Document 2171454-Fusion Apps

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11/28/2017 Document 2171454.

Fusion Expense: Setup Corporate Card Transaction Download (Doc ID 2171454.1)

In this Document



Oracle Fusion Expenses - Version to [Release 1.0]

Information in this document applies to any platform.


To provide instructions on how to setup corporate card download program for AMEX, Visa, Master Card, and Diner's card.
While the document pertains to Release 11, most of the information should apply to prior release also. Where applicable,
Release 11 specific details are highlighted.


For SaaS customers, in order to enable either HTTPS or SFTP connection from Fusion Cloud, we need to enable
HTTPS PROXY setting in financial domain. Please log service request with Support to enable HTTPS PROXY setting and
bounce financial domain.

1. American Express (AMEX)

To download corporate card transaction files from American Express, one must set up Oracle Fusion Expenses to download
data files in conjunction with the Upload Corporate Card Transaction File program. Until recently, Fusion Expense used HTTPS
call to connect to Ametican Express server. From Release 9, this approach is no longer supported by American Express.
Instead, Fusion Expense now uses Secure FTP based connection to download data files from AMEX. For on-premise customers
still on Release 9, this SFTP feature is provided through Release 9.2 PATCH BUNDLE 13.

Transfer Parameters for AMEX:

Note: American Express places files under default folder called Outbox. American Express can place one or more transaction
files at a time. The Upload Corporate Card Transaction File program, however, processes only one file at a time. The process
picks up the oldest file each time. To pick up multiple files, user must schedule the Upload Corporate Card Transaction File
process to run multiple times. 1/3
11/28/2017 Document 2171454.1
2. VISA/Master Card/Diner Cards

Currently Fusion Expense does not support direct connectivity to VISA, Master Card (MC) and Diner cards. In order to process
VISA, MasterCard, and Diner corporate card transaction files, customer must set up an intermediary server on their premise,
download the data file to this server and configure the corporate card programs to point to the intermediate server. Fusion
Expense currently supports both HTTPS and SFTP based connectivity to download the files from intermediary server.

Note: Support for SFTP connection is available from Release 11, Patch Bundle 8 (August 2016). Prior to that, only HTTPS
connectivity is supported

Transfer Parameters Using HTTPS:

In order to download card data file using HTTPS connection, a HTTPS server should be setup on premise. This HTTPS server
should meet the following requirements:

The server must be externally accessible.

The HTTPS server must be setup using SSL certificates from trusted certificate authority such as Verisign or GoDaddy.
Create a directory (or sub-directory) on the HTTPS server to receive corporate card transaction files. This directory can
be names anything
Secure the directory with a user name and password. Note: this user should be set to authenticate using BASIC
authentication mode. Other modes such as Digest, NTLM are not supported.
Enable the directory so it's visible to external users who have read access
When setting up the HTTPS server, ensure that no URL re-direction occurs. Expense should be able to invoke the
directory as<StaticFileName>. Once authentication is done, file should start

Note: File Name Prefix in this case refers to a static file name. Usage of dynamic file name or tokens is not supported

Transfer Parameters Using SFTP 2/3
11/28/2017 Document 2171454.1

Note: For Server parameter, append complete path to the directory where the file exists.. for example
s if the file exists in directory /home/oracle/AMEX


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