EUR Doc 001 - EANPG Handbook (En) - Edition 1, Amd 1

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International Civil Aviation Organization


EUR Doc 001


First Edition - 2013

Amendment 1 January 2015

Prepared by the ICAO European and North Atlantic Office, on behalf of the EANPG

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

European and North Atlantic (EUR/NAT) Office
3 bis, Villa Emile Bergerat
92522, Neuilly-sur-Seine CEDEX

e-mail :
Tel : +33 1 46 41 85 85
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EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook

RECORD OF AMENDMENTS........................................................................................................................ II
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 1
EANPG WORKING STRUCTURE ................................................................................................................. 2
Working arrangements of the EANPG and its Contributory Groups ......................................................................... 3
Guidelines for Chairperson/Vice-Chairperson of the EANPG and its Contributory Groups .................................... 3
Calendar of nomination/review of Chairpersons/Vice-Chairpersons of the EANPG and its Contributory Groups .. 4
EUROPEAN AIR NAVIGATION PLANNING GROUP (EANPG) ............................................................... 5
EANPG PROGRAMME COORDINATING GROUP (COG) ......................................................................... 9
EANPG CONTRIBUTORY BODIES ............................................................................................................ 12
AERONAUTICAL FIXED SERVICES GROUP (AFSG).......................................................................... 14
..................................................................................................................................................................... 15
ALL-WEATHER OPERATIONS GROUP (AWOG) ................................................................................. 17
FREQUENCY MANAGEMENT GROUP (FMG) ..................................................................................... 19
METEOROLOGY GROUP (METG).......................................................................................................... 21
COG TASK FORCES ..................................................................................................................................... 27
COG AIM TASK FORCE ........................................................................................................................... 27
COG PBN TASK FORCE ........................................................................................................................... 28
..................................................................................................................................................................... 30
COG MET/ATM TASK FORCE................................................................................................................. 31
COG PERFORMANCE TASK FORCE ..................................................................................................... 32
EUROPEAN SEARCH AND RESCUE TASK FORCE (EURSAR/TF) ................................................... 34
(EUR/NAT VOLCEX SG) .......................................................................................................................... 35
REGION (EUR (EAST) VOLCEX) ............................................................................................................ 36
REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION .............................................................................................................. 37
ISSUE OF AND AMENDMENT OF EUR DOCUMENTS ...................................................................................... 37





First Edition i Amendment 1-January 2015

EANPG Handbook


As of November 2013, the EANPG Handbook is published as EUR Doc 001

1st Edition, November 2013 introduced the following changes
EANPG Conclusion 55/29 refers:
update the Terms of Reference of the EANPG to include the requirement to coordinate with
RASG-EUR on safety issues;
update concerning management of EUR Documents promulgated by the EANPG
updated working arrangements of the EANPG and its Contributory Groups regarding
elections of Chairpersons/Vice-Chairpersons
EANPG Decision 55/02 refers:
Calendar of nomination/review of Chairpersons/Vice-Chairpersons of the EANPG and its
Contributory Groups
Amendment 1, January 2015 introduced the following changes
EANPG Conclusion 56/36 refers:
editorial updates to the diagram showing the EANPG Working Structure, Objectives,
Terms of Reference, Composition and Working methods and effectiveness of the EANPG;
update to the Mandate of the COG;
editorial updates to the General work and Work Programme of the EANPG Contributory
replacement of the Terms of Reference of the COG Task Force on Training by Terms of
Reference of COG Task Force on Language Proficiency Requirements Implementation
update of format of the List of EUR Documents and the Responsible Groups for their
Maintenance; and
other editorial updates such as inclusion of the Terms of References of the COG
Performance Task Force and VOLCEX Steering Groups (EUR/NAT and East).
EANPG Decision 56/03 refers:
Updates to the Composition of the METG.
EANPG Decision 56/08 refers:
Terms of Reference of the EUR SAR Task Force (EURSAR/TF).

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EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook


In 1971 the Sixth European-Mediterranean Regional Air Navigation (RAN) Meeting recommended the
establishment of a European Air Navigation Planning Group. In 1972 the Council of ICAO set up the
EANPG and established in detail its functions, position in ICAO, composition and the guidelines which
should govern its working methods, including relations with States.
The Special European Regional Air Navigation Meeting (SP RAN) held in Paris in 1980 entrusted the
function of the required regional planning and co-ordinating organ to the EANPG as the already existing
Regional Planning Group for the EUR Region. The SP RAN Meeting agreed on the structure and
presentation of the EUR Regional Plan, as well as its overall management, and recommended a trial
application of the new regional planning processes.
The Seventh Regional Air Navigation Meeting held in Malaga in 1985 reviewed the outcome of the trial and
recommended the permanent application of the new regional processes. It also confirmed the role of the
EANPG in its Regional Plan management function on a permanent basis.
The Special European Regional Air Navigation Meeting in Vienna in September 1994 agreed that the
efficiency of the EANPG would be significantly enhanced through modified objectives and composition and
the clarification of its main functions on the basis of its terms of reference.
In order to meet these new challenges EANPG/37 (Paris 12-15 September 1995) created the EANPG
Programme Coordinating Group (COG) to assist the EANPG Chairman and the ICAO Secretariat to
facilitate and coordinate the work of the EANPG between its meetings, avoid duplication of work in any
form and maintain a dialogue with other regions.
The purpose of the handbook is to serve as a reference document to provide an overview of the role and
organization of the EANPG and its different groups. The handbook will be helpful to States and international
organizations when planning and managing the resources for participation in the work.
The handbook will be updated from time to time in the light of relevant changes and developments.

Chairman of the EANPG

First Edition 1 Amendment 1- January 2015

EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook



European Organisations
Chairman European Commission
Secretariat EASA

Multi Regional Bodies

AFSG* (reporting to all the Regional Planning Groups)
AIM* World Area Forecast System Operations Group
Task Forces and Steering Groups

SADIS Operations Group (SADISOPSG)

ATMGE* EUR SAR* SADIS Cost-Recovery Administrative Group

Contributory bodies

International Airways Volcano Watch Operations

Note: Structure of MET global groups to be
AWOG* determined in 2015
Trans-Regional Airspace and Supporting ATM
METATM* Systems Steering Group (TRASAS)

The EANPG usually has the listed
PBN* contributory bodies and task
forces to carry out detailed
technical work on its agreed tasks.

METG* PERFORMANCE The way in which the contributory

bodies operate is described on
page 12 of this handbook.

The current list of EANPG

EUR/NAT VOLCEX* agreed tasks is published as an
RDGE* attachment to each EANPG


* AFSG Aeronautical Fixed Services Group

AIM Aeronautical Information Management
ATMGE Air Traffic Management Group Eastern Part of the ICAO EUR Region
AWOG All Weather Operations Group
COG EANPG Programme Coordinating Group
EANPG European Air Navigation Planning Group
EUR SAR European Search and Rescue Task Force
FMG Frequency Management Group
LPRI Language Proficiency Requirements Implementation
METG Meteorology Group
METATM Meteorology/Air Traffic Management Task Force
PBN Performance Based Navigation Task Force
RDGE Route Development Group Eastern Part of the ICAO EUR Region
EUR/NAT VOLCEX/SG European and North Atlantic Volcanic Ash Exercises Steering Group
EUR (EAST) VOLCEX/SG Volcanic Ash Exercises Steering Group for the (far) Eastern part of the EUR Region

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EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook


(Approved at EANPG/55 November 2013)

Working arrangements of the EANPG and its Contributory Groups

Chairperson The Chairperson facilitates the work of the meeting so as to encourage consensus or clearly
identify barriers to consensus. The tasks of the Chairperson include ensuring the efficient conduct of the
meeting, ensuring that the tasks associated with the work programme are addressed or reported upon during the
course of the meeting. The Chairperson may make decisions regarding the conduct of the meeting and, in cases
where it is not possible to reach consensus, determine the recommendation(s) that will be made by the meeting.

Vice-Chairperson The Vice-Chairperson will be called upon to preside over the meeting should
circumstances prevent the Chairperson from being present at the meeting. The Vice-Chairperson may also be
requested to support the Chairperson in his/her role, taking over some of the Chairpersons work load whenever
appropriate. The Vice-Chairperson does not automatically succeed as chairperson at the conclusion of the term
of the incumbent Chairperson.

Elections of Chairperson/Vice-Chairpersons An election of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson shall take

place every four years, even if no new candidates are proposed. Nominations of candidates must be
submitted to the EUR/NAT Office of ICAO and be promulgated by the EUR/NAT Office of ICAO to the
members of the Group/Task Force concerned by e-mail two months before the meeting of the Group/Task
Force. Candidates for election to the post of Chairperson/Vice-Chairperson for EANPG/COG must be from
a member State and nominated by a member of the Group and seconded by another member of the Group.
Candidates for election to the post of Chairperson/Vice-Chairperson for Contributory Bodies must be from a
member of the Group/Task Force and nominated by a member of the Group/Task Force and seconded by
another member of the Group/Task Force. The Group/Task Force shall elect the Chairperson/Vice-
Chairperson from the list of candidates by vote at the meeting.

The results of the election shall be presented to and confirmed by the parent Group (EANPG or COG). The
parent Group also decides on the date when the Chairperson/Vice-Chairperson will assume their functions.

In order to maintain, to the extent possible, continuity and stability in addressing work programmes, efforts
should be made to avoid too regular changes in Chairpersons.

Guidelines for Chairperson/Vice-Chairperson of the EANPG and its Contributory Groups

1. Personal qualities:
good communicator and listener;
impartial and objective;
able to speak clearly and succinctly;
able to draw together and summarise differing opinions;
punctual - start and finish on time;
sensitive and shows interest in member's viewpoints;
tactful and approachable; and
clear sense of direction and accountability - ensures that tasks associated with the work programme
are addressed and reported upon.

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EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook

2. Professional background:
extensive experience in a civil aviation authority, airport, airline, air navigation services or similar
aviation-related organization;
practical experience in the planning and administration of civil aviation programmes rising to an
executive level of responsibility; and
have a good understanding of ICAOs role.
3. Experience with the EANPG and its Contributory Bodies:
have participated and contributed to work of the Group/Task Force for a minimum of 4 meetings;
have a clear understanding of and adhere to the terms of reference of the Group/Task Force; and
have sound knowledge of the EANPG working and reporting structure.

Calendar of nomination/review of Chairpersons/Vice-Chairpersons of the EANPG and its

Contributory Groups

(EANPG Decision 55/02 refers)


EANPG 1 per year 2017 2021 EANPG
COG 3 per year As per EANPG
AFSG 1 per year 2015 2019 EANPG
ATMGE 2 per year Fall 2014 Fall 2018 EANPG
AWOG 1 per year Fall 2015 Fall 2019 EANPG
FMG 2 per year 2014 2018 EANPG
METG 1 per year 2016 2020 EANPG
RDGE 2 per year Fall 2014 Fall 2018 EANPG

COG AIM TF* 2 per year Fall 2016 Fall 2020 COG
COG LPRI TF 2 per year Fall 2015 Fall 2019 COG
COG MET ATM TF 1 per year 2014 2018 COG
COG PBN TF 2 per year Fall 2014 Fall 2018 COG
COG Performance TF 3 per year Fall 2016 Fall 2020 COG
VOLCEX SG 1 per year 2015 2019 COG
EUR-EAST VOLCEX SG 1 per year 2016 2020 COG


Only Chairperson

Only Chairperson

Elections of Co-Chairpersons ATM and MET instead of Chairperson/Vice-Chairperson

Only Chairperson

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EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook



The European Air Navigation Planning Group (EANPG) was established by the ICAO Council
(Recommendation 1/1 SP EUR 1994 (Doc 9639)).


The objectives of the ICAO European Air Navigation Planning Group are:

a) to ensure that air navigation system development plans and action within the EUR Region
remain coherent and remain compatible with those of the adjacent ICAO Regions and with the
ICAO global plan and world-wide provisions; and that these be appropriately reflected in the
EUR Regional Air Navigation Plan (eANP);
b) to manage the ICAO Air Navigation Plan - European Region (EUR eANP) (ICAO Doc 7754)
and related documentation and to facilitate the implementation of the international operational
requirements contained therein;
c) to promote and facilitate the harmonisation and co-ordination of the air navigation related
programmes of other international organisations such as the European Commission (EC), the
European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC), EUROCONTROL, the Interstate Aviation
Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States (IAC/CIS) (within the framework of
functions and authority voluntarily delegated by the States of the CIS) including the activities
of States and State groupings in the Central, Eastern and Far Eastern Parts of the EUR Region;
d) to ensure the coherence of the EUR aviation system at regional interfaces with aviation systems
of adjacent regions (NAT, NAM, AFI, MID, ASIA and PAC), in line with the ICAO global
plans established for that purpose;
e) to assist States or State groupings in their planning and implementation efforts, if and when

Terms of Reference

(Revised to reflect C-WP/13135, C 183/9 on 18 March 2008 and PRES RK/1560 dated 30 June 2008)

The terms of reference of the EANPG are as follows:

a) ensure the continuous and coherent development of the European Air Navigation Plan and other
relevant regional documentation in a manner that is harmonized with adjacent regions and
consistent with global requirements;
Note: The successful execution of this item presupposes timely promulgation by ICAO of the
EUR Regional Air Navigation Plan, the Regional SUPPs (Doc 7030) and related material,
including the amendment thereto.
b) develop amendment proposals for the update of the European Air Navigation Plan necessary to
satisfy any changes in the requirements, thus removing the need for regular regional air
navigation meetings;
c) provide input to the work of appropriate ICAO bodies in the field of air navigation;

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EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook

d) monitor implementation of air navigation facilities and services and, where necessary, ensure
harmonization, taking due account of cost/benefit analyses, business case development,
environmental benefits and financing issues;
e) ensure the conduct of any necessary systems performance monitoring, identify specific
problems in the Air Navigation field, especially in the context of safety and security, and
propose action aimed at solving any identified problems;
f) ensure close cooperation with relevant organizations and State groupings to optimize the use of
available expertise and resources;
g) identify possible safety threats and consequently develop, in coordination with the European
Regional Aviation Safety Group (RASG EUR), as needed, safety analysis that would result in
the allocation of priorities in line with the Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP);
h) ensure the development and implementation of an action plan by States to resolve identified air
navigation deficiencies, where necessary; and
i) conduct the above activities in the most efficient manner possible, with a minimum of formality
and documentation, and call meetings of the EANPG only when required, commensurate with
developments in the aeronautical field and with progress of the work of the Group.
Note: At this time (2015) the ideal meeting cycle for the EANPG is once per year in order to
maintain full control over the work programme. This cycle will be reviewed by the EANPG at
each of its meetings in light of work progress and emerging issues, as well as in response to air
navigation issues and implementation needs.


All ICAO Contracting States who are service providers in the EUR air navigation region and part of
EUR eANP. User States are entitled to participate in EANPG meetings as non-members.
International organizations recognized by the Council may be invited as necessary to attend EANPG
meetings as observers.

Composition of the EANPG

The EANPG is composed of all States providing air navigation services in the ICAO European
Region. However, a group of States may choose to have a common representation.
The following international organizations may be invited to participate on a regular basis: ACI,

Working methods and effectiveness of the EANPG


The ICAO European Air Navigation Planning Group shall appoint a Chairman and Vice-Chairmen.
The Chairman, in close cooperation with the ICAO Representative, European and North Atlantic
Office, shall make necessary arrangements for the most efficient working of the Group. One of the
prerequisites in this respect is that the Group shall at all times work with a minimum of formality and
paperwork. In the interval between meetings of the Group, the representatives shall maintain
continuity in the work of the Group. This may take the form of assignment of specific tasks to
selected individual representatives and/or the formation of small ad hoc task forces to perform
studies or prepare supporting material on defined subjects for consideration by the Group as a whole.
Best advantage should be taken of modern communications methods, particularly electronic mail, to
keep the Members and the Secretary in permanent touch with each other.

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EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook

Regional Coordination

Cognizant of the repeated calls of the ICAO Assembly for increasing effectiveness of the Organization;
and realizing the importance of ICAO's role in the evolving EUR Regional and global aeronautical
contexts; and aware that significant increases of ICAO Regional Office resources may not be expected
in the near future:
i) the EANPG, commensurate with the ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan, as well as other relevant
ICAO worldwide and regional provisions, shall establish and maintain a comprehensive plan of
goals to be achieved, against which the work programmes and the progress of work of the
supporting contributory bodies can be established, measured, approved and directed;
ii) the Chairman and the Secretary of the EANPG shall take all necessary steps to establish and
maintain closest relationship with relevant international and sub-regional organizations in all
pertinent fields of aviation activity to ensure optimisation of capacity and efficient development of
iii) along the above lines, and in order to enhance the transparency and efficiency of coordination of
their respective activities in the air navigation field for the benefit of States and international
organizations, ICAO and EUROCONTROL should continuously identify ways and means to
effectively implement the Agreement signed in 1996 between the two organizations; and
iv) the EANPG, shall ensure coordination with the European Regional Aviation Safety Group
(RASG-EUR) on safety issues and accordingly, the Chairperson of the European Regional
Aviation Safety Group (RASG-EUR) shall be invited to participate in and contribute to the work
of the EANPG.

Secretarial support

The European and North Atlantic Office of ICAO shall provide necessary secretarial assistance to
the Group and serve as its communication link with all interested parties. It shall be equipped with
adequate communications means to fulfil this task.
In order to achieve this:
a) the Agenda for the meeting of the EANPG should be limited to those items which are
sufficiently mature for an EANPG Decision or Conclusion;
b) documentation submitted for action by the EANPG by States, International Organizations, and
the EANPG contributory bodies, should always include a concrete and substantiated proposal
for a Conclusion or a Decision for the EANPG to be endorsed, amended or rejected as the case
may be;
c) such documentation should be sent well in advance to enable the participants in the EANPG to
carry out the necessary internal coordination in order to be in a position to express their
States/organizations' view at the time of the meeting;
d) the EANPG should refrain from considering in detail reports of contributory bodies and from re-
tracing discussions already held elsewhere;
e) the duration of the meeting is, in general, limited to three days;
f) the meeting will approve in session the Conclusions, Decisions and Statements of the meeting,
including a short lead-in text for better understanding; and, as a last item, an indication will be
added to each EANPG Conclusion and Decision, as to which earlier Conclusion(s)/Decision(s)
are replaced, if applicable; and
g) the full report will be completed by the Secretary and approved by the Chairman for
transmission within four weeks after the end of the meeting.

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EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook

To enable the work of the EANPG to continue between meetings, Conclusions and Decisions can be
agreed to by correspondence. The procedure will be that Members will be sent the draft proposal by
e-mail. The usual ICAO silent procedure, where no response indicates agreement, will apply.

Meeting Documentation

The following documentation, including proposed action as required, may be presented by COG,
States, International Organizations or the Secretariat:

Working Papers normally contain material with a draft decision, conclusion or inviting action
by the meeting.

Information Papers are submitted in order to provide the meeting with information on which
no action is required and will normally not be discussed at the meeting.

Flimsies are documentation prepared on an ad hoc basis in the course of a meeting with the
purpose to assist the meeting in the discussion on a specific matter or in the drafting of a text for
a Conclusion or Decision.

Meeting Output

Conclusions deal with matters which, in accordance with the Group's terms of reference, merit
directly the attention of States or on which further action will be initiated by ICAO in
accordance with established procedures.

Decisions deal with matters of concern only to the EANPG and its contributory bodies.

Note: in order to qualify as such, a Decision or a Conclusion shall be able to respond clearly to the
4W criterion (What, Why, Who and When)

Statements deal with a position reached by consensus regarding a subject without a

requirement for specific follow-up activities.


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EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook

EANPG Programme Coordinating Group (COG)


The COG was established by EANPG/37 according to the following Decision 37/26
Creation of an EANPG Programme Coordinating Group (COG)
a) an EANPG Programme Coordinating Group (EANPG-COG) be established to facilitate the on-
going work undertaken within the EANPG framework, and to assist the Chairman and the
Secretariat and to expedite follow-up work of the EANPG and its working groups between
plenary meetings, taking into account the work undertaken by other bodies active in the air
navigation field in the EUR Region as well as in adjacent Regions and to ensure that
duplication of work does not occur;
b) the EANPG-COG be composed of the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the EANPG,
Representatives from Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy*, Portugal, Russian Federation,
Spain, United Kingdom, United States, as well as from relevant State groupings (e.g. Nordic
States, Benelux States, Baltic States), a representative of the grouping of States composed of
Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine**, and International
Organizations (IAC **, CEC, EUROCONTROL, IACA, IATA);
c) the EANPG-COG invite additional State representatives in those cases when it may discuss
matters of particular concern to them;
d) preview draft Conclusions and Decisions emerging from the work of EANPG working groups
and other input for the attention of the EANPG;
e) prepare and refine EANPG material to assist and guide the ICAO Secretariat in its work in
support of the EANPG; and
f) carry out specific tasks given to it by the EANPG to advance its work at the required speed.

* EANPG Decision 43/42 Expansion of the membership of COG to include Italy

** EANPG Decision 44/13 additional participation of Grouping of States and IAC
(EANPG Decision 43/2 - Mandate of the EANPG Programme Coordinating Group (COG) refers)
That the EANPG Programme Coordinating Group:

a) execute its pivotal function as a coordinating and steering organ with highest possible efficiency
in accordance with the goals set by the EANPG;
b) direct the work programmes and tasks of contributory bodies in the best manner commensurate
with the overall EANPG work programme;
c) ensure that contributory bodies have clearly defined tasks, deliverables and target dates in line
with the goals of the EANPG;
d) review the reports made to COG by the contributory bodies to provide guidance to these bodies
as may be necessary and to determine which subjects have matured for submission to the
EANPG for conclusion and/or decision; and

EANPG/43 decided to expand the membership of COG and include Italy (EANPG Decision 43/42)
EANPG Decision 44/13 additional participation of Grouping of States and IAC

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EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook

e) when specifically determined by the EANPG, the COG may be mandated to reach decisions on
specific matters (paragraph 7.1.3, EANPG/56 Report refers).

As (a), (d), (e) and (f) of the above EANPG Decision 37/26

Major Tasks

To assist the chairman of the EANPG and the Secretariat in particular:

a) to prepare the agenda for EANPG meetings, including the background notes;
b) to prepare the list of working/information papers that could be expected to be sufficiently
mature for submission to the EANPG;
c) to provide guidance in the preparation of the documentation for EANPG meetings;
d) to coordinate and harmonize the work of the contributory bodies of the EANPG;
e) to review outstanding shortcomings and deficiencies in accordance with the Council approved
Uniform Methodology, and
f) in doing so, best advantage will be taken of modern communications methods, particularly
electronic mail, facsimile, etc. to keep the Members and the Secretary in permanent touch with
each other.
Composition As (b) of the above EANPG Decisions 37/26, 43/42 and 44/13.

That the EANPG Programme Coordinating Group (EANPG-COG):

a) facilitate the on-going work undertaken within the EANPG framework, assist the Chairman and
the Secretariat to expedite follow-up work of the EANPG and its contributory bodies between
plenary meetings, taking into account the work undertaken by other bodies active in the air
navigation field in the EUR Region as well as in adjacent Regions, and ensure that duplication
of work does not occur;
b) execute its pivotal function as a coordinating and steering organ with highest possible efficiency
in accordance with the goals set by the EANPG;
c) carry out specific tasks given to it by the EANPG to advance its work at the required speed;
d) review outstanding deficiencies in accordance with the Council approved Uniform Methodology
(Appendix A refers);
e) ensure that the work programme of the EANPG and the tasks assigned to its contributory bodies
cover all air navigation planning and implementation aspects of the entire EUR Region;
f) direct the work of contributory bodies in the best manner commensurate with the overall
EANPG work programme, with clearly defined tasks, deliverables and target dates;
g) prepare the Agenda for EANPG meetings, including the background notes;
h) preview draft Conclusions and Decisions emerging from the work of EANPG contributory
bodies and other input for the attention of the EANPG;
i) prepare and refine EANPG working/information papers to assist and guide the ICAO Secretariat
in its work in support of the EANPG, and
j) in doing so, best advantage will be taken of modern communications methods, particularly
electronic mail, to keep the Members and the Secretary in permanent touch with each other.

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EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook

That the EANPG Programme Coordinating Group (EANPG-COG):

a) be composed of the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the EANPG, Representatives from Czech
Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Russian Federation, Spain, United Kingdom,
United States, as well as from relevant State groupings (e.g. Nordic States, Benelux States,
Baltic States, etc.), a representative of the grouping of States composed of Azerbaijan, Georgia,
Kazakhstan, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine and International Organizations (CEC, IAC/CIS,
b) invite additional State representatives in those cases when it may discuss matters of particular
concern to them.


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EANPG contributory bodies are created to discharge the EANPG Work Programme by working on
defined subjects requiring detailed technical expertise as mandated by the COG.

A contributory body shall only be formed when it has been clearly established that it is able to make
a substantial contribution to the required work.

A contributory body will be dissolved when it has completed its assigned tasks, or if the tasks cannot
be usefully continued. The allocation of tasks may also need to be reviewed if the work required is
adequately covered by other bodies.

Terms of Reference, Task Lists and working methods

A contributory body shall be given terms of reference, a list of tasks with clear and concise
deliverables and dates for completion. The terms of reference of the contributory bodies are part of
this handbook.

At each of their meetings, the contributory bodies should review the continued validity of their
respective list of tasks and advise COG of any proposed changes that may be required.

Any output of a contributory body that is mature enough for discussion and action by the EANPG
shall be presented, through the COG, in a Working Paper with the necessary draft Conclusions
and/or Decisions.

Work Programme

To ensure that the objectives are met in accordance with the TORs, each contributory body shall
conduct its work according to a Work Programme endorsed by EANPG and kept under review by
EANPG COG. The following are the main principles to be followed in setting up the work

a) he work programme shall be composed of tasks and projects with clearly identified
deliverables, target dates and responsibilities;
b) The tasks/projects should cover the main implementation domains related to TORs of the
contributory body concerned, subject to the Regional planning and implementation processes;
c) The progress on the tasks/projects should be reviewed regularly by the contributory bodies and
reported to COG and EANPG to ensure that the target dates are met and the deliverables are of
required quality;
d) To facilitate the execution of its work programme, each contributory body may set up temporary
working arrangements in the form of working sub-groups, study groups, task force and project
teams, if and when required, charge them with specific tasks and define target dates for the
completion. These bodies shall work under the guidance of and in a close coordination with the
ICAO EUR/NAT Secretariat in the most time effective and result oriented way, with as few
formalities as possible, and preferably by means of electronic communications. These bodies are
dissolved after completion of the task(s);

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e) A detailed contributory body Task List providing a list of actions aimed to fulfil the objectives
of the work programme should be included in the latest contributory body Summary of

Composition and Status

The composition of a contributory body shall be kept as small as possible, however all States,
whether or not member of the EANPG, and ICAO recognized international organizations likely to
make valid contributions are given the opportunity to participate in essential work programme issues.
Contributory body participants have the status and role only of technical experts, nominated by their
State or ICAO recognized international organizations. They do not represent their State or
organization in any formal way, and work on behalf of the EANPG.


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Establishment 1997 - EANPG Decision 39/35

Terms of reference

The Aeronautical Fixed Services Group (AFSG) is established by EANPG to pursue the tasks and
issues related to Aeronautical Fixed Service (AFS) in support to the relevant ICAO Strategic
Objectives with the following TORs:

a) Ensure the continuous and coherent development of the relevant sections of the European
eANP, Regional Supplementary Procedures (SUPPS) (Doc 7030) and other relevant Regional
documents, including EUR Doc 005 EUR CIDIN Manual, EUR Doc 020 AMHS Manual
and EUR Doc 021 ATS Messaging Management Manual, taking into account the evolving
operational requirements in the EUR Region and the need for harmonization with the adjacent
regions in compliance with the Global Air Navigation Plan (Doc 9754);
b) Monitor and coordinate implementation of the relevant ICAO SARPs and regional procedures,
facilities and services by the EUR States and where necessary ensure harmonization, taking due
account of financial and institutional issues;
c) Identify any deficiencies in the AFS related matters in the EUR Region and ensure the
development and implementation of relevant action plans by the States to resolve them;
d) Foster implementation by facilitating the exchange of know-how and transfer of knowledge and
experience among States of the Region;
e) Provide input to the work of appropriate ICAO bodies in the field of AFS, according to the
established procedures.

Work Programme

To ensure that the objectives of AFSG are met in accordance with the TORs, the group shall conduct
its work according to a Work Programme endorsed by EANPG and kept under review by EANPG
COG. The following are the main principles to be followed in setting up the Work Programme of

a) he Work Programme shall be composed of tasks and projects with clearly identified
deliverables, target dates and responsibilities;
b) The tasks/projects should cover the main implementation domains related to AFS which are
subject to Regional planning and implementation;
c) The progress on the tasks/projects should be reviewed regularly by AFSG and reported to COG
and EANPG to ensure that the target dates are met and the deliverables are of required quality.
d) To facilitate the execution of its work programme, AFSG may set up temporary working
arrangements in the form of working sub-groups, study groups, task force and project teams, if
and when required, charge them with specific tasks and define target dates for the completion.
These bodies shall work under the guidance of and in a close coordination with the ICAO
EUR/NAT in the most time effective and result oriented way, with as fewer formalities as
possible, and preferably by means of electronic communication. These bodies are dissolved
after completion of the task(s);
e) The AFSG Work programme is an integral part of the general EANPG Work programme and is
attached to the latest EANPG Meeting report;

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f) The detailed AFSG Task List providing a broke down list of actions aimed to fulfil the
objectives of the Work programme is included in the latest AFSG Summary of Discussions.

In conducting its activities, AFSG should follow the following guidance given to the Group by the
Maintain close coordination with relevant EANPG contributory bodies to ensure harmonious
development of the EUR air navigation system as a whole;
Conduct periodic reviews and originate, as necessary, proposals for amendment of the relevant
sections of the eANP, EUR SUPPs (Doc 7030), EUR Doc 005, EUR Doc 020, EUR Doc 021;
Develop and maintain any other documentation related to the safe, secure and efficient
implementation and operation of the EUR AFS.
Seek co-ordination and harmonization with the relevant planning and implementation activities
in other ICAO Regions;
Use different techniques to monitor implementation in the States (such as, regional surveys,
monitoring exercises, regional tests and simulations, etc.) and identify deficiencies; conduct risk
analysis to prioritize the identified deficiencies and prepare proposals to EANPG to ensure the
urgent resolution of safety-related AFS deficiencies;
Identify areas where assistance to individual States or sub-regions is necessary to eliminate
deficiencies and improve harmonized implementation of the AFS through the established
mechanisms and prepare proposals thereon;
Ensure close liaison with EANPG groups and with relevant ICAO Air Navigation Commission
(ANC) panels/study groups in addressing AFS related matters; Provide feed-back received from
States on problems impeding implementation which need to be addressed by appropriate ICAO
Assist the Secretariat in developing and keeping up-to-date of Regional guidance material as
necessary to foster the implementation by the States of the global requirements and Regional
procedures on AFS related matters;
Prepare proposals and support organisation of regional seminars and workshops in the AFS field
with emphasis on implementation issues;
Coordinate Regional activities in the field of AFS; liaise closely with relevant international
organisations on issues of common interest;
Identify and refer to COG and EANPG the emerging operational and institutional issues related
to the planning and implementation of the AFS services and facilities order to ensure that such
issues are addressed in a coherent manner with the respective ICAO plans, strategies and

Composition of the AFSG

Austria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Egypt, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kuwait,
Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Moldova,
Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, Tunisia, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, EUROCONTROL and

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Establishment 2003 - EANPG Decision 45/34, ToRs revised at COG/54 in October 2012

Terms of reference

The Air Traffic Management Group Eastern Part of the ICAO Region (ATMGE) is established by
EANPG to pursue the tasks and issues related to air traffic management (ATM) in the Eastern part of
the ICAO European Region in support to the relevant ICAO Strategic Objectives with the following

a) coordination and harmonized implementation of the Aviation System Block Upgrade B0 and B1
in the 4 performance improvement areas (airport operations, globally interoperable systems &
data, optimum capacity & flexible flights, efficient flight path;
b) report of ATM-related developments in the other major disciplines of AIM, MET, AGA, CNS;
c) introduction of the performance based Air Navigation Services;
d) coordination of local, regional and inter-regional interoperability aspects;
e) exchange and analysis of significant operational ATM improvements;
f) other issues as directed by the EANPG COG.

Composition of the ATMGE

Nominated Persons from States and International Organisations, especially Armenia, Azerbaijan,
Belarus, Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland,
Republic of Moldova, Norway, Romania, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan,
Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Eurocontrol, IAC, ACI, IACA, IATA, IBAC, IFALPA, IFATCA and other
relevant aviation stakeholders.

With regard to specific regional coordination matters the following adjacent States will also be
invited: Afghanistan, China, Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, Iran, Japan, Mongolia, United
States of America.

Note: There is also the possibility to invite States and other ICAO Regional Offices for inter-regional
coordination meetings on specific ATM issues, if so necessary.

Working Procedures

ATMGE meetings with presentation and discussion of State Reports which include the Aviation
System Block Upgrade (ASBU) Block 0 module implementation status.


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Establishment 1995 - EANPG Decision 37/13, replacing the "ILS/MLS Transition Group (IMTEG)"

Terms of reference

The All-Weather Operations Group (AWOG) is established by EANPG to pursue the tasks of the
Group related to All-Weather Operations in support to the relevant ICAO Strategic Objectives with
the following TORs:

a) Ensure the implementation of the ICAO global strategy for the introduction and application of
non-visual aids for approach and landing within the EUR region;
b) Ensure the continuous and coherent development of the relevant sections of the European eANP
and other relevant regional documents, including EUR Doc 012 ILS & MLS continuity
evaluation, EUR Doc 013 AOP under limited visibility conditions, EUR Doc 015 Building
restricted areas, EUR Doc 016 ILS & MLS integrity demonstration and EUR Doc 017 AWO
transition methodology, taking into account the evolving operational requirements in the EUR
Region and the need for harmonization with the adjacent regions in compliance with the Global
Air Navigation Plan (Doc 9750, edition 3 - 2007);
c) Monitor and coordinate implementation of the relevant ICAO SARPs and regional procedures,
facilities and services by the EUR States and where necessary ensure harmonization, taking due
account of financial and institutional issues;
d) Identify any deficiencies in the all weather operations related matters in the EUR Region and
ensure the development and implementation of relevant action plans by the States to resolve
e) Foster implementation by facilitating the exchange of know-how and transfer of knowledge and
experience among States of the Region;
f) Provide input to the work of appropriate ICAO bodies in the field of All-Weather Operations,
according to the established procedures.

Work Programme

To ensure that the objectives of AWOG are met in accordance with the TORs, the group shall
conduct its work according to a Work Programme endorsed by EANPG and kept under review by
the COG. The following are the main principles to be followed in setting up the Work Programme of

a) he Work Programme shall be composed of tasks and projects with clearly identified
deliverables, target dates and responsibilities;
b) The tasks/projects should cover the main implementation domains related to AWOG which are
subject to regional planning and implementation;
c) The progress on the tasks/projects should be reviewed regularly by AWOG and reported to
COG and EANPG to ensure that the target dates are met and the deliverables are of required
d) To facilitate the execution of its work programme, AWOG may set up working sub-groups,
study groups and project teams, if and when required, charge them with specific tasks and
define target dates for their completion. After completion of their task(s), the working
groups/study groups/project teams will be dissolved.

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e) The Work Programme is included as an Attachment to the EANPG report;

f) The detailed AWOG Task List providing a break down list of all AWOG activities is included
into the AWOG plenary meeting Summary of Discussions.

In conducting its activities, AWOG should follow the following guidance given to the Group by the

Maintain close coordination with relevant EANPG contributory bodies to ensure harmonious
development of the EUR air navigation system as a whole.In addition, close coordination is
requested with the SESAR Joint Undertaking;
Conduct periodic reviews and originate, as necessary, proposals for amendment of the relevant
sections of the European eANP, EUR SUPPs (Doc 7030), EUR Doc 012 ILS & MLS
continuity evaluation, EUR Doc 013 AOP under limited visibility conditions, EUR Doc 015
Building restricted areas, EUR Doc 016 ILS & MLS integrity demonstration and EUR Doc
017 AWO transition methodology;
Assist the Secretariat in developing and keeping up-to-date of regional guidance material as
necessary to foster the implementation by the States of the global requirements and regional
procedures on the all weather operations related matters;
Seek co-ordination and harmonization with the relevant planning and implementation activities
in other ICAO Regions;
Use different techniques to monitor implementation in the States (such as, regional surveys,
monitoring exercises, regional tests and simulations, etc.) and identify deficiencies; conduct risk
analysis to prioritize the identified deficiencies and prepare proposals to EANPG to ensure the
urgent resolution of safety-related deficiencies related to the work of AWOG;
Identify areas where assistance to individual States or sub-regions is necessary to eliminate
deficiencies and improve harmonized implementation of the facilities and services required for
all-weather operations through the established mechanisms and prepare proposals thereon;
Ensure close liaison between EANPG and with relevant ANC panels/study groups in addressing
all weather operations related matters; Provide feed-back received from States on problems
impeding implementation which need to be addressed by appropriate ICAO bodies;
Prepare proposals and support organization of regional seminars and workshops in the all
weather operations field with emphasis on implementation issues;
Coordinate regional activities in the field of all weather operations; liaise closely with other
relevant international organisations on issues of common interest;
Identify and refer to EANPG emerging operational and institutional issues related to the
planning and implementation of the services and facilities related to all weather operations in
order to ensure that such issues are addressed in a coherent manner with the respective ICAO
plans, strategies and provisions.

Composition of the AWOG

Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Italy, , Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation,
Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,
Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, ACI, EC, EBAA, EUROCAE, EUROCONTROL, IACA,


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Establishment 1995 - EANPG Decision 37/2

Terms of reference

The Frequency Management Group (FMG) is established by EANPG to pursue the tasks of the
Group in the field of aeronautical frequency spectrum management in support to the relevant ICAO
Strategic Objectives with the following TORs:

a) Ensure the continuous and coherent development of the relevant sections of the European eANP
and other relevant regional documents, including EUR Doc 011 Frequency Management
Manual, taking into account the evolving operational requirements in the EUR Region and the
need for harmonization with the adjacent regions in compliance with the Global Air Navigation
b) Monitor and coordinate implementation of the relevant ICAO SARPs and regional procedures,
facilities and services by the EUR States and where necessary ensure harmonization, taking due
account of financial and institutional issues;
c) Identify any deficiencies in the aeronautical frequency spectrum management related matters in
the EUR Region and ensure the development and implementation of relevant action plans by the
States to resolve them;
d) Foster implementation by facilitating the exchange of know-how and transfer of knowledge and
experience among States of the Region;
e) Provide input to the work of appropriate ICAO bodies in the field of aeronautical frequency
spectrum, according to the established procedures.

Work Programme

To ensure that the objectives of FMG are met in accordance with the TORs, the group shall conduct
its work according to a Work Programme endorsed by EANPG and kept under review by the COG.
The following are the main principles to be followed in setting up the Work Programme of FMG:

a) he Work Programme shall be composed of tasks and projects with clearly identified
deliverables, target dates and responsibilities;
b) The tasks/projects should cover the main implementation domains related to aeronautical
frequency spectrum management which are subject to regional planning and implementation;
c) The progress on the tasks/projects should be reviewed regularly by FMG and reported to COG
and EANPG to ensure that the target dates are met and the deliverables are of required quality.
d) To facilitate the execution of its work programme, FMG may set up working sub-groups, study
groups and project teams, if and when required, charge them with specific tasks and define
target dates for their completion. After completion of their task(s), the working groups/study
groups/project teams will be dissolved.
e) The Work Programme is included as an Attachment to the EANPG report;
f) The detailed FMG Task List providing a break down list of all FMG activities is included into
the FMG plenary meeting Summary of Discussions.

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In conducting its activities, FMG should follow the following guidance given to the Group by the

Maintain close coordination with relevant EANPG contributory bodies to ensure harmonious
development of the EUR air navigation system as a whole;
Conduct periodic reviews and originate, as necessary, proposals for amendment of the relevant
sections of the European eANP, EUR SUPPs (Doc 7030) and EUR Doc 011 Frequency
Management Manual;
Seek co-ordination and harmonization with the relevant planning and implementation activities
in other ICAO Regions;
Use different techniques to monitor implementation in the States (such as, regional surveys,
monitoring exercises, regional tests and simulations, etc.) and identify deficiencies; conduct risk
analysis to prioritize the identified deficiencies and prepare proposals to EANPG to ensure the
urgent resolution of safety-related aeronautical frequency spectrum management deficiencies;
Identify areas where assistance to individual States or sub-regions is necessary to eliminate
deficiencies and improve harmonized implementation of the aeronautical frequency spectrum
management processes through the established mechanisms and prepare proposals thereon;
Ensure close liaison between EANPG and with relevant ANC panels/study groups in addressing
aeronautical frequency spectrum management related matters; Provide feed-back received from
States on problems impeding implementation which need to be addressed by appropriate ICAO
Assist the Secretariat in developing and keeping up-to-date of regional guidance material as
necessary to foster the implementation by the States of the global requirements and regional
procedures on the aeronautical frequency spectrum management related matters;
Prepare proposals and support organization of regional seminars and workshops in the
aeronautical frequency spectrum managements field with emphasis on implementation issues;
Coordinate regional activities in the field of aeronautical frequency spectrum management with
appropriate ITU bodies; liaise closely with EUROCONTROL, IATA and IAOPA on issues of
common interest;
Identify and refer to COG and EANPG emerging operational and institutional issues related to
the planning and implementation of the services and facilities related to the aeronautical
frequency spectrum management in order to ensure that such issues are addressed in a coherent
manner with the respective ICAO plans, strategies and provisions.

Composition of the FMG

Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy,
Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of
Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom,


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Establishment renamed in 1990 - EANPG Decision 32/9

Terms of reference

The Meteorology Group (METG) is established by EANPG to pursue the tasks of the Group in the
field of aeronautical meteorology in support to the relevant ICAO Strategic Objectives (mostly
Safety and Efficiency, and to certain extent, Environment and Continuity) with the following TORs:

a) Ensure the continuous and coherent development of the MET Part of the European eANP and
other relevant regional documents taking into account the evolving operational requirements in
the EUR Region and the need for harmonization with the adjacent regions in compliance with
the Global Air Navigation Plan;
b) Monitor and coordinate implementation of the relevant ICAO SARPs and regional
meteorological procedures, facilities and services by the EUR States and where necessary
ensure harmonization, taking due account of financial and institutional issues;
c) Identify any deficiencies in the field of aeronautical meteorology in the EUR Region and ensure
the development and implementation of relevant action plans by the States to resolve them;
d) Foster implementation by facilitating the exchange of know-how and transfer of knowledge and
experience, in particular, between the Western and Eastern parts of the Region;
e) Provide input to the work of appropriate ICAO bodies in the field of aeronautical meteorology,
according to the established procedures.

Work Programme

To ensure that the objectives of METG are met in accordance with the TORs, the group shall
conduct its work according to a Work Programme endorsed by EANPG and kept under review by
the COG. The following are the main principles to be followed in setting up the Work Programme of

a) he work programme shall be composed of tasks and projects with clearly identified
deliverables, target dates and responsibilities;
b) The tasks/projects should cover the main implementation domains5 in MET which are subject
to regional planning and implementation;
c) The progress on the tasks/projects should be reviewed regularly by METG and reported to COG
and EANPG to ensure that the target dates are met and the deliverables are of required quality.
d) To facilitate the execution of its work programme, METG may set up Project Teams, if and
when required, charge them with specific tasks and define target dates for their completion.
After completion of the task(s), the Project Team(s) will be dissolved.

The main implementation MET domains for the EUR Region at present are: Implementation of the WAFS, including
SADIS; Implementation of advisory and warning services (IAVW, SIGMET, AIRMET); Exchange of OPMET
information; MET services for ATM.

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In conducting its activities, METG should follow the following guidance given to the Group by the

Maintain close coordination with relevant EANPG contributory bodies to ensure harmonious
development of the EUR air navigation system as a whole;
Conduct periodic reviews and originate, as necessary, proposals for amendment of relevant
sections of the European eANP and EUR SUPPs (Doc 7030);
Seek co-ordination and harmonization with the relevant planning and implementation activities
in other ICAO Regions;
Use different techniques to monitor implementation in the States (such as, regional surveys,
monitoring exercises, regional tests and simulations, etc.) and identify deficiencies; conduct risk
analysis to prioritize the identified deficiencies and prepare proposals to EANPG to ensure the
urgent resolution of safety-related MET deficiencies;
Identify areas where assistance to individual States or sub-regions is necessary to eliminate
deficiencies and improve harmonized implementation of the MET facilities and services
through the established mechanisms (e.g., SIP or ICAO TCP projects) and prepare proposals
Ensure close liaison between EANPG and the MET operations groups established by ANC:
WAFSOPSG, IAVWOPSG, SADISOPSG, and with relevant ANC study groups and/or panels
in addressing MET matters; Provide feed-back received from States on problems impeding
implementation which need to be addressed by appropriate ICAO bodies;
Assist the Secretariat in developing and keeping up-to-date of regional guidance material as
necessary to foster the implementation by the States of the global requirements and regional
procedures on aeronautical meteorology;
Prepare proposals and support organization of regional seminars and workshops in the field of
aeronautical meteorology with emphasis on implementation issues;
Pay appropriate attention to activities in the field of aeronautical meteorology within other
international bodies (WMO, EUROCONTROL, EC) on regional issues and analyze related
implementation aspects;
Identify and refer to COG and EANPG emerging institutional issues related to the planning and
implementation of the meteorological services and facilities in order to ensure that such issues
are addressed in a coherent manner with the respective ICAO plans, strategies and provisions.

Composition of the METG

Representatives from all ICAO Contracting States who are service providers in the ICAO EUR
Region, Iceland, United States and International Organisations (CANSO, EUROCONTROL,


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Establishment 2003 - EANPG Decision 45/34, ToRs revised at COG/50 in June 2011

Terms of Reference

The Route Development Group RDGE works within the terms of reference of the EANPG, on
matters related to ATS route planning and implementation in the Eastern part of the ICAO European
Region that are included in the following task list:

a) Develop and maintain working procedures for:

RDGE and its four subgroups and
procedures to handle the proposals for amendment to the EUR ANP;
b) Identify requirements/improvements for maintaining an efficient ATS route network, based on
the airspace users needs in coordination with States, international organizations (IOs) and other
ICAO Regions;
Note: the "ATS Route Catalogue" is a live document; it should be reviewed and amended at
each RDGE meeting
c) Review and amend the components of the national ATS route structure in order to ensure their
compliance with the ICAO requirements (i.e. 5LNC, ATS-Route designators, WGS-84
coordinates, etc.);
d) Develop proposals for amendment to the EUR eANP concerning the ATS route network;
e) Ensure the implementation of the approved amendments to the EUR eANP;
f) Provide user requirements during development and participate in testing of web-based ATS
Route Planning Tool.

Composition of the RDGE

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan,

Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian
Federation, Sweden, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, EUROCONTROL,

With regard to specific regional coordination matters the following adjacent States will also be
invited: Afghanistan, Canada, China, Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, Iran, Iraq, Japan,
Mongolia, Pakistan, Syrian Arab Republic, United States.

Note: The Cross Polar Working Group (CPWG) could also be invited to participate on specific
issues related to ATS route planning and implementation in the Far East Area of the ICAO EUR


Plenary and sub-regional groups as required.


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RDGE WORKING PROCEDURES (to be revised after EUR eANP has been approved)

STEP 1 Preliminary information on new ATS routes to be proposed to RDGE.

Before an RDGE meeting, preferably not later than two months in advance, RDGE members from
States and International Organizations submit descriptions of new proposed ATS routes to the

STEP 2 Dissemination of the information of new ATS routes amongst the RDGE members.

The Secretariat processes the information received and includes the new proposed ATS routes in the
ATS Route Catalogue of the RDGE. The updated RDGE ATS Route Catalogue is sent out by e-mail
to the RDGE members and other parties concerned by the proposal.

STEP 3 Discussions at and Coordination between the meetings.

At the RDGE meeting, for the sake of efficiency, the forum of the Meeting is divided into four
subgroups to cover several geographical areas simultaneously, namely:
a) Baltic area and its interface;

b) Black Sea and South Caucasus area and its interface;

c) Middle Asia area and its interface; and

d) Far East area and its interface.

Other subgroups or task forces may be established, if required.

At the RDGE meeting, the working groups discuss the proposals and agree on actions and deadlines
for their execution to enable the States to continue coordination on a bilateral or multilateral basis
between the meetings. The actions and deadlines agreed are reflected in the RDGE ATS Route

If required, ad-hoc and mini-RDGE meetings are convened by the Secretariat or the RDGE members
themselves in order to expedite the coordination and implementation of the proposed ATS Routes.

Between the meetings, the RDGE members ensure that the coordinates of new waypoints are
calculated with required precision and States reserve the ICAO route designators and five-letter
name-codes of the waypoints through the ICARD system.

If further coordination of the waypoints is required to finalize the proposal, the RDGE members
continue discussions with their counterparts in the neighbouring States on a bilateral basis and
inform the Secretariat on the results of their discussions.


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For ATS Routes over the High Seas: (to be revised)

STEP 4 Amendment of the Air Navigation Plan (Basic ANP)

The mission of the RDGE with regard to new ATS routes and the associated amendment of the ANP
is to prepare agreed technical material required to originate formal proposals for amendment (PfA) to
the ICAO Air Navigation Plan (Doc 7754).

In order to ensure the most efficient and expeditious handling of the proposals for amendment to the
Air Navigation Plan - European Region (EUR ANP) (Doc 7754), the following procedures should

Procedure One (HS-P1 "Fast-track procedure") ICAO Secretariat circulates the proposal on
behalf of the "initiating" States (or ICAO Secretary General), as a direct outcome of the RDGE
meeting (for proposals requiring a short term implementation and without any expected

Procedure Two (HS-P2 "Confirmation procedure") ICAO Secretariat prepares a draft

proposal and circulates it to the "initiating" States for confirmation; the "initiating" States have a
two week deadline for comments; "silent procedure" applies (i.e. no comments received means
agreement); after the confirmation stage, if no objections received, the ICAO Secretariat
officially circulates the proposal on behalf of the "initiating" States;

Procedure Three (HS-P3 "IO procedure") ICAO Secretariat circulates the proposal on behalf
of an international organisation directly concerned with the operation of aircraft ("initiating" IO),
as a direct outcome of the RDGE meeting;

Procedure Four (HS-P4 "EANPG Procedure") ICAO Secretariat prepares a draft proposal
and circulates it to the EANPG members (via electronic correspondence) for consideration and
comments; EANPG members have a deadline of up to three week for comments; "silent
procedure" applies; after the consultation stage, if no objections received, the ICAO Secretariat
circulates the official proposal on behalf of the EANPG.

The procedure to be applied would be selected by the ICAO Secretariat on a "case by case"
evaluation, based on the recommendations of the RDGE meeting.

Note: The above referenced procedures do not preclude any State to initiate its own ATS route-
related proposal for amendment.

Note: Whilst it is acceptable to submit proposals for amendment to the ANP without prior
agreement with neighbouring States (in this case, Note 2 or 4 is included in route
descriptions), the States participating in RDGE activities are encouraged to avoid this
practice. This is to ensure that the ANP does not become saturated with ATS routes which
are not feasible to implement.

Before submitting the Proposal for Amendment, RDGE (and/or States concerned) will ensure that
the following information is accurate and consistent with the ICARD system and the FASID Table
CNS-4 (Navigational aids):
five-letter name-codes of waypoints and their coordinates;
route designators; and
spelling of navigational aids and their coordinates.

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EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook

STEP 5 Publication of the ATS Routes

After the Amendments to the ANP have been circulated and approved, the States promulgate the
aeronautical information on the ATS routes so that all concerned receive it a minimum of 2 AIRAC
cycles (56 days) before the effective date.

For ATS Routes over the sovereign territory:

STEP 4 Amendment of the ATS Route network

In order to ensure the most efficient and expeditious handling of the amendment of the ATS Route
network, the following procedures should apply:

Procedure One (P1 "Fast-track procedure") Any ATS route proposal that is agreed as a
direct outcome of the RDGE meeting (for proposals requiring a short term implementation and
without any expected objection) to proceed to Step 5;

Procedure Two (P2 "Confirmation procedure") ICAO Secretariat prepares a circular letter
and circulates it to the "initiating" States for confirmation; the "initiating" States have a two
week deadline for comments; "silent procedure" applies (i.e. no comments received means
agreement); after the confirmation stage, if no objections received, the ICAO Secretariat
officially informs the "initiating" States that of its agreed status and to proceed to Step 5;

The procedure to be applied would be selected by the ICAO Secretariat on a "case by case"
evaluation, based on the recommendations of the RDGE meeting.

Note: The above referenced procedures do not preclude any State to initiate its own ATS route-
related proposal for amendment.

Before submitting the Proposal for Amendment, RDGE (and/or States concerned) will ensure that
the following information is accurate and consistent with the ICARD system and the FASID Table
CNS-4 (Navigational aids):
five-letter name-codes of waypoints and their coordinates;
route designators; and
spelling of navigational aids and their coordinates.

STEP 5 Publication of the ATS Routes

After the amendments to the ATS Route network have been agreed and not objected, the States
concerned promulgate the aeronautical information on the ATS routes so that all concerned receive it
a minimum of 2 AIRAC cycles (56 days) before the effective date.

STEP 6 Report on implementation of routes

The RDGE members report on the implementation of ATS routes to the RDGE meeting, and the
RDGE ATS Route Catalogue is updated accordingly.
Airspace user organizations convey their feedback on operations and utilization of the new ATS
routes. Corrective actions are undertaken, if required, to further improve the newly established route

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EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook



Terms of Reference

The COG AIM Task Force works within the terms of reference of the EANPG, on matters related to
Aeronautical Information Management in the Eastern Part of the ICAO European Region that are
included in the following task list:

a) monitor and follow-up the Status of implementation of the ICAO requirements in the AIS/MAP
field in the Eastern Part of the European Region;
a) identify and review specific deficiencies related to the AIS/MAP field in the States of the
Eastern Part of the European Region and recommend action to be taken to eliminate them;
b) harmonize, coordinate and support the eTOD implementation activities in the Eastern Part of the
European Region;
c) monitor and review latest developments in the AIS/MAP field;
d) plan for the transition from AIS to AIM in the Eastern Part of the European Region and ensure
that the planning and implementation of AIM in the region, is coherent and compatible with the
developments in adjacent regions, and that it is carried out within the framework of the ATM
Operational Concept, the Global Air Navigation Plan and the associated Global Plan Initiatives

Composition of the COG AIM Task Force

Members: Latvia, Russian Federation, Ukraine and EUROCONTROL.

Regular participants from all States in the ICAO EUR Region are welcome.


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EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook


Establishment June 2008 - COG Decision 41/2

a) a PBN Implementation Task Force (PBN TF) be created under the auspices of the EANPG
COG with terms of reference;.
b) PBN TF be convened and start working on the development of the regional PBN
implementation plan as soon as possible;
c) PBN TF coordinate its work with the other COG Contributory Bodies and EUROCONTROL;
d) PBN TF report regularly to COG and conclude its work in time to present a PBN
implementation plan to EANPG/51 or earlier.

Terms of Reference

a) Develop a EUR Regional PBN implementation plan with objectives and timelines in accordance
with the ICAO PBN goals and milestones. This PBN implementation plan must be based on the
following strategic objectives and guiding principles:
Strategic objectives:
i) Requirements for navigation systems should be linked with operational requirements
ii) Multiple avionics equipage and/or ground-based systems should be avoided;
iii) Avoid the need for multiple airworthiness and operational approvals;
iv) Amend the contents of the EUR eANP and EUR Supplementary procedures in respect of
the PBN planning and implementation.
Guiding principles:
i) That changes are warranted on safety, capacity, efficiency basis
ii) Continued application of conventional air navigation procedures during the transition
period, to guarantee the operations by users that are not RNAV- and/or RNP-equipped;
iii) The needs of all stakeholders should be considered in development of the ICAO EUR PBN
Implementation Plan;
iv) That planning should be kept at a strategic level avoiding unnecessary details impacting
legitimate business needs of individual stakeholders.
v) The ICAO EUR PBN implementation plan should address at least the short term (2008-
2012) and medium term (2013-2016); and
vi) The ICAO EUR PBN implementation plan shall be completed by EANPG/51.
b) Carry out specific studies, develop guidance material and facilitate training to assist States with
RNAV/RNP implementation in the en-route, terminal, and approach flight phases, taking into
account the performance based navigation (PBN) concept, according to the ICAO Strategic
Objectives and Global Plan Initiatives (GPI) on this matter (GPI 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21);
c) Identify other issues/action items arising from the work of ICAO or for consideration by ICAO
in order to facilitate regional and global harmonization of existing applications as well as future
implementation of Performance Based Navigation operations;

First Edition 28 Amendment 1- January 2015

EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook

d) Review the States PBN implementation documentation to ensure regional harmonization and
for possible inclusion in ICAO-developed model documentation;
e) Address other regional PBN implementation issues as needed; and
f) The Task Force should report to the EANPG COG, in coordination with the Air Traffic
Management Group - Eastern Part of the ICAO Region (ATMGE) of the EANPG and AWOG
on APV issues.

Composition of the COG PBN Task Force

Members: Azerbaijan, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Romania,
Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, EUROCONTROL and IATA.
Regular participants from all States in the IAO EUR Region are welcome.


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EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook



Establishment renamed in 2014 - EANPG Conclusion 56/36

Terms of Reference

The COG Task Force on Language Proficiency Requirements Implementation (COG LPRI TF)
works within the terms of reference of the EANPG, to raise the awareness on safety-related language
issues among stakeholders concerned: regulators, national LP focal points, training organizations,
airspace users, ANSPs and test service providers through varies ICAO activities, including multi-
regional workshops.

The Task Force shall undertake necessary actions to closely liaise with other regional groups/bodies
(e.g. EASA), in order to streamline the relevant processes/procedures across the Region and cover
the following non exhaustive list of activities:

a) develop a check-list for the status of the implementation and maintenance of LPR and maintain
it up-to-date through regular communication with States;
b) develop a standardized set of information to be included in each format (LP certificate,
assessment body approval) and encourage States to use it;
c) define a five year work plan for issues related to the LPR implementation, fostering a culture
enabling State authorities to share best practices in language test maintenance, on-going
development, examiners training and research by sharing best practices and bringing together
the relevant stake holders in research, industries and authorities;
d) bring together the relevant stakeholders by coordinating and organizing regional workshops as
required; and
e) support all stakeholders in coordinating research projects related to the issues listed above.

Composition of the COG LPRI TF

Members and Regular Participants: Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Czech Republic, France, Germany,
Hungary, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Russian Federation, Slovak Republic, Switzerland, Ukraine, EU.


First Edition 30 Amendment 1- January 2015

EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook


Establishment April 2009 - COG Decision by correspondence


Recognizing the need for active collaboration between the ATM and MET communities in order to
ensure the adequate integration of the MET information in the ATM decision-making, the MET
ATM TF is established by the EANPG COG and NAT IMG to pursue the tasks related to the
development of integrated MET and ATM requirements supporting the regional implementation of
the Global ATM Concept. The work of the Task Force will take into account ATM developments
such as SESAR and NEXTGEN and the need to ensure seamlessness and interoperability across the
EUR/NAT interface and other regional developments.


a) To develop a regional strategy for the implementation of MET services and products supporting
the Global ATM Concept taking into account developments in ATM (such as SESAR and
NEXTGEN) and the need to ensure interoperability and seamlessness;
b) To prepare integrated detailed proposals
i) to amend relevant ICAO regional documentation (Doc 7030, EUR and NAT eANPs and
others as/if necessary);
ii) for consideration by appropriate ICAO bodies (AMOF SG, Air Traffic Management
Concept Panel (ATMCP)) in view of subsequently developing amendments to ICAO
provisions (Annex 3, Annex 11, Doc 4444, Doc 9377);
c) To formulate recommendations for workshop programmes to enhance the awareness of the
States regarding the new MET/ATM requirements and share knowledge and experience in
planning/implementing of relevant new systems and products;
Note: The planned workshops to be hosted by EUROCONTROL as a follow-up of the
ICAO/EUROCONTROL Seminar on Met Support to ATM (Nov 2008) are envisaged
d) To draft guidance material to assist EUR and NAT States in incorporating MET/ATM
requirements into local/national implementations supporting the Global ATM Concept taking
into account the best practices currently being employed by States.

Working Arrangements

a) Deadline for deliverables: October 2011 (for presentation to COG and subsequently to EANPG)
(partially completed-2014)
b) Regular status reports to be provided to the EANPG COG, NAT IMG and METG
c) The Task Force will carry out its work via correspondence to the extent possible, limiting the
need for meetings to a maximum of 2 per year
d) Co-chairs: One ATM representative and one MET representative

Composition of the COG MET/ATM TF

Members: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Romania, Russian
Federation, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, EUROCONTROL, IFALPA.
In addition, experts from: the Nordic States, IATA and WMO are welcome to join the group.


First Edition 31 Amendment 1- January 2015

EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook


Establishment 2010 - COG/47 Decision, ToRs revised at COG/52 in December 2011


The Performance Task Force is established by the EANPG COG to implement the regional approach
to the development of performance objectives and related measurable indicators and metrics
supporting the regional implementation of the Global Performance of the Air Navigation System.

The work of the Task Force will take into account the ICAO provisions as well as the on-going
initiatives in the Region.


a) Support the implementation of the performance based approach at regional level, taking into
consideration the defined roles and responsibilities of all parties involved.
b) Provide as necessary support in the implementation of the regional performance framework
through the provision of guidance material and workshops.
c) Initialise the regional performance framework reporting mechanisms in 2012 on a transitional
basis in order to fine-tune the regional mechanisms and processes.
d) Further clarify the data to be provided by States for the implementation of the regional
performance framework, giving due consideration to the data that is already collected in other
reporting regimes (such as the EU Performance Scheme).
e) Prepare a prototype of the Regional Performance Review Report based on the information
derived through the work of the TF for presentation at the COG and EANPG meetings.
f) Make recommendations for further evolution of the Regional performance framework through
refinement and adaptation based on the regional needs (especially in the estimation of
environmental benefits related to the implementation of the ANP or other national operational
improvements) and giving due consideration to the existing initiatives within the Region and
adjacent Regions;

Guiding Principles

In conducting this work, the TF should take into account the following, non-exhaustive principles:
Avoid duplication of efforts and additional burden on States and use to the maximum extent
possible the existing arrangements/solutions (e.g. results from the work developed within the
EU Performance Scheme and Eurocontrol);
Focus on those activities that would ensure improvement of the regional Air Navigation System
(as a whole) with the benefit of the end users in mind;
Whenever possible, build on current or developing processes, or existing data/statistics that may
contribute to a specific KPA;
Exploit existing best practice in other areas that might contribute to this work;
Ensure, to the maximum extent possible, that whatever further recommendations are put
forward as an output, should also be suitable to the application in the NAT Region, and

First Edition 32 Amendment 1- January 2015

EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook

Harmonize, at a regional level, the estimation of the environment benefits from operational
improvements in order to reach consistent results (i.e. through the use of the ICAO Fuel Savings
Estimation Tool IFSET tool or the availability of a more advanced model/measurement

Working Arrangements

a) The Task Force will have a limited number of meetings (max. 4 meetings) and it is proposed to
have a dedicated stakeholder workshop in the Eastern part of the EUR Region. The first meeting
is expected to take place in the 1st Quarter of 2012.
b) Further work will be carried out by correspondence and through Teleconferences, limiting the
need for additional meetings.
c) Further phases of the work will be subject to decisions from the COG

Composition of the COG Performance TF

Representatives from any accredited State, Airspace Users (IATA, IACA, IBAC), IFATCA,
IFALPA, CANSO, Eurocontrol, European Commission, EASA, IAC.


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EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook


Establishment 2014 - EANPG Decision 56/08

Terms of Reference

1) In collaboration with affected stakeholders and in close cooperation with the International
Maritime Organization (IMO), the objective of the European Search and Rescue Workgroup is
to promote the enhancement and improvement of SAR facilities and services within the EUR
Region and adjacent regions, in accordance with:
a) Annex 12 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation; and
b) the International Aeronautical and Maritime SAR Manual (IAMSAR).
2) The EURSAR/TF will be expected to deliver a plan within two years of establishment for
enhancement of SAR capability within the EUR Region, including enhancement of SAR
services with neighboring States.


To meet its objectives, the Task Force shall:

a) review the current status of SAR preparedness of EUR Region States;
b) review State SAR Arrangements for commonality with those of neighboring States to facilitate
SAR coordination and cooperation across regional boundaries;
c) monitor outcomes from EANPG ATM/AIS/SAR activities, other ICAO Region SAR groups,
ICAO/IMO Joint Working Group (JWG) and related forums for issues that may affect the EUR
d) analyse contingency procedures in use in other ICAO Regions, and cooperate with other groups
which are involved with similar work in adjacent airspaces, in order to achieve harmonized
inter-regional solutions;
e) identify areas where SAR planning and preparedness requires improvement in terms of
compliance with Annex 12, the IAMSAR Manual and accepted best practice;
f) make recommendations for improvement of SAR systems.


The EURSAR/TF reports to the EANPG/COG. A line of communication will be provided to the
IMO on EURSAR/WG outcomes.

Composition of the EURSAR/TF

The membership of the EURSAR/TF is open to the EUR States and administrations that have the
responsibility for the provision of SAR services and facilities within the EUR Region, SAR related
international organizations, IMO and ICAO. The membership is also open to participants from
outside the EUR Region or organizations that can contribute to EURSAR/TF by invitation from
EURSAR/TF (such as military organizations that can facilitate SAR operations).


First Edition 34 Amendment 1- January 2015

EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook



Establishment 2008 COG Conclusion 41/11, updated at COG/48 and NAT IMG/37


Improve the response to volcanic eruptions and volcanic ash contamination by the relevant national
supervisory authorities, service providers (ATS, AIS, ATFM, MET) and airspace users (airlines) in
the EUR and NAT Regions through organizing regular volcanic ash exercises in accordance with the
current Volcanic Ash Contingency Plan EUR and NAT Regions and the VOLCEX OPINS in order
to validate and continually improve the common volcanic ash procedures for the EUR and NAT


Co-ordinate the schedule for the exercises and their main objectives and scenarios; ensuring that
exercises cover those parts of the EUR and NAT Regions that would likely be affected by
volcanic ash. Prepare a two year working plan of steering group meetings, planning meetings,
exercises, and debrief meetings.
Note: Planning and debrief meetings are conducted in accordance to the European and North
Atlantic Volcanic Ash Exercises Operating Instructions (EUR/NAT VOLCEX OPINS) as posted
Note: Exercises in the (far) Eastern part of the EUR Region are the responsibility of the
Volcanic Ash Exercises Steering Group for the (far) Eastern part of the EUR Region (EUR
(EAST) VOLCEX/SG) established by EANPG COG/48.
Each SG member is to represent a number of stakeholders, in order to ensure that the interests of
these entities are included in the collective decision making, while keeping the number of SG
entities within limits.
Based on the outcome of the VA exercises, propose (to EANPG COG and NAT IMG)
improvements to the common volcanic ash contingency procedures for the EUR and NAT
Report the results of its activities to the EANPG COG and the NAT IMG on an annual basis.
The group should also liaise with the METG of EANPG and the NAT ATMG. Additionally,
through the Secretary, the group should liaise with the EUR (EAST) VOLCEX/SG) of the

Composition of the EUR/NAT VOLCEX/SG

Canada (incl. VAAC Montral), France (incl. VAAC Toulouse), Germany, Iceland (Co-Rapporteur),
Ireland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Russian Federation (incl. MATMC), United Kingdom (Co-
Rapporteur) (incl. VAAC London), United States of America (incl. VAAC Washington),
EUROCONTROL (incl. CFMU), ICAO (Secretary) and IATA.


One representative per State or organization

VOLCEX/SG meetings to be held back to back with planning and debrief meetings as appropriate.
As appropriate work to be done through correspondence.

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EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook


Establishment 2010 - COG Decision 48/04

Main task

To initiate and maintain a programme of regular volcanic ash exercises in the (far) Eastern Part of
the EUR Region.


Improve the response to volcanic eruptions and volcanic ash contamination by the relevant national
supervisory authorities, service providers (ATS, AIS, ATFM, MET) and airspace users (airlines) in
the (far) Eastern part of the EUR Region through to organizing of regular volcanic ash exercises in
order to validate and continually improve the common volcanic ash contingency plan and procedures
for the EUR and NAT Regions.


Co-ordinate with all participants in the volcanic ash exercises (ACCs, airlines, VOs, VAACs,
MWOs, National ATMCs) the schedule for the exercises and their scenarios; ensuring that
exercises cover the (far) Eastern part of the EUR Region that could be affected by volcanic ash,
with impact scenarios on trans-east, and north Pacific (e.g. NOPAC and PACOTS) routes.
Develop and keep under review regional (define) VA exercise procedures, including VA
Exercise Operating Instructions (VOLCEX OPINS), and make improvements based on the
lessons learnt. (Regional VA exercise procedures, and other relevant material, to be posted on
the EUR/NAT Regional Office website).
Organize in parallel with the VA exercises, awareness events such as seminars and
presentations, in order to enhance the awareness of the participants regarding the hazardous
effects of volcanic ash and the established contingency measures.
Based on the outcome of the VA exercises, propose to EANPG COG improvements to the
regional volcanic ash contingency plan.
Report the results of its activities to the EANPG COG on an annual basis. The group should
also liaise with the METG of EANPG. Additionally, through the Secretary, the group should
liaise with the European and North Atlantic Volcanic Ash Exercises Steering Group (EUR/NAT

Composition of the EUR (EAST) VOLCEX/SG

To include appropriate fields of expertise such as ATM, MET, airspace users, regulatory authorities,
VOs: Japan, Russian Federation, United States of America, ICAO and IATA.
Rapporteur(s) Russian Federation


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EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook



Approved by EANPG/55, November 2013

EUR Documents are issued and maintained in line with the following principles:
1. A EUR Document constitutes supplementary reference and guidance material to be used by States,
operators and service providers in the Region in support of planning, implementation and operations
of EUR eANP facilities and services.
2. Regular reviews of current EUR Documents will be conducted by the responsible EANPG
Contributory Bodies.
3. A document is proposed to receive EUR Document status on the basis of scope, content, area of
applicability and time-frame of applicability.
4. A draft EUR Document that is issued by a Contributory Body should be reviewed by the COG before
it is presented to the EANPG for formal endorsement and designation of the appropriate EUR
Document number.
5. All amendments to the EUR Documents of a technical and non-contentious nature are to be endorsed
by the EANPG COG. Such revisions should be of a routine nature of existing EUR Documents
(through COG Conclusions).
6. A formal decision by the EANPG, resulting in an EANPG Conclusion, will be necessary for major
revisions and discontinuation of documents or for documents that may contain contentious material.
7. In the event that an amendment requires approval before the next EANPG or EANPG COG meeting is
convened, the responsible EANPG Contributory Body will request the ICAO Regional Office to
circulate the proposal by email to the EANPG or EANPG COG member States and international
organizations for their comments.
8. In case of non-contentious amendments and the event that the responsible Contributory Body
concludes that the revised version of a document needs to be issued before the next EANPG or
EANPG COG meeting is convened, the updated version of the document will be published on the
ICAO web-site with the indication formal EANPG/COG approval pending6.
9. In the absence of objections at the deadline for comment, the new revision to the EUR Document will
be considered approved. The ICAO Regional Office will inform the EANPG member States and
international organizations of the approval by email.
10. The responsible EANPG Contributory Bodies and notes on the management of the respective EUR
Documents are listed under References (page 33) of the EANPG Handbook (EUR Doc 001).


The indication formal EANPG/COG approval pending will be used in cases of non-contentious but time-pressing
amendments (e.g. NSAP Registry document) where the new versions of documents are published on the ICAO web-site
after a conclusion of the appropriate Contributory Body.

First Edition 37 Amendment 1- January 2015

EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook



Current Kept under Amendments

Edition/Version review by approved by

1st Edition, Amd 1

EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook COG EANPG
- 2015
AIS Guidance material on AIS
April 1990
EUR Doc 002 automation in the European Discontinued
- Discontinued
2nd Edition
EUR Doc 003 ATFM Handbook 1994 Discontinued
- Discontinued
FEATS Description of the
Concept for the Future Air June 1989
EUR Doc 004 Discontinued
Traffic Management System in - Discontinued
the European Region
6th Edition
April 2011

ILS/VOR/FM compatibility in the 1st Edition

EUR Doc 006 Discontinued
EUR Region - Discontinued
HEL/1 Guidance material on 1st Edition
EUR Doc 007 helicopter operations over the 1991 - Discontinued
high seas Discontinued

First Edition 38 Amendment 1- January 2015

EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook

Current Kept under Amendments

Edition/Version review by approved by
GATE Strategic ATM Planning June 2000
EUR Doc 008 Discontinued
Document - Discontinued
Guidance material on the
implementation of a 300 m Version 3
Being reviewed (EANPG Conclusion 56/32
EUR Doc 009 (1000 ft) vertical separation June 2001 Being
minimum in the European review
RVSM airspace
Harmonized Access to AIS and 2nd Edition
EUR Doc 010 MET Services METG COG
March 2003
EUR Doc 011
Supplement EUR Frequency management
July 2014 FMG COG
to EUR Doc Manual
European Guidance Material on
Continuity of service evaluation 1st Edition
in support of the certification of December 2002
ILS & MLS Ground Systems
European Guidance Material on
4th Edition
EUR Doc 013 Aerodrome Operations under AWOG COG
September 2012
Limited visibility conditions
2nd edition
EUR Doc 014 5th revision METG COG
November 2014
European Guidance material on
2nd Edition
EUR Doc 015 managing building restricted AWOG COG
September 2009

First Edition 39 Amendment 1- January 2015

EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook

Current Kept under Amendments

Edition/Version review by approved by
European Guidance material on
integrity demonstration in 1st Edition
support of certification of ILS 2004
and MLS systems
Transition methodology for the
introduction and application of
1st Edition AWOG COG in the process of being developed/updated
EUR Doc 017 non-visual aids to All-weather
operations in the European 2005
region of ICAO
Identified Transition Key Issues
for the Introduction and
EUR Doc 017 Application of Non-Visual Aids 4th Edition AWOG COG
TKI to All-Weather Operations in the September 2013
European Region of ICAO
5th Edition
EUR OPMET Data Management
EUR Doc 018 version 1.12 METG COG
June 2014
Volcanic ash Contingency Plan 2nd Edition
EUR and NAT Regions December 2010
Version 9.0
April 2014
ATS Messaging Management Version 10.0
Manual April 2014
EUR Doc 022 Version 6.0
EUR AFS Security Guidelines AFSG COG
(Restricted) April 2014

First Edition 40 Amendment 1- January 2015

EUR Doc 001 EANPG Handbook

Current Kept under Amendments

Edition/Version review by approved by
1st Edition,
EUR Doc 023 European Secondary
Amendment 1
Attachment Surveillance Radar (SSR) code SCPG COG
CAL V4.1
CAL management plan
March 2014
1st Edition,
SSR MODE S Interrogator Code
Amendment 3
EUR Doc 024 (IC) Allocations for the EUR MICOG COG
Edition 1.16
October 2014
EUR RNP APCH Guidance 1st Edition
Material December 2012
EUR AMHS COM Center Version 1.0
Training Guidelines April 2012
Version 1.0
EUR AMHS IP Infrastructure April 2012
Test Guidelines (provisional
Version 4.2
EUR Doc 028 EUR NSAP Address Registry AFSG COG
October 2014
ICAO EUR PBN Approvals 1st Edition
Guidance Material December 2013
ICAO EUR Performance 1st Edition
Framework Document December 2013

These documents are intended as reference for operators and service

providers in the ICAO EUR Region and for their respective regulators.

First Edition 41 Amendment 1- January 2015

EUR Doc 001 - EANPG Handbook Appendix A




(Approved by the Council on 30 November 2001)


1.1 Based on the information resulting from the assessment carried out by ICAO on the input received from
various regions regarding deficiencies in the air navigation field, it became evident that improvements were
necessary in the following areas:

a) collection of information;
b) safety assessment of reported problems;
c) identification of suitable corrective actions (technical/operational/financial/organizational), both
short-term and long-term; and
d) method of reporting in the reports of ICAO planning and implementation regional groups

1.2 This methodology is therefore prepared with the assistance of ICAO PIRGs and is approved by the
ICAO Council for the efficient identification, assessment and clear reporting of air navigation deficiencies. It
may be further updated by the Air Navigation Commission in the light of the experience gained in its utilization.

1.3 For the purpose of this methodology, the definition of deficiency is as follows:

A deficiency is a situation where a facility, service or procedure does not comply with a regional air
navigation plan approved by the Council, or with related ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices,
and which situation has a negative impact on the safety, regularity and/or efficiency of international civil


2.1 Regional office sources

2.1.1 As a routine function, the regional offices should maintain a list of specific deficiencies, if any, in their
regions. To ensure that this list is as clear and as complete as possible, it is understood that the regional offices
take the following steps:

a) compare the status of implementation of the air navigation facilities and services with the
regional air navigation plan documents and identify facilities, services and procedures not
b) review mission reports with a view to detecting deficiencies that affect safety, regularity and
efficiency of international civil aviation;

First Edition A-1 Amendment 1 January 2015

Appendix A EUR Doc 001 - EANPG Handbook

c) make a systematic analysis of the differences with ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices
filed by States to determine the reason for their existence and their impact, if any, on safety,
regularity and efficiency of international civil aviation;
d) review aircraft accident and incident reports with a view to detect possible systems or procedures
e) review inputs, provided to the regional office by the users of air navigation services on the basis
of Assembly Resolution A3314, Appendix M;
f) assess and prioritize the result of a) to e) according to paragraph 4;
g) report the outcome to the State(s) concerned for resolution; and
h) report the result of g) above to the related PIRG for further examination, advice and report to the
ICAO Council, as appropriate through PIRG reports.

2.2 States sources

2.2.1 To collect information from all sources, States should, in addition to complying with the Assembly
Resolution A3110, establish reporting systems in accordance with the requirements in Annex 13, paragraph
7.3. These reporting systems should be nonpunitive in order to capture the maximum number of deficiencies.

2.3 Users sources

2.3.1 Appropriate international organizations, including the International Air Transport Association (IATA)
and the International Federation of Air Line Pilots Associations (IFALPA), are valuable sources of information
on deficiencies, especially those that are safety related. In their capacity as users of air navigation facilities they
should identify facilities, services and procedures that are not implemented or are unserviceable for prolonged
periods or are not fully operational. In this context it should be noted that Assembly Resolution A3314,
Appendix M and several decisions of the Council obligate users of air navigation facilities and services to report
any serious problems encountered due to the lack of implementation of air navigation facilities or services
required by regional plans. It is emphasized that this procedure, together with the terms of reference of the
PIRGs should form a solid basis for the identification, reporting and assisting in the resolution of
nonimplementation matters.


3.1 In order to enable the ICAO PIRGs to make detailed assessments of deficiencies, States and appropriate
international organizations including IATA and IFALPA, are expected to provide the information they have to
the ICAO regional office for action as appropriate, including action at PIRG meetings.

3.2 The information should at least include: description of the deficiency, risk assessment, possible solution,
time-lines, responsible party, agreed action to be taken and action already taken.

3.3 The agenda of each PIRG meeting should include an item on air navigation deficiencies, including
information reported by States, IATA and IFALPA in addition to those identified by the regional office
according to paragraph 2.1 above. Review of the deficiencies should be a top priority for each meeting. The
PIRGs, in reviewing lists of deficiencies, should make an assessment of the safety impact for subsequent review
by the ICAO Air Navigation Commission.

First Edition A-2 Amendment 1 January 2015

EUR Doc 001 - EANPG Handbook Appendix A

3.4 In line with the above, and keeping in mind the need to eventually make use of this information in the
planning and implementation process, it is necessary that once a deficiency has been identified and validated, the
following fields of information should be provided in the reports on deficiencies in the air navigation systems.
These fields are as follows and are set out in the reporting form attached hereto.

a) Identification of the requirements

As per ICAO procedures, Regional Air Navigation Plans detail inter alia air navigation requirements
including facilities, services and procedures required to support international civil aviation operations
in a given region. Therefore, deficiencies would relate to a requirement identified in the regional air
navigation plan documents. As a first item in the deficiency list, the requirements along with the
name of the meeting and the related recommendation number should be included. In addition, the
name of the State or States involved and/or the name of the facilities such as name of airport, FIR,
ACC, TWR, etc. should be included.

b) Identification of the deficiency

This item identifies the deficiency and would be composed of the following elements:
i) a brief description of the deficiency;
ii) date deficiency was first reported;
iii) appropriate important references (meetings, reports, missions, etc)

c) Identification of the corrective actions

In the identification of the corrective actions, this item would be composed of:
i) a brief description of the corrective actions to be undertaken;
ii) identification of the executing body;
iii) expected completion date of the corrective action*; and
iv) when appropriate or available, an indication of the cost involved.


4.1 A general guideline would be to have three levels of priority organized on the basis of safety, regularity
and efficiency assessment as follows:

U priority = Urgent requirements having a direct impact on safety and requiring immediate corrective

Urgent requirement consisting of any physical, configuration, material, performance, personnel

or procedures specification, the application of which is urgently required for air navigation

A priority = Top priority requirements necessary for air navigation safety.

Top priority requirement consisting of any physical, configuration, material, performance,

personnel or procedures specification, the application of which is considered necessary for air
navigation safety.

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Appendix A EUR Doc 001 - EANPG Handbook

B priority = Intermediate requirements necessary for air navigation regularity and efficiency.

Intermediate priority requirement consisting of any physical, configuration, material,

performance, personnel or procedures specification, the application of which is considered
necessary for air navigation regularity and efficiency.


5.1 Taking the foregoing into account, the model table at the Appendix is for use by PIRGs for the
identification, assessment, prioritization etc. of deficiencies. It might be preferred that a different table would be
produced for each of the different topics i.e. AGA, ATM, SAR, CNS, AIS/MAP, MET. However, all tables
should be uniform.


6.1 Before each PIRG meeting, the regional office concerned will provide advance documentation
concerning the latest status of deficiencies.

6.2 It is noted that the regional offices should document serious cases of deficiencies to the Air Navigation
Commission (through ICAO Headquarters) as a matter of priority, rather than waiting to report the matter to the
next PIRG meeting, and that the Air Navigation Commission will report to the Council.

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EUR Doc 001 - EANPG Handbook Appendix A

(Paragraph 3.1 refers)

Identification deficiencies Corrective action

Requirements States/facilities Description Date first Remarks Description Executing Date of Priority for
reported body complete action*

Requirement of Terra X Speech circuits 12/02/2.. Co-ordination Implementation Terra X August A

Part .., paragraph Terra Y not implemented X meeting of direct speech 20..X
(table) .. of the air Villa X - Villa Y between Terra circuit via
navigation plan X and Terra Y satellite
on 16/07/2..X to
arrangements to
circuit via

* Priority for action to remedy a shortcoming or deficiency is based on the following safety assessments:

U priority = Urgent requirements having a direct impact on safety and requiring immediate corrective actions.
Urgent requirement consisting of any physical, configuration, material, performance, personnel or procedures specification, the application of which is urgently
required for air navigation safety.

A priority = Top priority requirements necessary for air navigation safety.

Top priority requirement consisting of any physical, configuration, material, performance, personnel or procedures specification, the application of which is
considered necessary for air navigation safety.

B priority = Intermediate requirements necessary for air navigation regularity and efficiency.
Intermediate priority requirement consisting of any physical, configuration, material, performance, personnel or procedures specification, the application of which is
considered necessary for air navigation regularity and efficiency.

Note: a EUR Supplement to the Uniform Methodology for the Identification, Assessment and Reporting of Air Navigation Deficiencies is provided as
Attachment to this Appendix A

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EUR Doc 001 - EANPG Handbook Attachment to


Uniform Methodology for the Identification, Assessment and Reporting of

Air Navigation Deficiencies


1.1. Considerable attention is being given by ICAO to eradicate deficiencies in the air navigation
field. In order to provide guidance to the PIRGs in dealing with the deficiencies, the Council of ICAO
approved on 30 November 2001 the Uniform Methodology for the Identification, Assessment and Reporting
of Air Navigation Deficiencies (hereinafter referred to as Uniform Methodology). The Uniform
Methodology was developed by ICAO for the efficient identification, assessment and clear reporting of air
navigation deficiencies (a copy of the Uniform Methodology contained in the EANPG Handbook is available
on the ICAO website: ).

1.2. The EUR Supplement is an attempt to provide more detailed procedures to be followed by
the parties involves, to outline the corresponding responsibilities and to serve as a management tool for the
EANPG and the ICAO Regional Office in applying the Uniform Methodology.

1.3. In 2001, the ICAO Council approved the following unified definition of a deficiency within
the context of the Uniform Methodology, which replaced the previous term shortcomings and deficiencies:

A deficiency is a situation where a facility, service or procedure does not

comply with a regional air navigation plan approved by the Council, or with
related ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs), and which
situation has a negative impact on safety, regularity and/or efficiency of
international civil aviation.

1.4. The EUR Air Navigation Plan (EUR ANP, Doc 7754) has been revised in the new ICAO
format for regional plans, which is in two documents: the Basic Air Navigation Plan (Basic ANP) and the
Facilities and Services Implementation Document (FASID). The first edition of the revised EUR ANP has
been published in 2001 and an electronic copy, containing subsequent approved amendments to the ANP is
available on the ICAO EUR/NAT website: .

1.5. It should be noted that in certain areas, there may be deficiencies related to the organization,
management and institutional aspects which affect the operation of civil aviation organizations. Such
deficiencies could have a direct impact on the provision of air navigation facilities, services and procedures,
would be dealt with mainly through the ICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP).

1.6. The EANPG and its respective contributory bodies should accord high priority on
deficiencies and intensify their efforts to assist States in formulating appropriate corrective action plans for
the resolution of the identified deficiencies.

The EUR Supplement is based on the ASIA/PAC Supplement adopted by the APANPIRG/15 meeting in
September 2005. The Council when reviewing the APANPIRG/15 report recommended that the Supplement should
be considered for use in the other ICAO Regions.

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2.1 The main purpose of the EANPG List of Deficiencies is to increase the awareness of all
stakeholders concerned of any identified air navigation deficiencies in the Region. The List is aimed at
assisting the EUR States having deficiencies define their implementation priorities and develop remedial
action required. The status of the deficiencies is regularly reviewed by the EANPG meetings and, according
to its terms of reference, the EANPG should make detailed assessment of the safety impact of the
deficiencies and ensure that the States having deficiencies would undertake the necessary corrective action.

2.2 The main objective of this Supplement to the Uniform Methodology is to provide for a
systematic approach to the management of deficiencies in the EUR Region by detailing the procedures to be
followed by the Users, States and the EUR/NAT Regional Office in implementing the Uniform

2.3 It is also the objective of this Supplement to provide clear definition of the responsibilities
and obligations of the parties involved in the management of the deficiencies.


3.1 It has been recognized that the process of dealing with deficiencies involves a number of
stages as follows:

Assessment, prioritization and verification against ICAO documents
States validation of deficiencies reported
Development of action plans for rectification and elimination
Monitoring of follow-up actions
Rectification of deficiency and removal from list

3.2 The purpose of this section is to outline the procedures to be followed by the parties
involved at each of the above stages to deal with the deficiencies. These procedures are presented in the
form of a structured flow chart attached to this Supplement aimed at facilitating the actions required to
eliminate the deficiencies.

3.3 Based on the definition of air navigation deficiency as a case of non-compliance with a
regional provision or with a SARP, which has a negative impact on safety, regularity and/or efficiency, the
identification process will allow for detecting such cases with an adequate level of certainty. Thus, the
identification should be based on trustworthy information from authentic sources.

3.4 A basic principle is that any deficiency should be related to a State; the State responsible for
the provision of the service or facility concerned is the owner of the deficiency and is responsible for its

3.5 The EANPG List of Deficiencies is aimed at assisting States in resolving identified
problems. Therefore, the when formulating a deficiency for inclusion in the List, the SMART concept
should be followed, i.e., the deficiency and the respective recommended corrective tasks should be: Specific,
Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bounded.

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3.6 The identification of a deficiency should start with a report from an authentic source. The
main reporting sources, as described in the Uniform Methodology, are as follows:

Users normally, through the users organizations participating in the EANPG

work, such as IATA, IFALPA, IBAC, IAOPA, etc.
States a Contracting States should report deficiencies identified through the
internal monitoring processes;
Regional Office information collected from missions to States, meetings,
accident/incident reports, etc.

3.7 Among others, the Users are best positioned to notify about existing problems with air
navigation services or facilities that may qualify as deficiency. In Appendix M to Assembly Resolution A33-
14, the Users of air navigation facilities and services are urged to report any serious problems
encountered due to lack of implementation or unsatisfactory operation of air navigation facilities or
services required by the air navigation plans.

Verification, Assessment and Prioritization against ICAO documents

3.8 An assessment is made by the Regional Office to determine whether the reported deficiency
is a case of non-compliance with the EUR ANP or SARPs. If so, it is evaluated as to its effect on safety,
efficiency and regularity, and under the Uniform Methodology, prioritized as follows:
U - Urgent requirements having a direct impact on safety and requiring immediate
corrective actions
A - Top priority requirements necessary for air navigation safety
B - Intermediate requirements necessary for air navigation regularity and efficiency

3.9 (To facilitate the prioritization process, the Regional Office is guided by the principal that a
deficiency with respect to an ICAO Standard is accorded a U status, to a Recommended Practice an A
and to PANS as B.)
Validation by States

3.10 The Regional Office, on determining that a reported deficiency exists and after assessment
and prioritization, will inform the State involved of the full details of the report and results of the assessment.
The State involved will be requested to acknowledge and validate the deficiency, and be informed that the
deficiency will be recorded in the EANPG List of Deficiencies. States will be requested to develop an Action
Plan with timelines based on the prioritization of the deficiency determined by the Regional Office.
3.11 In the event of serious cases of deficiencies, the Regional Office will notify the Air
Navigation Commission as a matter of priority.
Development of action plans
3.12 States are required to develop action plans to rectify deficiencies in consultation with
appropriate bodies with defined target dates based on the prioritization determined by the Regional Office.
The following factors should be taken into account:
deficiencies with U priority must be dealt with on a high priority basis;
in developing the action plan, advice may be sought from the Regional Office;
on completion, the action plan should be submitted to the Regional Office for review
and recording;
the contributing bodies to EANPG, according to their area of expertise, should
review the action plans submitted by States and provide advice as necessary.

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Monitoring of follow-up actions

3.13 States should keep the Regional Office informed on progress with action taken to rectify
deficiencies. The Regional Office may request updates as necessary to keep EANPG and its contributory
bodies informed. Periodic annual updates should be made to the Regional Office not later than April each
3.14 The Regional Office will maintain regular contact with States and before the holding of
EANPG and Sub-Group meetings, updates will be requested. An agenda item on deficiencies will be
included on the Agenda of EANPG Sub-Groups and afforded a high priority by the meetings.
3.15 Users who reported deficiencies will be kept informed of progress and contacted before
EANPG and Sub-Group meetings to seek their views on the status of deficiencies and any changes in

Rectification of Deficiency & Removal from List

3.16 States, on reporting that a deficiency recorded in the EANPG List of Deficiency has been
rectified, will submit in writing an official report to the Regional Office providing full details of the action
taken. On receipt of a report, the Regional Office will validate the action taken with the User who notified
the deficiency. In the event that the User does not agree with the action taken, the deficiency will remain
open until confirmation has been gained by all concerned. Once confirmation is made, EANPG will be
informed, the status of the deficiency reviewed and removed from the List.


Regional Office

4.1 The Regional Office, as a primary party in the management of deficiencies, will keep under
review and record the implementation by States of the requirements EUR Basic ANP and FASID. This
information will also be used to identify possible non-compliance that should be further assessed against the
definition of deficiency. Records will also be kept on the differences to SARPs filed by States and follow-up
actions taken as appropriate.

4.2 As required by EANPG, the ICAO EUR/NAT Regional Office maintains a List of
Deficiencies identified in the EUR region. The List of Deficiencies is compiled through collection of
information as per the procedures described above and in accordance with the Uniform Methodology. Since
December 2007, the Regional Office has introduced a deficiency database which facilitate the process of
dealing with deficiencies and record the progress of the corrective action plans adopted by the States
concerned. An up-to-date List of Deficiencies is available to the users with authorized access (EANPG user
name and password) on the ICAO EUR/NAT website.

4.3 The Regional Office should, as per paragraph 6.2 of the Uniform Methodology, report
serious cases of deficiencies to the Air Navigation Commission (through ICAO HQ) as a matter of priority,
without waiting for the next EANPG meeting; the ANC will report such cases to the Council.

4.4 One of the primary functions of the Regional Office is to assist States to which it is
accredited to comply with SARPs and implement the requirements of the EUR ANP. Where deficiencies
exist, all possible assistance should be provided to States to assist them to take remedial actions to correct air
navigation deficiencies. In this regard Regional Office will, to the extent practicable, establish regular
correspondences with and perform regular visits/missions to States to assist in the implementation of action

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plans for the rectification of deficiencies. These visits/missions would be results-oriented, and also used to
identify other deficiencies.

4.5 Once deficiencies have been identified, evaluated and prioritized, the Regional Office will
commence coordination with States in order to allow States to establish an action plan for resolving the

4.6 Sufficient notification will be provided to States regarding the deficiencies as a first step
towards establishing the corresponding coordinated action plan. This will be achieved primarily through such
mechanisms as correspondences, review by EANPG sub-groups, working groups, task forces and other
regional and sub-regional meetings.


4.7 States, upon receipt of the list of deficiencies, will review, validate and comment on, and
where actions have already been taken, and provide the necessary details on the list of identified deficiencies,
assessed and prioritized by the Regional Office for further action.

4.8 States are required to review and maintain their respective list of deficiencies and identify
those that have not been resolved, formulate and forward an action plan to ICAO for review and allocate
sufficient resources as required for elimination.

4.9 States are required to respond promptly to the list of deficiencies identified so that the
necessary details can be provided to EANPG and its sub-groups, working groups and task forces for review
and consideration of the necessary actions to be taken by States to eliminate the deficiencies. The final list of
deficiencies will be presented as core material to every EANPG meeting in accordance with the Terms of
Reference of EANPG.

4.10 Monitoring and reporting of corrective actions and progress towards the elimination of
deficiencies forms an important part of the management of deficiencies. In this regard, it is vital that a
reliable monitoring system exists to ensure a true reflection of those deficiencies that have been resolved.

4.11 States action plans should include the corrective measures to be taken by the State and a
date by which it is anticipated that the identified deficiencies will be eliminated. The information provided
through this formal coordination process will include:

a description of the deficiency

risk assessment
possible solutions
responsible party including contact details of designated person/position
financing source
agreed action to be taken,
report on actions already taken.

4.12 In accordance with the 11th Air Navigation Conference Recommendation 4/8, States are
urged to identify areas of air navigation facilities and services where the establishment of multinational
agreements or informal coordination groups may contribute to the resolution of deficiencies. This may be
especially applicable to deficiencies, which are region-wide in nature and affecting a group of States thus
lending themselves to general resolution at a regional or wider level.

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4.13 Appropriate international organizations, in their capacity as Users of air navigation facilities,
should provide and update a list of deficiencies on a regular basis to the Regional Office for validation and
action in accordance with Assembly Resolution A33-14 Appendix M. In addition to this, the Users should
notify the Regional Office as soon as a new deficiency is identified.

4.14 International Organizations, as one of the user sources in highlighting deficiencies, should
provide assistance in the independent verification of remedial actions taken by State(s). The 11 th Air
Navigation Conference Recommendation 4/8 encouraged Users of air navigation facilities and services to
report to the Regional Office once they note that the remedial action on the deficiency they had reported has
been taken.


4.15 EANPG, as the coordinating body in the EUR Region for activities conducted within ICAO
concerning the air navigation systems, meets at regular intervals. Its terms of reference includes inter alia, to
identify specific problems in the air navigation field and propose in appropriate form, actions aimed at
solving these problems. The List of Deficiencies in the air navigation field form part of the core material
reviewed by EANPG meetings and recommendations for remedial actions are developed.

4.16 In order to ensure that a support mechanism is in place to deal with deficiencies, States must
be fully committed to taking follow-up actions on the outcome of EANPG meetings. A person or position
should be nominated to with sufficient decision-making authority to coordinate and oversee the States
action plan for the elimination of deficiencies.


5.1 The Regional Office, in coordination with States, will utilize other mechanisms for
establishing measures for the resolution of deficiencies.

5.2 The various EANPG sub-groups, working groups, task forces and other regional and sub-
regional meetings and special implementation projects (SIPs) will be utilized to discuss the implementation
of ICAO SARPs and the requirements of the EUR ANP in order to eliminate deficiencies.

5.3 The International Financial Facility for Aviation Safety (IFFAS) has recently been
established by the ICAO Council to assist States in financing aviation safety-related projects identified
primarily through the ICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP). The purpose of IFFAS
is to provide financial assistance to States that need to apply corrective measures flowing from the USOAP
audits but are unable to obtain the necessary funding through traditional means of financing. IFFAS will be
operated in complete independence from ICAOs programme budget and is to be funded through voluntary
contributions. The IFFAS mechanism will complement existing ICAO fund-raising mechanisms.

5.4 Other ICAO tools that may be used to address deficiencies include ICAO technical
cooperation programmes, special implementation projects, seminars, workshops and training programmes.

5.5 Deficiencies identified during the USOAP audits will be dealt with under a separate
programme in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the Contracting State and
ICAO. Until such time an appropriate mechanism is developed for the management of such deficiencies by
the planning body, they shall not be included in this procedure.

First Edition A - 12 Amendment 1 January 2015

EUR Doc 001 - EANPG Handbook Appendix B




1. Introduction

1.1 In view of questions raised about the status of the ICAO EUR Air Navigation Plan (ANP) as the
agreed machinery for the co-ordination, harmonisation and regional integration of the air navigation planning
and implementation initiatives taken collectively by a considerable number of European provider States,
grouped in large and influential regional organizations or State associations, such as the Airports Council
International (ACI) (1), the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) (2) the European Organisation for
the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL) (3), and the Commission of the European Community (EC)
(4) and the , it was found advisable to recall the scope, objectives and status of the ICAO regional air
navigation plans which, together with regional air navigation planning groups, constitute a part of the
international planning machinery, ensuring the necessary coherence of the global air navigation system, on a
regional integrated basis.

1.2 This matter was discussed at length during the Special European Regional Air Navigation
Meeting (SP EUR) of 1994, in Vienna (Austria), when reviewing the European air navigation planning
processes, the terms of reference of the European Air Navigation Planning Group (EANPG) and considering,
in general, the role to be played, in the future, by ICAO, in the European Air Navigation Region. The
present paper is, to a large extent, based on the Report on Agenda Item 1, of the SP EUR RAN Meeting.

1.3 On the other hand and since the EANPG, as tasked by Recommendation 8/1 of the 10th Air
Navigation Conference (1991), will have to review the European Air Navigation Plan (EUR ANP) in the
light of the regional strategies for the implementation of the future CNS/ATM System elements this paper
may also provide guidance for the preparation of the material to be shown in the Introduction of the revised
CNS/ATM ANP for the European Region.

2. Objective and Status of Regional Air Navigation Plans

2.1 The objective of ICAO Regional Air Navigation Plans is to enable States or State groupings
to implement, in their own territory, the facilities and services required by international air navigation, as part
of a coherent air navigation system, on a regional and world-wide basis.

2.2 Each Contracting State of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago
Convention) is undertaking, pursuant to Article 28 of the Convention, to provide, in its territory, the facilities
and services required by international air navigation, in accordance with ICAO established Standards and
Recommended Practices (SARPS).

2.3 By its own characteristics, international air navigation is world-wide and requires, for its
safe, regular and efficient operation, a coherent and integrated world-wide air navigation system.

2.4 Due to the specificity of the various air navigation Regions, the operational requirements of
international air navigation vary considerably between Regions. For this reason, ICAO air navigation
planning has been traditionally conducted through a regional planning process, taking into account the
world-wide standards, recommended practices and procedures, established by ICAO, in order to ensure, at
regional interfaces, compatibility of the various regional air navigation systems.

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Appendix B EUR Doc 001 - EANPG Handbook

2.5 In view of Article 1 and Article 2 of the Convention, which assert the complete and
exclusive sovereignty of each Contracting State over the airspace above its territory and territorial sea (5),
and of the obligation accepted under Article 28 of the Convention by all Contracting States, the
implementation of the facilities and services required by international air navigation is ultimately a
responsibility of the States.

2.6 However, to keep order in the development activities of the States, it is essential that such
activities be conducted in accordance with an internationally agreed air navigation plan, with a view to
ensuring that facilities and services provided by individual States or State groupings are those effectively
required by the international air navigation and fit adequately into an established global air navigation

2.7 Because of the specific nature of the air navigation system in the different ICAO Regions,
such a plan shall be agreed on a regional basis, within the framework of ICAO which, under the terms of the
Chicago Convention, shall promote the development and systematic updating of regional air navigation
plans, leading to a coherent air navigation system throughout each Region and, at regional interfaces, with
the air navigation systems of adjacent Regions.

2.8 To this effect, ICAO has established, for each Region, air navigation meetings, at which a
regional consensus is reached between user and provider States, in close consultation with the international
associations of the aircraft operators concerned (6). In view of their interface requirements as regards the
world-wide system and of the ICAO responsibilities in their development and management, regional air
navigation plans are subject to Council approval.

2.9 The status of the ICAO regional air navigation plans is, therefore, that of an authoritative
internationally agreed and Council-approved reference document, thus corresponding to a mutually
recognized obligation (7) between States covered by the Plan regarding air navigation facilities to be
provided, and approved by the Council under the provisions of the Convention, acting on behalf of all
Contracting States including States not covered by the Plan.

3. Cost Recovery

3.1 The facilities and services provided for in the ICAO regional air navigation plans, as
approved by Council, are globally accepted as being necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency of
international civil aviation.

3.2 In order to offset the financial burden this represents to States, airports and en-route charges
are currently almost universally applied. With a view to ensuring that any charging system be, to the extent
possible, simple, equitable and, with regard to route air navigation services charges, suitable for general
application, at least on a regional basis, ICAO has prepared and keeps under review a Statement by the
Council to Contracting States on Charges for Airports and Air Navigation Services (Doc 9082/5 refers).

3.3 In what concerns the latter, the Council, recognised that where air navigation services are
provided for international users, the providers may require the users to pay their share of the related cost. It
established, however, that as a general principle, the users shall not be asked to meet costs which are not
properly allocable to international air navigation.

3.4 Consequently, when establishing the cost basis for air navigation services, the costs to be
taken into account should be those assessed in relation to the facilities and services, including satellite
services, provided for and implemented under the ICAO regional air navigation plans, as approved by
Council. Any other facilities and services not recognised as necessary for international air navigation (for
example, those exclusively required by national civil or military aviation), should be excluded, unless
provided at the request of the operators.

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EUR Doc 001 - EANPG Handbook Appendix B

3.5 Another objective of ICAO regional air navigation plans is therefore to serve as a consensual
basis for determining the facilities and services on which charges for international air navigation services
may legitimately be levied.

4. Management of the Regional Plans

4.1 The above-described objectives can only be met if regional air navigation plans are
continually updated and aligned with the operational requirements of the airspace users in the respective

4.2 For this purpose, between regional air navigation meetings, regional plans are, if and when
required, updated by means of Council approved amendments, originated by States or State groupings. The
procedure for the amendment of approved regional plans is therefore a basic element of the traditional ICAO
air navigation planning processes.

4.3 More recently and in the light of experience gained with the air navigation planning groups
initially established for the North Atlantic and the European Regions (8), ICAO has determined that regional
air navigation planning groups are a better mechanism for the management of regional plans than the
traditional regional air navigation meetings which tend to be held infrequently.

4.4 To cope with the accelerating pace of development and the consequent frequent changes in
the operational requirements there was in fact a need for improving the flexibility of the ICAO air navigation
planning processes, particularly in respect of the management and implementation of regional plans.

4.5 This became of ever increasing importance as new technologies are being introduced
through the ICAO CNS/ATM System and as questions such as aviation safety oversight, aviation security
and environmental protection are major concerns of States, the industry and the travelling public. In 1991,
when endorsing the CNS/ATM System, States agreed unanimously that each Region should develop its own
strategy of implementation of the system elements, in accordance with a world-wide co-ordination plan, and
that this should be accomplished through the on-going work of the regional planning groups. ICAO should
consequently promote the establishment of regional planning groups, in those Regions where they had not
been formed (Report on Agenda Item 8 of the 10th Air Navigation Conference).

4.6 Therefore, the management of regional plans and their review, as required, in the light of the
global co-ordination of the CNS/ATM System are, presently, two main objectives of the ICAO regional air
navigation planning and implementation groups.

4.7 The management of regional plans remains an ICAO responsibility. Amendments of

regional plans arising from the activities of regional planning groups require Council approval, in order to
ensure the coherence of the world-wide air navigation system and the conformity of these amendments with
the ICAO world-wide standards, recommended practices and procedures (9). Furthermore, as set out in
Article 69 of the Convention, if the Council is of the opinion that the facilities and services of a Contracting
State are not reasonably adequate for the international air navigation requirements, it shall consult with the
State concerned, and other States affected with a view to finding means by which the situation may be

5. Role of ICAO in the EUR Region

5.1 The ICAO EUR Region (a continental area extending from the North Atlantic Region to the
Asia/Pacific Region) comprises a large number of States. In the last decade alone, more than twenty new
Contracting States emerged from the former Czechoslovakia, USSR and Yugoslavia, rendering the ICAO
EUR Region far from being a homogeneous environment. Currently, the EUR Air Navigation Plan applies
to 49 Contracting States.

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Appendix B EUR Doc 001 - EANPG Handbook

5.2 The geographic characteristics and density of air traffic vary considerably across the Region,
which led the Special EUR RAN Meeting, in 1994, to propose that, considering the complexity and diversity
of the Region, air navigation planning could best be achieved if it was organized in homogeneous areas of
common requirements and interest, taking into account traffic density and level of sophistication required
(Report on Agenda Item 3 of the SP EUR RAN Meeting).

5.3 In the Western part of the Region, with areas of higher traffic density, these characteristics
facilitated planning and implementation of coherent collective actions by groups of States. This was the
basis for the creation in 1960 of the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation

5.4 More recently, with a view to alleviating the serious capacity problems emerging during the
late 1980s, in the core of Western Europe, the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) and the
Commission of the European Community (EC) were led to adopt stringent measures aiming at the
harmonization of the air traffic services of their Member States and jointly planned air traffic management
within the respective areas of responsibility. Subsequently, the Ministers of Transport of ECAC States
endorsed the European Air Traffic Control Harmonization and Integration Programme (EATCHIP)
developed by ECAC, and gave the mandate for the management of its implementation to the EUROCONTROL
Agency. This included the commitment to implement the Central Flow Management Unit (CFMU) of the
Centralised Air Traffic Flow Management Organisation (CTMO) concept, stipulated in the ICAO Air
Navigation Plan for the European Region (EUR ANP). As a complement of EATCHIP, ECAC established
also an Airport/Air Traffic System Interface (APATSI) programme to carry out aerodrome operations
planning, particularly in what concerns airport/ATC capacity aspects. ECAC also promoted the creation of
the Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA), dealing mainly with airworthiness and safety of air operations.

5.5 In the context of ICAO air navigation planning, State groupings such as ECAC, JAA,
EUROCONTROL (10) and CEC, irrespective of their constitutional nature, may be regarded as regional
international organizations, responsible for activities with important implications for the air navigation
planning and implementation undertaken in their respective geographical areas and under their remits.
However, all these actions should be adequately reflected in the ICAO EUR Air Navigation Plan, in order to
avoid disharmony and ensure progressive development and integration of the air navigation systems of the
various groups of States involved.

5.6 The role of ICAO in the European Region shall be thus to promote, co-ordinate and facilitate
the harmonization of the relevant programmes of the existing regional organizations, (ECAC, JAA,
EUROCONTROL and EC) having implications for air navigation, as well as the activities of States and State
groupings in the Central, Eastern and Far Eastern parts of the Region, and to manage the EUR Regional Air
Navigation Plan so as to ensure the coherence of the EUR air navigation system throughout the whole
Region and the compatibility, at regional interfaces, with the air navigation system of adjacent ICAO
Regions (NAT, AFI, MID and Asia/Pacific). ICAO, through the European Air Navigation Planning Group
(EANPG) and its European and North Atlantic Regional Office is, in fact, not only the body in which is
vested the authority to manage the European Regional Air Navigation Plan, but also the only body
embracing the totality of the geographical area of the EUR Region being able therefore to provide a total
overview of the Region Planning activity.

5.7 While the activities of the CEC, ECAC, EUROCONTROL, JAA and other organizations are
highly welcome and capable of advancing developments at a high pace, the results of some specific aspects
of that work show an increasing impact far beyond the area of concern or responsibility of these bodies. In
particular, procedural aspects, the mandatory carriage of on-board equipment, and many other matters have
to be approved within the ICAO framework either regionally, inter-regionally or world-wide.

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EUR Doc 001 - EANPG Handbook Appendix B

5.8 At the same time, it may be worth considering that the ICAO EUR regional planning
machinery and its depth of involvement in implementation co-ordination aspects has, in the past, evolved
much further than strictly required by the Chicago Convention. ICAO, at regional level, has always provided
a forum for States in which pure air navigation planning was combined with, and expanded to include
detailed implementation planning. In the Western part of the Region this is now achieved by the existing
regional organizations, especially by ECAC, through its harmonization and integration programme, the
EATCHIP, managed by EUROCONTROL, and embracing most of the ICAO Contracting States in Western
Europe. In the Eastern part of the EUR Region, particularly with regard to the area covered by new
Contracting States, ICAO, through the EANPG, will have to continue, in the absence of other machinery, to
assist States in their planning and implementation activities.

5.9 Obviously, ICAO - and with it the EANPG - should take into account what groups of States,
or agencies (ECAC, EUROCONTROL, JAA and others) acting on their behalf, do within the Region in the
fields of air traffic services harmonization, flow management, and aerodrome operations planning. However,
air navigation planning and other domains not covered by these bodies, contentious issues, issues of interface
between sub-regions, or interface with other regions, non-technical matters impacting on international civil
aviation, contingencies and crises remain subject areas where ICAO stands ready to provide the appropriate
forum available for use by all States in the Region. Clearly, the EANPG constitutes a mediating element and
will continue to function as catalyst leading towards solutions acceptable by all.

6. Conclusions

6.1 The ICAO Regional Air Navigation Plans (ANP) define, for each Air Navigation Region, the
facilities and services, as well as the procedures, required by international civil aviation, as part of a coherent
air navigation system, on a regional and world-wide basis. Such facilities, services and procedures are
originally determined by a regional agreement between provider and user States covered by the Plan, in close
consultation with aircraft operators, within the framework of a Regional Air Navigation (RAN) meeting,
convened by ICAO for the Region in which they are to be implemented.

6.2 Subsequently, regional air navigation plans are continuously updated by means of
amendments originated by States or State groupings or the periodical reviews undertaken by the Regional
Air Navigation and Implementation Group of the Region concerned, as required by the evolution of
operational requirements or the introduction of new technologies. The formulation and amendments of the
various regional air navigation plans are subject to the approval of the Council of ICAO, in order to ensure
that the facilities, services and procedures therein contained are in conformity with the established ICAO
world-wide standards, recommended practices and procedures and form a coherent air navigation system
throughout each Region and, at regional interfaces, with the air navigation systems of the adjacent ICAO

6.3 The detailed planning and implementation of the facilities and services required by
international civil aviation within the territory of a State or State groupings are ultimately the responsibility
of the respective States.

6.4 The status of the ICAO regional air navigation plans is therefore that of an authoritative
internationally agreed and Council-approved reference document, thus corresponding to a mutually
recognized obligation (7) between States covered by the plan regarding air navigation facilities to be
provided, and approved by the Council under the provisions of the Convention, acting on behalf of all
Contracting States including States not covered by the Plan.

6.5 International users should not be asked to meet costs which are not properly allocable to
international civil aviation. When establishing the cost basis for air navigation charges, States shall take into
account those costs assessed in relation to the facilities and services provided for and implemented under
ICAO regional air navigation plans.

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Appendix B EUR Doc 001 - EANPG Handbook

6.6 On the basis of the above, the objectives of the ICAO Regional Air Navigation Plans are:

a) to ensure that the facilities and services provided, individually or collectively, by States in
each Region, form a coherent global air navigation system on a regional integrated basis;

b) to enable individual States or State groupings to plan and implement within their respective
territory the facilities and services which are effectively required by international civil
aviation in the Region and fit harmoniously into an established global air navigation system;

c) to serve as the consensual basis for determining the facilities and services for which charges
for international air navigation services may legitimately be levied.

6.7 Under the terms of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention),
ICAO is the body in which is vested the authority to approve the formulation and updating of the ICAO
regional air navigation plans. Thus:

a) the Council of ICAO is responsible for the convening of regional air navigation meetings, if
and when States may find it necessary, for the formulation and review of the ICAO regional
air navigation plans;

b) the regional air navigation planning and implementation groups, established by ICAO for the
various ICAO Air Navigation Regions are responsible for the management and review of the
ICAO regional air navigation plans for the Region concerned;

c) in view of their world-wide applicability and the responsibilities of ICAO in their

development and management, ICAO regional air navigation plans are subjected to ICAO
Council approval.

6.8 Collective air navigation planning and implementation initiatives undertaken by State
groupings, irrespective of their constitutional nature (regional organizations, State associations and others),
have proved to be efficiently instrumental in advancing harmonization of air traffic services and air traffic
flow management, and aerodrome operations planning developments at a high pace. ICAO air navigation
planning and implementation groups should take into account what States or State groupings do within the
respective Region. They have, however, the responsibility to ensure that initiatives are adequately embraced
by the ICAO Regional Air Navigation Plan applicable to the whole of that Region.

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EUR Doc 001 - EANPG Handbook Appendix B


(1) Airports Council International (ACI), established in 1991, represents airports interests with
Governments and international organizations, develops standards, policies and recommended
practices for airports, and provides information and training opportunities to raise standards
around the world.

(2) ECAC is a civil aviation conference, established in 1955, by the Council of Europe in
association with ICAO. Within the ICAO framework, ECAC is regarded as a Regional Aviation
Organisation in the European Region, with the same status as the civil aviation organisations
created in other ICAO air navigation Regions (e.g. AFCAC and LACAC).

(3) EUROCONTROL is an international organization governed by international public law,

constituted in 1960.

(4) CEC is the executive organ of the European Community. This Community is part of the
political supra-national organisation, the European Union, created in 1994 by the Maastricht

(5) In this context, it is recalled that, in conformity with ICAO Consolidated Statement of
continuing Policies and Associated Practices specifically related to Air Navigation, the
boundaries of ATS airspaces, whether over States' territories or over the high seas, shall be
established on the basis of technical and operational considerations with the aim of ensuring
optimum efficiency and economy for both providers and users of the services. Flight
Information Regions (FIRs) are consequently in accordance with a regional air navigation
plan, reflecting regional air navigation agreements, as approved by Council, normally on the
advice of a regional air navigation meeting. Often, but not always, the boundaries of a FIR
coincide with the territorial boundaries of the State concerned. The FIRs over the high seas
shall be determined on the basis of a regional air navigation agreement, within the framework
of a regional air navigation plan, approved by Council. It should be noted that the provision of
ATS by a State over the high seas part of a FIR is solely based on the need to promote a safe,
orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic in the area. It does not entitle the provider State to
exercise any sovereignty rights with regard to that part of the FIR airspace.

(6) Consensus to be reached amongst:

States with aircraft on their register, for which they require,
States located in the Region which are willing to provide,
Aircraft operators which are liable to be charged with costs of the facilities and services to be
included in the Air Navigation Plan for the Region concerned.

(7) See paragraphs 1.2.15 of the Report on Agenda Item 1 of the Special EUR RAN Meeting (1994):
The Meeting recognised that the management of the Regional Air Navigation Plan remained
one of the important tasks of ICAO. It was considered necessary in accordance with the
Chicago Convention (Article 28) to retain coherence in the development activities of individual
States or State groupings. These activities must be based on the Regional Air Navigation Plan
as an authoritative, internationally agreed and Council approved document, constituting a
contract between provider States and airspace users. Obviously, modifications to that Plan
required a procedure which would lead to regional consensus amongst provider and users and
to Council approval. The Plan thus maintained would ensure compatibility and coherence with
the Plans of other Regions and would ensure coherence within the European Region as a whole,
regardless of what groups of States or agencies in their employ do within the Region. ICAO

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Appendix B EUR Doc 001 - EANPG Handbook

thus provided the bridge between innovation within specific areas and its acceptability in the
regional or global context.

(8) The North Atlantic Systems Planning Group (NAT SPG) was established in 1965, based on
Recommendation 4/1 of the Special North Atlantic Regional Air Navigation Meeting (1964).
The European Air Navigation Planning Group (EANPG) was established in 1972, following
Recommendation 18/1 of the Sixth European Mediterranean Regional Air Navigation Meeting

(9) In the required format and contents of the regional plan recommended by the last regional air
navigation meetings for the NAT (1992), Asia/Pacific (1993) and EUR (1994) Regions, the
facilities and services to be implemented by States, should be shown in a separated document
(FASID), forming an integral part of the ICAO Air Navigation Plan Publication (ANPP), but to
be updated under the auspices of the Air Navigation Planning Group of the respective Region.

(10) Recommendation 1/4 of the Special European Regional Air Navigation Meeting (Vienna,
Austria, 5-14 September 1994), as approved by the ICAO Council:


That EUROCONTROL be authorized to submit, on behalf of its Member States and after
formal approval by each of them, appropriate proposals for amendment to the ICAO
European Air Navigation Plan and to the European Regional Supplementary Procedures.


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EUR Doc 001 - EANPG Handbook Appendix C




The EUR RMA was established by the European Air Navigation Planning Group (EANPG) to support the
EANPG with its planning functions in accordance with the requirements detailed in Annex 11 (13th Edition)
and Doc 9574 (2nd Edition).

On request of the EANPG (EANPG Conclusions 43/36 and 45/29 refer), the EUROCONTROL Commission
established the EUR RMA as part of the EURCONTROL Agency (CN Ad hoc 11/2003 refers).

Terms of Reference

The EUR RMA is established to support the European Air Navigation Planning Group (EANPG) in
monitoring aircraft approval status and height keeping performance within European RVSM airspace. The
RMA is responsible for initiating appropriate action to ensure compliance and submitting safety assessment
reports as required to the EANPG.

Specifically, its principle functions are:

1. Establish and operate a database of RVSM approvals, for the European Region, issued by State aviation
2. Establish and maintain a mechanism for confirmation of approval status of aircraft operating in European
RVSM airspace.
3. Ensure that the filing of RVSM flight plans for non-approved aircraft are reported to State aviation
4. Maintain a monitoring infrastructure to provide aircraft height keeping performance data.
5. Act as the custodian of all aircraft technical height keeping data collected as part of the European Region
monitoring process and take follow-up action, as required, with operators, State aviation authorities and
when appropriate manufacturers, of aberrant or non-compliant aircraft.
6. Ensure that operators within European RVSM airspace comply with global and regional minimum
monitoring requirements.
7. Provide approved operators and State aviation authorities with height monitoring data on request.
8. Liaise with other Regional Monitoring Agencies in order to achieve an exchange of monitoring and
RVSM approvals data between regions.
9. Establish and amend, as required, mechanisms for the collection and analysis of occurrence data,
including operational errors, for use in the risk assessment process.
10. Investigate and analyse the causes of occurrences, including operational errors, in the European Region
and take follow-up action with State aviation authorities as required.
11. Produce an annual safety report assessment of the operational and technical risk measured against the
published Target Level of Safety.
12. Provide an annual report to the EANPG on deficiencies regarding reporting of altitude deviations and
non compliance with flight planning requirements.


First Edition C-1 Amendment 1 January 2015

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