Alone With God - God and Sufferi - Richard Wurmbrand

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How We Pass the Time
Desire to Escape the I
To Know the Holy One
Morals Apart for the Elect
The Absolute Duty of Truthfulness
The Spaces in the Bible
Sins Are So Small to Him
Measure in Delicacy
Unreachable Heights
Grasping the Sleeve of a Jew
The Beloved Communists
Visiting Myself
New Year
Before Suicide
My Greatness
Beware of Narcissism
The Shadow Has Been Brought Backward
A Religion Without God
Should I Pray to be Freed?
Mankind is Innocent
The Encounter with Lucifer
Does God Avenge Himself?
My Unfinished Requiem
Resources on the Persecuted Church
VOM Offices Around the World
Alone with God
God and Suffering: New Sermons from
Solitary Confinement

Richard Wurmbrand

Living Sacrifice Book Company

Bartlesville, OK
Alone With God
God and Suffering: New Sermons from Solitary Confinement

Living Sacrifice Book Company

P.O. Box 2273
Bartlesville, OK 74005-2273

1999, The Voice of the Martyrs. First printing 1988 by

Hodder and Stoughton. Second printing 1993. All rights
reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
except in the case of brief quotations printed in articles or
reviews, without prior permission in writing from the publisher.

Design and production by Genesis Group

Cover by David Marty Design
Printed in the United States of America
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are taken from
the New King James version, 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas
Nelson Inc.
Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Wurmbrand, Richard.
Alone with God : God and suffering : new sermons from
solitary confinement
/ Richard Wurmbrand.
p. cm.
Originally published: London : Hodder and Stoughton, c1988.
ISBN 978-0-88264-070-9 (ebk.)
1. PersecutionRomaniaSermons. 2. Jewish Christians
PersecutionsSermons. 3. Political prisonersReligious life
RomaniaSermons. 4. Sermons, English. I. Title.

BR1608.R8 W783 1999



This is a book arising from a completely idle life, a life in

solitary confinement in a Communist jail in Bucharest. I spent
three of my fourteen years of prison alone in a cell, thirty feet
below ground, with fifty pounds of chains on my feet and
manacles on my hands. During this time, I never heard the
slightest noise. The guards wore felt-soled shoes, and one
could not hear their approach.
I never saw a human face except for the torturers, whose
visage was something less than human.
I never saw the sun, moon, stars, rain, or flowers. I never
saw a color. I forgot that colors existedviolet, blue, red,
yellow. I saw only the gray walls and my dull gray uniform.
I had no book or newspaper, let alone the Bible. I had no
pencil and no paper on which to write my thoughts. The only
statements we were expected to write were statements accusing
ourselves and others.
Today thousands of Christians and other innocents are in
similar situations in Vietnamese, Chinese, Sudanese, Pakistani,
and North Korean prisons. They have long since ceased to ask
themselves the usual questions that are in the minds of men.
Instead, they ask: Do I live or vegetate? Is what I experience
still existence? Is the whole of life only a nightmare? Does a
God exist? Does existence exist? If God exists, so what? What
is the good of His existing if He does not help us? If He cannot
overthrow evil, how could He make a world?
During my years of solitary confinement, I composed 350
sermons. I created them in my mind because I could not write
them down. I delivered them every night to an unseen
audience. I also committed them to memory by using the simple
mnemonic device of summarizing them in short rhymes, which I
repeated again and again.
When I was released from prison I did not sleep until I had
committed all of them to paper. I managed to do so for 348 out
of the 350.
As one puts a bouillon cube in boiling water to make soup,
so I have diluted these very concentrated rhymes and
reconstructed more or less my sermons.
These sermons are not to be judged for their dogmatic
content. I did not live on dogma then. Nobody can. The soul
feeds on Christ, not on teachings about Him.
From the dogmatic point of view, David and Job were
wrong to argue with God. From the dogmatic point of view, the
author of the Book of Esther was wrong not to write one word
of praise for the God who had just wrought such a great
deliverance for His people. From the dogmatic point of view,
John the Baptist was wrong when in prison he questioned
whether Jesus was the Messiah. Dogmatists could even find
fault with Jesus Himself. He ought not to have trembled in
Gethsemane. But life, even religious life, is not concerned with
dogmas. It pursues its own course, and that course seems
foolish to reason.
It has not been difficult for me to envision myself again in
the atmosphere of that solitary cell, because even while free I
continue to live in prison. I read only about the suffering
Church. I write and preach about her, I work for her, I dream
about her. Though the Jews left Egypt, Egypt did not leave the
Jews. Whoever has passed through long years of
imprisonment remains a prisoner even after he has been freed.
Some of the sermons I preached to my invisible
congregation have already been published in two volumes,
With God in Solitary Confinement and If Prison Walls Could
Speak, which have been well received. Many readers have said
they were edified. This is what encourages me to present a few
more sermons delivered under those exceptional
These sermons focus on the fundamental questions that
torment every man in his subconscious. When one is faced
with them under special circumstances as I have been, one
realizes that all other so-called practical thoughts about
material or spiritual life are more often an escape from these
ultimate concerns that plague the soul.
Thoreau says, The art of life, of a poet???s life, is, having
nothing to do, to do something. Many great works of poetry
have come out of a life of idleness, about which others have
wondered. My idleness in the solitary cell has helped me to
formulate questions. No answers are needed.
A man went to his pastor asking advice about some
difficult problems. The pastor replied, Kneel in church for two
hours and you will have the answer.
The man said, Do you really believe that the good Lord
will appear to me in two hours time and clarify my thinking?
No, said the pastor, but you will realize in that time that
you can live well enough with the questions unanswered and
keep perfect trust in life.
This is the conclusion I have reached, too.
With many of the thoughts expressed in these sermons I no
longer agree myself anymore, now that I am living under normal
conditions. But I record my thoughts as they occurred to me
Jesus asked on the cross, My God, My God, why have
You forsaken Me? (Mark 15:34). No angel came with a reply,
but He was enabled to bear heroically the pain of the mystery
together with the physical pain and end His earthly life with the
triumphant shout, Father, into Your hands I commend My
spirit (Luke 23:46).
I hope my book will serve you to this end.
How We Pass the Time

Dear brethren and sisters,

I am sure you would like to know how we spend our time in
prison. I must say, it passes quickly.
When I thought about the possibility of going to prison
and heard stories of food deprivation and starvation, I was
fearful. Now I realize that hunger is easy to bear. Sometimes a
well-intentioned rich man thinks about the hunger of the poor
more than the poor man thinks about it. Man has often dwelt in
situations where food resources were scarce. Hunger has been
the rule, satiety the exception. So man has elaborated
mechanisms of adaptation to hunger. A Huguenot once
survived forty-six years in prison. She probably did not have
much to eat during that period, yet she survived.
I am not preoccupied with hunger.
For one thing, I travel a lot. Sometimes I hover for hours
over Africa. I can see its darkness, its dense, dimly lighted
jungles inhabited by wicked demons. I see Israel, the Arab
countries, India, China, the vast ant-hill of Asia, a place of
many crimes and few altars. I fly over Australia, Polynesia, the
New Hebrides.
I remember reading how missionary John Paton brought the
New Hebrides to Christ. Has his work remained? For years he
preached in vain. Then he dug a well. When the natives asked
him what he was doing and he explained, they laughed him to
scorn. Water comes only from above. It cannot come from
below, they assured him. But it came. And when they saw it,
they accepted Christ and all the teachings of the Church,
though there exists not the slightest connection between the
drawing of water from a well and the cleansing of sins through
the blood of Christ.
Have Communists come in the meantime and shown them
some greater miracle, perhaps a tractor, which might
convince them that the whole philosophy of Marx is true? Such
are the foundations of vast systems of thought accepted by
men. A boy enamored of a Catholic girl will accept the dogma
of the Popes infallibility, of the bodily assumption of Mary,
and of transubstantiation. He may believe in it sincerely. He
might even be ready to suffer for it later. But the point of
departure of his convictions is valueless.
I pass to America, the hope of the world for liberty, a hope
that will deceive. I can see Scandinavia, England, Russia,
France, Europe, the place of constant senseless wars in which
nobody is ready to extend the first hand of real friendship.
But I travel even further. I have this trivial globe, and
mankind. There are other stars and other beings and other
endeavors to stem the stream of evil.
From my stellar pulpit the whole world is my parish. I pray
for all of it, though from a practical standpoint I can be only a
rank-and-file soldier on a very small sector of the front.
Nobody can fight without interruption. I tap the gospel by
Morse code through the wall. But I must also have some
relaxation. The discussions by code embrace many topics:
religion, politics, and stories from private life. Sometimes a
prisoner simply entertains by telling a joke.
Tonight I heard a good one:
Three men sat in a prison cell and asked each other why
they had been arrested. One said, I was arrested for
What did the sabotage consist of?
I came to my job five minutes late.
And why are you in prison?
I am in for spying.
And what did the spying consist of?
I came to the factory five minutes early, and they thought I
was trying to spy on its secrets.
Then the third was asked, Why are you in prison?
Because I came to work punctually, which meant that I
must have connections in the West who sent me a good
I pay my dues to human nature and laugh a little. But I also
weep a little about the tragic background of this joke, because
the three persons mentioned really sit in prison. Under
communism all roads lead to jail.
But then I remember that I have better things to do than
amuse myself or brood about such matters. I can spend some
hours in the communion of saints.
So I evoke the story of St. Gerard, who as a child once went
into the church to the statue of Mary with the little Jesus and
said to the Child: I am so alone; I have no one to play with,
whereupon Jesus descended from the statue and played with
him. I recall the story of St. Bernard of Clairvaux, who also
stood before a statue of Jesus and told Him how he loved Him
and how he thirsted after the love of the Savior. His biography
says that Jesus again descended from the statue and hugged
St. Bernard.
That other men do not seek an intimate relationship with
Jesus is their own fault! Every man can see outwardly only
what he has within. He who harbors no God in his heart does
not meet God, and he who denies the possibility of a believer
having intimate contact with God neither plays with the child
Jesus nor is hugged by Him. For a child, these stories reflect
life, just like all other happenings. Unless you are converted
and become as little children, said the Master (Matthew
I remember when my son, Mihai, first told me that he had
seen Jesus walking through our rooms. He did not tell me this
when it happened because it did not seem extraordinary to him.
He told me a few months or perhaps a year later. The
supernatural was the natural in our home.
I spend my hour among these beauties. Whoever does not
deliberately choose them will pass his time in ugliness. Modern
art expresses the ugliness of the human soul that has
abandoned Christ and the saints.
It is said that a matchmaker introduced a young man and a
girl, who were intended to marry. The young man was
indignant after seeing the girl and said, How did you dare
show her to me? She has only one eye, her nose is crooked, her
lips are lopsided. She is thick as a barrel but has a very thin
neck. Her hands are much too short. I cannot marry such a
The matchmaker replied, Well, what should I do with you
if you are a man who does not appreciate Picasso
Communism is to politics what Picasso is to art. As he
distorts his models on canvas, the Communists contort the
bodies of their adversaries.
A Communist officer told me, If God created man, He
created him to be tortured. This is obvious. There are some
four or five zones of the human body whose touch produces
pleasure. But there is not an inch of the human body that
cannot ache. You can torture a man by pulling his hair or by
beating him on the soles of his feet. Man is created for torture,
and I merely fulfill the Creators will.
When you ask them why they beat, they laugh and give
their standard reply: that boys tops cease to spin if they are
not whipped. And man and a wooden toy are all the same to
them! Another standard reply is that the more heads you cut
off, the taller you appear yourself! And that is exactly what
they did in Romania, cutting off the heads of not only their
adversaries but even their comrades who were competitors.
You try to counter with an obvious argument: You have
two sets of doctrines that do not square with one another: on
one side communism, which means even etymologically to
seek the good of the community, and on the other hand this
treading on human individuals and their rights. The police
officers reply indifferently, What if the doctrines do not
square? We have methods to make them square. Everything
squares under a whip.
They use this whip a great deal. They enjoy ugliness. I
enjoy beauty.
And so between a whipping and a joke, a pleasant journey
and immobilization in heavy chains, between hunger and
philosophizing that it is easy to bear (if so, why do I have to
convince myself about this easiness?), between the
communion of saints and the mockeries of devils unleashed
against us, the time passes quickly.
Dont worry about us. All things will pass. This too will
pass. Amen.
Desire to Escape the I

Dear brethren and sisters,

In at least one respect I am like St. Anthony the Great. He
never washed himself. I did not take a bath in years either. He
slept in a tomb in order to remind himself constantly that this is
the abode in which all earthly life inevitably ends. My cell is
also like a tomb. It is thirty feet beneath the earth. The few
planks that constitute my bed could as well become my coffin. I
dont fear death. I am in a tomb without having died.
What will be my future?
At this moment I am completely useless. My life consists of
eating watery soups and getting endless beatings. The sticks
are all alike. They make the same noise when they fall upon my
back. The pain does not impress me much any more. Nothing
ever happens in my life. Why should I wish to prolong my
existence in this world? hat I may be released? Of what use can
a broken man be in freedom?
And if I recover? I will deliver some sermons again.
Previously, when preaching on the subject of the blood of
Christ, I had contemplated how to form the sentences more
beautifully, instead of feeling the horror of Christs suffering
and living the love that prompted Him to endure it. In one of
the first Christian sermons I ever heard, the pastor yawned
while preaching about Calvary. How unlike Dickens who, while
reporting for a newspaper a speech in Parliament on the
sufferings of the poor in Ireland, was so overcome that he was
unable to take it down in shorthand?
A man speaks about the sufferings of a poor God and
yawns. No wonder the audience yawned too. Pastors and
flocks are fed up.
They are also fed up with good sermons. They are too wise.
Fools for Christ are needed, but I am not one of them. I dont
see any point in being free.
Neither do I wish to keep my I in eternity. Why should I
care for life after death when I have none before death? My I
has simply become uninteresting to me. I am as little concerned
about its eternal destiny as about what will happen to it
tomorrow. I wish to be an I no longer. I reject my I. My
desire is to be a He. When He is revealed, we shall be like
Him (1 John 3:2).
I once brought to Christ a Jew who was over ninety years
old. He told me of a dream in which he saw himself in heaven
and asked, Where is Wurmbrands place? But he received no
answer. The question was probably still pending. At least, that
was what I thought when he told me his dream. Now I am
inclined to think that there will be no Me there. Why should I
care about receiving a crown, which I will cast at His feet
anyway, overawed by His majesty when I see Him? (Revelation
4:10). Is it not best to finish completely with the I and
become He?
There was a time when I was obsessed with erotic fantasy.
My head was a merry-go-round of lustful images. At first I
fought against them in vain, but when I stopped worrying
about these fancies, they lost their importance.
Now my conscience has been almost freed from existence.
It is independent of the I and lives the life of being He.
Is this sheer madness, like so many other things happening
to me, or am I one of the privileged ones who have fulfilled the
commandment of Christ to deny the self ? But if I have
denied the self, who is the one interested in knowing if this has
really happened? Who then is happy that the denial of the I
has occurred? We are running around in a vicious circle. One
must have a very strong I and be a giant in faith to reject his
I, which is not only all that he has but also all that he is.
Whoever burns the candle at both ends must have a great and
glorious candle to burn. And what happens to the strong I
who has rejected the I?
Jesus did not have the rich psychological vocabulary we
have. He could not have spoken in Hebrew about the self, the
ego, the id, the many complexes we worry about today. I have
always used Biblical language, speaking exactly as Scripture
does about denying the self. In more precise modern language,
I imagine that what Jesus meant us to leave was the ego.
In my dealings with people, I have discovered that you
dont impress them by showing how smart you are. You win
them rather by sitting at their feet and giving them a chance to
teach you. Even an idiot can teach something. The usual
attendance in churches is composed of men of lower IQ than
that of a pastor. If the pastor does not know stupidity but only
intelligence, he will not be fruitful.
We have to learn from another to raise his ego. The ego is
the desire to be superior. It is the high opinion one holds about
oneself and ones achievements. I dont believe as does Freud
that the strongest desire of a man is the sexual urge, though it
is enormous. Mans strongest desire is to uphold his ego, to
appear valuable before his fellowmen.
Respect anothers ego, but renounce your own. I believe
this is what was meant by Jesus commandment to deny the
self. There is a tension in us because the ego is torn apart in
the effort to present a more beautiful image before the world.
Tension ceases when we become indifferent to what people
think about us. I have been a pastor much beloved by my
family and my congregation, and much hated by anti-Christian
Jews because of my missionary work to win Jews for Christ.
Now I am only despised and mocked by every man with whom
I speak, because I speak only with wardens and interrogators.
What do their opinions count? For Juliet it was enough to be
loved by one single young man in Verona. Others might have
passed near this girl of fourteen without even casting a glance
at her. She did not care; she was happy.
I dont know how much I have achieved, but I wish to lose
not the selfI have come to the conclusion that such an
endeavor is chasing after the impossiblebut self-assertion.
Clay is molded into a vessel, but the ultimate use of the vessel
depends on the part where nothing exists. Doors and windows
are cut out of the wall of a house, but the ultimate use of the
house depends on the parts where nothing exists. I wish to
become such a useful nothing.
I am in the lowest social category, a man who will probably
die in prison, sentenced for crime. But I am content to be so
low. I have so little to renounce now. It seems ridiculous even
to attempt to give up self-assertion. What have I to assert and
before whom?
For a long time I have played with the ideas of what I would
do if I were a pope, a king, a polar explorer, a little child again.
Then I became pious and thought about the eternal salvation
of what I recognize to have been my ego. Now I long only to be
He. I dont strive to be He. I believe I am. Like Paul, I have
been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ
lives in me (Galatians 2:20). Psychotherapists would call it the
Messiah complex. Well, they would have applied the same
diagnosis to Him, and they would not even have been
mistaken. He really believed He was the Messiah. And I believe
I belong to His body, as much as His brain and His heart
belonged to His body during His earthly life. Every part of Him
was He. And I am He. Luther wrote, The Christian is Christ.
Only this He lives eternally. He does not need the appendix of
a little I.
When Michelangelo finished his Pieta, he exclaimed, Only
the marble separates me from my statue. I would say, Only
120 pounds of flesh separate me from being fully He.
To God our Savior, who alone is wise, be glory and
majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen
(Jude 1:25).
To Know the Holy One

My beloved,
It is only natural that nobody knows about these sermons
of mine. People live during the day on words. I speak silences
during the night.
We have been put in subterranean cells, thirty feet below
the surface, where no noise is heard. Our captors did not know
that ascetics have always sought out solitude, silence,
eventlessness, a life in which nothing disturbs the spirit, as
ideal circumstances for their development.
For me it is all right to be in a cavern, locked away.
Thoughts can pass through thick walls. And it is ideal to have
a life without events. A man from a neighboring cell asks,
What day is it? I can give the answer, Every day God is my
date. I have no other.
Nor is silence a torture for me. Jews have been prepared for
silence even through their language.
The Hebrew language has silent letters. Aleph, first letter of
the alphabet, is a scarcely audible breathing, and the ayin a
trifle stronger breathing but still almost inaudible.
The Lord said to John, I am the Alpha and the Omega
(Revelation 21:6). This is how the words appear in the Greek
New Testament. But Jesus and John were both Jews, so they
probably spoke Hebrew. How would Jesus have said that He is
the Aleph?Would He have pronounced the name of the letter,
or would He have simply breathed on the apostle as He had
done on another occasion, and would this breath have been
the aleph? As for tav, the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, it
was written at that time as a cross. Would Jesus have made the
sign of the cross? When did this sign begin to be used as a
holy sign? We find an abundance of crosses in the catacombs.
There are different signs written above and below the
Hebrew letters to make them pronounceable. They are what we
would call vowels in other languages. But not all of these can
be heard. Shevah, the first vowel of the Hebrew Bible, is
actually only a halfvowel. It is a very short e A halfvowel
(hataph-segol) begins the name of God, Elohim. Brit, the
Hebrew word for covenant, also has a halfvowel at the
beginning. It has to be pronounced quickly. The name that we
spell Jehovah starts in Hebrew with a very short vowel
almost without forming the lips for it and finishes with a silent
h. It is as if the structure of the Hebrew language itself would
teach one to speak little about holy things. One learns most
about them in silence. (By the way, Jehovah, like all
substantives and names ending with h, is a feminine name.
Jeshuah, the name of Jesus in Hebrew, is also a feminine name.
It is like calling a boy Helen or June.)
I have deviated completely from what I had intended to say.
It is because for the first time I preach what I think. In the
pulpit, pastors preach what they have thought of in their study
while preparing their sermons. Congregations would wonder
very much if one Sunday morning their pastors were to tell all
the wandering thoughts that pass through their minds as they
give their prepared message. They have doubts just when they
preach certainties, attractions toward a sin just when they
thunder against it.
But bear with me; I come back now to my subject.
The surroundings of our solitary confinement are
conducive to silence. The wardens have felt-soled shoes. We
do not hear them walking up and down the corridor. They
rarely speak to us. Everyone sits alone in his cell without any
book or writing material and, according to his preparation,
broods or meditates, loses himself in erotic imagination or
makes practical plans for an uncertain future.
Rarely do we hear the cry of somebody being beaten
because there are special rooms for beatings and torture
somewhere else. Sometimes we hear the ravings of someone
who has gone mad. But he would be quickly gagged or given
some injection. And then silence again.
The only real and more constant interruption of the silence
is the telephone, the tapping signals in Morse code through
the walls or the pipes of the central heating. Usually the
wardens do not disturb this. They know our codes and are
interested in listening in on what we communicate to each
other. There are always the naive few who allow some secrets
to slip through their communications.
The number one topic of all conversations is divining when
and how the Americans will come. We set dates by which time
we feel we surely will have been freed. With absolutely no
possibility of obtaining real information, except perhaps on a
bit of paper found in the toilet or from a prisoner arrested six
months before, nevertheless we tap to each other estimates
and commentaries on the most recent sensational events.
Frogs living in a well discuss the ocean they never saw.
Insects living only a summer talk about skiing. Men existing in
tiny subterranean cells with minds long since gone mad
philosophize about the effects of world events on them, events
of which they know nothing.
The conversations do not last long. The invasion of sound
gives way to the deep silence in which I can meditate. I do not
desire to be free. I am free. The tyrant of Syracuse once went to
the slavephilosopher Epictetus and told him, Ill pay the
ransom for you and you will be liberated
Epictetus replied, Why do you care about me? Free
But I am a king, said the amazed tyrant.
This I contest, was the answer of the philosopher. He
who masters his passions is a king even while in chains. He
who is ruled by his passions is a slave even while sitting on a
Real freedom does not depend upon external
circumstances. There exists the wonderful liberty of which the
children of God partake, even when in straitened circumstances
or trammeled by prison walls.
I am not freed of passions but I am free from the desire to
know trifles. What does it matter when I will be free? The
period since my birth has been brief. In the millennia before I
was born the world went on without considering my presence
in it important. I am sure that events continue their course
undisturbed by my absence.
Nor do I wish to know other things. I wish to know only
that Holy One about which Luke speaks in mystery (Luke
1:35). One day of being with Him is worth a lifetime of
knowledge about Him, which is putting into human words the
Why my Beloved keeps me in prison I do not know. But I
remember these words from A Midsummer Nights Dream , the
profoundest of Shakespeares plays: The course of true love
never did run smooth[To be crossed is] as due to love as
thoughts and dreams and sighs, wishes and tears There has
never been a great love without its share of enigma and drama.
So also is the love between Jesus and me. Let Him do as He
likes. Reason will never fathom His ways. Generally, reason
and love keep little company.
God did not free Daniel. He left him in the lions den until he
was freed by Darius, who threw him there. Perhaps I too will be
freed by the Communists, not by the Americans or the
miraculous intervention of God. But I do not lose much time
thinking about this.
I wish to know God in the supreme sense. The Hebrew
word for to know, iad, and the Greek gnosis are both used
also for union between husband and wife. I wish to know Him
intimately, to have the beatific vision, to see that Holy One in
His fullness.
Life and death depend upon this.
I once told a Jewish boy of twelve, If Jesus is the Messiah
and you reject Him, your soul will be eternally lost, to which
he answered earnestly, But it is also the other way around. If
Jesus is not the Messiah and you adore Him, you are eternally
lost. And so we sat down to find out which of us was right.
The life of Saul of Tarsus, the persecutor, centered around
Jesus long before he met Him on the road to Damascus. He had
ordered Christians to be killed. Whether Saul was a national
hero fighting against a dangerous impostor or a killer of
innocent believers in the true Savior depended upon the reality
of the vision he had before his eyes.
Mary Magdalene waited at the tomb of Jesus. He had
forgiven her many sins. Everything depended on what would
happen that Sunday morning. If He were resurrected, the
remission of sins granted by Him was valid. If He remained
entombed, her sins were still with her and she would have
added to her former transgressions the grave offense of having
followed a false Messiah.
I am in the same situation. If Jesus is not the Truth, I will
have squandered my life and youth in useless suffering. If He
is, I will have gained everything.
Will He come to free me from my doubts?
No thief could sleep if he knew that a sack of gold lay in the
next room. I also spend one sleepless night after another. But
some day I will get hold of that Holy One. I surely prefer
Communists to lukewarm, nominal Christians. If Jesus is not
the Savior, if He was a deceiver or one deceived or, as some
say, a psychopath, things cannot be left as they are. It
becomes the duty of every honest man to go from door to door
to warn men of the pernicious influence of Christianity.
Jesus must give Himself to me totally or I will reject Him
totally. I will never be satisfied with glimpses, with possibilities
and probabilities of truth. I must know Him. I must live in His
embrace, or I will deny Him as One who does not give all He
Tons of lead are shoveled and smelted in the hope of
extracting one grain of radium. Years of prison are not too
much if one may have one day with Him. His days are rare, as
tungsten and vanadium are rare. His day comes slowly, but
when it comes it will compensate for years lost in the darkness
of prison cells.
On that day words will no longer mask contrary intentions.
Truth will triumph. Human and divine natures will marry, as
they are united in Him. We will see things as they are. I will
know that Holy One; whether this happens in prison or in
the bosom of my family will make no difference. Amen.
Morals Apart for the Elect

Dear brethren and sisters,

Truth is revolutionary. It even revolutionizes its own
One thing comes up again and again. At every
interrogation I tell the officer fairy tales: I invent stories to lead
him astray. When he asks for concrete details and the names of
those with whom I worked underground, I give him the names
of people I know are abroad, of some who have died recently,
or of their own top stooges within the Church. I usually
succeed in making my story plausible, at least for a time, so as
to delay a beating until they have checked all the names.
When I return to my cell, I am no longer alone. I have with
me a preacher, Mr. Morals, who delivers long sermons about
how wrong it is to lie. He quotes Spurgeon to me: It is never
right to do a little wrong to obtain the greatest possible good.
Your duty is to do the right: consequences are with God. Or,
I have no right to commit a sin to increase usefulness. I have
to be righteous even if it undoes usefulness. I wonder why
my Mr. Morals is such a boring preacher, always delivering the
same sermon. I would like to hear him speak for a change about
how stupid it is to betray brethren to the police while leaving
the consequences to Godsuch consequences as hungry
wives and orphaned children for whom nobody will care.
The authorities consider it complicity with a
counterrevolutionist if you give a piece of bread to the child of
a jailed Christian. Mr. Morals teaches that nobody should go
against the law of the land, because it is wrong to break laws.
The main thing to be concerned about is keeping the
magnificent I righteous. The consequences belong to God.
Let Him rain manna again for families of imprisoned Christians.
I have high respect for Mr. Morals. But I believe he delivers
his sermon in the wrong place. I would make the proposal that
he do some of his preaching to the Communists. Their
questioning me about things that are not their concern is
surely less moral than my giving deceptive answers.
I am a child of God. In most spheres Gods children do not
have the same moral standards as common men.
We love our enemies, whereas others consider it right to
defeat them. We do the beautiful though unproductive deed:
we squander money on costly perfume with which to anoint a
Man who will be scourged and crucified tomorrow as a
criminal. Others much more practical and better fitted than we
to lead charitable, even Christian charitable, institutions
condemn such squandering because the money is needed for
the poor. Has not God Himself put it in our hearts to provide
for them?
We are glad that Jesus is righteous, and we need not try to
become righteous ourselves through any deed or attitude of
our own. The others are reasonable, of course. They choose
between right and wrong, and they make the proper choice.
Some have before them two ways: one leading to life, the other
to death. We admire them when they step decidedly toward
life. But for us death is abolished. The Lord told us, Whoever
lives and believes in Me shall never die (John 11:26). We are
utterly disinterested in this constant oscillation between two
paths and hundreds of bypaths. Others exercise their will for
good purposes. We dont believe in free will. We believe that
right choices as well as their fulfillment are gifts from God,
often given to those who seek them least. We believe that all
things work together for our goodSt. Augustine adds
&ldquo even our sins.
I lie to my oppressors to protect others. Is truth an absolute
obligation? Does the Bible always reveal the facts as they are?
Does it not strain some truth, on occasion even yield legal
truthfulness to love and respect?
I remember a verse from the book of Judges (Judges 18:30).
I often thought about it, first, when Nazi persecution and, later,
when Communist domination obliged us to prevaricate. In it
Jonathan, an idolatrous priest in Israel (as a matter of fact the
first), is called the son of Gershom, the son of Manasseh. In the
Hebrew original, the name Manasseh is written here in a
strange manner: The n is suspended above the line to show
that it is an addition that veils some secret.
Gershom was a son of Moses. The first idolatrous priest
was therefore a grandson of the lawgiver. Perhaps the writer of
the sacred book did not wish to do Moses the indignity of
publicizing the fact. Therefore he changed the name Moses to
Manasseh. In Hebrew it took the addition of just one letter. For
the few who might understand the subtleties of Scripture and
the reason why a letter would be written above the regular line,
a reminder of the real fact was left. But the n in this position
is not the same as a normal n. A musical note written above a
given line can change the whole tune.
Now, was it truth to call Gershom the son of Manasseh
when he was actually the son of Moses? Does it please Truth
when a great man of God is put to shame? Does Jesus not
rather rejoice when He sees respect for such a man?
Does Truth desire only fact, or is Jesus (who is the Truth)
enamored of other values as well, such as love for the brethren
whom I have to protect from arrest? Once, using a piece of
thread, I cut deeply into my flesh between the toes and did my
best to infect the wounds with chalk, in the hope of gaining a
better life in the infirmary. Did I offend Truth through this
The world teaches us to pretend, to be hypocrites. Jesus,
too, teaches us to pretend, but with a difference. He does not
teach us to show ourselves as we are. When you fast, He says,
look like a man who is feasting; when you pray, let people think
you are taking a nap; when you give alms, conceal the fact
(Matthew 6:16,16&ndash 18). This is holy deceit. Mr. Morals
would condemn this. He would insist on the obligation to tell
people exactly what you are doing. He would have rebuked the
woman from Tekoah who fabricated a heartrending story in
order to convince David he should forgive his son Absalom,
who had greatly sinned (2 Samuel 14). Is the truth so adamant
in harshness that it must never be yielded to a fable in order
that grace might conquer?
Jesus pretended. When He came to Emmaus, He indicated
that He would have gone farther, though in reality He wanted
to stay with His disciples (Luke 24:28).
It just passed through my mind that if Michelangelo had
not started as a genial forger, claiming that a sleeping Cupid he
had made was some old Greek sculpture, today we might not
have his Pieta. People might not have paid any attention to
Dare anyone condemn Desdemona, who died with a lie on
her lips defending her beloved Othello, who had killed her just
because he loved too much and had been the jealous victim of
intrigue? Jesus Himself strained the truth at loves behest
when He said, Father, forgive them, for they do not know
what they do (Luke 23:34). Every one of them knew how
painful crucifixion was.
I believe that all the implications have not yet been drawn
from the teachings of the Lord. The simple fact that the
business of the merchants of religion doesnt prosper should
show us that they dont squeeze out of their merchandise
religionall the profit it can give. If they were to extract more
wisdom from Jesus, they could then glean from the public
much more interest in religion.
Jesus has given us His Wordone talent. We should make
it ten talents. There is still much we dont understand in the
realm of Christian thought. To understand these things, we
must have courage to align ourselves with Scripture, even
when it means leaving the secure shore of commonly accepted
morals. I, on my part, will lie whenever necessary in order to
protect my brethren.
The Absolute Duty of Truthfulness

Beloved brethren and sisters,

A Jewess came to a rabbi and told him her troubles and
pains. After weeping and sighing for an hour, she finally said,
Rabbi, I feel better now. My headache has disappeared.
No, my daughter, it has not disappeared, said the rabbi.
Now I have it.
When the Communists took over our country, we began to
have secret Christian activities, first within the Soviet army and
then, when the terror began, among Romanians themselves.
Secret activity is not possible without a certain amount of lying
and deceit. The consciences of many Christians were troubled
about this, but instead of living with their troubles, they put
them on my shoulders. Their headaches became mine.
Now I lie at every interrogation. Through Morse code the
prisoners from the cell nearby tell me that they do the same, but
afterwards they feel as if they have sinned greatly and ask me
what to do. I know you all have the same problem, so I will tell
you what I think in this matter.
If an authority, whether the state or your parents, is
committing evil acts, your duty is to resist their evil and not to
join them. There exists a natural law for which no divine
revelation is needed. In the Christian era, some men, such as
Thomas Aquinas, justified even the murder of tyrants in
extreme cases.1 Luther also recognized this right of resistance.
Although God never condones murder, do you think your
hands remain pure if you refrain from intervening? A tyrant
may kill millions of innocents, as did Hitler, and you will be co-
responsible if you could have prevented the carnage by
stopping the tyrant and his clique of murderers.
The Lutheran bishop Eivind Berggrav of Norway, who sat
in prison under the Nazi occupation, later said before the
Lutheran World Federation, If the authority becomes
arbitrarily tyrannical, we have a demonic situation, which
means a regime which is not submissive to God. It would be a
sin to submit to a diabolic power. In such circumstances we
have in principle the right to rebellion in one form or another.
If we have the right to resist the tyrant, even more then do
we have the right to oppose his inquisitive delving into what
he is not entitled to knowthe secret activities of the church.
We can lie to the Communist persecutor.
It is wrong to prefer your personal purity to responsibility
for your neighbor. If you speak the truth, you put your
brethren in prison. If you speak the truth, you make the
existence of an underground church impossible and deprive
whole nations of the gospel. In order to avoid the guilt of
having lied, we take upon ourselves a worse burden.
Bonhoeffer said, True innocence manifests itself just through
entering into the communion of error out of love toward
another. We cannot assume the responsibility of telling the
truth to tyrants, because it will help them torture and kill
Christians. I will not justify lying either, but I will gladly accept
its responsibility before God.
Here we have a case in which one doesnt have a choice
between good and evil, but only between two evils.
Though we sometimes have the duty to lie, still we have the
absolute duty of truthfulness. It is a grave sin to trespass
against either duty. The duty to be truthful is obvious.
Christianity presents an incredible message that contradicts
the whole of human experience, namely: that a virgin gave birth
to the Son of God, that angels appeared and spoke to
shepherds regarding the newborn Babe, that stars led wise men
to His very house, that Jesus performed miracles as had no
man before, that after having died on the cross, He was
resurrected bodily and ascended to heaven.
Paul, when proclaiming this message to the heathen,
offered as proof of its veracity the fact that most of these
things regarding Jesus had been predicted by the Jewish
prophets. At that time it was no easy matter to become a
Christian. It could mean being thrown to the wild beasts. Every
man had to think seriously before making such a decision. The
most sensible approach would have been to ask the closest
Jewish neighbor if his Scriptures had really foretold all these
facts about Jesus, to which the answer was invariably, Jesus
was a fake, an impostor, condemned as such by our high
One can see the dilemma of Christianity in the Gospels
themselves. The prophet Malachi had predicted that before the
appearance of the Messiah, Elijah the prophet would come
again. When this objection was brought to Jesus, He
answered, Elijah has come he is John the Baptist. So
priests and Levites were sent to inquire of John the Baptist,
who flatly denied that he was Elijah, thus appearing to cancel
the claims of Jesus to be the Anointed.
Under these difficult circumstances it was of the utmost
importance that every Christian be an example of truthfulness
in private life. His character was the main accreditation of his
strange faith. That is why Peter was so harsh to Ananias and
Sapphira, who with an outright lie had pretended to be more
self-sacrificing than they really were. When discovered, each
suffered a shock and died on the spot.
Christians should be truth incarnate, in the full sense of the
word. The Greek word for truth is aletheis, which means
nothing hidden. The Hebrew word emet is composed of the
first, middle, and last letters of the alphabet, indicating that
truth exists only when it is all of a piece from beginning to end,
without any alteration or misrepresentation. Every half-truth is
a full lie.
But somehow life leaves us all forsworn. I dont know a
man who would never act or pretend. I can understand
Ananias and Sapphira. They loved the Lord and His company.
They wanted to belong and for this sacrificed the greatest part
of their substance. They also reserved something for
themselves because they sensed rightly that the first love of
Christians would not last. Very soon financial quarrels would
arise among them (Acts 6), and they might find themselves
with nothing in their old age. Their thoughts were much too
complicated to be told to enthusiastic apostles who had given
away everything. Curiously, the name Sapphira means in
Hebrew calculation.
Peter, who had himself pretended to be a hero on the night
of Jesus betrayal, was harsh to them. Some time later, he was
rebuked publicly by Paul for pretending to be faithful to the
Jewish religion. John, the apostle, was very nearly befriended
by the high priest, who hated Jesus. For such treatment he
might have indulged in some prevarication.
Life is impossible without the theatre of courtesy,
gentleness, good mannersthe niceties that never correspond
entirely to the state of the heart. So, then, absolute truthfulness
is necessary and yet absolute truthfulness is impossible. How
can we resolve this problem?
In a sense, every mans life is a pretense because to be an
I, a separate entity, is a lie. Jesus said you must deny
yourself (Luke 9:23), that is, acknowledge the unreality of the
I. The I is no more than the point of convergence of a
multitude of hereditary features, social influences, the fruit of
good and evil, works of nature, and so on.
Constantine the Great suffered terrible remorse about
having killed his son. He asked all kinds of heathen priests and
philosophers if there was forgiveness for him. He received only
negative replies. Then he asked the Christians, and they told
him how easy it is to receive forgiveness. On whom does the
sin lie? On the I but the lie of its existence can easily be
detected. The I can be denied. Then only Christ remains. He
gladly bears the responsibility of everything that has ever
happened. He is the Lamb who has taken away the sin of the
world. He said, I am the truth.
Therefore, when the I is denied, only the one
incomparable, indivisible Truth remains, and lies will disappear.
To whom should the Truth lie? Before whom does He ever
have to play-act if He is all? Jesus is the intellectual and
spiritual expression of reality. He is for me the only I. If He is
my all in all, the truth embodied in Him will accredit itself. It is
His concern, not mine.
Jesus is a Savior to the uttermost. Thus He saves me from
the constant nagging worries about whether or not I have
spoken or served the truth. I leave Him this burden, too.
A Russian brother told us about an occurrence in Odessa.
The underground church wanted to baptize a group of some
twenty individuals. They considered a fish hatchery at the
edge of town to be the best place. The old caretaker was
known to go to bed early. The fish would not create a
disturbance, and there was plenty of water. So the baptism
took place there.
The next day, the old caretaker went to the president of the
Soviet and asked to be given another job. &ldquo Why? he
was asked. You will never find a more suitable place to work.
No, I will never go back. The hatchery is haunted. And
he explained: Last night I saw some twenty beings who
looked like men, but in reality they were something else. Beauty
that was not earthly radiated from everyone. They sang songs
entirely unlike anything we sing in our pubs. Then they
entered the water one by one, and when they came out of it, I
had no doubts any more. They were unearthly. I could not
explain who they were. But I wont go back. The caretaker saw
things better than we do. He observed that we are moved into
an entirely new sphere upon our conversionthat of the
children of God. The difference between a child of God and a
man is much greater than that between a man and an ape.
We are partakers of the divine nature (2 Peter 1:4) and
belong to the world that gives commandments, not to one that
that strives to obey them. Non-Christians who acknowledge
the obligation to be truthful find themselves the victims of
inner tension because their fallen nature keeps them from
adequately fulfilling their duty. As Christians we dont have
the duty of truthfulness: we have its character. We speak it as
it is given to us by the Holy Spirit. We can have the full
confidence that what we speak is truly what God wishes the
other man to know.
We dont have to calculate like Ananias and Sapphira what
to give and what to say in order to justify ourselves.
Everything has been given. We are just, through the blood of
Christ, and never need any further justification. Saving truth
emanates spontaneously from our renewed heart.
As children of God we live in a mysterious sphere. Our
father in faith is Abraham, who was ordered by God to commit
what is considered among men to be a horrible crime: to kill his
own son. He was prepared to do so, and he was praised for his
All human moral standards cease to be valid here. We have
as our God a Being who not only bruised His Son but found
pleasure in doing so (Isaiah 53:10). If the salvation of mankind
cost so much, the Father paid the price willingly. Why should
this Father object to letting me, another child of His, purvey to
my interrogators what humans would call an untruth, in order
to save the underground church, His messengers of salvation?
I have no I. Let Him decide. Amen.
The Spaces in the Bible

Dear brethren and sisters,

Is it not possible that the empty spaces in the Bibleits
silences are at least as important as its words? One can find
debatable matters in the words of the Bible, but no one can
debate the silence of the depths of its blank spaces.
We are told that when the Lord Jesus was brought to the
temple at the age of twelve, He amazed the priests with the
questions He asked and the answers He gave. I am not very
much interested in the amazement of the priests. I would have
preferred to know what Jesus questions and answers were.
They cannot be found in the black letters of the Gospels. But
keep quiet and you will find them. They are contained in the
blank space. In the quiet of a subterranean solitary cell I can
read them.
In the prologue to his Gospel, St. Luke writes that he first
inquired diligently of eyewitnesses about all the episodes in
the life of Jesus. In the course of his inquiries he must have
gone to the house of Lazarus to ask about the visits of Jesus in
Bethany. Martha told him that she had had a quarrel with her
sister in the presence of Jesus. While Luke may have
considered the matter a trifle, he noted it. Then he asked Mary
to tell her side of the story. She answered, Martha chided me
for not helping out in the kitchen, but I preferred to sit a couple
of hours at the feet of Jesus and listen to Him. I did not wish to
lose a word of what He had to say
You are the person I need, Luke would have exclaimed.
Please tell me the teachings that Jesus gave on that evening.
She surely would have answered, but nowhere do we find
this information in Lukes books. We are told only that Mary
listened to Him and that Jesus praised her for choosing the
good part. That is to say, we do not find Marys memories
about Jesus talk in the black letters of the Bible. They are in
the white space between chapters 10 and 11 of Lukes Gospel.
There have been centuries of debate about whether the
bread and wine in holy communion really become the body and
blood of the Savior. But one thing is above debate: paper takes
on a different value when the Bible is printed on it. That is why
multitudes of Jews and Christians who have never read the
Bible can be seen kissing it in synagogues and Orthodox
churches. If the Word can become flesh, then the written Word
can give exceptional value to sheets of paper on which it is
Even stones can become holy. Soviet soldiers told us about
the church of the Holy Blood of Christ in Leningrad, closed by
the authorities, whose walls bear hundreds of inscriptions:
God, give me love, &ldquo Lord, give me happiness, and
others like these. Why do people feel instinctively that the
right place to inscribe such requests is on the wall of what was
once a church? Is it not like any other wall? Why do Jews
travel clear around the world just to pray at the wailing wall in
Jerusalem? Could they not do the same thing leaning on the
wall of their kitchens?
I know a good portion of the Bible by heart and read
whole chapters from memory in my prison cell, but it is not at
all like having the real Book before me. Its very paper is a
marvel. In every fiber there are as many atoms as there are
drops of water in the ocean or blades of grass on the whole
earth. And the atoms are constituted of smaller particles.
Electrons can travel at the speed of 10,000 miles per second.
While I read a page of the Bible, they could have traveled the
distance from Bucharest to Tokyo countless times, while
keeping the Word of God inviolate. The electrons constituting
my own eyes also travel, perhaps lovingly chasing those of the
Bible. The piece of paper is not dull and dead. It is one of
Gods mysteries; it is a cyclone of energy.
Paper has a dramatic history of its own. It was once a tree in
the forest. Sunbeams played through its branches, birds made
their nests in it and chirped, ants and insects scurried over its
bark, lovers kissed each other in its shadow. Then rude men
felled the tree. Seeing the wretchedness of slave laborers, it
would not have known for whom to weep. It could almost
forget its own tragedy at the sight of prisoners who were
hungry, dirty, poorly clothed, unskilled in this work, often
injured, and who were forced to do this hard work under the
surveillance of wardens with whips. A part of the tree became
paper on which pornography or hate literature was printed. A
part of it became Scripture. There exists a chosen people of
God; there exist the elect of God in every nation; there are
chosen walls; there exist chosen sheets of paper.
Mad thoughts? Perhaps. Which thoughts of a prisoner are
not mad? Many of my ideas are foolish, although frenzy has
not completely seized me yet. Otherwise I would not know that
my ideas are foolish and I would not feel unhappy.
My observations about the travel of electrons applies to all
paper, not only to that used for printing Bibles. But it is only
through reading holy Scripture that one gains an awesome
respect for matter. Materialists do not love matter. They have
no sense of its earnest expectation (Romans 8:19), and do
not sympathize with its bondage of corruption (Romans
Listen! Maybe I will hear the ringing of church bells
outside. It is a Sunday morning. Through bells, men have made
brass express adoration for God. Materialists cannot make
matter radiate the praises of atheism, of the nonexistence of
The atom is mysterious; the world is mysterious; the Bible
is also mysterious. If its meaning were plain, it would be the
work of men. But it comes from another sphere. Let us take
advantage of what is clear in Scripture and trust God for the
rest. One day we will be fully in the light of Gods presence,
and then we shall no longer see in a mirror, dimly (1
Corinthians 13:12). Never stop at the black letters of the Bible.
If you were to ask me which Bible verses support me the most
today, my answer would be, The Bible verses that comfort me
most are two verses that are not in the Bible.
First, I am happy that the Bible never mentions Jesus
asking anyone what sins they had committed, how many, of
what gravity, under what circumstances, with what complicity.
He met sinners and told them, Be of good cheer, son or
daughter, your sins are forgiven.
Second, what I appreciate is that the Bible records no
instance in which anyone apologized or asked Jesus for
forgiveness during His earthly life. On the last evening before
His crucifixion, the disciples had forsaken Him and one had
denied Him. Afterwards, when they met their resurrected Lord,
they should at least have said, Im sorry. But whoever
looked into the face of Jesus saw so much kindness, so much
love, such a willingness to forgive, that he knew there was no
need to ask.
And so I say, read not only what the Bible records in black
on white, but read its white spaces. Listen to its silences. They
are eloquent. You are not asked what sins you have committed,
nor commanded to utter long prayers of repentance. Rather,
believe that His blood has cleansed you of all your sins, and
Where we dont understand a part of the Bible, it is the
simplest thing to say humbly, I can&rsquo t understand, and
to reflect that we are acquainted with only the fringes of reality.
The Author of the Bible can be trusted.
The proof of Gods existence is that He has produced the
Bible, and the proof of the Bible is that so marvelous a book
could have been produced only by God. Communists and some
scientists claim that the world was not created by God. And if
they were right? There would be reason enough to adore Him if
He had produced only the Bible. A man who has lost, in
addition to his beloved ones, all his belongings, his health, his
reputation, and his liberty, must seek these things in the Bible.
He will surely find more than he has lostthe conviction of the
irrelevance of the things lost. One thing is needed. Following
the Bible, you will have chosen the good part. And you will
find the Beloved. Amen.
Sins Are So Small to Him

Beloved brethren and sisters,

There is an abyss of sins in every one of us, the muck of
On a certain Sunday I had preached twice and by evening
was tired and in need of rest. But I felt a strong impulse to go
to the pub, which was just opposite my parsonage. When I
told my wife about it, she objected vigorously.
You spoke twice today against drinking, and now all the
neighbors will see you going to have a drink. You cant do
such a thing. Youll be slandered.
Come with me, I replied, so they will slander us both.
When we entered the pub, I understood why I had been
brought here. In the midst stood a Russian captain with his
finger on the trigger of a revolver, threatening to shoot
everybody. He was drunk and had asked for more liquor. It had
been refused him, and now he was terribly angry. People had
hidden behind the bar and under tables. They could not talk
with him, not knowing Russian. I could speak the language.
When I asked him what was happening, he quieted down a
little and explained his demand. I assured him that I would take
care of it if only he would keep quiet. I went to the pub owner
and promised him that my wife and I would sit with the captain
and entertain him so there would be no further trouble. Give
him one more bottle.
The pub owner was so happy he exclaimed, Pastor, you
have saved my life! I will always remain grateful. Henceforth in
my bar you can drink as much as you like free of charge.
The Russian captain, my wife, and I sat down at a table. A
bottle of wine and three glasses were served. He was polite and
filled the glasses. My wife and I did not drink, but he showed
courtesy. He would empty all three glasses. Although he was
drunk, he was used to drinking, so he could reason and
While he drank, I told him the old, old story about the Son
of God, who came down from heaven, was born of a virgin in a
stable, taught love, led a life of sorrows, in the end was
crucified for our sins, was raised from the dead, ascended to
heaven, and is preparing an eternal abode in bliss for every
repentant sinner who puts his confidence in Him. He listened
attentively while drinking.
When I finished, he said, Now that I know who you are, I
will tell you who I am. I am an Orthodox priest. When, under
Stalin, 80,000 priests were killed, I was terribly frightened. And
so I accepted the offer of the Communists to become a lecturer
on atheism.
Though believing in God, I agreed to go from town to
town, from village to village, to convince people that there is
no God, no Christ, and no eternal life. I have destroyed the
faith of many people, including my former parishioners. I could
not conquer fear. My punishment from God has been that with
this hand with which I gave holy communion before, I have
had to shoot Christians who refused to serve in the Red Army.
And now I drink and drink to forget what I have done, but
I cannot forget. Waiter, bring another bottle.
Silently I adored the Holy Spirit, who brings us to the right
place at the right time.
I asked the captain, Do you still know the creed?
He vaguely remembered it. Many years had passed since
he had said it last.
So I began to recite in Russian, I believe in one God, the
Father almighty, and so on until I came to the words, I
believe in the remission of sins. I asked him, Do you believe
in this article of the creed?
I made it clear that I believe the whole Christian faith, he
answered. It was only fear that made me deny it.
I insisted, Do you believe in the remission of sins?
I pressed hard, Do you believe in the remission of your
Oh, no! he shouted. My sins have amounted to crimes
and have been far too many.
The creed does not state that only small and few offenses
are forgiven, but everything, all sins, without counting the
number or looking at the size. When John the Baptist saw the
Lord Jesus, he said, &lsquo Behold! The Lamb of God who
takes away the sin of the world! If you alone had committed all
the murders, thefts, lies, perjuries, and adulteries committed by
all mankind from the beginning but now believe in Jesus,
behold, He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the
world. Do you believe in the remission of your sins?
In tears, the officer repeated again and again, I believe in
the remission of my sins. Jesus had performed a masterwork.
He had found not a lost sheep, but a lost shepherd.
I never saw this captain again. It was wartime. The next day
he had gone further toward the front with his regiment. What
did he do afterwards?
On the first day of her conversion, the Samaritan woman
brought the population of a whole town to Christ. What did
she do later? Did her enthusiasm last? Did she continue to win
multitudes as at the beginning, or did she pass into the arms of
another husband? Jesus praised a Roman centurion for having
faith such as one could not find even in Israel. What deeds did
he perform with this faith? Or, once satisfied with the miracle he
had expected, did he return to his duty, which was training
soldiers to kill? Zaccheus promised to return everything he had
extorted and give fourfold to everyone he had defrauded. Did
he keep his promise?
I like Ezekiel 20:3: As I live, says the Lord God, I will not
be inquired of by you.&rdquo He wanted us to know a part of
the story. Let it be enough for us. This captain, the Samaritan
woman, the centurion, and Zaccheus all had one good moment
when they put their trust in Jesus. The rest is not our business.
The Russian captain had been cleansed. What looked to me
and to him like a mountain of sin seemed to Jesus, who sees
things from the highest heaven, an insignificant mound.
In Old Testament times the Jews went astray by believing
in Moloch. In Hebrew, Moloch means the king who has
reigned. Too often we have our souls fixed upon ugly events
in the past. Christians believe in the King who will reign.
Worshippers of this King believe that the past is forgiven and
also repaired. Christians also believe in a holiness toward
which we are conformed. He who has begun a good work in
you, writes the apostle Paul, will complete it until the day of
Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:6).
The Hebrews used the word hatath for the sin of a man
toward a fellow man, and asham for the sin of a man toward
God, such as breaking the Sabbath or disobeying some ritual
law. But asham meant also the restitution that a thief had to
make for what he had stolen. In Isaiah 53:10, it is said that
Jesus will make his soul an asham, which means not only an
offering for sin, but also a restitution for it. In some mysterious
way, the Almighty will restore all I have done wrong.
In Shakespeares Hamlet, a wretched Claudius seeks to

O my offence is rank, it smells to heaven!

It has the primal eldest curse upon t;
A brothers murder. Pray can I not.
Though inclination be as sharp as will,
My stronger guilt defeats my strong intent,
And, like a man to double business bound,
I stand in pause where I shall first begin,
And both neglect
My fault is past. But, O, what form of prayer
Can serve my turn? Forgive me my foul murder?
That cannot be, since I am still possessd
Of those effects for which I did the murder,
My crown, mine own ambition, and my queen.
May one be pardond and retain th offence?

I reply: Claudius, I can give you the answer. We can now

speak freely with each other, both belonging to the same unreal
world. You were buried after you died. I am buried alive. It
doesnt make much difference. We can communicate. Yes,
Claudius, you can be forgiven too, though you can repair
nothing. If you were now to send away your wife whom you
obtained in a criminal manner, you would bring upon her new
unhappiness and new temptations. If you renounced the
crown, one who never prays might pick it up. Leave things as
they are and believe in Jesus, the asham, the restitution.
You can begin every day anew, unburdened by the past.
And dont be afraid today of repeating the same old wrongs.
Rather, be pleasantly surprised if it happens otherwise. God
knows that your piano is bad and that you cannot make it
produce good melodies. Only your inner state counts. God
judges you according to your heart. Would Menuhins concert
be as pleasant to the ear if he played a gypsys violin instead
of the Stradivarius he uses? God looks at the attitude of your
heart, not at how much you can fulfill.
Your sins are remitted. Amen.
Measure in Delicacy

Dear brethren and sisters,

Mary Stuart accidentally stepped on the toes of the
henchman when she was on the scaffold. It is said that her last
words were, I beg your pardon, sir executioner. She was a
queen. Her good breeding was instinctive.
Likewise Christians, children of the heavenly King, show
meekness when they are ill-used.
Christians simply love and shine. They do so even when,
like their Master, they wear a crown of thorns and have in their
hand a reed for a scepter.
Believers also show kindness to those doomed by God.
God said to Moses, Rise, take your journey, and cross
over the River Arnon. Look, I have given into your hand Sihon
the Amorite, king of Heshbon, and his land. Begin to possess
it, and engage him in battle. This day I will begin to put the
dread and fear of you upon the nations under the whole
heaven, who shall hear the report of you, and shall tremble and
be in anguish because of you. And Moses sent messengers
from the Wilderness of Kedemoth to Sihon king of Heshbon,
with words of peace (Deuteronomy 2:2426).
Moses had been given the order to destroy a king. But as
in the case of Pharaoh, God allowed Moses to proffer peace
and an amicable agreement to the heathen king. It is
permissible to send words of peace even to those utterly
rejected by the Creator.
The Christian is engaged in warfare as long as he lives on
this earth. But his role can be compared to that of a military
physician. He has to give medicine and comfort to the
wounded on both sides.
Such Christian delicacy has produced changes in the
heathen world.
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, It was the New Testament which
really awakened me to the rightness and value of passive
resistance and love towards ones enemies. In 1908, when he
was almost murdered by a Muslim, he did not prosecute the
man nor give evidence against him. This forgiven murderer
became a disciple of Gandhi.
A similar story is told about the Christian Mrs. Rathenau.
Her husband, finance minister of Germany, had been killed by a
Nazi only for the crime of having Jewish blood. Mrs. Rathenau
cared for the murderer in prison and defended him. During the
war, this murderer became a leader of the Gestapo in Marseilles.
He atoned for the evil done in the past by helping multitudes of
Jews escape, with the result that in the end he was hanged.
Edmund Campion, English Jesuit, betrayed by a Catholic
turned Protestant, was thrice tortured on the rack. Then he was
sentenced to be hanged, drawn, and quartered. A Te Deum was
sung at this occasion. But the traitor had come to death row
asking forgiveness. Campion gave it. He helped his
denunciator escape the pursuers who sought revenge: he gave
him a letter to a German nobleman recommending him for
These are the attitudes God likes. They are at the opposite
pole to that of the Spanish patriot Narvaez who, when asked on
his deathbed by his confessor if he had forgiven all his
enemies, replied, Father, I have no enemies. Ive shot them
But there is a limit to Christian forbearance and charity. In
the end, Moses killed Sihon and his subjects because they
were not responsive to delicacy. At times we have to have
measure in love. One single devil whom we have pitied can
destroy a paradise. One day of softness and a nation can lose
overnight its happy institutions built up through generations
of struggle.
Do not think it a virtue to be delicate only. When occasion
demands, tell a devil in a high position that he is a devil.
The good pastor is the one who has the proper measure
even in love.
We read in Revelation 20:3 that after the devil has fulfilled a
thousand years in prison, he will be given a period of amnesty
for a little season. But once free, he will start his wicked
deeds again, gathering together the nations of earth for
another world war, which only God will bring to a fiery end.
Jesus is full of grace. One cannot find the right expression
in English for describing how full of grace He is. In Hebrew the
singular mercy does not exist. The word is pluralrahamim
mercies). Nobody can obtain from God only one mercy,
because He has only indivisible bushels of it. In the New
Testament, the corresponding Greek word oiktirmos is also
frequently in the plural form.
Shakespeare wrote that troubles come not singly, but in
battalions. Likewise, a sin never occurs alone but in the
company of many others. And grace and mercy abound even
more. But a plurality of mercies does not mean that there is no
limit to them. The universe is constructed mathematically. We
might not know how many stars there are, but there is a certain
definite number. Jesus taught us to forgive much, and He told
us exactly, mathematically, how much to forgive. He taught us
not to remit indefinitely, but exactly 490 times (Matthew 18:22).
Where there are figures, we have a very precise teaching.
Jesus was not full of grace alone, but of grace and truth
(John 1:14). Now, John thought in Hebrew. In Hebrew the letter
v, which stands for and, is part of the following word. John
wrote andtruth as a single word. Grace that is not limited by
the supreme interest that truth should triumph is a dangerous
A man can love many things, but he can have a passion for
only one. Results are achieved only if the man desires one
thing exclusively and does not squander his energies
simultaneously on a hundred other things. I admire the
Communists for concentrating all their efforts on the fulfilling
of their supreme passion. Our passion is the triumph of Christ,
the establishment of His kingdom, which necessarily includes
the overthrow of everything that opposes it. We have a place
for delicacy, for genuine love toward the enemy, but only in the
measure to which this would not defeat our main purpose. To
love the enemy so much as to enable him to overcome us is
I love my enemy, but I do not forget that while I spend my
time preparing a series of good deeds for him, he prepares
weapons to destroy my church. He might strike quickly and
unexpectedly while I indulge in sentiments of love.
In extreme cases in the heat of battle, the military doctor
might be forced to shoot. He also is a warrior. We Christians
have to adopt the military mentality, remembering how many
are the metaphors about warfare in the New Testament: the
weapons of our warfare (2 Corinthians 10:4); Put on the
whole armor of Godwe wrestlehaving put on the
breastplatetaking the shieldthe helmetthe sword of the
Spirit (Ephesians 6:1117); Let us put on the armor of light
(Romans 13:12).
In war I dont admire so much the hero who dies for his
fatherland as the one who lets the enemy die for his. A live
hero is worth more than a dead one. Truth is exclusive. With
Christ as our Commander, right is on our side, and we must
We allow ourselves gestures of delicacy, we nurture love
for all men, including our enemies, with one limitation: we must
be victorious. Every gentle act that does not hinder this is
I remember the first Soviet officer I met. I asked him if he
believed in God. I would not have minded if he had said No.
Freedom is given to every man to say Yes or No even to
God. But he gave me the most amazing answer: We have no
order to believe. If we get such an order, we will.
I had met the typical Soviet man, a being who has been
robbed of one of the greatest gifts given by God to man: to be
an individual in his own right. He had been changed into a
robot who waited for orders about what faith to embrace or
reject. The Communists dont allow any sphere in which the
individual is free. One has to be a Marxist even in art and
science. Because of Einsteins discoveries, the universe we live
in bears his name. Yet his book The World As I See It is
forbidden in Communist countries because he expresses his
belief in Godan incredible irony.
Such a regime has to disappear. Brethren, do everything
you can to this end. Dont ask, What can I, a single man, do?
If everyone asked himself this, no collective good would ever
be achieved. The regime must disappear.
Therefore, love the Communists and be gentle toward them
only in the measure to which this does not conflict with the
main purpose. Robots must be changed into men again. Christ
must be proclaimed and accepted freely. His kingdom must
In the fourth century, the church had become a state
institution. After having prayed and fasted many years, the
first generation of monks who fled to the wilderness of
Thebaide from the corruption of the church gathered for
counseling. St. Anthony the Great prompted them, Let
everyone say which Christian virtue he considers the highest.
A few arose immediately and answered, Love. Others
said, Humility, or, &ldquo Obedience. Some put Silence
on the highest level. In the end they asked St. Anthony, who
had listened attentively to their debate, which in his opinion
was the highest virtue, and this would prevail
All these virtues you have mentioned are excellent, St.
Anthony said, but the highest is to have in all things the right
Therefore, measure your delicacy.
The same Bible that teaches love and gentleness also
forbids one even to greet certain men (2 John 10,11). Saying
Good morning to such men (whom John describes) makes
one a partaker of his evil deeds. John the evangelist is said to
have fled naked from a public bath when he saw Cerintus, the
heretic, entering. He did not wish to remain under the same roof
with one who taught false doctrine.
Delicacy, then, to a point. But uncompromising
staunchness in matters of truth. Amen.
Unreachable Heights

Dear brethren and sisters,

One of Jesus promises has surely remained unfulfilled. He
said that if we have faith as large as a mustard seed, we will be
able to move mountains. I dont expect so much. But again and
again I have ordered a mere prison wall to move, and it has not.
It is written, This stonehas heard ( Joshua 24:27). Why
then did it not move? Is my faith smaller than a mustard seed?
But what about the faith of my fellow-sufferers? Around me are
important saints and bishops. None of them can move even a
wall, much less a mountain.
And if one promise of Jesus does not hold true, what
should we think about all the others? I shout again and again
in my folly, Wall, move! Wall, move! It does not move.
For a while I forgot where I was. I shouted loudly. The
wardens heard and gathered around my door to ask what was
happening. They mocked me when I explained.
I fell down on my bed in despair, overcome with the
realization that I was still in prison. Andfar worsethat my
faith in His Word was gone.
But slowly I quieted down. A thought flashed through my
mind. How is it that I could be so mad? Jesus had been very
explicit. If we have only a little faith, the size of a mustard seed,
then we will move mountains. But a great God gives a great
faith, not tiny coins. Just as the great steel demolition hammers
used in industry to smash concrete walls are no good for
cracking a nut, so our God-given faith, which is huge, cannot
move mere mountains. The only requisite for removing
mountains is mundane faith in engineering technology. Our
God-given faith does greater things. We leap upon the
mountains, we skip upon the hills (Song of Solomon 2:8).
Eventually we may tire of such things. For if I jump over a
mountain, I only come upon another valley which lies in the
shadow of death. Our great God provides power for more than
The woman in Revelation was given the wings of a great
eagle (Revelation 12:14) and could soar over mountain peaks.
Evangelist George Whitefield entered in his diary, I prayed
God this day that God might make me an extraordinary
Christian. And his prayer was fulfilled.
Nothing of the ordinary Christian life fully satisfies us, not
even the gift of snowy whiteness of soul or joy like that of a
marriage feast. Whiteness and marriage belong to the created
world. We are partakers of the divine nature, and nothing less
than oneness with the Creator can satisfy us.
Remain, prison walls, where you are. We fly toward the
Infinite. We can do so because for this we were born.
A whole lifes work will not enrich a proletarian. Neither will
revolutions. With very few exceptions, only that man is rich
who is born rich. Those who have acquired wealth are often
too old or jaded to enjoy it. A good birth, therefore, is more
advantageous than a lifetime of hard work. As for us,
everything is ours without working. For as the eagle takes its
little ones on its wings, so does our God.
Remain, Communist world and Christian world, where you
are. I hate the first. I am skeptical about the second. The old
story repeats itself. Men of one and the same generation were
pagans under Diocletian, Christians under the emperor
Constantine because it became the fashion, Arians under
Constantius because the king, a tyrant, thus decreed, and
apostates in Julians time because the emperor willed it. Then
they returned to Christianity in Jovinians time.
In my generation, men of our province, Transylvania,
started out as loyal subjects of the Hapsburgs, but they
became loyal subjects of the Romanian kings. All those who
had sworn faith to King Charles II were forsworn when he was
deposed. These same men became legionnaires, then anti-
legionnaires when the former were overthrown by Antonescu.
Bishops who would have refused ordination of men who
did not want to swear loyalty to King Michael swore loyalty to
the Republic when the king was overthrown. A mass of
Christians, headed by their bishops and denominational
leaders, passed to the side of the Reds. The same patriarch
who had called upon us to fight the Bolshevik dragon
celebrated a thanksgiving liturgy for the advent of power of
this dragon. Many have left their faith altogether.
Why should I remain in this world, in this Communist state,
in this Christianity, in a prison cell, or even at liberty? God has
smuggled through the locked door of my cell the wings of a
great eagle. I fly to the Infinite. Nothing less will do.
I consider myself as having attained nothing while
anything remains unattained.
Can it be that when I have reached a certain height I will
fall? The devil is a good hunter and hurls darts that travel far.
The Lord has told us that not a sparrow falls to the ground
without our Father (Matthew 10:29). I have seen many
sparrows that have fallen. I even saw one eaten by a cat. The
Father willed that this sparrow should have a tragic end. I may
fall, too. But if, in the future, sins destroy me after I have
tasted the heavenly gift, and have become [a] partaker of the
Holy Spirit (Hebrews 6:4), others will learn from my failure and
will do better. So I will have served, notwithstanding.
I dont accept as my religion anything apart from union
between bride and bridegroom. All other religion is fornication,
idolatry. I will soar where the Truth, which sages on earth call
by different names, is One.
It is not a certainty that I will fall, though many have. By
His grace I may reach the heights. Others have; why not I?
I am in the communion of saints. Welcome, St. Catherine, to
my prison cell. You were very unlike me. At the age of six,
when I had the first vision of what I know now to have been
the devil, which shattered my life, you saw Christ blessing you
from heaven and apostles standing around you. While I in my
youth indulged in gross sins, you had a plank for a bed, a
wooden log as a pillow, and you spent your time in prayer and
mortification. And you arrived at a spiritual marriage. Christ
placed a ring on your finger.
But you give the impression of not seeing any difference
between you and me. Maybe I am wrong, but you seem to have
even a touch of envy as you look at me. Jesus said, To whom
little is forgiven, the same loves little (Luke 7:47). Except for
original sin, there must have been almost nothing to be
forgiven you. You have traveled another way, but you assure
meand must have assured Jesus that, although God has
preserved you from much actual sin, you still love Him
How beautiful it is to commune with you. You speak my
language. You were a prisoner too. I sit in a Communist cell.
You spent almost all your life in the inner cell of your soul. You
were like all the brides of Jesus, a garden encloseda spring
shut up, a fountain sealed (Song of Solomon 4:12).
You too know actual prison life well. Dont be surprised at
my visit. I had the habit of visiting prisons from an early age,
you said, reminding me how you attended barbarous
executions when young in order to comfort the condemned and
their relatives.
I know from the Bible that we are surrounded by so great a
cloud of witnesses, men and women who have given their
lives to Jesus, the real saints (Hebrews 12:1), but I imagine that,
when they make themselves felt so clearly, they must have a
certain precise intention. Before asking St. Catherine about it, I
tried to find out something from her that interested me most:
I have brought to Christ a Jew of over ninety. He told me
once that in a dream he had asked Jesus to show him my place
in heaven. He got no reply. It is said that you have an
exceptional sensibility about the inner state of a man. You can
smell his integrity or corruption. I vacillate between states in
which I feel myself a beloved child of God and other states in
which I want to warn all men not to be at the last judgment as I
am. Can you tell me the truth about me?
She smiled and remained silent.
But I could remember clearly what I had read about her
criticizing the luxuries of the church of her time. Still, I had not
changed my style of life, which surely had been luxurious
compared to that of many of my colleagues.
Catherine, you have changed much. In times past, you did
not mince words even when speaking to a pope. You wrote to
Gregory XI, Dont be a boy, be a man. If you are not willing to
use your power for cauterizing the ills of the church, it would
be better for you to resign. You had called cardinals poor
mean knights, afraid even of their own shadows, poisoned with
self-love. How is it that you dont give me a word of reproof, if
you have come for this? Well, it is probably because I am
neither a pope nor a cardinal.
You have come just to remind me that a Christian can
reach seemingly unattainable heights. You could write to
Charles V, When will you fulfill the will of God and me to make
peace? Your will and Go s had become identical. You could
speak about the two in the same breath.
Silently you have fulfilled the purpose of your coming. I
receive the gift, and now I will soar on eagles wings.
How beautiful is the communion of the saints. You enjoy it
only when you accept its full silence, a silence like that of this
prison cell, interrupted only from time to time by the agonized
cry of someone who is suffering. I see something with my
spiritual eyes. I wonder if I have seen. Perhaps there are drugs
in my food. I see so many mad fancies. I had known a madman
in an asylum, one of the best men I ever knew. He was a
religious maniac. He often saw St. Birgit. He had painted her
image on the wall of his cell. I asked him what she told him in
their encounters. He smiled, forlorn. That was all. Well, he was
But mad or not, what does it matter to me? I wish to arrive
at the spiritual marriage at least in my fantasy. Madmen who
dream of being Napoleon or some saint feel so happy. Marriage
with Jesus must be glorious even if it is only in the imagination.
An ancient sage sent his son to a Bible teacher. When the
boy returned, the father asked him, What did you learn? The
son told him all the subject matter. This is nothing, the father
replied. Go and learn more. The son returned one year later.
This time he boasted of having learned other disciplines. The
father sent him back a second time. When the son returned
again, his face shone. The father embraced him. You knew
theology before. Now you know God.
If my marriage to Jesus is only imaginary, perhaps men
around me will only imagine that my face shines, but this will
make them seek God as if I had been truly glorified.
So for their sake, I love you, heights. I come! Amen.
Grasping the Sleeve of a Jew

Dear brethren and sisters in Christ,

Today a particularly offensive upstart gave me a beating
with special mention that my being a Jew played a role in my
torment. Heavy chains were put on my legs.
Sometimes I have slept off the beating. It is amazing how
well one can sleep in spite of the pain. Sometimes I have
whistled. Now I remember a Bible verse: In those days ten
men from every language of the nations shall grasp the sleeve
of a Jewish man, saying, Let us go with you, for we have heard
that God is with you (Zechariah 8:23).
This is Gods promise. But men grasp the sleeve of a Jew
for different purposes. Mrs. Potiphar &ldquo caught [Joseph]
by his garment, saying, Lie with me (Genesis 39:12). Many
catch Jews by their garments to have them as business
partners. Here in prison they grasp you by your sleeve and
hold you fast during a beating. The Communists mistreat
everybody, but Jewish prisoners always get a double beating.
Some of the officers of the secret police are turncoats,
former members of anti-Semitic organizations, who give vent to
their real feelings when they have a Jewish prisoner in their
hands. This helps them compensate for being compelled to
stand at attention before the Red high officials of Jewish
descent. The Jewish officers of the secret police also take pains
to exhibit special harshness toward Jewish prisoners to avoid
the suspicion that they are partial.
I am Jewish. I had to suffer under the Nazis for the double
crime of being both a Jew and a Christian. Now it happens all
over again. What is it with us Jews? Even when I was a child,
teachers and pupils hit me for being Jewish. What is it with me?
Are we the withered boughs that have to be broken off, as
Isaiah prophesied (Isaiah 27:11)? After the Nazi defeat,
Christians felt themselves in bad company when accusing us
and abandoned the charge that we sentenced Jesus to death.
Many church leaders change their opinions as the political
winds blow. Those who have cooperated most with the anti-
Semitic killers to avenge our ancestors crucifixion of Christ
now assure everyone that Jews were no guiltier in this tragedy
than the Romans. They ignore the fact that the Jews had
prophecies about the coming of Christ, which the heathen did
not have. Ezekiel says about the Jews, When they came to the
nations, wherever they went, they profaned My holy name
(Ezekiel 36:20). Pauls rebuke is also justified: The name of
God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you
(Romans 2:24).
But I belong to another category of Jew. At Golgotha the
Jewish people divided into two parts: those who had asked for
His death, and those who wept for Him and eventually
constituted the first church. I belong to those about whom
Jesus said, Salvation is of the Jews (John 4:22).
Why do they grasp my sleeve, too, only to beat me? What
is it with the Jewish question?
German philosopher Georg Hegel said there was one thing
his philosophy could not explain and that was Israel. Should I
then explain it with a reason confused through great suffering?
To fathom such a mystery, I would have to think logically.
The word logic comes from logo . To be pleasant to Christ,
the Logos, you must think and act logically. In the original
Greek we are asked in Romans 12:1 to bring to the Lord a
logical sacrifice. Clarity and accuracy in thought are expected
of Christs disciples. But for a long time I have lacked these
qualities. Hunger, the remembrance of tortures, the fear of new
ones as often as the cell is unlocked, the whole atmosphere of
solitary confinement in a subterranean cell, all combine to make
logical thinking impossible. Perhaps there are also drugs in my
scanty food. I cannot tell you what it is exactly with the Jews.
You cannot become a Jew by practicing the Jewish religion,
just as you cannot become a lion by roaring or devouring raw
flesh. I am sure that birth cannot make you a Jew any more than
being born in a garage can make you an automobile. To be a
Jew is more than belonging to a nation. It is a calling that you
do not get by natural birth. Born a Jew, you must realize your
A Jew is one who is essentially Jewish and really deserves
this high appellation, one who is loyal to the King of the Jews.
What makes this Jew dangerous for the world, and difficult to
bear even for Gentile children of God, is that the Jewish
Christian is a restless fighter.
He has learned from Abrahams experience. Abraham met
Melchizedek only after his return from a slaughter in which he
had bathed his sword in blood (Genesis 14:17). He had not met
him during prayer, nor when he brought sacrifices. He met him
after a fight. Spiritual battlefields are our tabernacles. Captains
of hosts are our priests. Our liturgy is a clashing of swords.
Our incense is the smoke of burning Sodoms. Jews and
Christians have burned on stakes long enough. With priestly
cassocks as our armor, we enter Jehus chariot. We are
Jonadabs, his fellow-warriors. Our icons are living soldiers to
whom we pay our homage. Our God is a consuming fire.
This is the religion about which I am passionate. This is
what I feel my role to be as a Jewish Christian. If there is no
place for me in such a tabernacle, I would like to live at least in
its shadow, but the churches of the Gentiles are too well-
ordered, calm, and boring for me.
A Jewish Christian loves his nation as Esther did. Therefore
Pharaohs and Hamans, as well as cowards among the believers,
tremble at our approach.
So many genial Jews have missed the mark in serving
foreign masters. Joseph served Egypt, Daniel Babylon, Marx
the world proletariat, Disraeli the British empire, Leon Blum
social democracy and France. Some of these were children of
God, others the opposite, but in either case their earthly
benefactors soon forgot their services. Those who embody
what is essential in the appellation Hebrew Christian would
never serve any other cause than that of the people of God.
In their relationship with God, they are not satisfied with
forgiveness of sins. They want their lives changed.
Our responsibility is different from that of other believers.
Paul writes, To them [the Jews] were committed the oracles of
God (Romans 3:2). Every line in the Bible was written by a
Jew. Some suppose St. Luke might have been a Greek, but I
believe him to be a Jew. Luther contested the authority of the
ecumenical councils because they were not constituted of
Jews. Once they were composed of Gentiles, he believed that
their decisions could not be considered the oracles of God,
compulsory for Christians. Jewish Christians are called to
evoke the truth as it was in its nakedness, before being clothed
in parables.
Today many of the physical circumstances of parables
have become obsolete, but their meaning remains.
In Communist countries, farming has been collectivized. No
man possesses a hundred sheep anymore. Who cares if one is
lost? It is state property. Fathers dont have inheritances to
impart to profligate sons. When they get into trouble, there is
no one who possesses swine who might hire them. They must
be state employees, and they would not be free to leave their
job to return to the father. Kings cannot arrange marriage
feasts for their sons anymore; they have been dethroned.
Beggars can no longer hope for alms at the door of rich men.
The capitalists have been expropriated, deported to some slave
labor camps. They would be willing to beg for a piece of bread
themselves, but for a situation epitomized in a little joke:
What is the difference between a pessimist and an
optimist? The optimist says, With this regime, we will all
become beggars, to which the pessimist replies, But from
whom will we beg?
Jesus parables presented eternal truth clad in episodes taken
from social life, which has changed. Some Hebrew Christians
can divest truth of its temporary clothing and see it as it is.
Some Hebrew Christians do not remain satisfied with what
they are told about Jesus, even by the saintliest of teachers.
Luke writes in his Gospel (Luke 1:2) about some who had been
eyewitnesses of the events. Who had been an eyewitness of
Marys virgin birth, of the pre-existence of Jesus, of His
solitary nights of prayer? The Greek does not have the word
eyewitness but autoptes, a word composed of auto (self) and
optes (those who have seen). Luke speaks about men who
have seen things themselves or (Luke 1:3) who have had
perfect understanding of all things.
There are men who are seated in heavenly places, outside
of time and space. They see what is happening in heaven and
look down upon what has happened and is happening on
earth. They also see things that normally remain hidden. Luke
was such a man; so were the other evangelists. Do you really
believe that there are no more seers in Israel?
Rachel, when her children were slain, wept for them and
would not be comforted (Matthew 2:18). What an unnatural
mother a woman must be to accept comfort when what she
wants is her child returned to her.
The Hebrew Christian has all due respect for the Spirit but
desires Jesus. Without Him, honey tastes like gall. The Spirit is
a spirit of truth, which testifies about Jesus. But they do not
desire even a true testimony about an absent Jesus, not even
one of divine origin. They wish Jesus Himself.
Having the Spirit, we could rightly solve many problems.
But we do not wish to solve problems. Martha&rsquo s sister,
Mary, did not seek solutions. Rather, she sat quietly at His
feet. Time somehow solves problems without our intervention.
We just wish to see His sunny face and hear His melodious
The real Hebrew Christian is a man apart, even within the
church. The time when people will grasp his sleeve in order to
be taught the Word of God may be far away, but he will never
compromise, he will never lower the standard in order to win
Tomorrow I might be confronted with something entirely
different: Take off your shirt in order to be beaten with a
whip. I will comply. A paper stating that I renounce my faith
and denounce my brethren could free me. What really
separates me from my loved ones, then, is a paper wall, not
these heavy quarries that I see. So for many centuries a book
has separated the Jews from other peoples.
I will remain, by the grace of God, on this side of the paper
wall. But I am thankful for the high calling of being a Jewish
Christian, and I will not capitulate. Amen.
The Beloved Communists

Beloved flock of Christ,

I would poison myself if I thought of Communists only with
Once while beating me the captain amused himself by
singing tango music. I would have been simply unfair to writhe
under the beating without appreciating the other aspect of
reality. He had a beautiful voice and the tune was pleasant to
the ear. If I resented the beating, I had to be thankful for the
music. It is a rare treat for a prisoner to hear somebody singing
If only we could always appreciate the dual aspects of
reality, the fact that it takes both sides to make a whole! When
I feel a pain, there is always the joy of being a living I who
feels. The may feel pain now, but these same nerves are
capable of feeling caresses too. It is admirable to have
sensitive nerves. It is wise to appreciate the joy of possessing
them even while suffering pain.
The Jews are a chosen people. It is also a chosen thing to
have a Jew as a torturer. He accompanies his wickedness with
such splendid jokes. At a certain moment, when I could bear no
more, I cried, Leave me, leave me! I had difficulty breathing.
My torturers consulted with each other. The Jew among
them told a joke: Two men entered a tram. One held on to the
strap. The second was small and kept his stability by holding
on to the beard of another man. The man protested, Let go of
my beard! The Jew asked, Why should I? Are you getting off
at the next station?
Why should we leave Wurmbrand alone? Will he die?
I hear their songs, their jokes. I enjoy them. I owe them
But most of all, I owe them pity.
The Communists in Romania have never pondered
Shakespeares words, Uneasy lies the head that wears the
crown. They took the crown from legitimate authority, King
Michael. They hoped to become happier through this, but they
have only become busier. Now they have to scheme day and
night about how to maintain and consolidate their positions.
Actually, I have it better than they. Discharged of all
responsibilities, I can lie quietly in my cell and be happy as
much as I decide to. For a time, I disturbed my own happiness
by spying on myself and tore myself to pieces for every false
thought. But to spy on yourself is as wrong and impolite as
spying on someone else. I have given it up.
Now I listen attentively when Communists speak to me
during my interrogation sessions. I am learning an art that I
should have learned long ago: the art of allowing the adversary
to say everything on his heart, even when he is wrong.
Once back in my cell, I make the Communists the subject of
my meditation and prayer. I also think about the many others
around me who are oppressed by the Communists because
they believe in God. I think about what this does to God.
In the Hebrew original it is written, The Lords soul was
shortened for the misery of Israel&rdquo (Judges 10:16). A
God whose children are persecuted is an amputated God. Look
at North Africa, which was originally one of the foremost
centers of Christianity. The Muslims conquered the provinces,
and for centuries millions have passed through this earthly life
without coming to a knowledge of salvation. Could He not
bring the gospel to them without the church? He could not.
He is a handicapped God and needs help like any other
amputee. Deborah sang, Curse Meroz, said the angel of the
Lord, curse its inhabitants bitterly, because they did not come
to the help of the Lord. And as if these words were not
enough, the angel repeated, to the help of the Lord against
the mighty (Judges 5:23).
The Lord needs help. Yes, He needs help. He will never
succeed without our help. And we sit in chains. How can I
decide to be happy, knowing this? If this is the situation, I
have to be concerned. I have to give up what I had decided a
few minutes before, that is, to whistle joyfully and to dance
around in my cell.
Long ago the Lord had predicted on the earth distress of
nations, with perplexity; mens hearts failing them from fear
and the expectation of those things which are coming on the
earth (Luke 21:25,26).
These words have had a multiple fulfillment: at the
destruction of the Jewish state in A.D. 71; at the close of the
sixth century when hordes of heathen warriors swept down
upon what was left of the decaying civilization of the Roman
Empire; during the Muslim invasion; and at the end of the
eighteenth century in the French Revolution. Now it happens
The actual catastrophes could have been averted.
Unsolved social questions have brought upon us the great
crises of our day. One could very well deduce that the
Christians response should be activism, militant participation
in the struggle against evil. Popes, Orthodox priests, and
Protestants have warned against what might happen if
Christians defaulted.
Arnold Toynbee once told a meeting of working men, We
Christians have neglected you. Instead of justice, we have
offered you hard and unreal advice. But I think we are
changing. If you would only believe it and trust us! There are
many of us who would spend our lives in your service. The
audience jeered and yelled, Nobody wants you to. Toynbee
was stung to the heart, went home, and died.
The Orthodox priest Gapon had been the first to organize a
demonstration of St. Petersburgs proletariat. With icons in
their hands, they marched toward the palace of the Czar to
assure him of their loyalty and to ask for the improvement of
their life. The police shot at the demonstrators. Then the
Communists took over the movement. They hanged the priest.
The church has lost the opportunity to win the proletariat
to its side. We have given them into the hands of the
Communists because we preferred a comfortable life. We were
not ready to fight in order to win souls.
The story is old. When Gideon told an army of 32,000
Jewish warriors, Whoever is fearful and afraid, let him turn
and depart, two-thirds of the army took advantage of the
proposal (Judges 7:3). We want to be Christians without being
involved in battle.
But it is written about Jesus that He will lead captivity
captive, which means that His love will captivate those who are
now Satans captives.
I dont know how. The Vulgate adds to the Hebrew of
Judges 5:8: The Lord chose a new species of war and Himself
subverted the gates of the enemy. Ten thousand men, scarcely
armed and led by a woman, defeated a strong and well-
equipped army. When the Lord willed, He sent an angel to
take a peasant, Gideon, from the threshing floor and make him a
general. Many centuries later, a peasant girl, Joan of Arc, who
had never ridden a horse nor held a sword in her hand, led the
French army to victory. God chooses the most unlikely
Dear brothers and sisters, He might have chosen the most
unqualified of you to bring to Christ a multitude of
Communists. We must be as intent on attaining our purposes
as they are on attaining theirs.
In the free world, it is customary during a strike for men to
picket the entrance to a factory. They often use violence to
prevent from entering any workers who choose not to join their
actions. Likewise we Christians must decide to boycott hell,
picketing the entrance with determination.
When I was a boy of fourteen, a friend took me for the first
time into a bordello. I was so ashamed and frightened that I
fled. But why were there no priests, pastors, or Christian
laymen picketing the entrance to such houses of perdition,
stopping every teenager and telling him the risks he will incur
to his soul?
We must learn to picket. We must surround hell with a
cordon and simply not allow the Communists to enter in. If
they insist, they can enter the abyss only by stepping over our
dead bodies. Our opposition should be that strong.
God will not abolish hell if we think like this. If there were
no hell, His laws would not be authoritative. But perhaps it will
remain empty.
Following His dire predictions for our day, Jesus added,
When these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your
heads, because your redemption draws near (Luke 21:28).
From these words one might conclude that the Christian is to
shun activism and lead a contemplative life. Therefore, dont
try to stop the onward rush of events. Whatever these dreadful
events may bring to others, to you they bring eternal salvation.
Keep this joyful expectation in the midst of calamity. Look at
the fig tree, and all the trees. When they are already budding,
you see and know for yourselves that summer is now near
(Luke 21:29,30).
The Lord compares these awe-inspiring events, these
political and social cataclysms, with the budding of soft, green
leaves in spring. You can enjoy them and lead a quiet life. It is
not up to youto change Gods decree if He has decided to
punish this world.
However, I cannot take this attitude recommended only to
some. There are different characters, different callings. Some
are called to battle, others to still waters. I could not tell you
which of these two ways is more legitimate. But for myself, I
cannot help choosing the first.
Visiting Myself

Dear brethren and sisters,

As a pastor I used to make daily house calls. I was much
impressed by a story told by Bishop Latimer to his clergy
during the Reformation:

It would be too much to ask you to be pastors such as

Jesus was. I would propose another model of a good
pastor: Lucifer. He visits his whole parish daily, every
house, rich and poor. And when he enters a house, he
does not speak only to the adults. He has a story or fairy
tale prepared for every child, suitable for just his age.
Before leaving, he also enters the kitchen and says
something nice to the maid. Learn from him how to
perform your pastoral duties.

So preaching and writing books or articles were not my

principal tasks. A pastor is not a maker of sermons but a maker
of saints. Only the people I visited know how frequently I have
been in their homes.
Brother X is now in the same row of cells with me. He
recently reminded me on our wireless how he had
backslidden at one time.
When I rang the bell at his house on a cold winters day, he
opened the door and told me, I wo t receive you anymore. I
dont want to have anything to do with pastors. With this he
slammed the door.
I shouted loudly, Well, Ill wait outside until you change
your mind. So I waited, standing in the snow. He observed me
from behind the window curtain. After a time he came out to
the gate and shouted, Go away! I wont receive you. Youll
catch pneumonia.
What I have to tell you is very important, I replied. It is
worth the risk. I can wait.
In the end, he allowed me in and gave me a cup of hot tea.
Now he is happy to be on the way of the cross.
As a pastor I also visited with God several times a day. A
Christian can have intimate fellowship with Him. With boldness
he can enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus (Hebrews
God also has a habit of visiting people. He walked and
talked with the first couple in the Garden of Eden. He visited
Abraham and Jacob, Moses and Joshua.
Though I had visited with men and God, there was one
person in my parish whom I had neglected completely. I had
never visited myself. It is written about the prodigal son that
he came to himself. How rarely this happens! Men travel the
world over to visit other cultures and meet new people but
never knock at the gate of their own person and say, Good
morning, dear sir Myself. I have come to talk to you a little
while For the prodigal son, coming to himself meant a return
to true thinking. One visit with himself was enough to send him
back to his father. How many times I had read this story
without coming to this conclusion.
Richard III had visited himself before the fatal battle of
Bosworth. He discovered much of himself (in words given to
him by Shakespeare):
Is there a murderer here? No. Yes, I am:
Then fly. What? From myself? Great reason: why?
Lest I revenge. What? myself upon myself?
Alack! I love myself. Wherefore? For any good
That I myself have done unto myself?
O no: alas! I rather hate myself
For hateful deeds committed by myself.
I am a villain. Yet I lie; I am not.
Fool, of thyself speak well. Fool, do not flatter.
My conscience hath a thousand several tongues,
And every tongue brings in a several tale,
And every tale condemns me for a villain.

And so, like the prodigal son and Richard III, I decide to
visit myself.
Hello, Me, how are you doing? I wish to have a chat with
you. We dont speak the same language. In my language I tell
you I wish to speak with you. You would interpret it as me
wishing to speak with me. But let us not lose ourselves in
semantics. Here am I and here are you, the me. Let us visit for
a while
What would you like to know from me?
First of all, what is your real name? In Hebrew your name
is Reuben; in Romanian, Richard. You have written under the
pseudonym Radu Valentin. The jailors changed your name to
Vasile Georgescu. You have had so many nicknames. And then
this common name Richard sounds so different when
pronounced by different persons. Since you were thrown in
this cell, you have heard a voice giving you a new name. After
a long time the same voice gave you another name. You are
more distinguished than the conquerors in the Book of
Revelation, who are promised one new name (Revelation 2:17).
You are far from being a conqueror, and heaven has already
given you two.
Araunah (2 Samuel 24:18) is called in Gods Word by
several names. Also, one and the same king is called Uzziah
and Azariah in 2 Kings 15. God Himself has many names. But
as to your main question, I cannot answer it. Once I told the
Lord in prayer that since I was alone, without Bible or other
religious books, without sermons, without brethren, He should
speak to me directly. If He could speak to Pharaoh and
Nebuchadnezzar, He could speak to me, too, even if I were the
last of evildoers. Then I heard His voice (His sheep normally
hear it) asking me the same question you ask: What is your
name? Now that you mention it, I wonder if I was wrong in
attributing the voice to the Lord. Perhaps it was just you. I do
not seem to realize yet how split I am. I might interpret as
external voices, as revelations from God or whispers from the
devil, what are just internal dialogues of a personality divided
in two.
What did you answer the Lord?
Stop being hypocritical! You know the answer to that. I
cant be fooled anymore. It was you who put the question, and
it was me who gave the answer. But as you wish to play this
game, I&rsquo ll tell you the story. I did not know the answer. I
can introduce myself to everybody as Richard. But how do I
tell Jesus that my name is Richard? Am I worthy of this name?
St. Richard was an English peasant who, in a time of fierce
persecution, was ordered to be imprisoned for his faith. When
the arresting constable mounted his horse to ride to him, the
animal went berserk, throwing his rider and injuring him fatally.
So now Richard was charged with murder. The prosecution had
a clear case. If he had not been a believer, the constable would
not have mounted the horse to pick him up and so would not
have fallen and died. As you see, Communist justice has had
its predecessors.
And now Richard was on the gallows. The hangman had
difficulty fixing the noose of the rope. Richard, who was so
good he could not bear to trouble anyone, bowed to the
executioner and asked, May I help you? I am a peasant skilled
in these things. Allowed to do so, he fixed the noose, thanked
the hangman graciously for his kind permission, and passed
away. For this loving attitude toward the executioner and for
his gentleness in all things he was given the name St. Richard.
How could I dare to tell Jesus that I bear the same name as this
Should I tell Him that I am a Christian? With the proud
words, I am a Christian, the early disciples fearlessly entered
the arena to be devoured by lions. I have often stood before a
cage of lions at the zoo and asked myself honestly, Could I do
that? My answer is always, No, I would rather recant.
Well, to finish my story, I bowed to Jesus and told Him,
Lord, I have no name. Allow me to take Yours and to say like
Paul that it is not I who live, but You in me. So He allowed it.
At least, that is what I thought at the time. Now I know that it
was all a mistake. You allowed it; that is, I gave myself the kind
permission to be called by the name of Christ. I am
unsurpassed in humility, it seems.
Keep to the rules of the game. We are two different
persons. I am I and you are you. If you say that you are no
longer you, but that Christ lives in you, let us draw the ultimate
conclusion. Perhaps you have no individual soul anymore.
Buddhists deny its existence. To them, salvation consists in
being freed from the illusion of having a soul. Would you agree
now? Ha, ha. I caught you there. If you answer, you live still.
And if you dont answer, I have triumphed in this discussion. I
could do this only because I am.
I have nothing to answer. I cannot tell you in words
anything about myself, not even whether I exist. A man
described in words is not the real man, any more than a God
described in words is the real God. It is useless to continue
along these lines.
Then may I ask you another question? Do you have the
Holy Spirit?
I surely have Him, but He does not have me. The union is
an unhappy one. But you are comical. You are a prisoner. So
am I. And here we sit discussing metaphysics when my mind is
obsessed with just one thought: I am terribly hungry. I would
eat acorns, grass, miceanything. My wife must also be in
some cell. Her predominant obsession must also be hunger.
His talking about hunger reminded me of my stomach. The
visit ceased without even a polite word of parting. I simply was
alone again. As usual, the physiological was victorious. I am
hungry, and I am indignant against the churches of the West,
about whose riches I have heard, some of which spend on
chandeliers what could feed us all for a whole month. And I am
angry with those who keep us hungry. Love, like every other
spiritual energy, is food transformed and sublimated. When
you are very hungry, how can you love the one who starves
I am sorry I could not finish the discussion I had when I
visited myself. I would have liked to ask myself just one more
question: Do you approve of violence against atheist
You have eaten. Visit God, visit your brethren, but never
forget to visit yourself too. The prodigal son came to himself.
New Year

Happy New Year, my beloved friends,

Outside, the wardens interrupt the silence and wish one
another a happy new year. It is midnight. The year 1948 has
passed. I cannot congratulate Jesus. It has been 1915 years
since He was crucified. The 1916th nail will now be driven into
His cross.
I know that every doubt of mine causes Him more pain, as if
a new dart were piercing His heart. But He has asked us to go
further than that, if necessary, in order to have life. He invites
us to eat His flesh and drink His blood, as lions devour an
innocent victim, as if it were only by disemboweling the
Godhead that we can find out what it is. He wishes to be
known more than He wishes to be caressed. Excessive desire to
know the truth is not a vice. I cannot live without knowing
God. I dont consider modesty in questioning Him a virtue.
It has been written that Jesus had no fault, or I no fault
could spy, when He was all beauty or all blindness I.
But now, since I have nothing left in this whole world but
my wit to live by, it has begun to value itself very highly. All
else seems of little importance. My wit has questions to ask
and I cannot stop it.
I have liked very much the story of St. Christopher. He was
branded with red-hot irons, roasted over a fire, and cooked in
boiling oil, but suffered no pain and was not bothered by this
kind of treatment. Observing this, almost 50,000 persons were
converted. It is said that a drop of his blood healed someone
who was accidentally injured while watching Christophers
I like a God who does miracles of such magnitude.
I realize now that the New Testament had never satisfied me
really, because I found the miracles recounted there much too
small for the Son of God. Three people were resurrected, but
millions of corpses remained dead. Only three families had the
comfort of seeing their loved ones restored to life. Many
widows whose only sons died remained without consolation.
Jesus stilled a storm, but on so small a lake as Galilee.
Tempests on the ocean sank countless ships, and men
drowned. He did not help them. On one occasion 4,000 and on
another 5,000 (plus women and children) had a good dinner
through miracles performed by Him. What about the next day
when they were hungry again? And what about the millions
who have starved throughout the ensuing centuries?
He sent an angel to free Peter from prison. The incident
stands alone. James was beheaded, and since then thousands
have been martyred. Why?
How can the world go on? It is New Years Eve.
Everywhere people speak to each other, trying to spread joy
among themselves. I would rather speak to God.
Solomon sacrificed in Gibeon, a place forbidden by law
because the tabernacle was not there (1 Kings 3:4). You did not
mind but spoke words of goodness and blessing in that place
to the man who, even after he had a vision of You, continued
to do many wicked things. I might be wicked, too, but have pity
on a lonely man. I know You do only small miracles. Do just a
very little thing more. Speak to one single prisoner out of
I dont understand You. Dont You have power enough?
Dont You have the will to wipe away all tears? Why did
Christopher not suffer pain when he was burned? Why did St.
Lawrence engage in pleasantries while roasted on a gridiron,
whereas I feel intensely even the pain of a slap or a kick? Over
45,000 were converted at Christophers death. Even this does
not satisfy me, as I always decried the boasting of evangelists
about how many decided for Christ at their meetings. I
compared their figures with those who had decided on the
same night for pubs, gambling houses, places of perdition, and
heathen religions.
Love is compared with death in Song of Solomon 8:6. Death
is satisfied with nothing less than absolutely all men. Till now
only two have escaped death: Enoch and Elijah. But some say
they will come back to earth and will be the prophets that are
slain, about whom we are told in Revelation 11. If so, they will
have to pay their tribute to death, too.
As death wants everyone, so I want all men for the
I made a crucifix out of bread, an ugly crucifix. I had never
modeled anything before. And the bread was darker than most
I look to You hanging on the cross. You are silent. Again I
have to guess what Your answer may be.
If I were in the pulpit today dressed in a beautiful cassock, I
would speak about the one great miracle, that a lonely Galilean
who hung upon a horrible cross became the subject of
thousands of confident songs, that the painful execution of a
Man deemed a criminal proved to be the means of salvation for
the whole world.
But inwardly I would be dissatisfied. What You have done
is beautiful, but too little for an almighty God who could make
the whole drama cease at once. Why are You silent?
Perhaps it is not good for me to know or to escape
suffering. Perhaps suffering is the way to the other shore. But
are You not almighty? Could you not have made an easier way,
so that men might get to heaven by passing through valleys in
which roses and lilies grow?
Probably I am too smallnot Your miracles. I am a disciple
of Yours. But Christianity is the only profession in the world in
which men remain disciples for life and never become
independent workers. As for the few workers, they dont strive
to become master builders (1 Corinthians 3:10), as were Paul,
Peter, Thomas, Catherine of Siena, Calvin, and Luther. How
could an architect explain his designs to a disciple? Only a
master builder could understand him.
If I grow, I will know. You are like Gulliver among dwarfs.
Even You cannot bow so low that we may be able to
understand something. We have to take the word of
Augustine: Whatever right reason suggests to you as more
perfect, you may be sure that God has already made it, for He is
the creator of all things good. I suppose that all the beautiful
things I crave exist, but I cannot see them yet.
We must also reject the mistaken notion that a whole can
be perfect only if each of its parts is perfect.
Iago is vicious, an intrigue-maker and a liar, but he is a
necessary part in a perfect work of art, Othell . For my part, I
am in a small cell. We are all confined to too small a world.
Imperfections seen by me can be a useful part of a perfect
Thank You for one more year. I will try to use it well for
growth. Perhaps I will question You less next New Years Eve.
Happy and enlightened New Year to you, my former
Before Suicide

Dear brethren and sisters,

After producing many beautiful compositions, Robert
Schumann began to hear bizarre noises in his head. He spoke
about a splendid music, played by instruments which give
more beautiful tunes than those existing on earth. He tried to
write them down. The result was cacophony. But he desired
only that music. One day he threw himself into the Rhine.
Fishermen saved him, but his mind was gone. He died in an
Suicide or madness will probably be my end too, because I
have also heard strange music. I cant even try to notate it, not
being skilled at composing music, so I will try to explain it in
words. Pray while listening.
A Russian brother related to us how he once explained the
gospel to a young girl. He told her about the Paradise that
awaits the believer. She put her trust in Jesus. One stormy
winter day she left the house. The next morning she was found
frozen to death, with bared breast. Did she undress herself in
order to die and go more quickly to Paradise? We shall never
know. But strange things happen in mysterious Russia. We
had given Bibles to Russian soldiers. Later, one of them
entered a church and slaughtered a lamb before the image of
Jesus. This was the little he had understood from the Bible, and
he acted upon it without hesitancy.
The music I hear is an invitation not to wait for a paradise
after death but to come to it immediately. If you want to see
this music in an image, look at a statue of Krishna dancing and
playing a flute to invite girls to come to his temple. But dont
think you have seen an idol. Rather, it is an archetype of the
collective unconscious. It is music that invites you to do the
most foolish and unacceptable things because that is how it
impresses you. The explanation for what you felt you had to do
comes later. It was the music that caused the Jews to say at
Mount Sinai, Naase venishmaWe will do and be obedien
(Exodus 24:7). The doing comes before the hearingnot the
contrary. But there is also something else in this music,
something terrifying, that drives you mad.
For a long time I have made it a habit to be awake only
during the night. Great spiritual battles are usually fought at
night. You sense in the darkness the occult forces that inspire
murderers and thieves, who also perform their works of iniquity
during the night. Stalin worked during the whole night.
I pray for a time and then just listen. From immeasurable
satanic depths, fiery darts are thrown at the soul. St.
Marguerite Alacoque once envisioned the virgin Mary telling
her, I wish to put in your heart a few of the darts which hurt
me and my Son. The devil also wishes to make you share his
pain. Once his dart enters your heart, even manna becomes
tasteless to you. You prefer to remain hungry rather than eat
something that comes from God.
During the war a badly wounded SS officer fell prisoner to
the British. He urgently needed a blood transfusion. He asked,
What kind of blood will it be? He was told, British. His
reply was, I prefer to die rather than have non-German blood
introduced into my veins. He stuck to his convictions till
death overtook him.
This tune is the counterpoint to Gods music. You can
never hear the latter without Satans accompaniment to it,
which is even more attractive to our hearts than the angelic
Commit suicide, this music commands. You are called to
be great. Why do you need Jesus as your Messiah? What if
you are the Messiah? Or, if you consider the place of the
Messiah already occupied, the role of Antichrist is still free. He
will rule the world. People once described you as a fascinating
preacher. Thus your fascination could be increased. Just try.
And then you hear serene, calm, angelic playing on harps. It is
so beautiful you remain in ecstasies before it, but it does not
convince. It does not satisfy desire like the first.
Once I had the experience of speaking with a messenger of
a Satanist conventicle. I had never seen him before. Even now I
could not explain how it happened that one day I found myself
sitting before him. What he told me and what he proposed to
me were so terrible that I never told it to anyone except saintly
Bishop Muller, who I knew would take the secret to his grave.
Does this conventicle have the means of pursuing me by
telepathy even in my subterranean cell? But it is those with a
persecution complex who feel themselves pursued by inimical
forces. So perhaps I am already a madman. On the other hand, I
cannot see how one can be as badly persecuted as I am
without being paranoid.
How about my beginning to persecute them? If they can
influence men to evil from afar, I could pursue them with good
on condition that I become a great center of spiritual energy.
Here you have megalomania following the mania of
persecution. Where can I find the answers?
With God? Then isnt it best to commit suicide and go ask
Him directly, since here on earth He leaves my mind blurred?
Here or in some other world I want to spread good far away.
To love my neighbor is too little for me. Jesus promised that
the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of the
Father (Matthew 13:43). He has promised this, and I will not
accept less. I have become righteous through faith in Jesus. He
did not say that the righteous will have to wait decades until
they die and then shine. He said we are the light of the world
(Matthew 5:14), to fill the world with light and goodness, to
bring whole nations to Christ.
Theologians might tell me that it is not solely my
responsibility to accomplish this, that it must be done by the
church universal, of which I am only a small part. But theology
ceases at the threshold of this prison and on the threshold of
I wish to be a Christ in miniature. The words a miniature
are a concession on my part. This call, too, is in the music I
hear. I cannot put it in words, even as Schumann could not put
it into notes. He went mad and threw himself into the river.
After hearing this music, you tell Jesus, Give Yourself to me
wholly, or leave me wholly. Amen.
My Greatness

Dear brethren and sisters,

Preachers in the pulpit should be very careful about what
they say and how they say it. They must be selective. I must
not. Why? King Abimelech and Phichol, the commander of his
army, said to Abraham, God is with you in all that you do
(Genesis 21:22). I can say all I think. I am blessed in everything.
A fly once sat quietly on the horn of a bull. After a while,
overcome by scruples, it said, Mr. Bull, it may be that my
presence here displeases you. If so, I apologize and will leave.
Dont feel bad, the bull answered. You can bring your
whole family to live on my horn. It really does not matter to
Peter was called a rock (Matthew 16:18). It is a matter of
indifference to a rock from which side the wind blows.
I have become hard like a horn. Therefore, come, thoughts
of whatever kind; better plague me instead of plaguing
someone else. I can bear you.
I can even bear the proud feeling that I am important. Not
only can I bear it, I have to evoke it, because pride is an
essential part of megalomania. I have decided to be mad. I have
not yet chosen my specific kind of madness. But I incline
toward this.
There are two extremes. King Lear prayed, O, let me not be
mad, not mad, sweet heaven. Keep me in temper, I would not be
mad. His prayer was not answered. He became mad. Rimbaud,
on the contrary, had made it his aim to practice a long,
tremendous, and reasoned derangement of all his senses in
order to reach the unknown. If reason proved itself unable to
reach the unknown, he concluded, how else could it be reached
than through disordering reason intentionally? He never
became mad, though he did become very vicious.
Jesus, Paul, and the apostles must have worked on their
characters in a certain way in order to convince so many men
that they were mad or drunk.
The Beghards in the thirteenth century must have done
something, similar to what some Pentecostals do nowadays, to
help spread the rumor about them that they made wolfish
howlings in their fits of religious raving.
In a sense, everyone is mad. Some are mad for money,
others for sexual partners. The Communists are mad for power.
I wish definitely to be mad for God. Just as one has to work
oneself up to the other kinds of madness, one has to work
oneself up for this, too. It seems that it is human destiny to
become mad. If it is our fate to be drowned, then better in a sea
of perfume than in a ditch of mud.
There exists also a mad loyalty. One of Shakespeares fools

That, sir, which serves and seeks for gain

And follows but for form,
Will pack when it begins to rain
And leave thee in the storm.
But I will tarry, the fool will stay
And let the wise man fly.
If I remain reasonable, there is a good chance that I will end
by betraying the underground church. Only fools can remain
loyal when they are so terribly hungry.
I am quite determined to become mad. My madness will be
to believe that I have the Godhead living in me. Whoever
thinks like this is called by others a megalomaniac. And the
accusation is not even false. Such a man really considers
himself great.
The commandments on Moses tablets are given in the
singular form. God tells me how to behave. Christ says,
Blessed are you (Matthew 16:17) to the man to whom it is
revealed that Jesus is the Son of God. My defects are criticized
in the Bible. So I must be important. The Bible is Gods
dialogue with me.
The renowned Jewish philosopher Spinoza once wrote,
There is no foe to progress like self-conceit and the laziness
which self-conceit begets. But prison life is not favorable to
the development of humility
Just because we are continually abused, dressed in what
looks like zebra skins, beaten, and insulted daily with obscene
words, an over-compensation takes place in our minds. I must
be very important if such a powerful movement as communism
which rules unchallenged over 20 percent of the world
considers it absolutely necessary to keep me in an isolated,
subterranean cell and endeavors to break my body and mind. If
they did not do so, my life in liberty could endanger their
I am unspeakably hungry. I think sometimes about those
who survived the Nobile expedition to the North Pole and were
suspected of having eaten the corpse of one of their comrades
who had frozen to death. I wonder if I would not have done the
same thing.
There is mold on my bread. It is green. As often as I get it
once a weekit reminds me of Psalm 23: He makes me to lie
down in green pastures. My whole body has tremblings that I
cannot control.
I cannot speak well anymore. I have not spoken for years. I
stutter when I report in a few words a need to a warden. One of
them told me, Youre an idiot. Dont you see that you cant
even formulate a sentence? He said this to one who
remembered being considered a good preacher in times past
I could easily yield to the strong impulse to become a
madman in the full sense of the word, if I did not know that I am
surrounded by the love of a multitude of Christians, by a real
wall of prayers, as many other Christians are not. What makes
me so important in their eyes?
What in my preaching and in myself is so great that the
Communists have to warn men against my influence and seek
to break me?
Am I really great?
I believe I am. I vaguely remember the name of Bernhard de
Palissy as the inventor of porcelain. He was a Protestant, and
the French King Henry III, a Catholic, to whom he had
endeared himself, said to him one day, I will be compelled to
give you up to your enemies unless you change your religion.
Palissy answered, I pity you for having given utterance to
the words I will be compelled What unkingly words! No
power in the world can compel me, a manufacturer of
earthenware, to change my convictions because a mob wills it.
All my torturers are compelled to torture me. They know
that if they refuse they will share my fate. I am beyond
compulsion. So are all my brethren in faith. Therefore we are
the only ones who really exist. I a , because I am myself. And I
am great, because I am I.
There is a hymn How Great Thou Art. In the maddening
circumstances of the solitary cell, I could almost compose a
hymn, How Great I Am With ChristI, the Bible&rsquo s
only concern. The Bible tells me about my salvation, about
Gods being amazingly eager to have me in His heaven.
Scripture does not solve national problems. A scrap of
newspaper found in the toilet informed us that the state of
Israel was founded. Judaism will not have solved its worries
through this event. The new state will have its trouble, just as
Romanians who were never scattered have had theirs, going
from one distress to another. Empires have passed away
without ever having their problems solved.
The Bible does not solve the problem of the division of
mankind into social classes. The poor you have with you
always (John 12:8).
The Bible does not solve religious problems. Two thousand
years after Christ there are still hundreds of religions.
Christianity itself is divided.
The Bible speaks about me.
I must be important if my captors strive so hard to break me
and God strives so hard to uplift me.
The Bible speaks about me as being a child of God (John
1:12), a sinner (Romans 3:23), a seed (Matthew 13:38), and the
ground (Matthew 13:8). The kingdom of God is within me (Luke
17:21). Would you like to know where Christ lives? I can give
you His exact address: Christ lives in me (Galatians
2:20)&mdash within me, the abused prisoner in cell No. 7. I am
dust (Genesis 3:19), but a dust apart, which will live eternally
(John 11:25).
If a man renounces everything for Christs sake, everything
becomes full of Him. How can one be humble when he fills the
universe? How can one be humble when he can speak the
seemingly blasphemous words that put him on an equal
footing with God, I can do all things (Philippians 4:13)? Let
the addition be through Christ who strengthens me.
Whatever the circumstances that make me so powerful, it still
remains that I am great. I can do all things.
In modern languages, God of Abraham or God of Isaac
are three words. In Hebrew the corresponding expression
Elohei-Abraham, united by the orthographical sign called
mappekh, makes God of Abraham a single word. God can
leave me only if He takes me with Him, so united have we
become. He promises, I will never leave you nor forsake you
(Hebrews 13:5).
I pace up and down my small cell. It has room for three
steps. I do not allow my captors to dictate how many steps I
should walk; I always walk just two steps. This limited space I
occupy falsely tempts me to consider myself small and
insignificant. We all live in too small inner universes. We are
great. When Jesus arranged the miraculous catch of fish, He
allowed only great fish to enter the net (John 21:11).
We are one with God through Christ. God is one. He is so
much one that, even existing as both Father and Son, and with
His Spirit uniting with millions of men, He never abandons His
absolute oneness. Schiller complained, Two souls live within
my breast. He should have thrown them both out and allowed
himself the privilege of an indestructible oneness with God.
Then he would have been great without ever having written a
poem or drama. There would be no need of a pedestal anymore
in order to seem great.
I sit hungry, with chains on my legs, in a subterranean cell.
I stutter when I speak some banality and yet I am great.
As children of God, we are so great that we do not have to
fear the supernatural world. It fears us. James wrote, Resist
the devil and he will flee from you (James 4:7). The devil did
not flee from the archangel Michael but battled courageously
against him (Revelation 12:7). From me he simply flees. The
disciples of the Lord can drive out demons with a few simple
The Indian Christian mystic Sadhu Sundar Singh once
found himself in the Himalayas and entered a cave to rest. But
as soon as he lay down, he observed in the depths of the cave
the glimmering eyes of a tiger. Sadhu begged God to save him
and walked out softly. He succeeded. The beast had not
moved. But once outside he was filled with remorse. He was a
child of God; he should not have walked out. The tiger should
have yielded to him. So he prayed for this, reentered the cave,
and this time the tiger walked out leaving Sadhu alone.
The marvel is that we have power over not only evil forces,
but also good angels. Jacob fought with a good angel and
prevailed (Genesis 32:24; Hosea 12:4). Our heavenly
Bridegroom Himself says to the faithful soul, Turn your eyes
away from me, for they have overcome me (Song of Solomon
6:5). The faithful soul is of such irresistible beauty in Gods
sight that He is conquered the moment He hears our voice.
Jesus promises, You will ask what you desire and it shall be
done for you (John 15:7), which means that we will have the
victory in every conversation with God.
I believe in God. I have this power. I am something. I sit in
my prison cell, which might as well be a psychiatric ward since
to a certain extent I have long since gone mad. Yet, knowing
what the grace of Christ has made of me, I will dare to sing the
song that expresses what every Christian thinks in the depths
of his heart but does not dare to say in so many words: Then
sings my soul, my Savior God to thee; how great I am with
That I feel unworthy and weak does not count. When
Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist, hesitated to believe
the promise of God saying, I am an old man (Luke 1:18), he
received this reply from the divine messenger: I am Gabriel.
In Hebrew the word I has two forms, Ani and the amplified
Anohi. Somewhere there might be a little I named Richard.
But it has been amplified by angels and by Christ Himself, and
now it is great.
Mock me as much as you like, torturers. Your abuses have
had just the opposite effect from what you expected. You have
not humiliated me. You have shown me my greatness.
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made
(Psalm 139:14), says David, uniting words of self-admiration
with words of gratitude toward the One to whom we owe our
I thank you, God, that I am great. Amen.
Beware of Narcissism

Dear brethren and sisters,

My blurred reason swings like a pendulum from one
extreme to the other. I know that my sermons are not well-
balanced. Yesterday I was full of admiration for my great I.
Such a sermon I would never have delivered from a pulpit. If it
reaches you from my prison cell, take it with reservations. Not
all sermons are the expression of objective truth. Sometimes
they just reflect a transitory mood of the preacher. Just as a
song is not a succession of single notes or chords but is heard
in between, unwritten, so Gods revelation is not in any one
sermon, but runs as a theme between sermons.
Now I feel just the opposite of the way I felt yesterday.
How could I admire myself?
One human being with the right to self-admiration was the
virgin Mary. She was filled with passionate love for God.
She was a virgin, not only in body but also in spirit. She
was a great poet. Her song is outstanding. Referring to her
words, Henceforth all generations shall call me blessed (Luke
1:48), Charles Spurgeon said in Christs Names and Titles , I
suppose Protestant generations are among the all who ought
to call her blessed.
Legend says that it was Lukes hobby to paint pictures of
Mary. One is supposedly in Italy. This legend might not be
true. But it is certain that Luke painted a beautiful picture of her
in his Gospel. To contemplate this picture is ennobling.
An angel spoke directly to her, but she never said the
foolish words I said yesterday, How great I am While Gabriel
showed her his respect, she called herself a handmaid of the
Lord and was humble in her dealing with the divine
messenger. She responded, Let it be to me according to your
wor (Luke 1:38). Luther writes, Mary, after the annunciation,
does not boast, does not shout, &lsquo I have become the
mother of God, she asks for no honor, but works in the house
like before, milks the cows, cooks, washes dishes, sweeps and
is busy with little, despised things, as a maid or housewife
should do and as if she would disdain the great gifts and
graces. Women and neighbors dont consider her as
something higher than before. Neither did she ask for it but she
remained a poor woman among the little people.
She had understood the full depth of his words, The
power of the Highest will overshadow you (Luke 1:35). When
God intervenes in the life of a man, the man begins to love
Gods shadow. In the shadow of His hand He has hidden
Me, says Isaiah (Isaiah 49:2).
Self-admiration is false. How the wardens and officers take
pride in their uniforms. They are as sure that they prepare the
future happiness of mankind as their enemies are sure that the
Communists are devils. Every nation, religion, party, and caste
sees only ideal qualities in itself and chops off the heads of
others in order to appear taller.
How horribly wrong were my feelings yesterday. I was
enamored of myself. It was only after I delivered the sermon
that I remembered Romans 15:3, Even Christ did not please
Himself. He would not allow a young man to call Him good.
Neither did He have a bias for the religion of His childhood. He
called the temple a den of thieves. I do not think He is much in
love with what is commonly called the Christian Church either,
although it bears His name. He sees His picture painted on
walls and stained glass windows. Inside, a priest or pastor
fulfills the role of a businessman, and even this he does not do
well. Proof of it is the fact that the grocers who attempt to
sell spiritual commodities increasingly lose customers.
Jesus did not please Himself. The virgin Mary did not.
Should I congratulate myself because I did the Lord the
kindness of repenting of my sins and receiving His
Did I even really repent? The Bible speaks of sackcloth and
ashes as the outward evidence of true repentance. I try in vain
to remember even one acquaintance who ever repented like
this. What man is there who, in order to think uprightly, to
believe only what is based on fact, to have faith and not
credulity, to avoid any uncontrolled thoughts, to judge
dispassionately, in a disinterested manner, resisting any
pressure, hatred, preference, fear, or illusion, even if this meant
being stripped of everythingwhat man chooses to be clothed
in nondescript rags and to have, instead of a warm fireside,
only the ashes of a fire quenched long before?
Where is the man who has repented so deeply that he is
willing to renounce even eternity if he thought it a hindrance to
the fulfillment of the kingdom? Who has repented so
wholeheartedly that Jesus and only Jesus counts?
We repent of our sins and then commit the sin of admiring
our repentance, instead of repenting of it as of a trespass
because it is superficial.
Yesterday my torturers secured my legs with a rope. Then
they wedged a stick between the bonds. The stick was turned
until the rope, tightened to the breaking point, bit deeply into
the flesh. Their torture prejudices us against them so that we
cannot concede that they are right in their thinking. Holiness is
the same thing as ideal Communism. Holiness means to have
nothing of your own, no material goods, no sin, no
righteousness of your own, not even repentance of your own.
Holiness is perfect communion or sharing with Jesus and the
saints. Our lives should have been Jesus and only Jesus. Then
the Communists would have become Christians.
An artist sang Rigoletto badly. People booed her.
Indignant, she said to her colleagues, &ldquo What an
uneducated audience! They dare to jeer Verdi! They did not
jeer the composer but the performer. Perhaps those who beat
us opposed not Christ but us Christians who admired
ourselves without reason.
Every mans energy budget is fixed. The more he spends on
one activity the less remains for something else. It is vain to
spend energy on self and self-admiration when we need all our
energy for things of eternal value. I know that todays sermon
is just the opposite of yesterdays. A pastor would never dare
contradict himself so obviously in the pulpit. He is under
compulsion to be consistent in order to be respected. But I am
free simply because I am in a solitary cell. Contradictory
thoughts and sentiments pass through my mind just as they do
through yours. I give you all of me.
The whole philosophy of the Christian mystics is contained
in the following parable. Once there were three beautiful birds
in the same tree. The one in the topmost branches was serene,
enthroned in majesty, immersed in its own glory. In the lower
branches, the second was agitated because the fruit it tasted
was bitter, while the third found the fruit tasty, but the
sweetness lasted only as long as the food was on its little
tongue. In their common disappointment, the two latter birds
hopped higher and higher on the branches until they
approached the serene bird. Losing themselves in its glory,
they discovered that there had never been three birds but only
onethe majestic one.
I told you in one sermon my feeling of being exalted, in
another my humiliation. While composing the first I felt well,
but alas, for such a short moment. Humiliation on the other
hand is bitter. With my false glory and worthless humility, I
came to the divine bird that wishes to gather her little ones
under her wings. Here both states of heart disappeared. There
is none other than the one Jesus. All the rest is illusion, not
worth mentioning. Amen.
The Shadow Has Been Brought Backward

Dear brethren and sisters,

King Hezekiah of the Jews was sick. The prophet Isaiah had
promised him that he would recover and, yielding to his
request, promised him a sign that this would happen. Now,
Hezekiah had a sundial. Isaiah prayed, and the Lord brought
the shadow ten degrees backward (2 Kings 20:11).
Many find it difficult to believe that the shadow went
backward ten hours, but the Bible does not claim this. It is
written ten degrees, not ten hours. The degrees could
have been minutes, or even less.
Neither must we suppose that, for the performance of this
miracle, the earth would have had to turn backward on its axis,
contrary to its natural course. The phenomenon could have
occurred by means of refraction. A ray of light is refracted from
a straight line by passing through a medium of another density.
Because of the refracting power of the atmosphere, the sun,
when rising or setting, seems to be higher above the horizon
than it really is. The miracle could have been performed by
means of refraction.
The Jewish sundial had a unique form. In 2 Kings 9:13 it is
written that when Jehu was proclaimed king, each man
hastened to take his garment and put it under him on the top of
the steps. The Targum of Rabbi Joseph (a Targum is an
Aramaic translation of a book) here used the words lidrag
sheaiya, meaning the hour-steps. The division of time was
shown by a shadow projected on stone steps, gradually
ascending to a certain height.
This also gives meaning to the title of Psalms 120 through
134, Songs of Ascents. They are psalms through whose
meditation you can advance in time, but also return to former
times on certain occasions
Try to understand what a gift Hezekiah received. Not only
did the shadow on the sundial return but also the time
indicated by the shadow. He was younger. A few minutes or
hours were as if they had not passed yet. All hours and days
belong to God, and if He chose, He could let you relive today
an hour from thirty years ago.
At Cana, Jesus changed the water into good wine (John
2:10). Good wine is old wine. So Jesus changed water not into a
liquid that immediately became wine, but a liquid that had
become wine long before. When a man is converted, not only
are his present and future transformed, but also his past. He is
changed into a man who has always been elect and righteous
in Gods eyes.
The shadow has gone backward on my sundial, too. In my
mind, I am a child again. Life is before me as if I had not lived it
yet, and now I am free to change decisions that I think were
wrong. Hindsight is always better than foresight. At my
present age I know better what I should have done in
childhood and in youth. Now I can go back and do it. God can
heal our past, thus time is reversible for the faithful. We sing
the songs of ascents and ascend and descend freely on the
steps of time.
I am eight years old again. Until then I had never heard
about Christ. On this particular occasion I came from school
with another child. He stopped before a Catholic church and
asked me to wait while he delivered a message to the priest. I
preferred to enter with him and so found myself in a church for
the first time.
I understood absolutely nothing of what I observed. I saw
someone hanging on a cross and wondered what horrible
deeds He must have committed to be punished like that. I saw a
beautiful lady with a child in her arms. You will say that I saw
only the statues. It might be. I remember seeing the Crucified
and a lady. Now that the shadow has gone back on the sundial,
I see that my memory is correct. Only blind men see crosses
and statues in churches. There was the lady and a multitude of
other beings looking benign, calm, loving (as people never look
ordinarily). I wondered who these were and why they stood in
this half-dark house in complete silence.
The boy spoke with the priest. I had not the slightest idea
what a priest was. But he came to me and caressed me on my
head. Why dont priests do this more often? We bring our
children to pastors that they might teach them. Children were
brought to Jesus that He might touch them. The right touch of
a man who knows how to bless is worth a thousand teachings.
He asked me, What can I do for you, little fellow? I
answered, Nothing. I just entered with my comrade. Then
this priest (I found out after almost fifty years that his name
was Giuseppe Cavane) told me, I am the disciple of One who
has taught me never to allow anybody to pass near me without
doing him at least a little bit of good. It is hot outside. Would
you allow me to bring you a cup of cold water? I have drunk
many beverages since then, but none tasted like this water.
I was stupid then. I left the priest without questioning him
further. But now I am again a boy of eight. And I sit down near
the priest and ask him more and more about this mysterious
One who does good to everybody and teaches people to do
the same. I would have heard that He is the One crucified for
His goodness, that the beautiful lady was His mother, and that
the beings with wings are His angelic host. Today I can
become a disciple of Jesus from the age of eight.
I dont think that I would have listened to the priest very
long. He probably would not have spoken much. It is so wrong
to interrupt the silence of churches even with sermons and
splendid music. Often nothing more is needed than just looking
to Jesus. If he had explained to me that it was for my sins He
suffered, it would have been enough.
And now I stand near the sad mother at the foot of the
When I first saw her standing there, a scene flashed
through my mind. I had been sick with typhus at a very early
age. The doctor, who could not possibly imagine that I knew
French, said to my mother in this language, There is no hope.
The child will die. I asked my mother, What is death? and
she began to weep. She did not tell me. She did not know
herself that it means a return to God. But Mary knows. She is
sad, but confident. She looks much younger than He.
A sword pierces her heart. I will take it out of her heart. But
how? I am so small and weak. Oh, if the shadow could advance
faster on the sundial. I wish to grow, just enough to be able to
do what I wish. Then I would ask her how we could help Jesus
not to hang on the cross.
Mary, speak now and tell me that the whole dreadful scene
has passed, that He is resurrected. How strange that I should
have grown up as a Jew among Christian children and yet no
one ever told me this until now. But He did suffer, and she, too.
I can make decisions anew. I will never again leave this
building. How wrong it was to start Christian activities, to
become a missionary, to accomplish rituals in my flesh. One
thing is needed first: to sit quietly in this hushed place and to
live the oneness, while listening to and obeying His voice.
A Russian soldier told us about an atheist lecturer who had
come to an underground meeting. The Christian preacher asked
him at the exit, How many do you think were here? He
answered, A hundred The preacher replied, This is what
you saw. Actually, we were one, one soul and one heart. We
are one person who bears the name hundred. We are one who
soars toward heaven, and heaven inclines toward us with all its
beauties. If you could feel for one moment the rapture of this
oneness, not only with our fellowmen but with the whole
creation and with God, you would leave everything in the
world for it.
No more is needed than to be just one. I can start life again.
It will no longer lead an active but a contemplative life: the
quiet enjoyment of oneness.
But no, it seems I am not made for this.
The priest in the church teaches me the who and the what
of life. I grow up in the Church. The shadow on the sundial
advances again, but slowly. I have time. The Church, a loving
mother and teacher, also shows me how to lead the Christian
fight. In my other life I had to guess at it and made many
We know from the episodes of Gethsemane that the
disciples of Jesus were armed. It is natural to have defensive
weapons when you are threatened. Peter carried a sword but
had no idea how to handle it. He cut off the right ear of the
high priests servant. What was the good of that? A policeman
with a cut ear can still arrest your beloved. Dont fightbut if
you have decided to fight as a prayer warrior or evangelist, hit
your adversary right on the head. Jesus then points out that
the sword is not a toy, that you can perish from it. Whoever
has inhibitions about the enemies of the Church and cuts off
only ears had better keep his sword in its sheath.
God told the serpent that the Seed of the woman shall
bruise your head (Genesis 3:15). Instead of this, we sometimes
tickle the serpent on the belly and make him laugh. It is all
because we have not learned the how of battle. But I am
young again and learn to handle the sword of the Spirit.
I have terrible pain. I seem to bear an aching skull, not a
head. But this is from my other life. Now the sundial has gone
back. It has reversed itself only for me. A whole generation of
Christian fighters can arise. Those who have neglected their
duty or have fulfilled it wrongly can make things right as of
forty, fifty, or sixty years ago.
David was a man in whom God was pleased. But listen to
his last words before he died. They were about Shimei, a man
who had cursed Gods anointed. David said to Solomon,
Bring his gray hair down to the grave with blood (1 Kings
2:9). From the beginning of the Christian life to its last breath,
the enemies of God have to be destroyed. Every man meeting
you is given the dramatic alternative: either he will be saved or
he will perishif not by your hand, then through the faithful
word which you told him and which he did not receive.
I had so many quarrels in my other life, even with brethren.
I pace through my cell humming in Hebrew from memory the
Songs of Ascents. Now I am for peace (Psalm 120:7), and I
have calmed and quieted my soul (Psalm 131:2).
In a democracy you must win the majority of people or of a
congregation to see your will fulfilled. Not so with God. It is
enough that two should agree on earth about anything, and it
shall be done for them by the heavenly Father (Matthew 18:19).
But if couples disagree about contrary matters, dont they
have to argue with each other? Now, by hindsight I can see
that it is not necessary. The Father has unlimited time. He can
move the shadow on the sundial forward and backward as
many times as He likes. All couples will see their will fulfilled
even if they differ.
Last night I dreamt that a monk complained to me that his
superior was wicked, a kind of Torquemada. He told me this
with joy, explaining that his superior, through making him
suffer innocently, had accomplished something similar to
opening a large bank account for him. All the checks he draws
are covered because God looks on the credit side. He has
In my former life I had shunned many sufferings. I had
preferred to prevaricate rather than endure pain. A new
opportunity has been given to me. Here you have my body and
soul, all those who wish to hurt me. Do me a favor. I have a
new life before me. It will be one of suffering, of renunciation.
I am free here of the necessity of being consistent in my
preaching. This need causes preachers to leave great
potentialities unused. No one is all of a piece. The part that you
repress is also valuable and could also praise God.
In his autobiography, Charles Darwin notes that, as his
interests became increasingly absorbed in science, he lost the
pleasure in poetry and the plays of Shakespeare which had
formerly been a prominent feature of his life. He might have
done better in these than in biology. In freedom I, too, had
given up parts of my interests in life.
Here everything is aflame.
How should I continue this sermon and how should I end it
coming back to its main subject, the sundial? But why must the
end of a sermon correspond to its beginning? Why must it
have a logical conclusion?
I am tired now of preaching. Life will go on even without a
continuation of my sermon. Good night, dear brethren. Amen.
A Religion Without God

Dear brethren and sisters,

There are many things we know that we dont know we
know. The Lord said to His disciples, Where I go you know,
and the way you know, to which Thomas replied, Lord, we
do not know where You are going, and how can we know the
way? (John 14:4,5). Thomas knew but did not know that he
knew. Jesus said of John the Baptist that he was Elijah, the
prophet of old, who was to come. John, when asked, said that
he was not Elijah. This man did not know the essence of his
own being. How could he have known what his being knew?
It is only in the narrow limits of the circumstances in which
I now find myselfalone for years in a solitary cell without any
book or any impression from the outside, dependent on my
own inner resources to occupy myselfthat I find a large
unexplored field existing in my mind to which I have access.
Without any material to read, without anything happening
to stimulate my mind, I think new and strange thoughts. I am
conscious of knowing more than I knew before. From whence
did I acquire this new knowledge? It is not through drawing
further conclusions from what I knew before, through a
process of reasoning. Who can reason when hungry and
beaten? No, I had known these things for a long time. But one
thing was missing: I had not known that I knew them.
Plato was right: To know is to recognize.
Being alone is the prerequisite for plumbing your own
depths. I would be much alone, aloof from you, the most dearly
beloved, even if I were not in prison. Jesus said that He was
leaving the world and going to the Father that the world may
know that I love the Father (John 14:28,31). How would the
villagers know that the bridegroom loved the bride if he
amused himself with his friends while she was kept waiting for
him? Jesus has to leave all His friends so that they may know
He loves the Father. Loving Him, He reveals to you His
Do not believe the pastors who are constantly busy around
you. Believe those who declare, I will no longer talk much with
you (John 14:30), as they contemplate their own depths. They
might very well discover ultimate truths. You may not be aware
of the fact. Their faces will not shine, because they will veil
them as did Moses. They do not speak of these hidden
I am on my way to this contemplative state.
Last night I dreamt that an Orthodox Jew with a beard and
curls asked me, What is the other world?
I answered, It is where one has the answer. This world is
the world of asking questions.
But I am already at the border of the other world. I begin to
have the replies.
We have our first reply in the Bible. But scholars know that
the Bible is like reality as defined by Planck and Heisenberg in
modern physics, a wave of probabilities. You can never say
what and where an elementary particle is and what it will do.
You handle it by working on probabilities.
As for the Bible, we do not have such a book. There are
countless manuscripts with variations among them. The
Hebrew language itself is very imprecise. It has no tenses. The
same form of the verb can be used as a curse or only as a
declaration that something bad may happen.
For example, in Psalm 83:15 one and the same word can be
translated as an imprecatory prayer, Pursue them with Your
tempest, or as a prediction, You will pursue them with Your
A single Hebrew word sometimes has contrary meanings.
Baruh means blessed and &ldquo cursed. Kedoshim means
saints and Sodomites. Much is left to the arbitrary
decision of the translator.
There are parallel texts in many parts of the Hebrew: the
Ketub, the writing, and the Keri the rule of reading, which
might differ greatly from the former. In 2 Kings 20:4, for
example, is the hatser, which means yard. But the masoretic
rule is to read hair, which means the town The difference is
great. In the first case, the prophet Isaiah is very near King
Hezekiah, in the latter he is far away. The Ketub plus the Keri
form the Hebrew Bible.
The situation is similar in the Greek. We can translate the
wo rd afes so that the Biblical text reads, Forgive us our
trespasses, or Leave us our trespasses, in which case we
would have a prayer to continue in our favorite sin.
It is difficult to translate sentiments into words, especially
the translation of Hebrew or Greek words into another
language or another mentality, but the Scriptures we have are
the best revelation given to us.
For the Nunggubaya in Australia, the expression Holy
Spirit could not be translated. They have nothing similar. So
the translators have used instead the pretty witch doctor in
the sky. Consequently, in their Bible they read that when
Jesus was baptized, a pretty witch doctor descended upon Him
from the sky, and that those who believe and are baptized will
have this pretty witch doctor on their side, which seems very
curious to us.
The words Holy Spirit are curious and as inadequate as
the words pretty witch doctor because holy comes from a
word meaning whole and spirit comes from the Latin
spirare meaning to breathe; therefore, Holy Spirit means to
breathe deeply involving the whole lung.
In Mark 16:16, Jesus said, He who believes and is baptized
will be saved. For the Nunggubaya the expression saved
was translated aniladi-in, which means in their language to
receive a hard job. So whosoever believes will receive a hard
job. The missionaries wondered why they preached and
preached about being saved and had no converts!
Even in the original, the answers of the Bible are like those
of science: answers often raise new questions.
But I am bound to this world only by a thin umbilical cord.
My thoughts belong to the world of answers. I have always
had them in me. I had not known that I had known them.
The Godhead exists. It created man. And man has a God.
But when man returns to his Creator there is unity. I believe, in
this context, the holiest book in the Bible is Esther, in which the
word God never occurs. For the obvious, no words or names
are needed.
The word God is not mentioned even in Esther 4:3, in
which we read that there was fasting, weeping, wailing, but no
prayer to God. His help was taken for granted. Not many words
are needed in intercourse between the me and me. Jesus
promises conquerors that they will sit with Him on His throne,
just as He has conquered and now sits on His Fathers throne.
What God does a being have who sits on His throne from
which worlds are created and ruled?
Gods name is blasphemed because of our sins. His reality
is beyond attack. In Him everyone lives and moves. There is no
one who can conquer Him. The Communists rebel against His
name, against what they fancy Him to be, against the manner in
which we have represented Him. But there exists no rebellion
overthrowing Him. The Communists are not worse than Satan.
Yet Satan himself could not touch Job without asking humble
permission from God.
There also exists this sphere of the one reality, without an
I and a He. The Book of Esther is its best expression.
I know only that this last reality is terribly, unbearably
harsh. I know it, therefore I cannot live with it.
I prefer the first day of coming to faith in Christ, when I
knew that God is the God of pardons&rdquo (Nehemiah 9:17).
But how can one receive forgiveness when he lives only on the
knowledge of unity with the Godhead, rather than in a
relationship with the One who is the Author of that unity?
Knowing God, you can reduce your legalistic obligations,
simplifying your life. The law of Moses prescribed that every
Jew should give half a shekel to the temple annually. We read
in the Book of Nehemiah that the Jews were allowed to give
only a third, contrary to the law. They had become poor after
long years of slavery in Babylon. The laws of God are not
implacable. The laws of reality, on the contrary, know no
bargaining. When you fall from a height, you smash your head
and that is that. When the clock runs out, you die.
So I prefer to say like Luther, I will have nothing to do with
an absolute God. I will not try to study Him as God. I know that
I cannot look at the sun. I must have a tinted glass to look
through. I must have the person of the God-man to take away
the blinding glory of the invisible God, invisible because too
bright for my eyes to gaze upon. I must have God in Christ. I
will not try to study anything else.
But perhaps we are unjust toward the Book of Esther. Is the
notion of God really absent from it? It is written in the Talmud,
In every place where you find the imprint of mens feet, there
am I. Mordecai and his cousin Esther have left deep imprints
in history. God is in the book. Amen.
Should I Pray to be Freed?

My God,
I know how to say Our Father but do not know what to
add. Should I ask You for freedom? If so, why?
Once a businessman from Boston told Mark Twain, I have
attained much in life, but one great desire has remained
unfulfilled, that is, to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
What will you do there? asked Twain.
I would like to ascend Mount Sinai and there read the Ten
Commandments in Hebrew as they were given by God.
Mark Twain replied, Thats too complicated. Would it not
be much more comfortable to remain in Boston and fulfill the
Ten Commandments?
It is not necessary to go to holy places in order to be
pleasing to You. But neither is it necessary to be at liberty.
Which commandment could I keep better in freedom than in a
prison cell? Why should I move around? The lily stays in the
same place and exhales its perfume.
What does it matter that I am alone? I had this problem
when I was pastor of the church. I had inherited from my
predecessor a church with a small attendance. In the beginning
I was sad about it. But then I quieted my heart and told the
brethren, Instead of worrying about those who are absent, let
each of us multiply his zeal and fervor and love. It is for these
that God looks out. If He finds one man with as much love as
only a hundred men would normally have, He is satisfied.
In my solitary cell I am undisturbed. I can work on my
character to develop the virtues of thousands.
I will not pray to be freed.
The apostles were afraid during a storm and wanted to be
rescued. Jesus fulfilled their pleasure, and so they escaped
drowning. In exchange they were later martyred. In this world
rescue from temporary troubles cannot have any other result.
I will not pray for peace of heart. I have some kind of peace.
Conscience is like a triangle of metal in my heart. If I am good, it
stands still and does not bother me. If I am bad it begins to
circle and the angles hurt. If I am very bad, the angles lose their
sharpness through much circling, and again I am not bothered.
At this moment I am not troubled. What peace I have I cannot
judge for myself. Neither do I have anyone with whom I can
But either way I know that I am loved, because I suffer, and
it is written, He who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from
sin (1 Peter 4:1).
In his book about the virgin Marys song, Luther tells of a
vision. Three virgins knelt before an altar. During the service a
beautiful young man appeared and hugged the first girl and
kissed her. He did not kiss the second, but smiled at her with
great friendliness. As for the third, he hit her and pulled her
hair. With this the young man disappeared.
Later the vision was explained. The first virgin symbolizes
the selfish, unregenerate souls. God must do much good to
them. He must fulfill their will toward them, not His own. They
cannot live without receiving many blessings from God.
The second virgin represents those who have started to
serve God but still need, at least from time to time, a friendly
gesture from Him. They cannot simply love Him without
expecting anything in return. They cannot simply love Him,
whatever He does and however He behaves.
The third virgin, the Cinderella, represents the saintly soul
who loves God without any ulterior motive. She simply loves.
She is happy if He does good to others. Mary would have
sung the same beautiful praises if she had been told that
another girl, yes, one who despised her, had been chosen by
God to be the mother of the Lord. Such do not need the
caresses of the Lord. They are happy to bear their cross for
Him and pass through a dark night of the soul. If He wishes to
abandon them while they undergo suffering, they do not
complain. Everything is right only if it is His good pleasure. For
these souls God multiplies the chastisings. &ldquo Whom the
Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He
receives (Hebrews 12:6).
A great Master like You would not scourge someone
personally. Therefore, the Communists might be Your tools for
this purpose. If one were to judge by the number of beatings I
have received, I must be very much beloved.
That would be good, but if I knew it and took undue
satisfaction in it, I would not be like the third virgin. In the end,
atheists also pass through suffering. The whole matter is too
complicated for my poor reason.
The simplest thing is just to leave it and remain in peace,
not trying to distinguish with my blurred mind if it is the right
kind of peace or not.
I will sit still in my hidden cell and look to You, the hidden
God, without bothering You with any request.
I have given up the popularization of religion as contained
in the creed, which speaks about God only as a creator. You are
also the preserver and the destroyer. If it is not You who
destroys, who does? You are not simply the Creator who left
creation to develop as it would; You are the Creator of all
things, including the angel called the Destroyer (Exodus 12:23).
You also created the microbes that kill. You are described as a
destroyer in Lamentations 2. You continually destroy lives that
You have created. The Lord kills and makes alive; He brings
down to the grave and brings up (1 Samuel 2:6). Both these
activities bring You honor. I love You whatever You choose to
In Maramuresh there is a place called the humorous
cemetery, which expresses even today what the Dacians of
history (the ancestors of Romanians) believed about death.
They dressed in white and rejoiced when someone died. On
every cross in this cemetery is carved some joyful scene from
the life of the buried man. They knew that You destroyed this
life in order to create another one.
I owe you the happiness that I had in my family and church.
From Your hand I also receive the destruction of this
happiness, which was necessary in order to replace it with the
happiness of sitting in a subterranean cell, completely free of
everything that disturbs, and of looking to the hidden God; the
happiness of having passed from the holy place of the temple
to the Most Holy Place.
When Gehazi asked the Shunammite woman after her son
had died, Is it well with the child? she answered, It is well
(2 Kings 4:26). She would have said the same words on the day
of the chil s birth.
If I get tired looking at You and my mind is distraught, it
does not matter. You never slumber nor sleep. You look at me.
When my son was small he asked me, Father, what should
I do? I am bored.
I told him, Think about God.
His reply was, Why should I think about Him with this
little head of mine? Let Him think about me with His big head.
The apparatus at the great observatory of Mount Palomar
is so sensitive that the heartbeat of the astronomer disturbs it.
The simplest thing is to efface oneself completely, not to be
bothered about what happens. I think it is never reality that
bothers us; we are bothering reality. I will stop doing so. I have
You as Father in heaven. I lovingly call You Father. This is
all. No other prayer is needed, and no request.
I will not ask to be freed. Amen.
Mankind is Innocent

Mankind is innocent, if looked upon from a certain
perspective. An X-ray of a pretty girls cranium doesnt look
any better than that of a gorilla.
The Bible is full of good news, including Pauls declaration,
All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans
If this is true, then before I ever sinned I was a man much
sinned against. There is none righteous, no, not one
(Romans 3:10). Thousands of ancestors have transmitted their
heredity to me through the genes, programming almost all of
my future characteristics. And not one of these ancestors was
righteous. Then all my heredity must be terribly bad. I have
been educated by grandparents, parents, teachers. Of what
quality were they? The same apostle says, There is none who
does good, no, not one (Romans 3:12). I did not have one to
give me the right instruction.
Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, says David
(Psalm 51:5). Since when does any reasonable person hold it
against a statue for being ugly? Only the sculptor is
responsible. All have sinned. Absolutely every man with
whom I have come in contact since early childhood has sinned
against me. I was buffeted to and fro long before I said or did
the first wrong thing. So, God looks upon me also as a man
sinned against, who, under continual provocation and
surrounded only by bad examples, commits some iniquitous
deed. Even a human court acquits in such a case.
I used to ask people who confessed some sin, Tell me
something about your parents and grandparents Often it was
to give them some relief. One had quarreled. His parents had
been choleric, quarrelsome. A preacher had fallen repeatedly
into adultery and justified it on the basis that Abraham, too,
had been a polygamist. He had not realized the connection
between this and the fact that his father had been jailed for a
sexual crime. It helped one who fought against the impulse of
gambling to know that his father had been a compulsive
It is worthwhile trying to learn the beginnings of a mans
sin. There is always some seducer, some bad book, some
tendentious movie. A mountain of sin has fallen upon us and
crushed us morally before we ever sin.
All have sinnedthis is the comforting news that You
give us. It is not that I alone happen to be a wicked evildoer or
that I alone, though living in a pure paradise and surrounded
only by angels and saints, have started to sin out of pleasure
or perversity.
Nor is it only the influence of other men that has made me
sin. I belong to nature, a nature that is not morally neutral.
The creature was subjected to futility (Romans 8:20). It is in
the &ldquo bondage of corruption (Romans 8:21). There is
something in my body, in my very nerves, that compels me to
I will remind You of an extreme case.
Robert Ledrue, who had been in his youth one of the
foremost detectives of France, was given the assignment to
investigate a murder that occurred in Le Havre. A man who
bathed in the sea at night was shot when he came out of the
water. Nobody knew the motive for the murder. But the
murderer had left prints in the sand and a bullet in the victim.
Ledrue investigated, went to the head of the police and
asked to be arrested. He had found out that he himself had
been the murderer. It was a unique case. The bullet had been
shot from a special kind of revolver possessed by only four
men. He was one of them. The imprints in the sand showed that
the murderer lacked the big toe on the right foot. Ledrues had
been amputated. The detective was sure that he was the
murderer but did not remember having killed anyone and knew
no motive for doing so.
He asked to be kept permanently under surveillance by
police. They discovered that he was a somnambulist. Later he
shot at another person while wandering around at night,
completely unconscious of what he was doing. Fortunately,
the police had filled his revolver with harmless bullets. After
shooting, he returned quietly to his home and went to bed,
with no idea of what he had done.
For murder while in a state of somnambulism, Ledrue was
sentenced to lifelong isolation on a solitary farm under police
What is our state when we commit crimes? Jesus said of
His executioners, They know not what they do Peter said,
[You] killed the Prince of lifeI know that you did it in
ignorance, as did also your rulers (Acts 3:15,17).
How much is a man responsible for what he does? Paul
wrote, The evil that I will not to do, that I practice. Now if I do
what I will not to do, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that
dwells in me (Romans 7:19,20). In this passage sin appears as
a foreign intruder against whom I am helpless, just as I am
helpless against a massive attack of tuberculosis microbes. It is
not something I have courted deliberately with my reason and
Benjamin was found with a stolen cup in his sack, put there
not by himself but by Josephs servants (Genesis 44:2). So
what appears as my sin, the stolen cup in my character, is the
result of innumerable actions of men, all sinners, who shaped
my life, all abetted by what has become disorderly in nature.
The apostle continues: I find then a law [who has established
it?], that evil is present with meI see another law in my
members, warring against the law of my mind (Romans
Sin and guilt are not the same things. I can commit a sin
without being guilty of it, as for example under extreme
coercion, inner irresistible impulse, complete ignorance, etc.
You have told us, There is nothing covered that will not be
revealed (Luke 12:2). This is a fact of everyday experience. In
our dreams when rightly analyzed, in daydreams, in slips of the
tongue and under hypnosis, hidden things become manifest.
They will also become manifest in the other world. All the ugly
deeds will be known there. But we do t have to be afraid.
There they will be known by beings who are no longer as we
are now. Everybody will be full of understanding, insight, and
compassion. Sometimes a child weeps over a catastrophe that
has happened to him. Father observes. However, to him it is
not a catastrophe, and so he makes the broken toy work again.
Jesus referred to sinners as sick men who need a physician
instead of a judge. He heals sin with a medicine, His own blood
shed for us.
I was in the same cell with a man sentenced to death for
numerous sadistic murders. He confessed to me and answered
my questions. His father had been an alcoholic. The only
remembrance the man had of him was that he came home drunk,
beat him and his mother, stole all the money that his mother
had earned by sewing, and left home to drink again. When the
child was hungry, his mother would beat him for crying.
At the age of fourteen, attracted by the uniform and by
songs that seemed to make sense, he joined a Fascist anti-
Semitic organization. For this, the royal government put him in
prison. Since there were no separate juvenile facilities, he
mingled with all sorts of criminals, who henceforth were his
educators. Though the royal regime was later overturned, the
Communists never forgave anyone. And so for the crime of
being a Fascist at the age of fourteen, he was imprisoned again
and beaten. Then he was offered the chance of being freed if
he would torture other prisoners to death. He accepted the
offer. It was his only chance for survival. After he had served
as henchman for a long time, the same Communist masters
sentenced him to death.
If you were to ask me today, What is the sum of your
experience with mankind? my immediate reply would be,
Father, they are not guilty; they dont know what they do. I
would include my torturers in this appreciation. We are meant
to be the defenders of men, not their accusers. We even have
to defend desperate cases. To accuse is the devils business.
Every fiber of my heart believes in strict determinism. Omar
Khayyam wrote:

Tis all a chequer board of nights and days

Where destiny with men for pieces plays,
Hither and thither moves and mates and slays,
And one by one back in the closet lays.

Luther once said that whoever erased the words free will
from the human dictionary would render the greatest service to
mankind. Some believe that everything has been predestined,
even Lucifers and Adams falls. Therefore, Judas was a traitor
because God had designated him as such. Spinoza, one of the
profoundest souls the Jewish people ever produced, was also
the first to apply to all human thought and sentiment and
action the determinist constraint. Einstein believed like him.
Many base this belief on a Scripture, that it is God who works
in you both to will and to do (Philippians 2:13).
Among those things I am determined to do is to make
decisions of my own free will. I am determined to have a
sentiment of responsibility. I am determined to feel the dread of
the judgment, even though some dont believe we are free to
do otherwise than we do. I can see constraint in every sin, and
I cannot do otherwise than defend the sinner. May someone
else defend me if I am mistaken.
Your thoughts, God, are not like mine. When I speak, I have
to express my thoughts. My plea with You is that man, while
surely responsible for all he does, is not responsible for being
responsible. Therefore, I plead, Acquit! Amen.
The Encounter with Lucifer

Dear brethren and sisters,

To know God is not enough. We must know the enemy,
Even Jesus did not avoid a face-to-face discussion with the
devil. If we dont bring to the bar of reason the temptations of
Satan, they will enter the depths of the subconscious, where
the great decisions are made, and ravage the soul.
I would not recommend this to everyone, but I have studied
the tenets of the Satanist sects. One must have special grace to
tackle this subject and not be overcome. Satans words seemed
good and were convincing to Eve, though she lived in Gods
paradise. How much more do they lure us, her fallen progeny.
Our sinful nature responds all too readily to the great claims of
Satan and his followers. They can be studied only with a
constant struggle to resist their baleful influence on ones
I remember the chill that went down my spine when I read
the secret formula disclosed only to initiates during the
introduction to the third degree of Masonry: Let my will
happen in all things. The formula was not new to me. It tapped
into the huge drive for self-assertion which we all have in us. It
is just the contrary of the teaching of our Lord: Whoever
desires to come after Me, let him deny himself (Mark 8:34).
Human nature says no to this command of Jesus. But if
the grace of God comes and you are inclined to fulfill it, be
aware that Satan can disguise himself and make of conversion
to Christ an initiation into the satanic rite. If you were to
express in clear words what happens in such a case, it would
be as follows: I must be a man with a very strong I to be able
to decide even the rejection of the I, the only great treasure I
possess. So let my will happen in religion, too. My will is to
deny myself.
Afterwards you can go to great lengths of self-denial. You
can go even as far as giving away all your possessions and
being burned at the stake for your ideals. It is the I that will
have chosen poverty or martyrdom. Without knowing it, you
will have been faithful to the formula of initiation: Let my will
happen in all thingseven in matters regarding my
relationship with Christ.
Deny yourself is one of the many commands of
Scripture. They have not been given to be fulfilled. As a man
born in sin, you cannot fulfill them. You can only take
cognizance of them, seeing in them, as in a mirror, how far away
you are from what is beautiful and right. You then acknowledge
your sinfulness, at which point Christ can work in you. He
changes you from glory to glory. But every human work you
engage in by yourself, even a very holy one, is extremely
Every day I have to decide whether to yield to torture or
not, whether to deny Christ or not. It might be not a
consecrated attitude but a devilish one to say, Let my will be
done, and my will is that I should be a hero of the faith.
The Lord wants some to be such heroes but He also
allowed Peter to pass through moments of cowardice and then
return with repentance, thus giving an example throughout the
centuries to Christians who might fall in times of persecution
that they can rise again.
I decide nothing about what I will do tomorrow at the
A rabbi once stood at the window of his study and called
to the first Jew who went by. He asked him, &ldquo Suppose
you find a wallet containing much money but also the card of
the man who lost it what would you do?
The Jew answered, You know, rabbi, that I have many
children and am very poor. I would consider it as a gift from
God. I would throw away the card and keep the money.
The rabbi said, You are a thief. Sit there.
He then called a second Jew and put to him the same
question. The reply was, I would return the money
immediately to its legitimate owner.
The rabbi said, You are stupid. Sit near that other man.
He called a third Jew: What would you do in such a case?
The ambiguous reply was, I dont know. Everything
depends upon the grace I will have from God at that moment.
The devil is often with me in my cell. His first proposal was
that I should decide to deny my faith and be freed. When I
refused, he appeared again in the guise of an angel of light:
Decide to die rather than yield to the Communists. Stick to
this holy decision. May it happen as you decide. It was
necessary to refuse this second subtle injunction too. Jesus
had said in Gethsemane, Not My will, but Yours, be don
(Luke 22:42).
In the eighth degree of one of these occult initiations, you
have to accept as a rule of life the sentences, Believe nothing
and dare everything, or its variation, Nothing is true;
everything is permitted.
When Marx was asked what maxim he preferred, he replied,
Doubt everything. I know it is not easy to believe something.
Every religious, political, or moral attitude has arguments for
and against. I have spent long hours over the books of Zen,
the Upanishads Buddha, Zoroaster, the Talmud, the Kabala,
the Koran, as well as atheist philosophers. There are so many
interesting thoughts and persuasive proofs scattered
throughout all of them. The sinner must choose with a limited,
biased, unreliable mind that is only partially informed. But since
a lost sinner has a mind that cannot think rightly, he also
cannot then believe that we are all lost sinners who cannot
choose as we should.
If everything is only relatively true, the assertion about
relativity is also only relatively true. There must be in relativity
somewhere a kernel of the absolute. Life obliges you to dare,
though what you do can produce enormous harm or good to
someone else. I know a man who had taken in an orphan and
given him a warm home. When this orphan grew up and
married, he adopted another orphan child who was happy in
new surroundings. So it is also with evil deeds. They
reproduce endlessly.
In order to dare, I must have a standard of what is right and
Many religions offer ways of life. Jesus is not one of the
ways. He says, I am the way. The definite article is one of
mankinds greatest devices. I am sorry for nations like China
and Denmark that lack it.
Well, devil, you ask me to believe nothing. So I will turn
this weapon against you and I will not believe that nothing
should be believed. You say, Nothing is true.
So the assertion that nothing is true is not true. You wish
me to believe that &ldquo everything is permitted. All right, I
will believe that it is also permitted not to believe that all things
are permitted.
There were plenty of reasonable arguments for Romeo not
to give his life for Juliet. Verona had many beautiful girls. He
himself had been enamored first of Rosaline. But a lover does
not make his love the subject of arguments and counter-
arguments. I hate your logic, devil. I love Jesus. I love His will.
Let it be accomplished in my life. I love His laws and am always
sorry whenever I break them because of my human weakness.
With me you have lost. The discussion with you has
become boring. Goodbye. I prefer to go to sleep.

Dear brethren and sisters,

On the first day of my arrest I had been told, You are no
longer Richard Wurmbrand, but Vasile Georgescu. You are
never allowed to mention to anyone your former name. I had
been kidnapped from the street, and the simple fact that I still
exist somewhere is a state secret. A warden might disclose it if
he knew the name.
Today I protested against the mistreatment, saying, Even
if I dont belong to you, I am still a person, a man, and have the
right to be respected.
They answered in a laugh: What conceit! You are no
longer a person. You simply are not. One thing exists: the
proletarian state. Men belong to it. They are each a little wheel
or a screw in its complex machinery. Whoever does not
support the state simply is not. We dont even shoot him.
There is nobody to shoot. We allow nothingness to rot away
in a cell.
I am not. I am a nothing. Some philosophers say that
the nothing exists somehow. If it does not exist, whose
existence are we denying?
I remember the famous resum?? of Buddhas doctrine from

There exists only the suffering, not the sufferer.

There exists action, not its author.
The nirvana exists, but not the one who pursues it.
There is the way, but not the traveller.
I have had the shock of being told that I am a
non-person. Now the non-person, no longer able
even to wish to be a person, resigns itself to its new
phase of existence. There is no more a man of
sorrows in the cell; only the old, old sorrow is here,
impersonal. My cell is old. Many generations of
prisoners have experienced its sorrow before me, and
many more will consider it their own after me. But
suffering grants no one a monopoly. It wishes to be
shared by everyone. Who has escaped its embrace?

Murder has existed since the time of Cain, but most

murderers are unchronicled. Adultery has thrived down
through the ages, but the Bible does not even give the
name of the woman caught in the act. What difference
does her identity make? Lying affected the human
situation in Paradise before the Fall. Whoever utters a lie
only adds his poison to the well.
Heaven also exists. If you pursue it in your own flesh
without Christ, you do not have it. There should be no
you and no I. If these disappear, the pursuit ceases
and we can have a taste of heaven. The barrier has been
you (the flesh) and the condition put by the you, that
your highest desires must be fulfilled, not Christs.
Heaven is the fulfilling of Ones desires, the unique God.
It might be His desireit might be my heaventhat I lead
the most annoying life in a solitary cell.
A heaven in which I do not rejoice? The Bible has told
me to deny myself. I have neglected to do so. Now the
Communists tell me that I have become a non-person. So
who is the I that has the claim of rejoicing in heaven?
Heaven is a place without distinction between the
subjects that enjoy. It simply exists. You are seated in
heavenly places without striving for something beyond.
For the first time a place where you can sit without any
remorse for not doing something, without any striving to
move or fill your time with your own agenda. It is a joyful
and perfect rest.
When I was declared a non-person this morning, I told
the captain, Christ will be the victor throughthe patience
that He gave us. A man with patience can do everything.
He laughed, Can patience help you carry water in a
I was disconcerted for a fraction of a second. Then I
answered quietly, For a certainty, if only you wait
patiently for the water to freeze.
There is hope that they will make even living water
freeze. It is terribly cold in the cell, though outside it must
be the beginning of spring already. How I would like to be
in the country and pick flowers, wild ones, hawthorns and
violets and forget-me-nots. It is written, Everyone who
loves is born of God (1 John 4:7). But does anyone love if
he does not include flowers in his love? Is it enough to
love men?
I remember reading about an American black
revolutionary, John Brown, who fought against slavery.
His whole mature life was spent on riots. When he was led
to the gallows in a cart, he said to the soldiers
surrounding him, How beautiful is this land. He had had
no eyes for trees and flowers before. If I were free now, I
wish I could walk among foxgloves and daisies and spend
time loving flowers.
Flowers exist for us en masse. We dont attribute
personality to them. Except for the florist when he sells
them, we dont even number them. They dont worry
about being non-persons. But they are loved by Jesus. He
compares Himself to them: I am the rose of Sharon, and
the lily of the valleys (Song of Solomon 2:1).
If you wish to pluck them, they dont flee. If you
trample them under your feet, they reward you by giving
you their perfume. Jesus teaches us to learn from flowers.
If I had been like one of them, I would not have cared
about being appreciated.
I remember Feinstein, the man who played a big role in
bringing me to Christ and who died a martyrs death under
the Nazis. I asked him once, What is the pride of life
mentioned in 1 John 2:16?
He replied, Stop asking silly questions, you idiot.
I shouted, How do you dare to speak to me like that?
His answer: Now you know what is the pride of life.
I believe that it is still a remnant of the pride of life that
made me resent so vividly the words I was told today
that I am a non-person.
I will accept my new status. Amen.
Does God Avenge Himself?

Dear brethren and sisters,

We Christians speak to our torturers about love. They
speak only about hatred and revenge.
You can never understand any Communist if you
dont see his wickedness as the result of intense
suffering. No one becomes a troublemaker unless he is
greatly troubled himself. He takes revenge ultimately
against being. He is without the desire for life itself. An
absurd existence has been imposed upon him. He believes
that a man is nothing more nor less than a random
agglomeration of molecules. Among these molecules are
those that constitute nerves, which sometimes produce
feelings of joy (always transitory) and at other times
transmit pain.
Communists cannot account for the fact that they
have to endure suffering nor that eventually they will be
eaten by worms. Therefore, they must make haste to enjoy
life, power, and material advantages. In opposition to their
presumed felicity are other agglomerations of molecules
called class-enemies, which must be destroyed. Marxs
favorite verse was, There is no greater joy than to bite
your enemy.
Our torturers see us as obstacles to their squeezing
out of a senseless life the maximum of pleasant moments.
Their conscience is not bothered by the fact that they
beat human beings. When we ask why, they answer:
Did you have any remorse when you hammered a nail
into the wall or when you cut wood? We all handle matter
at pleasure. Man too is only matter. You cant make an
omelette without breaking eggshells. You cant cut wood
without producing chips. You cannot make revolution
without handling the class-enemy roughly. We know no
forgiveness. We take revenge on our enemies.
Revenge sometimes arises from great depths. Marx
once wrote to Engels, If Titus had not destroyed my
fatherland 1,800 years ago, I would not be an enemy of all
When I am left alone in my cell, Bible verses come to
my mind, but now they are different. A voice whispers,
Dont mind your sufferings. They dont pass unnoticed.
The Lord will take revenge
Again revenge? I cannot suffer the word anymore.
Should You, the Good, stoop to the same level as the
Communists? Should heaven be reduced to the state of
mind of a Communist torturer? I cannot believe these
words about revenge, even if the apostle Paul states them.
Should You, like Hitler, have burning ovens with
unquenchable flamesno, even worse than Hitler,
because his flames consumed the victims in a moment,
whereas Yours burn but never consume? Forgive us, but
those in hell cannot accept the justice of hell. It is
acceptable only to the man who sits in church after a good
It might be that hell causes joy among saints. Saints
are men, and nothing evil in men surprises me anymore.
But You are goodness personified. You can know
happiness only through loving everybody, providing
salvation, understanding, forgiving. If there is a hell,
surely You must have the desire to quench its fire.
There certainly is a hell. You discharged in Yourself
the lightning of wrath when, torn by grief, You bruised
Your Son and burdened Him with all the evil ever
Yes, vengeance is Yours. As the sea absorbs the
mighty rivers, You absorbed our rivers of wickedness and
expiated them Yourself. This revenge is terrible.
We know You to be love. You are our Father; Your
Son is our Brother. Those who were once cold now burn
with an eternal fire. It is the fire of love which has lit them.
How torn I am. I began by not believing what Paul
writes. Now I dont believe what I preach. The Word of
God cannot be contradicted. It speaks clearly about an
eternal hell. What kind of heaven would it be with Hitler
and Stalin in it, with all the robbers and seducers and liars
who have remained unregenerate to the end? One serpent
in the Garden and mankind lost Paradise. How will heaven
remain unsullied if men who are not born again invade its
The idea that men will be tormented forever is
unbearable to me. I have no remorse about killing
tuberculosis microbes. I am happy that DDT wiped out
vermin. A sinner, yes, even a criminal, has something
human in him. We cannot imagine this eternal suffering,
but the whole of reality is unimaginable. The atom is
unimaginable. It is not in vain that God told us not to make
ourselves images of things. God considered it proper that
beings like this should burn eternally.
Christ Himself was damned and abandoned more than
all the saints. So the children of God can find heave s
peace even in an earthly hell. The terribleness of hell is
only for the others. God gives everyone his fit place
water for fish, air for birds, jail for criminals. Hell is the fit
place for unrepentant sinners.
We will never be able to accept it until all our wrong
ideas about God and eternal things are broken up and
discarded. The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden
in a field (Matthew 13:44). Your life is hidden with Christ
in God (Colossians 3:3).
There exists the unintelligible in the Godhead. We
must believe His Word even if it contradicts our notions
of what we consider right for God to do. The virgin Mary
was told that her Son would be given the throne of His
father David, and this she doubtless accepted at face
value. Instead, He was mocked and He descended into
hell. St. Augustine, contrary to the prayerful expectations
of his mother, Monica, descended deeper and deeper into
sin before God not only answered her prayers for his
conversion but made of him a great Christian teacher.
We cannot understand Gods ways. We must believe
in His revelation. I cannot understand hell. I would send
nobody to an eternal hell. But happily God is not like me.
If He were, He would not give me paradise. I have to
sacrifice the intellect. I believe in eternal hell. I believe that
God avenges Himself. &ldquo Vengeance is Mine, and
recompense (Deuteronomy 32:35); Vengeance is Mine,
I will repay says the Lord (Romans 12:19).
May God keep me from being the object of His
revenge. Amen.
My Unfinished Requiem

Dear brethren and sisters,

As usual, I start my night-vigil by singing softly
Mozarts Requiem:

On that great, that awful day,

This vain world shall pass away.
Thus the sibyl sang of old,
Thus has holy David told;
There shall be a deadly fear
When the Avenger shall appear,
And unveiled before His eye,
All the works of men shall lie.
Hark! to the great trumpets tones
Pealing oer the place of bones;
Hark! it waketh from their bed
All the nations of the dead,
In a countless throng to meet
At the eternal judgment seat.
Nature sickens with dismay;
Death may not retain his prey,
And before the Maker stand
All the creatures of His hand.
The great book shall be unfurled,
Whereby God shall judge the world:
What was distant, shall be near,
What was hidden, shall be clear.
To what shelter shall I fly?
To what guardian shall I cry?
O, in that destroying hour,
Source of goodness, source of power,
Show Thou, of Thine own free grace,
Help unto a helpless race!
Tho I plead not at Thy throne,
Aught that I for Thee have done,
Do not Thou unmindful be,
Of what Thou hast borne for me;
Of the wandering, of the scorn,
Of the scourge, and of the thorn.
Jesus, hast Thou borne the pain,
And hath all been borne in vain?
Shall Thy vengeance smite the head
For whose ransom Thou hast bled?
Thou, whose dying blessing gave
Glory to a guilty slave:
Thou, who from the crew unclean
Didst release the Magdalene:
Shall not mercy, vast and free,
Evermore be found in Thee?
Father, turn on me Thine eyes,
See my blushes, hear my cries;
Faint tho be the cries I make,
Save me, for Thy mercys sake,
From the worm, and from the fire,
From the torments of Thine ire.
Fold me with the sheep that stand
Pure and safe at Thy right hand.
Hear Thy guilty child implore Thee,
Rolling in the dust before Thee.
O, the horrors of that day!
When this frame of sinful clay,
Starting from its burial place,
Must behold Thee face to face.
Hear and pity, hear and aid,
Spare the creatures Thou hast made.
Mercy, mercy, save, forgive:
O who shall look on Thee and live?2

Though the Requiem had been commissioned, Mozart

composed it for himself. During that time he was already
very sick, as I am now.
I could say about myself what Mozart wrote when he
created this music:

In my soul I have chaos. I can gather my thoughts

only with difficulty. I see unceasingly the face of one
unknown. He insists. He asks me to work. I continue
to do so, because to compose music wearies me less
than inactivity. I feel my hour has come. I must die.
The end comes before I can show fully my talent.
How beautiful is life! But I must finish my burial-
song. I would not do right to leave it unfinished.

I also try to put into these sermons declaimed in a

solitary cell my deepest, perhaps my ultimate, dying
thoughts. Such thoughts I could not propound from the
pulpit, because there one has to preach according to
dogma and the taste of the audience, with the goal of
attracting new souls into the church. Here I have
absolutely no aim, no purpose. I preach only because it is
in my character to do so, as it is in the nature of
nightingales to sing.
Mozart did not finish his Requiem. I might die or,
perhaps, be freed before finishing my task. The worst, I
think, would be to regain freedom and resume preaching
conventional sermons.
While lying on his deathbed, Mozart could ask his
friend Sussmeyer to finish the Requiem. Sussmeyer was
able to transcribe some of the tunes from the lips of the
dying man. I am absolutely alone. I can convey to no one
my thoughts. Jesus left this world without having
delivered all of His message. On the last evening spent
with His closest friends, He said, I still have many things
to say to you, but you cannot bear them now (John
While Mozart lay on his deathbed, he was afforded the
consolation of having his unfinished Requiem completed
by a couple of friends. I will probably never see anyone
feeding on these sermons. At his burial, the burial of a
beggar, there was no organ music, no ceremony, no
money even for a grave-marker, much less a tombstone.
Unmarked, too, are the graves of prisoners.
There were rumors that Mozart had been poisoned. He
himself suspected it. But in his Requiem there is no
complaint. He thinks only about his own sins and the
judgment that lies before him, to which he will answer.
There are probably drugs in my food. I become weaker
and weaker. But I will not think badly about my enemies. I
will not think about them at all.
In the Philippines, people have been found still living
in the stone age. It pleases me that they have no words for
enemy and war. They cannot be taught to love their
foes. They have none.
I will sing my requiem while lying on planks that might
later be used for my coffin. My soul is far from my body.
There is no doubt that the soul lives after death. I am the
proof. My body has long since been dead. But I live.
Rather, it is not the I which lives, but a huge regret
for what I have been, with tears running from the eyes of a
corpse. The Orthodox believe in some weeping icons of
the Virgin. Others say that it is a priestly trick, with some
tubes and a pump hidden behind the icon. But why
should wood not weep when a corpse can?
Oscar Wilde had been in my state when he composed
The Ballad of Reading Gaol. I begin my requiem with
music to the words of his first stanzas:

Yet each man kills the thing he loves,

By each let this be heard,
Some do it with a bitter look,
Some with a flattering word,
The coward does it with a kiss,
The brave man with a sword!
Some kill their love when they are young,
And some when they are old;
Some strangle with the hands of Lust,
Some with the hands of Gold:
The kindest use a knife, because
The dead so soon grow cold.
Some love too little, some too long,
Some sell, and others buy;
Some do the deed with many tears,
And some without a sigh:
For each man kills the thing he loves,
Yet each man does not die.

I also love men. Since my youth I have loved on sight

every man I ever met. But I loved with a deadly love,
because all my beloved have died or at least suffered
much because of me. I dont believe like Wilde that each
man kills the thing he loves. But I have. My one joy now
is to have the world isolated from me so that I can no
longer harm anyone.
Am I now being punished by God for my sins? The
answer to this question is contained in the Persian poem
Rabbia, which I remember. Set to melody, it is the second
theme of my requiem:

Rabbia, sick and abed, Was visited by two saints:

The pious Malik, the sage Hassan, Men venerated in
Islam. One said, Youll be able to bear The
chastising God sends you If your prayer is pure.
The other, Profounder, gave his opinion: If it is
accepted with love, You rejoice about the
punishment. Rabbia discerned traces Of egotism in
these maxims. Good men, he replied, When one
sees the face of the Master In his prayer, he cannot
Remember that he is punished.

Before the Lord I simply am what I am, without any

why. Why was I born? Why was I born a sinner? Why did
I suffer? Why did I produce suffering? Why do I die?
Why have I the gift of composing a kind of requiem?
What is the good of composing it while alone in a prison
cell? My God, my God, why have You forsaken me? Whys
are futile. There is never any answer.
I am not being punished. Neither am I a martyr. How
can I know what counts more in the depths of my heart:
fanatical devotion to the anti-Communist fight or love for
Christ? And even if it were martyrdom, what would be its
value if it is based on a love that killsa sentiment
unworthy of the name love? Calvin said that where this
love is wanting, the beauty of all virtue is mere tinsel, is
empty sound, is not worth a straw, nay more, is offensive
and disgusting. Martyrdom minus genuine love equals
Punished criminal or martyr, my last song is about
Jesus, except that in my requiem, unlike Mozarts, it is not
a song of fear and trembling. It bespeaks confidence.
When asked to descend from the cross, Jesus did not
move. Were nails more powerful than the hands of the
Son of God? On several occasions when large crowds had
sought to molest Him, He escaped. Yet alone, armed only
with a whip, He had challenged the unholy practices of a
courtyard full of merchants guarded by the temple police
and escaped unharmed. He said, I AM in
Gethsemane, and a company of soldiers fell to the ground.
No, it was not nails that kept Jesus on the cross, but
His love for me. For me, a non-person. Jesus loves the
Father and He loves me. The Son of Man has come to
seek and to save that which was lost (Luke 19:10). I
prefer to be a lost sinner rather than a martyr, because it is
lost sinners He came to save.
Listen to me. The one who calls is one who always
killed those he loved, who made people shed tears and
blood. You who give life to those who hate, save one who
spreads death even upon the most beloved.
The power fails me to continue. I am hungry. I have a
high fever. My mind goes blank. I cannot put in song
Jesus answer to my cry. This will remain my unfinished
requiem. Amen.

These sermons have had one subject: God as reflected

in deep human suffering. Only God is the subject.
Narrowness of scope is the only way to ensure critical
focus in spiritual matters. The waters of human nature run
deep, but if they are spread over a wide area, of necessity
they become shallow. With too many subjects to cover, a
man disperses his energy and dissipates his vitality.
It is better to do one little thing well than to do many
things badly. Therefore I have striven to do just one
thing: to say what God is like when observed from the
perspective of an isolated subterranean prison cell and to
focus on the rapport that existed between Him and a
creature abandoned to hunger and torture. I hope this
might be helpful to others who pass through pain and
sorrow and who encounter problems of another kind.
I meant also to awaken in believers and men of good
will outside Christian circles the desire to do something
for the many thousands who are still imprisoned for their
What could you do?
I once told Isaac Feinstein, who died a martyrs death
under the Nazis, The words of the Lord that He is the
way are not of much practical use. After reading them,
you still dont know the next step. Now tell me plainly,
what is the way? He answered, Go away. The words
would have sounded insulting were it not for his
unequaled smile. His face and gestures gave to his words
the meaning, There is no answer to the question, What
is the way? Jesus intended us to walk in it, not to inquire
into it.
Before Jesus said, I am the way, He had already said,
The way you know (John 14:4). He is not a way we have
to learn but one with which we are acquainted. We might
not know the whole of it. We surely know the next few
I will not tell you what to do in order to show
compassion to those who today pass through the outer
and inner tempests I have known. The simple fact that you
have the desire to be helpful indicates that you need no
guide. Your own compassionate nature will guide you.
Every step in this direction will also become a restraint
not to act. From an eternal point of view, all activity, even
holy activity, is counted among the vanities. How can
someone do something without mixing into his purely
idealistic endeavors some egotism, some calculation, some
desire to impress? Busy yourself with good works, and
you may suddenly stop walking in the way in order to sit
like Mary at the feet of Jesus, choosing that good part,
which will not be taken away rather than the busy work
of Martha. You then become a passionate lover of God,
seeking to adore Him even if He allows you to pass
through terrible circumstances, such as I have known.
The next step? You have stopped walking, and there
will be no more steps. Adoring Him, you will realize in time
that you have become more than a mere believer, because
a believer is not satisfied with worship. A young man will
not simply adore a girl lifelong. He will be satisfied with
nothing less than possessing her, uniting with her. So you
will pass from adoring God to being one in spirit with
Christ and, through Him, with the Father. It will be God
who suffers in you for His creation, but through Him you
will be at last triumphant.
With this the aim of my book will have been achieved.
God has kept these sermons in my memory in spite of
brainwashing and doping with drugs. In jail I lost all my
knowledge of music and mathematics. I forgot even the
Bible. But I remembered these sermons, because God
willed you to read them and be changed from glory to
glory in the likeness of His Son. Praise be to Him!
The words Praise the Lord occur in the Bible 366
times, once for every day of the year, including leap year.
The Lord had to be praised in cells infested with rats and
vermin, in days when we were badly beaten. The Lord
should be praised daily by you, too, amid the troubles
through which you pass.
Praise the Lord! When you say it, you will realize you
knew the next step in the way.
Resources on the Persecuted Church

Other Books by Richard Wurmbrand

Tortured for Christ

The Oracles of God
In Gods Underground
From Suffering to Triumph
Christ on the Jewish Road
In the Face of Surrender (formerly The Overcomers)
Victorious Faith
Reaching Toward the Heights
With God in Solitary Confinement
From the Lips of Children
The Answer to the Atheists Handbook
Marx & Satan
The Sweetest Song

Other Books by The Voice of the Martyrs

The Pastors Wife, by Sabina Wurmbrand

Gods Missiles Over Cuba, by Tom White
The Spiritual Battle for Cuba, by Tom White
Between Two Tigers, by Tom White
A Window in Time, by Tom White

Videos by Richard Wurmbrand

Preserve the Word

No Other God
The Faces of God
To Shout or to Listen
Romania: The Return
In Prison With Psalm 107, by Sabina Wurmbrand

Videos by The Voice of the Martyrs

Faith Under Fire. Faith Under Fire features interviews

with Christians who face persecution head-on. You will
meet a Muslim whose road to Damascus conversion
leads to his persecution; a Chinese pastor suffering under
the strike-hard policy that Christians now face; and a
Vietnamese teenager dealing with her fathers arrest and
imprisonment for his work in the underground church.
Faith Under Fire will challenge you to consider, Is my
faith ready to hold up under fire? (Contains dramatic
scenes that may not be suitable for children.)

Stephens Test of Faith (childrens video ). Twelve-year-

old Stephen is mocked and ridiculed for his faith. That
night in a dream, Stephen travels through history meeting
Jesus, Stephen the martyr, families about to enter the
Roman coliseum, William Tyndale, Christian children in
todays Middle East, and others who dare to share their

Filmed internationally, Stephens Test is an inspiring

challenge to all ages, a powerful tool for Sunday school,
the unsaved, classrooms, your home. This walk with
faithful heroes encourages us with their historical call to
continue following Jesus Christ when we are put to the
test. (Includes study outline with Scripture references.)
VOM Offices Around the World

The Voice of the Martyrs
PO Box 250
Lawson NSW 2783
Hulp Aan De Verdrukte Kerk (HVK)
Postbus 77
B-2620 Hemiksem
A Voz Dos Martires
Caixa Postal 1000
CEP-80.001-970 Curitiba-Paran
The Voice of the Martyrs
P.O. Box 608
Streetsville, Ontario L5M 2C1
Costa Rica
La Voz De Los Martires
Apartado 500-3100
Heredia, Santo Domingo
Czech Republic
Pomoc Pronasledovane Cirkvi
P.O. Box 21
CS-Jindrichuv Hradec 377 01
Stefanus-Lahetys Ry
Leivonmaentie 7 B
41660 Toivakka

Hilfsaktion Martyrerkirche (HMK)
Tfinger Strasse 3
88690 Uhldingen-Muhlhofen
Editrice Uomini Nuovi
Via Mazzini 73
21030 Marchirolo (Varese)

St. De Ondergrondse Kerk (SDOK)
Postbus 705
4200 AS Gorinchem

New Zealand
Voice of the Martyrs
PO Box 5482
Christ Church 8542
The Voice of the Christian Martyrs
P.M.B. 21078
Ikeja, Lagos
La Voz De Los Martires
Av. Militar #2644-C
Lima 14 (Lince)
South Africa
Christian Mission International (CMI)
P.O. Box 7157
1417 Primrose Hill

South Korea
Seoul USA/VOM-Korea
2303 Cinnabar Road
Colorado Springs, CO
Missionen Martyrernas Rost
Box 118
771 23 Ludvika

United Kingdom
Release International
P.O. Box 54
Orpington BR5 9RT

1. See Widerstandsrecht by Ernst Wolf, in the

dictionary Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 3rd
ed., vol. VI. [return]
2. English translation by Thomas Macaulay in Seed
Thoughts for Public Speakers. [return]

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