Unit 3 Human Resource Management

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Unit 3 Human Resource Management

Unit 3 Human Resource Management

The aim of this unit is to enable students to appreciate and apply principles of
effective Human Resource Management (HRM). People are the lifeblood of any
Organization and being able to attract, recruit and retain talented staff is at the core
of all HRM activity. This unit will explore the tools and techniques used in HRM to
Maximize the employee contribution and how to use HR methods to gain competitive
advantage. Students will explore the importance of training and development in building
and extending the skills base of the organization and ensuring it is relevant to the ever-
changing business environment. Students will also consider the growing importance of
becoming a flexible organization with an equally flexible labour force, and become familiar
with techniques of job design and with different reward systems. The unit investigates the
importance of good employee relations and the ways in which employers engage with their
staff and possibly with trade unions. Students will gain an understanding of the law
governing HRM processes as well as the best practices which enable an employer to
become an employer of choice in their labour market.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this unit a learner will:
1 Explain the purpose and scope of Human Resource Management in terms of
Resourcing an organization with talent and skills appropriate to fulfill business
2 Evaluate the effectiveness of the key elements of Human Resource Management in an
3 Analyze internal and external factors that affect Human Resource Management
Decision-making, including employment legislation.
4 Apply Human Resource Management practices in a work-related context.
Unit 3 Human Resource Management

Unit content
LO1 Explain the purpose and scope of Human Resource Management in
Terms of resourcing an organization with talent and skills appropriate
To fulfill business objectives
The nature and scope of HRM: Definitions of HRM. What are the main functions and
activities of HRM. The Best Fit approach vs Best Practice. The hard and soft models of
HRM. Workforce planning. Types of labour market, labour market trends and PESTLE.
The internal labor market. Analyzing turnover, stability and retention. The impact of legal
and regulatory frameworks. The impact that advances in technology have had upon
improving the efficiency of HR practices.
Sources of recruitment: internal vs external recruitment. Job analysis, job descriptions,
personal specifications and competency frameworks.
Main methods of selection: strengths and weaknesses of each. Reliability and validity as
key criteria. On-boarding and induction: The issues affecting successful induction and
socialization of employees.

Unit 3 Human Resource Management

LO2 Evaluate the effectiveness of the key elements of Human Resource
Management in an organization
Learning, development and training: Differentiating development and training.
Identifying training needs the training gap. Types of training. Evaluation of training.
Pearson BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in Business Specification Issue 3
December 2016 Pearson Education Limited 2016 84 Job and workplace design: Reward
management: extrinsic and intrinsic rewards from work. The link between motivational
theory and reward. Series of job design-job extension techniques. The flexible organization:
Types of flexibility: numerical, structural and functional flexibility. Models of flexible
organizations (e.g. Handy, Atkinson). Flexible working options in modern organizations.
Benefits to employers and benefits to employees of flexible working practices.
Performance and reward:
Performance management and methods used to monitor employee
Performance Types of payment and reward system Methods of a determination.

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Unit 3 Human Resource Management

LO3 Analyze internal and external factors that affect Human Resource
Management decision-making, including employment legislation
Employee relations:
Maintaining good employee relations. Strategies for building and improving employee
relations and engagement.
Employee relations and the law:
The purpose of employment law. Key legal issues and constraints (e.g. equality, data
protection, health and safety, redundancy, dismissal, employment contracts). Ethical and
social responsibilities. Trade unions and workplace representation: The
ro Collective agreements.
Discipline, grievances and redundancy best practice.

Unit 3 Human Resource Management

LO4 Apply Human Resource Management practices in a work-related
Job and person specifications:
Preparing job specifications and person specifications applicable to the
Recruitment context and needs of the organizations, taking into account
Legislation and company policies. Pearson BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in
Business Specification Issue 3 December 2016 Pearson Education Limited 2016
85 Recruitment and selection in practice: The impact of technology on improving the
recruitment and selection process; the use of online resources, digital platforms and social
networking. Designing and placing job advertisements.
Shortlisting and processing applications. Interviewing preparation and best practice.
Selection best practice.

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