Alone With God - God and Sufferi - Richard Wurmbrand
Alone With God - God and Sufferi - Richard Wurmbrand
Alone With God - God and Sufferi - Richard Wurmbrand
How We Pass the Time
Desire to Escape the I
To Know the Holy One
Morals Apart for the Elect
The Absolute Duty of Truthfulness
The Spaces in the Bible
Sins Are So Small to Him
Measure in Delicacy
Unreachable Heights
Grasping the Sleeve of a Jew
The Beloved Communists
Visiting Myself
New Year
Before Suicide
My Greatness
Beware of Narcissism
The Shadow Has Been Brought Backward
A Religion Without God
Should I Pray to be Freed?
Mankind is Innocent
The Encounter with Lucifer
Does God Avenge Himself?
My Unfinished Requiem
Resources on the Persecuted Church
VOM Offices Around the World
Alone with God
God and Suffering: New Sermons from
Solitary Confinement
Richard Wurmbrand
Wurmbrand, Richard.
Alone with God : God and suffering : new sermons from
solitary confinement
/ Richard Wurmbrand.
p. cm.
Originally published: London : Hodder and Stoughton, c1988.
ISBN 978-0-88264-070-9 (ebk.)
1. PersecutionRomaniaSermons. 2. Jewish Christians
PersecutionsSermons. 3. Political prisonersReligious life
RomaniaSermons. 4. Sermons, English. I. Title.
My beloved,
It is only natural that nobody knows about these sermons
of mine. People live during the day on words. I speak silences
during the night.
We have been put in subterranean cells, thirty feet below
the surface, where no noise is heard. Our captors did not know
that ascetics have always sought out solitude, silence,
eventlessness, a life in which nothing disturbs the spirit, as
ideal circumstances for their development.
For me it is all right to be in a cavern, locked away.
Thoughts can pass through thick walls. And it is ideal to have
a life without events. A man from a neighboring cell asks,
What day is it? I can give the answer, Every day God is my
date. I have no other.
Nor is silence a torture for me. Jews have been prepared for
silence even through their language.
The Hebrew language has silent letters. Aleph, first letter of
the alphabet, is a scarcely audible breathing, and the ayin a
trifle stronger breathing but still almost inaudible.
The Lord said to John, I am the Alpha and the Omega
(Revelation 21:6). This is how the words appear in the Greek
New Testament. But Jesus and John were both Jews, so they
probably spoke Hebrew. How would Jesus have said that He is
the Aleph?Would He have pronounced the name of the letter,
or would He have simply breathed on the apostle as He had
done on another occasion, and would this breath have been
the aleph? As for tav, the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, it
was written at that time as a cross. Would Jesus have made the
sign of the cross? When did this sign begin to be used as a
holy sign? We find an abundance of crosses in the catacombs.
There are different signs written above and below the
Hebrew letters to make them pronounceable. They are what we
would call vowels in other languages. But not all of these can
be heard. Shevah, the first vowel of the Hebrew Bible, is
actually only a halfvowel. It is a very short e A halfvowel
(hataph-segol) begins the name of God, Elohim. Brit, the
Hebrew word for covenant, also has a halfvowel at the
beginning. It has to be pronounced quickly. The name that we
spell Jehovah starts in Hebrew with a very short vowel
almost without forming the lips for it and finishes with a silent
h. It is as if the structure of the Hebrew language itself would
teach one to speak little about holy things. One learns most
about them in silence. (By the way, Jehovah, like all
substantives and names ending with h, is a feminine name.
Jeshuah, the name of Jesus in Hebrew, is also a feminine name.
It is like calling a boy Helen or June.)
I have deviated completely from what I had intended to say.
It is because for the first time I preach what I think. In the
pulpit, pastors preach what they have thought of in their study
while preparing their sermons. Congregations would wonder
very much if one Sunday morning their pastors were to tell all
the wandering thoughts that pass through their minds as they
give their prepared message. They have doubts just when they
preach certainties, attractions toward a sin just when they
thunder against it.
But bear with me; I come back now to my subject.
The surroundings of our solitary confinement are
conducive to silence. The wardens have felt-soled shoes. We
do not hear them walking up and down the corridor. They
rarely speak to us. Everyone sits alone in his cell without any
book or writing material and, according to his preparation,
broods or meditates, loses himself in erotic imagination or
makes practical plans for an uncertain future.
Rarely do we hear the cry of somebody being beaten
because there are special rooms for beatings and torture
somewhere else. Sometimes we hear the ravings of someone
who has gone mad. But he would be quickly gagged or given
some injection. And then silence again.
The only real and more constant interruption of the silence
is the telephone, the tapping signals in Morse code through
the walls or the pipes of the central heating. Usually the
wardens do not disturb this. They know our codes and are
interested in listening in on what we communicate to each
other. There are always the naive few who allow some secrets
to slip through their communications.
The number one topic of all conversations is divining when
and how the Americans will come. We set dates by which time
we feel we surely will have been freed. With absolutely no
possibility of obtaining real information, except perhaps on a
bit of paper found in the toilet or from a prisoner arrested six
months before, nevertheless we tap to each other estimates
and commentaries on the most recent sensational events.
Frogs living in a well discuss the ocean they never saw.
Insects living only a summer talk about skiing. Men existing in
tiny subterranean cells with minds long since gone mad
philosophize about the effects of world events on them, events
of which they know nothing.
The conversations do not last long. The invasion of sound
gives way to the deep silence in which I can meditate. I do not
desire to be free. I am free. The tyrant of Syracuse once went to
the slavephilosopher Epictetus and told him, Ill pay the
ransom for you and you will be liberated
Epictetus replied, Why do you care about me? Free
But I am a king, said the amazed tyrant.
This I contest, was the answer of the philosopher. He
who masters his passions is a king even while in chains. He
who is ruled by his passions is a slave even while sitting on a
Real freedom does not depend upon external
circumstances. There exists the wonderful liberty of which the
children of God partake, even when in straitened circumstances
or trammeled by prison walls.
I am not freed of passions but I am free from the desire to
know trifles. What does it matter when I will be free? The
period since my birth has been brief. In the millennia before I
was born the world went on without considering my presence
in it important. I am sure that events continue their course
undisturbed by my absence.
Nor do I wish to know other things. I wish to know only
that Holy One about which Luke speaks in mystery (Luke
1:35). One day of being with Him is worth a lifetime of
knowledge about Him, which is putting into human words the
Why my Beloved keeps me in prison I do not know. But I
remember these words from A Midsummer Nights Dream , the
profoundest of Shakespeares plays: The course of true love
never did run smooth[To be crossed is] as due to love as
thoughts and dreams and sighs, wishes and tears There has
never been a great love without its share of enigma and drama.
So also is the love between Jesus and me. Let Him do as He
likes. Reason will never fathom His ways. Generally, reason
and love keep little company.
God did not free Daniel. He left him in the lions den until he
was freed by Darius, who threw him there. Perhaps I too will be
freed by the Communists, not by the Americans or the
miraculous intervention of God. But I do not lose much time
thinking about this.
I wish to know God in the supreme sense. The Hebrew
word for to know, iad, and the Greek gnosis are both used
also for union between husband and wife. I wish to know Him
intimately, to have the beatific vision, to see that Holy One in
His fullness.
Life and death depend upon this.
I once told a Jewish boy of twelve, If Jesus is the Messiah
and you reject Him, your soul will be eternally lost, to which
he answered earnestly, But it is also the other way around. If
Jesus is not the Messiah and you adore Him, you are eternally
lost. And so we sat down to find out which of us was right.
The life of Saul of Tarsus, the persecutor, centered around
Jesus long before he met Him on the road to Damascus. He had
ordered Christians to be killed. Whether Saul was a national
hero fighting against a dangerous impostor or a killer of
innocent believers in the true Savior depended upon the reality
of the vision he had before his eyes.
Mary Magdalene waited at the tomb of Jesus. He had
forgiven her many sins. Everything depended on what would
happen that Sunday morning. If He were resurrected, the
remission of sins granted by Him was valid. If He remained
entombed, her sins were still with her and she would have
added to her former transgressions the grave offense of having
followed a false Messiah.
I am in the same situation. If Jesus is not the Truth, I will
have squandered my life and youth in useless suffering. If He
is, I will have gained everything.
Will He come to free me from my doubts?
No thief could sleep if he knew that a sack of gold lay in the
next room. I also spend one sleepless night after another. But
some day I will get hold of that Holy One. I surely prefer
Communists to lukewarm, nominal Christians. If Jesus is not
the Savior, if He was a deceiver or one deceived or, as some
say, a psychopath, things cannot be left as they are. It
becomes the duty of every honest man to go from door to door
to warn men of the pernicious influence of Christianity.
Jesus must give Himself to me totally or I will reject Him
totally. I will never be satisfied with glimpses, with possibilities
and probabilities of truth. I must know Him. I must live in His
embrace, or I will deny Him as One who does not give all He
Tons of lead are shoveled and smelted in the hope of
extracting one grain of radium. Years of prison are not too
much if one may have one day with Him. His days are rare, as
tungsten and vanadium are rare. His day comes slowly, but
when it comes it will compensate for years lost in the darkness
of prison cells.
On that day words will no longer mask contrary intentions.
Truth will triumph. Human and divine natures will marry, as
they are united in Him. We will see things as they are. I will
know that Holy One; whether this happens in prison or in
the bosom of my family will make no difference. Amen.
Morals Apart for the Elect
And so, like the prodigal son and Richard III, I decide to
visit myself.
Hello, Me, how are you doing? I wish to have a chat with
you. We dont speak the same language. In my language I tell
you I wish to speak with you. You would interpret it as me
wishing to speak with me. But let us not lose ourselves in
semantics. Here am I and here are you, the me. Let us visit for
a while
What would you like to know from me?
First of all, what is your real name? In Hebrew your name
is Reuben; in Romanian, Richard. You have written under the
pseudonym Radu Valentin. The jailors changed your name to
Vasile Georgescu. You have had so many nicknames. And then
this common name Richard sounds so different when
pronounced by different persons. Since you were thrown in
this cell, you have heard a voice giving you a new name. After
a long time the same voice gave you another name. You are
more distinguished than the conquerors in the Book of
Revelation, who are promised one new name (Revelation 2:17).
You are far from being a conqueror, and heaven has already
given you two.
Araunah (2 Samuel 24:18) is called in Gods Word by
several names. Also, one and the same king is called Uzziah
and Azariah in 2 Kings 15. God Himself has many names. But
as to your main question, I cannot answer it. Once I told the
Lord in prayer that since I was alone, without Bible or other
religious books, without sermons, without brethren, He should
speak to me directly. If He could speak to Pharaoh and
Nebuchadnezzar, He could speak to me, too, even if I were the
last of evildoers. Then I heard His voice (His sheep normally
hear it) asking me the same question you ask: What is your
name? Now that you mention it, I wonder if I was wrong in
attributing the voice to the Lord. Perhaps it was just you. I do
not seem to realize yet how split I am. I might interpret as
external voices, as revelations from God or whispers from the
devil, what are just internal dialogues of a personality divided
in two.
What did you answer the Lord?
Stop being hypocritical! You know the answer to that. I
cant be fooled anymore. It was you who put the question, and
it was me who gave the answer. But as you wish to play this
game, I&rsquo ll tell you the story. I did not know the answer. I
can introduce myself to everybody as Richard. But how do I
tell Jesus that my name is Richard? Am I worthy of this name?
St. Richard was an English peasant who, in a time of fierce
persecution, was ordered to be imprisoned for his faith. When
the arresting constable mounted his horse to ride to him, the
animal went berserk, throwing his rider and injuring him fatally.
So now Richard was charged with murder. The prosecution had
a clear case. If he had not been a believer, the constable would
not have mounted the horse to pick him up and so would not
have fallen and died. As you see, Communist justice has had
its predecessors.
And now Richard was on the gallows. The hangman had
difficulty fixing the noose of the rope. Richard, who was so
good he could not bear to trouble anyone, bowed to the
executioner and asked, May I help you? I am a peasant skilled
in these things. Allowed to do so, he fixed the noose, thanked
the hangman graciously for his kind permission, and passed
away. For this loving attitude toward the executioner and for
his gentleness in all things he was given the name St. Richard.
How could I dare to tell Jesus that I bear the same name as this
Should I tell Him that I am a Christian? With the proud
words, I am a Christian, the early disciples fearlessly entered
the arena to be devoured by lions. I have often stood before a
cage of lions at the zoo and asked myself honestly, Could I do
that? My answer is always, No, I would rather recant.
Well, to finish my story, I bowed to Jesus and told Him,
Lord, I have no name. Allow me to take Yours and to say like
Paul that it is not I who live, but You in me. So He allowed it.
At least, that is what I thought at the time. Now I know that it
was all a mistake. You allowed it; that is, I gave myself the kind
permission to be called by the name of Christ. I am
unsurpassed in humility, it seems.
Keep to the rules of the game. We are two different
persons. I am I and you are you. If you say that you are no
longer you, but that Christ lives in you, let us draw the ultimate
conclusion. Perhaps you have no individual soul anymore.
Buddhists deny its existence. To them, salvation consists in
being freed from the illusion of having a soul. Would you agree
now? Ha, ha. I caught you there. If you answer, you live still.
And if you dont answer, I have triumphed in this discussion. I
could do this only because I am.
I have nothing to answer. I cannot tell you in words
anything about myself, not even whether I exist. A man
described in words is not the real man, any more than a God
described in words is the real God. It is useless to continue
along these lines.
Then may I ask you another question? Do you have the
Holy Spirit?
I surely have Him, but He does not have me. The union is
an unhappy one. But you are comical. You are a prisoner. So
am I. And here we sit discussing metaphysics when my mind is
obsessed with just one thought: I am terribly hungry. I would
eat acorns, grass, miceanything. My wife must also be in
some cell. Her predominant obsession must also be hunger.
His talking about hunger reminded me of my stomach. The
visit ceased without even a polite word of parting. I simply was
alone again. As usual, the physiological was victorious. I am
hungry, and I am indignant against the churches of the West,
about whose riches I have heard, some of which spend on
chandeliers what could feed us all for a whole month. And I am
angry with those who keep us hungry. Love, like every other
spiritual energy, is food transformed and sublimated. When
you are very hungry, how can you love the one who starves
I am sorry I could not finish the discussion I had when I
visited myself. I would have liked to ask myself just one more
question: Do you approve of violence against atheist
You have eaten. Visit God, visit your brethren, but never
forget to visit yourself too. The prodigal son came to himself.
New Year
My God,
I know how to say Our Father but do not know what to
add. Should I ask You for freedom? If so, why?
Once a businessman from Boston told Mark Twain, I have
attained much in life, but one great desire has remained
unfulfilled, that is, to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
What will you do there? asked Twain.
I would like to ascend Mount Sinai and there read the Ten
Commandments in Hebrew as they were given by God.
Mark Twain replied, Thats too complicated. Would it not
be much more comfortable to remain in Boston and fulfill the
Ten Commandments?
It is not necessary to go to holy places in order to be
pleasing to You. But neither is it necessary to be at liberty.
Which commandment could I keep better in freedom than in a
prison cell? Why should I move around? The lily stays in the
same place and exhales its perfume.
What does it matter that I am alone? I had this problem
when I was pastor of the church. I had inherited from my
predecessor a church with a small attendance. In the beginning
I was sad about it. But then I quieted my heart and told the
brethren, Instead of worrying about those who are absent, let
each of us multiply his zeal and fervor and love. It is for these
that God looks out. If He finds one man with as much love as
only a hundred men would normally have, He is satisfied.
In my solitary cell I am undisturbed. I can work on my
character to develop the virtues of thousands.
I will not pray to be freed.
The apostles were afraid during a storm and wanted to be
rescued. Jesus fulfilled their pleasure, and so they escaped
drowning. In exchange they were later martyred. In this world
rescue from temporary troubles cannot have any other result.
I will not pray for peace of heart. I have some kind of peace.
Conscience is like a triangle of metal in my heart. If I am good, it
stands still and does not bother me. If I am bad it begins to
circle and the angles hurt. If I am very bad, the angles lose their
sharpness through much circling, and again I am not bothered.
At this moment I am not troubled. What peace I have I cannot
judge for myself. Neither do I have anyone with whom I can
But either way I know that I am loved, because I suffer, and
it is written, He who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from
sin (1 Peter 4:1).
In his book about the virgin Marys song, Luther tells of a
vision. Three virgins knelt before an altar. During the service a
beautiful young man appeared and hugged the first girl and
kissed her. He did not kiss the second, but smiled at her with
great friendliness. As for the third, he hit her and pulled her
hair. With this the young man disappeared.
Later the vision was explained. The first virgin symbolizes
the selfish, unregenerate souls. God must do much good to
them. He must fulfill their will toward them, not His own. They
cannot live without receiving many blessings from God.
The second virgin represents those who have started to
serve God but still need, at least from time to time, a friendly
gesture from Him. They cannot simply love Him without
expecting anything in return. They cannot simply love Him,
whatever He does and however He behaves.
The third virgin, the Cinderella, represents the saintly soul
who loves God without any ulterior motive. She simply loves.
She is happy if He does good to others. Mary would have
sung the same beautiful praises if she had been told that
another girl, yes, one who despised her, had been chosen by
God to be the mother of the Lord. Such do not need the
caresses of the Lord. They are happy to bear their cross for
Him and pass through a dark night of the soul. If He wishes to
abandon them while they undergo suffering, they do not
complain. Everything is right only if it is His good pleasure. For
these souls God multiplies the chastisings. &ldquo Whom the
Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He
receives (Hebrews 12:6).
A great Master like You would not scourge someone
personally. Therefore, the Communists might be Your tools for
this purpose. If one were to judge by the number of beatings I
have received, I must be very much beloved.
That would be good, but if I knew it and took undue
satisfaction in it, I would not be like the third virgin. In the end,
atheists also pass through suffering. The whole matter is too
complicated for my poor reason.
The simplest thing is just to leave it and remain in peace,
not trying to distinguish with my blurred mind if it is the right
kind of peace or not.
I will sit still in my hidden cell and look to You, the hidden
God, without bothering You with any request.
I have given up the popularization of religion as contained
in the creed, which speaks about God only as a creator. You are
also the preserver and the destroyer. If it is not You who
destroys, who does? You are not simply the Creator who left
creation to develop as it would; You are the Creator of all
things, including the angel called the Destroyer (Exodus 12:23).
You also created the microbes that kill. You are described as a
destroyer in Lamentations 2. You continually destroy lives that
You have created. The Lord kills and makes alive; He brings
down to the grave and brings up (1 Samuel 2:6). Both these
activities bring You honor. I love You whatever You choose to
In Maramuresh there is a place called the humorous
cemetery, which expresses even today what the Dacians of
history (the ancestors of Romanians) believed about death.
They dressed in white and rejoiced when someone died. On
every cross in this cemetery is carved some joyful scene from
the life of the buried man. They knew that You destroyed this
life in order to create another one.
I owe you the happiness that I had in my family and church.
From Your hand I also receive the destruction of this
happiness, which was necessary in order to replace it with the
happiness of sitting in a subterranean cell, completely free of
everything that disturbs, and of looking to the hidden God; the
happiness of having passed from the holy place of the temple
to the Most Holy Place.
When Gehazi asked the Shunammite woman after her son
had died, Is it well with the child? she answered, It is well
(2 Kings 4:26). She would have said the same words on the day
of the chil s birth.
If I get tired looking at You and my mind is distraught, it
does not matter. You never slumber nor sleep. You look at me.
When my son was small he asked me, Father, what should
I do? I am bored.
I told him, Think about God.
His reply was, Why should I think about Him with this
little head of mine? Let Him think about me with His big head.
The apparatus at the great observatory of Mount Palomar
is so sensitive that the heartbeat of the astronomer disturbs it.
The simplest thing is to efface oneself completely, not to be
bothered about what happens. I think it is never reality that
bothers us; we are bothering reality. I will stop doing so. I have
You as Father in heaven. I lovingly call You Father. This is
all. No other prayer is needed, and no request.
I will not ask to be freed. Amen.
Mankind is Innocent
Mankind is innocent, if looked upon from a certain
perspective. An X-ray of a pretty girls cranium doesnt look
any better than that of a gorilla.
The Bible is full of good news, including Pauls declaration,
All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans
If this is true, then before I ever sinned I was a man much
sinned against. There is none righteous, no, not one
(Romans 3:10). Thousands of ancestors have transmitted their
heredity to me through the genes, programming almost all of
my future characteristics. And not one of these ancestors was
righteous. Then all my heredity must be terribly bad. I have
been educated by grandparents, parents, teachers. Of what
quality were they? The same apostle says, There is none who
does good, no, not one (Romans 3:12). I did not have one to
give me the right instruction.
Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, says David
(Psalm 51:5). Since when does any reasonable person hold it
against a statue for being ugly? Only the sculptor is
responsible. All have sinned. Absolutely every man with
whom I have come in contact since early childhood has sinned
against me. I was buffeted to and fro long before I said or did
the first wrong thing. So, God looks upon me also as a man
sinned against, who, under continual provocation and
surrounded only by bad examples, commits some iniquitous
deed. Even a human court acquits in such a case.
I used to ask people who confessed some sin, Tell me
something about your parents and grandparents Often it was
to give them some relief. One had quarreled. His parents had
been choleric, quarrelsome. A preacher had fallen repeatedly
into adultery and justified it on the basis that Abraham, too,
had been a polygamist. He had not realized the connection
between this and the fact that his father had been jailed for a
sexual crime. It helped one who fought against the impulse of
gambling to know that his father had been a compulsive
It is worthwhile trying to learn the beginnings of a mans
sin. There is always some seducer, some bad book, some
tendentious movie. A mountain of sin has fallen upon us and
crushed us morally before we ever sin.
All have sinnedthis is the comforting news that You
give us. It is not that I alone happen to be a wicked evildoer or
that I alone, though living in a pure paradise and surrounded
only by angels and saints, have started to sin out of pleasure
or perversity.
Nor is it only the influence of other men that has made me
sin. I belong to nature, a nature that is not morally neutral.
The creature was subjected to futility (Romans 8:20). It is in
the &ldquo bondage of corruption (Romans 8:21). There is
something in my body, in my very nerves, that compels me to
I will remind You of an extreme case.
Robert Ledrue, who had been in his youth one of the
foremost detectives of France, was given the assignment to
investigate a murder that occurred in Le Havre. A man who
bathed in the sea at night was shot when he came out of the
water. Nobody knew the motive for the murder. But the
murderer had left prints in the sand and a bullet in the victim.
Ledrue investigated, went to the head of the police and
asked to be arrested. He had found out that he himself had
been the murderer. It was a unique case. The bullet had been
shot from a special kind of revolver possessed by only four
men. He was one of them. The imprints in the sand showed that
the murderer lacked the big toe on the right foot. Ledrues had
been amputated. The detective was sure that he was the
murderer but did not remember having killed anyone and knew
no motive for doing so.
He asked to be kept permanently under surveillance by
police. They discovered that he was a somnambulist. Later he
shot at another person while wandering around at night,
completely unconscious of what he was doing. Fortunately,
the police had filled his revolver with harmless bullets. After
shooting, he returned quietly to his home and went to bed,
with no idea of what he had done.
For murder while in a state of somnambulism, Ledrue was
sentenced to lifelong isolation on a solitary farm under police
What is our state when we commit crimes? Jesus said of
His executioners, They know not what they do Peter said,
[You] killed the Prince of lifeI know that you did it in
ignorance, as did also your rulers (Acts 3:15,17).
How much is a man responsible for what he does? Paul
wrote, The evil that I will not to do, that I practice. Now if I do
what I will not to do, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that
dwells in me (Romans 7:19,20). In this passage sin appears as
a foreign intruder against whom I am helpless, just as I am
helpless against a massive attack of tuberculosis microbes. It is
not something I have courted deliberately with my reason and
Benjamin was found with a stolen cup in his sack, put there
not by himself but by Josephs servants (Genesis 44:2). So
what appears as my sin, the stolen cup in my character, is the
result of innumerable actions of men, all sinners, who shaped
my life, all abetted by what has become disorderly in nature.
The apostle continues: I find then a law [who has established
it?], that evil is present with meI see another law in my
members, warring against the law of my mind (Romans
Sin and guilt are not the same things. I can commit a sin
without being guilty of it, as for example under extreme
coercion, inner irresistible impulse, complete ignorance, etc.
You have told us, There is nothing covered that will not be
revealed (Luke 12:2). This is a fact of everyday experience. In
our dreams when rightly analyzed, in daydreams, in slips of the
tongue and under hypnosis, hidden things become manifest.
They will also become manifest in the other world. All the ugly
deeds will be known there. But we do t have to be afraid.
There they will be known by beings who are no longer as we
are now. Everybody will be full of understanding, insight, and
compassion. Sometimes a child weeps over a catastrophe that
has happened to him. Father observes. However, to him it is
not a catastrophe, and so he makes the broken toy work again.
Jesus referred to sinners as sick men who need a physician
instead of a judge. He heals sin with a medicine, His own blood
shed for us.
I was in the same cell with a man sentenced to death for
numerous sadistic murders. He confessed to me and answered
my questions. His father had been an alcoholic. The only
remembrance the man had of him was that he came home drunk,
beat him and his mother, stole all the money that his mother
had earned by sewing, and left home to drink again. When the
child was hungry, his mother would beat him for crying.
At the age of fourteen, attracted by the uniform and by
songs that seemed to make sense, he joined a Fascist anti-
Semitic organization. For this, the royal government put him in
prison. Since there were no separate juvenile facilities, he
mingled with all sorts of criminals, who henceforth were his
educators. Though the royal regime was later overturned, the
Communists never forgave anyone. And so for the crime of
being a Fascist at the age of fourteen, he was imprisoned again
and beaten. Then he was offered the chance of being freed if
he would torture other prisoners to death. He accepted the
offer. It was his only chance for survival. After he had served
as henchman for a long time, the same Communist masters
sentenced him to death.
If you were to ask me today, What is the sum of your
experience with mankind? my immediate reply would be,
Father, they are not guilty; they dont know what they do. I
would include my torturers in this appreciation. We are meant
to be the defenders of men, not their accusers. We even have
to defend desperate cases. To accuse is the devils business.
Every fiber of my heart believes in strict determinism. Omar
Khayyam wrote:
Luther once said that whoever erased the words free will
from the human dictionary would render the greatest service to
mankind. Some believe that everything has been predestined,
even Lucifers and Adams falls. Therefore, Judas was a traitor
because God had designated him as such. Spinoza, one of the
profoundest souls the Jewish people ever produced, was also
the first to apply to all human thought and sentiment and
action the determinist constraint. Einstein believed like him.
Many base this belief on a Scripture, that it is God who works
in you both to will and to do (Philippians 2:13).
Among those things I am determined to do is to make
decisions of my own free will. I am determined to have a
sentiment of responsibility. I am determined to feel the dread of
the judgment, even though some dont believe we are free to
do otherwise than we do. I can see constraint in every sin, and
I cannot do otherwise than defend the sinner. May someone
else defend me if I am mistaken.
Your thoughts, God, are not like mine. When I speak, I have
to express my thoughts. My plea with You is that man, while
surely responsible for all he does, is not responsible for being
responsible. Therefore, I plead, Acquit! Amen.
The Encounter with Lucifer
The Voice of the Martyrs
PO Box 250
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Hulp Aan De Verdrukte Kerk (HVK)
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A Voz Dos Martires
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The Voice of the Martyrs
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Voice of the Martyrs
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The Voice of the Christian Martyrs
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