September 1, 2003 Concrete Manual 5-694.600 Placement Operations 5-694.600 5-694.601 GENERAL
September 1, 2003 Concrete Manual 5-694.600 Placement Operations 5-694.600 5-694.601 GENERAL
September 1, 2003 Concrete Manual 5-694.600 Placement Operations 5-694.600 5-694.601 GENERAL
5-694.601 GENERAL
Concrete placing, finishing, and curing operations are just as important in obtaining quality in the
completed structure as the inspection of the materials and the mixing operations. It is essential that
the Inspector observe these operations to assure that they comply with good construction
procedures. This section provides guidance for both the Contractor and the Agency.
Form construction and inspection for bridge construction is addressed in the Mn/DOT Bridge
Construction Manual and Inspectors should refer to that manual for further information. See the
Bridge Manual 5-391 for additional items pertaining to structures.
Imprint station numbers in the surface by using steel stencils after finishing and texturing (and
tining if required) the concrete, but prior to the application of any curing material. Place the
numerals along the right-hand edge of the pavement, in the direction of traffic, so that a driver can
read while traveling on the shoulder. See Figures A and B 5-694.602 for examples of concrete
pavement stationing. The beginning station is marked, to the nearest meter (foot), at the start of
paving. Centerline stations are marked at all 200 m (500 ft.) station intervals thereafter. All
equations of one meter (foot) or more are stenciled so that the equality sign is at the point of the
equation. Finally, the stationing of all header joints are marked to the closest meter (foot) reading
in the direction of paving.
Figure A 5-694.602
Figure B 5-694.602
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.603 (1)
Water is the easiest of the materials to adjust for temperature control. When the average
temperature of the cement and aggregate is between 2 and 10EC (35 and 50EF), control the
concrete temperature by heating only the water. By using hot or cold mixing water (whichever is
necessary), you can maintain the temperature within the above range. Mixing water must never
exceed 80EC (180EF) since there is danger of flash set at these high temperatures. This method is
not acceptable in cold weather when the aggregates contain frost. The aggregates then require
heating as specified in 2461.4A3.
Overheated dry aggregates may result in cement dusting or dry coating of cement on the particles
with a partial or complete loss in bond. Heat the material sufficiently to remove the frost lumps.
Figure A 5-694.603 indicates the temperature of freshly mixed concrete as affected by the
temperature of its ingredients in hot weather concreting. The chart in Figure B 5-694.603 indicates
the approximate temperature expected in the concrete for various temperatures of mixing water and
solids. This chart is based on an average mix and is sufficiently close for estimating temperature of
mixing water when knowing the average temperature of the solids.
DO NOT place concrete when there is danger of damage from frost in the first 24 hours after the
pour. DO NOT place when the air temperature is below 2C (36F) except when the structure is
enclosed and heated or when sufficient cover is provided to protect the concrete from freezing. See
Specification 2461.4A2.
In the late spring, summer, and early fall the normal temperatures that prevail are not detrimental to
the concrete, provided moisture control is maintained. When the temperature during the night
approaches or falls below 0C (32F), protect the concrete from freezing. The extent of protection
depends on the expected temperature. Protection may require several layers of curing paper or
plastic blankets and, if needed, placing of straw hay between the blankets to improve the insulating
value. In the fall of the year it is good practice to use a double layer of paper or plastic, or a
combination thereof, to retain the heat of hydration and increase strength gain. Remove and
replace concrete that is frozen within the first 24 hours since concrete frozen during early stages of
hydration will never produce durable concrete. See 5-694.680 for additional information on
concrete curing.
Additional heat can aid in production of early strength in concrete when it is accompanied by
adequate moisture. Heat without applied moisture will dry out the concrete. When heat and steam
are applied for accelerated cure, the operation should not begin until one or two hours after the
initial set. Heat applied early is detrimental.
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.603 (2)
Figure A 5-694.6031
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.603 (3)
Figure B 5-694.6032
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.610
Properly mixed concrete having good workability at the time of placement may lose some or all of
its desirable characteristics due to mishandling at the job site. Concrete can segregate in the same
way coarse aggregate could segregate during stockpiling operations. The free fall of concrete
(outside the limits of a spout or chute) should not exceed 1.2 m (4 ft.). Always place concrete as
near as possible to its final position in the completed structure.
5-694.611 BUCKETS
Check concrete buckets for accumulation of dry and hardened concrete and have the material
removed prior to use. Control segregation by minimizing the fall of concrete when charging the
concrete bucket. Move the bucket during discharge into the forms to prevent the formation of
concrete piles. See Figure A 5-694.611 for an example of placing concrete with a bucket.
Figure A 5-694.611
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.612
Divert the fall of concrete discharged from the ends of chutes and belts by a baffle. Unrestricted
fall permits the coarse portion of the batch to separate and carry to the front end of the discharge
while the soft or mortar portion of the batch flows under and to the back of the discharge.
When concrete is discharged from a ready-mix concrete truck, move the chute back and forth to
reduce segregation. Do not permit the concrete to build up in piles if the concrete is spouted onto
the ground as in curb and gutter or pavement construction. Spread by moving the chute in as large
an arc as possible within the form area. Once the concrete is slightly above the form elevation,
move the truck to a new location and repeat the operation. Move concrete from high to low areas
by shoveling; never move concrete with a vibrator. See Figure A 5-694.612 for an example of
placing concrete from the end of a chute.
Figure A 5-694.612
5-694.613 BUGGIES
Concrete placement should start at the far end of the section whenever concrete buggies are used
on flat slab construction. Always place concrete from buggies toward the top edge of the
previously deposited concrete. Shovel out concrete that appears segregated and spread over the
bottom of the pour. Fill any depressions left by the removal of the segregated material by placing
fresh concrete in the cavity and not by vibrating the concrete from the edges of the cavity.
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.614
The Contractor may elect to place concrete by pumping. See Figure A 5-694.614 for an example
of concrete pumping on a bridge deck. Concrete has a tendency to become stiffer or lose more
slump and entrained air from pumping than with other placement methods. This is partly due to
additional heat caused by friction as the concrete is forced through the pipe. You may need to
increase the slump and entrained air content of the concrete from the specified range for this
reason to assure that it meets Specification 2461.4A4a and 2461.4A4b at the point-of-placement.
Discharge of concrete from the end of the pump is controlled similar to that for chutes or buggies,
since concrete discharged from the pump has the same tendency to segregate. Make sure both air
and slump tests are measured at the discharge end of pump. Establish a correlation of slump and
air between the ready-mix truck discharge and the pump outlet if it is not practical to take slump
and air tests at the point-of-placement. Pumping concrete through aluminum pipes causes some of
the pipe walls to wear away and become mixed with the concrete. The aluminum has a deleterious
effect on the concrete; therefore, Contractors are not permitted to use aluminum pipes.
Ensure that a restrictor is provided near the outlet of the pipe in order to minimize uneven
discharge (spitting).
Figure A 5-694.614
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.615
Concrete spreaders are used on all large paving projects to aid in the distribution of concrete over
the entire area. They are also used on bridge decks and some large slab work.
The purpose of the spreader is to move large quantities of concrete short distances with minimum
segregation and deposit the concrete within the forms or on the grade as near as possible to its final
position. The spreader will even out the irregularities by moving the concrete from high areas to
low areas when sufficient concrete is placed.
The placer/spreader generally involves any combination of the following: unloading belts, augers,
plow systems, or strike offs. Sensors may control steering, grade, or both. See Figures A and B 5-
694.615 for examples of a belt placer and spreader.
Figure A 5-694.615
Figure B 5-694.615
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.620
All concrete, regardless of workability and consistency, needs some consolidation to remove air
pockets and settle the concrete into place. The degree or extent of such consolidation depends on
the consistency of the concrete, placement method, and the shape of the section into which the
concrete is placed.
Specifications require filling cavities, evident when the forms are removed, with mortar. Proper
consolidation techniques will reduce the number of patched areas.
Tamp or spade the concrete by hand along forms and headers whenever other methods of
consolidation are not used.
Work the area within the mass of concrete by tamping with either a sharp object such as a shovel,
or with a blunt object such as a base tamper, or even a piece of wood. The purpose of this tamping
is to cause slight movement of the concrete that forces the air and water to the surface and helps
consolidate the concrete. Concrete will settle during the tamping to the extent that air and water
are removed. The desirable entrained air is not removed by tamping, but tamping works out the
objectionable entrapped air and consolidates the concrete mass.
Consolidate areas along forms and headers with a smooth flat blade. In most cases, the backside of
a flat shovel or a long concrete finishing trowel will do a very good job of spading. The object of
spading is to work the mortar around the coarse aggregate next to the forms and also to permit the
escape of the entrapped air that builds up next to the forms.
Areas at the intersection of the forms and the divider plates, such as in concrete curb and gutter
work, is a place where honeycombing often occurs.
Proper concrete placement, spading and tamping in these critical areas reduces honeycombing.
The same is true near the bottom of the forms where they rest on the base. The Inspector should
see that proper consolidation is practiced in these areas.
When constructing deeper structures (retaining walls, footings, etc.), place the concrete in multiple
layers and consolidate each layer if there is trouble consolidating the full depth of concrete.
Tamping the outside of the forms with a solid object will decrease entrapped air and reduce the
voids in the finished surface. When this procedure is used, tamp with care so that the forms retain
their desired alignment and shape.
Vibration of concrete makes it more workable and will make relatively dry concrete behave like
concrete having a higher slump. Internal vibration is performed using a long, slender, vibrating
cylinder that is projected into the concrete. The ratio of diameter to length of the head, the weight
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.622
and speed of vibration for internal vibrations, will vary with the workability of the concrete and the
type of section constructed. In the construction of large heavy sections, the concrete used may
appear harsh and stiff. The vibrating head for this work is shorter with a larger diameter up to 75
mm (3 in.).
On thin sections, the concrete is more plastic (having both a lower coarse aggregate content and a
smaller size aggregate), and a vibrator with a longer head and a smaller diameter of 19 to 32 mm
(3/4 to 1 1/4 in.) is used. See Figure A 5-694.622 for an example of a hand vibrator.
Figure A 5-694.622
Pulling the vibrator head laterally along the concrete promotes segregation and is not allowed.
Vibration is not allowed as a method of moving concrete from high areas to low areas or along
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.630 (1)
A. Reinforcement
Install reinforcement and anchor in place to prevent movement during concrete placement
Baskets are placed so dowels are parallel to the grade and the centerline. Anchor in place at the
proper alignment and grade within a 3 mm (1/8 in.) tolerance, and mark location for sawing joint.
Headers require care in setting. Place permanent terminal headers or temporary terminal headers at
the beginning and end of the job. Install construction headers during the days operation for
delivery interruptions or equipment breakdowns if necessary.
Proper compaction over and around these facilities is necessary to provide uniformity in subgrade
support. This includes controlling the moisture content of the material to near optimum.
All types of utility and drainage structures, depending on size and location, may require special
jointing of the slab to avoid random cracking. The plans should indicate the joint layouts of street
intersections, alleys, etc. Make this information available to the saw crew.
C. Delivery of Concrete
Designate a haul route for concrete delivery trucks and communicate to all drivers.
Make sure trucks do not disturb the forms or grade near the forms.
Ensure that the delivery of concrete is consistent and sufficient in quantity to keep forward
progress of paving operations at a rate compatible with placement and finishing operations.
Check the slump and air content of the concrete to assure that it is consistent and within the
specified mix design requirements.
Safety is to be enforced at all times. Consider backup alarms, dumping procedures, following
dumpers directions, traffic patterns, etc.
Remember, a controlled uniform delivery rate is one of the first steps to construction of a
quality pavement. A uniform process in the quality of concrete, head of material, rate of
delivery, placement, creating uniform forces in front of and under the machine produces a good
pavement. Pavers are finishers, not bulldozers.
The distance from batch plant to the grade operation is a governing factor in obtaining timely
delivery of concrete to the paver. The travel time to and from the paving spreader is also
governed by the haul road conditions. A paved surface and minimal traffic friction would
allow usage of a more distant plant site, conversely a dirt surface for the entire round trip
would increase the haul time and require an increase in the number of haul units.
Numerous variables enter into supplying concrete to the paver in consistent volumes. Close
coordination involving the plant foreman, truck foreman, and concrete foreman is a necessity.
The Contractor must coordinate the number of trucks needed to keep the paver speed uniform.
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.630 (2)
When truck mixed concrete is used the Contractor and the Concrete Producer must establish a
realistic rate of delivery. Calculate the rate of production and delivery on a desired cycle time for
each truck mixer for loading, mixing, delivery, discharging, and return to the plant.
The placement rate is defined as the paver speed in meters (feet) per minute times the material
needed per meter (foot) of length. The following is an example of concrete truck unloading times
to assure the paver continues to move at a constant speed.
An important factor in an urban area is the anticipated congestion that is encountered by the
concrete delivery vehicles. Determine estimated delivery and return times based on speed limits,
anticipated congestions, and distance to the project. The project itself will likely cause some lane
closures and/or detours in the area.
D. Paving Operations
Regardless of the paving method used, it is essential that the concrete is discharged, consolidated,
and finished in a uniform manner to eliminate segregation or non-uniform density. Non-uniform
placement creates differences in density, allows variance in shrinkage and may result in a rough
riding pavement.
UNIFORMITY is the key to placing, consolidating, and finishing concrete pavement with any
paving equipment or method.
Maintain a consistent and uniform head of concrete in front of the strike-off screed. A head of
concrete that does not run over forms or the screed works best. This applies to equipment of all
types and sizes.
Perform small machine or hand placement with care. On handwork sections and some short
mainline sections, the vibration is generally limited to hand-operated spud vibrators working in the
concrete ahead of the screed and along the forms.
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.631 (1)
The following are the key elements in placement:
Check that the concrete is placed and spread uniformly. Move concrete with shovels, not rakes
or hand spud vibrators, which can segregate the mix.
See that vibration is adequate over the total concrete area to obtain proper consolidation.
Check that the workers keep the vibrating screed moving forward on the forms. If hand
screeding and consolidation is required, assure that it is performed in a vigorous manner.
Two people operating hand floats and straightedges usually float the surface. Again, assure that
the work is done thoroughly so the pavement is finished to the proper grade and cross section.
Successive passes of the screed, if required, should overlap the previous passes. Waste any
natural laitance over the sides.
Small irregular areas are often finished with straightedges and hand floats, following
consolidation with a hand spud vibrator.
F. Curb Placement
The finishing process in the gutter line is critical to maintain water flow, especially on flat grades,
high or low points of vertical curves and near storm water intakes. Establish and finish the top
edge and face of the curb, or the acceptability of the pavement is visually in question.
In any case, check the cross-section of the OGAB just like the dense graded base. Again, the
Inspector should record base elevation checks at least every 0.8 kilometers (0.5 mile).
If PASB is used, treat the surface with a lime solution before paving. This lime solution helps keep
the temperature of the base low so the concrete mixture does not flash-set. This is important for
base stability and for proper curing of the concrete.
No construction traffic, including loaded or unloaded haul trucks, is allowed on either the OGAB
or the PASB unless the Contractor can demonstrate that it will not contaminate, rut or tear the base.
The major concern is to verify that the base is not contaminated and will still allow drainage.
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.631 (2)
Figure A 5-694.631
After placement and compaction, the inspector should check the PASSRC layer to ensure that
there is no displacement or rutting occurring. A curing period may be needed to allow the
PASSRC to "firm up" before the overlaying concrete is placed.
Although concrete hauling units are permitted on the PASSRC, it is the Contractors responsibility
to maintain the surface. If contamination, rutting or other damage occurs to the PASSRC or
underlying structure, the affected areas must be cleaned and/or repaired and leveled, or removed
and replaced prior to placement of the concrete overlay/pavement to assure drainage capacity as
If concrete hauling units turn around on the PASSRC, the Contractor shall protect the PASSRC
from deformation by any method acceptable to the Engineer. See Figure B 5-694.631 for an
example of using plywood as a turnaround point on the PASSRC.
Within two hours prior to constructing the concrete overlay, the PASSRC layer shall be coated
with a whitewash of hydrated lime and water. The proportions used in the whitewash mixture and
the rate of application shall be such that a uniform color, not darker than uncoated concrete after
curing, will be produced on the surface of the PASSRC layer. The purpose of the whitewash is to
reduce the heat generated from the black surface of the PASSRC, and thus give an even curing
temperature within the pavement depth. If the whitewash should wear off due to construction
operations, it shall be replaced or the surface cooled with water prior to paving. Damage to the
PASSRC layer shall be repaired promptly by the Contractor, as directed by the Engineer, at no
expense to the Agency.
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.632 (1)
Figure B 5-694.631
Dowel bars are designed to provide effective load transfer across joints. Reinforcing steel is not
used in pavements as reinforcement in the traditional sense. Reinforcing steel in pavements is
designed to hold random cracks together and facilitate aggregate interlock load transfer.
The Contractor can set imbedded steel items ahead of the placement of concrete, or insert them into
the plastic concrete. When steel is set ahead of paving operations, the Contractor must secure the
steel firmly in place so that it cannot move during the placement, vibration and finishing of
A. Dowel Bars
Only dowel bar assemblies pre-
approved by the Mn/DOT
Concrete Engineering Unit are
allowed. Remove and replace
assemblies that become bent or
damaged prior to or during
concrete placement. Currently
Mn/DOT allows epoxy coated,
solid stainless steel, and stainless
steel clad dowel bars based upon
the specifications for each
project. See Figure A 5-694.632
for an example of epoxy coated
dowels and Figure B 5-694.632
for an example of solid stainless
steel dowels.
Figure A 5-694.632
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.632 (2)
Figure B 5-694.632
Dowels are installed at contraction joints to provide load transfer from slab to slab without faulting
of the joint. They are generally installed in a heavy wire assembly staked to the base. The staking
must prevent movement of the dowel basket assembly during concrete coverage. Failure to
satisfactorily anchor these baskets in the past has resulted in joint failures on many projects.
This issue is especially critical on unbonded concrete overlays where it is difficult to anchor
the baskets through the bituminous stress relief layer (PASSRC) and into the underlying in-
place concrete. Cutting the tie wires on the dowel bar assembly prior to paving is required.
No greater than 30 minutes prior to concrete placement, lubricate the entire dowel with a form
release agent meeting Specification 3902 to allow movement as the slabs expand or contract. The
key is to provide a thin film of lubricant to assist the movement of the concrete at the dowel. A
thick film of grease can react with the concrete and allow voids, which can lead to socketing at the
dowel and contribute to premature faulting of the joint.
When placing doweled transverse expansion joints a dowel cap is needed over the end of the dowel
to permit movement into the cap as the expansion material is compressed.
Place dowels parallel to the centerline of the pavement that allow the concrete pavement to expand
and contract. The lubricated dowel accommodates this movement. When dowels are misaligned
the joint can lock and cause cracking near the contraction joint.
The Mn/DOT Concrete Engineer may approve the use of dowel bar inserters (DBI) as an
alternative to dowel bar assemblies on a case-by-case basis. The approval is made on a
performance basis. There are two common types of DBIs in use. One system is called the mid-
mount inserter in which the inserter is an integral part of the paver. Another system utilizes a
separate paver for inserting the bars and is followed by another paver for final finishing operations.
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.632 (3)
When using a DBI, the dowel basket assembly is not needed since the dowel bars are mechanically
inserted into the fresh concrete. The elimination of the basket assemblies also provides an open
paving lane for hauling and dumping concrete ahead of the paver. The bars are sprayed with a
form release agent prior to placement. Vibrating forks are used to insert the oiled dowels into the
concrete at the correct depth. See Figure C 5-694.632 for an example of a DBI. Correction of the
concrete surface is necessary after the dowel bars are inserted. Contractor personnel should
perform periodic probing for proper dowel alignment and depth and Agency personnel should
perform spot checks. The Contractor must mark doweled joints carefully for joint sawing.
Figure C 5-694.632
B. Tie Bars
Tie bars are installed in most longitudinal joints. The purpose of tie bars at the centerline
longitudinal joint is to prevent lane separation. In the case of centerline joints, the bars are
installed at mid-slab depth in a hinged joint. In slipform operations, these bars are pre-placed on
bar chairs in front of the paver or placed in the plastic concrete with a wheel or stabbed into the
slab with an automatic inserter. See Figure D 5-694.632 for an example of inserting tie bars using
a wheel.
Figure D 5-694.632
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.632 (4)
The tie bars involved in longitudinal joints constructed for additional lanes are generally installed
with either air, hydraulic, or manual side bar inserters. Bent tie bars are normally installed by
placing them on a horizontal plate, attached to the side form, prior to installation. There is a slit in
the traveling side form, also known as keyway steel, to accommodate these bars. See Figure E 5-
694.632 for an example of installed keyway steel. These bars require straightening prior to placing
the added lane or shoulder. If the bars being installed are straight they are normally placed on a
guide, attached to the side form, prior to installation.
Figure E 5-694.632
Epoxy-coated tie bars are required for concrete pavement construction. It is of the utmost
importance that these bars are placed at least 450 mm (18 in.) from any contraction or expansion
joint to avoid tying up the joint. Many of todays joint spalls were caused by tie bars crossing a
joint and tying the joint together.
C. Supplemental Steel
Inspect the reinforcing steel to assure it is sufficiently cross-tied to retain the steel in its planned
position and that the steel is free of foreign matter and scaly rust. The Contractor must place the
steel on chairs to ensure it is at the correct height. See Figure F 5-694.632 for an example of
supplemental steel over a culvert.
Figure F 5-694.632
There are numerous critical factors involved in the construction of a typical concrete pavement
project. An important beginning step is the implementation of a communication network between
the Paving Contractor, Concrete Producer/Supplier, Agency and Testing Personnel.
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.640
Everyone involved must have the information available in a timely manner to perform his or her
functions, starting with the pre-construction meeting to final project acceptance. They need to
discuss all project elements related to slipform paving with special emphasis on communication,
safety, paving access, traffic control, scheduling and interpretation of project specifications.
This section covers the construction of a typical concrete pavement using the slipform paving
method of construction. The practices presented represent good practice and are not meant to
limit innovation of any kind.
Slipform when applied to concrete pavement construction means to consolidate, form into
geometric shape, and surface finish a concrete mass (vertical or horizontal) by slipping or pulling
the forms continuously through and surrounding the plastic concrete mass. In slipform paving of a
roadway the forms for shaping the mass, the tools for consolidation, and the tools for surface
smoothing are firmly mounted into a self-propelled machine.
Slipform is used in almost every type of paving operation. This technique has broad application
for highway and street construction. Contractors have identified the following common
construction advantages:
Uses lower slump concrete
Permits high production paving
Capable of producing a very smooth riding surface
All slipform pavers in the world market are of the extrusion-type process. The extrusion process
is simply defined as forcing, pressing or pushing a material through a die or mold to create the
desired shape. The concrete is squeezed through the mold to form and shape the pavement in the
slipform paver. See Figures A and B 5-694.641 for examples of concrete going through a slipform
Concrete mixtures have many unique elements. More importantly, its behavior as a fluid is a
critical factor during paving operations. Fluids are incompressible. Energy applied to a fluid
results in equal and opposite transmittal throughout the confined area. A change in delivery or
constituents of the mixture (mainly water) changes the hydraulic forces imparted by the concrete.
These changes require a variation in the applied energy (pressure and vibration).
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.641
Figure A 5-694.641
Figure B 5-694.641
Uniformity is a critical issue; in design (mix and geometrics), in logistics (supply and delivery),
and in energy levels (vibration, head pressure, and movement) are vital for machine performance
and paving results. Any change in these variables can produce a rough-riding pavement.
The slipform paver contains the mold components. These components consist of the bottom of the
profile pan or forming plate and the side forms. This system confines the concrete and
provides the die or mold for the desired shape. The base is the bottom of the mold.
The pressure to the concrete comes from the mass weight of the machine upon the forming plate
and the taper adjustment, if present, of the side forms confining the concrete. The pressure also
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.642
comes from the power of the vibrators as they pressurize the area under the paving form and
between the side forms.
Tools are utilized during the paving process to perform the functions of filling the forms and
creating a uniform shape. These tools are an auger spreader, spreader plow, strike-off, tamper bar,
or any combination of these items. There is also a secondary finishing process of some kind to
remove slight irregularities from the surface finish.
The extrusion pressure comes from the continuous movement of the slipform mold through the
confined mass of concrete. The energy is also applied by continuous vibration that changes
particle distribution and lowers face-to-face and particle-to-steel friction by fluidizing the concrete.
The result desired is a uniform geometric shape and uniform exact surface in the horizontal and
vertical dimension. This is best accomplished by a constant mixture and uniform movement of the
5-694.642 SUBGRADE3
The construction of a quality concrete pavement begins with a good subgrade. A uniform grade
must sustain hauling units to place the base material and provide a platform that will support the
compactive effort necessary to densify the base material. This requires a subgrade well compacted
to profile with tolerances within the specified limits.
There are instances where the grade is in place for a lengthy period prior to commencing final
grade preparations for paving. There are also cases where the grading is not finished to the
required tolerances. When these conditions are encountered it becomes necessary to make some
parallel grade adjustments rather than move large quantities of earth to match the original plan
profile. This is accomplished by lowering or raising the existing profile to meet the existing grade.
Always balance cut and fill whenever practical. Adequate transitions within acceptable geometric
tolerances are provided to meet the adjusted profiles. Any profile adjustments must match the
existing structures.
In most instances of subgrade trimming, windrows of cut material are deposited on the
embankment edges. Cutting slots through the berms establish drainage for the trimmed grade at
adequate intervals to prevent ponding of water. This is especially critical on the low side of super-
elevated sections. Proper drainage planning will pay off during all subsequent construction
activities including paving.
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.643 (1)
Full-width trimmers are commonly used on highway projects. The accuracy of these machines is
very good when they are controlled from string lines.
The Survey Crew and Paving Contractor must coordinate surveying to ensure complete
understanding concerning the elevations and offset distances established for grade reference points.
The elevations and offsets provide the basis for establishing the string line. The string line is used
to provide an accurate reference for elevation and alignment control of the subgrade trimming, base
placement and trimming, and paving operations.
The Contractor determines the offsets of the hubs for the particular equipment and operations.
These offset distances may differ on each side of the slab. At times the Contractor must adjust the
location normally selected for hubs to accommodate specific project staging and phasing.
When setting the hub offset, the Contractor must consider all elements of the construction and
grading operations including width of equipment, windrows of material, drainage trenches, and
other site-specific variables.
The string line stake is placed in a vertical position outside the hub line. The line is inserted into
the holder arm slot and adjusted to a point directly over the hub tack point.
The string line supports are located at approximately 7 m (25 ft.) intervals unless horizontal or
vertical curves are encountered. In those cases, place the string line supports at closer intervals.
Occasionally, in very uniform conditions, string line supports with a 14 m (50 ft.) interval are used.
See Figure A 5-694.643 for an example of string line staking.
Many Contractors prefer to run a string line on each side of the paver. A smoother ride is usually
obtained with this dual string line system. The decision to run two string lines is made based on
the Contractor's experience. Dual string lines are required on unbonded overlays in Minnesota.
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.643 (2)
Figure A 5-694.643
Prior to beginning paving, check the string line several times to ensure it is correct. Several factors
that could affect the string line are as follows:
Air temperature and relative humidity variations during the day affect the length of line.
Check line tension and periodically tighten the winches.
Equipment bumping the line and personnel stumbling into or tripping over the line will
require immediate checking and corrective action. All personnel should exercise caution
while working in the vicinity of the string line.
In many instances the haul road is located parallel to the string line. This requires periodic
eyeballing of the string line to determine if any heaving of the grade has occurred that could
disturb the hubs and/or line stakes.
Replace string lines that have broken rather than tying knots in the line. A break generally is
an indication that weather and use have taken their toll.
Check the string line stake arms and adjust bolt sets during installation to make sure that
thread wear or mis-threading does not allow arm movement.
Projected grades are extensions of an imaginary line connecting the top of the proposed edges of
the pavement slab. They are located in line with the offset reference hubs. To construct a super-
elevated curve, rotation of this imaginary line about a point on the slab centerline results in one
edge being lowered accompanied by a corresponding rise on the opposite edge. This is the
fundamental concept in establishing grades and utilization of elevated string lines for grade control
of automated trimming of grade, laying bases, and placing concrete pavement.
The paving equipment accommodates the paving crown, super-elevated transitions, and super-
elevated sections. The various shapes are created by adjustments in the paving equipment.
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.643 (3)
The survey party will calculate the top of both edges of the slab from the plan profiles and cross-
sections. The imaginary line, previously discussed, is connected through the edges of slab and
extended to a point over the hubs. The determination of the elevation of this imaginary line at the
hub location enables the calculation of the difference in elevation between the point on line and the
top of the hub.
At this point, communication about proper interpretation of the information shown on the grade
stakes is absolutely critical. Miscommunication about how the grades were established could result
in constructing the improper super-elevation.
Figure B 5-694.643
Generally, grade information is referenced to the top edge of slab. On tangent sections of
alignment where both edges of slab are the same elevation, offset and projected grade information
are identical.
Proper communication during the setting of these hubs and recording of the information on the
grade stakes is absolutely essential. All parties must meet to reach agreement for this activity to
avoid confusion between the paving crew, the trimming crew, and the survey crew.
The staking system normally includes hand winches placed at approximate intervals, not more than
300 m (1000 ft.), to tighten the line to the extent necessary to avoid any perceptible sag between
stakes. Use caution when tensioning the string line. A sudden break in the string line could cause
severe injuries. Increase the visibility of string lines by placing ribbons on them.
To ensure even tension in the string, pull it out of the rod holders before applying force to tighten
the line. Use a small triangular file to remove all nicks or projections in the string slots to prevent
tearing of the string.
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.643 (4)
The machine elevation-sensing wand rides beneath the string, and the alignment-sensing wand
rides against the inside of the string. See Figure C 5-694.643 for an example of elevation and
alignment sensing wands. Neither of these wands should deflect the line a measurable amount.
Figure C 5-694.643
Check the completed line installation by eye. This check will help detect mistakes in setting the
line and any survey staking errors. Communicate with surveyors and ask them to re-survey any
areas in question before making changes.
Correcting surveying mistakes by eyeballing is a poor substitute for accurate surveying. Resolve
all questions, prior to pavement placement.
In some situations the stringline elevation is set as a low-line. This will enable unloading belts to
extend it without disturbing the line.
To cross the string line with hauling units or other equipment, remove the string line for about 30
m (100 ft.) and place it securely on the ground. Check for any damage before re-tensioning and
using for paving operations.
Set the sensor wands at the same distance, approximately 200 to 250 mm (8 to 10 in.) from the unit
to the string line. Adjustment of the counterbalances will determine the pressure against the lines
during operation and will probably require some experimentation. Adjust the dampening setscrew
on each unit to lessen continual seeking movement and rapid changes.
When setting the sensors on the same side of the paver, take into account the location of the string
line stakes. Set the sensors at different spacing than the string line stakes. When the sensor is set
at a different distance, the wands are not at the sag point between the string line stakes at the same
time. This minimizes the chance of building a uniformly occurring sag in the pavement.
In the language of pavement design, the word base represents the layer of a selected material
placed immediately beneath the pavement surfacing. Any selected course of material placed
beneath the base is referred to as a subbase. The earth grade at the bottom of the pavement
structure, whether modified by special treatment or not, is referred to as the subgrade.
Good construction practices provide that all of these bases, regardless of placement methods, are
built to acceptable tolerances and provide the working platform necessary to:
Enhance the quality of performance of the finished product
Minimize loss of concrete
Eliminate short core penalties
Contribute to incentives such as smoothness
Perform the trimming in a manner that accommodates the slipform paving operation. The
trimming must coordinate with the paving operation.
Grades are trimmed using electronically controlled trimmers to a specified tolerance prior to any
pavement construction.
Pad line, track line, or form line are terms often used to describe the area outside the edge of the
proposed pavement which provides the foundation for all of the paving equipment operations.
Most Contractors believe that this line is one of the major keys to smooth pavement and should
encompass the following characteristics.
Extend the base itself to a point at least 1 m (3 ft.) beyond the outside edge of the pavement.
Figure A 5-694.644 illustrates an extended track line.
Construct the base or trim parallel to the projected cross slope of the base. The creation of
parallel planes is essential in minimizing the yield loss. In addition, parallel planes ensure that
the proper thickness of pavement is placed over the entire roadbed.
Build a base durable enough to provide a relatively smooth passage for the entire paving train,
including the texturing and curing equipment. Avoid placing edge drains beneath the track
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.645 (1)
lines (longitudinally) prior to paving. The weight of the paving equipment can crush the
drainage pipes. Place these drains after placement of the pavement.
Keep the pad line clean of dirt, debris, and surplus concrete during the pavement operations.
Figure A 5-694.644
Prior to beginning paving there are some critical elements in the process that need extra attention
and understanding. These include but are not limited to paver set up and vibration.
A review of safety measures and cautions for everyone concerned, including Agency personnel, is
a necessary starting point.
A. Paver Set-up
Check the various components of the paver prior to commencing paving operations.
The Contractor must provide a square paving kit. This is not a problem with two track
pavers, but more likely a problem with four track machines. The paving frame must parallel
the line control. If not, the machine is skewed in forward motion even though the tracks appear
in line. A straightforward approach to adjust the paving kit to square is use of the 3-4-5
right triangle technique.
Following paver set up, string line the pan or forming plate. Check both edges and centerline
for trueness. Adjust the proposed crown in the pan and any following float.
Set the pan parallel to the string line and in accordance with the Manufacturer's
recommendations or the Contractor's experience. Many operators state that operating the pan
as close to parallel with the string line will provide the best results. This is called adjusting the
machine attitude, draft, or angle of attack.
B. Start-up Operations
The days paving operations should begin with the production of two batches. Check the two
batches for slump and air at the plant. Acceptance or rejection is at that point. Upon determination
that the batches produced are acceptable, delivery and dumping/spreading begins for paving
operations. All additional paving operations can now begin. Delivery of additional batches to load
up the machines in the paving train begins at this time. Loading and developing proper spacing
normally takes about one-half hour. Paving operations are considered fully underway at this point.
Start-up operations also include construction of the day's header or matching the in-place
pavement. The finishers are in charge of this operation.
After coming off the header, other general concerns are addressed as follows:
Check for proper alignment and elevation of dowels
Plan ahead for placement of tie steel and supplemental steel
Mix workability
Staying within allowable water/cementitious ratio
Adjustments in delivery of concrete and paving train forward progress to concrete supply
Check for proper internal vibration at paver
Probe for depth
Surface condition behind the paver
Control slump between 25 and 50 mm (1 and 2 in.)
Coordinate slump with plant and provide concrete with a consistent slump to the paver
Begin grade yield checks
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.646 (1)
C. Yield Checks
Check yield often to verify proper machine adjustments and grade preparation. Yield is the actual
amount of concrete placed at the field project site based on the production of a given volume.
Slightly more material is needed to compensate for job variations. Calculation of the grade yield
allows the Contractor and the Agency to determine the actual amount of material placed. The
Contractor will probably check the yield every 1 or 2 hours and the Agency will check yield as
To determine the yield, calculate the difference between the theoretical volume required and the
actual volume placed.
Internal vibration is the vibrator-applied energy (centrifugal force) within and internal to the mass
of concrete (vertically or horizontally).
Cores are taken after paving to verify if good vibration techniques were used. The cores should
indicate good aggregate distribution and very little entrapped air voids.
A. Metering
Some slipform pavers have an area between the auger-strike off and the pan called the meter box
or grout box. This area contains the vibrators and tamper bars, if applicable. Other slipform
pavers do not have this box, but have an area where there is a static head above the vibrators. This
area is adjacent to the vibrator eccentrics or the zone of influence. The concrete becomes energized
(particles in motion), water bubbles exploding, entrapped air rising to escape, and the volume of
the mix is reduced.
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.646 (2)
B. Static Head
There is another important characteristic of the internal vibrator. An increase of height of the static
head developed during the paving process causes an increase in vibrator efficiency.
The vibrators are mounted on equipment with what is known as an isolation mounting. Vibrators
will work and have equal characteristics in the vertical or horizontal position. They are mounted
ahead of the extrusion meter. The energy transmitted by the vibrator is directly proportional to the
size of the weight, and the speed of rotation (RPM). The weight is fixed, as is the back and forth
distance (amplitude) that the head of the vibrator moves.
Speed is the only variable that is controllable. This is done by varying or controlling the volume of
hydraulic fluid to the hydraulic motor. This controls the speed of rotation, and is measured in
vibrations per minute (VPM). The amount of the energy and the energy influence change as VPM
varies. On electric vibrators, varying the speed of the generator or alternator controls VPM.
The energy level (vibration) required to consolidate and fluidize the concrete mass during paving
operations is different for each mix design and depth of concrete. Specification 2301.3H1c
requires vibrators to operate at a frequency of not less than 3600 nor more than 6000 impulses per
minute in concrete. When checked in air, the appropriate VPM is 4150 minimum and 6900
maximum. A hand-held tachometer (Vibro-tach) can be used to check the VPM of vibrators. This
process is an important step in vibrator maintenance. Regular checks can reduce the unwanted
results of malfunctioning units. Vibrator manufacturers have developed monitoring systems that
give the paver operator continuous readouts of vibrator activity. Electronic vibration monitors are
required on all slip-form paving equipment.
The energy transmitted by the vibrator is transmitted in a circle and is cone-shaped. The
transmitted energy is equal to 360E surrounding the rotating weight is known as the zone of
influence. See Figure A 5-694.646 for an illustration of the zone of influence.
Figure A 5-694.646
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.646 (3)
The zone of influence will vary with:
Paver speed
The distance of the weight from the driving motor and shaft
The care and cleanliness of the isolator mount
C. Location
The Contractor should adjust the position of the vibrators according to the Manufacturer's
recommendations or experience with the specific mix. Depending on the appearance of the
concrete reaction behind the paver, the energy level is adjusted to a uniform level of VPM to begin
paving and readjusted to appropriate levels.
Vibrators in a paver are mounted to take advantage of the zone of influence. Each vibrator is
adjustable for position and energy level. Position is a mechanical adjustment performed prior to
the paving operation.
The horizontal spacing is set to have a slight overlap of the zone of influence. This overlap
normally ranges between 50 to 75 mm (2 to 3 in.). This is done to eliminate segregation, as is the
case if the zones were apart. Many Contractors prefer a closer spacing because the zone of
influence overlap is increased. This closer spacing allows the operator to better control the slab
At a constant forward speed of the paver, the zones of influence change as the VPM change.
Increased VPM widen the zones; decreased VPM narrow the zones. The energy level required for
a particular mix design, at a given paver speed and depth of placement may require more or less
vibrators operating at higher or lower energy levels.
Vibrators, while necessary for the paving process, are NOT a cure-all for other problems. The
vibrator may identify and exacerbate a concrete mix (design) problem, but not cause the problem.
The vibrator will not overcome poor paver adjustment, improper paving technique, or mix design.
Proper vibration will produce a well-consolidated concrete mass and leave a uniform surface
behind the paver. Control vibration to prevent vibrator trails. Too much vibration can segregate
the concrete and drive out entrained air. Too little vibration results in a high volume of entrapped
air reducing the strength.
Significant improvement in mix uniformity is noted at a lower paver speed with the vibrators
located at the finished surface of the pavement. There is a small amount of entrapped air.
Tuning the vibration to the concrete mix is very important. Particular attention paid to this phase
of the operation pays off in a sound durable pavement.
D. Operations
Most vibrators used in slipform paving are hydraulic; therefore check them for any evidence of oil
leakage. Have a supply of replacements readily available during paving operations. Do not mix
sizes of vibrators on a paver. Check the performance of vibrators again near the end of the day's
paving. Any deficiency is evident when the oil is the hottest.
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.647
During paving operations, observing the vibrator gangs is necessary at frequent intervals. Any
failure of an individual vibrator is readily apparent. The appearance of the concrete within the
grout box area changes if there is a problem with a vibrator. Notice how the top of the static head
changes from a uniform to non-uniform appearance.
The tamper bar is located just in front of the pan of a slipform paver. It oscillates in a vertical
direction to tamp the concrete as it moves under the paving pan. The tamper bar is a feature
found on some slipform pavers. Operate in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. The
tamper bar performs several functions. It helps tamp the large aggregate below the surface of the
paving pan so none of the large aggregate are dragged as the concrete moves through the paver. It
also helps keep material moving at the meter point so as not to accumulate on the meter. See
Figure A 5-694.647 for an illustration of the extrusion process and Figure B 5-694.647 for an
example of the auger screw and vibrators.
Figure A 5-694.647
Figure B 5-694.647
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.648 (1)
A. Paving Speed
Normal paving speeds are in the range of 0.5 to 3 m (2 to 10 ft.) per minute. The volume of
concrete delivered to the paver should ensure a continuous paving speed. When delivery does not
permit a constant speed, vary the speed to match a decrease in delivery and vice-versa. Speeds of
3 m (10 ft.) per minute or greater may require a change in the number and spacing of the vibrators.
B. Concrete Head
Concrete head is a constant concern of the paver operator, spreader operator, and truck dump
operator. Coordinating their efforts can result in a nominal depth of concrete being pushed ahead
by the machine and at the same time avoid having to fill holes at the edges. The goal is to keep the
depth of static head about the same thickness as the concrete pavement placed. Operators use a
variety of techniques to keep just enough excess material for dispersal if a shortage develops.
C. Finishing
When everything (mix, equipment, timing, delivery, etc.) is substantially correct, no finishing other
than texturing (and tining if required) is necessary. However, many things can happen to this
outdoor assembly line process requiring correction in the final phase. Do not undertake finishing
while any bleed water is present. Bleed water is significant under some weather conditions or with
some mix peculiarities.
The Contractor may utilize several pieces of equipment to correct minor variations and help seal
any small imperfections in the finished slab surface. Floats will not remove any significant bumps.
The Contractor may use any combination of these machines on the same slab for finishing:
A tube float is a round tube or tubes that operate in a diagonal direction in relation to the slab
centerline. The tube does not rotate but rests on its own mass on the slab surface. The tube
float is normally a self-propelled machine and is not attached to the paver.
A longitudinal float, attached to the paver or self-propelled, is a float that is up to 0.3 m (1 ft.)
wide and 4.5 m (14 to 15 ft.) long. See Figure A 5-694.648 for an example of a longitudinal
float. This float is placed parallel or close to parallel with the centerline of the slab. The float
is carried from one side of the slab to the other while oscillating front to rear. This is
commonly termed the final finisher.
Checking the surface behind the paver with a 3 m (10 ft.) straight edge is a normal procedure. For
any surface imperfections, correct with a hand-operated float. See Figure B 5-694.648 for an
example of a hand-operated float. Periodically check the trueness of the straightedge with a string
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.648 (2)
Figure A 5-694.648
Figure B 5-694.648
Excess water, if worked into the surface, can cause plastic shrinkage, excessive water
cementitious ratio at the surface, and eventual spalling of the surface. If there isnt any
daylight under the bull float and there are no major holes or tears, move on. It is also
important to remember that it is not necessary to seal every small dimple or hole in the
pavement surface. Over-finishing can lead to problems such as scaling and premature
deterioration of the surface.
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.648 (3)
D. Texturing
Plastic concrete is textured to increase skid resistance of its natural finished surface. Texture is
defined in terms of macro and micro. Engineers feel both micro texture and macro texture are
necessary to ensure the maintenance of acceptable friction numbers throughout the surface life of the
pavement. Macro texture on concrete paving is generally achieved by astroturf or broom drag. See
Figures C and D 5-694.648 for examples of astroturf and broom drag. Typically broom texturing is
performed on bridge decks.
Figure C 5-694.648
Figure D 5-694.648
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.649 (1)
E. Tining
In addition to and immediately following the texturing, provide the pavement surface with a
transverse metal-tine surface if required. This operation requires a mechanized device providing a
randomized spacing of 16 to 26 mm (approximately 5/8 to 1 in.). See Figure E 5-694.648 for a
mechanized tining device. The required tine width is 2 to 3 mm (approximately 1/12 to 1/8 in.) and
the required tine depth is 3 to 8 mm (approximately 1/8 to 5/16 in.). Take care not to dislodge
coarse aggregate particles. Manual methods are used for ramps, etc., but are subject to the
approval of the Engineer.
Make sure the tining machine is parallel to the pavement surface. If the tining bar is not parallel to
the pavement surface an uneven pressure is exerted on the pavement surface, resulting in a non-
uniform texture.
At each transverse joint location, a 100 to 150 mm (4 to 6 in.) wide strip of the pavement surface is
protected from the tining operation to provide a transverse tineless surface centered over the joint
saw cut. The Engineer may eliminate this requirement for right-angle joints.
Figure E 5-694.648
During paving, certain situations occur that require particular attention. The following are possible
circumstances that might arise and a list of some of the factors to consider when trouble shooting
the problem.
B. Bleed Water
Wait until bleed water evaporates before tining (if required) and curing
Air content
D. Crawdaddy Holes
Check air content
Check W/C ratio and adjust if necessary
Check vibrators that align with the holes
Check for proper paver travel speed
F. Equipment Maintenance
Repair hydraulic leaks
Use proper replacement parts
Clean up after each use dont create soft spots in base
H. Edge Slump
Consistency of concrete
Air content
Position of edge vibrators
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.650
Vibrator frequency
W/C ratio
Mix design (some are more prone to caving edges)
Fixed form paving has many uses, ranging from placing mainline pavements to constructing city
streets. Setting forms for irregularly shaped areas is a generally accepted technique. However,
Contractors are continually devising methods to reduce the areas that require forms.
Form paving is used for streets, local roads, airports, and complicated, short length and variable-
width pavements. Ramp tapers and similar variable-width areas are generally constructed using
fixed form equipment.
A conventional form riding train of equipment includes a spreader that has a gang of interval
vibrators embedded in the struck-off concrete prior to the finishing machines.
The finishing machine has twin-oscillating screeds, which assist the consolidation process and
strike off the concrete to the proper shape. Some trains include two finishing machines. Some
finishing machines have a cantilevered pan float mounted on the rear of the machine that adds a
compressive force as the final machine shaping.
On some smaller projects, only the finishing machine is used, and internal vibrators are mounted
near the form on each side.
Automatic machines, utilizing a heavy duty paving carriage to vibrate, strike off, and longitudinally
smooth, seal, and texture the concrete are also used. These machines ride on the forms or on pipe
laid outside the forms, with or without string line leveling.
Establishing the correct grade is the first critical step in constructing a smooth, high quality
pavement. Grades that are trimmed following form placement are either trimmed with a fine grade
machine that cuts to the proper depth or by motor patrols and a tail planer that ride on the forms. A
flat steel roller is used following final shaping. Check the form alignment and profiles following
these operations on grade.
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.652
When granular bases are used, the Contractor may do the final trimming after the forms are in
place. The cut material is normally hauled ahead and incorporated into the base being laid.
Moisture is usually added, the base is re-compacted (if necessary), and final steel rolling is then
accomplished prior to any steel being set.
If form-line grading is done by machine, set the string line twice. First, set the string line at an
offset height to meet the requirements of the mechanical grader, and then set the string line for
form setting.
For form setting, the string line is set at the face and top elevation of the form (pavement). The
string line is installed on form pins located with the outside edge of the pins on the proposed edge
of slab alignment as measured from the reference hub. Set a string line pin opposite each reference
hub. A carpenters level is generally used to transfer the grade from the hub to the string line pin.
Hubs are normally set on 10 m (25 ft.) intervals for tangent sections and closer for curves. The
string line is then put up, fastened securely on each pin, and drawn as taut as is necessary to
prevent string line sags between pins.
Generally, the opposite reference hubs are not tacked for exact alignment control and are used for
elevation reference only. Therefore, the alignment for the opposite side of slab string line is
obtained by measuring across the proposed width of slab.
After the string lines are set, the subbase elevation check at the form line is made. Deviations must
be addressed before forms can be set. Make certain the line did not slide up or down during the
tightening process.
5-694.653 FORMS3
The key ingredient in a fixed form paving operation is the form. The form is the mold that
determines the pavement depth, width, and ride.
A typical paving form is made of interlocking steel sections. The face of the form is the same
height as the proposed pavement thickness. The form has a wide, flat base to give the form
stability and an upper rail to carry the paving equipment. Provisions are also made for fastening
the form to the base and grade with form pins (stakes).
Before the forms are set, individually inspect them to determine if they meet the specified
requirements. Check that the pin keys are straight and free moving in the pockets and capable of
holding forms tight against the pins. Check that joint locks are not bent or worn and are capable of
holding the ends of the form in true alignment. This criterion is an absolute must if the forms are
to serve as rails for paving equipment.
Drive pins of sufficient length to securely hold the forms in place during placing and finishing the
concrete in all pinholes, and drive all keys and form locks tight. As the key or form locks are
driven in, they stabilize the form against the pin, preventing it from moving. Check these pins
regularly to prevent any form movements caused by equipment moving over the forms.
The top of the inside edge of the form shall match the previously set string line. Make minor
alignment corrections utilizing the twin point keys located on the inside and outside of each pin
If any form sits above the string line, remove the form and tamp or trim the base to the proper
grade. If the form sits below the string line, remove the form and scarify the base. This will
prevent separation or peeling of the additional material that the Contractor must add to bring the
form to the proper grade line. A firm bed of fine crushed aggregate works well to fill in the low
The proof of a good form-setting job is the absence of form rocking during equipment passage.
A. Forming Curves
Provide flexible forms (steel or wood) used on street returns and other curves of specified radii
equal in depth to the pavement thickness and staked or braced to prevent movement during
concrete placement.
Metal forms are most efficient for straight-line work. When curves are needed, you can use metal
forms if the radius of the curve is greater than 30 m (100 ft.). On a curve, set 3 m (10 ft.) straight
metal forms as arc tangents. Paving equipment can track a curve set as described. The final
decision regarding form use is based on equipment and the appearance of the finished pavement.
If a curve has a radius less than 30 m (100 ft.), use flexible form sections to shape the curve.
Curved metal forms are used, but it is not always practical to order these metal forms to fit only
one radius. However, if the radius is too small, metal forms may not achieve a smooth curve. In
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.654 (2)
these situations the Contractor could attach wood to metal forms. However, this creates a new
problem: form-paving equipment cannot ride on these wood forms. Hence, the Contractor must
use approved equipment for hand placement, consolidation and strike off. You may need extra
form-pins to hold the wooden forms. Making a smooth curve may require form-pins both inside
and outside the forms. Pull any extra form pins placed inside the forms before the concrete is
consolidated and before final finishing.
After a curve is formed, notify the Survey Crew to check it. Compare the findings with the curve
data shown in the plans.
B. Curbs
Make sure the correct curb type is used. If integral curbs are constructed following the placement
of the pavement, by either hand forming or use of a curb mule, clamp or pin a curb depth form to
the top of the slab form. The curb mules (right and left hand required) are winch propelled. Some
machines include integral curb placement as part of one process.
Form setting is a critical construction step. You must assure that the forms are accurately set to
line and grade and are supported uniformly by a firm foundation.
The finished smoothness of the pavement depends on the care with which the forms are set and
maintained, since the finishing equipment generally rides on the forms. Proper alignment and
elevation of the forms will contribute to a smooth pavement.
Because the majority of subgrades and bases are now trimmed full width with string line controlled
equipment, the form lines are compacted and are at plan grade. Some Contractors still use form-
line graders that operate with a string line to trim the form grade lines. A firm and level foundation
under all forms is required. The forms must not rest on pedestals of dirt or rock; a uniform base is
required for support.
Set the forms to proper grade and line. Once the forms have been set, check them for overall
alignment and tolerance before any paving occurs. The quickest and simplest way of checking is
to use the eyeball method. Sight along each form line to see that the forms are straight
(alignment) and the tops are smooth (tolerance). Most deviations are obvious. However, you can
use a level, a 3 m (10 ft.) straightedge, or string line to check minor errors. Check horizontal
alignment against the offset hubs. Check the width of the roadway between the forms to assure it
conforms to the plans. Immediately reset any form section that is out of line.
Check that the joints between forms are tight and smooth.
When keyway strips are specified, attach them to the faces of the forms after the forms are in place.
Keyways are grooves formed in the vertical edge of one lane of concrete to facilitate tie steel
installation, which later become filled with concrete of the adjacent lane. This provides for load
transfer between adjacent lanes.
Run forms beyond headers for proper grades and to allow placing and finishing equipment a
platform on grade line to work beyond the pavements end.
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.655
C. Preparing Forms for Paving
Start with clean forms, oil them inside and out prior to keyway, tie bar, and concrete placement,
and handle them with care. Oiling the outside of the form prior to use makes removal of concrete
spilled over the forms during finishing much easier. Oil forms before installation of tie bars to
avoid oiling tie bars.
Check the ends of the form sections to see that they are flush and securely attached to one another.
If the adjoining ends are not flush, the paving equipment is forced up and down, resulting in a
bumpy, uneven surface.
All forms should allow for tightly locking the ends of adjacent form sections. When in position,
the forms must match-up in a flush condition.
For a secure setting, stake forms with a minimum of three iron pins for every 3 m (10 ft.). When in
place, the forms should not spring or settle due to the mass and vibration of equipment. Any up-
and-down movement of the forms will result in rough pavement.
Sometimes the adjacent pavement lanes or curb and gutter section act as the side form. Make
certain there are no irregularities at the edge or the top of pavement.
In most instances, remove the forms within 6 to 8 hours if extreme care is taken during the pin
pulling and unlocking of the forms. Pull pins first with pin extractor (mechanical or hydraulic),
and then remove forms without prying between the edge of the forms and the concrete. A light tap
followed by hand removal is preferred.
After removing the forms, check to see that there was adequate vibration to produce dense concrete
along the form line. Honeycombing indicates insufficient vibration. If necessary, adjust the
vibration process when paving resumes.
Cure the edges of the pavement as soon as possible after form removal.
If possible, clean forms immediately after removal otherwise they are difficult to clean. Dirty
forms are difficult to check with straightedges, and make concrete placement difficult. Treat the
forms with care so they are ready for the next day or job. Properly handled, the forms will last for
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.657
Producing a good ride with forms is dependent upon numerous factors, including the following,
exclusive of design considerations:
Uniform grade - properly compacted and moistened ahead of concrete placement
Good form line compaction, properly graded
Forms that meet the Specifications
Proper string line erection and form placement, including oiling
Proper construction and grading of boxouts and fixture adjustments
Proper placement of dowel baskets and pre-placed reinforcement, including keyway
Consistent mix, slump, and timely delivery
Proper timing and placement of the mix on the grade. Cover grade, avoid excessive piles.
Adequate vibration and consolidation. If hand puddling, do not use rakes, move surplus
concrete with shovels. Use extra care in placing concrete over the basket assemblies and in
vibrating that area.
Proper machine adjustments and operation. Steady machine progress enhances smoothness.
Avoid excessive finishing. No water buckets or paste brushes. Straightedge check of slab.
Use float to fill any surface voids that show up behind finishing machine.
Use edger on slab edges, top of curb if placed, and around boxouts and expansion joints if
included. Use minimum radius edger compatible with mix being used, especially where future
placement of slab will abut.
Wait for sheen to disappear before texturing
Adequate and timely application of cure
Cure sides of slab after form removal
5-694.660 JOINTS
Since concrete is a material of low tensile strength and since concrete construction may require
staging in operations, the construction of joints is necessary to alleviate problems due to random
cracking. See Standard Plan 5-297.221 for joint details.
A construction joint is needed wherever the concrete placement operation is terminated prior to
completion of the structure and concrete placement is resumed later. The locations of these joints
are generally known in advance and are indicated on the plans for reinforced structures. These
joints are substituted for either a contraction or expansion joint since there is no problem of stress
on curb and sidewalk work.
A construction joint, normally called a header joint or header, is placed at the beginning and
completion of each day of paving operations. The header joint is formed by using a board
shaped to the desired cross-section of the pavement. See Figure A 5-694.661 for an example of a
completed header joint.
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.661
Headers are considered a perpetual problem to concrete foremen, finishers, and are a continuing
challenge. Headers are placed at mid-panel. Install side forms, approximately 3 m (10 ft.) in
length, to provide proper edge alignment and confine the area for consolidation. Set the side forms
to match the width of the pavement.
Figure A 5-694.661
Tie bars, 1.5 m (5 ft.) long, are inserted 0.75 m (2.5 ft.) into the fresh concrete. Concrete around
the header joint is thoroughly consolidated by vibration to give strong, dense concrete. A point of
weakness may develop at the joint if poor construction practices are followed. The cream carried
along in the paver is not allowed in the header. Take care not to damage the in-place pavement
when paving resumes.
Provide fresh concrete for the final few meters. Do not use the slurry that may have collected in
the spreader rolls. Provide thorough but not excessive patterned hand consolidation.
Use a straightedge of sufficient length that laps back onto the existing concrete that has the proper
shape. String lining is also recommended.
Near the end of large placements, carefully measure the remaining volume to adjust the amount in
the last two or three trucks to provide the required concrete. Aim high, this can prevent waiting for
a short load after the plant has closed or the concrete truck is scheduled for other jobs. Do not use
concrete spilled or disposed of on the ground to make up any deficiency in material. The material
placed at the end of the day's placement should have the same quality consistent with the other
material used.
Edge tool the side form edges and the header itself. Use an edging tool with only a minimal radius.
Texture and apply cure in a timely manner. Many times this operation at the header is performed
by hand. When starting operations the next day, repeat the process of straight edging and string
lining across the joint.
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.662
Concrete is subject to expansion and contraction due to temperature and moisture changes. In
some instances, it is necessary to construct expansion joints in the structure to provide for relief of
the stresses that occur. Expansion joints are always used at bridges.
In curb, gutter, and sidewalk work, expansion joints are required as explained in Specification
2531.3C. The joint used is a plain butt joint with non-extruding preformed joint filler. The
Contractor must place the joint filler absolutely vertical; otherwise (since it is a plain butt joint),
one section will tend to slide up on the other when the concrete expansion becomes large enough.
Follow good consolidation methods at these joints.
Expansion joints are rarely used in concrete pavements. If used, the size and spacing of dowel bars
are indicated in the plans. Place non-extruding pre-molded joint filler vertically and straight across
the pavement. Check to make sure the dowel bars are parallel. Obtain good consolidation around
the dowels, joint filler, and protection angles to obtain a strong joint. The use of preformed
expansion baskets tends to cause problems when they are used in pavements. The preformed
expansion material acts as a dam, catching the progressing concrete during normal operation, and
can either tip the basket or prevent consolidation. Either situation can cause early deterioration of
the joint.
If the joint filler is tipped during the construction, remove the concrete around the joint, straighten
or replace the filler, and then replace the concrete. If a tipped joint is discovered after the concrete
has hardened, a standard full-depth concrete repair is necessary. In this case, remove
approximately 1.5 m (5 ft.) of concrete on each side of the joint (excluding bridges) to properly
repair the defect. Use the newest concrete pavement rehabilitation standards available to replace
the joint.
There are several types of contraction joints used in concrete construction. The purpose of a
contraction joint is to induce a crack to occur at a predetermined location rather than allow the
inevitable random cracks.
In some types of construction, divider plates are used to help hold the forms during concrete
placement. This is a practice used in curb, gutter, and sidewalk construction. When the divider
plate is removed, there is a small opening, which then acts as a contraction joint. It will open up
slightly when the concrete contracts, but provides little if any space for expansion. Obtain good
consolidation around the divider plates. More commonly, hand tooling forms the joints.
The contraction joints for concrete paving are divided into two main classes; doweled and
undoweled joints. Standard practice in Minnesota, in almost every case, is using doweled joints
since undoweled joints will fault over time. Dowel bars provide for load of the vehicles to transfer
across the joint from one pavement slab to the next. The minimum dowel bar size is 32 mm (1 1/4
in.) in diameter by 380 mm (15 in.) long. Joints without dowel bars provide for only partial load
transfer through aggregate interlock.
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.664
The joints are normally constructed by sawing a groove in the concrete after it has hardened.
Contraction joints in pavement usually have a depth of t/4 (thickness of the pavement divided by
4). The exception is on unbonded concrete overlays that have a joint depth of t/3.
Only pre-approved dowel bar assemblies are permitted. Saw the joint directly over the center of
the dowel bars. It is very probable that a secondary crack will occur near the joint if the plane of
weakness is 50 mm (2 in.) or more off center. The section of concrete between the crack and
groove will soon spall out. The crack may occur outside the limits of the dowel bars resulting in no
load transfer if the joint is 100 to 125 mm (4 to 5 in.) off center of the dowel assembly.
Flush all debris left on the pavement surface and in the joints after the saw cut is completed. Check
to assure saw cut depth meets Specifications.
Joints that are over 13 mm (1/2 in.) in an uncracked condition will require oversized sealers.
Contact the Mn/DOT Concrete Engineering Unit for specific recommendations.
The Contractor must assure that the construction sequence is performed in a timely manner so that
no random cracks occur. Usually sawing is done about 8 to 12 hours after placement, but each
situation is unique due to mix design, temperature, thickness, etc.
The sawed longitudinal joint is often used as a traffic marker for two lanes of traffic and is used on
double lane pavement construction. Most of these joints contain steel tie bars placed
approximately at the mid-depth of the pavement. The size, length, and spacing will vary and this
data is obtained from the plans. This steel is inserted into the concrete while it is plastic. A
mechanical placing device is used. This is usually located on the front of the paver and
automatically spaces and places the steel.
All other longitudinal joints are considered a type of construction joint. These joints may or may
not contain tie steel. Check the plans for this feature. Make sure good consolidation is obtained
around and under any keyways. Remove the concrete that is spilled on the previously constructed
portion the same day the work is performed.
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.665 (1)
The Contractor shall fill the joints with an approved sealing compound prior to allowing any traffic
on the roadway. The sealant type is specified in plans. All approved joint sealants are available on
the Office of Materials website at
Assure that the joints are cleaned of all debris and dust and completely dry just prior to the sealing
operation otherwise it is possible the joints could have adhesion failure. The other type of failure
that may occur is cohesion failure that is generally contributed to the wrong type of sealant, a poor
shape factor, or the joint spacing frequency. See Figure A 5-694.665 for an example of these types
of failures.
Figure A 5-694.665
Rubber asphalt is a material that requires good temperature control during the heating cycle. A
slight increase in temperature above the normal operating temperature can change the
characteristics of the material and render it unfit for use. For this reason, the Inspector must make
sure that the material is heated at the temperature recommended by the Manufacturer. See
Specification 3719, 3723, or 3725.
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.665 (2)
B. Silicone Sealants
Confirm that the joint is completely clean and dry and also free of all incompressibles prior to
sealing. An oversized backer rod is placed before silicone is added to the joint. See Figure B 5-
694.665 for an example of backer rod installation. Some of the sealants are tooled into the joint
with an approved device to ensure the correct shape factor and performance; other silicones are
self-leveling. All of the sealants are installed according to Manufacturer's recommendations unless
modified by the Mn/DOT Concrete Engineering Unit. The Contractor shall clean excess sealant
from the upper face of the joint and salvage and reuse if in an acceptable condition. See
Specification 3722 in the Special Provisions for silicone joint sealant requirements. See Figure C
5-694.665 for an example of sealing contraction joints with silicone.
Figure B 5-694.665
Figure C 5-694.665
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.665 (3)
C. Preformed Joint Sealant
Preformed sealants are commonly used in Minnesota. They are used in areas where there are
problems with other sealants bonding to the sawed faces of the pavement joint and in areas where
high performance concrete is specified. If these sealants are specified, they are installed according
to the Manufacturer's recommendations unless modified by the Mn/DOT Concrete Engineering
Unit. See Specification 3721. See Figure D 5-694.665 for installation of preformed compression
joint sealants.
Figure D 5-694.665
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.670
5-694.670 FINISHING
A final finish is applied to all surfaces exposed during concrete consolidation. The extent of such
finishing depends on the type of work. The Inspector should refer to the Specifications for the
specific requirements on the type and degree of finishing required.
The Contractor should not add water to the surface of the concrete to aid in finishing without the
approval of the Engineer. The Engineer will only give this approval to replace evaporated surface
water directly behind the paver caused by a halt in forward progress from a short-term breakdown in
equipment or supply of concrete. The Contractor should supply sufficient trucks to assure a steady
forward progress of the paver. Pavement sections where water is added without the approval of
the Engineer are not eligible for incentive payment for w/c or ride and are subject to the
provisions of Mn/DOT 1503 and 1512.
Certain high strength concrete and low slump overlays are characterized by low bleed water. After
finishing, the Contractor should continuously fog-spray in order to reduce evaporation. In micro silica
decks, soaker-hoses produce the same effect. The Contractor should not use this process as a finishing
tool but should use it along with similar evaporation control measures such as windbreaks.
Hand methods are usually used for spreading and screeding concrete in small areas. Repeat the
screeding action, which in some instances is performed with a timber set on edge, until there are no
open textured areas in the surface. If necessary, supplement the screeding operation with a long
handle wood or magnesium float. The float will help iron out isolated high spots and will do a
better job of filling in the open textured areas. Floating and screeding should stop when a smooth,
closed surface is obtained.
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.674
Do all edging as soon as possible after the screeding. Work large aggregate particles that are near
the edge into the concrete. Repeat the edging when the concrete is starting to obtain its initial set.
Concrete reworked will produce defective surfaces.
Surfaces of sections such as culvert walls and columns require very little finishing. Float the
surface and remove any laitance accumulating at the surface. Properly finish the surface to provide
for the next section placed on it.
After each operation or section of work is completed, inspect it and have the Contractor correct the
defects to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Contractor shall correct the defects that reflect poor
workmanship by improved operations.
One of the most important steps in concrete paving is the method used to prevent loss of mix water.
Moisture is maintained in the concrete for the following reasons:
Facilitate hydration
Prevent surface (map) cracking
Allow the concrete to reach its design strength
The cure is applied when the finishing of an area is complete. If the texturing went well, it is time
to cure. Begin cure application when the original sheen has nearly disappeared. When weather
conditions exist that make the decision when to spray difficult, it is better to spray too early rather
than too late.
A minimum curing period of at least 3 days at about 15 to 20C (60 to 70F) is necessary to give
the concrete an ability to attain its potential strength. For adequate curing, the concrete must
remain moist and have favorable temperature conditions. Standard practice includes several
methods of moisture and temperature control. Check the Specification 2301.3M to determine the
specific requirements.
Figure A 5-694.680
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.681
5-694.681 WET BURLAP
Burlap is often used for curing culverts and bridges. It is required to pre-wet burlap and maintain
in a moist condition; otherwise, it will tend to remove moisture from the concrete. Evaporation of
water from the burlap has a cooling effect, which is desirable in hot weather but is objectionable
when air temperatures are below 10C (50F). Confirm that the burlap is securely tied or weighted
down so the concrete will remain covered at all times.
These materials are generally used as an alternate to curing membranes or to protect the surface
from rain or frost. No tears and holes are allowed in the material at the time of use. The
Contractor must place the material at the correct time and place continuously with the phase of
concrete placement. If the material is placed too soon, it will mar the surface. When it is placed
after final set has occurred, too much moisture is lost from the concrete. Make sure the sheets are
securely placed. See Figure A 5-694.682 for an example of curing with plastic on a bridge deck.
Figure A 5-694.682
This is the most widely used form of cure. Curing membranes are pre-approved by the Mn/DOT
Office of Materials Laboratory. Verify the membrane-curing compound is approved for use by
contacting the Mn/DOT Cement and Soils Lab at 651-779-5556. Review the Specifications and
Special Provisions to determine which curing compound is required for the particular construction
and the time of year. Specification changes preclude the use of water-based curing compounds.
The surface is sprayed with curing compounds to prevent evaporation of mix water. Standard
curing materials used include both white-pigmented cure and plastic sheets (in case of rain).
Curing compounds are visible when applied and provide an opportunity to determine uniformity of
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.684
Thoroughly mix and continually agitate curing compounds. Larger projects utilize bulk delivery
and storage. The bulk storage is normally air agitated, and the spray machine tank is stirred with
electrically driven paddles. Smaller deliveries are usually in barrels.
Preparing and maintaining the cure-spraying machine includes flushing the nozzles before
operating. Most texturing machines have shields or hoods that shelter the nozzle application
operation to prevent spray drift, especially in windy conditions. See Figure A 5-694.683 for an
example of a curing cart on a concrete paving project.
Figure A 5-694.683
Specifications require that the concrete is covered with at least the minimum quantity of
membrane, normally specified as m2/L (ft.2/gal.) of compound. Inspectors should verify the rate of
application and record the test data. It is desirable to spray in both directions so the membrane will
get into all depressions and around all particles. Be sure to apply the cure to the vertical slab
edges. Re-spray any damaged areas and check that no areas are left uncoated. Cure the edges of
the pavement as soon as possible after form removal.
Certain items of work require that the concrete is given a coating of material to further protect it.
Normally this material is a concrete treating oil, but other materials are also specified. Use only
the material listed in the Specifications or Special Provisions. The treatment is used to provide
additional protection to the surface from scaling. Concrete scaling is caused by freezing and
thawing, by the application of salts, or by a combination of both.
Only apply the concrete treating oil when the concrete is dry so it will penetrate as far as possible
into the concrete. It is preferable to apply it on a clear, warm day. Apply in two separate
applications, the second application is delayed until the first completely absorbs into the concrete.
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.690 (1)
After completion of the initial curing period and prior to the opening of the roadway to traffic, the
Contractor shall test the pavement surface for surface smoothness and ride quality. The profile
index is used for measurement of pavement smoothness and for acceptance and payment on most
concrete paving projects. Profile Index is calculated according to California Test Method 526.
A. Surface Smoothness
Surface Smoothness shall be measured with a 7.62 m (25 foot) California type profilograph, or a
Lightweight Inertial Profiler (IP), which produces a profilogram (profile trace of the surface
tested). See Figure A 5-694.690 for an example of a California Profilograph and Figure B 5-
694.690 for an example of a Lightweight Inertial Profiler. The Contractor shall furnish a properly
calibrated, documented and certified 7.62 m (25 foot) wheel base, California type, computerized
profilograph or Lightweight Inertial Profiler (IP) and competent operator to measure pavement
surface deviations in the longitudinal direction. The computer shall generate a profile index, using
a 5.08 mm (0.2 inch) blanking band and the required bump threshold based upon the speed limit of
the segment, to identify must grind locations.
In the longitudinal direction, determine deviations according to California Test Method 526. In the
transverse direction, determine deviations using a 0.9144 m (3 foot) straightedge. See Figure C 5-
694.690 for an example of a 3 foot straightedge.
Figure A 5-694.690
Figure B 5-694.690
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.690 (2)
Figure C 5-694.690
B. Ride Quality
The Engineer will determine the final ride quality based on the results of the California
profilograph or Lightweight Inertial Profiler data.
Only bridge surfaces, bridge approach panels, and pavements within 75 m (250 feet) of a terminal
header, not adjacent to a paved surface, are exempt from ride quality requirements.
Certified smoothness-measuring devices are required by Contract, for evaluating final mainline
smoothness on Agency concrete paving projects. The procedure for certification of smoothness
measuring devices is on file in the Mn/DOT Concrete Engineering Unit. Regardless of when a
smoothness device is certified, the certification is only valid for the remainder of the same calendar
year. A decal is issued to each smoothness device and is displayed on the device in an obvious
location at all times the device is present on an Agency construction project.
Certification does not eliminate the need for daily calibration of the smoothness device on the
project site.
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.691 (1)
It is standard practice to drill and test cores from finished concrete pavements. Concrete base, curb
and gutter work, sidewalks, and bridge construction may also require coring. These cores are taken
to determine the thickness of the pavement and the concrete strength. They are sent to the
Mn/DOT Office of Materials to determine their height. This verifies the thickness of the pavement
for compliance with Specification 2301.3P2.
Cores are tested for compressive strengths at an age of 60 days. In specialized cases, cores are
tested for durability by measuring their resistance to freezing and thawing. The Project Engineer is
responsible for determining coring locations for paving. The Project Engineer arranges to have the
core locations marked on the pavement for the guidance of the Contractors core driller. The
locations are determined using a random number table. See Figure A 5-694.691 for a random
number table. Mainline pavement is divided into 1500 m (5000 ft.) sections as specified in
2301.3P2. Each section requires 1 core every 300 m (1000 ft.) per lane. Therefore, a standard 8.2
m (27 ft.) wide roadway requires 10 cores per 1500 m (5000 ft.), 5 in each lane. Turn lanes,
bypass lanes, tied shoulders and third lanes are separated into their own sections.
It frequently happens that the list location of a core coincides with that of a joint or manhole. In
these cases, the Engineer is to shift the core location so that it is not drilled closer than 1.5 m (5 ft.)
from the joint or manhole. The Engineer then records the revised location on the list.
Mark core locations by painting a 150 mm (6 in.) circle. The station location is painted alongside
the circle. After the core is drilled, the drill operator will mark the core number on the top and the
station number on the side.
The Agency shall field measure the core thickness and compare to the required thickness. If any
core thickness is short by more than the tolerances allowed in Specification 2301.3P2, the
Contractor shall take additional cores to find the extent of the thin pavement. It is best to measure
the core thickness soon after it is taken so any additional cores, if required, are taken while the
equipment is still at the project.
The Agency should check the cores against the list and see that all cores are properly marked
before the driller leaves the project. Results of the tests obtained from the cores are furnished to
the Project Engineer.
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.691 (2)
Figure A 5-694.691
September 1, 2003 CONCRETE MANUAL 5-694.691 (3)
Step 1- Divide project into 1500 m (5000 ft.) sections.
Step 2- Divide project into 300 m (1000 ft.) sections.
Step 3- Calculate the number of cores required in each subsection.
BEGIN 1000 ft. 1000 ft. 1000 ft. 1000 ft. END
3958+00 2 3968+00 2 3978+00 2 3988+00 2 3998+00 2 4008+00
4008+00 2 4018+00 2 4028+00 2 4038+00 2 4048+00 2 4058+00
4058+00 2 4068+00 2 4078+00 2 4088+00 2 4098+00 2 4108+00
4108+00 2 4118+00 2 4128+00 2 4138+00 2 4148+00 2 4158+00
4158+00 2 4168+00 2 4178+00 2 4188+00 2 4198+00 2 4208+00
4208+00 2 4218+00 2 4228+00 2 4238+00 2 4248+00 2 4258+00
4258+00 2 4268+00 2 4278+00 2 4288+00 2 4298+00 2 4308+00
4308+00 2 4318+00 2 4325+86
Where 2 = Number of Cores Required in this case.
Total cores required is 74 - 7 full sections with 10 per section and 4 for the remaining section.
Step 4- Use a random number system to choose the station and location of each core. Alternate Left and Right.
Started with 0.62 and 0.33 on random number chart. Use numbers as decimal (i.e. 6.2 and 3.3). The first number is
added for stations and the second is position from centerline.
3958+00 plus 6.2 6 Stations = 3964+20
3.3 rounds to 3 feet
1. Figure A 5-694.603, Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures, 14th Edition, Portland Cement
Association, 2002.
2. Figure B 5-694.603, Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures, 14th Edition, Portland Cement
Association, 2002.
3. Section 5-694.630 through 5-694.657, FHWA HI-02-018, NHI Course 13133 - Construction of
Portland Cement Concrete Pavements, American Concrete Pavement Association, 2000.