12 Physical Education CH 11 Psychology and Sports

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Class 12 Physical Education

Revision Notes

Key Points :

Understanding stress, anxiety and its management.

Coping strategies.
Personality, its dimensions and types; Rule of sports in personality.
Motivation, its type and technique.
Self-esteem and body image.
Psychological benefits of exercises.


The word psychology is derived from a Greek word psyche and logos. Psyche - soul or
mind and logos - study. Generally it is accepted as study of behavior.

Psychology is used in sport to enhance performance and to know the factors which
affect our performance, like - anxiety, stress, personality, motivation, etc.
Optimum level of anxiety is essential to perform in games and sports.

Sports psychology and its importance in the field of sports.

Sports psychology is the branch of applied psychology which deals with sports performance
and the Behavior of a player during training or competitions.

Importance of Sports psychology is due to

(i) Learning of Motor Skills Sports psychology plays a major role in the learning of motor
skills. Motor skills learning depends on the individual's level of readiness.

Analyzing the Behavior of Sportsmen Performance of a player depends upon the behaviors

which are influenced by various factors such as sex differences, family conditions, personal

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background, heredity, growth, physical and mental maturity levels etc.

(iii) Identifying Talent for Specific Sports Every sports has specific psychological demands. e.
g boxing requires more aggressiveness, whereas archery and shooting require more

(iv) Stabilizing the Performance for Longer Period It helps in stabilizing the performance of a
player for a longer period. Then the performance of the player largely depends upon his
psychological make up and anxiety level.

(V) Important from Research Point of View Sports psychologists works in very close
proximity to coaches to uplift the performance of players. Research findings help in
promotion of sports and games.

(vi) Encouraging the Players to Make a Comeback in Professional Sports Sports psychology

encourages the players, who, due to injury or some accident, are forced to take a long break
from their professional career, to return to their sport.

Stress and its management techniques.

A state of affair involving demand on physical or mental energy. The bodys physiological
response to demands place on it. In simple words stress is a condition or circumstance which
can disturb the normal physical and mental health of a person.

Stress is nothing but response of body to an event or situation which are produced by
physiological and psychological changes in the body stress is a bodys method to react a
challenge. It is fight or flight reaction.

Coping up is a technique which tells us now to handle anxiety or stress.

Techniques to manage Stress:-

a) Participation in Physical activities,

b) Achieve a high level of physical fitness,
c) Building self confidence,
d) Relaxation techniques
e) Developing Hobbies

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f) Staying cool and confident under pressure
g) Avoid the company of stressed persons
h) Dont think about stressful thoughts

Anxiety and its management

Anxiety :- Anxiety is a psychological and physiological state of an individual. It is

characterized by cognitive, emotional and behavioral components. These components
combine to create an unpleasant feeling, which is associated with uneasiness, fear of worry.

According to Levitt, Anxiety is a personal feeling of apprehension accompanied by an

increased level of physiological arousals.

Anxiety is a chronic fear that limits our ability to carry out normal functions

Anxiety (also called angst or worry) is a psychological and physiological state characterized
by somatic, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral components. It is the displeasing feeling of
fear and concern. The root meaning of the word anxiety is 'to vex or trouble'; in either
presence or absence of psychological stress, anxiety can create feelings of fear, worry,
uneasiness, and dread.

Anxiety in sports is a natural reaction to threat in environment & part preparation of fight
response. It is a psychological phenomenon.

Management of Anxiety :- Anxiety can be managed through various techniques such as (i)
Deep breathing (ii) Drink water (iii) Follow advice (iv) Psychological balance (v) Warming-up
(vi) No criticism (vii) Focus your target (viii) Sufficient practice (ix) Self confidence (x)

Personality its traits and types

Personality is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psycho physical
systems which determine his unique adjustment to his environment. Personality is not static
but a dynamic concept. It is continuously chaning and growing. Children may have identical
environment. They may have similar experiences but they react to the same environment in
different way.

Personality is a very important factor in games and sports as it influence the performance of

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individual by his/her level of cognition, motivation, traits and behavior.

Types of Personality Introverts:- Introverts are shy, self conscious quit retiring interested in
the own thoughts and feelings, inclined to worry and easily upset.

Extroverts:- Extroverts are social, open frank, outgoing, eager to do thing adaptable, not
easily worried or embarrassed and willing to work with others.

Ambiverts:- In ambiverts both the characteristics of introverts and extroverts are found. In
every person mostly both the characteristics are found through one of them may be
predominant. Sports play a very important role in personality development. They improve
the following qualities. (a) Self concept (b) Mental toughness (c) Emotional stability (d) Quick
Decision (e) Planning (Points to be explained) Sports and games play an important role in the
development of human personality. They are no less important than food and fresh water.
Games and sports help to combat anxiety, depression and stress. Sports train sportsmen to
accept defeat gracefully and to move on.

Traits of personality

Openness : persons wh like to lear new things, new concepts and enjoy new experiences
usually remain on the top in openness. It inclues traits like being imaginative, insightful, and
having a variety of interests.

a) Conscientiousness: Persons who have a high degree of conscientiousness are reliable and
prompt. Such persons remain organized, systematic, laborious and complete in all respects.

b) Extroversion: Extroverts gets their energy from interacting with other individuals where
as introverts get their energy from within themselves. Extroversion includes the traits of
being energetic, talkative and assertive.

c) Agreeableness: Such individuals are friendly, cooperative, compatible, kind and gentle.
Persons with too agreeableness may be more distant or aloof. They are usually kind,
generous, affectionate and sympathetic.

d) Neuroticism: Neuroticism is also called emotional stability. This domain or dimension

relates to ones emotional stability and the degree of negative emotions. Persons who have
high neuroticism usually experiences emotional instability and negative emotions. Such

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individuals remain moody and tense.

Sheldons classification of personality.

Endomorph: Endomorphs have a pear shaped and a rounded physique. They have short
arms and legs. The upper parts of arms and legs seem to be thicker than the lower parts.
They have underdeveloped muscles. They are more inclined to become obese. Their
excessive mass hinders their ability to compete in sports. These are most suitable for
activities in which great strength is required.

Mesomorph: Mesomorphs have a rectangular shaped body with athletic physiques and a
balanced body composition. They are able to increase their muscles size quickly and easily.
They have thick bones and muscles. Their chest and shoulders are broader than the
waistline. They can excel in sports which require great strength, short bursts of energy and
lots of power because they have enough strength, agility and speed.

Ectomorphs: Ectomorphs are usually referred to as slim persons because their muscles and
limbs are elongated. They have weak constitution of busy and face great difficulty in gaining
weight. They have flat chest and have less muscle mass. They do not have a lot of strength
but they dominate the endurance sports as their busy type is naturally suited to perform
wonderfully in endurance sports. They are best suited for games and sports like gymnastics
and long distance races.

Motivation and its types

Motivation means to be inspired to do something. It is a kind of inner force which energizes

a man to make constant efforts.
According to Crook and Stein, "Motivation is any condition that might energies and directs
our action.]
Motivation energizes an individual to behave in particular way for attaining a specific goal.

Types of Motivation

There are two types of motivation

Intrinsic Motivation is within an individual and guides him/her to perform better. It is based
upon needs, interest, nature, emotions, social need etc. It also depends upon knowledge of

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result, personal factor, competition zeal etc. He/she participates in sports for his/her own

(ii) Extrinsic Motivation This motivation depends upon environmental factors. It has a great
impact on an individual's performance. It is of various types like rewards, punishment,
active participation, test evaluation, teaching methods, equipment and surroundings
() Healthy Sports Environment A healthy sports environment plays a vital role in motivating
the sportsperson. Healthy sport environment consists of proper humidity and temperature,
smooth and clean sports fields, good quality of sports equipment and other facilities. Positive
Attitude For proper motivation, the coaches should try to encourage positive attitude among
sportspersons. Players must think positively.
() Cash Prizes, Certificates and Trophies These are good incentives to sportspersons.
Governments offer cash prizes to sportspersons who win.

Self Esteem
What we think about the self, the total evaluation of negative or positive about oneself is
called self esteem

Body Image
Body image is how and what you think and feel about your body.

Factors influencing body image and self-esteem

i) Media Images:- During teenage, the teenagers become more aware of celebrities and media
images. They usually start to compare themselves with media images and celebrities.
ii) Family and school:- We do not develop our body image all on our own. The family, school
and other members of society can influence our self-esteem and body image.
iii) Life experience and natural ageing process: Body image and self-esteem are also
significant factors which influence the body image influence our body image and self-

Types of aggression

Hostile aggression: Hostile aggression is inflicting or causing harm whether it is physical or

psychological on someone else. It is sometimes referred as reactive aggression and can be
accompanied by anger. In hostile aggression the main aim is to cause injury to other person.

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The intention is on causing pain and suffering.

Instrumental aggression: Instrumental aggression is displaying aggressive behavior in

pursuit of a non-aggressive goal. It is also known as channeled aggression is not
accompanied by anger. Instrumental aggression is behavior that has intent to hurt in order
to achieve money, praise or victory.

Assertive behavior: Assertive behavior is different type of aggression/aggressive behavior.

This is defined as behavior that involves the use of legitimate physical or verbal force to
achieve ones purpose. In Assertive behavior, the intention is to establish dominance rather
than to harm the opponent.

Psychological benefits of exercise

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