant relay capable of handling 200
3. Terminal type or contact form. There are quite a few options in terminals.
The most common are PCB (Printed Circuit Board) mount and quick con-
nect. PCB mounts are small pins and are meant to be soldered directly
to a circuit board. Quick connect terminals are often called spade ter-
minals, and are the most convenient in most cases.
Obviously if you look at the photo of the relays I used they probably dont
look anything like thetypes you see in general purpose electronics stores. Re-
member, there are millions of different relays out there that will work with each
application. I bought what the surplus shop had in stock the day I was there
based on the size and the ratings.
it in. That doesnt mean the wire will burn up at 30 amp, it only means the
wire is certified to carry 30 amp continuous in open air.
The wiring within the safety switch is 10 ga. solid copper house wire that I
had laying around, good to 30 amp.
The wires between the safety switch and the VFD are 10 ga. stranded
copper machine tool wire, with insulation designed to be resistant to grease, oil,
solvents, and most acids.
The control panel wires are 18 ga. automotive type wires with SXL cross-
linked polyethylene insulation resistant to oil, grease, fuel, solvents, and most
acids. These wires can be small gauge since the control signals are very low
Figure 96: Freshly unboxed Hitachi X200 VFD.
The hardest part about using the X200 was figuring out how and where
to mount it. The housing is very porous for heat rejection, and has a huge
aluminum heat sink attached to the back. Any enclosure has to be large enough
to provide adequate heat transfer away from the box.
After much consideration, I decided to mount the X200 to the gear train
cover on the left end of the lathe, as pictured in figure 100. I did not enclosing
it. When not in use, I have a small nylon cover that keeps welding/grinding
debris out of the holes.
Initially, I had planned to simply control the lathe directly from the X200
front control panel. After doing so for the programming and setup, it became
clear the front panel buttons are not ideal for regular use controlling a lathe.
Theyre very small membrane switches that are likely to wear out from grimy
fingers pushing them all the time.
So I decided instead to re-install the lathes original Westinghouse forward/reverse/stop
switch. The X200 (and most VFDs) comes with all the provisions necessary for
external control. With external controls, I will only need the front panel of
the X200 to change speed (if necessary) and check status. (The X200 can dis-
play some interesting statistics including frequency, motor current draw, and
operating hours).
During otherwise normal operations one evening, the X200 suddenly quit
working. As the lathe suddenly spooled down, I looked at the unit and I swear I
Figure 97: Safety switch before refurbishing.
saw a small puff of smoke emminate from the top vents. The display was blank,
and the power light was blinking.
And that was the death of my first X200. The unit had fewer than 50 hours
of use, and I hope its death was premature. It may or may not be significant that
shortly before and at the moment of the units failure the lathe was chattering
badly. I have speculated that the vibrations may have shorted the plates in one
Figure 99: Safety switch cleaned up and rewired.
of the capacitors, but I wont know whether this is true until I disassemble the
X200. Its interesting, however, that the maximum vibration specification from
Hitachi is 0.6g.
In the meantime, I replaced this unit with an identical one, but decided to
make two major changes:
1. Move the unit to one of the buildings walls to eliminate the possibility of
machine vibrations causing damage.
2. Wire a remote potentiometer so the unit can be fully remote controlled.
Figure 100: One VFD mounting option.
Figure 101: Complete wiring diagram.
9 Compound Rest
Begin by removing the compound rest from the carriage assembly by removing
the set screws on each side. These are accessed from the back of the lathe.
Theres one on each side. I had to completely remove the screws before the
pins would release the compound. Figure 103 shows the cross slide with the
compound removed. Arrows indicate the retaining pins.
Figure 103: Carriage with compound rest removed.
the set screw shown in figure 107. Behind it is a little shoe (South Bends
terminology), which my or may not drop out of the hole. Be careful, its tiny.
To remove the gib, simply remove the adjustment screw, shown in figure
108. What comes out is shown in figure 109.
Figure 105: Parts of the compound rest dial lock.
Figure 108: Compound rest gib adjustor.
With the gib removed, theres sufficient slop in the compound assembly to
permit removal of the leadscrew nut. To do so, first remove the retaining screw
shown in figure 110. Then, the leadscrew nut will probably be lightly pressed
into the casting, so youll need to drive it out by tapping it with a hammer and
a pin punch via the retaining screw hole. On reassembly, I slightly filed mine to
reduce the strength of the press fit a little. If you do this, dont go overboard
with the filing - you want a press fit here to maintain precision of the leadscrew
With the nut is removed, the two halves of the compound slide apart.
Figure 111: The entire compound rest disassembled.
10 Cross Slide
The cross slide forms a mobile base for the compound rest. To remove it, you
must first remove the graduated dial and unscrew the backing dial (my term),
similar to what was done with the compound rest. Figure 112 shows the relevant
In my case the handle retention pin was 1/8 and there was no nut screwed
into the handle. 1/8 is too large for the pin - which probably should be a
spring pin like the compound rest has - and I had to use a gear puller to get the
handle off. The pin damaged the threads on the end of the leadscrew when it
came out, but not irrepairably.
Figure 113 shows the leadscrew with the graduated dial removed. The back-
ing dial is threaded into the cross slide casting as shown, but you must first
remove the set screw (which is labeled oil) in order to unscrew it. Once un-
screwed, the entire leadscrew itself can be simply unscrewed from the cross slide
To remove the cross slide casting, push it off the back of the saddle, which
is grooved along its entire width to accomodate the cross slide leadscrew nut.
Although not strictly necessary, I found it much easier to loosen the gib adjusting
screw (figure 114) before sliding it off.
Once youve removed the cross slide casting, you can dismantle the leadscrew
assembly easily. For me, removing the backing dial from the leadscrew itself was
a bit of a challenge. Theres a pin that retains the bushing and backing dial
as shown in figure 115, but the pin is a very strong press fit (about 0.005
interference). You want to be careful with this assembly, as its a precision
leadscrew and you dont want to risk bending it. I punched out the pin as
shown, with the back side of the leadscrew resting on a stack of blocks and the
Figure 113: Cross slide with dial removed.
front supported on an aluminum bar close to the pin so I wouldnt mar the steel
surface. You need a 3/32 pin punch.
You want to remove the backing dial because there are 2 ball thrust bearings
on the leadscrew that should be inspected. Figure 116 shows the bearings in
their approximate positions on the leadscrew shaft. They bound the backing
Figure 114: Cross slide gib adjustor.
Figure 116: Cross slide parts.
Figure 118 shows the entire cross slide assembly (except the gib isnt shown,
but thats just a metal wedge). The ball thrust bearings are likely to be in good
condition, as long as the lathe was lubricated periodically. They dont have to
handle much load or speed, so they should last almost forever.
To remove the leadscrew nut you must first remove the oil plug at the center
of the screw. Then the leadscrew nut screw has a giant slotted head. You need
at least a 3/8 wide flat blade screwdriver to unscrew it, but I found that a
screwdriver that large is too thick to put in the narrow slot. A 9/16 drag
link socket might work, but I dont have one, so I ground down a 3/4 wide
piece of scrap steel on one end and used that as a makeshift screwdriver, which
worked remarkably well. Technically, I suppose theres no reason to remove the
leadscrew nut, since it can be cleaned pretty well right where it is.
11 Gearbox
11.1 Removing Reversing Geartrain in Preparation for
Removing the Gearbox
Before removing the gearbox the reversing geartrain must be partially removed.
Specifically, remove the idler gear, 48-tooth stud gear, screw gear, and banjo
casting (in that order). These gears are labeled in figure 119. The nut holding
the idler gear in place is captive to a square-head screw in the banjo casting
that prevents it from turning with the gear.
Figure 120: Method for removing gearbox input shaft nut. This
is easier if you remove the nut before removing all the other
Figure 121 gives the rough sizes and tooth counts for all the gears in the
reversing geartrain. There are 2 stud gears for this lathe - a 24 tooth and a 48
tooth. For all threads above 7 TPI, the 24 tooth gear is used. In Figures 119
and 121 notice the 24 tooth gear is installed in the stud gear position while the
48 tooth gear is merely stored in position on the end of the gearbox input
shaft. This is the way it came from the factory.
Figure 122 shows what the box looks like with all the necessary gears re-
moved. All that remains in that photo is to loosen the allen head screw that
clamps the banjo fitting to the gearbox casting. I found even with the screw
removed its a tight fit, so pull hard and rotate.
To remove the box from the bed there were 4 screws on my machine. Its
possible there are more on later-model lathes, so be careful. Figure 123 shows
the top 3 screws, all slotted-head, that penetrate through the lathe bed right at
the front vee-way. These screws were not abnormally tight, and I was able to
remove them with an ordinary screwdriver.
The fourth screw was a hex-head cap screw located perpendicular to those
shown in figure 123, down in the lower right corner of the gearbox.
The best thing to do is remove the bottom-right-corner screw first, followed
by the top 3 screws. The gearbox is somewhat heavy (maybe 25 lb without
Figure 121: Reversing gear sizes.
the leadscrew), so gravity will want to pull it away from the bed. Be sure its
supported when the last screw is removed. Dont let it hang from the end of the
leadscrew or almost certain catastrophe will result!
Figure 124 is the complete gearbox and leadscrew assembly as I removed
them and placed them on the bench. It may be possible to remove (and install)
the gearbox alone, but for the first time you remove one of these youll want
to have 2 people present. Above all, you want to avoid bending the leadscrew.
And remember youll need double the length of your lathe in clearance on the
Figure 123: Screws that secure the gearbox to the bed.
Figure 125 shows a closeup of the lower-right corner of the gearbox with
the parellelism adjustor (my terminology). Its a hollow hex-head screw that
butts up against the lathe bed to define the distance between the gearbox and
the bed. By adjusting it in or out you can adjust the alignment of the gearbox
(and leadscrew) parallel with the bed. Only minor adjustment is possible, since
theres only a little slop in the 3 screws that secure the box at the bed. I was
careful not to move the position of that adjustor, and thereby avoid having to
adjust the gearbox position later.
11.3 Disassembly
Figure 126 the gearbox from the back, freshly removed from the lathe bed. I
have labeled the major portions with my own terminology.
This is a simple 40-speed constant-mesh gearbox with 4 shafts: input, shift
rail, mainshaft, and output. The design is robust, easily serviced, and strong.
My only complaint is the lack of an oil sump. It uses a wick lubrication scheme.
The red arrows in figure 126 are an attempt to indicate the power flow through
the gearbox.
4. The left side gear shifter transfers power to the shift rail, where its picked
up by the right side gear shifter.
5. The right side gear shifter transfers power to the right side mainshaft
gears, which are keyed to rotate with the mainshaft.
6. The right side mainshaft gear transfers power to the output shaft.
7. The leadscrew is attached to the output shaft.
As you can see, gear changes are affected by sliding the two shift levers
along the shift rail, thereby engaging different gears on the left and right side
mainshaft gearsets. In my opinion, this design should never be shifted during
Begin dismantling by removing the jamb nut and retaining nut for the lead-
screw. If you look carefully in figure 126, youll see Ive already loosened the
jamb nut (lower right corner of the photo). Youll need 2 big (1) open-end
wrenches to grab these nuts. I used 2 Crescent wrenches. The jamb nut isnt
particularly tight, and the inner nut sets a sort of bearing preload, so its not
very tight either. In fact, mine was little more than finger tight.
With the nuts removed, the gear slides off when you rotate the mainshaft so
the gear teeth line up to just the right position.
The leadscrew is NOT pressed into either its inner or outer bearing. But if
youve got it sitting horizontally theres a good chance itll bind in the bearings
just enough to prevent removal. I found its best to swing the gearbox 90 so
that the leadscrew is pointed straight up. This relieves any binding and allows
the shaft to slide out.
The drive gear and outer bearing are shown after removal in figure 127. The
inner bearing remains pressed into the gearbox case as shown in figure 128. The
inner leadscrew bearing is lightly pressed into the casting as shown. It will be
removed after the mainshaft has been removed (shown in figure 136 on page
Notice there is a tiny felt wick inside the bore where the output shaft mounts
as shown in figure 129. It must be gently pried out with a small pin of some
Figure 129: Location of a small wick in the leadscrew output
port of the gearbox.
Next to be removed is the shift rail (perhaps more accurately called the
countershaft). To do so, use a punch to drive out the retaining pin as shown in
figure 130. The pin engages a groove in the shift rail. Once the pin is removed,
drive the shift rail out as shown in figure 131. It must be driven this way -
attempting to remove it from the other direction wont work because each end
of the shaft is a different diameter.
There are felt wicks in the keyway at the smaller-diameter end of the shift
rail which are obvious when the shaft is removed. At the large diameter end,
there is one wick in the gearbox casting itself, as shown in figure 132.
The next step is to remove the mainshaft, which is where most of the gears
are mounted. It is held in place by a single taper pin, located toward the edge
of the smallest gear, as shown in figure 133. This is a tricky location for a taper
pin, because youre near the center of the mainshaft and you dont want to risk
bending it by wailing on the pin.
I pounded on the pin until I was no longer comfortable with the amount of
force required to remove it. So I decided to drill out the pin instead. There are
pitfalls to doing this, and I fell right into one. When I drilled I was off center
slightly, which placed the bit on a path at a slight angle to the actual pin. So
Figure 130: Removing the gearbox countershaft (or shift rail)
I ended up with an enlarged hole at the bit entrance and almost 2 separate
holes where the bit exited (the original hole and the hole made by the drill bit
offset from the original by almost 1 drill diameter). I used a number 16 drill
bit. Avoid this mistake! Drill it accurately on a drill press instead.
Fortunately, I was able to save some bits of the original pin, so I placed them
back into position in the shaft. The pin hole diameter is around 0.165, so I
filed down a piece of 0.1875 stainless rod until it fit snug in the now-enlarged
hole. I believe the repair will hold fine, but learn from my mistake: if you need
to drill out this pin, be careful your bit is precisely aligned with the centerline
of the mainshaft!
Figure 134 shows the mainshaft being removed, which must be done left-to-
right since the diameter is larger on the right side of the shaft. Its not press-fit
into anything, so it slides out pretty easily with some taps from a hammer. If
possible, I recommend preserving the left/right orientation of each of the gears
in the stackup so that they can be reassembled the same way. Decades of use will
have worn the gear teeth in a certain pattern that is probably worth preserving.
With the mainshaft removed, you can remove all the main gears. In figure
135 Im showing the two stackups: on the left are the gears which are keyed to
the mainshaft, on the right are gears which rotate independently of the main-
shaft. Notice Ive run wire ties through the center of each stack so I can keep
the gears in their original orientation.
Once the mainshaft and gears have been removed the output shaft inner
Figure 131: Direction to remove the shift rail.
bearing can be removed. I did this by carefully tapping it out from the back
(the right side in figure 136) at the inner race. Its not very tightly pressed into
the casting, but there remains the possibility of separating the bearing inner
race from the outer race by this method. If this should happen, removing this
bearing may prove singularly troublesome, since theres no convenient way to
access the outer race with a removal tool.
Fortunately, its a standard size ball bearing, and if you must destroy the old
one to remove it finding a replacement will be simple. The bearing I removed
Figure 133: Mainshaft showing taper pin.
Figure 135: Gears stacked to preserve orientation.
has a felt wiper at this location, so I didnt bother to install a wick in the hole.
This may or may not be correct, but at least if this bearing completely degrades
its easy to replace.
I removed the bearing from the casting - its press fit, and I reduced the
tightness of the fit by filing down the bearing OD slightly. I dont necessarily
recommend doing this. It created no problems, but doing it is dangerous because
you can easily end up with the bearing center being misaligned with the shaft
The bearing is a standard size - 1 OD x 3/4 ID (for a 3/4 shaft). I was
able to buy an inexpensive replacement from McMaster-Carr, in case I decide to
replace this damaged one. Its interesting to note that although this bearing has
suffered severe damage, the clearance remains right about 0.001 and the shaft
rotates very smoothly. For those reasons, Ive returned the bearing to regular
service and will monitor it carefully.
Figure 138 shows the gearbox empty of its gears showing the main oil rifle.
That rifle feeds the input, output, and mainshaft bearings.
The lubrication scheme is worth taking a moment to examine. Figure 139
shows the output side of the gearbox with relevant portions labeled. The main
oil rifle feeds the mainshaft and output shaft directly. Although the output shaft
rides its own bearings, the passage in the case penetrating the output shaft hole
provides a small flow of oil that will eventually find its way into the bearings.
Some of the oil in the mainshaft bearing is picked up by a wick which carries
it down a secondary passage to the shift rail (countershaft) bearing. Personally, I
dont like this kind of serial lubrication scheme, because I think it has a tendency
to under-lubricate the shift rail bearing.
Figure 140 shows the input side of the gearbox labeled to show oil flow. Not
visible is an oil hole at the top of the mainshaft bearing.
There are numerous wipers and wicks throughout the gear case, and Ive
replaced all of them. Originally, every hole had a wick in it, but Ive followed a
slightly different philosophy. The mainshaft and input shaft both have embed-
ded felt wipers. My feeling is that these bearings dont need wicks in the oil
passages that feed them, since oil will merely flow out from the main passage
and into the shaft bearing, where its picked up and stored by the shaft wiper.
Figure 138: Inside of empty gearbox.
Furthermore, since the shift rail is lubricated using runoff from the mainshaft,
having no wick impeding flow through the mainshaft bearings should improve
the lubrication rate to the shift rail.
The felt used here is from a sheet of 1/8 thick F10. The F10 works well
here, because you need something thats easily compressible.
You may not agree with these changes to the lubrication scheme, and I
encourge others to follow their own logic in the matter.
Since Ive begun operating the lathe gear box, Ive found that oil poured into
Figure 140: Input side of gearbox showing lubrication points.
the main rifle runs out rather quickly. As a result, I find myself adding oil to the
gearbox frequently - once before first use, then again roughly every 30 minutes
of use. However, everything in the box is well-soaked with oil (and makes a nice
puddle beneath it). I bought a small aluminum baking tin at the grocery store
which Ive stuck beneath the gearbox using a couple strong magnets to secure
it to the underdrive housing. This catches all the oil that drips off, leaving the
floor clean.
In addition to the main oiler port, Ive also been adding oil directly to the
visible felts in the gear case on either side. This makes absolutely certain that
all the bearings are well-oiled.
Nevertheless, Ive considered whether I shouldve reinstalled the felts in the
main oil galleries rather than letting the shaft wipers hold all the oil. The reason
is, the main shaft is unable to store any oil - it all runs out. Yes, the shafts are
all being very well lubricated (its clearly visible when I fill the gearbox), but
its annoying that all this oil tends to flow right out of the gearbox over a fairly
short period of time. Consider this carefully when choosing which parts of this
rebuild to follow, and which to dismiss as foolhearty.
11.4 Reassembly
The first step in reassembly is to insert the output shaft inner bearing. This
is lightly pressed into the casting. It must be installed before the mainshaft is
installed because the mainshaft gears will be in the way. This is clearly visible
in figure 142.
The next step is the mainshaft. This can be a little tricky, because you must
have the entire main gearset in position before inserting the mainshaft. Thats
because the length of the gearset is the same as the inner width of the casting
- theres no room to slide gears onto the shaft one at a time. The problem is
compounded by the need to align the keyways on the right side gearset.
I marked all the gear teeth over the keyway on each gear with a Sharpie to
aid in alignment. I used the input shaft as a temporary hold for the left side
mainshaft gears - the input shaft OD (on the smaller end) is the same as the
mainshaft OD. Insert the input shaft from outside the case into the mainshaft
bearing on the left side, and into the 3 gears that make up the left side main
gears. This holds them in position while you slide the right side mainshaft gear
stack. When the mainshaft is driven through, it will push out the input shaft.
I understand this isnt a very good way of describing reassembly of the
mainshaft. Its a tricky - but not difficult - process. The best advice I can give
is to try it a few different ways and come up with your own method.
Before any of that happens, however, you must replace the felt wiper. Figure
141 shows the new felt I installed. I experimented with a number of different
options, and decided that 1/8-thick, 1/2-wide F1 felt works best. To make
the wiper, cut a strip of the F1 to the proper length. Notice I left about 1/2
sticking off the end of the shaft. I did this because I figure I can add a drop of
oil to it before each use to help augment the factory lubrication system.
The F1 is almost incompressible, and the groove for the wiper is slightly less
than 1/8 (it measures at about 0.120), so I had to carefully shove the felt into
the groove. Once its in there, use a sharp razor blade to trim the felt flush with
the surface of the shaft. This may take some practice - I had to make several
before I was happy with the technique. Since F1 is basically incompressible, its
important that it not be too proud of the shaft surface. You want it to stick
out just slightly so it gently contacts the inside of the case bearing surface.
I did try using F10 here, but installing the shaft can be a rough process.
When I inserted the shaft in the gears, the sharp edges caught on the F10 and
tore it out. F1 is far more resilient, and there were no problems getting the
shaft through the gears.
Figure 142 shows the mainshaft finished. Notice the gears have all been
cleaned and that the output shaft inner bearing has been reinstalled prior to
installing the mainshaft.
The input shaft is installed next. Ive noted the inner bearing in figure 143
(the one that is severely damaged on my gearbox), as well as the collar used to
retain the input shaft. This goes together much easier than the mainshaft.
Originally that inner bearing required a substantial beating with a hammer
to remove - so much so that I deformed it trying to remove it. So I chucked
it up in the lathe (since the headstock and electrical work was finished at this
point) and filed down the OD a few thousandths. Now it can be pressed in by
hand, and is retained securely by the original retention pin (not visible in figure
Next is the shift rail (or perhaps countershaft, depending on how you prefer
to name your gearbox shafts). This was the easiest item to reinstall, because
the shifters can be positioned to hold themselves pretty close to the correct
In figure 144 Im showing my method for putting new felts in the keyway.
Thats a piece of 1/8-thick F1 trimmed narrow enough to be forced into the
groove. In the photo Im using a fresh razor blade to trim away the protruding
felt so its flush with the surface of the shaft. As Ive noted in the photo, be
sure to press down firmly with your finger the area just ahead of the blade. If
you dont do this along the whole length as you cut, the blade has a tendency to
pull the felt up out of the groove as it cuts, which leaves the felt too far below
the surface of the shaft to do any good.
Figure 143: Input shaft reinstalled.
In figure 145 the gearbox is fully reassembled except for the leadscrew, which
wont be reinstalled until the box is ready to go back on the bed. Remember
how dirty this was?
The 2 gears that slide along the shift rail have 2 keys in them, corresponding
to the 2 keyways in the shift rail (only one keyway is visible in this photo). The
felts for the shift rail mount only on the left end, and Ive noted one sticking out
slightly in figure 145. I cut these felts slightly too long so they can be manually
lubricated and their condition judged without dismantling the box.
Figure 145: Gearbox showing felt protruding from shift rail.
ened with the leadscrew in proper alignment to the case. Take your time, and
try to minimize any torque youre putting on the gearbox with the leadscrew.
My method was to stack some scrap wood beneath the far end of the lead-
screw so that when it sat horizontally it was at nearly the correct height for
the gearbox hole. Figure 146 is showing that I had the gearbox positioned
upside down, since that places the leadscrew closer to the bench surface. Not
to mention its easiest to get wrenches on the nuts with the gearbox in this
Youll want somewhere around 1-inch of wood stacked at the far end of the
leadscrew to minimize the binding where it enters the gearbox. My method was:
7. Use a wrench to make minor adjustments to the inner nut as necessary
so the bearings are just tight enough so the outer bearing race cant be
rotated by hand.
12 Apron
The apron is attached to the carriage and contains the gearing necessary to
bring power from the leadscrew to the power feed on the carriage and cross
slide. Figure 147 shows an overview before removal.
Half nuts (which ride the leadscrew for threading operations) are engaged by
pulling up on the half nut lever. Cross feed is selected by moving the power feed
selector to the upper position. The lower position engages power longitudinal
To remove the apron, the four slotted screws which secure it to the carriage
must be removed. This can be done after the leadscrew has been removed, or
the entire carriage assembly (with apron attached) can be slid off the end of the
lathe if the leadscrew and gearbox are not going to be removed. I found the
screws very tight, and you need a minimum 3/8 flat head screwdriver to avoid
stripping the slots. A large drag link socket might be even better. I had to
use a wrench on the handle of my screwdriver in order to get sufficient torque.
There is an oil sump in the bottom of the apron which is drained via a plug
at the bottom. Its probably best to drain the sump before removing the apron
(I didnt and ended up with a minor oil spill). If the sump is completely full (as
it should be), theres quite a lot of oil.
Shown in figure 148 is the thread dial cleaned up and disassembled. A small
oil port is provided in the top of the shaft for oiling (not shown).
12.2 Disassembly
With the apron off, remove the oil sump cover from the back (figure 149) to get
at the innards. Theres a gasket at the bottom to prevent leakage, so you might
need to strike it to remove. Be ready to catch oil coming out. In fact, its best
to do this in some sort of drain pan.
To remove the sump cover, remove the 5 screws as shown in figure 149. The
one in the center is longer than the others.
Figure 150 shows whats behind the sump cover. Power enters the apron
through the leadscrew, which passes through the worm drive as shown. Theres
a key in the worm drive that engages the keyway on the leadscrew. The power
feed clutch acts on the worm drive gear to transmit power into the rest of the
Figure 150: Apron with sump cover removed.
Since originally writing this section I have cut some threads. I found, quite
surprisingly, that resulting thread form is very good, in spite of heavily worn
half nuts and leadscrew. I was cutting some 7/8-9 threads to fit a nut for a
spindle arbor on a grinder. A 7/8-9 nut is not a precision thread form, but it
was critical that I get the threads on the arbor just right to avoid scrapping the
part. I had no significant difficulty doing this.
Ive heard it said (and seen it done) that to help compensate for slop through-
out the drivetrain, leadscrew, and half nuts, one should hold a light pressure on
Figure 152: Half nut cam assembly.
the apron handwheel when making a thread. This takes up the slack and runs
the half nuts tight up against the leadscrew threads. I want to point out in the
above example with the 7/8-9 threads that I did not do this, but I still got a
good thread.
My point in saying all this is, even if your leadscrew and half nuts are almost
worn away to nothing, dont assume you cant make good threads.
straight pin, which is removed by driving into the picture. The collars are
threaded onto the end of the worm drive cylinder, which runs in bushings as
Once the collars are removed, the bushings are clearly visible in figure 155.
The locating pin is longitudinal, and cant be removed with the bushing in place.
To remove the bushings, drive them out (theyre lightly pressed into the case)
as shown in figure 156 .
Figure 156: Driving out the worm drive end caps.
12.2.3 Clutch
The clutch assembly is removed next. To do so, begin by removing the star knob
(or lever on later model lathes). Theres a hex cap screw that retains the knob,
which was missing on this lathe (figure 157). I suspect the screw is #10-32 left
hand thread. The star knob is also threaded on to the shaft behind it.
Figure 158 shows how the clutch shaft is retained in the case. There are
two shafts - an outer and inner. The outer shaft provides a bearing surface for
the worm gear while the inner shaft actuates the clutch pack. A straight pin
retains the inner shaft to the outer shaft, which in turn is retained by the hex
nut. When the pin is removed, the clutch return spring may release the clutch
pack on the back of the apron!
Figure 159 shows the clutch being removed. With the star knob loose, the
clutch pack is decompressed by the return spring, which permits the main drive
gear to rotate independently of the outer shaft. When the knob is tightened, it
squeezes the clutch pack together, which forces the outer shaft to rotate with
the main drive.
Figure 160 shows a partial breakdown of the clutch assembly. The outer
shaft is retained in the main drive by the external retaining ring as shown.
Figure 161 shows a partial mockup of the clutch assembly. The inner shaft
is positioned concentric with the outer, and the clutch spring is in place, as well
as the end bell. There are two types of clutch disks: one whose inner diameter is
splined to match the outer shaft, and the other whose outer diameter is splined
(the semi-circular protrusions that can be seen in the pack as shown) to the
main drive.
Figure 162 shows what I thought was an anomaly. According to form 910D
the part labeled Oil Washer? should be an oil washer, but on this lathe its a
thin gear. The inner diameter of the gear is larger than diameter A, and C,
but smaller than diameter B, which means when its mounted on the shaft
in the position shown in 910D it just flops around on the outer shaft. It turns
out it was designed this way. This washer, with its gear teeth, is actually an
oil slinger, used to throw oil on all the gears in the vicinity. It doesnt rotate at
the same speed as the outer shaft; instead it will rotate at some slower speed,
but is apparently effective nonetheless.
Figure 159: Clutch pack being removed.
Figure 160: Clutch parts breakdown.
Figure 162: Clutch parts showing unusual gear.
12.2.5 Traverse Gear
Next remove the traverse gear assembly (figure 164). This is what engages the
rack on the lathe bed to move the cross slide assembly when you rotate the
handwheel. Note the taper pin - its easy to tell the big end from the small end.
The gear that engages the rack is permanently affixed to the shaft, so the
shaft must be removed by driving it out toward the bottom of figure 164.
12.2.6 Handwheel
To remove the handwheel, punch out the taper pin that retains it to the shaft as
shown in figure 165. The shaft can then be pushed out in the direction shown.
12.2.7 Drive Selector
Next remove the gear shift mechanism, which is simply a gear on an offset cam
actuated by the gear selector lever. Remove the taper in as shown in figure 166
(note the apron has been flipped upside down to gain access to the pin).
The clearest way to show the gear shift assembly is laid out in pieces, as in
figure 167. All of the gears in the apron are shown here. Its difficult to tell from
the photo, but the stub shaft on the gear selector cam is off-center, so when the
drive selector lever is moved the central drive gear engages either the cross slide
gear, nothing (neutral), or the rack drive intermediate gear.
Figure 167: Complete apron gearset layout.
12.3 Apron Lubrication System
The original lubrication scheme used a series of long felts running from the oil
sump at the bottom of the apron casting up to the various shafts that require
oil. I dont particularly like this system, especially after seeing the condition of
the old felts. Nevertheless, the system worked pretty well, so I intend to use a
similar arrangement, with a couple minor changes.
Of the 5 shafts, 3 of them are too far from the oil slinger to receive oil from
it. These are the handwheel shaft, the rack drive gear and shaft, and the cross
slide gear shaft. The gear selector lever shaft is splash-lubricated from the main
sump, and the half-nut lever is lubricated automatically when oil is added to
the half-nut sump via the oil cup on the right hand side of the apron.
The handwheel shaft, near as I can tell, had no way of obtaining fresh oil
from either the lower sump or the upper reservoir. I suspect this apron was apart
in the past, and not reassembled correctly (more evidence of that to come). To
remedy the handwheel shaft, I drilled a small (7/64) hole in the casting directly
over the felt keyway, as shown in figure 168. This hole penetrates directly to
the felt keyway, and permits feeding oil directly to the felt. To test the idea, I
assembled the handwheel shaft in the casting completely dry and pumped the
recommended oil (Mobil Vactra No. 2) into the hole. As expected, the wick
soaked up the oil and provided an abundance of lubrication. The wick I used
here is a strip cut from a 12x12x1/8 F10. F5 would be equally good here
(perhaps better, since its more resilient). Its interesting to note it would be
possible to remove the handwheel and shaft with the apron still on the lathe,
so I can make quick inspections easily if necessary.
Internally, I modified the felt arrangement for the rack drive gear as shown
in figures 169 and 170. Those photos show how the wick for the rack drive gear
shaft (the wick that is farther away in both photos) runs up (toward the top of
the photo), around the gear, and then through a hole in the casting to the upper
oil reservoir. Originally, South Bend had that wick running straight down from
the outer bearing (the right side of the photo) into the main oil sump. This
resulted in one unused access hole to the upper oil reservoir.
A bit of research revealed why that extra hole in the upper reservoir existed:
in prior years, South Bend routed these wicks exactly the way Ive done here!
Figure 171 is courtesy Mr. G. McLane, showing his South Bend Heavy 10 apron
(very similar to the 13 apron) which is of an earlier vintage than my 13. Notice
the unfinished cross brace, which doesnt contact the saddle when the apron is
installed; contrast that with my 13 apron, which has a finely ground surface
atop that cross brace which contacts the underside of the saddle when the apron
is installed - a fact which precludes use of any sort of attachment (such as the
wire shown in figure 171.)
To facilitate holding the wick away from the gears, I decided to grind a very
small slot in the cross piece so that a small-diameter wire can be installed similar
to the Heavy 10 arrangement shown in figure 171. Figure 172 shows the slot
with a piece of 20-ga. wire installed to retain the felt. I used a piece of stranded
copper wire (insulation removed), twisted and tinned with solder to make the
Figure 168: Apron casting with new hole for handwheel shaft.
retainer. The ends were then soldered together to make a ring without the need
for twisting. The photo was taken just before snipping off the excess wire ends.
Its interesting to note that South Bend specifies two different types of oil
for the apron: the upper reservoir gets Mobil Vactra Heavy Medium (since
superceded by DTE Heavy Medium), while the main sump gets Mobil Velocite
No. 10. The Velocite is substantially less viscous than the Vactra. If the outer
rack gear drive bearing were run down to the main sump (as it came from the
factory), it would receive the thinner Velocite.
Im not clear on why South Bend changed the routing of that wick. It could
be for economic reasons - it may have taken slightly less labor to install the wick
down into the sump instead of across to the upper reservoir. Or perhaps there
is some flaw in this routing that I dont see right now.
The wick Im using here is from a 12x12x1/8 sheet of F5 from McMaster-
Carr. Ive simply cut strips of it long enough to reach from each bearing over to
Figure 169: Felt routing for inner and outer rack gear bearings.
the upper reservoir. The 1/8 thickness is perfect for the depth of the keyways
in the bearings. F5 or F10 would both work in this application, but Im using
F5 because its more resilient than F10. F1 wouldnt work here because the felt
needs to be compressed in service and F1 isnt compressible.
Figure 170: Felt routing for rack gear bearings with gears in-
Figure 172: New upper reservoir felt routing.
12.4 Reassembly
12.4.1 Main Drive
With the rack drive arrangement reinstalled, we move over to the main drive
assembly, which must be installed before the cross slide drive gear due to access
considerations. This is where main power enters the apron from the leadscrew,
and it has an interesting wick arrangement, difficult to explain and show ade-
quately with photos. If you have questions, email me.
Figure 173 shows the routing of the wick before the worm gear itself is
installed. Note the orientation of the wick keyway in the worm drive bushing!
On this lathe, the assembly had been apart in the past and the bushings were
swapped left/right when reassembled. This caused the keyway to be pointing
180 from where it is in the photo, which is bad. Fortunately, there was no
damage (which leads me to believe the repair was relatively recent). Actually,
the wick routing Im showing was completely absent on this apron, and it took
quite a bit of research with other lathe owners to figure out what the correct
wick arrangement was.
The wick Im using at this location is 1/8 diameter F1 corded felt, purchased
from McMaster-Carr for a very reasonable cost. F1 is quite durable, and fits
nicely into the keyways and around the clutch gear. It would also be possible
to use F5 here, but in my opinion the sturdier F1 is a better choice.
Figure 174 is showing the inside view of the felt routing from figure 173. The
loose end of the wick on the left side of the photo is just laying there temporarily
for assembly.
Figure 175 is showing the way the wick lays with the worm drive gear in-
stalled. The collar that retains the worm drive isnt shown here, but when
Figure 174: Clutch gear felt routing.
installed it keeps the worm bushing pin from falling out and holds the wick
against the its keyway in the bushing. Since the bushing is stationary and
the collar rotates with the worm drive gear, the felt provides lubricant to the
Figure 176 shows what I did with the ends of the wick that drop into the
main sump. Originally, South Bend didnt extend the wicks into the sump, but
I figure why not? In so doing, we make the felt triple-redundant, by which I
mean it obtains oil from three sources. The two walls should keep the felt from
engaging any of the mechanism. Figure 176 notes a few other items that are
visible and important for the next section.
Figure 176: Felt routing for main drive gear shown from above.
Figure 177: Central drive gear.
Figure 179: Drive interlock disengaged.
12.4.3 Worm Drive
Figure 180 shows the worm drive installed. There are two 1/8 pins that keep
the end caps from backing off the worm gear (not visible in the photo). The
clutch is also partially assembled here - the plates have been inserted but the
pressure plate has not. Also visible are the half nuts on the left edge of the
12.4.4 Cross Slide Drive Gear
The last gear to be installed is the cross slide drive gear as shown in figure
181. This also happens to be the most difficult felt to run, due to the tight
clearance. Theres a groove for the felt in the gear shaft, but due to the way
its put together you have to install the gear shaft through the gear at the same
time as the felt. What I mean is, you must position the felt in such a way as to
drive it into the keyway as the shaft is being driven into the case!
If thats confusing, youve just about got it right. It took me awhile to
plan out a method, and 3 or 4 tries to get it right. The felt has to be thin,
as indicated, because the keyway is shallow and the clearance between the gear
and the case is tight (around 0.075 or so).
The red arrows in figure 181 are attempting to show the path that the wick
takes from the upper reservoir to its termination at the end of the keyway in
the shaft.
Figure 181: Cross slide drive gear felt routing. The red line
follows the path of the felt from the upper reservoir.
12.4.5 Repaired Apron Oiler
One of my oilers - the one that feeds the half nuts - had a missing cover.
Initially my intention was to replace it. But i discovered, rather by accident,
that a 3/16 drive-in shouldered oil hole cover presses nicely into the end of
the original. Doesnt look quite as clean as the original, but its good enough
(figure 182.)
If you would rather replace this altogether, a good part number from McMaster-
Carr is 1239K15, drive-in elbow-style oil-hole cover, 5/16 hole diameter. This
is a Gits-brand oiler, so its consistent with the original manufacturer, but it
looks nothing at all like the one Ive pictured here. The problem youll en-
counter, however, is the metal used on the modern oiler wont accept solder. In
fact, if you heat it up to solder it you may inadvertantly melt it. I know this
because I tried it. So if you buy such a replacment be sure to consider the fact
that youll have to come up with another way of attaching a short piece of brass
tube to it.
12.4.6 Sump Cover
The last thing to do was cut a new gasket for the sump cover (figure fig:NewGasketPositionOnSumpCoverSmaller
I decided to use a rubber/cork blend, which I got at an auto parts store for
about $5 (much cheaper than McMaster-Carr, for some reason). I applied a
little Dykem blue to the gasket area on the cover, then transferred that to a
piece of paper and made a template.
Of the 5 screws shown in figure 184, only the one in the center and the far
right end (on the handwheel side of the apron) actually penetrate the casting
into the oil sump. To those two I applied a little thread sealant. I applied no
sealant to the gasket itself.
I also stuck a little neodymium magnet on the apron drain plug so I can
collect any metals that find their way into the oil when I drain the apron for
periodic maintenance. You could either put it as Ive shown in figure 185, or you
might want to insert the drain plug in the Apron casting, then attach a magnet
(or two) to the outside of the plug if youre worried about possibly losing the
magnet in the casting. Initially, I did it as pictured, but later changed my
magnet to the outside of the plug because it was difficult to keep the magnet
attached to the drain plug when reinserting it. Sticking the magnet to the
outside of the plug should accomplish the same task, but in a more convenient
Figure 184: Reinstalled sump cover.
13 Saddle
Once the compound, cross slide, and apron are removed, the only thing left is
the saddle. To remove it, simply remove the gib at the back of the lathe as
shown in figure 186. It is secured with three hex cap screws. The purpose of
the gib is to retain the saddle and prevent it from rocking under load.
Figure 187 shows all the saddle parts from the top and figure 188 shows the
bottom side. Note the felt wipers, which will need replacement. The two 3/8-16
tapped holes shown in the bottom side photo are for mounting a follow-rest.
Theres really not much to tell here. The saddle is just a big iron casting
that slides along the ways. It is worth noting that people say more wear occurs
in the saddle ways than in the bed ways. This lathe has a great deal of wear in
the bed ways, and the saddle ways (particularly the front one) are worn even
Its also interesting to note the saddle gib doesnt appear to have any means
of lubrication, as far as I can tell. Yet its sliding surface contacts the underside
of the bed way in the back, so it needs some lubricant.
When I say heavily worn figure 189 is what I mean. This is an extreme
closeup of the front (operator side) way on the saddle. Notice theres a large
ridge and so much of the saddle way surface has worn away that rough cast iron
is emerging where there were voids and imperfections in the original casting.
Ive heard that when these ways get really bad they begin digging into the
flat portion of the bed ways. Im not quite there yet.
This is one of those things that would be nice to inspect before purchase.
But you cant, because the entire carriage has to come off to see it. But if the
bed ways have a big ridge (like mine do), its a pretty safe bet the saddle ways
Figure 187: Saddle removed showing parts.
Figure 189: Saddle ways showing major wear.
Figure 191: Saddle cleaned and reinstalled.
14 Tailstock
The tailstock is pretty simple. Its really just a cylindrical ram and a leadscrew.
Figure 192 is what it looked like sitting on the lathe when I bought it.
The tailstock runs on its own ways, which you might assume arent heavily
worn since the tailstock isnt in use as often as the carriage. But youd be
wrong - the tailstock ways and base (to be seen) are both heavily worn on this
particular machine.
The blind hole labeled in figure 192 is for something South Bend called a
dauber. Basically its an oiler for lubricating a dead center. The follow-
ing thread discusses the dauber: http://www.practicalmachinist.com/vb/
Oilers are 3/16 drive-in type, readily available new.
If you plan to completely dismantle the tailstock youll want to remove the
end cap while the tailstock body is clamped securely to the lathe bed. The end
cap may be very tight, so having the tailstock on the bed and clamped into
position makes it much easier to remove.
Remove the handwheel by removing the nut as shown in figure 193. Be
careful not to lose the little pin that acts like a key to lock the handwheel to
the tailstock ram leadscrew. The end cap has a hexagonal body that can be
gripped with a 1-11/16 socket (figure 194.)
To remove the tailstock from the bed, simply unscrew the tailstock clamp-
ing nut completely, which will release the tailstock clamp shown in figure 196,
beneath the bed. With the clamp removed, lift the tailstock off the ways. It
weighs around 20 lb.
Figure 193: Tailstock showing handwheel parts.
Figure 194: Tailstock rear bushing removed.
into the casting unimpeded by the presence of a felt. Why was there a felt there
to begin with? To retain oil rather than letting it run out. Without the felt you
must add oil before each use, whereas with a felt you can add oil only when the
oil cover goes dry. Id rather just add oil before each use.
Figure 199 shows all the tailstock parts cleaned and ready for reassembly.
The new felts for the tailstock base are made from 1/8-inch F1 sheet.
There are large wiper felts on the front and rear of the tailstock. The old
ones are shown in the photo above. I cut new ones from 1/8 thick F1 felt,
Figure 196: Tailstock anchor.
which is the same stuff I used for the way wipers on the saddle.
To make the new felts, I simply used the metal shields that mount over top
of the felts to make a paper template. From that template I cut a sheet of F1
using a sharp razor blade. Figure 200 shows one of the two tailstock wipers
(the other one is identical) soaked in oil (Mobil Vactra No. 2) and ready for
Figure 201 shows a felt reinstalled on the tailstock base. The felt must be
trimmed flush with the ways of the tailstock (the area between the ways can be
left alone). The tailstock base needs to slide on its ways, not on the felts, so its
Figure 198: Tailstock pin and set screw for key.
important to ensure when you place the tailstock down on the bed ways it isnt
sitting on the felt.
Figure 200: New tailstock base felt.
15 Lubricants
In this section youll find my choices for lubricants and lubrication points, which
may or may not correspond exactly to South Bend recommendations. The pri-
mary reference I used in making my table of lubricants is South Bend lubrication
chart number 6503. You may notice that publication lists Vactra for oil C,
while Im using mostly Mobil DTE Heavy Medium for C. This is because,
apparently, Mobil changed the formulation of Vactra some time ago and DTE
is the recommended replacement. Vactra is now primarily a way oil.
Although Vactra is intended as a way oil, its tackifiers make it ideal for open
gears, where it sticks like glue rather than running off. Im also using it in a
few other places where its stickyness is useful, such as lead screws.
Im using Vactra No. 4 for most of the sliding way surfaces on this lathe,
in an attempt to partially compensate for the extensive wear. South Bend
recommended No. 2 for the way surfaces.
The oils referenced on this page are:
Mobil Vactra Numbered Series
Mobil DTE Heavy Medium
You may ask yourself, why Pennzoil Synchromesh? Good question. Notice
that the only item in the South Bend lubrication chart specified as requiring
type B oil is the gearbox. That oil has a saybolt universal viscosity rating of
150-240 seconds at 100 F. According to Machinerys Handbook, the conversion
from saybolt viscosity to centistokes is:
C,40 C = (0.22) s
which suggests an oil between 31.8 cst and 52.05 cst would be appropriate.
It turns out Pennzoil Synchromesh, has a viscosity of 41.6 cst. I trust this oil
in my truck transmission, and have no reason not to trust it here. Since I keep
a large stock on hand for the truck, its convenient to use a bit for the lathe as
Please bear in mind the comments here are my personal philosophy in oiling.
Im a believer in the notion that theres no such thing as too much lubrication.
As a result, I tend to apply a lot of oil, frequently. I developed this table so that
I could print out a lubrication checklist to keep beside the lathe which may be
referenced before each operation.
For the most part, Im using the oils recommended by South Bend. I deviate
from the South Bend recommendations when it comes to open gears, for which I
prefer to use Vactra No. 2. I do this because the way oil has tackifiers that make
it stick like glue to the gears rather than being slung off when they spin. Youll
notice Im also using Vactra No. 2 in a couple other places where South Bend
recommended type oil C (such as the belt tension lever). This was merely for
convenience, and because I wanted something that would stay put rather than
running off.
My frequency recommendations are generally more often than those pro-
posed by South Bend.
Number Description Comments Lubricant Photo
Headstock spindle Keep full. Change oil every 3 months,
1b Mobil Velocite 10
bearings (Rear) depending on use.
Spindle thrust To access the inner bearing remove the Mobil Vactra No.
bearings (2) aft back gear cover (2 screws). Lubri- 2
cate every hour of operation.
Number Description Comments Lubricant Photo
Oil daily when in use. Does not con- Mobil Vactra No.
6 Idler gear bushing
tain any felt or oil-retention features. 2
Gearbox main Fill before each use and periodically Pennzoil Syn-
reservoir check during long operations. chromesh
Gearbox left side Pennzoil Syn-
9 for the shift rail (countershaft) and
(2 shafts) chromesh
mainshaft before each use.
Number Description Comments Lubricant Photo
Leadscrew outer Add a small amount of oil to the hole Mobil Vactra No.
bearing in the outer bearing race. 2
Number Description Comments Lubricant Photo
Mobil Vactra No.
13 Belt tensioner Add a few drops of oil monthly.
16 Half nuts Oil before use.
Apron handwheel Oil as required. Refer to section 12.3 Mobil DTE Heavy
shaft (page 144.) Medium
19 tention felt at this location, so it wont
bracket Medium
hold oil for long.
22 Bed ways Oil before each use.
2 or 4
25 Oil weekly
screw nut 2
28 Cross slide ways
sary to gain access). Clean chips after 4
each use.
31 Motor
because plug is difficult to see when 2