Ist Book
Ist Book
Ist Book
fufonk &lwpuk
1& lHkh fufonk,a vxys dk;Z fnol esa dk;kZy; v/kh{k.k vfHk;Urk ] prqFkZ e.My]
m0iz0 ty
fuxe] cjsyh esa [kksyh tk;saxhA
2& Mkd }kjk fufonk eaxk;s tkus ij 250-00 vfrfjDr Mkd O;; Hkqxrku djuk gksxk]
Mkd }kjk fufonk eaxk;s tkus ij ;fn fufonk Bsdsnkj dks izkIr gksus esa foyEc gksrk
gS rks
;g foHkkx mRrjnk;h ugh gksxkA
12& fufonk lwpuk ty fuxe eq[;ky; dh csc lkbV ij Hkh miyC/k gksxhA
¼ fnus”k pUnzk ½
vf/k”kklh vfHk;Urk
10- /kjksgj /kujkf”k vyx fyQkQs esa eksgjcan gksuk pkfg, rFkk fufonk ds lkFk
vU; fyQkQksa esa j[kk tkuk pkfg,A fyQkQs ds Åij fufonk la[;k ij uke vafdr
gksuk pkfg,A cU/kd 4 ekg dh vof/k ls de Lohdkj ugh gksxhA /kjksgj jkf”k
fdlh Hkh Mkd?kj dh fMikftV jlhn@,u0,l0lh0 ds :Ik esa v/kksgLrk{kjh ds
inuke esa cU/kd gksuh pkfg,A
11- dk;Z fdlh Hkh lhek rd c<+k;k ;k ?kVk;k tk ldrk gSaA
12- fufonk ds lkFk :0 100@& ek= /kujkf”k dk uke tqfMf”k;y LVkEi isij ,d :Ik;s
ds jlhnh fVdV ij gLrk{kfjr layXu djuk vfuok;Z gSa] ftlds vLohd`r gksus dh
n”kk esa okil ugh fd;k tk;sxkA
13- fufonknkrk fufonk Mkyus ls iwoZ dk;Z dh ifjfLFkfr;ka ] dk;ZLFky ,oa
Mªkbax dk Hkyh Hkkafr fujh{k.k djus ds mijkUr gh fufonk Mkys og mldk
mRrjnkf;Ro gksxkA
14- ;fn fdlh Hkh dkj.k fdlh Hkh vkbVe esa fufonk dh “kSM~;wy ^^th** esa nh
x;h ek=k esa dksbZ c<+ksRrjh gksrh gSa rks nh gqbZ ek=k dk Hkqxrku
foHkkxh; njksa vFkok vuqcU/k esa nh x;h njksa esa ls tks Hkh de gksxk mlh
ds vuqlkj Hkqxrku fd;k tk;sxkA
15- dk;Z iw.kZ gksus ij ;fn fdlh dkj.ko”k fufonk dh fLFkfr esa dksbZ ifjorZu
gksrk gS ;kfu fd vki izFke U;wure ds LFkku ij f}rh; U;wure gks tkrs gSa] rks
ml fLFkfr esa vkidks vko”;d /kujkf”k dks fjosV foHkkx dks nsuh gksxh] ftlls
vki vUr rd izFke U;wure jgsaA
16- dk;Z ,oa yscj ds iz;ksx gsrq leLr vko”;d lkexzh ikuh bR;kfn dk izca/k vkidks
Lo;a vius [kpZ ij djuk gksxk] ftlds fy, foHkkx }kjk dksbZ vfrfjDr Hkqxrku
ugh fn;k tk;sxkA
vf/k”kklh vfHk;Urk
Tenders are advised to check the following points especially
before final dispatch or tender.
(1) There shall be three envelops named ENVELOP No. 1
2.1.2 Contractor means the person(s), firm or company whose tender has
been accepted by the Engineer and who has concluded a contract
with the Engineer to execute the works included in the tender and
contract agreement. This includes the Contractor's personal
representatives, successors and assignees.
2.1.3 'Sub Contractor' means any person, firm or company other than the
contractor named in the contract for any part of work included in the
contract has been subject with the consent in writing of the Engineer,
and the sub contractor's legal personal representatives, successors
and permitted assignees.
2.1.4 'Engineer/Engineer-in-charge' means the Executive Engineer /
Superintending Engineer who has called for tender and incharge of
execution of the works and administration of the subordinates who
assist him in execution of works and administration of Contract. His
subordinates shall be termed as Executive Engineer, Assistant
Engineer, Junior Engineer, as the case may be. These subordinates
shall be Engineer's representatives at the site of work. The Engineer's
representatives will carry out such duties of the Engineer, like issuing
of instructions, certificates and orders as are required in the execution
of the works. Engineer's representative will watch and supervise the
Works, test and examine the material, equipment, plant and machinery
and workmanship employed in connection with the works under
the contract. The Engineer's representatives with the approval of the
Engineer will have the authority the relieve the contractor of any of its
obligations under the contract and to order any extra work involving
delay in the completion of the works and also requiring any extra
payment to the contract.
2.1.5 "Department" means the Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam. The work
department and Ex.En./S.E. and his representatives have been used
Members of committee.
(1) Zonal Chief Engineer
(2) Respective S.E (Civil)
(3) Respective S.E (E&M)
(4) Respective Zonal Account Officer
(5) Respective Executive Engineer (Civil)
The abbreviations used in the tender documents or any other
correspondence will stand the full forms given as under:
The contractors are advised to check the following points before final
dispatch of tender.
3.1 The tender will be submitted under two separate covers as follows:-
3.1.1 First envelope will contain (1) Earnest money in desired shape,
(2) Experience certificate of having completed similar work
successfully, (3) Notarized copy of Certificate, (5) Notarized
copy of Sales Tax registration Certificate, (6) Technical offer
including necessary drawings and designs, (7) Details of their
technical specifications to be given by the contractor 'C' of the
contract otherwise technical bid shall be rejected.
3.2 Scrutiny of the technical offers of all the tenderers will be done by the
approval committee. The financial offers, of all the successful
tenderers whose technical offers are found proper & suitable by the
committee, shall be opened by the Engineer in presence of such
tenderers after giving a suitable date. Thereafter financial offer shall
be finalized by committee after scrutiny.
3.3 Credential certificate should be filled in without hiding any fruitful facts
on prescribed forms.
'VALIDITY1 on Rs. 100/- Court Stamp paper with prescribed language
of tender form should be attached herewith, failing which tender shall
not be considered.
money deposited by him may be forfeited to the U.P. Jal Nigam in the
discretion of the later.
N.B. If a tenderer who is exempted from furnishing earnest money
withdraws his proposal within the said period he may be in discretion
of the U.P, Jal Nigam debarred from tendering for a period of one year
reckoned from the date of opening of the tender.
For the compliance of the clause an agreement, on Stamp
Paper worth Rs. 1007- or as applicable is to be submitted by the
tenderer positively with the tender failing which the tender may likely
to be rejected. Performa of the aforesaid agreement is given with the
4.10 Tenderes from skilled and experienced contractors or firm who can
submit proof of having successfully carried out similar work will be
considered. However, competent authority reserves the right to accept
or reject the tender on any such ground as to which deems to be fit in
his opinion entirely to his sole discretion.
4.11 Tenderers are advised to visit the site of work prior to filling up of
tender and rates so as to access and have correct knowledge of local
site Conditions, job works, labour, and quantum of work involved.
Executive Engineer
Construction Division
U.P. Jal Nigam,
The Executive Engineer,
Construction Division,
UP. Jal Nigam,
Dear Sir,
I/We................................. have read the various conditions
governing the contract for" CONSTRUCTION OF STAFF QUARTER & OTHER
5.1.2 I/We agree to complete the works within the period of Six months
from the date of issue of the work order.
5.1.3 A sum of Rs. ........................................ (Rs. ................ lacs) towards
the earnest money is deposited in the form of ................drawn on I/We do not execute the contract documents within seven days
from the date of issue of letter or intent from you indicating your
decision to award the contract to me/us. I do not commence the work within 10 days of receipt of the
order to that effect.
Enclosures: One tender along with enclosures
Yours Faithfully,
Date Signature
Witness Address
1. 2.
5.2.1 I /We hereby tender for the works specified in the tender all written
memorandum within the time specified in such memorandum at the
rates given in the schedule of rates attached herewith and in
accordance with all said instructions, conditions, schedules,
specifications and drawing contained in this tender which have been
inspected at site and understood by me/us and also undertake to
make written compliance of such other written instruction as may be
given from time to time for carrying out the said work.
5.2.2 I/We undertake to abide by the Government/Departmental orders
regarding deduction made in the bills like Income Tax, Trade Tax,
Security Deposits, agreement stamp and stamp duty.
5.2.3 I/We undertake to complete the works and hand over the works within
the stipulated/allotted time for the completion of the works in good
workman like manner.
5.2.4 I/We keep the validity of our offer for three months from the date of
opening of the tender.
5.2.5 I/We stand guarantee for the repair of the works to full satisfaction of
the department during the maintenance period of twelve calendar
5.2.6 I/We have no doubts or any uncleared ambiguities regarding the
specifications, details in the drawings, scope of work, and have fully
understood our responsibilities in executing and completing the works
to the full satisfaction of the department.
5.2.7 That I/We do hereby solemnly state that I/We do not intend to migrate
to any foreign country during the period of the contract and that I/We
will produce a clearance certificate from the Income/Sales Tax Officer
at the time of final payment or taking refund at the security deposit if
5.2.8 I/We have based our tender rates having the full knowledge of the
statement and facts.
5.2.9 I/We hereby declare that the complete tender document is in the same
shape and form and nowhere in the tender have I/We entered any
Witness Witness
By ......................................... ...............................
Name Name
Occupation Occupation
Address Address
Approved by
or Bank guarantee.
(e) The percentage, if any to be deducted from bills.
duly authorized assistant will fix suitable date and intimate those
tenderers whose technical offer is found proper and open financial
offers of tenders in the presence of any tenderer who may be present
at the time and will enter the amount of the several tenderers in a
comparative statement in suitable form. In the event of a tender being
accepted by the committee a receipt for the earnest money forwarded
therewith shall thereupon be given to the contractor who shall
thereupon' for the purpose of identification, sign copies of the
specification and other documents mentioned in rule 9. In the event of
6. The committee shall have the right of rejecting all or any of the tenders
without giving any reason for the same.
10. Canvassing either before or after seals are broken will tender the offer
the inedible for consideration.
The , 200 Executive Engineer
Construction Division,
U.P, Jal Nigam,
attached and also deposit the said security with the Executive
Engineer, Construction Division , U.P. Jal Nigam Sahjahanpur for the
performance of the said contract.
Witness: Contractor
Hereinafter called the said works which said works are more
particularly described in the drawing and specifications hereto annexed AND
ALSO requires the provision of necessary material there for the have caused
the necessary drawings and specifications and schedules of rates to be
prepared and the contractor has delivered to the said M.D. A Tender for the
execution of the said works of the provision of the said materials AND
WHEREAS the M.D. has accepted such Tender subject to the provisions and
Conditions hereto attached. NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH as
follows. In consideration of the covenant, for the payment by and on behalf
Witness: Contractor
The S.E. shall mean the Superintending Engineer, IVth Circle, U.P.
Jal Nigam Bareilly for civil works and Superintending Engineer, (E/M)
23rd Circle , U.P. Jal Nigam Lucknow for E/M works or his authorized
representative hereinafter called Engineer.
The time allowed for carrying out the works shall be 6 calendar
months, shall be strictly observed by the contractor, and shall be
reckoned from the receipt of the written order to commence the work.
In any case in which UP. Jal Nigam under any clause or clauses of
these conditions the contractor shall have rendered himself liable to
pay compensation amounting to the whole of the security deposit
whether deducted in one sum or deducted by installment the
Engineer, on behalf of the M.D. of Jal Nigam, shall have power to
adopt any of the following course as he may deem best suited to the
interest of JAL NIGAM.
(a) To rescind the contract (of which rescission notice in writing to
contractor under the hand of the Engineer shall be conclusive
evidence) and in which case the security deposit of the contractor
together with such sum or sums due to him under this contract
shall stand forfeited and be absolutely at the disposal of the said
(b)Determine the contract and call in another contractor or employ daily
labour to dismantle bad work, if necessary (the bad work to
be certified by the Engineer whose decision shall be final).and to
renew and complete the said work land pay the cost of such
contractor for the daily labour and price of material required for
such dismantling , renewing and completion out of the said security
deposit for such sum or sums as may be due to the contractor
under this contra t and if such cost be more than the amount made
up of the security money and the sum or sums due to the
contractor under this contra t, the difference between it and sum
made by the security money and the balanced due to the
contractor as aforesaid shall be a debt due from the said contractor
to the said M.D. In the event of either of the above course being
his other authorized agent require him to remove such tools, plants,
materials or stores from the premises ( within a time to be specified in
such notice and in the event of the contract or failing to comply with
any such requisition, the Engineer may remove them at the
contractor's expense or sell them by Auction or private sale on
account of the contractor and at his risk in all respects, and the
certificate of the Engineer as to the expense of any such removal, and
the amount of the proceeds and the expense of any such sale be final
and the conclusive against the contractor.
on which the work has been executed all scaffolding, surplus materials
and rubbish and cleaned off all dirt and debris in upon or about the
premises of which he may had possession for the purpose of
executing the said works, If the contractor shall fall to comply with the
requirements of this clause as to removal of scaffolding , surplus
materials and rubbish and be cleaning of all dirt and debris on or
before the date fixed, for the completion of works the Engineer may at
the expenses of contractor remove such Scaffolding, surplus material
and rubbish and dispose of the same as he thinks fit and clean off
such dirt and debris of all expenses so incurred and shall have no
claim in respect of any such scaffolding or surplus materials as
aforesaid except for any sum actually realized by the sale thereof after
deducting the aforesaid expenses,
On measurements of the work done for the convenience of the
contractor, interim payments shall ordinarily be made monthly but final
payment shall not be made until the whole of the work shall have been
completed and certificate of the completion of the work given,
provided always that the Engineer may refuse to advance such
payments if in his opinion the progress of the work or the conduct of
the contractor is not satisfactory or the contractor has in any other way
done or neglected to do anything so as to make it doubtful whether the
works will be completed by him in accordance with the contract. But all
such interim payments shall be recorded as payments by way of
advance against the final payments only and as payment of work
actually done and completed and not regular the requiring of bad
unsound and imperfect or unskillful works to be removed and taking a
way or reconstructed or re-erected or be reconsidered as on
admission of the due performance of the contract or any part thereof
in any respect of the accruing of any claim, not shall it conclude,
The contractor shall execute the whole and every part of the
work in a most substantial and workman like manner both as regards
to materials and otherwise in every respect in strict accordance with
the specifications. The contractor shall also confirm exactly and
faithfully to the drawings and instructions in writing relating to the work
signed by the Engineer.
contract and any additional work which the contractor may be directed
to do in the man nor above specified as part of the work shall be
carried out by the contractor on the same conditions in all respect on
which he agreed to do the main work, and at the same rates as are
specified in the Schedule of rates marked, 'G' for the main work. And
should any alteration necessitate a curtailment of the work described
in the specifications and shown on the drawings it shall be lawful for
the Engineer to deduct from the sum of Rs.............................. value of
this contract as a sum equal to the amount that the curtailed portion of
the work if carried out would have cost based upon the rates set forth
in the schedule of rates marked 'G'. The time for the completion of the
work shall be extended if applied for by contractor in writing in the
proportion that the additional work bear to the original contract work
and the certificate of the Engineer shall be conclusive as to such
extension. And if the additional work includes any class of work for
which no rates provided in this contract, then such class of work shall
be carried out at rates to be agreed upon between the Engineer and
contractor in writing prior to the work being taken in hand. The basis
for fixing such rates shall ordinarily be the U.P. Jal Nigam erstwhile
L.S.G.E.D. schedule of rates for the district.
agent duly accredited in writing present for the purpose. Orders given
to the contractor's agent shall be considered to have the same force
as if they had been given to the contractor himself. Verbal orders shall
not be considered as binding on either party until they are confirmed
in writing signed by the Engineer.
The contractor shall give not less than five day's notice in
writing to the Engineer or his duly authorized assistant in charge of the
work before covering up. for otherwise placing by beyond the reach of
measurement any work in order that the same may be measured and
correct dimensions thereof be taken before the same is so covered up
or placed beyond the reach of measurement and shall not cover up or
place beyond the reach of measurement any work without the
consent in writing of the Engineer or his duly authorized assistant in
charge of the work, and if any work shall be covered, up or replaced
beyond the reach of measurement without such notice having been
given or consent obtained the same shall be uncovered at the
contractors expense, or in default thereof no payment or allowance
shall be made for such work or the materials with the same was
The contractor shall supply at his own cost all labour skilled and
unskilled and all things necessary (except such special things, if any,
as may, in accordance with the specification, be supplied from the
Engineer stores), such as plants, tools, appliances, implements,
ladders, cordage, tackle, scaffolding, shoring, shattering, pumps,
boilers, fuel, oils, patching, derrick , boring tools, wrenches and power
as well as all other apparatus and temporary work requisite or proper
for the proper execution of the works, whether original, altered or
substituted and whether included in the specifications or other
documents forming part of the contract or referred to in these
considerations or not which may be necessary for the purpose of
satisfying or complying with the requirements of the Engineer as to
any matter as to which under these conditions he is entitled to be
satisfied or which he is entitled to require, together with carriage
therefore to and from the work. The contractor shall also supply
without charge the requisite number of persons, with the means and
things necessary for the purpose of setting out the works, and
counting, weighing and assisting the measurement and examination at
any time and from time to time of the work done or materials supplied
by him. Failing his so doing the same may be provided by the
Engineer at the expense and risk of the contractor and the expenses
(of which the certificate of the Engineer shall be final) may be
deducted from any money due to the contractor under this contract or
from his security deposit. The contractor shall also provide at his own
expense all necessary fencing and light required to protect the public
from accident, and shall assume all liability for and indemnity against
all actions or suits arising out of or in connection with the carrying out
of the works whether such actions are brought by members of the
public, neighboring owner or workmen employed on works, save only
actions for permanent interference with casements to which the site
may be subject at law or in equity or otherwise arising out title of the
site. The contractor shall in carrying out works conform to the
Statutory and other legal enactment applicable to them and give all
notices and pay all fees payable to local authorities and others in
respect of them. The contractor shall be responsible for the adequacy,
strength and safety of all shoring, structuring, bonding, curbing,
brickwork, masonry concrete permanent or temporary, appliances,
matter and things furnished by him for the purpose of this contract.
conclusive and binding on all parties to the contract upon all question
relating to the measuring of the specification, drawings and
instructions herein before mentioned and as to the quality of
workmanship or materials used on the work, or as to any other
question, claim, right matter or things whatsoever, in any way arising
out of relating to, the contract, drawings, specifications, estimate,
instructions orders or these conditions or otherwise concerning the
contract, drawing, specifications, estimates instructions under the
works or the execution, or failure to execute the same whether arising
during the progress of the work or after the completion of the sooner
determination thereof the contract.
During the execution of the works and until the work is taken
over by the order of the executive Engineer, the contractor shall
employ competent agent and such foreman as may be necessary for
the proper execution of the "WORKS" ( and then work is carried on
day and night there shall be a foreman in charge of each shift) who
shall be engaged constantly on the works to ensure proper
management and efficient control.
(a) The M.D. has received from the Contractor the sum of Rs. as
earnest money the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. This
said sum together with the sum made up of the ten percent
(b) Fixed deposits of the State Bank of India, Allahabad Bank and Central Bank
shall also be accepted as security provided that all
such fixed deposits receipts must be issued in the name of the
U.P. Jal Nigam, and that they will be accepted as security and on the
conditions that Nigam will hold the deposit at the risk of
depositor and will not be failure of the Bank or to any other clause,
and that if the security is lost the loss will fall on the depositor who
will have to deposit fresh security.
in the execution of the said work, U.P Jal Nigam will recover
from the contractor the amount of the compensation so paid,
and without prejudice to the rights of Government under section
12 sub section (2) of the said Act, Jal Nigam shall be at liberty
to recover such amount or any part thereof by deducting it
either from the earnest money deposited by the contractor or to
his credit under clause 27 of these conditions or from any other
sum due by Jal Nigam to the contractor whether under this
contractor or otherwise.
(b) Jal Nigam shall not be bound to contest any claim made
against it under section 12, sub section (i) of the said Act ,
except on the written request of the contractor and upon his
given to Jal Nigam full security for all costs for which Jal Nigam
might become liable inconsequence of contesting the claim.
Signed by Contractor
Signed on behalf of the M.D. Uttar Pradesh Jai Nigam
Designation of Officer
That I/We do hereby solemnly state that I/We reside in India &
do not intend to migrate to any other country during the period of the
contract and that I/We will produce a clearance certificate from the
Income Tax Officer at the time to final payment or taking refund of the
security deposit, if demanded.
Witness................................. Contractor
Address................................. Address………………………………………...
…………………………….. ………………………………………………….
…………………………….. ………………………………………………….
2. Mechanical Vibrator
4. De-watering pumps
5. Sieve analysis
6. Test cube Moulds 3 No.
8. Mechanical lift
machine to lift
concrete Mix & other
required material
9. Cube test Machine
The tenderer will have to attach a Non Judicial stamp paper of
along with his tender on which agreement will be drawn as under :
Tender Invited by The Executive Engineer
Const. Division. U.P. Jal Nigam
Tender Notice No& date ………………………………...
Date of Tender: ………………………………...
In consideration of the Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam, Having treated the tenderer
to be an eligible person whose tender may be considered, The tenderer here by
agrees to the conditions that the proposal in response to the above invitation shall
to be drain in four (4) months from the date of opening of the tender also the
rendition that thereafter the tendered does tender his proposal within the said
period, the earnest money deposited by him may be for the Government of Uttar
Pradesh in the----------------------- of the latter.
Signed this-------------day of---------------------200
Signed by
Tenderer is advised in his can interest not to quote his own specifications
and conditions while tendering as specifications and condition other than given by
the department in the tender may result on the rejection of tender. However,
tenderer may give his suggestions.
Tenderer is advised to go thorough department general condition and
specification of work from S. 1 to 20 very care fully which are office in the printed
from of Lump sum contract, in the of during office hours on any working day as
these are not beilere incorporated being in this tender form. However these will
definitely attach in the final contract bond and will make important part on the final
contact Igherance of these conditions & specification from S 1 no s30 an answer
attached in this tender from.
Executive Engineer
The earnest money shall be accepted only in one of following:-
1- Post office saving bank pledge to the Executive Engineer, Const.
Division. U.P. Jal Nigam. Shahjahanpur.
2- National saving Certificate:
Tender received without Earnest Money will be rejected their rates
will not be declared.
The security money shall be accepted only in the National Saving
The stamp duty shall have to be deposited along with the security,
before entering in to contract, as required buy the current
Government orders.
Executive Engineer
Const. Division U.P. Jal Nigam,
1- I/We have read the general conditions given the printed from of lump sum
item rate/lump sum contract of U.P. Jal Nigam, I/We under stand fully with
that. These conditions shall be incorporated in the final contract Bond and
shall made part of the contract, if the work is finally awarded to me/us. I/We
have also read the schedule "G" & "I" thoroughly and have been seen the
site of work, and site plan.
2- That I/We do hereby solemnly state that I/We do not intend to migrate to
Pakistan or any other country now or during the period of the contract that
I/We will produce a tax clearance certificate from the income Tax Office at
the time of final payment or taking refund of the security, deposited, if
demand. Failure buy me/us to produce such certificate shall entitle the Jal
Nigam to take such action to follow such course as prescribed by the law
enforced at that time and I/We shall have no right to claim for any
compensation what so ever on account of exigency.
Date --------------------------
Signed by the contractor
1 2 3 4 5 6
Signature of contractor
Note: The above particulars are to be filled in by each tender or and returned
along with the tender.
12.5mm - - 90-100
10 mm 0-35 25-55 40-85
4.75 mm 0-5 0-10 0-10
2.36 mm - - -
The contract provides for construction of a Pump House cum
Chloronome as per departmental type design and drawings, construction of
Barbed wire fencing and 3.60 m wide Iron gate with pillar and BOE approach
road and all other related works as per Schedule 'G-4' and drawings
attached herewith this contract for Allahganj water supply scheme. The
general specifications of Building works given herein under shall also apply
for all other building works required in other parts of specification journal
and parts of Schedule 'G-4'.
This contract shall deemed to be complete after all the works have
been tested and handed over to the Ex. En. C.D. U.P. Jal Nigam,
Shahjahanpur and contractor shall also be fully responsible for maintenance
Excavation shall be carried out of specified depth and dimension and
will be upto the exact bottom, required for proper completion of work, no hole
should be left, and should be fixed with concrete. All damages arising out of
the falling of sides of the trenches during the excavation be made good by
the contractor at his own expenses who shall also be responsible for any
damage to persons, things or property that may result from the falling or
giving way of sides or the insufficient guarding of the same. The contractor at
his own cost shall cart away all surplus earth and dispose it off upto 60M as
required by the Engineer. The earth will generally be required in raising road
side/parties and filling in embankment. Sand will have to be properly
depressed as per instructions of the Engineer incharge. Its is likely that sub
soil water is met with during construction, the contractor shall necessarily
provide pumps and other appliances for keeping the trenches clear of water
and shall make his rates sufficiently comprehensive to cover this and all
incidental works that may be necessary for its proper execution and
maintenance during maintenance period.
Any extra depth than actual minimum excavated due to any reason
whatsoever shall be filled with concrete 1:4:8 to the required level by the
contractor at his own cost and any extra width, then minimum requirement,
excavat3d due to any reason shall be filled with selected earth, sand, coarse
sand, etc. by the contractor at his own cos. The work should comply with
detailed specifications of Jal Nigam/LSGED and PWD specification relevant
to the work.
All the RC.C. work shall be laid according to the direction given to the
contractor. A design mix shall be preferred but if contractor is willing to use
nominal proportion of mixes following proportions shall have to be adhered
for coarse aggregate of 20 mm grading and lime aggregate .
Nominal mix or design mix shall have to be prepared in such a way to give
required workability, as per instructions of Engineer-in-charge/Site in charge
and a characteristics strength not less than appropriate values given in
circular submitted by the contractor. However following IS specifications
shall have to be followed by the contractor.
4.1 All materials should confirm to specification laid down in detailed
specifications for material Part-A or wherever above specifications
are silent, IS specifications shall be referred.
The workability of concrete should have to be maintained in
such a way as is just sufficient for proper placement and compaction
of concrete, which will surround and grip all the reinforcement for
vibrated concrete workability of concrete shall be lower. However,
concrete of following workability worked out from slump test is
recommended to be maintained at site.
Concreting shall be carried out continuously upto construction joints
position and arrangement shall be done as follows:
(i) Construction joints shall be left at pint of contra flexure in leading
members. Joint should be vertical and roughened.
(ii) In direct compression members or vertical joints, the joint should be
in a key like manner, that the width of joint is not less than 1/4 th
lateral dimension and not more than 1/3rd of lateral dimension. Depth
of joint should be kept equal to width of joint in key like manner and
roughened, when work has to be resumed should be swept, cleaned
and thoroughly wetted. Loose material of last concreting should have
been removed. On heat, rough, wet and hardened surface neat
cement slurry shall be applied in specified water cement ratio.
When the joint is horizontal, the wet surface with cement slurry should be
covered with a layer of mortar about 10 to 15 mm
thick composed of cement and sand in the same ratio as the cement
and sand in concrete mix. This layer of cement slurry or mortar shall
be freshly mixed and applied immediately before placing of the
When the concrete has not fully hardened all laitance shall be
removed by scrubbing the wet surface with wire brush, care should
be taken to avoid dislodgement of particles of aggregate. The surface
shall be thoroughly wetted and all free water removed. The surface
shall then be coated with neat cement slurry n specified water
cement ratio On this surface, a layer of concrete not exceeding 150
mm in thickness shall first be placed and shall be well rammed
against old work particular attention being paid to corners and close
spots, work hereafter shall proceed in the normal way.
The construction joint in water retaining structure should be
done as per IS:53370 (Part-l) - 1965 and be sealed by means of
appropriate material on water face.
(iii) Forms shall not be struck until the concrete has reached at strength
at least twice the stress to which concrete may be subjected at the
time of removal of form when concrete does not reach the above
mentioned stress form work has to be kept for longer period for which
no extra payment shall be made to contractor. Any loss due to the
removal of formwork prior to reaching the concrete stress mentioned
above shall be sole responsibility of the contractor. However, in
normal circumstances and where ordinary Portland cement is used.
Forms may generally be removed after the expiry of the following
periods :
Walls, columns and vertical 24 to 48 hours as may be
decided by the Engineer in-charge.
(a) faces of ail structural
(b) Slab (props left under) 72 hours.
(c) Beam {softits (props left 7 days
(d) Removing of props under
(i) Spanning upto 4.5 M. 7 days
(ii) Spanning over 4.5 M. 14 days
(e) Removal of props under
beams & arches..
(i) Spanning upto 6 M. 14 days
(ii) Spanning over 4.5 M. 21 days
Exposed surface of concrete shall be kept continuously in a damp or
wet condition by pending or by covering with a layer of sacking.
At the time of laying, the joints shall be revoked out with edge of
trowel so as to leave the mortar level with the face of brick work.
The cement and sand mortar 1:2 shall first be pressed into joints. The
top of the horizontal joints shall then be neatly pressed back about 3
mm with the point tool so that joint may slope Dom top to bottom. The
vertical joint shall be rule pointed. The junctions of vertical joints with
horizontal joints shall be at true right angles. The work shall confirm
to Jal Nigam/PWD /specification, which can be seen in the office of
14. P.C.PLASTER1:6AND1:4
The cement, coarse sand plaster 1:2 laid in panels finished with 3mm
thick floating coat of neat cement in 1:5 cement and marble dust shall
be done in accordance with Jal Nigam/PWD specification.
40 mm thick insulation layer of sand and clay over R.C.C. roof shall
be laid Lime concrete with 25 mm gauge brick ballast. White lime and
surkhi in proportion of 100:1836 in roof terracing shall be provided in
accordance with Jal Nigam/PWD specification which can be seen in
the office of Engineer.
R.B. work with 1st class bricks laid in cement & coarse sand mortar
1:3 shall be provided as shown in the drawings in accordance with
RCC precast jallies of 10 cm. x60 cm. size shall be provided as per
drawings and as per direction and also to the satisfaction of Engineer
All iron works shall be planted two costs of approved paint (Berger or
equivalent quality) over one coat of primer of approved quality as per
the satisfaction and approval of Engineer in-charge. The work shall
confirm to Jal Nigam/PWD specifications, which can be seen in the
Engineer's office.
Water works shall be provided with BOE approach road as per Jal
Nigam/PWD specification.
All other item not described above shall be as shown in drawings and
to the entire satisfaction of Engineer In-charge .
The contract provides for the supply , laying and jointing of all
PVC/AC distribution system and D.I. pipe rising main, fittings and
specials and all other appurtenant works as per schedule 'G' and
index plan/design and drawings attached herewith in this contract.
specification s, which can be seen in the office at any working day and
office hours before filling in the tender, and the contractors shall
include all such works as detailed there in as well as all imploring
shoring and shuttering as this shall not be paid extra.
It shall consist of two C.I. flanges, C.I. collar and two rubber
rings with a set of nut bolts. For jointing. A flange, a rubber ring and a
collar should be slipped to the first pipe in that order, a flange and a
rubber ring shall be introduced from the jointing of the next pipe. After
aligning the both pipes and keeping the collar centrally placed, joints
of the flanges shall be tightened with nut and bolts.
6.2.2 C.I. flanged specials and fittings like tee, bends tapers, etc,
confirming to IS: 1538-1976/84 or its latest amendments part 1
to 24 shall be supplied and jointed as per methods told above.
Supply and fixing of C.I. D/F S.V . will confirm to IS 8780-1984
tested to 10 kg/cm2 underground fire hydrant (sluice valve
type) shall be supplied and fixed as per IS-909-1975 or its
latest amendment . Selection, installation and maintenance of
sluice valve shall confirm to speciation land down in IS 2685-
1971 or its latest amendment. Reflux valves shall confirm to IS
5312-1969 or its latest amendment. Supply and fixing ball
valves horizontal plunger type shall confirm to IS 1703-1977.
Air valves as required in schedule 'G-1' shall confirm to relevant
threading into PVC pipes shall be done. Normally all the valves are
jointed by flanged joints. Lockers can sometime be plugged by
fastening clamps with rubber gaskets. However laying of PVC pipe will
be done only after the pipes is supplied and tested as per relevant IS
codes to the satisfaction of Engineer and a certificate to this effect is
produced. Contractor shall be solely responsible for pipelines to be
made 100% leak proof during work and for a maintenance period of
one year after the date of commissioning.
back to test pressure, if there is a loss of pressure during the test. The
quantity of water required to restore the test pressure of 30 M. for 24
hours should not exceed 1.5 liters per 10 mm of nominal dia for a
length of 1 Km.
Single tap pillar type stand post and valve chambers as per
schedule 'G-1' and index plan shall be constructed as per
departmental type design . Item wise general specifications of work
and materials are given in following parts of specification journal and
shown in the drawing. For detailed specifications relevant IS
specification/Jal Nigam, PWD specification shall be followed.
However, estimate of unit quantities of work and work specifications
unit wise can be seen in the office on any working day.
Supply and fixing of C.I. surface box, for Sluice valve, shall
confirm to IS 3950-1979 or its latest amendment and chambers as per
type design and drawing attached with the tender and to the
understanding of Engineer.
D.I. pipes supplied will be pressure tested for field working and
hydrostatic test pressure and other tests shall be carried out as per IS
1536-1989 or other relevant IS Codes/Jal Nigam
specifications/Manual on water supply and Treatment-1999 or its
latest edition prior to laying and to the satisfaction of Engineer. Before
laying a certificate of testing will have to be produced to the
satisfaction of Engineer. Mains will be tested after commissioning for
any leakage and rectified and during the maintenance period of one
year; all defects shall be rectified by the contractor.
Contractors can give his rates for other items not covered in IS
or Jal Nigam/PWD specification e.g. leakage of pipe materials and
leaks from pipe ruptures during testing and commissioning and
maintenance period, extra rate for working in nights for emergent
repairs and works, cutting of running pipe lines which can be quoted in
extra item schedule 'H-1' by the contractor or any other items not
covered as above . Extra item Schedule shall be subject to the
sanction by next higher competent authority than the Engineer
Incharge accepting the tender. Contractor should also quote his rates
The contractor are well advised to see the site of works thoroughly before
filling their tenders. Besides providing proper barricades, sufficient no, of
notice board, red flag and watchman they might have to make necessary
and adequate arrangements for the diversions of the traffic and many have
to do the pipe laying work in the night as well. They should make their rates
sufficiently comprehensive to cover for all such expenditure, as no extra
payment on this account shall at all be made.
30- The said works required for the purpose of providing, water supply.
31- The contract comprises mainly the following works "laying and jointing of C.I.
specials & fitting and appurtenant works including excavation of trenches
removal/ disposal of surplus materials and temporary fain statement of the
surface to the satisfaction of the Engineer and other appurtenant works.
32- The contract shall be deemed to be finally completed when all the work
comprised there in shall have success fully with steed on whole rainy season
and the period of the not less than 12 months after the date of completion to
the satisfaction of the Engineer and final clearance Certificate covering the
maintenance has been issued.
Further before ordering any materials, the contractor shall from his
own conclusions as to the actual amount for materials required as the
payment will only be made on & net measurements of the work actually
The contractor shall provide all page, plates, and pillars out the work
and shall give such assist once as may be required by the Engineer or his
authorized reprehensive infixing Given levels and checking works before
during and after execution of work.
34- As materials are collected and the construction of each section of the work is
completed it will be checked over buy the Engineer of his authorized
representative, a representative of the contractor shall as earth in form what
part or portions we wished do check, over and pass but such approval shall
in no way relieve the contractor of nay of his responsibilities which shall not
and until the contract has bee completed as defined in clause-32( of the
35- During the progress of the work and the period of the maintenance the
contractor shall Gary out such tests as in the opinions of the Engineer or his
authorized representative are necessary to determine that the materials
supplied comply with the condition of the general and detailed specification
whether under test conditions of the actual use the test to be carried out
shall be the Engineer, The Engineer, however, reserves the right to include
any further tests he considers necessary. The Engineer may require the
rates in schedule 'E1 and as. The Engineer however, reserves the right to
include any further test he considers necessary. The rates in schedule 'G'
shall include cost of such test.
36- As the work proceeds the contractor shall submit detailed dimensioned
drawing of the fabricated or manufactured portions of the work and fittings,
which he is supplying for approval or as may be required by the Engineer.
These drawing shall be submitted for approval in duplicate and after having
been approval nay further reasonable no. of copies for the surge of Govt. or
the representative of the Engineer shall be supplied to the Engineer by the
contractor list of drawing which be submitted in the first in stance is given in
schedule 'C'
37- As the work proceeds the contractor shall submit samples of materials
for approval as may be required by the Engineer and all deliveries at the site
shall but below the standard of the samples. A list of such samples is
required in the first instance in given in schedule 'D'.
38- The contractor must tender in general in accordance with the requirements
of these specification but they shall be at liberty to offer alternatives or
modifications. The items in these specifications or schedules must new
however be alerted to Isuit, the alternatives or modification any alternations
or modifications must be submitted as an addendum and forwarded along
with the tender which, if approved in hole or parts will be amended in the
contract at the time of acceptance.
39- The contractor must fill in the rates and amount etc. in English or in Hindi
written in Dev Nagri script in schedule 'D ! .He must write in words as well
as in figures the rate and total costs of each item in the column provided j in
schedule 'D' Booth the schedule must also be signed by the contractor or a
duty accredited agency on his behalf it is a strictly for bidden to modify or
40- The contractor must carefully go through the conditions, specification and
items of contract and study hole drawings before tendering. In case of any
obscurity he should apply to the Engineer for the elucidations as no excuse
for want of know ledge for non-compliance any party of portion of
the specifications for items of contract shall be considered.
41- Octopi charges on all materials brought by the contractor for the work from
out side the municipal limit shall be paid buy him to the municipal board in
accordance with the municipal schedule of rates in force at the time the
materials cross the municipal barriers.
The contractor should consult the municipal schedule of rates and
look an allowances for the same in his rates as no extra acclaim on account
of it shall be entertained.
42- Firm price in rupees and pause shall be quoted for each item each in the
schedule 'G' tenders shall remains good and open for acceptance for a
period of four calendar month form the date they are opened.
The contractor shall, before tendering, consider the fluctuations in
rates of materials, and lab our form time to time and shall make provision
for the same in his rates as no exec use for allowing any increase in the
rates ten dread by him on this account will be entertained.
supply of drinking water to his own employees and labour He should defrays
all charges in this connection and include in his rates sufficient amount to
cover such charges. All such facilities as are now required to provide for the
lab ours under the labour welfare rules in force shall also be provided by the
contractor at his own cost.
44- The contractor shall be responsible for fencing of in a good and sufficient
manner a all excavation, work and materials, at niter so as to prevent
accidents by night as well as day. He shall also be responsible for lighting up
in a proper and sufficient manner at night the portions of the work, which is
open, or under construction and he shall maintain sufficient numbers of
watchman on duty when his workers are not actually working. He should
make his rates sufficiently comprehensive to allow for these duties. The
contractor shall be fully responsible and indemnity to Govt. are any other
person or persons of accidents caused either by the neglect of such
predations or other wide.
Notice board shall be supplied and fixed in suitable portions where
the road or other through. Fares have been opened out for the construction
work and the traffic has been deserved or cautioned, such board shall
display in large letters in b lack and white or in red and white scholar such
etc. such question notice must also be fixed at suitable points in the neighbor
hood of the work where other roads joint or cross the road opened but so
that traffic may have sufficient warning to avoid the blocked road by taking
any alternative routes or by using the diversion provided by the contractor.
46- The contractor shall provide at his down expense a tip for surplus earth and
shall removed from works will spoil and rubbish. He shall include in her rates
a sufficient sum to cover the cartage and charges is this connection.
47- The contractor shall provide all appliances pumps, engines, machinery,
suction & delivery piping foundations fastening, fuel or electric power to run
the plants lubricants, cotton waste and all labour skilled and unskilled
necessary for dealing with all springs, flood water or drainage encountered
during constructions. The contractor shall make his rates sufficiently
comprehensive to cover the cost of such work should the occasion arises.
The pumps & other machineries if available with the department can be
issued to the contractor on department terms & conditions for issue to tools
and plants on loan.
48- The contractor shall include in his rates a sufficient amount to cover the cost
50- The measurement for payment of jointing if C. I.A.C. & PVC pipe shall be taken
form one and to another including specials, & fitting, No. extra payment will
be made for specials and fitting such as sluice valve & Reflex valve etc.
51- The quantities given in the schedule 'G' are approximate & may very up to
any extent. The payment will be made on actual NEET measurement taken
during construction and after completion orders the extra quantities of
materials required after working out his won quantities as he will be not be
paid for any materials or dared & procured but not used on works.
52- The work shall be paid for in manner get out in the general connection here
to annexed and the rates stated in schedule 'G' item not included in this
schedule will be paid vide clause 13 of the general quantities of the contract.
Engineer, Const. Division. U.P. jai Nigam, Shahjahanpur or obtained from the
superintending & stationery U.P.P. Allahabad.
(B) Material (raw & manufactured)
54- The contractor shall find, provide and supply and include in his rates for all
labour, materials, tools and plants required temporary or permanently on the
works that may became proper of necessary to completion the execution of
the work in all.
55- The sand used on the works for cement mortar, lime mortar, cement
concrete another purpose shall comply in every respect with P.W.D.
detailed specifications No-7 peer sled. 'A'(Biddy) with such modification as
mentioned in schedule 'E' or in the body of the specification, such sand
when mixed with cement shall confirm with the test laid down in the B.J./S.
for' port land' cement for Hirsute was composed of cement and sand. It shall
also comply with the test specification in schedule 'E'
56- Cement shall be supplied by the contractor.
57- Brick shall complete with detailed specification No-1 part I sec.(A) (Bldg), of
58- These material shall complete in every respect with the respective clause of
the P.W.D. detailed specifications part-I sect-'A' (Bldg) which shall be
deemed to incorporated in this contract.
59- These shall be supplied by the department, free of cost on the terms &
conditions given in such- T contract shall be responsible for the safe
cartage storage and use of these materials in case any a article issued to
him is damaged lost for remain unaccounted for, the cost the same at
62- Certain other material not particularly mentioned or decried here in may be
required for the works and these if not specifically mentioned shall comply
with the description set out in P.W.D. detailed specifications or BSS for the
receptive materials. These specifications, in so for as they are applicable
shall be deemed to b e in corporative in the contract.
63- The tenders are advised to inspect the site of which the work is to be carried
out so that they may from their own idea regarding the difficulties in
transportation of materials and execution of work they are advised to make
their own investigations regarding the conditions or under ground strata,
availability of material and water required for construction & test so that they
may quote their rates after accounting for all the difficulties and making
provision for the complete item of work. No claim what so ever shall be
entertained subsequently for want of knowledge of working and other
difficulties. The cost of each item shall include all labour, material (except
pipes, specials and fittings), tools and plants and another work necessary for
the proper completion of work to the satisfaction of the Engineer whether
specifically mentioned here in or not. It may, however, be noted by the
contractor that he shall be responsible for the complete water tightness of
the pipe line and will be required to give a water tightness test for the same
at his own cost.
All pipes, specials & fitting & jointing material will be issued by the
department free of cost, other stores to be supplied by the department have
also been enumerated in schedule T annexed here to as per terms &
conditions mentioned there.
64- The excavation for foundation of buildings and trench of pipe lines shall be
carried out in accordance with the P.W.D. catalog detailed specification No-
3 of part I sch. ‘A’ and U.P. Jal Nigam, detailed specification No 2 & 3 The
rates shall include for centering shuttering, timbering spamming out or
leveling out water where over necessary all complete. The contractor shall
be responsible or any damage done to adoring properly or to nay the works
in progress or partial completed due to any lips, subsidence's etc. He shall
make good all damages on this account at his own cost to the satisfaction of
the Engineer.
The trenches shall be made of sufficient width. Trenches that shall be
payable to 0.6 meters plus inner dia. of the pipe. If the contractor
excavate a width less that this, the actual width will be paid the excavation
shall be carried out up to depth so as provide a cover of at least one meter
over the socket of the pipe in case the contractor excavated more depth
than required at any place he shall fill the trenches to the required level at
this own cost with cement concrete 1:6:12 in local sand first class brick
ballast as directed by the Engineer.
The trenches shall properly be corticated and fenced off. Red
flanges and caution boards during day & red light during night shall besides
play so as to avoid any accident. The contractor is advised to make his down
investigations regarding the depth of sub soil water nature of soil and other
difficulties likely to be most with during execution of work that he may work
out his rates after accounting for all these difficulties. He shall provide pumps
other appliances from rendering the trenches clear of subsoil any other water
that may find its way in to it and shall duly account for this in his rates, as no
extra claims for such exigencies will be entertained. The rate for excavation
shall also include for refilling of trenches in 15 cm, layers and each layer
shall be well watered and rammed. The contractor shall make his own
arrangements for the water required for consolidation of trenches and he
shall defray all expenses in that regard. All surplus earth shall be disposed
fits evenly around the whole circumference and any bulges which would
prevent the proper entry of the spigot are removed. A thin film lubricant will
than be applied to the inside surface of the gasket which will be in contacted
with the entering spigot. In addition a thin film of lubricant will also will
supplied to this out side surface of the entering spigot for distance of about
2.5a cm. from the socket and the pipe to be jointed shall than be jointed shall
than be supported centrally be the tackle used for laying. The spigot of the
pipe will be aligned and entered carefully in to the adjusted socket I until it
makes concrete with the gasket. The joint assembly will them be completed
by forcing the aspgot and of the entering pipe part the gasket which will get socket
if the assembly is not completed with the application of reasonable
force the spigot will be removed and the position of the gasket will be
examined and the above method of jointing will be repeated will the joint
assembly is made correctly The rack and lever tackle will be used for
completely the assembly. This tackle cab be obtained by the department can
also supply to them ons hire on department terms & conditions. The rate for
laying & Jointing of S/S tyton pipes shall also include cutting of the cracked
ends or cutting of the pipe for making up lengths and chamfering of cuts
spigot and by filing contractors should note carefully cut spigot and must be
chamfered before extern them in tyton sockets.
All scrap and cut pipes and cast iron pipe, shall be returned, by
the contractor to the department of U.P. Jal nigam godown. The necessary
supports by angle iron or channel or contraction c-f pillars will be made free
of cost. The other jointing materials will be supplied free of cost at U.P. jal
Nigam, godown Shahjahanpur.
In case of A.C. Pipes, the joints shall be made with C.I. detachable
joints or A.C couplings to be supplied by the department free of cost. The pipe
length shall rest or firm and over ground and joint pits will be made
below, the joint so as not be allow the pipes to hand on the joints.
The rates of laying and jointing of pipe shall (include for taking
delivery of pipes, specials and jointing from the U.P. Jal Nigam store and
carting the same to site, lowering in to trenches and then jointing the same
as per specification. It will also include the cost of the testing of pipeline. The
work shall not be considered as completed until the pipe lines are tested as
specified in schedule 'E'.
66- The sluice valves, fire hydrants and air valve shall be collected by the
contractor from the local U.P. Jal Nigam, godown carted to site, fixed in
position as shown in the drawing or as directed by the Engineer In charge.
It may be necessary to open the so water supply fitting .oil and
grease packing etc. for its separate payment will not be made.
The fixing of fire hydrant and air valves shall be paid separately.
as per type design and the item of works involved in construction of the
same shall be as per relevant P.W.D. & U P. Jal Nigam detailed
68- While making connection of the new main with old main it may have to be out
to insert specials as may suit the place or as may be directed by the
Mostly the work of connection main shall be done at night during
non supply hours and hence the contractors rate should be quoted
comprehensive to cover light charge, double wages labour required to been
gagged beyond working hours.
The contractor will inform this office one weak in advance the date
when he starting to make connection and will be confirmed by this office after
consulting the water works Engineer. In case the contractor fails to
complete the connection with in specification hours and date or he does not turn
up without extra ordinary reasons to connections of the date and time
already fixed a fine Rs. 50.00 per day shall be imposed upon him.
In case the connection in postponed for demand of water in the city
or by some other reason no claim of the contractor will be entertained. The
dismantled or cut portions of the pipes and specials shall be handed over by the
contractor to the department, of U.P. Jal Nigam godown, and should
obtain a receipt for the same from the overseer in charge of store.
The contractor shall include in his rates the cutting of C.I. or A.C.
mains, making the cutting, edges of the main and carting of C.I. specials of
required size from U.P. Jal Nigam store to site of work, lowering them in to
trenches and fixing in position of the required place as directed by the
Engineer, Bailing out or pumping out of water all T&P and material etc,
required for completing the job,& returning the scrap and cut piece, of pipes
etc, to departmental store. The payment for laying and jointing, of pipe and
specials shall be made extra separately as per Item of schedule-'G' The
contractor shall be responsible for the complete water tightness of the
connection and joints. The site is to be made clean after completing the
69- As for as possible the pipe line shall beading there ad patters, but if it is
absolutely necessary to open the road surface or pavement of any type
then this shall be restricted to the minimum. The width of the trench at top
should be as specified in clause no 64. This work will not be included in
earth work and shall be paid separately.
The contractor will sort out the different types of road materials taken
out from road and payment cutting and stack them properly. This dismantled
material shall belied and consolidated temporarily, at top layer of trenches
after the pipe line has been laid and the trenches filled properly and disposal
of the remaining surface materials within MUNICIPAL LIMITS as directed by
the Engineer. The temporary reinstatement of road surface and
reinstatement, of bricks payment shall be done with old. Dismantled
materials and shall be laid on well-consolidated earth surface. The brick
payments should be reinstated in a proper way and should not give
hampered or zigzag lock . In case the reinstatement is not found to the
satisfaction of the Engineer, The contractor should dismantle the same and
do it again for which no extra payment will be made.
Under this item the contractor should quite his rates for dismantling of
any type of road surface or pavement and tempt. Reinstatement of road
surface pavement and subsequent temp. Reinstatement with the same
materials in proper way. The measurement will be taken in sqm. and it will
be presumed that the depth of the road surface or payment will be treated
30 cms. and the domical contents of the same shall be deducted from the
excavation of earth work. No other payment shall be made beyond 30 cm
depth for cutting or road or pavements the width of road cutting shall be the
same as per trenches for payment of pipe line any extra width of road
surface dismantled by the contactor shall not be paid, and the same should
have to reinstated by the contractor at the his own cost.
Executive Engineer
Const. Division,
UP. Jal Nigam, Shahjahanpur
Signature of contractor
work shall be carried out as per drawing mentioned in ; Sch 'B' and
as per instructions of the Engineer in writing from time to time and to his
entire satisfaction. The contractor shall have to make his own arrangement
for water required for use during construction for shoring his tools & plants
and materials and for accommodation for his staff engaged on work.
The contractor shall have to pay the octroi charges on important
materials and he is advised to study the schedule of rates in the MUNICIPAL
The materials to be supplied by the department and the terms &
conditions have clearly been specified in sch-T annexed here to.
Only such schedule 'B' contractor's who have good control over
labour done similar works should give tenders.
List of drawing which are attached with the tender list of drawing
which and will be the part of C.B.
1- Spun yarn
2- Pig lead
3- Hard stone grit 0.30 cum
4- Coarse sand 0.30 cum
1- The contractor shall test for the perfect water tightness of pipes
specials fittings and joints under a total head of water under direction of
Engineer I/C. The contractor shall provide the pumps and appliance at his
own cost and test the joint st the above head. Incase of failure at the joints,
the contractor shall be held responsible land shall have to rectify the defect
to the satisfaction of the Engineer. No extra claim will be considered in this
connection for the item of work including water supply required for testing of
work, the cutting of roads, exposing of pipe rectifying the defects to the
satisfaction of the Engineer and the . Reinstatement of concrete or. any
others type of road or pavement either required for testing or rectifying the
defects as ordered by the Engineer . In case contractor fails to give the
required test of the pipe line laid by him. A deduction of 10% on total amount
of his will be made and which shall be released only after testing the pipe
line as specified to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Construction of Staff Quarters
Item Description of Items Quantity Unit Per Rates Tendered
In Fig. In Words.
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Excavation in foundation in ordinary soil
(loam ,caly&sand) including lift upto 1.5m
& lead upto 50 m refilling, watering and
ramming of excavated earth into trenches
or into the space between the building and
sides of foundation trenches or into the
plinth and disposal of surplus earth upto a
distance of 50 m from the centre of
foundation trenches. 31.50 cum
1 2 3 4 5 6
5 Same as above but for half brick thick
wall. 6.00 cum
1 2 3 4 5 6
11 40 mm thick 1:2:4 plain cement concrete
floor with cement, coase sand and 20 mm
gauge stone ballast laid in panels
finished with 3 mm floating coat of neat
cement or marble dust in ratio of 1:5 as
specified over 75 mm thick base concrete
consisting of cement, local sand and 40
mm gauge brick ballast in ratio of 1:6:12
and removing any over lapping of mortar
as on joints of panels if any and giving
them uniform finish including supply of all
materials, labour, T&P etc. required for
proper completion of the work. 66.00 sqm
1 2 3 4 5 6
17 Cement concrete in door, sill, chaukhats
and similar small works with cement
course sand 20 mm gauge stone ballast in
proportion of 1:2:4 excluding supply of
reinforcement and its bending but
including fixing and binding wire, moulds
and all other materials, labour, T&P etc.
required for proper completion of the work. 0.20 cum
1 2 3 4 5 6
23 20 mm thick cement platter dado in skirting
in 1:2 cement and coarse sand laid in
panels finished with 2 mm thick floating
coat of neat cement or 1:4 cement and
marble dust including supply of all
materials , labour, T&P etc, required for
proper completion of the work. 17.70 sqm
1 2 3 4 5 6
30 1st class brick floor laid dry joints sand
filled and its ramming including supply of
all materials, labour T&P etc. required for
proper completion of the work with 1 :2
(lush pointing (BOE). 53.00 Sqm
Zone - 9
Construction of Engineer/Office cum Godown
1 Schedule 'G' -1
2 Schedule 'G'- 2
Name of Contractor
I/We have read understood and accept for compliance, the above
mentioned instructions and conditions of this schedule and have taken
Name of Contractor