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Busbar trunking system


4/2 System description

4/4 System components

4/23 Technical Data

4/40 Weights

4/44 Dimension drawings

Siemens LV 71.T 2004

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
System description

4/2 Siemens LV 71.T 2004

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
System description

The LD busbar trunking system is used for both power transmission and
distribution. The system offers a high short-circuit rating and is particularly
suited for the connection of transformers to low-voltage main distribution
boards and sub-distribution boards. In applications where high powers are
required, conventional systems frequently require the use of parallel cables.
The LD system offers optimal power distribution for both horizontal and
vertical busbar runs.

1 Accessories 4 Junction units

L unit
2 Tap-off units Z unit
Degree of protection IP30 and IP54 (IP55 on request) U units
With fuse switch-disconnector from 125 A T unit
to 630 A
With/without fire barrier
With circuit-breakers for 80 A to 1250 A
Early make PEN or PE contact
5 Feeder units
Load free switching via positive operating sequences
Cable feeder units
Coding brackets
Universal connection element for transformer/
distribution boards
3 Straight trunking units
With/without fire barrier 6 Distribution board connection units
Degree of protection IP34 and IP54 (IP55 on request) For connection from the distributor to the SIVACON system from
4- and 5-conductor systems
Standard lengths: 1.6 m, 2.4 m and 3.2 m
Connection units for non-Siemens distribution systems
Optional lengths: 0.5 3.19 m
With/without tap-off points
Fire barriers: Fire resistance class S 120 conform to DIN 4102 9

Siemens LV 71.T 2004 4/3

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
System components

Preliminary comments for tender specification

The busbar trunking systems should be offered should be assured via positive operating conductor must be tinned and provided with an
as type-tested sequences. additional insulating layer of epoxy-resin.
low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assem-
If required, the busbar trunking system should be Fire load should not exceed the value stated in
blies TTA to IEC/EN 60439-1 and -2, DIN VDE
capable of being equipped with asbestos-free fire the technical specifications. Expansion compen-
0660 Part 500 and Part 502 (German standard),
barriers which comply with fire resistance class sation units and fixed points should be engi-
as a steel-encapsulated ready-to-connect
S 120, and which have been certified by the local neered based on their requirements and busbar
or government authority responsible for building run (horizontal mounting). In the case of verti-
The distribution systems must be suitable for standards. The trunking unit's steel enclosure is cally mounted trunking units, a compensation
power transmission, e.g. between transformer made of moulded steel profiles to permit large unit and fixed point must be integrated in every
and low-voltage main distribution boards, as clearances between suspension points. The system module. Junction units with flexible
well as for power distribution providing a supply enclosure is galvanized and painted with in a light connections or cable connections are not
of power to an entire area. grey colour (RAL 7035). permitted.
The brand offered must be a complete system The external dimensions may not exceed The following certificates or declarations of
consisting of system modules, including trans- 180  180 (240) mm. conformity must accompany the offer:
formers and elements for connection to the
The individual system modules are connected by DIN ISO 9001 QA certification
distribution boards, as well as such as brackets,
hanging a hook from a bolt and tightening a Proof of sprinkler testing
straight trunking units and junction units. All
state-of-the-art maintenance-free single-bolt Proof of absence of halogen
components should be available both in straight
clamp. The conductor between two system units
and offset versions. Proof of prevention of propagation of an
should not be connected with screws.
Trunking units with tap-off openings should be arcing fault
The conductor material is made of Aluminium or Proof that system is maintenance-free
able to be equipped with coded tap-off units.
of copper if the rated current requires. The
The tap-off units must be protected with coding Following the general information, a precise
Aluminium conductor must be nickel-plated and
brackets to prevent incorrect mounting. Isola- description of the system based on the technical
tinned along its entire length, the Copper
tion of the tap-off units during dismounting requirements should be provided as follows:

LDA/LDC busbar trunking system technical data Important planning information:

Rated current _________1) The normal installation orientation of the busbar
trunking system is a horizontal edgewise mounting
Degree of protection IP34/IP542) of the busbars. In exceptional cases, due to a
particular busbar run or through the option of
Mounting position horizontal/vertical2) attaching tap-off units on the side, it is not possible
Rated insulation voltage 1000 V AC/1200 V DC to avoid flat placement of the busbars. Through the

4 Rated operational voltage 1000 V AC

increased internal heating of the system in this
case, a derating of the rated current is necessary.
The same applies for the vertical differences in
Rated frequency 16 2/3 60 Hz height > 1.3 m (see the Key to type references
Rated peak withstand current Ipk _________1) section in the following table).
The LD busbar trunking system is equipped with a
Rated short-time withstand current Icw (1s) _________1) ventilation system. When enhancing the degree of
Conductor material Al/Cu2) protection from IP34 to IP54 (enclosed system),
the rated current must be derated as specified in
Number of conductors L1 L3 and PEN (4 busbars/4-pole) the table in the following section.
L1 L3 and m PEN (7 busbars/4-pole)
L1 L3 and PEN (8 busbars/4-pole)
L1 L3, N, PE (5 busbars/5-pole)
L1 L3, m N, m PE (8 busbars/5-pole)
L1 L3, N, m PE (9 busbars/5-pole)

Fire load without tap-off points _________1)

Enclosure dimensions LDA1 to LDC3 180  180 mm2)

LDA4 to LDC8 240  180 mm2)

1) Enter data of the selected system type. See the Technical Data for values.
2) Please cross out inapplicable information.

4/4 Siemens LV 71.T 2004

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
System components

Key to type references

The basic components of the LD-system are deter- The following type key permits precise definition
mined using the key to type references. Type is of the system required.
defined and selected based on rated current,
conductor material, system type and degree of

Straight and angled trunking units, distribution board connection units

Rated current le [A] Version
IP34 IP54 IP31/IP54 No. 4 4 poles
Horizontal edgewise Horizontal Horizontal 6 5-poles
Including height differences edgewise flat
< 1.3 m > 1.3 m Vertical and vertical N/PEN
Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu 1 mL
1100 950 950 900 700 1 2 L
1250 2000 1100 1650 1100 1650 1000 1600 750 1200 2
1600 2600 1250 2100 1250 2100 1200 2000 1000 1550 3 Degree of protection
2000 1700 1700 1500 1200 4 3 IP34
2500 2100 2100 1800 1700 5 5 IP54
3000 3400 2300 2700 2300 2700 2000 2600 1800 2000 6
3700 4400 2800 3500 2800 3500 2400 3200 2200 2600 7 Fire barriers
4000 5000 3400 4250 3400 4250 2700 3600 2350 3000 8 120A LDA1 LDA3
Conductor material 120B LDA4 LDA8
Cu C
Fire barriers
Notes: Positioning
N/PEN = m L from LD.4... to (X*, Y*, Z*)
LD.8... possible
LD @ @ @ @ @ -....+LD-L @ @ @ @ - @ @ @

In 4-pole systems LD.14.. to LD.34.. PEN = L is always the case. 4

In 5-pole systems LD.16.. to LD.36.. PE + N = L is always the case.
In 5-pole systems LD.46.. to LD.86.. PE = m L is always the case.
With the LD.4... to LD.8... systems, a choice of N/PEN = m L or N/PEN = L is possible.
Also see section entitled Size and configuration of busbar package.

Selection example:

A rated current of 2500 A is required for a The required degree of protection is IP34. The
project. The conductor material to be used is installation is implemented horizontally edge-
aluminium. A 4-pole system is prescribed. The wise, without differences in height. With the aid
cross-section of the protective conductor should of the chart, the following type has been deter-
be same as the cross-section of the phase mined:
LDA 5423

Siemens LV 71.T 2004 4/5

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
System components

Size and configuration of the busbar package

The LD busbar trunking system comes in two

sizes. Depending on the application in question,
the user can select the system type (4-pole/
5-pole) and the size of the N/PEN cross-section.

Size 4-pole 5-pole

180 mm  180 mm PEN = L PE = N = L

LDA1.2. to LDA3.2.
L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3
LDC2.2. to LDC3.2.


240 mm  180 mm PEN = m L PE = N = m L

LDA4.1. to LDA8.1. L11 L21 L31 L32 L22 L12 L11L21 L31 L32 L22 L12
LDC6.1. to LDC8.1.


240 mm  180 mm PEN = L PE = m L, N = L

LDA4.2. to LDA8.2. L11 L21 L31 L32 L22L12 L11L21L31 L32 L22 L12

4 LDC6.2. to LDC8.2.


PE = L on request

4/6 Siemens LV 71.T 2004

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
System components

In the following drawings, a cut-out example of

a 7 busbar system is shown. The position of the
individual phases and the PEN protective earth
conductor is specified. The profile of the enclo-
sure can also be recognised.

L11 L21 L31 L32 L22 L12

PEN LDC busbar system with copper conductor


LD busbar systems are available with aluminium a copper busbar

(LDA....) and also copper (LDC....) conductor b tin coating
materials. Due to the conductors special surface c high-temperature resistant insulation coating
finishing, trunking units with different conductor
materials can be combined. Aluminium busbars To ensure a high short-circuit rating and main-
are designed with both a tin and nickel coating. tain proper distance between the busbars,
busbar supports are installed every 200 mm as
shown in the diagram below.

200 mm

LDA busbar systems with aluminium conductors

a aluminium busbar
b nickel coating, tin coating
c high-temperature resistant insulation coating 4

Siemens LV 71.T 2004 4/7

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
System components

Straight trunking units for horizontal installation

Straight trunking units are used for transmitting

electric power and supplying loads.
Without tap-off points
Standard lengths
1.6 m: LD.....-1.6
2.4 m: LD.....-2.4
3.2 m: LD.....-3.2
Optional lengths
0.50 m 0.89 m: LD.....-1W*
0.90 m 1.59 m: LD.....-2W*
1.61 m 2.39 m: LD.....-3W*
2.41 m 3.19 m: LD.....-4W*
Straight trunking unit for expansion compensa-
Standard length
1.2 m: LD.....-D

With tap-off points (top and/or bottom):

Standard lengths with 1, 2 or 3 tap-off points
3.2 m: LD.....-K-3.2-3AD
3 tap-off points
3.2 m: LD.....-K-3.2-2AD
2 tap-off points
3.2 m: LD.....-K-3.2-AD
1 tap-off point
Optional lengths with 2 tap-off points
2.20 m 2.40 m: LD.....-K-2W*-2AD
AD 2.41 m 3.20 m: LD.....-K-3W*-2AD
Optional lengths with 1 tap-off point
1.20 m 1.60 m: LD.....-K-1W*-AD
4 1.61 m 2.40 m: LD.....-K-2W*-AD
2.41 m 3.20 m: LD.....-K-3W*-AD

W = optional length
* = lengths in m
AD = tap-off point

4/8 Siemens LV 71.T 2004

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
System components

Straight trunking units for vertical installation

Without tap-off points with integrated expan-

sion compensation:
Standard lengths
2.4 m: LD.....-V-2.4
3.2 m: LD.....-V-3.2
Optional lengths
2.29 m 2.80 m: LD.....-V-1W*
2.81 m 3.00 m: LD.....-V-2W*
3.01 m 3.19 m: LD.....-V-3W*

With one tap-off point (top) with integrated

expansion compensation:
Standard lengths with 1 tap-off point
2.4 m: LD.....-K-V-2.4-AD
3.2 m: LD.....-K-V-3.2-AD
Optional lengths with 1 tap-off point
2.29 m 2.80 m: LD.....-K-V-1W*-AD
2.81 m 3.00 m: LD.....-K-V-2W*-AD
3.01 m 3.19 m: LD.....-K-V-3W*-AD
Straight trunking unit for expansion compensa-
Standard length
1.2 m: LD.....-D

W = optional length
* = lengths in m
AD = tap-off point

Siemens LV 71.T 2004 4/9

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
System components

Important planning information: Tap-off points

Busbars in the trunking unit expand due to Tap-off points are only possible on straight
heat losses at the rated load. In order to trunking units (both standard lengths and
compensate for this linear expansion, linear 1 optional lengths possible):
expansion compensation must be installed at
defined intervals with horizontal installation. tap-off point on TOP: ...-AD
tap-off point BOTTOM: ...-ADU
With vertical installation, each trunking unit
tap-off points on TOP and BOTTOM:
is equipped with an expansion compensation
With a trunking unit with a tap-off point at the
When planning trunking units with expansion TOP and BOTTOM, only one tap-off unit can be
compensation be sure to keep the following used at a time. The required distance between
in mind: tap-off points is 1 m.
The max. permissible length of a straight The required type should be determined during
run between two junction units may not engineering, based on the mounting position of
exceed 10 m in length. the busbar.
The maximum permissible length of a
In the case of optional trunking units with tap-
straight run between a junction unit and 2 off point, a minimum clearance of 0.6 m is
end flange is 25 m. If longer busbar runs
required between the end of the busbar and a
are planned, the respective
tap-off point.
expansion compensation units must be
incorporated. A coding bracket is located on both sides of a
tap-off point. This guarantees non-interchange-
ability and correct phasing sequence installation
of the tap-off units.

Tap-off unit with expansion compensation

a bolts
b Expansion compensation
c hook

4 Trunking unit with tap-off point

4/10 Siemens LV 71.T 2004

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
System components

Junction units

Elbow trunking units for

horizontal installation:
Y X Elbow LD.....-L...
X = 0.5 1.24 m
Y = 0.5 1.24 m

Z unit LD.....-Z.-Z*
X/Y = 0.5 m
Y System Trunking unit
Z = 0.36 0.99 m LD.1 LD.3 180 x 180 mm
Z = 0.48 0.99 m LD.4 LD.8 240 x 180 mm

U unit LD.....-U.-Z*
X/Y = 0.5 m
Z Y System Trunking unit
Z = 0.46 0.99 m LD.1 LD.3 180 x 180 mm
Z = 0.58 0.99 m LD.4 LD.8 240 x 180 mm

* = Optional length in m

Siemens LV 71.T 2004 4/11

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
System components

Elbow trunking units for

horizontal and vertical installation:
Elbow LD.....-L.
X = 0.5 1.24 m
Y = 0.5 1.24 m

Offset elbow LD.....-L.

X = 0.5 1.24 m
Y = 0.5 1.24 m


4 Offset knee LD.....-L..-Z*

X/Y = 0.5
X System Trunking unit
Z = 0.36 1.3 m LD.1 LD.3 180 x 180 mm
Z = 0.42 1.3 m LD.4 LD.8 240 x 180 mm

* = Optional length in m

4/12 Siemens LV 71.T 2004

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
System components

Elbow trunking units for

horizontal and vertical installation:
X Z unit LD.....-Z.-Z*
X = 0.5 1.24 m
Y = 0.5 1.24 m
Z Z = 0.36 0.99 m

U unit LD.....-U.-Z*
X/Y = 0.5 m, Z up to 0.99 m
Y Z = 0.5 0.99 m

T unit LD.....-T.
TX = 0.58 m and TY = 0.62 m; A = 0.5 m


* = Optional length in m

Siemens LV 71.T 2004 4/13

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
System components

Connection to Siemens power distribution systems

Connection to the Siemens power distribu-

tion system SIVACON as a type-tested
low-voltage switchgear and controlgear
assembly (TTA) to IEC/EN 60439-1 and -2

The busbar trunking system can be connected

to the top as well as the bottom of the power
distribution system.
Rated current
For rated currents up to 5000 A type-tested
modules will be offered.

4/14 Siemens LV 71.T 2004

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
System components

Connector unit for connection to non-Siemens power distribution systems

If the busbar system is to be connected to a non- Installing the connection unit

Siemens distribution system, it is possible to
make this connection using the LD. .... - FA1 The connections to the connection unit in the
connection unit for connection to non-Siemens distributor must be made according to the spec-
systems. The connection unit is integrated into ifications or details provided by the manufac-
the distribution board and provides the interface turer of the distribution board. The manu-
for the copper conductors to the distribution facturer must ensure that the necessary short-
system. circuit rating is provided and that the permis-
sible limit temperature of the connection unit to
Rated currents
non-Siemens distribution boards is not
See the Technical Data for information on
maximum rated currents.
The maximum temperature for the insulated
busbars is 135 C.
The terminal capacity for the copper connec-
tions can be found in the Technical Data.

Type key
LDA LDC Version
Rated current Ie LDA No. Rated current Ie LDC No. 4 4 poles
A system A system 6 5 poles

1100 1 2 2000 2 2 N/PEN

1250 2 1 mL
1600 3 3 2600 3 3 2 L
2000 4 5
2500 5 Degree of protection
3000 6 7 3400 6 6 0 IP00
8 8
8 4
Conductor material
Al A
Cu C

@ @ @ @ @

LD .....-FA1

Siemens LV 71.T 2004 4/15

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
System components

Connection units for transformers and distribution boards

Four different transformer connection units LD.....-AS. are available for connection of varying
transformers to busbar trunking systems in all rated current ranges.
Connection unit LD.....-AS1(-T)
with selectable phase clearance:
150 180 mm, a = 725 m
Available phase sequences:
L1, L2, L3, PEN
PEN, L3, L2, L1

Connection unit LD.....-AS2(-T)

with selectable phase clearance:
190 380 mm, a = 1085 m
Available phase sequences:
L1, L2, L3, PEN
PEN, L3, L2, L1
Connection unit LD.....-AS...
Connection unit LD.....-AS3(-T)
with selectable phase clearance:
450 750 mm, a = 1430 m
Available phase sequences:
Lx, PEN, L2, Lx
Lx, L2, PEN, Lx
Lx = L1 or L3

Connection unit LD.....-AS4(-T)

with selectable phase clearance:
450 750 mm, a = 1930 m
Available phase sequences:
L1, L2, L3, PEN
PEN, L3, L2, L1
We recommend that the clearance between the
connection lug of the connector unit and the
transformer does not exceed max. 200 mm.
The universal connector unit can also be used for

4 connecting distribution boards.

Connection unit LD.....-AS.T

4/16 Siemens LV 71.T 2004

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
System components

Incoming cable connection

The LDA(C)....-KE incoming cable connection is used when the busbar system has to be supplied via
The incoming cable connection unit is designed for the following rated currents:
1100 2600 A (with IP34)
900 2100 A (with IP54).
Enclosure sizes
Three system-dependent enclosure sizes are available:
Size 1: LDA1...-KE to LDA2...-KE
Size 2: LDA3...-KE and LDA4...-KE
Size 3: LDA5...-KE.
The maximum dimensions are: 920 mm  639 mm  490 mm
(W  H  D).
The degree of protection can be IP34 or IP54.
Both multicore and single-core cables can be used. Cross-sections of up to 300 mm2 (terminal
bolts) can be connected directly to the connection bar of the cable connection unit.
The standard version includes metal flange plates and cable grommets. An undrilled aluminium plate
is provided ex-works for single-core cables.

Coupling units

Coupling units are used for disconnecting and connecting parts or areas of a power supply system. To
adjust the busbar system to the actual load, the cross-section of the busbar can be reduced and
protected against short-circuits and overloads with a coupling unit.
Depending on the task at hand, coupling units can be equipped with fuse switch-disconnectors or
circuit-breakers. Coupling units with arc fault protection are also optionally available.
Rated currents
Depending on the application, rated currents of
1100 3000 A are available for the system. 4
Coupling units can be controlled both manually and by remote operator.
An integrated auxiliary contact (NHI) and trip indicating auxiliary contact (RHI) are provided as signal-
ling modules, enabling the operator to indicate ON, OFF or TRIPPED.
The mounting dimensions in the busbar run is 1600 mm.
The maximum dimensions are: 1320 mm  450 mm  750 mm
(W  H  D).

Siemens LV 71.T 2004 4/17

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
System components

Tap-off units

Tap-offs for different current ratings are required, depending on the application and type and size of
loads. These tap-offs are implemented in the form of tap-off units with fuse switch-disconnectors or
with circuit-breakers.
Features of Siemens tap-off units:
plug-in tap-off units can be fitted/removed easily
are designed with a steel enclosure
Two versions of tap-off units are available:
with fuse switch-disconnectors
with circuit-breakers
Early make PE or PEN
The current tap-off in the tap-off unit is in the form of an early-make or late-break
PE/PEN conductor contact.
With a 4-pole system, this is made possible by a longer PEN busbar on the contact system. With a
5-pole system, the PE contact is established via wiper contacts on the coding brackets.
Anti-rotation feature and non interchangeability
The coding bracket on the tap-off unit and on the tap-off point of the trunking unit (lock-and-key-
principle) have the following functions:
the non-interchangeability and correct arrangement of the 4-pole or 5-pole tap-off units to the
respective LD systems
They prevent the tap-off units from being installed facing the wrong way.

4/18 Siemens LV 71.T 2004

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
System components

Tap-off units with LV HRC fuse switch-disconnectors

Rated currents
Tap-off units from 125 A to 630 A are available for selection. In the
125-A version it is possible to fit 1  NH 00 or 2  NH 00.
Thanks to the compact design of the tap-off units, only one enclosure size is required for all rated
current ranges.
Degree of protection
The standard degree of protection is IP30. However, IP54 protection is also possible.

IP30 protection

Cabling box/cable entry

Due to a bolt terminal, cables with cross-sections of up to 2  240 mm2 can be used. In the standard
version, the cables are introduced from the front. When a cabling box is added, the cable can be intro-
duced from the side. The cables are then clamped by the integrated cable clamp (customer clamping
bracket). The split flange plate enables a simple insertion of the cable.
Opening of the tap-off unit
The cover of the coupling area can only be opened after the fuse switch-disconnector handle, and in
turn, the fuse cartridge have been removed. When the cover is opened, the coupling area is no longer
live. The part of the contact device in the front of the tap-off unit is finger-proof.

IP54 protection

Type key
LD system No. Version
LDA1... to LDA3... 1 4 4 poles
LDC2... to LDC3... 5 5 poles
LDA4.1. to LDA8.1. 2
LDC6.1. to LDC8.1. Rated current Ie [A]
LDA4.2. to LDA8.2. 3 Ue = 400 V Ue = 690 V
LDC6.2. to LDC8.2.
1 x 125
1 x 125
1 x 100
1 x 100
32ST125 2 x 125 2 x 100 2 x 100 2 x 100
3ST250 1 x 250 1 x 200 1 x 200 1 x 200
3ST400 1 x 400 1 x 315 1 x 315 1 x 315
3ST630 1 x 630 1 x 500 1 x 500 (630)1) 1 x 500

C C C 1) When using fuse links manufactured by Jean Mller,

LD-K- @ AK @ / @@@@@ please refer to the Technical data.

Siemens LV 71.T 2004 4/19

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
System components

Tap-off unit with low-voltage switch-disconnector

Rated currents
Two tap-off units for 400 A and 630 A are available.
Degree of protection
The standard degree of protection is IP54. In this version, the tap-off unit is supplied complete with a
Cabling box/cable entry
Due to a bolt terminal, cables with cross-sections of up to 2  4  240 mm2. The cable entry can be
fitted on both sides. An Aluminium plate equipped with metrical cable glands is included with a
single-core cable entry.
Arc fault protection
The tap-off units are protected against an arc-fault. Proof of the arc-fault test to IEC 439-1 pp 2,
EN 60439-1 pp 2, VDE 0660 part 500 pp 2 has been provided and will be confirmed by an accompa-
nying test report.
IP54 protection

Type key
LD system No. Version
LDA1... to LDA3... 1 4 4 poles
LDC2... to LDC3... 5 5 poles
LDA4.1. to LDA8.1. 2
LDC6.1. to LDC8.1. Rated current Ie [A]
LDA4.2. to LDA8.2. 3 Ue = 400 V Ue = 690 V
LDC6.2. to LDC8.2. 400 355 355
630 on request on request

LD-K- @ AK @/FS- @@@-KSY

4/20 Siemens LV 71.T 2004

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
System components

Tap-off units with circuit-breakers Circuit-breaker with remote operator The user can also choose between an under-
voltage trip and shunt trip, depending on the
Tap-off units equipped with circuit-breakers
application. The actuating voltage of the motor
permit selection of switching capacity, number
drive can also be adjusted. The connectors of the
of active poles, type of control and the possi-
remote control system can either be connected
bility of messages:
directly or to the terminals.
The offer covers rated currents from 80 A to
The feeder area and copper contacts to the
1250 A.
circuit-breaker are enclosed for maximum
3-pole or 4-pole versions are available. finger safety. The outgoers on the loads are
The switching capacity can be selected as connected in the same manner as the manual
normal, medium and high (see technical actuation variant.

Circuit-breakers with manual actuation

This version of the tap-off unit includes a circuit- This version comes with both a circuit-breaker
breaker which can be externally manually actu- and remote control unit.
ated using a handle. Terminals with the messages ON, OFF and
TRIPPED are also available for the user.
Degree of protection
The tap-off unit offers IP54 protection. Tap-off unit for up to 800 A
In this variant a standard auxiliary contact (NHI) Ie Ue Version, setting range Type
and a trip-indicating auxiliary contact (RHI) are A V
installed. 80 400 circuit-breaker, 63 to 80 A LD-K-AK/L80
The contact area and copper contacts to the 125 400 circuit-breaker, 80 to 125 A LD-K-AK/L125
circuit-breaker are enclosed for maximum
finger safety. The cover can only be opened 160 400 circuit-breaker, 125 to 160 A LD-K-AK/L160
when the switch is deactivated. This ensures 250 400 circuit-breaker, 160 to 250 A LD-K-AK/L250
that the connected load is not live when the
cover is open. 400 400 circuit-breaker, 250 to 400 A LD-K-AK/L400

The outgoers of the loads are connected to the 570 400 circuit-breaker, 400 to 630 A LD-K-AK/L630
circuit-breaker or optionally to terminals (i.e. in 800 400 circuit-breaker, 630 to 800 A LD-K-AK/L800
this case the outgoers are prepared for later
connection to a circuit-breaker). The PE or PEN Higher rated currents (up to 1250 A) available on request.
conductor is connected to a bolt terminal
depending on the cross-section. Single-core and
multicore cables can be introduced from the side 4
or the front. The split flange plate enables a
simple insertion of the cable.

Siemens LV 71.T 2004 4/21

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
System components


End flange
Depending on the version of trunking unit, and
end flange with hook or bolts has to be posi-
tioned at the end of the busbar run.

Fixing bracket
The LD-B1/B2 suspension bracket is used for
securing a busbar trunking system in a hori-
zontal mounting position:
B1 for the enclosure dimension
180 mm  180 mm
B2 for the enclosure dimension
240 mm  180 mm

Mounting bracket
If the LD system is installed vertically, the LD-BV
mounting bracket is used (fixing intervals
see dimensions).

4/22 Siemens LV 71.T 2004

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
Technical data

Trunking units

LDA /LDC-Systems

Standards and regulations IEC/EN 60 439-1 and -2, DIN VDE 0660 Part 500 and Part 502

Climatic proofing Damp heat, constant to IEC 60 068-2-78

Damp heat, cyclic to IEC 60 068-2-30

Ambient temperature min./max./mean level C 5/+40/+35

over 24 hours

Degree of protection IP31 ventilated (horizontal busbar flat)

IP34 ventilated (horizontal busbar edgewise)
IP54 closed

Standard mounting position Busbars edgewise in the system

Torque for single-bolt clamp terminal Nm 80

Busbar surface treatment Insulated, tin-on-nickel plated: LDA; tin plated: LDC

Material, trunking units, tap-off units Powder spray paint finished steel enclosure

Colour, trunking units, tap-off units RAL 7035 (light grey)

Dimensions See Dimensions Section

Weight See Weights Section

Rated insulation voltage V~ 1000

to DIN VDE 0110 V~ 1200

Overvoltage category/pollution degree III/3 to EN 60 947, IV/3 for power transmission to EN 60 947

Rated operational voltage V~ 1000 for overvoltage category III/3,

690 for overvoltage category IV/3

Rated frequency Hz 16 2/3 ... 60

Siemens LV 71.T 2004 4/23

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
Technical data

LDA.4.. (4-pole, Aluminium)

System-dependent data LDA142. LDA242. LDA342. LDA441. LDA442. LDA541. LDA542.

PEN = L PEN = L PEN = L PEN = m L PEN = L PEN = m L PEN = L
Rated current Ie 1)

Horizontal/edgewise2) IP34 Ie A 1100 1250 1600 2000 2000 2500 2500

IP54 Ie A 900 1000 1200 1500 1500 1800 1800
Vertical IP34 Ie A 950 1100 1250 1700 1700 2100 2100
IP54 Ie A 900 1000 1200 1500 1500 1800 1800
Horizontal/flat IP31/IP54 Ie A 700 750 1000 1200 1200 1700 1700
of the conductors Resistance R'20 m/m 0.073 0.047 0.047 0.037 0.037 0.023 0.024
at 50 Hz and +20 C
busbar temperature Reactance X'20 m/m 0.045 0.043 0.043 0.025 0.030 0.023 0.030
Impedance Z'20 m/m 0.086 0.064 0.064 0.044 0.047 0.033 0.038
of the conductor at Resistance R' m/m 0.086 0.054 0.057 0.043 0.044 0.027 0.028
50 Hz and at opera-
tional temperature of Reactance X' m/m 0.046 0.043 0.043 0.025 0.029 0.023 0.029
the busbars Impedance Z' m/m 0.098 0.069 0.072 0.049 0.053 0.036 0.041
of the conductors Resistance R'F m/m 0.143 0.106 0.106 0.106 0.081 0.075 0.055
for 4-pole systems
during a fault to Reactance X'F m/m 0.166 0.178 0.178 0.103 0.116 0.109 0.115
EN 60439-2 Impedance Z'F m/m 0.219 0.207 0.207 0.147 0.142 0.132 0.128
Zero impedance
for 4-pole systems R'0 m/m 0.284 0.217 0.217 0.242 0.173 0.180 0.120
to DIN VDE 0102,
IEC 909 X'0 m/m 0.232 0.200 0.200 0.154 0.174 0.154 0.154
Z'0 m/m 0.366 0.295 0.295 0.286 0.246 0.237 0.195
Short-circuit rating
Rated impulse with- rms value (t = 0.1 s) Icw kA 55 70 80 110 110 125 125
stand current
rms value (t = 1 s) Icw kA 40 55 58 80 80 110 110

4 Rated peak short-circuit

withstand current
Peak value Ipk kA 121 154 176 242 242 275 275

Conductor material Aluminium

Number of busbars 4 4 4 7 8 7 8
Conductor cross-section L1, L2, L3 A mm2 406 706 706 812 812 1412 1412
PEN A mm2 406 706 706 406 812 706 1412
Fire load
Tap-off unit without kWh/m 4.16 4.16 4.16 6.73 6.73 6.73 6.73
tap-off point
Per tap-off point kWh 7.80 7.80 7.80 10.80 10.80 10.80 10.80
Fixing interval, max.
For normal mechanical m 6 6 6 5 5 5 5
1) depending on the degree of protection and laying method
2) including height adjustments F 1.3 m

4/24 Siemens LV 71.T 2004

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
Technical data

LDA.4.. (4-pole, Aluminium)

System-dependent data LDA641. LDA642. LDA741. LDA742. LDA841. LDA842.

PEN = m L PEN = L PEN = m L PEN = L PEN = m L PEN = L
Rated current Ie1)
Horizontal/edgewise2) IP34 Ie A 3000 3000 3700 3700 4000 4000
IP54 Ie A 2000 2000 2400 2400 2700 2700
Vertical IP34 Ie A 2300 2300 2800 2800 3400 3400
IP54 Ie A 2000 2000 2400 2400 2700 2700
Horizontal/flat IP31/IP54 Ie A 1800 1800 2200 2200 2350 2350
of the conductors Resistance R'20 m/m 0.023 0.024 0.017 0.016 0.015 0.013
at 50 Hz and +20 C
busbar temperature Reactance X'20 m/m 0.023 0.029 0.019 0.022 0.017 0.019
Impedance Z'20 m/m 0.033 0.037 0.026 0.027 0.023 0.023
of the conductor at Resistance R' m/m 0.030 0.029 0.021 0.020 0.018 0.016
50 Hz and at opera-
tional temperature of Reactance X' m/m 0.024 0.029 0.019 0.022 0.017 0.019
the busbars Impedance Z' m/m 0.038 0.041 0.029 0.030 0.025 0.025
of the conductors for Resistance R'F m/m 0.075 0.056 0.055 0.041 0.049 0.038
4-pole systems at a fault
to EN 60439-2 Reactance X'F m/m 0.109 0.119 0.083 0.093 0.086 0.080
Impedance Z'F m/m 0.132 0.131 0.099 0.101 0.099 0.088
Zero impedance
for 4-pole systems R'0 m/m 0.180 0.120 0.126 0.090 0.110 0.075
to DIN VDE 0102,
IEC 909 X'0 m/m 0.154 0.153 0.097 0.119 0.086 0.087
Z'0 m/m 0.237 0.194 0.159 0.149 0.140 0.115
Short-circuit rating
Rated impulse with- rms value (t = 0.1 s) Icw kA 130 130 130 130 130 130

stand current
rms value (t = 1 s) Icw kA 116 116 116 116 116 116
Rated peak short-circuit Peak value Ipk kA 286 286 286 286 286 286
withstand current
Conductor material Aluminium
Number of busbars 7 8 7 8 7 8
Conductor cross-section L1, L2, L3 A mm2 1412 1412 2044 2044 2464 2464
PEN A mm2 706 1412 1022 2044 1232 2464
Fire load
Tap-off unit without tap- kWh/m 6.73 6.73 7.99 7.99 8.83 8.83
off point
Per tap-off point kWh 10.80 10.80 10.80 10.80 10.80 10.80
Fixing interval, max.
For normal mechanical m 5 5 5 5 5 5

1) depending on the degree of protection and laying method

2) including height adjustments F 1.3 m

Siemens LV 71.T 2004 4/25

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
Technical data

LDA.6.. (5-pole, Aluminium)

System-dependent data LDA162. LDA262. LDA362. LDA461. LDA462. LDA561. LDA562.

N=L N=L N=L N=mL N=L N=mL N=L

Rated current Ie1)

Horizontal/edgewise2) IP34 Ie A 1100 1250 1600 2000 2000 2500 2500

IP54 Ie A 900 1000 1200 1500 1500 1800 1800

Vertical IP34 Ie A 950 1100 1250 1700 1700 2100 2100

IP54 Ie A 900 1000 1200 1500 1500 1800 1800

Horizontal/flat IP31/IP54 Ie A 700 750 1000 1200 1200 1700 1700


of the conductors Resistance R'20 m/m 0.075 0.048 0.048 0.036 0.036 0.023 0.025
at 50 Hz and +20 C
busbar temperature Reactance X'20 m/m 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.025 0.029 0.024 0.031

Impedance Z'20 m/m 0.086 0.064 0.064 0.044 0.046 0.033 0.040

of the conductor at Resistance R' m/m 0.088 0.054 0.059 0.042 0.043 0.028 0.029
50 Hz and at opera-
tional temperature Reactance X' m/m 0.045 0.043 0.042 0.025 0.030 0.024 0.031
of the busbars
Impedance Z' m/m 0.099 0.069 0.072 0.049 0.052 0.037 0.042

of the conductors for Resistance R'F m/m 0.150 0.108 0.108 0.129 0.119 0.092 0.084
5-pole systems (PE) at
a fault to Reactance X'F m/m 0.204 0.201 0.201 0.142 0.138 0.134 0.131
EN 60439-2
Impedance Z'F m/m 0.253 0.228 0.228 0.192 0.182 0.163 0.156

of the conductors for Resistance R'F m/m 0.156 0.108 0.108 0.112 0.083 0.076 0.056
5-pole systems (N) at
a fault to Reactance X'F m/m 0.173 0.173 0.173 0.108 0.113 0.106 0.114
EN 60439-2
Impedance Z'F m/m 0.233 0.204 0.204 0.155 0.140 0.130 0.127

4 Zero impedance

for 5-pole systems (PE) R'0 m/m 0.315 0.240 0.240 0.301 0.292 0.217 0.213
to DIN VDE 0102,
IEC 909 X'0 m/m 0.401 0.393 0.393 0.267 0.291 0.202 0.265

Z'0 m/m 0.510 0.460 0.460 0.402 0.412 0.297 0.340

for 5-pole systems (N) R'0 m/m 0.339 0.231 0.231 0.267 0.179 0.181 0.121
to DIN VDE 0102,
X'0 m/m 0.245 0.219 0.219 0.144 0.165 0.128 0.167
IEC 909
Z'0 m/m 0.418 0.319 0.319 0.303 0.243 0.221 0.206

1) depending on the degree of protection and laying method

2) including height adjustments F 1.3 m

4/26 Siemens LV 71.T 2004

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
Technical data

LDA.6.. (5-pole, Aluminium)

System-dependent data LDA162. LDA262. LDA362. LDA461. LDA462. LDA561. LDA562.

N=L N=L N=L N=mL N=L N=mL N=L

Short-circuit rating

Rated impulse with- rms value (t = 0.1 s) Icw kA 55 70 80 110 110 125 125
stand current
rms value (t = 1 s) Icw kA 40 55 58 80 80 110 110

Rated peak short-circuit Peak value Ipk kA 121 154 176 242 242 275 275
withstand current

Rated impulse with- rms value (t = 0.1 s) Icw kA 33 42 48 66 66 75 75

stand current of
5th conductor rms value (t = 1 s) Icw kA 24 33 35 48 48 66 66

Conductor material Aluminium

Number of busbars 5 5 5 8 9 8 9

Conductor cross-section L1, L2, L3 A mm2 406 706 706 812 812 1412 1412

N A mm2 406 706 706 406 812 706 1412

PE A mm2 406 706 706 406 406 706 706

Fire load

Tap-off unit without kWh/m 4.16 4.16 4.16 6.73 6.73 6.73 6.73
tap-off point

Per tap-off point kWh 7.80 7.80 7.80 10.80 10.80 10.80 10.80

Fixing interval, max.

For normal mechanical m 6 6 6 5 5 5 5


Siemens LV 71.T 2004 4/27

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
Technical data

LDA.6.. (5-pole, Aluminium)

System-dependent data LDA661. LDA662. LDA761. LDA762. LDA861. LDA862.

N =m L N=L N=mL N =L N=mL N =L

Rated current Ie1)

Horizontal/edgewise2) IP34 Ie A 3000 3000 3700 3700 4000 4000

IP54 Ie A 2000 2000 2400 2400 2700 2700

Vertical IP34 Ie A 2300 2300 2800 2800 3400 3400

IP54 Ie A 2000 2000 2400 2400 2700 2700

Horizontal/flat IP31/IP54 Ie A 1800 1800 2200 2200 2350 2350


of the conductors Resistance R'20 m/m 0.023 0.023 0.017 0.018 0.014 0.015
at 50 Hz and +20 C
busbar temperature Reactance X'20 m/m 0.024 0.029 0.019 0.025 0.022 0.021

Impedance Z'20 m/m 0.033 0.037 0.026 0.030 0.026 0.026

of the conductor Resistance R' m/m 0.029 0.030 0.020 0.021 0.017 0.018
at 50 Hz and at
operational temperature Reactance X' m/m 0.024 0.031 0.020 0.025 0.021 0.021
of the busbars
Impedance Z' m/m 0.037 0.043 0.028 0.033 0.027 0.027

of the conductors for Resistance R'F m/m 0.092 0.084 0.068 0.065 0.055 0.056
5-pole systems (PE) at
a fault to Reactance X'F m/m 0.134 0.133 0.110 0.114 0.102 0.105
EN 60439-2
Impedance Z'F m/m 0.163 0.157 0.129 0.131 0.116 0.119

of the conductors for Resistance R'F m/m 0.076 0.057 0.053 0.042 0.049 0.037
5-pole systems (N) at
a fault to Reactance X'F m/m 0.106 0.113 0.080 0.091 0.084 0.086
EN 60439-2
Impedance Z'F m/m 0.130 0.127 0.096 0.100 0.097 0.094

4 Zero impedance

for 5-pole systems (PE) R'0 m/m 0.217 0.212 0.163 0.166 0.145 0.146
to DIN VDE 0102,
IEC 909 X'0 m/m 0.202 0.263 0.175 0.220 0.196 0.196

Z'0 m/m 0.297 0.338 0.240 0.275 0.243 0.244

for 5-pole systems (N) R'0 m/m 0.181 0.122 0.130 0.089 0.115 0.079
to DIN VDE 0102,
IEC 909 X'0 m/m 0.128 0.155 0.102 0.093 0.095 0.100

Z'0 m/m 0.221 0.198 0.165 0.129 0.149 0.127

1) depending on the degree of protection and laying method

2) including height adjustments F 1.3 m

4/28 Siemens LV 71.T 2004

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
Technical data

LDA.6.. (5-pole, Aluminium)

System-dependent data LDA661. LDA662. LDA761. LDA762. LDA861. LDA862.

N=mL N=L N=mL N =L N=mL N =L

Short-circuit rating

Rated impulse with- rms value (t = 0.1 s) Icw kA 130 130 130 130 130 130
stand current
rms value (t = 1 s) Icw kA 116 116 116 116 116 116

Rated peak withstand Peak value Ik kA 286 286 286 286 286 286

Rated impulse with- rms value (t = 0.1 s) Icw kA 78 78 78 78 78 78

stand current of
5th conductor rms value (t = 1 s) Icw kA 70 70 70 70 70 70

Conductor material Aluminium

Number of busbars 8 9 8 9 8 9

Conductor cross-section L1, L2, L3 A mm2 1412 1412 2044 2044 2464 2464

N A mm2 706 1412 1022 2044 1232 2464

PE A mm2 706 706 1022 1022 1232 1232

Fire load

Tap-off unit without kWh/m 6.73 6.73 7.99 7.99 8.83 8.83
tap-off point

Per tap-off point kWh 10.80 10.80 10.80 10.80 10.80 10.80

Fixing interval, max.

For normal mechanical m 5 5 5 5 5 5


Siemens LV 71.T 2004 4/29

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
Technical data

LDC.4.. (4-pole, Copper)

System-dependent data LDC242. LDC342. LDC641. LDC642.

PEN = L PEN = L PEN = m L PEN = L
Rated current Ie1)
Horizontal/edgewise2) IP34 Ie A 2000 2600 3400 3400
IP54 Ie A 1600 2000 2600 2600
Vertical IP34 Ie A 1650 2100 2700 2700
IP54 Ie A 1600 2000 2600 2600
Horizontal/flat IP31/IP54 Ie A 1200 1550 2000 2000
of the conductors Resistance R'20 m/m 0.030 0.026 0.015 0.015
at 50 Hz and +20 C
busbar temperature Reactance X'20 m/m 0.042 0.035 0.026 0.026
Impedance Z'20 m/m 0.052 0.043 0.030 0.030
of the conductor Resistance R' m/m 0.037 0.028 0.017 0.018
at 50 Hz and
at operational temperature Reactance X' m/m 0.042 0.036 0.026 0.027
of the busbars Impedance Z' m/m 0.056 0.046 0.031 0.032
of the conductors Resistance R'F m/m 0.075 0.056 0.048 0.037
at a fault to
EN 60439-2 Reactance X'F m/m 0.170 0.163 0.107 0.107
Impedance Z'F m/m 0.186 0.173 0.117 0.113
Zero impedance
to DIN VDE 0102, IEC 909 R'0 m/m 0.144 0.114 0.116 0.079
X'0 m/m 0.199 0.225 0.124 0.130
Z'0 m/m 0.246 0.252 0.169 0.152
Short-circuit rating
Rated impulse withstand rms value (t = 0.1 s) Icw kA 80 80 130 130

rms value (t = 1 s) Icw kA 58 58 116 116
Rated peak withstand current Peak value Ipk kA 176 176 286 286
Conductor material Copper
Number of busbars 4 4 7 8
Conductor cross-section L1, L2, L3 A mm2 706 1022 1412 1412
PEN A mm2 706 1022 706 1412
Fire load
Tap-off unit without tap-off kWh/m 4.16 4.88 6.73 6.73
Per tap-off point kWh 7.80 7.80 10.80 10.80
Fixing interval, max.
For normal mechanical m 5 4 4 4

1) depending on the degree of protection and laying method

2) including height adjustments F 1.3 m

4/30 Siemens LV 71.T 2004

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
Technical data

LDC.4.. (4-pole, Copper)

System-dependent data LDC741. LDC742. LDC841. LDC842.

PEN = m L PEN = L PEN = m L PEN = L
Rated current Ie1)
Horizontal/edgewise2) IP34 Ie A 4400 4400 5000 5000
IP54 Ie A 3200 3200 3600 3600
Vertical IP34 Ie A 3500 3500 4250 4250
IP54 Ie A 3200 3200 3600 3600
Horizontal/flat IP31/IP54 Ie A 2600 2600 3000 3000
of the conductors Resistance R'20 m/m 0.012 0.012 0.008 0.009
at 50 Hz and +20 C
busbar temperature Reactance X'20 m/m 0.023 0.021 0.021 0.018
Impedance Z'20 m/m 0.026 0.024 0.022 0.020
of the conductor at 50 Hz and Resistance R' m/m 0.012 0.013 0.011 0.011
at operational temperature
of the busbars Reactance X' m/m 0.023 0.022 0.020 0.018
Impedance Z' m/m 0.026 0.025 0.023 0.021
of the conductors at a fault to Resistance R'F m/m 0.036 0.027 0.031 0.026
EN 60439-2
Reactance X'F m/m 0.090 0.086 0.073 0.080
Impedance Z'F m/m 0.097 0.090 0.079 0.085
Zero impedance
to DIN VDE 0102, IEC 909 R'0 m/m 0.083 0.056 0.070 0.050
X'0 m/m 0.072 0.093 0.088 0.106
Z'0 m/m 0.109 0.109 0.113 0.118
Short-circuit rating
Rated impulse withstand rms value (t = 0.1 s) Icw kA 130 130 130 130

rms value (t = 1 s) Icw kA 116 116 116 116
Rated peak short-circuit Peak value Ipk kA 286 286 286 286
withstand current
Conductor material Copper
Number of busbars 7 8 7 8
Conductor cross-section L1, L2, L3 A mm2 2044 2044 2464 2464
PEN A mm2 1022 2044 1232 2464
Fire load
Tap-off unit without tap-off kWh/m 7.99 7.99 8.83 8.83
Per tap-off point kWh 10.80 10.80 10.80 10.80
Fixing interval, max.
For normal mechanical m 3 3 2 2

1) depending on the degree of protection and laying method

2) including height adjustments F 1.3 m

Siemens LV 71.T 2004 4/31

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
Technical data

LDC.6.. (5-pole, Copper)

System-dependent data LDC262. LDC362. LDC661. LDC662.

N =L N=L N=mL N =L

Rated current Ie1)

Horizontal/edgewise2) IP34 Ie A 2000 2600 3400 3400

IP54 Ie A 1600 2000 2600 2600

Vertical IP34 Ie A 1650 2100 2700 2700

IP54 Ie A 1600 2000 2600 2600

Horizontal/flat IP31/IP54 Ie A 1200 1550 2000 2000


of the conductors Resistance R'20 m/m 0.036 0.029 0.015 0.017

at 50 Hz and +20 C
busbar temperature Reactance X'20 m/m 0.043 0.037 0.027 0.027

Impedance Z'20 m/m 0.056 0.047 0.031 0.032

of the conductor Resistance R' m/m 0.037 0.031 0.017 0.018

at 50 Hz and
at operational temperature Reactance X' m/m 0.043 0.038 0.028 0.028
of the busbars
Impedance Z' m/m 0.057 0.049 0.033 0.034

of the conductors for Resistance R'F m/m 0.081 0.060 0.062 0.058
5-pole systems (PE) at
a fault to Reactance X'F m/m 0.204 0.186 0.139 0.124
EN 60439-2
Impedance Z'F m/m 0.220 0.195 0.153 0.137

of the conductors for Resistance R'F m/m 0.078 0.059 0.048 0.037
5-pole systems (PE) at
a fault to Reactance X'F m/m 0.193 0.149 0.110 0.105
EN 60439-2
Impedance Z'F m/m 0.208 0.160 0.120 0.112

4 Zero impedance

for 5-pole systems (PE) R'0 m/m 0.179 0.134 0.149 0.149
to DIN VDE 0102, IEC 909
X'0 m/m 0.387 0.357 0.238 0.248

Z'0 m/m 0.426 0.381 0.281 0.289

for 5-pole systems R'0 m/m 0.150 0.110 0.119 0.080

Systems (N)
to DIN VDE 0102, IEC 909 X'0 m/m 0.189 0.180 0.145 0.135

Z'0 m/m 0.241 0.211 0.187 0.157

1) depending on the degree of protection and laying method

2) including height adjustments F 1.3 m

4/32 Siemens LV 71.T 2004

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
Technical data

LDC.6.. (5-pole, Copper)

System-dependent data LDC262. LDC362. LDC661. LDC662.

N =L N=L N=mL N =L

Short-circuit rating

Rated impulse withstand rms value (t = 0.1 s) Icw kA 80 80 130 130

rms value (t = 1 s) Icw kA 58 58 116 116

Rated peak short-circuit Peak value Ipk kA 176 176 286 286
withstand current

Rated impulse withstand rms value (t = 0.1 s) Icw kA 48 48 78 78

current of 5th conductor
rms value (t = 1 s) Icw kA 35 35 70 70

Conductor material Copper

Number of busbars 5 5 8 9

Conductor cross-section L1, L2, L3 A mm2 706 1022 1412 1412

N A mm2 706 1022 706 1412

PE A mm2 706 1022 706 706

Fire load

Tap-off unit without tap-off kWh/m 4.16 4.88 6.73 6.73


Per tap-off point kWh 7.80 7.80 10.80 10.80

Fixing interval, max.

For normal mechanical m 5 4 4 4


Siemens LV 71.T 2004 4/33

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
Technical data

LDC.6.. (5-pole, Copper)

System-dependent data LDC761. LDC762. LDC861. LDC862.

N=mL N=L N=mL N =L

Rated current Ie1)

Horizontal/edgewise2) IP34 Ie A 4400 4400 5000 5000

IP54 Ie A 3200 3200 3600 3600

Vertical IP34 Ie A 3500 3500 4250 4250

IP54 Ie A 3200 3200 3600 3600

Horizontal/flat IP31/IP54 Ie A 2600 2600 3000 3000


of the conductors Resistance R'20 m/m 0.011 0.014 0.012 0.012

at 50 Hz and +20 C
busbar temperature Reactance X'20 m/m 0.023 0.021 0.018 0.020

Impedance Z'20 m/m 0.025 0.025 0.022 0.023

of the conductor Resistance R' m/m 0.013 0.015 0.013 0.013

at 50 Hz and
at operational temperature Reactance X' m/m 0.024 0.022 0.020 0.020
of the busbars
Impedance Z' m/m 0.027 0.027 0.024 0.024

of the conductors for Resistance R'F m/m 0.048 0.050 0.045 0.048
5-pole systems (PE) at
a fault to Reactance X'F m/m 0.118 0.133 0.123 0.119
EN 60439-2
Impedance Z'F m/m 0.127 0.142 0.131 0.128

of the conductors for Resistance R'F m/m 0.038 0.027 0.031 0.025
5-pole systems (N) at
a fault to Reactance X'F m/m 0.092 0.089 0.082 0.079
EN 60439-2
Impedance Z'F m/m 0.100 0.093 0.088 0.083

4 Zero impedance

for 5-pole systems (PE) R'0 m/m 0.116 0.100 0.103 0.103
to DIN VDE 0102, IEC 909
X'0 m/m 0.186 0.216 0.188 0.184

Z'0 m/m 0.219 0.238 0.214 0.211

for 5-pole systems (N) R'0 m/m 0.087 0.058 0.072 0.050
to DIN VDE 0102, IEC 909
X'0 m/m 0.105 0.112 0.093 0.091

Z'0 m/m 0.137 0.126 0.118 0.104

1) depending on the degree of protection and laying method

2) including height adjustments F 1.3 m

4/34 Siemens LV 71.T 2004

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
Technical data

LDC.6.. (5-pole, Copper)

System-dependent data LDC761. LDC762. LDC861. LDC862.

N=mL N=L N=mL N =L

Short-circuit rating

Rated impulse withstand rms value (t = 0.1 s) Icw kA 130 130 130 130
rms value (t = 1 s) Icw kA 116 116 116 116

Rated peak short-circuit Peak value Ipk kA 286 286 286 286
withstand current

Rated impulse withstand rms value (t = 0.1 s) Icw kA 78 78 78 78

current of 5th conductor
rms value (t = 1 s) Icw kA 70 70 70 70

Conductor material Copper

Number of busbars 8 9 8 9

Conductor cross-section L1, L2, L3 A mm2 2044 2044 2464 2464

N A mm2 1022 2044 1232 2464

PE A mm2 1022 1022 1232 1232

Fire load

Tap-off unit without tap-off kWh/m 7.99 7.99 8.83 8.83


Per tap-off point kWh 10.80 10.80 10.80 10.80

Fixing interval, max.

For normal mechanical m 3 3 2 2


Siemens LV 71.T 2004 4/35

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
Technical data

Feeder units

Adapters for connection to non-Siemens distribution boards, required cable cross-section

Required cable cross-section LDA/LDC system for connection

LDA2420-FA1 Cu 80 x 10 LDA142. and LDA242.
LDA2620-FA1 Cu 80 x 10 LDA162. and LDA262.
LDA3420-FA1 Cu 100 x 10 LDA342.
LDA3620-FA1 Cu 100 x 10 LDA362.
LDA5410-FA1 Cu 200 x 10 LDA441. and LDA541.
LDA5610-FA1 Cu 200 x 10 LDA461. and LDA561.
LDA7410-FA1 Cu 2 x120 x 10 LDA641. and LDA741.
LDA7610-FA1 Cu 2 x120 x 10 LDA661. and LDA761.
LDA8410-FA1 Cu 2 x200 x 10 LDA841.
LDA8610-FA1 Cu 2 x200 x 10 LDA861.
LDA5420-FA1 Cu 200 x 10 LDA442. and LDA542.
LDA5620-FA1 Cu 200 x 10 LDA462. and LDA562.
LDA7420-FA1 Cu 2 x120 x 10 LDA642. and LDA742.
LDA7620-FA1 Cu 2 x120 x 10 LDA662. and LDA762.
LDA8420-FA1 Cu 2 x200 x 10 LDA842.
LDA8620-FA1 Cu 2 x200 x 10 LDA862.
LDC2420-FA1 Cu 160 x 10 LDC241.
LDC2620-FA1 Cu 160 x 10 LDC262.
LDC3420-FA1 Cu 2 x100 x 10 LDC342.
LDC3620-FA1 Cu 2 x100 x 10 LDC362.
LDC6410-FA1 Cu 2 x160 x 10 LDC641.
LDC6420-FA1 Cu 2 x160 x 10 LDC642.
LDC6610-FA1 Cu 2 x160 x 10 LDC661.

4 LDC6620-FA1
Cu 2 x160 x 10
Cu 2 x200 x 10
LDC7420-FA1 Cu 2 x200 x 10 LDC742.
LDC7610-FA1 Cu 2 x200 x 10 LDC761.
LDC7620-FA1 Cu 2 x200 x 10 LDC762.
LDC8410-FA1 Cu 3 x200 x 10 LDC841.
LDC8420-FA1 Cu 3 x200 x 10 LDC842.
LDC8610-FA1 Cu 3 x200 x 10 LDC861.
LDC8620-FA1 Cu 3 x200 x 10 LDC862.

4/36 Siemens LV 71.T 2004

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
Technical data

Tap-off units

Tap-off units with LV HRC fuse switch-disconnectors

Standards and regulations IEC/EN 60439-1 and -2, DIN VDE 0660 part 500 and 502

Climatic proofing Damp heat, constant, to IEC 60068-2-78

damp heat, cyclic to IEC 60068-2-30

Ambient temperature min./max./24 hour average C 5/40/35

Degree of protection IP30 standard, IP54 with retrofit kit

Cable entry

Multicore cable
With cabling box for lateral introduction 3 cable grommets (KT 4) for cable diameter from 14 to 68 mm
of the cable 3 cable grommets (KT 4) for cable diameters from 14 to 68 mm

Single-core cable Aluminium plate, undrilled for cable glands 10 PG 29

Terminal capacity (copper) NH00 (125 A) NH1 (250 A) NH2 (400 A) NH3 (630 A)

Bolt connection M8 M10 M10 M10

L1, L2, L3 mm2 min. 1 x 10 min. 1 x 25 min. 1 x 25 min. 1 x 25

mm2 max. 1 x 95 max. 1 x 150 max. 1 x 240 max. 2 x 240

N/PEN/PE mm2 min. 1 x 10 min. 1 x 25 min. 1 x 25 min. 1 x 25

mm2 max. 1 x 95 max. 1 x 150 max. 1 x 240 max. 2 x 240

Colour, tap-off units RAL 7035, light grey

Dimensions see Dimensions section

Weights see Weights section

Material, tap-off units Galvanized steel with paint finish

Rated insulation voltage Ui V~ 690

V 800
Overvoltage category/pollution degree III/3

Rated frequency Hz 50

Rated operational voltageUe V~ 400 400 690 690

Rated current Ie with degree of IP30 IP54 IP30 IP54

NH00 A 125 125 100 100

2 x NH00 A 2 x 125 2 x 100 2 x 100 2 x 100

NH1 A 250 200 200 200

NH2 A 400 315 315 315

NH3 A 630 500 500 (630)1) 500

Switching capacity AC-22 B AC-22 B

of the fitted fuse switch-disconnector to IEC/EN 60947-3

Short-circuit rating kA 120

for protection by fuses Ip2)

1) 630A when using Jean-Mller fuse cartridges, order type M3 gL 630/69, Article-No. N306900
2) Information applies to Jean Mller fuse links, utilization category gL.

Siemens LV 71.T 2004 4/37

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
Technical data

Tap-off unit with low-voltage switch-disconnector

Standards and regulations IEC/EN 60439-1 and -2, DIN VDE 0660 part 500 and 502

Climatic proofing Damp heat, constant, to IEC 60068-2-78

damp heat, cyclic to IEC 60068-2-30

Ambient temperature min./max./24 hour C 5/40/35


Degree of protection IP54 with door

Cable entry

Multicore cable 2 cable grommet (size KT4) for cable diameters from 14 to 68 mm
(use reduction cable glands for smaller cable diameters)

Single-core cable Aluminium plate, fitted with cable glands

Number and size of cable glands 4-pole system 5-pole system Cable diameter
5 x M50 5 x M50 18 35

Terminal capacity (copper)

(Terminal bolt with cable lugs) LD-K-.AK./FS-400-KSY LD-K-.AK./FS-630-KSY

L1, L2, L3 mm2 1 x 120 to 1 x 300 on request

N/PEN/PE mm2 1 x 120 to 1 x 300 on request

Colour, tap-off units RAL 7035, light grey

Dimensions see page 4/43

Weights see page 4/40

Material, tap-off units Galvanized steel with paint finish

Rated insulation voltage Ui V~ 690

In accordance with VDE 0110
V 800

Overvoltage category/pollution degree III/3

4 Rated frequency Hz 50

Rated operational voltage Ue V~ 400 690

Rated current Ie NH2 A 355 355

NH3 A on request on request

Utilization category AC-22 B AC-22 B

of the fitted switch-disconnector to IEC/EN 60947-3 AC-23 B

Short-circuit rating kA 110

for protection by fuses Icf1)

1) Fuses: IEC 269-1-2, NF EN 60269-1, NFC 63211, NFC 63210, VDE 0636-1, DIN 43620

4/38 Siemens LV 71.T 2004

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
Technical data

Tap-off units with circuit-breakers

Standards and regulations IEC/EN 60439-1 and -2, DIN VDE 0660 part 500 and 502

Climatic proofing Damp heat, constant, to IEC 60068-2-78

damp heat, cyclic to IEC 60068-2-30

Ambient temperature C 5/40/35 (min./max./24 hour average)

Degree of protection IP54 Standard

Cable entry

Multicore cable (lateral cable introduction) 2 cable grommets (KT3) for size 1 / 2 cable grommets (KT4) for sizes 2 and 3

Single-core cable (lateral cable introduction) Aluminium plate, undrilled for cable glands 10  PG 29

Terminal capacity (copper) Size 1 Size 1 Size 2 Size 2 Size 3

Rated current Ie A 80 125 160 250 400 570 8001)

Terminal bolt (for single and multicore cables) M8 M8 M12 M12 M12

L1, L2, L3; N/PEN/PE min. mm2 1 x 4(5) x 16 (1)2 x (4) x (50)25 2 x (4) x 70 2 x (4) x 70 2 x (4) x 70

max. mm2 1 x 4(5) x 35 2 x (4) x 70 2 x (4) x 120 2 x (4) x 120 2 x (4) x 120
or or or or
1 x (4) x 150 1 x (4) x 240 1 x (4) x 240 2 x (4) x 240

Colour/tap-off unit material RAL 7035, light grey / sheet steel, galvanized with paint finish

Dimensions L x W x H

Tap-off units for up to 160 A mm 600 x 424 x 320

Tap-off units for up to 630 A mm 900 x 424 x 417

Tap-off units for up to 800 A mm 1200 x 424 x 421

Rated insulation voltage Ui V~ 400

Overvoltage category/pollution degree III/3

Rated frequency Hz 50

Rated operational voltage Ue V~ 400 4

Rated current Ie

LD-K-AK/L80 A 80

LD-K-AK/L125 A 125

LD-K-AK/L160 A 160

LD-K-AK/L250 A 250

LD-K-AK/L400 A 400

LD-K-AK/L630 A 570

LD-K-AK/L800 A 800

Rated conditional short-circuit current Icc kA Depends on the switching capacity of the fitted circuit-breaker up to 100 kA:
Normal switching capacity: 35 kA
Medium switching capacity: 65 kA
High switching capacity: 100 kA

1) When the tap-off unit is suspension mounted (tap-off point at bottom), a derating of the rated current to Ie = 720 A must be considered.

Siemens LV 71.T 2004 4/39

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC

Trunking units

Trunking units with aluminium conductors

The stated weights are the weights per meter An increase in weight of 0.6 kg/m must be
(kg/m) for trunking units without tap-off points allowed for trunking units with IP54 protection.
to degree of protection IP34.
An increase in weight of 7 kg per tap-off point
must be allowed for trunking units with tap-off

LDA1... LDA2... LDA3... LDA4... LDA5... LDA6... LDA 7... LDA8...

LDA.413 21.7 27.4 27.4 33.7 37.2
LDA.423 16.7 20.0 20.0 22.9 29.4 29.4 36.6 40.6
LDA.613 22.9 29.4 29.4 36.6 40.6
LDA.623 17.9 22.0 22.0 24.1 31.4 31.4 39.5 44.0

Trunking units with copper conductors

The stated weights are the weights per meter An increase in weight of 0.6 kg/m must be
(kg/m) for trunking units without tap-off points allowed for trunking units with IP54 protection.
to degree of protection IP34.
An increase in weight of 7 kg per tap-off point
must be allowed for trunking units with tap-off

LDC2... LDC3... LDC6... LDC7... LDC8...

LDC.413 60.3 82.0 100.2
LDC.423 38.8 51.2 67.0 91.8 112.6
LDC.613 67.0 91.8 112.6
LDC.623 45.5 61.0 73.7 101.6 125.0

4/40 Siemens LV 71.T 2004

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC

Transformer and distribution board connection units

The specified weights are the weight per unit in kg.

Aluminium LDA6413 LDA6613 LDA7413 LDA7613 LDA8413 LDA8613

LDA....-AS1 48.2 49.8 54.1 56.0 57.6 59.8
LDA....-AS2 52.9 68.1 61.0 77.0 69.9 81.7
LDA....-AS3 57.6 78.7 67.7 89.1 72.4 94.1
LDA....-AS4 64.3 97.0 77.4 110.5 85.4 118.7

Aluminium LDA3423 LDA3623 LDA6423 LDA6623 LDA7423 LDA7623 LDA8423 LDA8623

LDA....-AS1 32.4 33.9 50.6 52.1 57.0 59.0 61.3 63.5
LDA....-AS2 35.1 47.4 56.0 71.2 65.0 81.0 70.8 86.6
LDA....-AS3 37.8 55.6 61.3 82.3 73.0 94.4 78.3 99.9
LDA....-AS4 41.6 68.8 69.6 101.7 83.9 117.1 93.1 126.4

Copper LDC6413 LDC6613 LDC7413 LDC7613 LDC8413 LDC 8613

LDC....-AS1 86.6 91.6 105.9 112.4 117.6 124.9
LDC....-AS2 102.4 121.0 129.0 149.0 144.9 165.8
LDC....-AS3 117.6 142.1 151.1 176.9 171.1 197.8
LDC....-AS4 139.6 175.8 182.9 220.5 209.1 247.5

Copper LDC3423 LDC3623 LDC6423 LDC6623 LDC7423 LDC7623 LDC8423 LDC8623

LDC....-AS1 65.4 71.8 94.4 99.5 116.6 123.0 130.0 137.2
LDC....-AS2 78.6 95.7 112.5 131.2 142.9 162.9 160.8 181.7
LDC....-AS3 91.2 113.8 129.9 154.4 168.1 194.0 191.1 217.8
LDC....-AS4 103.4 141.5 153.0 191.2 204.6 242.2 234.5 272.9

Siemens LV 71.T 2004 4/41

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC

Incoming cable connection

The specified weights are the weight per unit in kg.

LDA142. .LDA162. LDA242. LDA262. LDA342. LDA362.

LD.....-KE1(2) 85 92 85 92 107 114

LDA441. .LDA461. LDA541. LDA561.

LD.....-KE1(2) 115 122 135 142

LDA442. .LDA462. LDA542. LDA562.

LD.....-KE1(2) 117 124 137 144

LDC242. .LDC262. LDC342. LDC362.

LD.....-KE1(2) 115 122 127 134

Tap-off units

Tap-off units with LV HRC fuse switch- Tap-off unit with circuit-breaker
disconnectors and manual operation

Weight Weight
kg kg
LD-K-.AK./ST... 33 LD-K-.AK./LSH...-.(size 1) 37
+LD-IP54 1.5 LD-K-.AK./LSH...-.(size 2) 58
+BD2-1000-KR 5 LD-K-.AK./LSH...-.(size 3) 93

Tap-off unit with low-voltage switch- Tap-off unit with circuit-breaker

4 disconnector and motor operator

Weight Weight
kg kg
LD-K-.AK./FS400-KSY 48 LD-K-.AK./LSM...-.(size 1) 38.3
LD-K-.AK./FS630-KSY on request LD-K-.AK./LSM...-.(size 2) 63.5
LD-K-.AK./LSM...-.(size 3) 100

4/42 Siemens LV 71.T 2004

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
Dimension drawings
Trunking units
225 500 3200 185

20 20
85 410

185 500 3200 185


LDA(C)1... to LDA(C)3... LDA(C)1...-K-... to LDA(C)3...-K-...




a Coding bracket (only for busbars with tap-off points)

LDA(C)4... to LDA(C)8... LDA(C)4...-K-... to LDA(C)8...-K-...



Siemens LV 71.T 2004 4/43

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
Dimension drawings
Tap-off units with LV HRC fuse switch-disconnector

Without cabling box (front side cable introduction) With cabling box (side cable entry)


max. 490

317.5 131.5

Tap-off unit fitted Space requirements for fitting

430 370


4/44 Siemens LV 71.T 2004

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
Dimension drawings
Tap-off unit with low-voltage switch-disconnector



47 47

137 382.5

Tap-off unit fitted Space requirements for fitting




Siemens LV 71.T 2004 4/45

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
Dimension drawings
Tap-off units with circuit-breakers

LD-K.AK./LSH-...-. LD-K.AK./LSM-...-.


b c

Tap-off unit fitted Space requirements for fitting


a b c d e f g h
Size 1 158 317,5 136,5 600 47 424 372 559
Size 2 187 387,5 136,5 900 47 424 417 604
Size 3 189 313 136,5 1200 47 424 421 605,5

4/46 Siemens LV 71.T 2004

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC
Dimension drawings

Fixing bracket for horizontal suspension

224 281


Fixing bracket for vertical fixing

60 250

50 50



a b
mm mm
LDA1 to LDA3 300 245
LDC2 to LDC3 300 245

LDA4 to LDA8 357 302

b min. 20
LDC6 to LDC8 357 302

a LD system
b Front
c To be supplied by customer

Siemens LV 71.T 2004 4/47

Busbar trunking system LDA/LDC

4/48 Siemens LV 71.T 2004

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