Tutorial Chapter 4&5
Tutorial Chapter 4&5
Tutorial Chapter 4&5
1. The results of a constant-head permeability test for a fine sand sample having a diameter
of 150 mm and a length of 300 mm are as follows:
Constant-head difference = 500 mm
Water collected in 5 min = 350 cm3
Void ratio of sand = 0.61
a) Hydraulic conductivity, k (cm/sec)
b) Seepage velocity
2. In a constant-head permeability test, the length of the specimen is 150 mm and the cross-
sectional area is 3167 mm2. If k = 0.062 cm/sec and a rate of flow of 160 cm3/min has to be
maintained during the test, what should be the head difference across the specimen? Also,
determine the discharge velocity under the test conditions.
5. Refer to Figure 2 for field pumping from a well. For a steady state condition, given:
q = 0.85 m3/min
h1 = 5.65 m at r1 = 60 m
h2 = 4.85 m at r2 = 30 m
Calculate the hydraulic conductivity (cm/sec) of the permeable layer.
Figure 3
What is the change in effective stress at point C if
a) the water table drops by 2 m?
b) the water table rises to the surface up to point A?
c) the water level rises 3 m above point A due to flooding?
7. Refer to Figure 4.
a) Plot the effective pressure diagram at point A, B and C.
b) If the ground water table rises to 2 m below the ground surface, what will be the net
change in effective stress at point C?
c) How high should the groundwater table rise so that the effective stress at C is 120
Figure 4