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Surveillance Networks

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International Journal of Engineering Research ISSN:2319-6890 (online),2347-5013(print)

Volume No.6, Issue No.11, pp : 453-454 1 Nov. 2017

Surveillance Networks

Matthew N. O. Sadiku, Mahamadou Tembely, Sarhan M. Musa

Roy G. Perry College of Engineering Prairie View A&M University Prairie View, TX 77446
Email: sadiku@ieee.org, tembely_madou@yahoo.fr, smmusa@pvamu.edu

Abstract-- Surveillance networks have increased in popularity presence/absence of a target by exchanging information through
the last decades as safety and security have become critical wireless communications. Global Positioning System (GPS)
issues in many infrastructures such as power stations, provides a common clock and accurate localization, GPS
airports, hospitals, and schools. They are to provide protection technology may not work for indoor security applications and
from a wide range of threats or attacks and serve as a may be too costly for large-scale sensor networks [5].
deterrent to crime. This paper provides a brief introduction to
surveillance networks, their applications, and challenges.
Keywords: surveillance network, computer surveillance,
sensor network Surveillance networks are mainly used for security and health.
Security: Surveillance systems have spread the last
I. INTRODUCTION decade in response to public security. They are gaining
popularity in home, office, hospital, businesses, corporations,
Network or computer surveillance is the monitoring of organizations, airports, power stations, schools or other security
computer activities or data being transferred over computer sensitive infrastructures. The networks is to enhance the
networks such as the Internet. This is usually done by protection of facilities from a wide range of threats or attacks
governments, corporations, police, and criminal agencies to and serve as a deterrent to crime.
maintain social control, monitor threats, and investigate Control diseases: Health agencies use surveillance
criminal activities of citizens [1]. systems to detect and monitor chronic and infectious diseases.
Surveillance technologies are becoming widespread today There is global concern about surveillance and control of
because of threats like terrorism and crime. They have become diseases because the spread of infectious agents is inevitable in a
part of this era of ubiquitous computing. In fact, surveillance world deeply interconnected [6]. Surveillance network is a
cameras are rapidly becoming part of the urban infrastructure in network of practices or community based primary care
developed nations. The main justification for the presence of physicians who monitor specific illness problems on a
the public surveillance networks is that they are a deterrent to continuing basis. They are used to monitor the health of the
crime [2]. entire population. Examples of surveillance systems include the
Global Public Health Intelligence Network (GPHIN), the
II. Components Of Surveillenace Networks Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases (ProMED), and
Surveillance systems may be static or passive, wired or Medical Intelligence System (MedISys). The World Health
Organization (WHO) is responsible for monitoring and
wireless/mobile. A typical surveillance network is shown in
responding to global public health threats, but there is no
Figure 1 [3]. A surveillance network may consist of IP video
comprehensive global public health surveillance system.
cameras, analysis devices, and a central node which collects Surveillance networks can also be used in a smart city to provide
information and displays. Selecting the number of cameras citizens with higher-level services and ensure public security
automatically is a high priority. The placement of cameras and safety. Such networks ultimately aim at the improvement of
within a surveillance network is critical. The cameras location everyday city life [7].
is described by its position and orientation. In surveillance
networks, video streams are transmitted 24/7.
Wireless sensor networks offer cost effective solutions to
New technologies are enabling global surveillance, but in
various surveillance and tracking networks in which sensor
addition to serious technical needs, both sustainability and data-
nodes are deployed to operate autonomously in unattended
sharing mechanisms remain challenges. Energy-efficiency is an
environments. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) typically
important issue in surveillance networks, since camera sensors
consist of large number of sensor nodes with limited memory,
are always equipped with limited energy capacities.
computational and communication resources [4]. The
Some surveillance networks are multinational. They work
surveillance network is comprised of a set of the devices (also
when principles of sovereignty are maintained, when trust and
referred to as nodes) collaborating to detect the

IJER@2017 Page 453

International Journal of Engineering Research ISSN:2319-6890 (online),2347-5013(print)
Volume No.6, Issue No.11, pp : 453-454 1 Nov. 2017

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VI. CONCLUSION x. M. Moore et al., Promising pathways for regional disease
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Surveillance refers to the close scrutiny of individuals through xi. K. N. Plataniotis and C.S. Regazzoni, Visual-centric
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to the globalization of communicable diseases, which in turn
has led toincreased need for globalization of solutions to fight ABOUT THE AUTHORS
the disease [10]. Research in surveillance networks is an active
discipline which requires multidisciplinary expertise, including Matthew N.O. Sadiku is a professor at Prairie View A&M
knowledge of signal processing, computer vision, University, Texas. He is the author of several books and papers.
communications, computer networks, pattern recognition, and He is a fellow of IEEE.
sensor development [11].
Mahamadou Tembely is a Ph.D student at Prairie View
A&M University, Texas. He received the 2014 Outstanding MS
Graduated Student award for the department of electrical and
REFERENCES computer engineering. He is the author of several papers.
i. Computer and network surveillance, Wikipedia, the free Sarhan M. Musa is a professor in the Department of
Engineering Technology at Prairie View A&M University,
ii. J. Bullington, 'Affective' computing and emotion Texas. He has been the director of Prairie View Networking
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Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on Information Security, Welliver Fellow.
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