Breakthrough French 1 - Worksheet 1a
Breakthrough French 1 - Worksheet 1a
Breakthrough French 1 - Worksheet 1a
adjectival agreement (singular only)
present tense of tre
Conversations 1 Exercise 2
Explain that in France it is courteous to shake hands whenever you meet or
say goodbye. Then ask the students to get up and shake hands with everyone
else in the class, saying Bonjour/Bonsoir, Monsieur/Madame/Mademoiselle
each time, as appropriate. They can also use the opportunity to exchange first
names. You can bring the activity to a halt by saying Merci, Messieurs-dames.
Conversations 2 Go round the class counting 110 and then backwards, with each student
saying one number in the sequence.
Student 1 says a number between one and ten. Student 2 repeats that
number and then says another unrelated one. Student 3 recaps on both
numbers and adds a third etc.
Unit 11
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan.
Exercise 5
Give a simple explanation and demonstration of how acute and grave accents
affect the sound of the letter e and then have further pronunciation practice
based on the words caf and bire.
Conversations 3 In pairs, students ask each others surname, first name and address, along
the lines of the first recording in Conversations 3. If they all know each other
already, suggest that they assume a fictitious identity for this exercise.
Make sure that everyone knows how to give their nationality in the correct gender.
Some examples are given in the notes to the second recording in Conversations 3,
but you may have a Swede or an Australian in the class! Then go round the group,
asking them all to give their nationality and to say where they are from (e.g. Je suis
anglaise. Je suis de Manchester). You can have a bit of instructive fun showing
them how to pronounce British place-names with a French accent.
You can then practise third-person forms by asking students to recall each others
nationalities. Each student gives his/her name and then the others say e.g. Philippa
est cossaise. When you have done that, practise a couple of plurals by asking e.g.
Et Tom et Alan? to which you will try to elicit the answer Ils sont anglais.
If they cant remember someones nationality, show them how to ask Vous
tes anglais(e)?
Exercise 9
Play the recording for this exercise two or three times and then ask students
to get into pairs and read it through together, with one of them playing the
waitress and the other the customer.
The Activity Book contains further exercises for consolidation of the language
covered in the unit ideal for homework!
Answers to PA G E 3 : E X E R C I S E 1
exercises Lee Carlton est amricain. (It should have been amricaine.)
on the Il est de Washington. (She is a woman, so it should be elle, not il.)
worksheets Il est Paris pour son travail. (Again, it should be elle, and she is in Paris en
Il est lHtel Montparnasse. (Elle again and she is staying at the Htel
Terminus, which happens to be in the boulevard Montparnasse.)
PA G E 3 : E X E R C I S E 2
a. French b. A village c. In Normandy d. In Lisieux e. He goes to a caf for
a beer or five f. Seven oclock g. Eight oclock h. A souffl i. No j. Beer
PA G E 4 : E X E R C I S E 1
Marianne est franaise. / Ingrid est allemande. / Harry est amricain. / Debbie
est anglaise. / David est gallois. / Martina est irlandaise. / Hugh est cossais.
PA G E 4 : E X E R C I S E 2 PA G E 4 : E X E R C I S E 3
Henri: Vous tes franais? Un bon caf franais. / Une
Andrew: Non, je suis cossais. Et vous? bonne bire franaise. / Un
Henri Nous sommes franais. bon nom franais. / Un bon
( Paulette): Il est anglais. prnom franais. / Une
Andrew: Non! Je suis cossais! bonne adresse franaise.
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
2 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. Unit 1
Exercise 1
Here is a form filled in
by a visitor to France. Nom (M./Mme/Mlle): Carlton (Madame)
Prnom: Lee
Nationalit: Amricaine
Exercise 2
Developing reading Jean-Paul Legrand est franais. Il habite le village de Chamfort en Normandie
skills is largely a et il travaille Lisieux. Le soir, aprs le travail, il va dans un caf et il prend
question of building up une bire une bonne bire franaise. Une bire pas de problme mais
your confidence that Jean-Paul prend deux bires, trois bires, quatre bires, cinq bires. Christine
you can understand the Legrand prpare le dner pour sept heures du soir. A sept heures, Jean-Paul
gist of a passage est toujours au caf. A huit heures il prend le bus. A neuf heures il arrive
without knowing every Chamfort. Christine est furieuse.
word. In fact, one of the Et mon souffl? crie-t-elle, Tu es alcoolique!
most important skills is Moi? Alcoolique-hic? dit Jean-Paul, Mais non! Je prfre la bire aux souffls,
intelligent guesswork. cest tout.
Read this text three
a. What is Jean-Pauls nationality?
times, not allowing
b. Is Chamfort a town or a village?
yourself to be fazed by
c. Where is it?
the words you dont
d. Where does Jean-Paul work?
know, and then see if
e. What does he do in the evening after work?
you can answer the
f. For what time does Christine prepare dinner?
questions on it.
g. At what time does Jean-Paul get the bus?
h. What had Christine prepared for dinner?
i. Does he agree that he is an alcoholic?
j. What does he prefer to souffls?
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
Unit 1 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. 3
Exercise 1
Cross out the incorrect Marianne est franais / franaise.
forms, according to the Ingrid est allemand / allemande.
gender of the people. Harry est amricain / amricaine.
Debbie est anglais / anglaise.
David est gallois / galloise.
Martina est irlandais / irlandaise.
Hugh est cossais / cossaise.
Exercise 2
See if you can fill in
each of the gaps with
the right part of the
verb tre (suis, es, est,
sommes, tes or sont).
Exercise 3
Write Un bon or Une caf
bonne, as appropriate, bire
before each noun and
franais or franaise nom
after the noun. prnom
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
4 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. Unit 1
Activity 1 You play a hotel receptionist and your partner plays a new client. Ask in
French the name, address and nationality of the client and fill them in on the
registration form.
Htel de Paris
Nom (M./Mme): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Prnom: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Adresse: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Nationalit: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 2 2 7 6 9 3 8
Your partner too has a set of six numbers. Without looking at each others
worksheets and using only the French names for the numbers and the words
oui and non discover which numbers your lists have in common.
Activity 3 Youre English, from Leeds, and you are on holiday in France. Respond to your
partners questions and use Et vous? to return the questions about
nationality and where you live.
Activity 4 You play a French person from Nice who is talking to a foreign visitor. Ask
your partner:
Are you English or American?
Do you live in [the capital city of his/her country]?
Do you come here for your work?
and, if it turns out s/he is on holiday, be prepared to wish him/her a good one.
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
Unit 1 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. 5
Activity 1 You play a client checking in at a hotel. Your name is Claude Lebon and your
address is 9, avenue de Londres, Calais. Your nationality is French: remember
to say Je suis franais if you are a man and Je suis franaise if you are a
woman. (Claude can be either a mans or a womans name, so keep your own
Activity 2 10 4 8 0 5 3
Your partner too has a set of six numbers. Without looking at each others
worksheets and using only the French names for the numbers and the words
oui and non discover which numbers your lists have in common.
Activity 3 You play a French person from Bordeaux who is making polite conversation to
a foreign visitor. Ask your partner:
Are you English or American?
Do you live in London?
Do you come here for your work?
and, if it turns out s/he is on holiday, be prepared to wish him/her a good one.
Activity 4 You are Irish, from Cork, and you are on holiday in France. Respond to your
partners questions and use Et vous? to return the questions about
nationality and where you live.
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
6 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. Unit 1
2 Yourself and others
answering questions about ones job, self and family
asking similar questions of others
making negative statements
using numbers up to 20
present tense of -er verbs (model: travailler)
ne pas
je j and ne n before a vowel sound
present tense of avoir (including the negative)
Conversations 2 Exercise 5
Teach the present tense of the verb avoir, which comes in the Grammar
section. Then go round the group, asking one family-based question of each
student. As they have not yet learned how to form questions with Est-ce
que ? or inversion, you would do best to stick to the following forms: Vous
tes mari(e)? Vous avez des enfants? Des garons ou des filles? Vous avez
des frres et surs?
Put the students into pairs and have them question each other about their
families. Warn them that they need to remember what they hear, because they
will then have to tell another student about their partner (e.g. Chris est mari.
Il a quatre enfants: trois filles et un garon. Il a une sur et un frre.).
Conversations 3 Practise the use of ne pas by asking students to give a full negative
sentence in reply to each of your questions.
You can ask about profession, e.g. Vous tes professeur, Fred?, to which Fred
should reply Non, je ne suis pas professeur je suis (mcanicien or
You can ask about marital status: Vous tes clibataire, Maria? Maria replies
Non, je ne suis pas clibataire je suis marie.
You can ask to be turned down for a trip to the cinema (like Nathalie in
Conversations 3): Vous venez au cinma avec moi ce soir? to which the
student could reply Non, je ne peux pas or Non, je ne suis pas libre or Non, je
naime pas le cinma.
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
Unit 2 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. 7
Exercise 7
Go round the class, with each student saying the next number in the
sequence 120 and then backwards from 20 to 1.
Ask everyone to write down five French-style telephone numbers, each
consisting of five pairs of two-figure numbers (e.g. 01 17 05 13 19). None of the
numbers should be higher than 20. Students work in pairs, dictating the
numbers to each other and writing down the numbers their partners give them.
Exercise 4 This exercise in the Activity Book introduces the verb parler and includes the
names of a number of languages. You can practise the different persons of -er
verbs, in the positive and negative forms, by asking questions about the
languages that your students speak, e.g. William vous parlez allemand?, to
which William should reply either Oui, je parle allemand or Non, je ne parle
pas allemand. Another student can then be asked e.g. Elizabeth, vous parlez
allemand? Et William, il parle allemand? You can also manuvre to
introduce some plurals, e.g. William et Ruth parlent allemand.
Answers to PA G E 9 : E X E R C I S E 1
exercises a. Faux b. Faux c. Faux d. Faux e. Vrai f. Vrai g. Faux
on the
worksheets PA G E 9 : E X E R C I S E 2
a. Thierry b. Jules c. Annique d. Jolle e. Colette f. 5
g. Annique h. 2 years
PA G E 1 0 : E X E R C I S E 1
jhabite / tu habites / il habite / elle habite / nous habitons / vous habitez / ils
habitent / elles habitent
PA G E 1 0 : E X E R C I S E 2
a / une / sont / est / ont / un / filles
PA G E 1 0 : E X E R C I S E 3
Je naime pas le cinma. / Tu naimes pas le cinma. / Il naime pas le
cinma. / Elle naime pas le cinma. / Nous naimons pas le cinma. / Vous
naimez pas le cinma. / Ils naiment pas le cinma. / Elles naiment pas le
PA G E 1 0 : E X E R C I S E 4
a. Non, je naime pas le cinma. b. Non, je ne travaille pas Londres.
c. Non, je nhabite pas Paris. d. Non, elle nest pas professeur.
e. Non, elles ne sont pas anglaises. f. Non, ils ne sont pas ici.
g. Non, il nest pas franais.
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
8 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. Unit 2
Exercise 1
Here is part of a letter Je suis une fille de 19 ans et je suis clibataire. Jaime les
written by someone enfants jai une sur de 12 ans et un petit frre de 6 ans.
hoping to be employed Jai galement une grande sur de 23 ans elle est marie et
to look after children in elle a deux enfants: une fille de trois ans et un garon de deux
a French family during
the summer holiday.
ans. Je suis tudiante, alors je suis libre pendant les vacances
New words: un (du 25 juin au 3 octobre)
tudiant / une
tudiante student.
Jo Turner
Indicate whether each of the following statements about the writer of the
letter is true (vrai) or false (faux):
a. Jo est un garon. Vrai / Faux
b. Elle est marie. Vrai / Faux
c. Elle naime pas les enfants. Vrai / Faux
d. Elle a un petit-fils de 6 ans. Vrai / Faux
e. Elle a une sur marie. Vrai / Faux
f. La grande sur a un fils de deux ans. Vrai / Faux
g. Jo nest pas libre pendant les vacances. Vrai / Faux
Exercise 2
Here is part of a letter Eh oui, je vis toujours et Colette, ma femme, aussi! Nous
sent to a friend after a sommes la retraite depuis deux ans. Nous avons trois fils et
number of years deux filles:
without contact. Robert (35 ans) est plombier; il est clibataire et il habite
Jules (33 ans) est mcanicien auto; il travaille dans un garage
Marseille et il habite Aix-en-Provence avec sa femme et les
trois enfants.
Annique (30 ans) est infirmire. Elle est divorce et elle a
deux enfants: un garon et une fille.
Jolle (29 ans) est femme daffaires. Elle est clibataire et elle
travaille Nancy.
Thierry (22 ans et clibataire) est lcole des Ingnieurs de
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
Unit 2 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. 9
Exercise 1
Fill in the gaps in the habite habitons
present tense of the tu vous
verb habiter.
il ils
elle elles
Exercise 2
Fill in the gaps in the
sentences so that they
describe the
relationships in the
Paul lisabeth Madeleine = Frdric
family tree.
Madeleine marie.
Exercise 3
Je naime pas le Je naime pas le cinma.
cinma, said Herv in Tu
Conversations 3. See if
you can write out the Il
same sentence for the Elle naime pas le cinma.
other persons of the
Exercise 4
Reply to each of the a. Vous aimez le cinma? Non, je
following with a full b. Vous travaillez Londres? Non,
negative sentence (e.g.
Vous tes franais? c. Vous habitez Paris? Non,
Non, je ne suis pas d. Jacqueline est professeur? Non, elle
e. Anne et Sophie sont anglaises? Non,
f. Les enfants sont ici? Non,
g. Le caf est franais? Non,
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
10 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. Unit 2
Activity 1 Your partner is playing one of the people in this family tree. Ask questions
about his/her marital status, brothers, sisters and children to deduce which
one it is. You are not allowed to ask your partners name outright!
Jean-Claude = Marie-Pierre
When you have worked out which of these people your partner was playing,
take on the role of Marie yourself and see if your partner can work out who
you are.
When you have done that, if there is time, you can pick another character each
and repeat the exercise.
Activity 2 A version of Whats my line? Try to convey to your partner by mime that you
are a civil servant!
After that, it will be your turn to try to understand your partners mime.
Activity 3 Ask your partner as many questions as you can think of, beginning:
Vous tes ?
Vous habitez ?
Vous aimez ?
Vous travaillez ?
Activity 4 You and your partner count aloud together in French from 0 to 20 and then
back to 0 again, leaving out the numbers which are multiples of 4 or which
contain a 4 (e.g. 14).
Then do the same thing, based on the number 3.
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
Unit 2 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. 11
Activity 1 You play a man called Gabriel. Your partner knows only that you are one of the
characters in this family tree; s/he will try to deduce which one by asking you
questions about your family.
Jean-Claude = Marie-Pierre
When your identity has been rumbled, see if you can discover which of the
people from the family tree your partner is playing.
When you have done that, if there is time, you can pick another character each
and repeat the exercise.
Activity 2 A version of Whats my line? Your partner will mime a job. See if you can
guess it by asking Vous tes (professeur, etc.)? When you have got it right, it
will be your turn to mime a shopkeeper.
Activity 3 Answer each of your partners questions with Non and a full negative
sentence (e.g. Vous aimez le caf? Non, je naime pas le caf.).
Activity 4 You and your partner count aloud together in French from 0 to 20 and then
back to 0 again, leaving out the numbers which are multiples of 4 or which
contain a 4 (e.g. 14).
Then do the same thing, based on the number 3.
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
12 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. Unit
Unit 21
3 Ordering drinks and
asking and understanding what is available
ordering breakfast, drinks, snacks and light meals
the numbers 2050
the articles le, la, l, les
du, de la, de l, des (= some; the unit does not cover the meaning of the)
au, la, l, aux
the present tense of prendre
Exercise 2
You could do some further work on the pronunciation of the sound []. The
examples given on the recording are le petit djeuner / vous prenez / un caf
/ vous dsirez / vous avez / du th / Vous prenez le petit djeuner? / Vous
dsirez du caf? / Vous avez du th?
Conversations 2 Exercise 5
Go through the menu aloud, with the class repeating each item after you.
The students work in pairs, one playing a customer and the other a
bartender. The customer orders three or four drinks from the menu in the
book and the bartender says the price of each.
Using the transcript of Carolles conversation with the barman as a basis, the
customer orders a snack from the menu on the board and two sandwiches
from the menu in the book. The bartender should say the price of each item as
it is ordered and then give the total.
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
Unit 3 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. 13
Notes on the photocopiable worksheets
You may find it helpful to photocopy and cut out these numbers for drawing
the lottery in Activity 1 on Roleplay sheet B.
You could also reverse the activity: you draw a number and call it in English
and the class responds with the number in French.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
Exercise 1 Students work in pairs: one gives a breakfast order and the other fills it in on
the order card. They then swap roles.
Exercise 5 This conversation is a suitable script for students to practise reading aloud
in pairs.
Answers to PA G E 1 5 : E X E R C I S E 1
exercises a. Campagnarde, Royale, Gargantua b. Anchoillade, Bambino c. saison
on the d. champignons e. fum f. 30 cm
PA G E 1 5 : E X E R C I S E 2
a. Le Pacific b. Le Cardinal c. Caf Leffe d. Le Cardinal e. Le
Gaulois f. Caf Leffe g. plats chauds
PA G E 1 6 : E X E R C I S E 1
la galette; une galette / la crpe; une crpe / le fromage; un fromage / la
saucisse; une saucisse / luf; un uf / la bouteille; une bouteille / le
sandwich; un sandwich / le croque-monsieur; un croque-monsieur
PA G E 1 6 : E X E R C I S E 2
le th; du th / le lait; du lait / la crme; de la crme / le chocolat; du chocolat
/ la bire; de la bire / le cidre; du cidre / leau; de leau
PA G E 1 6 : E X E R C I S E 3
a. prends; au b. prends; aux c. prend; l d. prend; aux e. prenons;
au f. prenez; la g. prennent; au h. prennent; la
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
14 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. Unit 3
Exercise 1 Pizzas 30 cm
Here is a menu 4 SAISONS: Jambon paule, coeur artichaut, poivron, PEPE VERDE: Jambon paule, poivre vert, crme
from a pizza champignons, tomate, fromage, origan 8,00F frache, tomate, fromage, origan 7,30F
house. Read it ANCHOILLADE: Anchois, cpres, persillade, CAPRI: Tomate, jambon paule,
through, then tomate, fromage, olives 7,50F fromage, origan 7,00F
tackle the CHORIZO: Chorizo, champignons, olives, tomate, GARGANTUA: Lard fum, chorizo, jambon paule,
questions, which fromage, origan 7,20F poivron, artichaut, champignons, oeuf,
CAMPAGNARDE: Lard fum, champignons, crme, fromage, tomate, origan, crme 8,30F
should help you
work out some oeuf, olives, tomate, fromage, origan 8,00F BAMBINO: Tomate, fromage, jambon
REINE: Jambon paule, champignons, olives, paule 25 cm 4,40F
of the words you
tomate, fromage, origan 7,10F
dont know. PIZZA DE LA SEMAINE: Dif frente chaque
ROYALE: Reine + crme frache + oeuf 8,00F semaine
CALZONE: Royale souffle 8,40F
PIZZAPRO: Plaque de 50 x 60 cm de
SAUMON: Saumon fum, crme frache citronne, pizzas varies pour vos
tomate, fromage, origan 8,50F apros, buf fets 30,00F
a. Which pizzas are to be avoided by anyone who does not like eggs?
e. Can you find the word for smoked? Clue: smoked bacon and smoked
salmon both figure among the ingredients.
f. What is the diameter of all the pizzas apart from the child-sized one?
a. In which caf are you most likely to be able to watch a football match?
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
Unit 3 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. 15
Exercise 1
Here is a list of nouns in petit djeuner (m.) le petit djeuner un petit djeuner
their dictionary form, galette (f.)
with (m.) after the
masculine ones and (f.) crpe (f.)
after the feminine ones. fromage (m.)
Write them out twice: in
saucisse (f.)
the first column with le,
la or l, as appropriate, uf (m.)
and in the second bouteille (f.)
column with un or une,
sandwich (m.)
as appropriate. The first
one has been done for croque-monsieur (m.)
Exercise 2
This time, put le, la or caf (m.) le caf du caf
l, as appropriate, in th (m.)
the first column, and
du, de la or de l, as lait (m.)
appropriate, in the crme (f.)
second. The first one
chocolat (m.)
has been done for you.
bire (f.)
cidre (m.)
eau (f.)
Exercise 3
In each of the a. Je une galette jambon.
sentences, put the b. Tu un sandwich ufs?
correct part of the verb
prendre in the first gap c. Il du saucisson al.
and au, la, l or aux, d. Elle un sandwich rillettes.
as appropriate, in the
e. Nous des crpes fromage.
f. Vous un sorbet framboise?
g. Ils des sorbets cassis.
h. Elles des glaces vanille.
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
16 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. Unit 3
Activity 1 Mark six numbers on the lottery card in the usual way. The first person to
have all six numbers called shouts LOTO and is the winner.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35
36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45
46 47 48 49
Crperie de la Ferme
A manger
A boire
Activity 3 You are making up the bill. Say the prices below as you ring them up on the
till and be prepared for your customer to argue, as one of the amounts is
wrong! Youll need to apologise for the mistake (Oh! pardon!).
cheesepancake 7.25 a
ham pancake 7.30 a
sausage pancake 7.50 a
ham and egg pancake 8.00 a
cider 6.00 a/bottle
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
Unit 3 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. 17
Activity 1 Mark six numbers on the lottery card in the usual way. The first person to
have all six numbers called shouts LOTO and is the winner.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35
36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45
46 47 48 49
Activity 3 It is time to pay for the meal. The correct prices are:
ham pancake 7.30 a
ham and egg pancake 8.00 a
cheese pancake 7.25 a
sausage pancake 7.45 a
cider 6.00 a/bottle
Make sure that your waiter/waitress has got them right.
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
18 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. Unit 3
4 Getting somewhere
to stay
asking questions
asking where things are
booking in at hotels and camp-sites
the numbers 50100
the alphabet in French
yes/no questions using
a. rising intonation
b. Est-ce que?
Note: Inversion will not be introduced until Unit 12.
o ?
combien ?
il y a
present tense of vendre contrast with prendre (Unit 3)
present tense of faire
Exercise 1
Stress that French vowels are pure sounds, the same from start to finish,
whereas English ones are usually a glide from one sound to another (i.e.
diphthongs). Demonstrate the difference between the French vowel [ou] and
the nearest English equivalent, [oo], which, said slowly, comes out something
like [er-oo-w]; then ask the students to copy you.
Conversations 2 Exercise 4
Ask each student to assume a fictitious name (preferably one that is difficult
to spell!). Remind the class of Est-ce que vous pouvez me donner votre nom,
sil vous plat? and teach them the new phrase a scrit comment? Then
Student 1 puts these two questions to Student 2 and everyone writes down the
reply. In turn, Student 2 puts the same questions to Student 3 and so on.
Exercises 5 and 6
Students could read this script aloud in pairs.
Using the card for the Htel Brochet on p. 50 and their own names, pairs of
students roleplay another booking conversation. The more adventurous could
even make up prices and so respond to a new question: Cest combien?
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
Unit 4 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. 19
Conversations 3 Using the key language of the unit, make a series of statements such as Il y a
un bar lhtel. The class should respond by turning each one into a question
beginning with Est-ce que?: Est-ce quil y a un bar lhtel?
Exercise 7
Use the hotel description to practise Il y a, Est-ce quil y a? and A quel
tage? E.g.
Student 1: Est-ce quil y a une salle manger lhtel?
Student 2: Oui, il y a une salle manger au rez-de-chausse.
Student 3: La chambre 90 est quel tage?
Student 4: La chambre 90 est au neuvime tage.
Exercises 8 and 9
Students exchange telephone numbers. Remind them that French telephone
numbers are usually given with the figures in pairs they have not yet learned
how to express numbers over 100, so tell them that 01234 567890 begins
zro. douze. trente-quatre rather than zro un. deux cent trente-quatre.
Exercises 3 Both these exercises provide simple scripts which students can read in pairs
and 4 to practise booking in at a hotel. They can also vary the details (number of
people/number of nights/type of accommodation/cost).
Answers to PA G E 2 1 : E X E R C I S E 1
exercises a. True b. False c. False d. True e. True
on the
worksheets PA G E 2 1 : E X E R C I S E 2
a. Trying to make a booking b. 5 c. 2 d. Yes e. 3 f. By fax
PA G E 2 2 : E X E R C I S E
a. prennent / prenez / prenons / prennent le petit djeuner
b. rendent / rendez / rendons / rendent la cl maintenant
c. apprend / apprends / apprends / apprend langlais
d. font / faites / faisons / font les chambres maintenant
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
20 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. Unit 4
Exercise 1
le 2 septembre
Suite notre conversation tlphonique, je confirme ma rservation dune
chambre avec deux lits et douche pour la nuit du 25 septembre. Je dsire
galement une place au garage. Veuillez trouver ci-joint des arrhes de 40F.
Je vous prie, Madame, Monsieur, dagrer mes salutations les plus
Exercise 2
le 30 juin
Je dsire rserver deux chambres pour la semaine du 3 au 10 septembre (7
nuits). Nous avons besoin dune chambre pour deux personnes avec grand lit
et salle de bains, et dune chambre pour les enfants avec trois lits et salle de
bains. Est-ce que cest possible?
Sil reste encore des chambres pour les dates en question, est-ce que vous
pouvez menvoyer vos tarifs par fax, sil vous plat? Merci beaucoup!
Veuillez agrer, Madame, Monsieur, mes salutations les plus distingues,
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
Unit 4 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. 21
First, check that you Vendre
know the verbs vendre
M. Lebrun Est-ce quils vendent des cartes postales?
and prendre by heart
Mme Lebrun Je ne sais pas.
remember that all the
(au commerant) Est-ce que vous vendez des cartes
regular verbs like
vendre keep their d in
Commerant Oui, nous vendons des cartes postales.
the plural, whereas
Mme Lebrun Merci.
prendre and its
( son mari) Oui, ils vendent des cartes postales.
compounds (apprendre,
comprendre, etc.) drop
the d. (Compare, for
example, nous vendons
The conversations below follow the same pattern. Try to fill in the verbs.
and nous prenons.) You
should also make sure a. prendre le petit djeuner
that you know the verb Directeur de lhtel Est-ce quils ?
faire, which is irregular.
Rceptionniste Je ne sais pas.
Then study the
(aux clients) Est-ce que vous ?
conversation at the top
of the page. Clients Oui, nous
Rceptionniste Merci.
(au directeur) Oui, ils
b. rendre la cl maintenant
Directeur de lhtel Est-ce quils ?
Rceptionniste Je ne sais pas.
(aux clients) Est-ce que vous ?
Clients Oui, nous
Rceptionniste Merci.
(au directeur) Oui, ils
c. apprendre langlais
Mary Smith Est-ce que Philippe ?
Le pre de Philippe Je ne sais pas.
( Philippe) Est-ce que tu ?
Philippe Oui, j
Le pre de Philippe Ah bon?
( Mary) Oui, il
d. faire les chambres maintenant (to do i.e. clean the bedrooms now)
Michel Est-ce que les femmes de chambre
Georges Je ne sais pas.
( la femme Est-ce que vous
de chambre) ?
Femme de chambre Oui, nous
Georges Merci.
( Michel) Oui, elles
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
22 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. Unit 4
Activity 1 Work with a partner: you are a hotel receptionist and your partner is a would-
be client. The language you will need includes:
Quest-ce que vous voulez comme chambre?
Est-ce que vous pouvez me donner votre nom et votre adresse?
a scrit comment?
Et votre numro de tlphone?
Htel de France
Nom (M./Mme/Mlle): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Prnom: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Adresse: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tlphone: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 2 You are in an unfamiliar hotel. Find out from your partner (who is also staying
at the hotel):
where the toilets are
whether there is a bar at the hotel and, if so, where it is
where the telephones are
whether there is a restaurant at the hotel and, if so, where it is.
Activity 3 Bingo! Call these numbers: your partner will check off those which are on
his/her bingo card.
75 88 61 87 92 58 100 64 97 81 76 99 91 95 77 82 71 93
And here is your bingo card. This time, your partner will call the numbers.
87 63 98 79
71 97 61 88
51 76 83 93
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
Unit 4 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. 23
Activity 1 Your partner is a hotel receptionist and you are a would-be client. You will
need to:
ask whether the hotel has any rooms for tonight
specify the kind of room you want
give your name and address and spell them
give your telephone number.
Htel de France
Nom (M./Mme/Mlle): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Prnom: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Adresse: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tlphone: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 2 Here is a notice saying what is where in a hotel where you are staying. Be
ready to tell your partner (another client) where things are. If you need a let-
out, remember Excusez-moi, Monsieur/Madame, je ne comprends pas je
suis anglais(e) / cossais(e) / gallois(e) / irlandais(e) / amricain(e) etc.
Htel de France
2e tage
Bar Coco
Restaurant Les Tropiques
1er tage
Bureau du Directeur
Then swap worksheets and roles.
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
24 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. Unit 4
5 Directions
asking for, understanding and giving directions
numbers up to 1000
present tense of aller and venir
il faut + infinitive (and il faut + noun)
prepositions (including prs de + le prs du, etc.)
Exercise 1
In the same way, ask the students where various things are on the map of
Brls (on p. 66), again encouraging the use of prepositions like prs de and
ct de in the replies. (In case you need to say it, the street name la rue de
lAber Ildut is pronounced so that Aber rhymes with mer and the t of Ildut is
audible. Aber is the Breton word for an estuary.)
Ask them the whereabouts of well-known amenities in your local town.
Conversations 2 Exercise 3
Vocabulary consolidation plus practice of Pour aller ? Ask the class to
tell you as many words as they can (other than actual names) for places to
which they might conceivably ask directions (lHtel de Ville, la station-
service, etc.). Write them on the board, with their genders, and ask the
students to put each one into a Pour aller ? question.
Pairwork based on the map of Brls (p. 66) or the map of Caen (p. 64). One
student asks On est o exactement ici? and the other replies. The first
student then asks Pour aller ? and follows on the map the instructions
given by the other person. They then swap roles.
Exercise 5
Throw out a series of directions along the lines of Vous allez tout droit / Vous
prenez la deuxime droite / Vous traversez la Grand-Place / Vous tournez
gauche / Vous faites 200 mtres. Ask students to recap on each one in the
first person singular: Je vais tout droit, etc.
Conversations 3 If you have several maps of the Paris mtro, students could pore over them in
pairs or small groups and practise working out and giving each other
directions for getting from A to B.
Exercise 6
Further practice and correction of students pronunciation of the sound u (as
in tu) would be helpful (bu, du, eu, ft, jus, lu, m, nu, pu, rue, su, tu, vu).
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
Unit 5 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. 25
Exercise 7
Write various numbers between 100 and 1000 on slips of paper. Each student
draws a slip and reads out the number in French to the class. The others write
down in figures what they have heard.
Exercise 2 Ask the class to translate the road-signs into spoken French (e.g. for (f): Vous
allez tout droit ou droite / Vous pouvez aller tout droit ou droite).
Exercise 4 This plan can be used for further pairwork on giving and understanding
Exercise 7 A very good group could be asked for homework to write directions to
somewhere local, based on the text in this exercise. It is best for you to choose
the destination and the starting point, so that you can keep the task as simple
as possible and give any additional vocabulary needed.
Answers to PAG E 2 7 : E X E R C I S E 1
exercises Juste aprs lglise de Morbecque, vous tournez gauche vous trouverez
on the la Base des claireurs de Morbecque Le Parc juste avant la fort.
PAG E 2 7 : E X E R C I S E 2
a. Mairie des Lilas b. Chtelet, Balard and Chtillon c. Rpublique and
Invalides d. Plaisance e. 300 metres f. Opposite it
PAG E 2 8 : E X E R C I S E 1
a. allons b. vont c. vas d. va e. allez f. va g. vais
PAG E 2 8 : E X E R C I S E 2
a. Il faut aller pied. b. Il faut tlphoner. c. Il faut changer. d. Il faut
prendre la deuxime droite. e. Il faut travailler. f. Il faut traverser la
place. g. Il faut un passeport. h. Il faut mille euros. i. Il faut un plan de
la ville.
PAG E 2 8 : E X E R C I S E 3
de l / de la / du / du / de l / de l
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
26 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. Unit 5
Exercise 1
Here is a map showing how to get to a
scouts adventure holiday centre at
Morbecque Le Parc in Flanders. Alongside
are faulty instructions for someone coming
from Dunkerque the writer had clearly
not got her orienteering badge! Can you
find the two mistakes in the text?
Exercise 2
Here is part of a letter,
giving directions from a Pour venir chez nous, il faut prendre le mtro Mairie
point in the east of des Lilas, direction Chtelet. Vous descendez
Paris to the writers flat Rpublique et vous reprenez la direction Balard.
in the south of the city. Ensuite il faut changer aux Invalides: l, vous prenez
See if you can answer
la direction Chtillon. Vous descendez Plaisance et
these questions. vous trouverez notre appartement 300 mtres, juste
en face de lHpital St-Joseph.
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
Unit 5 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. 27
Exercise 1
Fill in the gaps with the a. Nous au cinma ce soir.
correct form of the verb b. Marie-Claude et Jean-Franois au thtre demain.
c. Est-ce que tu au restaurant samedi?
d. Mon pre en Angleterre ce week-end.
e. Est-ce que vous Paris?
f. Henriette Montpellier pour lanniversaire de son fils.
g. Je mon bureau pied.
Exercise 2
Remembering the a. You have to go on foot.
multiplicity of English b. We must telephone.
equivalents for il faut,
use it to translate the c. One has to change.
following sentences. d. You must take the second on the right.
e. We have to work.
f. You must cross the square.
g. One needs a passport.
h. You need a thousand euros.
i. We need a map of the town.
Exercise 3
Write du, de la or de l Notre maison est dans la rue Bertrand. Cest une grande rue prs Htel
in each of the gaps, as de Ville. La maison est ct boulangerie Pimpant et en face
muse. Je prends le bus pour aller mon travail. Mon bureau est
prs pont des Martyres, en face cole St-Jean; lentre du
bureau est juste ct arrt de bus.
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
28 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. Unit 5
Activity 1 Here is a map of the picture-book Breton village of Locronan.
Ask your partner where the following places of interest are and see if you can
work out which of the numbers 16 on the map corresponds to each of them.
a. The well (le puits)
b. The cemetery
c. The Town Hall
d. The Post Office (la Poste)
e. La Chapelle Bonne-Nouvelle
f. La Chapelle Saint-Maurice
Activity 2 Imagine you are at the top edge of the same map, on the road coming in from
the camp-site. Give your partner the two sets of directions s/he asks for. You
will need to understand the word autre (other).
Activity 3 You are in the Tourist Office in Locronan: ask the person on duty (your
partner) whether there are buses to Quimper; if so, ask for the timetable and
find out where the bus stop is.
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
Unit 5 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. 29
Activity 2 Imagine you are at the top edge of the same map.
a. Tell your partner that the car parks near the campsite are complets,
and ask for directions to another car park (un autre parking).
b. Ask for directions to the house where the surrealist painter Yves Tanguy
was born (la maison natale du peintre surraliste Yves Tanguy).
Activity 3 You are on duty in the Tourist Office in Locronan. You need to know that there
is a bus service from Locronan to Quimper you have timetables to give out to
enquirers. The bus stop is near the car parks just off the bottom of the map.
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
30 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. Unit 5
6 Time
telling the time
the days of the week
months and dates
talking about age
The Aims of the unit are treated as its grammar teaching points.
Conversations 2 With books closed, play the first recording and ask students to note down
the departure and arrival times of the train.
Go round the class running through the days of the week, with each student
saying the name of a day in sequence.
Say the names of several days out of sequence: each time the students have
to say the name of the next day (e.g. you say mercredi, they say jeudi).
Use the photograph on p. 79 (POISSONNERIE: Horaires douverture) as the
basis for a series of questions like De quelle heure quelle heure est-ce que
la poissonnerie est ouverte le mercredi matin? (If anyone asks why ferm is
written in the masculine when poissonnerie is feminine, the most plausible
explanation is that, as the photograph was taken in a supermarket, it refers to
le rayon poissonnerie.)
Exercise 5
Ask students to express the departure and arrival times of all the trains shown
on the timetable, following the model:
Le train de cinq heures vingt et une arrive sept heures vingt-neuf.
Exercises 6 and 7
Students work in pairs. One of them adopts the engagements noted down in
Exercise 6 and the other tries to negotiate an appointment.
Conversations 3 Books closed, play the first recording and ask the class to note down the
school holiday dates as given by Franoise.
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
Unit 6 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. 31
Exercise 9
Working in pairs, the students ask each other Quelle est la date de votre
anniversaire? / Cest quand, votre anniversaire? They then announce to the
class Lanniversaire de Joan, cest le 4 septembre (or whatever).
Exercise 11
Draw some stick figures on the board, putting numbers by them to indicate
their ages. Include two pairs of twins (two boys and two girls) among them.
Then ask Quel ge a-t-il? Quel ge ont-elles? etc.
If you feel confident that some of your students will not mind giving their own
ages in class, you could also ask those individuals Quel ge avez-vous?
As ever, there are more reinforcement exercises, suitable for homework, in the
Breakthrough French Activity Book.
Answers to PAG E 3 3 : E X E R C I S E 1
exercises a. Ouilly-du-Houley: Distillerie du Houley b. Dampierre: Le Pressoir
on the Dajon c. Rosel: Caves de Rosel d. Le Breuil-en-Auge: Calvados Chteau
worksheets du Breuil and Coquainvilliers: Calvados Boulard e. Pont-lvque: Chais
du Pre Magloire f. Gonneville-sur-Honfleur: Domaine de la Pommeraie
PAG E 3 3 : E X E R C I S E 2
a. Cond-sur-Noireau b. Deauville c. Cabourg d. Lion-sur-Mer
e. Falaise f. End of Julybeginning of August
PAG E 3 4 : E X E R C I S E 1
a. i. Il est quatre heures et demie. ii. Il est seize heures trente.
b. i. Il est cinq heures vingt-cinq. ii. Il est dix-sept heures vingt-cinq.
c. i. Il est une heure et quart. ii. Il est treize heures quinze.
d. i. Il est minuit moins le quart. ii. Il est vingt-trois heures quarante-
e. i. Il est sept heures cinq. ii. Il est dix-neuf heures cinq.
f. i. Il est sept heures moins cinq. ii. Il est dix-huit heures cinquante-
g. i. Il est neuf heures moins vingt. ii. Il est vingt heures quarante.
h. i. Il est onze heures moins dix. ii. Il est vingt-deux heures cinquante.
PAG E 3 4 : E X E R C I S E 2
a. cest le premier janvier. b. cest le quatorze fvrier. c. cest le
quatorze juillet. d. cest le quinze aot. e. cest le premier novembre.
f. cest le vingt-cinq dcembre. g. cest le trente et un dcembre.
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
32 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. Unit 6
Exercise 1 The apple country of Calvados in Normandy is known for its cider, its apple
brandy (called calvados) and another apple-based alcoholic drink called
pommeau. Here are the opening times of some of the places where they are made.
septembre au 15 avril. GONNEVILLE-SUR- de 9 h 30 12 h et de 14 h 18 h
INDUSTRIES LOCALES HONFLEUR (les week-ends visites guides
(14600 Honfleur) en groupe uniquement sur
DISTILLERIES CIDRERIES (sur RN 177) Fiefs Sainte-Anne
Domaine de la Pommeraie rservation 8 jours lavance).
Calvados Coeur de Lion
LE BREUIL-EN-AUGE (M. Drouin), distillerie artisanale, Calvados Coquerel. Tl. 02 31 PONT-LVQUE
Calvados Chteau du Breuil ouvert du lundi au samedi, de 9 h 89 20 11. Ouvert du lundi au Chais du Pre Magloire
14130 Le Breuil-en-Auge. Tl. 02 12 h et de 14 h 18 h. Tl. 02 31 samedi de 9 h 12 h et 13 h Ets Debrise-Dulac; visites
31 65 07 76. Visite des chais du 64 30 05 (M. Flambard). 18 h, prvenir pour les groupes. organises tous les jours
chteau et de la distillerie tous Visites commentes et LISIEUX (mme le dimanche), de 10 h
les jours en saison de 9 h 12 h dgustation. Vente. Le Pre Jules 12 h 30 et de 14 h 30 18 h 30.
et de 14 h 18 h, hors saison du Pour les groupes, visites Lon Desfriches, route de Tl. 02 31 64 12 87. Muse du
lundi au vendredi. possibles sur rservation. Dives. Tl. 02 31 61 14 57. Visites Calvados.
COQUAINVILLIERS DAMPIERRE possibles mme samedi et ROSEL (prs de Caen)
Calvados Boulard Le Pressoir Dajon dimanche. Caves de Rosel
Distillerie du Moulin de la Cidre bouch, Calvados. OUILLY-DU-HOULEY rue du Clos-Joli
Foulonnerie Visites laprs-midi de Pques Distillerie du Houley Tl. 02 31 80 05 75. Vido,
Tl. 02 31 62 29 26. Visites septembre (pour les groupes Calvados La Ribaude visite, dgustation. Visites du
possibles tous les jours du 15 sur rendez-vous). Tl. 02 31 63 63 46. Visites mardi au samedi de 10 h
avril au 15 septembre et du Renseignements: famille guides tous les jours 12 h 30 et de 14 h 19 h 30 et le
lundi au vendredi, du 16 Gilbert Lair. Tl. 02 31 68 72 30 (dgustation et vente sur place) dimanche matin de 10 h 13 h.
New vocabulary: a. At which one do groups have to book eight days in advance for a guided
hors saison out of
visit at weekends?
b. Which one is open only from Easter to September?
c. Which one is closed on Sunday afternoons and on Mondays?
2e festival International de Musique
Rcital de clavecin (Htel de Ville), fin
Classique de Deauville les 15, 16, 17 avril. Swing le samedi soir en juillet et aot
CABOURG Renseignements: Tl. 02 31 14 14 14 ou (pl. Belle-Croix).
Musique dner Rcital de piano les 02 31 88 21 43.
29 avril, 27 mai, 24 juin, 8 juillet Swingin Deauville (Festival de jazz) du
Concerts lglise les 27/07, 12/08 et 1er au 9/07. Festival de Musique de Honfleur fin
17/12. juilletdbut aot. Renseignements:
FALAISE Tl. 02 31 89 16 47.
COND-SUR-NOIREAU Concert dorgue ( Guibray) les 27 mai LION-SUR-MER
Musique au kiosque municipal, ou au et 2 octobre. Prsentation de lorgue de
Festival des Terrasses Musicales daot
Royal, les 25/03, 19/06, 25/09 et 25/11. Guibray et mini-concert chaque
Renseignements O.T.: Tl. 02 31 69 31 95. dimanche aprs-midi, en juillet et aot. (jazz, blues, classique) 4 5 fois par
semaine de 20 h 24 h.
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
Unit 6 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. 33
Exercise 1
Quelle heure est-il? a. i. Il est
Write these times out
ii. Il est
using (i) the 12-hour
clock (e.g. Il est onze
heures) and (ii) the 24-
b. i. Il est
hour clock (e.g. Il est 11 12 1
vingt-trois heures). All 10 2 ii. Il est
9 3
the times are p.m. 8 4
7 6 5
c. i. Il est
ii. Il est
d. i. Il est
ii. Il est
e. i. Il est
11 12 1
10 2 ii. Il est
9 3
8 4
7 6 5
f. i. Il est
ii. Il est
g. i. Il est
11 12 1
10 2 ii. Il est
9 3
8 4
7 6 5
h. i. Il est
11 12 1
10 2 ii. Il est
9 3
8 4
7 6 5
Exercise 2
Fill in the dates, on the a. Le jour de lan,
model: b. La Saint-Valentin,
En 2006, le dimanche
de Pques, cest le seize c. La Fte Nationale,
avril. d. LAssomption,
If you are unsure of
e. La Toussaint,
some of the dates, see
p. 93 of the f. Nol,
coursebook. g. La Saint-Sylvestre (New Years Eve),
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
34 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. Unit 6
Activity 1 Your chance to see how well you could bluff your way as a spy! You have been
issued with the carte didentit below. Be ready to give the details from it
unhesitatingly when you are quizzed by an officer from counter-espionage.
Prnom Claude
N le 14/1/56
Signature du titulaire
Taille 1 M 68 Claude Martin
Signes NANT
Domicile 23 rue de la Couronne
Fait le 29/4/03
par Pour le Prfet
Le Directeur de la Rglementation
X. Lamour
Activity 2 You play the Personal Assistant to the Managing Director of a French
company. Your partner works for the parent company and will be telephoning
you to dictate a message giving his/her whereabouts over the next three
weeks. Write them down in French and then ask for the numro de tlphone
in Calais and Dieppe. (You can assume that you have the other numbers on file
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
Unit 6 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. 35
Activity 1 Your chance to make your mark in counter-espionage! You have reason to
believe that your partner may be using a false carte didentit. Ask him/her for
the details you need to fill in the form below, watching out for hesitation,
particularly when you ask Quel ge avez-vous?
NOM: ......................................
Prnom: ......................................
Age: ......................................
Nationalit: ......................................
Adresse: ......................................
Activity 2 Your French affiliate needs to know your whereabouts during your
forthcoming business trip. You telephone and dictate a message to the
Managing Directors Personal Assistant.
Tomorrow: London
Wednesday: Brighton
Thursday: Calais
Friday: Calais
1318 April: Dieppe
1921 April: Rouen
2227 April: Paris
If the PA asks for them, your phone numbers are: in Calais
and in Dieppe.
(S/he knows all the others.)
Web resource material to accompany Breakthrough French 1 and the Breakthrough French
36 Activity Book, Stephanie Rybak and Brian Hill 1996, 2003. Published by Palgrave Macmillan. Unit 6