Bone Tissue and The Skeletal System

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Bone Tissue and The Skeletal System


By the end of lecture, the student should be able to:

Define bones, and its functions.

Classify the bones.

Describe the endochondral and intramembranous ossification.

Differentiate between different types of cartilage and know their locations.


The dense, hard, and somewhat flexible connective tissue constituting the
framework of the human skeleton. It is composed of compact osseous tissue
surrounding spongy cancellous tissue permeated by many blood vessels and
nerves and enclosed in membranous periosteum.

The Skeletal System

Functions of the Skeletal System

Support against gravity

Leverage for muscle action - movement
Protection of soft internal organs
Blood cell production
Storage - calcium, phosphorous, fat
The skeletal system includes:
Other connective tissues Tissues in Bone

Bones are dominated by bone tissue but also contain

Nervous tissue and nerves

Blood tissue and vessels
Cartilage in articular cartilages
Epithelial tissue lining the blood vessels
Bone (Osseous Tissue)

Specialized cells - 2% of bone weight

Strong flexible matrix
Calcium phosphate crystals - two-thirds of bone weight
Collagen fibers
General Shapes Of Bones

Long bones (e.g., humerus, femur)

Short bones (e.g., carpals, tarsals, patella
Flat bones (e.g., parietal bone, scapula, sternum)
Irregular bones (e.g., vertebrae, hip bones)
Structure of Typical Long Bone
Diaphysis - tubular shaft forming the axis of long bones.

Composed of compact bone

Central medullary cavity

Contains bone marrow

Epiphysis expanded end of long bones.

Composed mostly of spongy bone

Joint surface is covered with articular (hyaline) cartilage

Epiphyseal lines separate the diaphysis from the epiphyses

Metaphysis where epiphysis and diaphysis meet

Bone Membranes
Provides anchoring points for tendons and ligaments
Double-layered protective membrane, supplied with nerve fibers, blood, and
lymphatic vessels entering the bone via nutrient foramina.
Inner osteogenic layer is composed of osteoblasts and osteoclasts
Delicate CT membrane covering internal surfaces of bone
Covers trabeculae of spongy bone
Lines canals in compact bone
Also contains both osteoblasts and osteoclasts

Gross Anatomy of Bones

External Features of Bones projections, depressions, and openings that serve as
sites of muscle, ligament, and tendon attachment, as joint surfaces, or conduits for
blood vessels and nerves
Compact Bone dense outer layer
Spongy Bone (cancellous bone) honeycomb of trabeculae (needle-like or flat
pieces) filled with bone marrow

Gross Anatomy - Bone Markings

Superficial surfaces of bones reflect stresses on them
There are three broad categories of bone markings
Projections for muscle attachment
Surfaces that form joints
Depressions and openings

Histology of Compact Bone

Osteon the structural unit of compact bone

Lamellae column-like matrix tubes composed of collagen and crystals of bone salts

Central canal - (Haversian canal) canal containing blood vessels and nerves

Lacunae - cavities in bone containing osteocytes

Canaliculi - hairlike canals that connect lacunae to each other and the central canal
Perforating canal (Volkmanns) channels lying at right angles to the central canal,
connecting blood and nerve supply of the periosteum to the central canal

Cells in Bone

Osteoprogenitor cells precursors to osteoblasts

Osteocytes - mature bone cells between lamellae

Osteoclasts - bone-destroying cells, break down bone matrix for remodeling and
release of calcium
Source of acid, enzymes for osteolysis
Calcium homeostasis

Osteoblasts - bone-forming cells

Responsible for osteogenesis (new bone)
Source of collagen, calcium salts
The Structure of Spongy Bone

No osteons

Lamellae as trabeculae

Arches, rods, plates of bone

Branching network of bony tissue
Strong in many directions
Red marrow (blood forming) spaces
Short, Irregular, and Flat Bones

Plates of periosteum- covered compact bone on the outside with

endosteum-covered spongy bone, diplo, on the inside

Have no diaphysis or epiphyses

Contain bone marrow between the trabeculae

Bone Development

Osteogenesis or Ossification the process of bone tissue formation that leads to:
The formation of the skeleton in embryos
Bone growth until early adulthood
Bone thickness, remodeling, and repair
Formation of the Skeleton
Before week 8, the skeleton of a human embryo consists of fibrous membanes and
hyaline cartilage
Intramembranous ossification bone develops from a fibrous connective tissue
membrane. The flat bones of the skull (frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital) and the
clavicles are formed this way.
Endochondral ossification bone forms by replacing hyaline cartilage, uses hyaline
cartilage bones as patterns
Bone Formation and Growth

Intramembranous Ossification

OssificationProcess of converting other tissues to bone

Forms flat bones of skull, mandible, clavicle
Stem cells differentiate to osteoblasts
Produces spongy bone, then compact bone
Intramembranous Ossification

An ossification center appears in the fibrous connective tissue membrane

Osteoblasts secrete bone matrix within the fibrous membrane

Osteoblasts mature into osteocytes

Intramembranous Ossification
The bone matrix develops into trabeculae.
The trabeculae formed from various ossification centers fuse with one another to
create spongy bone.
Eventually the spaces between trabeculae fill with red bone marrow.
Bone Formation and Growth

Endochondral Ossification

Most bones formed this way

Cartilage model replaced by bone
Replacement begins in middle (diaphysis)
Replacement follows in ends (epiphyses)
Longitudinal Bone Growth
Longitudinal Growth (interstitial) cartilage continually grows and is replaced by bone
Bones lengthen entirely by growth of the epiphyseal plates
Cartilage is replaced with bone CT as quickly as it grows
Epiphyseal plate maintains constant thickness

Epiphyseal Plate
Cartilage is organized for quick, efficient growth
Cartilage cells form tall stacks
Chondroblasts at the top of stacks divide quickly
Pushes the epiphysis away from the diaphysis
Lengthens entire long bone
Older chondrocytes signal surrounding matrix to calcify, then die and disintegrate
Leaves long trabeculae (spicules) of calcified cartilage on diaphysis side
Trabeculae are partly eroded by osteoclasts
Osteoblasts then cover trabeculae with bone tissue
Trabeculae finally eaten away from their tips by osteoclasts

Appositional Bone Growth

Growing bones widen as they lengthen
Appositional growth growth of a bone by addition of bone tissue to its surface
Bone is resorbed at endosteal surface and added at periosteal surface
Osteoblasts add bone tissue to the external surface of the diaphysis
Osteoclasts remove bone from the internal surface of the diaphysis
Bone - Remodeling/Homeostasis

Role of Remodeling in Support

RemodelingContinuous breakdown and reforming of bone tissue

Shapes reflect applied loads

Mineral turnover enables adapting to new stresses

What you dont use, you lose. The stresses applied to bones during exercise are
essential to maintaining bone strength and bone mass

Bone Remodeling
Bone is active tissue small changes in bone architecture occur continuously 5 to
7% of bone mass is recycled weekly spongy bone is replaced every 3-4 years and
compact bone approximately every 10 years
Remodeling Units adjacent osteoblasts and osteoclasts deposit and reabsorb
bone at periosteal and endosteal surfaces

Bone Remodeling

Bone Depostition
Occurs when bone is injured or extra strength is needed
Requires a healthy diet - protein, vitamins C, D, and A, and minerals (calcium,
phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, etc.)

Bone Resorption
Accomplished by Osteoclasts (multinucleate phagocytic cells)
Resorption involves osteoclast secretion of:

Lysosomal enzymes that digest organic matrix

HCl that converts calcium salts into soluble forms

Dissolved matrix is endocytosed and transcytosed into the interstitial fluid
the blood


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