Dua Sahifa

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The text is reciting a prayer called 'Dua Sahifa' which praises various attributes of God.

The text is reciting a prayer called 'Dua Sahifa' which praises God in Arabic.

The text praises God's attributes like omnipotence, mercy, wisdom, perfection, etc.

Dua Sahifa

Also known as Dua Sad Subhan

To be recited on the Ayyame Bayz 13th, 14th and 15th

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

Glory be to Allah, the Supreme! Praise be to He!
Glory be to He in (His) Divinity! How omnipotent

He is!

Glory be to He in (His) omnipotence! How powerful
He is! Glory be to He in (His) power! How mighty

He is! Glory be to He in (His) might! How eminent
He is

Glory be to He in (His) eminence! How
compassionate He is! Glory be to He in (His)

compassion! How powerful He is

Glory be to He in (His) power! How majestic He is!
Glory be to He in (his) majesty! How eternal He is

Glory be to He in (His) eternity! How high He is!
Glory be to He in (His) highness! How sublime He is

Glory be to He in (His) sublimity! How beautiful! He
is! Glory be to He in (His) beauty! How resplendent

He is!

Glory be to He in (His) splendour! How manifest He
is! Glory be to He in (His) manifestation! How

secret He is!

Glory be to He in (His) secrecy! How intelligent He
is! Glory be to He in (his intelligence! How aware

He is!

Glory be to He in (His) awareness! How generous
He is! Glory be to He in (His) generosity! How kind

He is

Glory be to He in (His) kindness! How sagacious He
is! Glory be to He in (His) sagaciousness! How

attentive He is!

Glory be to be in (His) attendancy! How watchful
He is! Glory be to He in (His) watchfulness! How

persuasive He is

Glory be to He in (His) pervasion! How complete
He is! Glory be to He in (His) completeness! How

sufficient He is!

Glory be to He in (His) sufficiency! How liberal He
is! Glory be to He in (His) liberality! How bountiful

He is

Glory be to He in (His) bountifulness! How
plenteous He is! Glory be to He in (His)

plenteousness! How superb He is!

Glory be to He in (His) superbness! How charitable
He is! Glory be to He in (His) charitableness! How

masterful He is!

Glory be to He in (His) masterdom! How Merciful
He is! Glory be to He in (His) mercifulness! How

resoulute He is

Glory be to He in (His) resoluteness! How strong
He is! Glory be to He in (His) strength! How

praiseworthy He is!

Glory be to He in (His) praiseworthiness, How wise
He is! Glory be to He in (His) wisdom! How

confident He is!

Glory be to He in (His) confidence! How durable He

Glory be to He in (His) durability! How everlasting

He is!
Glory be to He in (His) everlastingness! How
perpetual He is! Glory be to He in (His)

perpetuality! How unique He is!

Glory be to He in (His) uniqueness! How singular
He is! Glory be to He in (His) singularity! How

independent He is!

Glory be to He in (His) independence! How
sovereign He is! Glory be to He in (His)

sovereignty! How authoritative He is

Glory be to He in (His) authority! How great He is!
Glory be to He in (His) greatness! How perfect He


Glory be to He in (His) perfectness! How thorough
He is! Glory be to He in (his) thoroughness! How

marvellous He is!

Glory be to He in (His) marvelousness! How proud
He is! Glory be to hew in (His) pride! How remote

He is

Glory be to He is remoteness! How near He is!
Glory be to He in (His) nearness! How inaccessible

He is!

Glory be to He in (His) inaccessibility! How
victorious He is! Glory be to (His) victoriousness!

How tolerant He is

Glory be to He in (His) toleration! How indulgent
He is! Glory be to He in (His) indulgence! How

adorable He is!

Glory be to He in (His) adorableness! How obliging
He is! Glory be to He in (His) obligingness! How

thankworthy He is!

Glory be to He in His thank worthiness! How Oft-
forgiving He is! Glory be to He in (His) oft-

forgiveness! How patient He is!

Glory be to He in (His) patience! How effective He
is! Glory be to He in (His) effectiveness! How

judicious He is!

Glory be to He in (His) judiciousness! How decisive
He is! Glory be to He in (His) decisiveness! How

alert He is!

Glory be to He in (His) alertness! How executive He
is! Glory be to He in (His) execution! How gentle He


Glory be to He in (His) gentleness! How refined He
is! Glory be to He in (His) refinement! How

sustaining He is!

Glory be to He in (His) sustainment! How forceful
He is! Glory be to He in (His) forcibleness! How

creative He is!

Glory be to He in (His) creativeness! How kingly He
is! Glory be to He in (His) kingdom! How lordly He


Glory be to He in (His) lordliness! How lofty He is!
Glory be to He in (His) loftiness! How dominant He


Glory be to He in (His) dominancy! How extensive
He is! Glory be to He in (His) extensiveness! How

appropriative He is!

Glory be to He in (His) appropriativenes! How
originative He is! Glory be to He in (His)

origination! How holy He is!

Glory be to He in (His) holiness! How pure He is!

Glory be to He in (His) purity! How pious He is

Glory be to He in (His) piety! How guiding He is!
Glory be to He in (His) guidance! How truthful He


Glory be to He in (His) truthfulness! How timeless
He is! Glory be to He in (His) timelessness! How

intentive He is!

Glory be to He in (His) inventiveness! How
protecting He is! Glory be to He in (His)

protectorship! How supporting He!

Glory be to He in (His) supportment! How
benevolent He is! Glory be to He in (His)

benevolence! How accommodative He is

Glory be to He in (His) accommodativeness! How
munificent He is! Glory be to He in (His)

munificence! How helpful He is!

Glory be to He in (His) helpfulness! How peaceable
He is! Glory be to He in (His) peaceableness! How

able He as a healer!

Glory be to He in (His) ability to heal! How able He
is as a deliver! Glory be to He in (His) ability to

deliver! How innocent He is!

Glory be to He in (His) innocence! How
deamandant He is! Glory be to He in (His) demand!

How perceptive He is!

Glory be to He in (His) perceptiveness! How
reasonable He is! Glory be to He in (His)

reasonableness! How affectionate He is!

Glory be to He in (His) affectionateness! How
prudent He is!

Glory be to He in (His) prudence! How perfect He

Glory be to He in (His) perfection! How wise He is!
Glory be to He in (His) wisdom! How able He is to

stand security!

Glory be to He in (His) ability to stand security!
How able He is! Glory be to He to give witness! How

most praiseworthy He is!

Glory be to He! He is Allah the Supreme and (all)
praise be to Him.And (all) praise be to Allah. There

is no god except Allah, and Allah is Great and for
Allah is Praise.

There is no power, and no might, except (with)
Allah, the Highest High.

Disperser of all calamities. Sufficient is He, and the
Best Supporter.

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