Obligations and Contracts Summary Reviewer
Obligations and Contracts Summary Reviewer
Obligations and Contracts Summary Reviewer
With a term
Solidary/Several/in solidum
With a penal cause
Kinds of Conditions
Suspensive & Resolutory
Potestative, Casual Mixed
Divisible & indivisible
Conjunctive & Alternative
Positive & Negative
Express & Implied
Possible & Impossible
Rules on Obligations with Condition
The fulfillment of the condition should NOT depend solely on the will of the debtor (1182)
Impossible conditions (contrary to good customs or public policy, prohibited by the law) shall
ANNUL the obligation w/c depends upon them (1183)
(Physical and Juridical Impossibility)
Condition that some event happen at a determinate time shall extinguish the obligation as soon
as the time expires or if it has become indubitable that the event will not take place (1184)
The condition shall be deemed fulfilled when the obligor voluntarily prevents it fulfillment
Retroactivity of Obligation (1187)
Reservation of creditors rights (1188)
Rules when conditions have been implied w/ the intention of suspending efficacy of obligation
to give (1189)
Rules when resolutory condition has happened (1190)
Loss of substitute, 1206
When substitute is effective
Kinds of Solidarity
a. Active
b. Passive
c. Mixed
Active Solidarity each creditor has authority to claim and enforce the rights of all
Passive Solidarity each debtor can be made to answer for the others with right on the part of
the debtor-payor to recover from the others their respective shares
Each solidary creditor may do whatever is useful to the others but cannot do anything
prejudicial to the others, 1212
A solidary creditor cannot assign his rights without the consent of the others, 1213
The debtor may pay any of the solidary creditors but if any demand has been made by one of
them, the payment should be made to him
Novation, compensation, confusion, or emission by any of the solidary creditors extinguishes
obligation, 1215
The creditor may proceed against any one of the solidary debtors or some or all of them
simultaneously, 1216
Payment by one of the solidary debtors extinguishes the obligation. If two or more solidary
debtors offer to pay, the creditor may choose w/c offer to accept, 1217
Payment by a solidary debtor shall not entitle him to reimbursement if payment is made after
the obligation has prescribed or become illegal, 1218
Remission of the whole obligation obtained by a solidary debtor does not entitle him to
reimbursement from the others, 1220
If the thing has been lost or if the prestation has become impossible w/o the fault of the solidary
debtors, the obligation shall be extinguished, 1221
If the thing is lost due to the fault of any of the solidary debtors, all shall be liable to the creditor
for the price of the damages
Generic indicated only by its kinds w/o being designated and distinguished from others of the same
Determinate one that is individualized and can be identified or distinguished from others of its kind
Real right the direct and immediate juridical power over a thing, which is susceptible of being
exercised not only against a determinate person but against the whole world
(Right of ownership and possession)
Personal Right the power belonging to one person to demand or another as a definite passive subject
the fulfillment of an obligation
Remedies of creditor
1. Specific Performance
2. Action to rescind or resolve
3. Actions for damages
Specific Performance
1. If what is involved is generic thing, the delivery of anything belonging to the same species is
2. If what is involved is determinate things, the thing itself should be delivered.
Delay delay in the fulfillment of obligation, not fulfillment with respect to time.
- Delay in positive obligations (to do and to give)
- No delay in negative obligations (not to do and not to give)
Kinds of Delay 1166
1. Delay on the part of the debtor
o Obligation is demandable and liquidated
o Debtor delays performance
o Creditor requires the performance judicially or extra judicially
Demand necessary even if there is a period fixed in the obligation
When demand is not required:
o Where there is an express stipulation of that effect
o Where the law so provides
o When the period is the controlling motive for the obligation
o Where demand would be useless
Effects of delay of debtor:
o When it has for its objects a determine thing
o The debtor becomes liable for damages for the delay
2. Delay on the part of the creditor
Performance of the necessary cooperation, especially acceptance
o An offer of performance by the debtor who has the required capacity
o The offer must be to comply with the with the prestation as it should be
o The creditor refuses the performance without just cause.
effects of delay of the creditor
o responsibility of the debtor for thing is reduced and limited to fraud and gross
o the debtor is exempted from the risks of loss of the thing
o all expenses incurred by the debtor for the preservation of the thing after shall
be chargeable to the creditor
o if the obligation bears interest, the debtor does not have to pay from the
moment of delay
o the creditor becomes liable for damages
o the debtor may relieve himself of the obligation by the consignation of the thing
3. Delay of both parties in reappeal obligations
In reciprocal obligations, fulfillment must be simultaneous. Neither party incurs in delay
if the other does not comply with what is incumbent on him
Fraud non-performance by fraud 1170
- Voluntary execution of a wrongful act, or a willful omission, knowing and intending the effects
which necessarily arise from such act or omission
- Partly guilty of fraud is liable for damages
- Action for future fraud cannot be renounced 1171
Negligence negligence omission of the diligence which is required by the nature of the obligation and
corresponds with the circumstances of the persons, of the time and of the place.
- Aversion of fact
Fortuitous Event 1174
Force measure an event which takes place by accident and could hot have been
foreseen (1) by nature and (2) by act of man
Characteristics of fortuitous event
o Cause must be independent of the human will
o Must be impossible to foresee
o Occurrence must be such as to render it impossible for the debtor to fulfill his
obligation in a normal manner
o The obligator must be free from any participation in the aggravation of the
injury resulting to the creditor.
Receipt of Principal/Interest
Provision on loan 1176
o The receipts by the creditor of the principal without reservation regarding
(a)interest gives rise to the presumption that the interest has been paid.
o The receipt of a later installment of a debt without reservation as to prior
installments raises to presumption that the installments have been paid.
Duties of obligor in obligations to do or not to do
Performance at debtors cost 1167
o Execution of obligation at debtors cost:
If debtor fails to do his obligation
If the debtor does the obligation contrary to the obligation
The only remedy is to recover damages
o Doing prohibited thing 1168
Liability of obligor:
It shall be undone at his exxoense
Extinguishment of obligations
Modes of extinguishment of obligations
o Payment of performance
o Loss of the thing due
o Coadunation or remission of debt
o Confusion or merger of the rights of the debtor
o Compensation
o Novation
o Others: annulment, rescission, fulfillment of resolutary condition, prescription
Definition of a corporation:
a. A corporation is an artificial being
b. Created by operation of law
c. With right of succession
d. Only has powers, attributes and properties expressly authorized by law or incident to its
1. Stipulations must be part, not whole of the contract
2. Contracting parties must have clearly & deliberately conferred a favor upon 3rd persons
3. Third person must have communicated his acceptance
4. Neither after contracting parties represent the 3rd person
Classifications of Contracts(CRS)
1. Consensual perfected by mere meeting of minds of parties
2. Real contracts require delivery for perfection
3. Solemn Contracts contracts w/c must appear in writing
o Donations of real estate or movable worth 5000
o Transfer of large cattle
o Stipulation to pay interest in bans
o Partnership to w/c immovable are contributed
o Stipulation limiting carriers liability to less than extra-ordinary essential diligence
Contract of Adhesion
- A contract prepared by a party containing all the terms & conditions he desires w/c the other
party may sign if he wants to enter into the contract
Rule on Advertisements
o Business advertisements of things for sale are note definite offers, but more invitations to make
an offer, 1325
o Advertisements for bidders are simple invitations to make proposals & the advertiser is not
bound to accept the highest bidder or lowest bidder, unless the contrary appears, 1326
o Option may be withdrawn before acceptance is communicated, except when supported by
consideration other than purchase period, 1324
Presumptions on cause
1. Exists
2. Lawful
Error of cause
o Absence of cause: confers no right & produces no legal effect
o Failure of cause: does not render the contract void
o Illegality of cause: contract is null & void
o Falsity of cause: contract is void unless the parties show there is a valid & lawful cause
o Lesion or inadequacy of cause: does not invalidate the contract
Formality of contract
General rule:
o Contracts shall be obligatory on whatever form they may have been entered into, provided all
essential requisites for their validity are present, 1356
o Contracts must be in a certain form when the law requires that a contract be in some form to
1. Valid
2. Enforceable
3. For the convenience of the parties
Parties may compel each other to reduce agreement into writing.
Formalities of Contract
Pledge Real Mortgage Chattel Mortgage Antichresis
1. Object Movables Immovables Movables Immovables
2. Perfection Delivery Consent Recorded in In writing
3. Public Bind 3rd Persons Bind 3rd Persons Bind 3rd Persons For convenience
4. Registration Not necessary Necessary to Registration w/ Not necessitate
bind 3rd persons chattel mortgage registration
5. Remedy in Deficiency Can be Can be Can be
case of cannot be recovered recovered recovered
deficiency in recovered
6. Use of Not allowed Impossible since Impossible Allowed & fruits
thing/security unless thing is not w/ will be applied to
authorized by mortgage changes &
user interest on
principal debt
7. Transfer of Not transferred Not transferred Not transferred Not transferred
Formalities of Contract
Commodation Mutuum Deposit
Object Moveable or Money or consumable Moveable or
Immoveable Immoveable
Perfection Delivery Delivery Delivery
Cause Gratuitous Gratuitous or onerous Presumed Gratuitous
Reformation of Contract
- Reformation of instrument: remedy to conform to the real intention of the parties due to
mistake, fraud, inequitable conduct, or accident, 1359
Interpretation of Contracts
Literal meaning rule: if the terms of the contract are clear, the literal meaning of the stipulations shall
prevail, 1370
Literal meaning vs. Intention: the intention shall prevail, 1370
Intent: Contemporaneous & subsequent acts shall be considered, 1371
Specific rules:
1. General terms do not include things w/c are distinct & cases different from those upon w/c the
parties intended to agree, 1372
2. Stipulations with several meanings shall be interpreted to render the stipulation effectual, 1373
3. Stipulations in a contract shall be interpreted together, 1374
4. Customs: used in interpretation of ambiguities or to fill omissions, 1376
5. Interpretation of obscure words shall not favor party who caused obscurity, 1377
6. Least transmission of rights: in resolving doubts incidental to gratuitous contracts
7. Greatest reciprocity: in setting doubts in onerous contracts
Defective Contracts
- Status of Contracts
o Valid
o Void
o Voidable
o Rescissible
o Unenforceable
o Inexistent
Rescissible contracts: those w/c have caused particular economic damage either to one of the parties or
to a third person and w/c may be set aside in whole or in part to the extent of the damage caused, 1381
General rule: the injured party can only choose between fulfillment and rescission of the obligation and
cannot have both.
Exception: if fulfillment has become impossible, article 1191 allows injured party to seek rescission even
after he has chosen fulfillment.
Kinds of mistake
1. Mistake of fact when one or both of the contracting parties believe that a fact exists when in
reality, it does not or the other party way around.
2. Mistake of Law when one or both parties arrive at an erroneous conclusion or interpretation
of a question of law or legal effects of a certain act or transaction.
Requisites of intimidation
o One of the parties is compelled to give his consent by a reasonable and well grounded fear
of an evil
o The evil must be imminent & grave
o It must be unjust
o The evil must be the determining cause for the party upon whom it is employed in entering
into the contract.
Requisites of Violence
o Violence must be serious or irresistible; and
o It must be the determining cause for the party upon whom it is employed in entering into
the contract.
Kinds of fraud:
- Fraud in the perfection of a contract:
a. Casual fraud (dolo causante)
b. Incidental fraud (dolo incidente)
- Fraud in the performance of a contract
Requisites of fraud
o Fraud, insidious words or machinations must have been employed by one of the contracting
o It must have been serious
o It induced the other party to enter into the contract; &
o Should not have been employed by both contracting parties or by third persons
- It is dolo causante that makes the contract voidable.
- Dolo incidente will only make a party liable for damages.
What is ratification?
- It is an act by which a contract entered into in behalf of another w/o or in excess of authority is
cared of its defect.