Golden Period of Hernia Surgery PDF
Golden Period of Hernia Surgery PDF
Golden Period of Hernia Surgery PDF
Inguinal hernia is a very common problem. Surgical repair is the current approach, whereas asymptomatic or minimally
symptomatic hernias may be good candidate for watchful waiting. Prophylactic antibiotics can be used in centers with
high rate of wound infection. Local anesthesia is a suitable and economic option for open repairs, and should be popu-
larized in day-case setting. Numerous repair methods have been described to date. Mesh repairs are superior to non-
mesh tissue-suture repairs. Lichtenstein repair and endoscopic/laparoscopic techniques have similar efficacy. Standard
polypropylene mesh is still the choice, whereas use of partially absorbable lightweight meshes seems to have some
advantages. Hippokratia 2011; 15 (3): 223-231
Keywords: inguinal hernia, hernia repair, antibiotic prophylaxis, mesh, laparoscopy, Lichtenstein repair, review
Corresponding author: Hakan Kulacoglu, Bahcelievler, 1.cadde, 109/5, 06490, Ankara, Turkey, e-mail:
Fax: + 90 312 3186690
Inguinal hernia repair is probably the most common plications developed after emergency repairs may be more
procedure in general surgery. It is also one of the earli- dramatic and frequent, even mortality may be recorded3,4.
est operations in a junior surgical residents postgraduate It is especially so if patient is elder5,6. Therefore a repair in
training period. Numerous repair techniques have been elective setting is recommended generally.
described to date, however tension-free mesh repairs are On the other hand, a limited number of recent papers
widely used methods today because of their low recur- have reported that watchful waiting is a safe and accept-
rence rates. able option for men with minimally symptomatic or as-
Inguinal hernia repairs consume an important part of ymptomatic cases7-9. The authors concluded that hernia
health care resources because of the high incidence of accidents like incarceration or strangulation occur rarely
the problem. It is estimated that 20 millions of inguinal and can generally be treated uneventfully. Also, delay in
hernia repairs are performed globally every year1. Every treatment does not increase the complication rates. On the
recurrence after a primary repair will add an extra cost contrary, a Scottish team reported that a painless inguinal
to health care economics. Moreover, secondary or ter- hernia develop symptoms over time, therefore, surgical
tiary operations after previous repairs carry higher risk repair is recommended for medically fit patients with a
of re-recurrence and specific complications like testicu- asymptomatic hernia10,11.
lar atrophy. Therefore, every surgeon should know and Today, inguinal hernias can be treated with very low
perform a current repair method successfully in his/her complication rates. Open repairs like Lichtenstein opera-
daily practice. tion can be performed with local anesthesia in a safe and
Approximately 75% of all abdominal wall hernias are economic way12-14. Laparoscopic repairs are also very at-
seen in the groin1. Inguinal hernia is much more common tractive options for patients. Therefore most inguinal her-
in men than women. Although femoral and umbilical nias are still repaired without any observation unless the
hernias are more common in female population, indirect general condition of the patient is very poor.
inguinal hernia is still the most common type of hernia in
women. Age is a factor for incidence and type of ingui- Classification
nal hernia; incidence increases by age2. Indirect hernia is More than 10 classifications have been described to
more common in young and direct hernia in the elderly. date. They have similarities and differences, but gener-
ally meet at complexity and difficulty in remembering.
Repair or wait? Probably the most frequently used classification is Nyhus
Traditionally almost all inguinal hernias are referred classification1,15. It describes almost all types including
for surgical treatment following diagnosis. Progression of pantaloon and femoral hernias, and gives attention to re-
a hernia by time is natural and most surgeons prefer repair- current hernias. Gilbert classification is easier but lack
ing all inguinal hernias as soon as possible. Inguinal hernia the description of combined and femoral hernias16.
is a benign disease and it repair results in only rare and Aaachen classification that developed by Schumpelick
minor complications in elective setting. Nevertheless com- and colleagues is based on an easy system17. It mentions
Table 1: The EHS groin hernia classification. and always the method for endoscopic/laparoscopic re-
pairs, whereas local anesthesia is more frequently used
EHS by surgeons with specific interest to herniology. Surgeons
Groin Hernia feel themselves more comfortable and free when their pa-
Classification Primary Recurrent
tients are received a full anesthesia. However, local and
0 1 2 3 x regional anesthesia has certain advantages for patients.
L These two techniques have the advantage of preemptive
analgesia and cause less oxidative stress19. Whole field
was blocked before, and patients do not feel any pain dur-
F ing the operation. This will provide a much more com-
fortable postoperative period.
From: Miserez M, et al. The European hernia society groin hernia
Another advantage of avoiding general anesthesia is
classification: simple and easy to remember. Hernia. 2007;11:113-6.
a having conscious patient during the operation. Patient
can give a cough to increase intraabdominal pressure dur-
both anatomical location (indirect or lateral vs. direct or ing exploration or checking the safety of repair. Local an-
medial) and size (<1.5 cm, 1.5-3.0 cm, >3 cm.) of hernia. esthesia is also considered as an assurance for more deli-
The European Hernia Society (EHS) Board, including cate surgical manipulation. Surgeon will have to dissect
Prof.Schumpelick, recently agreed on a new classifica- the tissues gently and the assistant will have to retract the
tion based on Aachen system and asked all surgeons prac- wound edges with caution.
ticing hernia surgery to report the class of the hernia in Local anesthesia has been found to be related to
the operative reports18 (Table 1). shorter time spent in the operating room, lower incidence
EHS classification defines the location of hernia of nausea and urinary retention, and more satisfaction.
with L: lateral, M: medial, and F: femoral. The size of Patients received local or regional anesthesia need lees
hernia is indicated with 1: one finger, 2: one-two fin- postoperative analgesics and length of hospital stay are
gers, and 3: three fingers. If the patient has two types less than general anesthesia cases20. However, local an-
of hernia together (e.g., direct+indirect, direct+femoral, esthesia has been found to be superior to regional anes-
indirect+femoral) appropriate boxes in the table are thesia21. Spinal anesthesia causes urinary retention fre-
ticked. In addition, P or R letter is encircled for a primary quently. Patients received spinal anesthesia is generally
or recurrent hernia. not happy with motor block that render them unable to
No matter which classification system is used the type stand up and walk for a while. Epidural anesthesia has
of hernia should be recorded according to intraoperative better outcomes for last two parameters22.
findings. It is important to describe each side separately Today, a step-by-step infiltration technique is the
and clearly for bilateral hernias. widely use method for establishing local anesthesia, and
dose of anesthetic agents can be always kept in the limit
Which type of anesthesia? of confidence14. Intravenous mild sedation should also be
Virtually all anesthetic methods have been used in added to maximize intraoperative comfort. Local anes-
inguinal hernia repairs (Table 2). General inhalation an- thesia is easy to learn and apply, and surgeons should be
esthesia is still most common method in most institution encouraged to use it in open anterior repairs for health
Table 2: Anesthetic options for inguinal hernia repair.
care economics. It is even available in overweight and cantly decreased infection rate in comparison with control
obese patients without dose related complications14,23. In subjects where no antibiotics given at all31 However, both
EHSs view, local anesthesia is suitable for open repairs, studies need additional support by further trials which
should be considered in ASA III/IV patients, however compare topical antibiotics with single dose intravenous
it cannot be possible in young anxious patients, morbid cephalosporins. The most impressive results were pub-
obesity, incarcerated hernia24. lished by Deysine32. One gram of intravenous cefazolin
In respect of postoperative anesthesia-related compli- administered 1 hour before surgery plus frequent wound
cations local anesthesia seems to be more advantageous irrigations with a solution of 80 mg of gentamycin sulphate
than its counterparts. Urinary retention rate is much low- dissolved in 250 ml of normal saline solution yielded a re-
er in local anesthesia. It is also free of severe headache markably low infection rate of 0.11% in over 4,000 elec-
which is seen after spinal anesthesia. tive inguinal hernia repairs. This institution worked more
than 20 consecutive years without one single surgical site
Is antibiotic prophylaxis necessary? infection after above mentioned prophylaxis regimen.
Inguinal hernia repairs are clean surgical procedures
where antibiotic prophylaxis is not recommended for Which repair technique?
routine use. In conventional hernia repair (non-mesh), Numerous repair techniques were described since Ed-
antibiotic prophylaxis does not significantly reduce the uardo Bassini had published his first anatomy-based re-
number of wound infections24. However for the last two pair with great success in 1890. During the 20th century,
decades, use of prosthetic materials has significantly in- the repair trend was changed several times. A summary of
creased due to their low recurrence rates and prophylactic current repair options for inguinal hernias are presented
antibiotic use has become more common. Theoretically in Table 3.
there would be an increased risk of surgical site infection Although Shouldice Hospital achieves a very low
when a foreign body such as a prosthetic mesh is used, cumulative recurrence rate by performing its own tissue-
but routine antibiotic prophylaxis is still controversial25. suture technique33, today prosthetic repairs are accepted
Most recent Cochrane meta-analysis on antibiotic to be superior to non-mesh suture repairs. A recent
prophylaxis in inguinal hernia repair in which seven of metaanalysis revelaed that Shouldice herniorrhaphy is the
thirteen trials were mesh repair series concluded that ad- best non-mesh technique in terms of recurrence, though it
ministration of antibiotic prophylaxis for elective ingui- is more time consuming and needs a slightly longer post-
nal hernia repair cannot be universally recommended26. operative hospital stay. Nevertheless, the use of mesh is
In addition, it has been stated that antibiotic prophylaxis associated with a lower rate of recurrence34.
cannot either be recommended against when high rates of Non-mesh repairs may be considered as an option
wound infection are observed. European Hernia Society in women. Transversalis fascia is often quite strong in
guideline for inguinal hernia repair also states that In women and indirect hernias in these patients can be treat-
clinical settings with low rates (<5%) of wound infec-
tion, there is no indication for the routine use of antibiotic Table 3: A classification of current repair techniques for in-
prophylaxis in elective open groin hernia repair in low- guinal hernias.
risk patients. 24. However antibiotic prophylaxis in the
A. Tension-free prosthetic repairs
centers with high rates of infection (>5%), and also for
high-risk patients (e.g., advanced age, recurrent hernia,
steroid use, immunosupression, wxpected long operating 1. Anterior repairs
time, use of drains, emergency repair, etc.) is still practi- a. Lichtenstein repair and its
cally in use in many institutions. modifications
Yerdel et al found a 10-fold decrease in overall wound
b. Plug repairs
infection rate when single-dose, intravenous ampicillin-
sulbactam was used during Lichtenstein hernia repair27. c. Patch and plug repairs
However, a large number of evidences say that first gen- d. Double-layer devices
eration cephalosporins should be the choice when the 2. Posterior (preperitoneal) repairs
surgeon decides prophylaxis. A single dose intravenous a. Open techniques via inguinal incision
administration 30 minutes before the incision is suffi- b. Stoppa repair
cient. Oral route for antibiotic prophylaxis can be a safe
c. Laparoscopic/endoscopic repairs
alternative which decreases the costs28,29. Antibiotics are
not continued postoperatively. i. Transabdominal preperitoneal
Topical antibiotics have also been tried in some in- ii. Total extraperitoneal
stitutions. A recent prospective randomized study found
that topical gentamicin into the wound is equivalent to B. Tissue-Suture repairs
intravenous gentamicin30. In an earlier paper, Lazorthes
1. Bassini-Shouldice technique and its modifications
and colleagues had reported that single dose cefaman-
dole delivered directly into the operative wound signifi- 2. Marcy repair
ed without a mesh35. Marcy repair where internal inguinal repairs performed in USA and some European and this
ring is narrowed by one or a couple of sutures is also approach would likely remain a less common operation
rarely used in certain cases with a small indirect hernia than open mesh repair51. NICE, in 2004, stated that only
and a normal-size internal ring. 4.1% of the all inguinal hernias were repaired by lap-
Different mesh techniques have been described to aroscopic technique in the United Kingdom38. This low
date. Single and double layer meshes, and plug repairs all figure was confirmed very recently by a cross-sectional
have been reported with good results by their users and survey among 784 fellows of the Association of Surgeons
defenders. However, EHS Guideline has clearly stated of Great Britain and Ireland52. A survey of Japanese gen-
that none of the alternative mesh techniques except for eral surgeons which questioned the standard operation
the Lichtenstein and endoscopic techniques has received for adult groin hernias showed just a 1% daily usage rate
sufficient scientific evaluation to be recommended24. for laparoscopic repair53. In contrast to these two indus-
The use of mesh in emergency repair of complicated trialized countries known with conservative life patterns,
hernias is under debate. Recent evidences is in favor of laparoscopic hernia repair has gained popularity in some
mesh use in cases with incarceration, however prosthetic North American and European countries. Canadian sur-
repair creates a risk for surgical site infection in cases vey reported that almost half of Canadian surgeons had
where a gangrenous intestine is met and a resection-anas- laparoscopic repair experience and routine laparoscopic
tomosis is required36,37. Suture repairs like Shouldice- repair usage rate was 15% for unilateral, while one third
Bassini operation are employed in those cases. of bilateral and recurrent hernias were repaired with this
Today, some strong recommendations exist in favor technique54. A German survey including 14 hospitals pre-
of Lichtenstein repair. American College of Surgeons sented a 30% ratio for laparoscopic repair techniques55.
choose this technique for gold standard 12, while Na- Open and laparoscopic/endoscopic techniques have
tional Institute of Clinical Excellence [NICE] from UK38 been compared in a number of studies. First of all lap-
and The National Agency for Accreditation and Evalu- aroscopic repairs are more expensive than open repairs.
ation in Health [ANAES] from France39 recommended Hynes et al. reported that laparoscopic repair costs an av-
it for inguinal hernia repair. It is easy to learn and per- erage of $638 more than open in North America56. Simi-
form40. Reasonable recurrence and complications rates larly, McCormack et al. reported that laparoscopic repair
have been obtained worldwide. The Lichtenstein Hernia was more costly to the health service than open repair,
Institute and the British Hernia Centre reported very low with an estimated extra cost from studies conducted in
recurrence rates in thousands of cases41, 42. It is also suit- the UK of about 300-350 pounds per patient57. A Swedish
able for outpatient surgery in an economic way by using study revealed that the total hospital cost was 710.6 Euro
local anesthesia. higher for TEP repair. This difference increased to 795.1
Endoscopic and laparoscopic repairs also provide Euro when the further costs associated with recurrences
very good results where surgeons have expertise in the and complications within 5 years were taken into consid-
technique. It results in very low postoperative pain, fewer eration58. Khajanchee et al also reported that the cost of
wound infection, and quick return to daily activity and TEP repair was $128.58 more than an open repair59. They
working43. A mesh is placed either with a total extraperi- argued that although the difference could be decreased
toneal technique (TEP) or a transabdominal preperitoneal with minimal use of disposable instruments TEP repair
approach (TAPP). A Cochrane review found these two would stil appear to be an expensive alternative from the
approaches equivalent regarding duration of operation, payers point of view. In contrast, Jacobs and Morrison
haematoma, length of stay, time to return to usual activ- stated that despite marginally higher procedure-related
ity and recurrence44. A retrospective comparison in the disposable costs for laparoscopic TEP hernia repair, the
early years of the techniques reported similar results in institutional income is remarkably higher owing to a
general, however major complications like bowel injury better reimbursement for this procedure in ambulatory
was a concern in TAPP45. EHS has the opinion that a to- surgery centers. From the institutions point of view, lap-
tally extraperitoneal (TEP) repair is preferred to a trans- aroscopic hernia repair is by far the more cost-effective
abdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) approach in the case of procedure when compared with an open hernia procedure
endoscopic surgery24. at the present time60.
Today a great competition is continuing between open The classical 14-center VA Study from Neumayer and
and laparoscopic mesh repairs. Majority of hernia re- colleagues revealed that recurrences were more common
pairs are still done with open techniques. Questionnaires in the laparoscopic group than in the open group61. The
among surgeons revealed that a minority of participants rate of complications was also higher in the laparoscopic-
preferred laparoscopic repair for their imaginary unilat- surgery group than in the open-surgery group, but rates of
eral inguinal hernia46-49, whereas Rattner reported that recurrence after repair of recurrent hernias were similar in
physicians are are increasingly choosing a laparoscopic the two groups (10.0 percent and 14.1 percent, respective-
approach for their hernia repairs even when they have ly). The laparoscopic-surgery group had less pain initially
primary unilateral hernia50. than the open-surgery group on the day of surgery and at
A review published in 2007 reported that laparoscop- two weeks and returned to normal activities one day ear-
ic hernia repair is accounted for the minority of hernia lier. However this study was criticized by others. Strate et
HIPPOKRATIA 2011, 15, 3 227
al. claimed that increased incidence of recurrences may be Table 4: A classification of prosthetic materials used in in-
related not to the laparoscopy but rather to the size of the guinal hernia repairs.
mesh62. In addition, technical experience of some surgeons
was not enough yet in laparoscopy group. A. Synthetic meshes
A very successful laparoscopic repair team from Germa- 1. Heavyweight
ny has published a metaanalysis that compared endoscopic a. Polypropylene
and open repair methods63. They have found that endoscopic b. Polyester
repairs have advantages over open repairs in terms of local 2. Lightweight
complications and pain-associated parameters. However,
a. Nonabsorbable
Lichtenstein repair has significant advantages like shorter
operating time, lower incidence of seroma formation, and i. Plain polypropylene
most importantly fewer hernia recurrences. ii. Coated polypropylene
A Cochrane review comparing laparoscopic and open b. Partially absorbable
repairs revealed no apparent difference in recurrence64. i. Polypropylene + polyglactine
Laparoscopy seems to cause less persisting pain and
ii. Polypropylene + polyglecaprone
numbness. Return to usual activities is also faster. How-
ever, operation times are longer and there appears to be B. Biologic meshes
a higher risk of serious complication rate in respect of
visceral and vascular injuries. technique in relation to previous technique. If previously
Bilateral hernias are another specific issue. Laparo- anterior; consider open preperitoneal mesh or endoscopic
scopic/endoscopic techniques are good options for these approach, if previously posterior; consider Lichtenstein
cases65,66. EHS recommends Lichtenstein and endoscopic operation24.
repairs24. An argument in favor of laparoscopic repair is
clinically unrecognized contralateral hernias. Contralat- Which mesh?
eral hernias are found in exploration in about %10 of the Usher first introduced polypropylene prosthetics for
cases67. Ipsilateral or contralateral femoral or obturator inguinal hernia in the late 1950s72, however, the wide ac-
hernias can also be diagnosed during laparoscopy. Griffin ceptance of them took place in 80s following Lichten-
et al. reported interesting findings with bilateral laparo- steins report of very successful results73. Meshes have
scopic exploration68. In their series, contralateral hernia decreased the rate of recurrence significantly, but some
was found and repaired in 22% of the cases. In another problems related to meshes have been reported. As a for-
20%, the clinical suspicion of bilateral hernia was revised eign body, mesh theoretically may increase the risk of
at the time of surgery to unilateral only. Four cases were infection. However, as mentioned above, surgical site
booked as femoral repairs, one of which was found to be infection is not a big problem in inguinal hernia repairs.
an inguinal hernia. The overall clinical diagnostic accu- Rejection and mesh removal due to chronic resistant in-
racy was only 78%. fection is very rare.
The British Hernia Center reported that simultaneous A hernia mesh has certain features like material,
inguinal hernia repair can be done with local anesthesia strength, elasticity, density, pore size. Standard polypropyl-
without any increase in recurrence or infection rates, both ene mesh is most frequently used one. It is cheap, available
between 0.5-1% 69. Dakkuri et al published similar results in most institutions, non-absorbable, and strong enough to
and found simultaneous repair more economic70. However, avoid recurrence. Nevertheless, some actual problems with
simultaneous repair of bilateral hernias should be carefully mesh use like foreign body sensation and chronic postop-
considered for each case. Young male patients with strong erative pain have created a conflict about standard polypro-
muscles may not be good candidates for single-stage re- pylene mesh. Polyester mesh might be an alternative, but
pair. They usually complain of postoperative pain at one it could not gain popularity. Polyester meshes can degrade
side. Older patients are more suitable for bilateral repairs by time especially in infected areas74.
with local anesthesia13,14. As a rule, the side where the pa- Newer lighter meshes have been produced to over-
tient has more complaint should be repaired first, if the sur- come those problems75. Nevertheless, all lightweight
geon does not find any specific reason not to do so. meshes are more expensive than standard polypropylene
It may be better to consider recurrent hernias as a mesh. Pure polypropylene light mesh is the most econom-
separate group. Meta-analyses revealed that laparoscopic ic option. There are also coated polypropylene meshes in
and open mesh repairs for recurrent inguinal hernias were the market. The purpose of the coating is to attenuate the
equivalent in most of the analyzed outcomes. Fewer he- host response to the prosthetic, yet still provide adequate
matoma/seroma formation were observed in the laparo- strength for repair76. Fish oil, beta glucan and titanium
scopic group in comparison with the Lichtenstein group. have been used for coating74.
There is a higher relative risk of overall recurrence with When meshes are categorized by density, a mesh with
transabdominal preperitoneal approach compared with density >100 g/m2 is accepted as heavy, whereas a 35-50
totally extraperitoneal technique71. EHS recommendation g/m2 density is classified as lightweight74. Several recent
for recurrent hernias is more straightforward: Modify controlled clinical studies have suggested that lightweight
meshes may improve patient comfort77,78. Some objective Table 5: Possible indications for partially absorbable light-
findings in favor of lightweight meshes have also been weight meshes in inguinal hernia repair.
obtained from laboratory experiments, however some
others reported that a lower weight mesh does not cor- Small indirect hernia
relate with a decreased biological response79,80.
Partially absorbable meshes have two components. Female patient
Polypropylene nonabsorbable part does not lose its strength Inguinal hernia with severe pubic pain
at all. The other half is absorbed within 12 weeks81. Even-
tually less foreign material is left insitu, while the remain- Preperitoneal repair
ing mesh can still provide a sufficient mechanical bar-
Sportsman hernia
rier against recurrence. Two controlled studies compared
standard polypropylene mesh with a partially absorbable Patient preference
mesh in Lichtenstein repair revealed no differences82,83. A
single-surgeon study also reported no differences for stan- Patients concern about male infertility
dard polypropylene, lightweight pure polypropylene and
partially absorbable meshes84. A recent metaanalysis also al. compared this biologic mesh with standard polypro-
found no differences however use of partially absorbable pylene and partially absorbable meshes in Lichtenstein
light meshes could be associated with reduced feeling of a repair and found similar outcomes for a short follow-up99.
foreign body85. As the pioneer of the technique, the Lich- Laparoscopic use of this mesh is also feasible, but series
tenstein Hernia Institute still uses standard polypropylene are not large yet to make a conclusion100,101.
mesh in inguinal hernia repair. Today, standard polypropylene mesh still seems to
Lately a specific problem has been introduced for be the choice for inguinal hernia repairs. Its use provides
mesh repairs. Some clinical and experimental studies low recurrence and complication rates. Newer and more
have shown that mesh may cause male infertility due to expensive lightweight meshes may be considered in cer-
constriction of the vas deference86-89. Some authors have tain situations as summarized in Table 5.
even proposed that young male patients who undergo In conclusion, mesh repairs are superior to non-
inguinal herniorrhaphy using polypropylene mesh need mesh tissue-suture repairs in repair of inguinal hernias.
to cryopreserve their sperm for future fertility90. On the The advantages of the meshes well exceed their potential
contrary, Aydede et al. reported that mesh application is risk of complications. Lichtenstein repair and endoscop-
a safe procedure in patients with no children or who are ic/laparoscopic techniques have similar efficacy. Local
under infertility treatment91. A very recent study from anesthesia is a suitable and economic option for open
Sweden also has shown that patients undergo bilateral repairs, and should be popularized in day-case setting.
inguinal hernia repair with mesh are not a greater risk of Prophylactic antibiotics can be used in centers with high
male infertility rate than those operated without mesh92. rate of wound infection.
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