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Definition of
demographic Basic concepts
and social

Definition of Demography,
Demographic and Social Demography

The term ecology is connected in most peoples mind with the biological
world of plants and animals (including human being) and their
relationships to their environments.
Human ecology can be referred to the study of human populations and
communities, including their distribution across and impact on the
physical environment they inhabit.
Demography serves as the basis field of knowledge that studies human
ecology, especially in the analysis of human population.
Demography can be defined as the study of size, composition and
distribution of human population and how these factors change over
The three basic elements that shape the size, composition and distribution
of human populations are fertility, mortality and migration.
The term Demography derives from the Greek: (dimographia),
etymologically is compound of the words (dmos) "people", and
(graphia) "write or record.
Above all, demography is about the record about people which most of
the time dealing with numbers.

Demographic is the characteristics of the population.

The demographic characteristics are facts about the make up of
population such as: gender, age, ethnicity, language, disabilities, mobility,
home ownership, employment status, location etc.
All the characteristic of demographic factors can be obtained through
demographic statistic.
Demographic statistics record all the demographic characteristics.
It deal with the quantitative aspects (numbers) of the distribution,
characteristics and growth of the population of a community, whether a
village, a nation, or the entire world.
Demographic statistics are gathered by enumeration of a population, as
in a census; by registration upon the occurrence of certain events, such
as birth, marriage, death, illness in some cases, or divorce; or by special
investigations of selected categories of the population.
Social Demography

The field of social demography uses demographic data and methods to

describe, explain, and predict social phenomena.
It also measures the effect of social forces on population distribution.
Distinct from formal demography, which focuses more generally on
population composition and distribution, social demography investigates
the social-status composition and distribution of a population.
As a conclusion, social demography is about the implication of the
The Development of Social Demography

Social demography emerged as an academic discipline in the United

States over the course of the last half of the twentieth century.
Kingsley Davis coined the term social demography in a 1963 paper (Heer
Previously, the term population studies was used to denote the study of
social status using demographic techniques.
In 1970, Thomas Ford and Gordon DeJong published a textbook
titled Social Demography, which included research exemplars in the field.
In 1975 the first conference on social demography was held at the
University of Wisconsin.

Census data: there are indications that population enumerations were made
in Babylonia before 3800 B.C., in China about 3000 B.C., and in Egypt near
2500 B.C., but these have been questioned.
Ancient Greece and Rome conducted numerous population counts at which
data were gathered regarding certain social and economic characteristics of
the people.
The primary purpose in the early census enumerations, as in modern times,
was to secure essential data as an administrative aid to governing bodies.
The nature of the data collected, along with the count of the population,
reflects the governmental problems of the times; e.g., taxation, military
service, the rights and duties of various classes of the people, and so forth.
Registration data: Compared with census enumerations, systematic
registration of the vital events in life (birth, fetal death, marriage, divorce,
death) for the population of a community is a comparatively recent
As early as the Middle Ages, detailed records of this nature may be found for
the propertied classes and nobility of England and the European continent;
for the general population such records were then kept, in a fashion, by the
clergy (head of the church).
In 1538, Henry VIII ordered the parishes in England and Wales to maintain a
record of all baptisms, marriages, and deaths.
This duty was turned over to laymen/common people in each parish by
Parliament in 1653, but it was later returned to the clergy.
Sporadic attempts at registration of births, marriages, and deaths were made
on the European continent during the eighteenth century.
Civil registration in England dates from 1837, but it was not really effective until
an act of 1874 made it compulsory.
Concept Meaning
Crude Birth Rate The crude birth rate (cbr or b) in a population during a given
year is defined as the total number of births (B) divided by
the midyear population (P). It is normally expressed per
thousand population, so we have
b = 1000 * (B/P)
Age-specific Fertility The age-specific fertility rate (asfr) for women of age group i
Rate in a population during a given year is defined as the total
number of births to women age i during the year (Bi) divided
by the total (midyear) number of women age i (Wi).
Expressed per thousand, we have
asfri = 1000 * (Bi/Wi)
Total Fertility Rate Mathematically, the total fertility rate (TFR) equals the sum of
age-specific fertility rates from the minimum to the maximum
age at which childbearing occurs, multiplied by the number
of years in each age group and divided by 1000. Thus, for
example, if age groups are for five-year intervals (15-19, 20-
24, etc.), we have
TFR = ("SUM" asfri * 5)/1000
Concept Meaning
Crude Death Rate The crude death rate (cdr or d) in a population during a
given year is defined as the total number of deaths (D)
divided by the midyear population (P). It is normally
expressed per thousand population, so we have
d = 1000 * (D/P)
Age-specific Death The age-specific death rate (asdr) for individuals age i in a
Rate population during a given year is defined as the total
number of deaths to people age i during the year (Di)
divided by the total (midyear) population age i (Pi).
Expressed per thousand, we have
asdri = 1000 * (Di/Pi)
Life Expectancy at Birth Life expectancy at birth (e0) measures the average
number of years that a newborn baby can expect to live.
We can think of cohort life expectancy at birth, which
would be the average age at death of a cohort of
individuals (equal to the total number of person-years lived
by the cohort divided by the size of the initial cohort).
The Infant Mortality Rate The annual number of deaths of children less than 1 year
old per 1,000 live births.

Concept Meaning
Migrants Migrants are people who change their place of residence.
In-migrants (I) move into a place, while out-migrants (O)
leave that place.
Gross migration Gross migration flows measure movement in both directions.

Net Migration Net migration reflects the difference between two opposing
gross migration flows.
Thus, for example, if during a particular period 300,000
people moved from New York to California and 100,000
moved from California to New York, we'd characterize the
situation as one with a net migration of 200,000 from New
York to California.
Immigration or Immigration or emigration occurs when migration entails
Emigration crossing an international border depending on whether the
place we're focused on is the one migrants are moving into
or out of, respectively.
Age and Sex Composition
Concept Meaning
Age and Sex The age and sex composition of a population is reflected by
Composition an age pyramid.
These diagrams are drawn with age (ascending) on a central
vertical axis, horizontal bars showing the number or proportion
of males on the left, and bars showing the number or
proportion of females on the right.
They are an extremely useful means of depicting the age and
sex composition of a population, and typically will provide a
good deal of information about the past history of fertility and
perhaps also mortality and migration in a population.
Population Growth
Concept Meaning
Population Growth The change in population from one year to the next equals
the excess of births over deaths plus the amount of net in-

The first portion of the right hand side of the equation (B-D)
equals the natural increase in the population. Note that the
rate of natural increase in the population equals the
difference between the crude birth rate and the crude death
rate. The overall rate of population growth equals the rate of
natural increase plus the rate of net immigration.
Further, note that because of the effects of age composition,
it is possible for a population to manifest below-replacement
fertility and yet still experience natural increase (in the
demographic short and medium run). This has been the case
for most of the past two decades and more in the U.S.
A useful thing to know in considering population growth is how
to estimate the time required for a population to double. If r is
the annual rate of population growth in percent, then the
doubling time of the population (T2) may be approximated by
T2 = 72/r
Demographic Transition
Concept Meaning
Demographic The notion of the demographic transition refers to the long-
Transition term process of transition from a demographic regime of high
birth and death rates to one of low birth and death rates.
Every industrialized country has undergone this transition, and
developing countries may be seen as being in various stages
of the transition.

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