Objectives: Just - in - Time (JIT)
Objectives: Just - in - Time (JIT)
Objectives: Just - in - Time (JIT)
To ensure the availability of materials and products for production, delivery to customers.
To maintain the lowest possible level of inventory
To plan manufacturing activities, delivery schedules and purchasing activities.
Just In Time (JIT): When components arrive as and when required in a manufacturing
operating by workers. It is called just-in-time.
Some we would at a stroke eliminate any inventory of parts, they would simply arrive
just-in-time. Similarly we could produce finished goods just-in-time to be handed to a customer
who wants them. So at conceptual extremes. JIT has no need for inventory or stock, either of
raw materials or work in progress or finished goods.
Total Quality Management: It is term first coined by the U.S Naval air systems command to
describer, its Japanese-style management approach to quality improvement. It is a
management approach to long-term success through customer satisfaction.