PRES3 Recalls

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Data interpretation:

1. Pleural effusion.


Diagnostic criterias ?


Further managment?

2. Xrays:


Xray finding?

Curb 65?


Safe discharge to home?

.Left neck of femur fracture xray.



. CCF xray

One Test to confirm?

3. Pictures:

.grottons papules ( i think)

.left horner syndrome.

. Pyoderma gangrenosum.

. Crest syndrome( not sure)


4 ecgs:

Inferior wall mi


3rd degree heart block?



5. Asked to calculate infusion rate/minute for

dobutamine. Weight and vial strength was given.

One part was to calulate total amount of lorazepam

taken during the day. Weight and everything else given
6. Obstructive jaundice scenario.




Clinical stations.

1. Puerperal psychosis.

History taking and managment discussion.

2. Obs history taking after recent abortion.

3.iv line insertion.

4. Abg perform and interpretate.

5. Hypertension counselling and breaking bad news in

one station. ( pt also had new lvh on ecg)

6. Medicine station: was asked to perform an abdominal

exam on patient with history of renal transplant. For
this station they were changing scenarios with each

7. Surgical station: patient qith ileostomy and multiple

surgical scars:

Asked types of scars.

Type of colostomies.


8. Peads neonatal exam

8. Peads febrile seizures history taking.

10. Suicidal risk assesment.

11. BLS with only compressions and beeathing.

12. Colonoscopy consent taking.

ECGS: V.Tachy, Pericarditis, Complete heart block, POST

PHOTOS: Marfan synd, Scleroderma, SLE, malar flush,


Cases: Hypercalcemia, causes, DD, and management

Lithium side effect and overdose

Splenic rupture post RTA


DM type 1 counseling

Acute Abdomen History

Febrile convulsion history and counseling

Ankle Brachial index, do it with Doppler and calculate it,

and examiner will ask few questions re: it

Apply arm slang and neck collar and ask about types of
neck collars

Cardiac examination and DD for secondary HTN and

asked for fundoscopy


Auscultation of M. regurg and crepts

Postnatal depression

Alcoholism history taking

Breaking bad news about newly diagnosed MS

Bilateral BP and cardiac examination (most likely

looking for examination and to rule out coarctation of


1) warfarin counselling
2) primary survey
3) hiv counselling- patient will ask will you disclose to
my husband

4) Iv cannula
5) breaking bad news- bowl cancer- terminal stage
6)breast examination

7) gcs score- 2 scenarios

8)suicidal risk assessment
9) respiratory examination
10) pvd- intermittent claudication- examination of
lower limbs
11) mesenteric ischemia - telephone conversation with

Dublin OCT 2nd 2015 PRES 3

1. Scenario:
Pt with fever, wt loss, SOB, pleural fluid analysis
(exudative type). Protein, sugar and LDH level
compared to plasma
a. What type of a pleural effusion is it?
b. Write 4 sings of pleural effusion
c. What are the biochemical tests done on pleural
d. What are the 5 causes for the above type of effusion

STE posterior inf MI Mention 4 emergency drugs
used here
b. AF - What are the ecg changeswhat is the
commonest complication and how to prevent that
c. VF what is the diagnosis, How to manage it
D.3rd degree heart block what is the definitive
e. WPW or LVH What are the ecg changes, what is
the likely diagnosis
3. Pictures:
a) Pyoderma gangrenosum - what are the
investigations for the underlying disease what is
the definitive investigation
b) Picture of gottrons papules and facial rash - what
is the diagnosis, what are the investigations
c) Horners syndrome - 2 obvious finidings and 2
other two findings, what is the nerve involved
d) Shingles - Diagnosis, complications, nerve
e) A picture of hand with sclerodactily - 2 dds, what
are the other features of most restricted disease
4. Xrays
a. pul edema What is the underlying disease
b. Fracture femur - Will u discharge this pt?,
c. Shoulder Joint (May be shouder j dislocation or
surgical neck fracture humerus) What is the nerve
involve, clinical presentation
d Epidural haematoma diagnosis, what is the
artery involved
e. Right sided lower and middle lobe pneumonia
given with a scenario, so calculate the CURB 65 and
do u admit the patient or not?

5. Drug dose calculation

a, calculate amlodipine rate of transfusion in mg
what the side effects of amlodipine
b calculate the thyroxin dose
c. 2 drugs can be given for opioid toxicity and their

6. A scenario of RHC pain tea coloured urine and pale

stoolsa. mention 3 causesb.2 radiological
investigationsc. if that pt developes rigors and chills
what the diagnosis and how u manage
1. RBBB 2. Pericarditis 3. CHB 4. Ant wall. MI 5.
Monomorphic VT
2. IMAGES 1. Crest. Syndrome 2. High arched palate
with dislocated lens3. Face of hypothyroidism
with pt having af and on anti arrhythmic drug
probably amiodarone. The diagnosis was
amiodarone induced pigmentation of face. 4.
Butterfly rash of. SLE 5. Ganglion cyst on wrist joint

3. RADIOLOGY 1. Ct of APKD 2. Sigmoid volvulus 3.
Tension pneumothorax 4. Pepper. Pot skull. Of MM
5. Ct. Scan. AAA
4. SCENARIOS 1. Hypercalcemia rationale for
treating abnormal Ca levels , causes , risk factors ,
complications and management
5. Li toxicity. Pt with li given ssri and antipsychotic
what can happen give d/d Long term effects and
6. Pt with RTA having head. And abdominal injury.
Opens eyes spontaneously, localizes pain and
confused speech calculate GCS, what neurological
signs will. U. Look. For how will u investigate and
manage. If he develops severe Lt upper quadrant
pain what cud be. The diagnosis
1. Calc ABPI
2. How to apply neck collar and arm sling
3. CPR with AED
4. Physical exam of. Hypertensive
5. Surgical suture
6. 2. Point auscultation ( pan systolic murmur and
crepts )
1. Alcohol dependency syndrome take history
2. Post natal depression
3. MS break bad news
4. Severe Epigastric pain. Pt on Ibuprofen mother
and Father Diabetic
5. Febrile Convulsions
6. Counsel a pt on insulin he was holding a chart with
daily blood glucose levels developed hypoglycemia on
one day out of seven days due to excessive cycling what
cud be the cause and What Wud u do.

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