Assignment: K Sri Balaaji

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Amplifier Classes
The Class A Common Emitter Amplifier, has some excellent properties that make it useful for
many amplification tasks, however its use as a power amplifier is limited by its poor efficiency.
Although Class A may be used for power output stages (usually low to medium power), it is
less used for higher power output stages, as more efficient classes of amplifier such as
Classes B, AB or even classes D, E, F, G and H are available.

The classes A, B, AB and C refer to the way the amplifiers are biased, although class C is
mainly used in oscillator circuits. Classes D to H are used in switch mode amplifiers where
power is saved by having the output transistors switched rapidly between fully on and fully off.
In either of these states the transistor is dissipating little or no power.

Class A Power Amplifiers

The purpose of class A bias is to make the amplifier relatively free from distortion by keeping
the signal waveform out of the region between 0V and about 0.6V where the transistors input
characteristic is non linear. Class A design produces good linear amplifiers, but are wasteful
of power. The output power they produce is theoretically 50%, but practically only about 25 to
30%, compared with the DC power they consume from the power supply.

Class A power amplifiers use the biasing method illustrated below This method causes a
standing bias current to be flowing during the whole waveform cycle, and even when no
signal is being amplified. The standing bias current (the Quiescent Current) is sufficient to
make the collector voltage fall to half the supply voltage, and therefore power (P = IC x VCC/2)
is being dissipated by the transistor whether any signal is being amplified or not. This was not
a great problem in class A voltage amplifiers, where the collector current was very small, but
in power amplifiers output currents are thousands of times larger, so efficient use of power is

Transformer Coupled Class A Output

The circuit shown in fig 5.2.2 is a class A power output stage, but its efficiency is improved by
using an output transformer instead of the resistor as its load.

Basic Class A Power Amplifier

The transformer primary winding has high apparent impedance (ZP) at audio frequencies
because of the action of the transformer in magnifying the impedance of the loudspeaker. As
shown by the formula:

The apparent impedance of the primary winding (ZP) will be the actual impedance of the
loudspeaker (ZLS) multiplied by the square of the turns ratio.

Although the impedance of the transformer primary winding is high, its DC resistance (at 0Hz)
is practically zero ohms. Therefore while a class A voltage amplifier might be expected to
have a collector voltage of about half supply, a class A power amplifier will have a DC
collector voltage approximately equal to the supply voltage (+12V in Fig. 5.2.2) and because
of the transformer action, this allows a voltage swing of 12V above and below the DC
collector voltage, making a maximum peak to peak signal voltage (Vpp) available of 24V.

With no signal, the quiescent collector current of the (medium power) output transistor may
typically be about 50mA. When a signal is applied, the collector current will vary substantially
above and below this level.

Class A power amplifiers, using the relatively linear part of the transistors characteristics are
less subject to distortion than other bias classes used in power amplifiers, and although their
inferior efficiency improves when output transformers are used, the introduction of a
transformer can itself produce additional distortion. This can be minimised by restricting
amplitude of the signal so as to utilise less than the full power of the amplifier, but even under
optimum conditions the efficiency of class A presents problems. With substantially less than
50% of the power consumed from the supply going into the signal power supplied to the
loudspeaker, the wasted power is simply produced as heat, mainly in the output transistor(s).

In large high power amplifiers class A is not practical. For example an amplifier used to
produce 200W to a large loudspeaker system would need a 400W amplifier producing at its
most efficient, 200W of wasted heat that must be dissipated by very large transistors and
even larger heat-sinks if overheating, and subsequent component failure is to be avoided.
Class A output stages are therefore used mainly in low to medium power output stages of 1 to
2 watt and below, such as domestic radio or TV receivers and headphone amplifiers.

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