Phrases and Process For Hypnosis

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-You are enough, you have everything, you are great, every strength, character, skill, value etc

-When you suggest, say -Imagine so and so and so

-lets have a talk

-Use powerful/exaggerated/conviction and commanding/dynamic/descriptive/present words, especially

for the end script

-mind avoid pain and go towards pleasure. Avoiding pain is more important

-Our need is to beling and avoid rejection. First needs in the world

-A habit of action comes from habit of thought

-Change the habit of thought/the interpretation of an event.

-Brain listens to you, especially when emotional. Btw Emotion would defeat logic all the time.

-Be intuitive

-Never call a problem is mine. You say its mine, you own it. -Dont call my fat mine, or exs mine -just
the modeul 6 lecture 9 C


-moduel 7 addiction sSo whenever you're curing a client of anything, make sure you're curing them of
not feeling enough. Make sure you add into the recording, "You can do it and you're enough."

-check for Full proof suggestibility test

Short form

So Induction, regression, cure-----Roll eyes, face hand, deepening by stairs, deepening by clicks,
suggestibility test, suggestibility test real, suggestibkut test eyes, regression/suggestion, out . RFDD

Setting client up

-She may speak to a client about the problem over phone and give them the expectation. Once they
believe they will be cured, you are half way there. Be confident. Module 6 lecture 9. A

-Intake form

-Ask questions about issue, when it started, how it started, symptoms etc. Need to know what they want
in 10 mins, narrowing down to one problem by if I had a magic wand, what would you wish for.
-I would want to tell them about the process

-Hypnosis is a science not magic. You will retain control and can get up whenever you want. Simply
listen to what I ask

-You are so suggestible, that means you have so much control over your brain

-Only take few minutes, pick up few words, ask questions about the issue but not too much. Be like a
detective (Module 7 , being a weight loss pratictioner)

-if I eeven try to do one of them, your mind will pick one or two and it may not be most important. So
you tell me which two are the most important

-According to assessment Whether they have previous experience of hypnosis and what they think about
it ; What combinations of presenting issues they have; What is the outcome you would like to leave the
session with; The language they use to describe issues.

-Rolls eyes up without moving your head, as high as you can go.

- (imagine) eyes are glued shut, sealed shut

-Drop chin down slightly

-Walking down each step, you can see them, hear them. Your body relaxes and mind relaxes. You go

-Hypnosis is not about sleep or relaxation, its about suggestibility. (Its about how powerful your mind is)

-Imagine there are magnets and your hands are steel. Or Imagine holding up arms with a helium balloon
in one hand and a bucket full of water in the other

-now you have proven to yourself how suggestible you are and how powerful your brain is. If your brain
can accept such simple ideas, it can accept even bigger and more meaningful ones.

Regression and understanding

-This is what you want (the problem)
-Transitional statement from Jodie demo in LIBRARy for depression

So every baby in the world is born feeling they belong. When you're in your
mother's womb, you're so connected. You can't separate you from your mum,
and your mum from you. No baby comes into the world feeling disconnected
or not whole, and no baby comes into the world with the feelings that you
described, of not being present, not feeling involved, and not relaxed and not
So I know that you've acquired these symptoms, and just as you acquired
them, you are going to be free of them forever. So I am going to count
backwards from five to one, and you are effortlessly going to go back to a
scene that is all to do with how, where, why, when you got to be this way.

- I will count backwards and you will go back to a scene that is a cause, reason, root of this
sabotage. [she will not say I will go back to a scene that has to do why you dont write the book,
or are not healthy, she said she does sabotage, she has said it, so I have to go back to only one
thing]. Now at the count of 5 you are cruising back to the absolute crucial , vivid, significant
scene that is cause, reason, root of this problem . you are becoming younger, smaller, shorter,
lighter, drifting right back, right now just be there. (she clicks her fingers twice and as she says
just be there shes hold her forehead for 3 seconds).

-Is it day time or night time? Are you inside or outside? How old are you? (sometimes, are you
with someone or alone?) Now I want you to tell me what you are doing, feeling, thinking,
hearing, experiencing in this scene?

-We are going back to a scene that is all to do with how/why/where you got to be this
way/issue or cause of this issue. The scene can therefore change from one to other, one can
build on another, depending on how things upwrap.

-Explore the scene further

Assisted conversation,
- The main are have the client say, Make them say I am
blah blah, I am doing this and I feelthis is happening and I feel and the client repeats and tells
the feelingand then you go I feel this because and sometimes, this makes me feel that I am
Main are because and it makes me feel [I feel can even be sometimes repeated 3x] She even
once used I dont like it because.. and even [behavioural], If feel so this I must [mean im]
. Also says just like? to help daisy chain to clients (module 7 lecture 16). ALSO and if this is
happening, it must mean that I am ??you can also say go on or and..[as in jodie demo,
you can also make the client look at a scene and say, I am this age and I believe..fill in the black,
this can be great when scenes are difficult to get]..ALSO, you can simply ask questions about the
scene eg go on. And then? And so on. ALso, you can simply ask questions as a detective as well.

If you cannot understand something, say what does that mean

-You can make them repeat everything/statement to know/understand eg I am 13 and I feel , because and
this must mean blah blah-You can also ask, is there something else to add

-You may discuss the meaning of the scene elaborately and go on to the next one, by saying ok
now, clear your mind by tapping or holding head

-You may discuss the problem that came through the scene and investigate that feeling through
another regression further (go off track)

-If the person is upset You cant deal with what you cant understand. So we are going to do this
one more time and I know its a sad memory but you have already delat with the momry, but you
are dsimply ealing with texperience. You can look at it objectvely and you are not rleiving it,
onlly revieweing it and the info ou are gtting is the inof that is going tyo set you free. So its
painful but its also fascinating and compelling to look at this and have the understanding that it is
going to free you module 6 lecture 9 A

-if the person is upset its ok to be sad let it all outmodule 6 lecture 9 A

-If Regression does not work, if not , RFPI, if not child. ALSO, [as in jodie demo, you can also
make the client look at a scene and say, I am this age and I believe..fill in the black, this can be
great when scenes are difficult to get] ALSO [as in jacis instance, all metaphors or blurs, when
the scenes were not clear, marisa used chinese whisper I am jaci and I have no confidence because?
And I cant because? Etc and you can further investigate for regular regression. Once something becomes
apparent, tel l them, make them repeat it and ask them if its ok [understanding and all]. Also like stacies
infertiflity video, you can go from nregression to RFPI to regression again.

On facebook a group member did RFPI, by having the clients imagine a mirror and the ref;lection was the
part of them that was hte cause of the disease. And made them have a conversation

-These are three photographs or DVDs of your life in your hand. You have asked your mind why
this is happening and your mind came up with this and your mind wants you to see these. In the
other hand, there is another DVD, you today/present issues. You are beautiful talented today, you
can write, meant to write, you can speak, meant to speak, and you can have great health and the
thing that is stopping you from having that scene are the other scenes (touching each hand). Now
my job is to look at these five scenes, and work at how these five scenes in this hand are the
cause of the scene in this hand (today), But I want you to tell me, how have five scenes here, let
to the scene here today. So you tell me

-change the meaning

-You can make them repeat everything/statement to know/understand eg I am 13 and I feel , because and
this must mean blah blah-You can also ask, is there something else to add

-understanding involved, showing empathy in each scene, reviewing them, saying its not me, making
them say what the actual situation was etc

-actuallys its in the cure as you do deeper, understanding is power and understanding in hypnosis is
the most phemnemenaol, transforming, liberating power. Understanding is power and now that you
understand the origin of the scenes, they cannot, will not and do not effect you ever again, and you are
free now.

I am not that young child. I am not helpless, I dont need food to be happy etc

-After understanding and saying thats not me you go back to each scene and say that that is not
me (marisa mentions for group sessions on moduel 7 lecture 13 alcoholics )excellent way to
look at it
An example: as you do deeper, understanding is power and understanding in hypnosis is the most
phenomenal, transforming, liberating power. Now you understand that that little girl was an innocent
little child so you tell that what they have not heard . You behaved in an absolutely age appropriate
manner, You were a victim mhorrible things were done to you and its very sad we cant change that but
what we are changing right now, for the rest of your life, is any feeling of guilt, or blame or shame.
Someone did this to you and they shoud have known better, but you were just a little kid. You are not to
blame in anyway, you are not responsible in anyway, its not your fault. It never was and it never will
be.And I might repeat 4 or 5x that its not your fault, you are an innocent child, you have nothing to feel
guilty about and you are the most delightful, perfect little kid and you did not deserve this, its not your
fault (not sure if in cure or understanding, seems like understanding to me)

Example from moduel 6 lecture 9 A

Sian, for you, understanding is power. And understanding in hypnosis is, for you, the most
extraordinary power, the most healing power, the most liberating power. And right now, you are looking
over and right through those scenes. You're looking through that little girl in the bath who is teased.
You're looking through that little girl who didn't want to go in the house and was
scared of the ghost. You're looking at scenes of a little girl who felt different, who believed that she
was shy and quiet and could not get any attention unless she had something wrong with her, and
needed to have something wrong with her to validate why she was shy and different in the first place.
You're looking at a little girl who is so clever she came up with one symptom to deflect from another
one. And as you look over and around and through all of those scenes, you can understand just how and
why and when you did that. And you understand that anyone, any other child in your situation would
have done something very similar. So as you look over, around, and through all of those scenes, you can
understand what happened, why it happened. It all makes sense. You
understand that you had to believe certain beliefs to begin this sweating process and to keep it going.
Example module 7 fertility part 2 video 11 Marisa makes her talk to the subconcious, Thank you so
much for protecting me but now I am ready! Assisted talking looking to UNDERSTAND. Marisa asks the
subcinous if its willing to go!! and she says yes but there are concerns (Marisa says that at this point you
can take that part and make it do something else, eg help you!) (here its not assisted talk, she is just
talking the client to asking the part in her own mind)she asks the subconconcious how to get rid of
concerns and she asked the client to ask what it wants and she said, it was to be sure. Marisa asks how can
you make it sure? Teh client says it just needs to know that its what she wants and this is whats best.
Marisa says that you tell it [not assisted] and says you can do it in your head or outloud. The client made
words herself. ..marisa says add anything else..and she says you dont need to worry etc. She then says
Do you need to ask anything else? Before we go through the cure? and she says no

EXAMPLE excellent Module 7 lecture 15-alchool

-DVD she ask the client

In one hand is the girl at 25, 19 and 4 where the mother didnt hug etc. The mom is only concerned with
her, the girl is being sent her because she is diffucult, but its only because no one takes care of her and her
bro tekaes her life. NOw in the other hand, is you today. Now the reasons these scenes cause this scenes.
Now how could the scenes in past can lead to the girl there is today?

Everyone left me
You say, they have all left me and..?
I am all alone
And if I am all alone?.that means im worthless

-She goes back to each scene and says I AM NOT HER etc [this can lead to upgrade the child

Now Go back to the scene when you were 4 and I want you to say. That isnst me, my mother doenst hug
me, that doesnt mean I am not lovalble, I dont need her love, or hugs, I have a beautfiu lduaghter who
hugs me all the time and I hug here because I am not 4, I am not emotionally empty little girl and I never
will be

Now go back to the girl at 12 and say.Thats not me. I am not at boardings schgool. My needs are
reocgnzied and met. I can leave naything I dont like. I dont live in a place I hate. I live with people I
love. Who love me, I am not rejected, I am not worthless, I matter.

Now go back to the brother left and say that isnt me, My brother made choices and have nothing to do
with each other and he is still here and I can talk to him anytime at all.

In module 7 Lecture 16-Acting

The understanding part revolved around First going through regression with empathy and then
DVD and then

Understanding the scenes one by one, and changing/explaining what really happened

Thats not me, I was a kid, and Now I am not

-OVERALL------Assisted or general conversation with self on how things have changed and you
are not that person. (eg now you realize that the beautiful little girl was innocent and what she
did was age appropriate) Assisted conversation with the child and between yourself and the child
(eg loving parent and upgrading the child), assisted conversation between yourself and the adult
(usually around that I do not need you for praise or anger and then to feeling bad for them)
[sometimes back and forth]-SAY THATS NOT ME-then Sink hole that will come later

-general suggestions of empowerment


In one session in library ;lectue 3 jodie I think, marisa

used upgrade the child in the cure/script

[in module lecture 1, alcohol, she mentions the cure as the recording or elimination of symptom
I think, so MAYBE upgrading the child and all are NOT in the recording-HAVE TO CONFIRM

-After understanding and saying thats not me you go back to each scene and say that that is not
me (marisa mentions for group sessions on moduel 7 lecture 13 alcoholics )

----> Marisa says this is cure Now I want you to look over, and through that child and understand that
any child in that situation would have felt exactly the same as you would have felt because it happened
when you were so young (or you made decisions when you were here for a few short years), you made a
decision was your fault, you made a deicision you were to blame and you understand now that you have
to keep believing those things to keep this going, you never have to believ thos ebleievfs or think thos
ethoughts ever again. Thats all gone, its all behind you now, its out of your life, its over, its done. Its
something you used to feel once upon a lifetime ago and it cannot will not and does not influence you
ever again, because you are not that little child and you never will be. YOu are a smart, intelligence,
lovable adult and as the smart adult lovable person you are, you accept its no longer appropriate, its no
longer necessary, its no longer relevant, it is even remotely interesting for you to think thos ethoughts or
feel those feelings ever again. And now you are free and you feel taht freedom, You feel elated, you feel
empowered, you feel delighted, you feel liberated, you are a victor, not a victim and you will always be a
victor and not a victim because it is all behind you, it is out of your life and sometimes I say its like the
smoke of your car or water in shower, it can never come back and you can never grab it again even if you
want to so make them feel its gone it cannot, willnot, does not impact you, you are powerful, you are
empowered, you are a victor, you are free and I might repeat that several times.

-Let praise in through I am a good son, parent etc and asks them to let it in

Parenting technique 1 -Going back and holding in their arms the new born child that is perfect and
Saying the same things [probably assisted conversation] I am loving parent to you, I will always have
time for you, and you and have I balance. You are so beautiful, you are so lovable and all your life, you
are going to find love. Its all about taking a little baby and telling it I am here for you, I am a loving
parnet to you, no one in the world can play this role like I can .

THis can also be combined with upgrading the childYou ask them to close their eyes and go back to a
home, open door and go to their bedroom. -They meet their child self and you know them and they know
you-You ask them a series of questions eg are you happy? If not why? Who do you live with? What they
do or dont do what makes them unhappy etc How old they are? Etc-They pick the child up and take them
outside and bring them back to present, and show them one by one how the life is eg products, even job
-This is upgrading the child. -Install them in their life and say I am becoming a loving parent to you
now. No one in the world can play this role of loving parent like I can. I love you exactly the way you
are. I love you completely and unconditionally. You never ever have to earn that. You are safe with me, I
am here protecting you always. I will always have time for you, listen to you. You and I have balance
now. There is nothing we cannot do. -Then she asks them what is it that they most wanted to hear as a kid
and usually its you are interesting smart, kid, my favourite job is to be your parent and she says those
things (I believe assisted or repeated conversation making the adult say that to the kid) and tells them now
you have put the child in your world and can never go back in their world, even in their dreams. Then
they imagine the kid coming down and turning into them as they are today. Then they some simple
things-eg So everytime they drive they say to themselves that I am not that kid, or using credit card etc
because I am not that kid. (this is not hypnosis).
Marisa mentions a variation in module 7 lecture on being a weight loss practitioner and mentions a
person who had eating issues because as a kid they had no money. She made him look at his child self
saying that that is not me now. I would say its a variation on upgradingthe child

Parenting technique 2 -- I hate you, resent you, you are sick , how dare you etc and they move from
there to you are just a sick, lonely person I think you ask if you would be that person and they would
respond I wont be that person for 5 sec, so you have already won, they have lostYou can keep them in
angry mode for sometime. Its only bad if its repressed. You go from anger to hurt/sad and go to power
from there. [I have noticed marisa also tries to ensure that the person understands where the adult came
from and why they were themselves damaged]

FREE of the issue ie you cant hurt me anymore etc]

Another one The minute she understood it, she was fine. And you make them say

how dare you did that to me, what a sad person you are etc

You are freeing them from guilt and sham,e, you have them hold themseles as parents and then make
them look at the perpretrator and make them say I hate you, sick etc then they leave anger and go on to
how pathetic they are and would you want to be that person this helps them see that what a bad
person that is and she makes them udnerstand he has to live with that thing forever etc its repetitve and
circular!! you repeat you are a victim and he was a prepator.

Another thing to say is that you are punishing yourself, and how long have you been punishing yourself
for if they say eg 60 yrs, there is .no one in the world who will give you 60 years od pain. Even
killers dont get taht much. You didnt do anything wrong! you tell them they have the power to stop
punishing temselves

And ofcourse good therapy is about giving themn POWER, its about not you saying they are ok, its
aboutthem saying I dont have to be like this, I can be different..etc you tell your client you are better,
etc and if that complete idiot was in this room, what would you say?

-YOU CAN ALSO make the client ASK whatever they want to ask (henricka lecture, also in library)
Module 7 Lecture 8, working working with teens,-rasing their self esteem, is a good example. She makes
children have a conversation with their parents and make them ask their parents ask about their childhood.
It helps the kids understand. So yes your dad was not right or your mom was out all night, but it was the
right thing to do but it was not to hurt you. Its to change their meaning. \

She makes children have a conversation with their parents and make them ask their parents ask about
their childhood. It helps the kids understand Overall [Get them to ask the parent why, and make the
parnet to answer and also explain their childhood. ]-

Combing the two: She demonstrated these two concepts earlier, without describing
them in the following words She recaps the whole process of understanding:
-You put the arms around the child, you didnt do anything wrong you are ok.

-You say some of those words you are empowered you are free

-That person is looking through the room, how will you take the power back? Its by saying things like I
hate you, resent you, you are sick , how dare you etc and they move from there to you are just a sick,
lonely person I think you ask if you would be that person and they would respond I wont be that person
for 5 sec, so you have already won, they have lostYou can keep them in angry mode for sometime. Its
only bad if its repressed. You go from anger to hurt/sad and go to power from there

-You continue on a loop., you are free, ok, a very damaged person did that etc, not your fault

-The cure is not about happy thoughts, but also about understanding, yes this happened, you understand
you were young and why you got these beliefs, but you also udnerstand that you are not young again, you
are an adult, and t is not approprite, necessary, relevant or even remotely interesting, and you no longer
think those thoughts. You are free. Then you keep reminding them, its all behind you, its in the past etc.
You have to make them believe that these feelings are gone just like toys from childhood. But also add
you have phenemenol coping skills and you cope with everything superbly because you have phenemenol
coping skills

--The logical cure is to tell them biscuits have calories, but emotional cure is to tell them you can have
them but you dont need to eat it, you can chose to as you are not a kid. You can CHOSE to say NO to
cookies. Let them make sense of the pattern and change it. Module being a weight loss practitioner
Forgetting (sink down) while your conscious mind is forgetting, forgetting, forgetting, forgetting the
trauma, but your subconscious mind is remembering that for 15 years you walked over that bridge
without thinking, or for four formative years you left food on your plate. And then I used other various
powerful words which you should write down. While your conscious mind is forgetting, your
subconscious mind is reactivating, remanifesting, regenerating, and recreating that perfect attitude to
food. Or that effortless crossing of the River Thames. Its recreating it for you now and for the rest of
your life.


You just say, that was a horrible, horrible, horrible event, but you know sometimes I say to them,
which is another good thing to write down. Your subconscious mind is remembering how five years ago
you went over that bridge without giving it a second thought. Your subconscious mind is remembering
that when you were two you left chocolate buttons in the bag and crisps in the packet every day, and
while your subconscious mind is remembering how easy it used to be, your conscious mind is forgetting
everything else, and then I rock their


your subconscious mind you are remembering how easy is used to be, your concious mind is forgetting
the problem (and she rocks their head) etc. While your conscious mind is forgetting, your conscious
mind reactiviating, remanifesting, regenerating, and recreating yhat perfect attitude to food or whatever.
Its recreating it for you now and the rest of your life

-Eliminating Eradicating Erasing Shattering Smashing Ending Moving away from Empowered and elated
Thrilled Delighted Ecstatic Elated Phenomenal coping skills

OR something similar--Another idea (from QnA 4-I had another client on that boat, who could not go
over the Thames, by

bridge. He couldnt go over by boat, by foot, by train, by cab. He just could not go over that water. He
was kind of stranded in Battersea and so yeah, youve got to help people get their power back. You just
say, that was a horrible, horrible, horrible event, but you know sometimes I say to them, which is
another good thing to write down. Your subconscious mind is remembering how five years ago you
went over that bridge without giving it a second thought. Your subconscious mind is remembering that
when you were two you left chocolate buttons in the bag and crisps in the packet every day, and while
your subconscious mind is remembering how easy it used to be, your conscious mind is forgetting
everything else, and then I rock their
head back, while your conscious mind is forgetting, forgetting, forgetting, forgetting the trauma, but your
subconscious mind is remembering that for 15 years you walked over that bridge without thinking, or for
four formative years you left food on your plate. And then I used other various powerful words which
you should write down. While your conscious mind is forgetting, your subconscious mind is
reactivating, remanifesting, regenerating, and recreating that perfect attitude to food. Or that effortless
crossing of the River Thames. Its recreating it for you now and for the rest of your life.

-Now you understand why blah blah .this is not you

Module 7 fertfilty part 2 video 11

Cure. Recording the cure now ..starts induction quickly

-understanding is power and those scenes make sense and connect to self esteem and is not relevant,
necessary anymore to think those thoughts, as you are not a child anymore

-Super fertile and smart and brilliant mind that blocked you, is unblocking it right now.

-Mind does what you think it wants it to do, and you play this recording and when it does and what you
insist on want, is a baby.

-Your mind is compelling you, motivating you to make a baby

-Body is network of intelligence and programmed it to give a perfect baby and all you need is

-Visualize the future, the baby, tell it outloud or in your head created a place in my heart, womb and body
for youinvite it into your life and the energy is so real you can touch it. See the baby, feel it.

-know that you will have periods, and that you will get pregnant and everytime you hear its a perfect

-Its your healing baby

-Turn eyes inwards, look into your womb and see fallopina tubes and the mindset is making the ovaries
perfect, the perfect egg, rehearse whats about to happen, eg sperm comes and firtlizes, it become embryo,
moves to womb, grows, and talk to the baby, it loves it being there, its grows on target. You feel pregnant,
your breast become bigger, you sail through pregnancy. You growit emotionally and talk to it everyday
and how it the most wanted and your baby comes here being wanted! And you and your partners celebrate
it and you buy things for your baby as a mark of absloute certainty and it grows well. Again and again.
Talk to it to grow perfectly and explain development of the babys body parts, and doctor says the same
thing. Great birth and birth is great and you can feel the baby. See the delivery and the baby is perfect and
you hold it, smell it etc. Imagine showing the baby and showing how it is wanted, and relatives and every
room is full of baby things etc. It thrills you , empowers you. Know t elieve, it achieve it etc . Whenever
you play this recorindg, you can see great dreams and go to sleep. And now you can effortless come back.
SCRIPT/Cure/recording/general (I think overlaps cure)
Cure--anything else you need to tell, or ask before we go on to the cure

-You make a script like understanding suggestion on how its ok and you do it fine now and
suiggestion of scenes that are happening

understajnding is power an dunderstaindg in hypnosis si oiphenemenon, freeing power. And now that
you understand the cause of the issues, that understaindg is freeing you. those issues are all belong you,
they are out of your life, they are in your past

-Use powerful/exaggerated/conviction and commanding/dynamic/descriptive/present words, especially

for the end script

-Eliminating Eradicating Erasing Shattering Smashing Ending Moving away from Empowered and elated
Thrilled Delighted Ecstatic Elated Phenomenal coping skills

-Say what they actually want to hear

-Module 7 lecture 16 acting

never feel its necessary, rleevnt, interesting appropriate every again to think the way you thought
when you were 10 or feel

very imprint, imnpresison, every thought, belief, anything feeling, and indeed anything that ever
made you feel the way you felt when you were 10, and hurt the way it hurt when you were 12, these
things are shrinking, fading, they are so far behind you, they are out of your life, they are out of
your life and will always be out. SOmething you used to have and ismpy cannot do not influece you
or interest you, ever ever again beause every single day you are moving on from one accomplished
to another.


With hands on their head, go through Role, Function, intention and purpose of the disease by becoming the
disease and talking to it through chinese whisper style (assisted)

Marisa: Okay, so that's enough scenes. We don't need to look at any more. I want you to do something
now. I want you to imagine you can turn your eyes inward. You can go into your body and you can just
find the part of you that's brought about this sweating. And it's the easiest thing. You don't have to see it
or do it. You're just imagining that you've gone inside. You're still Sian, but you found the part of Sian
that at a very early age came up with this sweating because it thought it might have some useful role,
function and purpose. And I want you to say, "I'm the part of Sian that came up with sweating. And my
only role in Sian's life is to..." and I want you to say that and put the ending on it automatically without
processing it through your intellect at all. This is your feeling mind we're working with. You don't need to
think about it. Just do it. I'm the part of Sian

Sian: I'm the part of Sian...

Marisa: ...that came up with the sweating.
Sian: ...that came up with the sweating.
Marisa: And my only role in Sian's life is to
Sian: And my only role in Sian's life is to stop her.
Marisa: And I want to stop her from...
Sian: Feeling anxious.
Marisa: And I need to stop her from... Say the whole thing. I need to stop her from...
Sian: Feeling lonely.
Marisa: Mm-hmm. And I think that if I make her sweat, she will... Finish the
sentence. You're doing well. You're doing fantastically well.
Sian: She knows she's different.
Marisa: She knows she's different. Go on. What is it that makes little Sian
know she's different? What is it that makes that little girl know she's different?
Sian: Because I don't think like anyone else.
Marisa: And what is it that you do or don't do when you're little that makes you
know that you don't think like anyone else?
Sian: Because I'm really shy.
..and so on

And you should feel really proud of yourself because you've understood what this is all about. So I want you
to go back to that part of you that came up with this ruse and I want you to say, "Thank you so much for trying
to help me the way you did."
Sian: Thank you so much for trying to help me the way you did.
Marisa: That's really powerful.
Sian: That's really powerful.
Marisa: And I got it, why you did that.
Sian: And I got it, why you did that.
Marisa: And that your only intention was to help me.
Sian: And that your only intention was to help me.
Marisa: But I don't need help anymore.
Sian: I don't need help anymore.
Marisa: I'm 40 years old.
Sian: I'm 40 years old.
Marisa: I'm not shy.
Sian: I'm not shy.
Marisa: I'm not insecure.
Sian: I'm not insecure.

Marisa: And just let yourself go deeper. You can do that every day all on your own, because you have the
power. And I want you to just see yourself reminding yourself every day that you're free. And because you
know you're free and expect to be free and feel so free, you feel that freedom. You can wear anything you
like. You can wear high heels without tights. You can wear flip flops.
AndSo I want you to see it leaving. I want you to see it just disappearing out of your body. If you need to
release any emotion now, you open your mouth and say, "I feel like this," or, "This is how I feel." You don't
need any other body part to express your emotions. You don't need it to justify why you're different,
because you're not different. You're the same. You don't need it to give you a reason for feeling different,
because you are the same as every 40 year old woman in the world.

Also with healing vortex-Headling Vortex modeul 6 lecture 9B

Now this healing energy vortex is moving into your gut, moving into your bowel, taking out residues of old
stuff, any toxicity, anything chemical. It is all being pushed and shoved ahead of that healing energy vortex,
moving out of your body, out of your mind, out of your life. Now that healing energy vortex is moving down
through your legs. Everything that does not belong in your mind/body/psyche, anything, any imprint,
impression, any memory, any imperfection, any hurt that you no longer want to be in your life is being
pushed ahead of this healing energy vortex. You can feel the old stuff moving down towards your knees,
down towards your calf. Your calf muscles feel incredibly heavy, as that healing energy vortex, the tip of it,
starts to move down to the soles of your feet. I want you to imagine you are opening a valve in the soles of
your feet, and all that stuff is coming out, rather like an egg timer, rather like an egg timer with a crack or a
hole in the bottom. So all the stand starts to tip out and pour out and drain out. You can feel this kind of
sand pouring out of your body, tipping
out of your body, taking out everything that should not be there. While you feel the sand trickling, pouring
out of your body yet again, you are commanding, instructing, directing, compelling, programming your
body to go back and back and back, back to its perfect coding, back to its original imprint and impression,
back, so that everything is working perfectly, naturally, beautifully,
wonderfully, just as nature intended it to do.

Then commanding, instructing, directing go back to orignal encoding of the body, back back back, so we
become as nature intended -remembering back to how they were healthy orignally as a baby etc

-Shaking forehead While your subconscious mind remembers the perfection, it is reactivating,
remanifesting, and recreating it. As your subconscious mind remembers, reactivates, re-manifests, and
recreates the perfection, your conscious mind is forgetting those old issues. You are remembering
everything that you need to remember
-Inner mind motivates you and compels you and programs you and directs you to function perfectlyand
so on


Example frpm Jodie with depression in LIbrary

So I want you to take that little girl, I want you to put your arms around that little girl. I want you to
takeher into your home where you live now. And I want you to go, "Look, this home is tiny, perfect. But
people come here and go, 'This is nice. I love the paintings. Did you paint those? I love your artistic flairs
in your home.'" So I want you to imagine bringing your friends into your home. And I want you to say to
that little girl of six, "Look where you live now. You don't live in that messy house with someone lying on
the couch. You're not in that pity party ever again. You live in a different world." So take that little girl,
take her out of the house where you lived with your mum Take her back to where you live now. Show her
your art and say to her, "You
painted this. How cool is that? You put this house together. How cool is that? You don't live with that
mother. She can't hurt you anymore. How great is that?" I want you to upgrade that little girl into your
world, because guess what? When you put her in your world and install her there, you can never go back
and live in that other world even in your daydreams. So put that little girl into your world. Show her the
friends you do have and the art you do. And show her what's about to start happening from today, going
out and taking the photos, getting your work in galleries, having people recognize your talent and going,
"Wow, love what you do. You're so talented."
Having galleries ring you up and say they've sold your painting and sending you checks Take her back to
where you live now. Show her your art and say to her, "You painted this. How cool is that? You put this
house together. How cool is that? You don't live with that mother. She can't hurt you anymore. How great
is that?" I want you to upgrade that little girl into your world, because guess what? When you put her in
your world and install her there, you can never go
back and live in that other world even in your daydreams. So put that little girl into your world. Show her
the friends you do have and the art you do. And show her what's about to start happening from today,
going out and taking the photos, getting your work in galleries, having people recognize your talent and
going, "Wow, love what you do. You're so talented." Having galleries ring you up and say they've sold
your painting and sending you checks

Jodie: Everything is available to you.

Marisa: And I'm going to get it for you.
Jodie: And I'm going to get it for you.
Marisa: Because I'm becoming the loving parent to you now.
Jodie: Because I'm becoming the loving parent to you now
Jodie: Everything is available to you.
Marisa: And I'm going to get it for you.
Jodie: And I'm going to get it for you.
Marisa: Because I'm becoming the loving parent to you now.
Jodie: Because I'm becoming the loving parent to you now
Jodie: Everything is available to you.
Marisa: And I'm going to get it for you.
Jodie: And I'm going to get it for you.
Marisa: Because I'm becoming the loving parent to you now.
Jodie: Because I'm becoming the loving parent to you now
Jodie: Everything is available to you.
Marisa: And I'm going to get it for you.
Jodie: And I'm going to get it for you.
Marisa: Because I'm becoming the loving parent to you now.
Jodie: Because I'm becoming the loving parent to you now

Marisa: And I want you to show her all the amazing things that she can do.
And I want you to take responsibility of parenting yourself. Your mother
couldn't do it but you can do it. No one can do it like you. So just one more
time, show that little girl. Take her by the hand and show her your art and art
gallery, your camera full of photos that you're taking and turning into art, your
friends that want to come to your gallery opening, the people that come and
by your art, the people who praise you all the time. Because you have a talent, and of course when you
have that talent you know that you're given that talent to share it. It's a bit like having a cat and never
letting it climb a tree. People who have a talent never feel right until they use their talent. A singer who
doesn't sing, a dancer who doesn't dance feels stuck. Your mum was stuck. And you are in every way
unstuck because you were given that talent and you're finding so much support in making your life
wonderful. So show that little girl everything that's available to her and to you. And I want you to feel that
little girl just hovering a foot above your head. And inch by inch, bit by bit that little girl is descending
down and dropping down and literally merging into you. That sweet little girl who knew that life at six
wasn't what she wanted is taking up residence in your world, in your life. And that is what she wants,
because you are empowered and motivated and talented and ambitious and driven. And most of all, you
are lovable just the way you are and you always have been and you always will. I want you to say out
loud, "I'm lovable."

And more

RFPI +Regression and ALL!!!! (I am still confused betwen


understanding/cure etc)

-She mostly uses regression and sometimes regresses to RFPI she mentioned I think about using both,
depending on what comes up. Module 7 Being a Weight loss practitioner . Regression is go to and if
behaviour does not change, than RFDI. THIRDLY is go back to the child. The Child knows the issue and
they know you the issue and the child will tell anything. What is happening etc. You get the info and they
understand that that is not me and use cure LOVING PARENT etc and reinforce that that is not me by
upgrade them to show how things are now and make them say thats not me

Eg Regression to find a cause> you say that is not me [one by one like huma did as well]>cure ie
understanding is power etc, not relevant, necessary or appropriate. Than you use visulize as well. What
they want is in the cure, cure is opposite. Cure is recorded. Cure example of a client who ate cake
because a kid he didnt have it. YOu tell you can have cake everyday for sure, but you dont have to, you
can chose not to this breaks the thought that you cant have them. Not set formula, but if nothing works.

Module fertility part 2 video 11

RFPI==(she uses regression here as well) ---She then goes on to RFPI 52:33assited conversation, role
was to.because etc

Role was??protect her.and wanted to protect her from?? loss and painand I needed to protect her
from?? everything that can go wrong.

Function was? Ensure she was safeand she had to be safe from? Pain and abondonmentbecause?? it
hurts so bad

Purpose is to? Keep her as it is. [marisa says, if they are struggling at third point, stop it because its

Clear its about seeing bad things and it protects you from this.

She then asks that subconcious about when did she come into the clients life and what made it necessary
to come into her life.she says it was sex ed and a friend pregnancy scareand then marisa asks what they
felt during that timeand she said it was determination that she will not get pregnant. --(This is
regression with RFPI, ontop of the way we can do it through visiting the child I guess)


RFPI vs Regression
For regression, After understanding and saying thats not me you go back to each scene and say
that that is not me (marisa mentions for group sessions on moduel 7 lecture 13 alcoholics )
For RFPI, after everything you say to that part thank you so much for protecting me and it
worked when I was young, but Now I am ok. I dont need you know etc assisted conversation
[stacy in feritility2 video 11]

For regression there is talking to the adult, but RFPI, you can talk to that part of yourself and
explain something

Transition words:
You are reacting perfectly. You are going deeper

Test-Hypnosis is not about tance, it is about suggestiblity and I am going to show you how incredibly
suggestible you are. If your mind can accept a suggestion, it can suggest anything. Every suggestion you
accept makes next suggestions easier and when it takes meangless uggestions, it takes meaning full.

Regression-we are all born in the world perfect, and I know you want this or that, but something
happens along the way. We will find out what happened.

Cure--anything else you need to tell, or ask before we go on to the cure

-Now we will go to the recording

-Outro: Its energy is all around you, so knowing it, feeling it, beleinnig it, ahcigeibg ity, relaly fastand feeling
elated, delighted, in so proud of yourself. When you are ready, you can slowly, calmly, easilyl, effortlessly,
return to yoru fll awraness and ofcourse if ever you play thsi recorindg, you drift into the most beautiful
healing sleep, you dream the most amazing dreams, your baby is always there in your dream. And you
know that it will be in no time be there in life because you have alreayd made that happen, now you can
comebakc to full awareness or go to perfect sleep right now


From moudle 6 lecture 9A

Marisa: Good. So when you're ready, you can just slowly, calmly, easily just come back to full awareness
feeling amazing, feeling liberated, feeling free, feeling powerful. When you're ready, just slowly, calmly,
easily open up your eyes, fill up your lungs, take a deep breath. And I want you to have that song by Snap,
"I've Got the Power" on your phone, in your mind. And I want you to sing it to yourself a lot. And just switch
off the recording. How does that feel?

AND suggestions for recording

Module 6 lecture 9B

all you have to do is to tell your body to make it so you play this recording a lot, because you respond to it

Every time you play this recording, you command your body. You instruct your body to go back to function

Everything is new and healthy and shiny and perfect, so feeling liberated, feeling free, feeling healed,
feeling so extraordinarily healed, feeling phenomenal, feeling incredible, feeling proud of yourself, good
about yourself, feeling like the extraordinary, healthy, happy, wonderful, lovable person that you absolutely
are.Just open up your eyes and fill up your lungs and slowly, calmly, easily come back to your full
awareness. Of course, when you play this recording at night, you can drift into the most deep healing sleep,
that will carry you right through until the morning. You can do that any time at all, including right now

--Example of cure for addictions

After RFP moudle 4- addictions

To continue with RFP, if they say something like "To keep people away." then you continue with the
questions, the Chinese whispers. As fast as possible "And I need to keep it away because..." And then they
go, "They might hurt me. They might laugh at me." once you have a few things, you can go and
say./developed this phobia, and it was supposed to protect you. You can't leave the house. You can't go
through the school gates because you were bullied. You're scared of cats because someone told you a cat
can claw your eyes out. You're terrified of a spider because you just read this book about a spider

that killed somebody or whatever. "And now you can see that you got these things. Well, that's very good.
You developed this thing to protect you, and that's wonderful. But thirty years later, it seems to be
causing you as much pain as the original problem did, and now it's time to let it go."
So then you negotiate with their brain and go, "Okay, brain, I really get it that when this person was six,
you came up with this really cool phobia to keep them safe. They couldn't touch door handles. They
couldn't walk over a crack. They couldn't go in a puddle. They couldn't touch a button, and that was to
keep them safe.

But now they're 46, and they're very safe, and it just is redundant. We just don't need it anymore. Thank
you so much for coming up with it. Fantastic. But it's now outdated. It's redundant. It's unnecessary." So
you kind of negotiate with the brain, and then you go, again, to the cure. And then you go, "And
understanding is power, and now that you can see that anyone, at four, could have come up with what you
did at four. But you're not four. You're 44, and it's no longer necessary." And then you give them all the
wording about, "You're free. It's all behind you. It's in the past. It's something you used to have, and it
cannot, will not, does not influence you anymore."

So you're always using the information that they are giving you. And sometimes, but not often,
occasionally I'll imagine that there's a boardroom, and that they're in the boardroom, and they're having a
conversation with all these different parts of themselves. It's called parts therapy. I don't do it a lot, but
occasionally, and they'll reach understanding. They're just having a conversation about, "Oh, yeah, well,
we got this problem then because of this." But now, thirty years later, it's like you're trying to press your
remote control without any batteries and going, "Well, that's not working."
It's all about empowering the client to wake up and go, "Oh, yeah. That makes so much sense. I got this
fear of fish because of that, and I've kept this fear of fish all my life because of what happened when I was
four. But I'm not four. I'm 44, and I don't need the fear of fish anymore." And all the way home, they keep
saying, "I'm not four. I don't need it. I'm driving my car, because I'm clearly not four. Oh, I'm putting my
credit card into the machine because I'm clearly not four. Now I'm downloading a movie and watching
that because guess what. I'm not four." And you just keep empowering them, "And I don't need to have
that phobia." And again, it's all about empowering them.

WITH CHILDREN, always go into their world. They will become honest and tell you why. Dont try to
get them into our world. Dont say it does not make sense or someone else is not like that, they just feel

Module 7 lecture 16 acting

So feeling pehenemenol, feeling extraodinary, feeling amazing=, feeling liberated, feeling free, feeling
so good about yourself, feeling so good about your gift, knowing that most of the people love your gift
and the few who do not, thats not your problem, its theres. So feeling amazing, feeling phenemenol,
feeling wonderful, feeling extradoinary, feeling full aware and fully comitted to getting into greatestness
everyday, every single day, including right now. Knowing whenever you play this recording before you
go to bed, you drift into a deeper healing sleep and when you play it before an audtion you stepo put and
you own that stage, you take that part, you make it your own, you impress everyone, including yourself.
And knowing it, feeling it, believeing, just open your eyes and fill up your lungs.Just take a long deep
breath. (stop the recording (1:09)

SPORTSMAN Module 7 lecture 13 lecture 2



Suggestiblity test of hands being glued together. And then eyes locked together.


You are so suggestible, so if you tell your mind silly things and believes them, you know if you tell them important things it will believe them too. Its easier
to skating faster etc because it excites you. We already jknow it will accept positive ones.As you go deeper, drift deeper, imagine seeing yourself on a
screen See the best bits of every training you have ever done. Seeing skating faster, skating with more energy. You are seeing owning that puck, you are
seeing yourself being great at ice skating. When you get it, you are like a missile. EtcYou are seeing your coach saying, wow, you are better and better, you
can see your father say I am so proud of you etc.As you go deeper, you have a brilliant mind and when you have abrilient mind and you are specific, It does
. All you have to do everyday is hear these words, and think these thoughts and see these imagines, so let me record this for you. As you go deeper, your
mind does what it wants you to do and your mind knows that all it wants is for you to be the best . You get better and better everyday. When you get the
puck you get faster. You are relaly good, relaly clever in getting the puck from the other team. When you have that puck you escape so fast. You are really
fast. Etc etcYou score an ealry goal, and it puts you in the winnig team and its exciting and then you goal anothe(realy talks about EVERYTHING) You
pass the puck and they pass to you because you are the fastest. Its so exicting and you can hear everyone cheer for you, and your teammates skating up and
patting you and hear yoru dad that he is so proud of you because you are the fastest and the best at owning tha puck, keeping that puck. When you pass, you
are in the right position for them to pass back. Your mind really knowns what you want.You are always ahead of the pack, you are always in the winning
team. As you think of these things, It has to happen and as you hear these words, your mind pictures everything and when it pictures it, it makes it
happen.Knowing it, Feeling it, believeing it, feeling amazing, feeling awesome, feeling strng, You deserve the title of the best ice skater in your team.
Feeling so excited, ready and proud.Open your eyes.When you play this recording beforer sleep, you will go to sleep and go into great dreams.

Repeat it again and again.

Cure--anything else you need to tell, or ask before we go on to the cure

-She once did child upgrade in cure

-assisted conversation does take place



Smoking on claire and lisa-double

General/motivation/rules of the mind: Mind is remembering, reactivating, remanifesting and regenerating

all those years you didnt smoke and it was easy and as it rememebirng that it is forgetting everything to
do with smoking and for you understanding is power and you understanding that your mind does what it
think you want it to do. Everytime you play this, what ou want, isnist of, what you reuqire of yourself is to
stop smoking. YOu really want it, your brilliant mind is programjing, compelling, motivating you to stay
free from smoking and everyday this profound ability, desire to stay free of smoking everyday for the rest
of your life. It has such a constant, consistent, ever preset imapact on you.

Erased: Everything to do with smoking is shriking, fading, disapperiang, going , gone, you are aware you
have the most incredible power to stop smoking and you are tapping into that power and you are more
powerful than smoking.

[-its no longer appropriate, its no longer necessary, its no longer relevant, it is even remotely interesting
for you to think those thoughts or feel those feelings ever again.]

VIsauzaliation : Step into a garden (deepening), of your own creation and you can feel everything. You
can animals, hear everything, stream etc and love this feeling of nature. The landscape in yourself too
and its perfect. You are only part of nature that is polluting yourself, now imagine what it would look like
if nature smoked. YOu can see smoke, that was perfect is now very very bad, its all dark, you can see all
cigs around you, all that you have ever smoked. All colours have faded away, the birds are not there,
there is no life, birds cant sing, all animals are smoking, deers are smoking, children are smoking and
they may be young but their bodies are so effected, they might be old. Even the stream is all full of ash
and you can smell ash. You can see how ugly and revolvting nature looks like. The garden is a matphor
for you, a beautfiul landscape has been poisioned. Everytime you see green, grass, tress, you remember
this metaphor and it motivates you, inspires you, conditions you, compels you, programmes you to
happily, wilinh ly, effotrlessly, stay free from smoking forever.
Erased: Stay in the gareden and throw your cig. See them vanish, shirnking and as they are going,
shrinking, fading because you hurl them away, every imprint, impresison, thiughg, ideal belief, feeling or
moemru, anyting and eveyrthing connected to smoking is becoming erased. It is erased, elimintaed, it si
out of your life, it is in the past.

Disinterested/Chosen: It is something you used to do and simply cannot, will not, interest you again.
Opposte of love is not hatred, tis is indifference and everyday you will feel indifference, and you love it
and reogcnize it. So as you go deeper, just one more time see yourself in that garden, hurling your cigs
away. You see you have CHOSEN to stop amoking forever, and you have also chosen to be elated,
ytrilled, delighted by stoppping smoking, you have chosen to stop smoking, chosen health over sickness,
strneth over wekaness, life over death, you have chosen to stop smoking,

Private messagge-and reocgnize that your father loved you and you dont need cigs and he could hate
that, and

Procs and cons: cigs will give you nothing, they are not your friends, they will give you nothing but
taleaeart eerything. Your health, enojtment, your look.s. They are not friends, they are your enemies. Your
nody will ask you to stop, because it never asked you.

Recording: Your mind is set to an earlier belief, but you have set your mind, conditioned your mind,
prorgammed your mind to let go off smoking and everyday as you play this recorindg and it has a stellar,
profound effect on you, so much so, that you cannot wait to play it. You always play it and make it a
prioritu, first or last and play it everyday and everyday your mind gets it with absloute clarity that you
love not smoking, it thrills you to not smoke it and those old issues are gone and out of your life.

General /motivation : You have chosen to not smoke, chosen to see that you are stornger than cigs and
smoking is not rebelling, its confirming. We are brinashwed to think its rebellion when its not. You have
decided to love your body, so you are asking your body I want you to look after me, fit and attractive for
as long as you possible can and your body is saying its can but why are you kiling me? For your body it is
poison, hated poison , your body never asked you to smoke, that is your mind. Thats great, because you
have made up your mnind set it programmed it, comeplked, it, condfition it to free you from smoking. It
is so inrecdbly easy, you have chosen to stop it and chosen to play this recording and everyday as you
hear these words, think these thoughts, see these images, as you repsond powerfully to these dirct metal
commnds, suggestions, cignarettes are fading, srhinkking, going from yoru life.
Focus on trigger/Visualization: YOu have CHOSEN stop smoking and love it so much so that any
situation where you used to enjoy smoking whether it be first thing in the morning or last thing at night,
when you wake up, elated, delighted, empowered becaus eyou are free from smoking, thrilled that the day
in front of you is free of smoking. You go to night delighted, proud that you are going to bed after a day
without smoking. Everyday is the same. YOu are able to be be with friends, social and otehrs who smoke,
because now on, every, imprint, thought, impreessin, idea belief or feeling connecte dto smoking,
massively intensivifes your life long indifference to smoking. You can be anywhere, partner, friends or
whatever (depending on their problem) from now on and life lng, every cig you come along, increases the
unstoppeble comitment to smoking. Every cig you see, smell, thoghts, inetensive your unwavering
coittedmen tto stay free from smking and you do it and everyday you feel amainzg. Picture somsone
offering a cig, and I want to hear you say no, now you may want to say im over that, it does not matter
how you say it, what maters is you say it no with such unwavering confidence that everyone around you
understands that you are over smoking, and you can ask them to continue to smoke it does not effect me,
it just makes me comitted. Because evrey cg you see, it intensivtfies the burning desire and bialitty tio be
free form smknug, YOu have don eit and made up your mind.

General/mind and body: your mind and body work together, your mind knows what you want and insist
on and yoru hbody always follows yoru mind and right now you are going to a deep level. You body is run
by an netwrok of deep intelligence whihc is entirely influenced by your mind and as you drift dow, I
welcome and celebrate its absence, throw away all ash trays, can be around people who smoke, can see
myself and lok lifke someone else.

Mind and body/triggers/personal : Your mind and body are owkring in harmony, you love not smoking,
you elebrate not smoking, all the times you would hav esmoked, you just have an ever present presistent
urge to stay free from smoking, particularly when you are in those times when you want to Cigs I am
over, they are out of my life, your mind is smashing, shattering, brekaing the connection between dirnking
and cigs, it is sharttrered, it is done, it is out of your life. You cant out it back even if you want to. Becau
yeou rbirlnat idn that does what it think syou wnat to do has sharrtered the conenction it comoketed.

Symptoms/thoughts: not mentioned here

Visuliazaion/goals/its happening: not mentioned here ie what the client would like

Personal Your brilliant mind knows you need to be safe and you picked the wrong person, you are smart,
abd indepedent girl, you father love dyou, you can feel his love all your life and hwne you need time for
yourself, you take itbecaus eyou deverse it and

Rules of the mind: as you go deeper into an absloyte relaxed sttae, eveyrthing connected to smoking is
done, it is out of your life, so far behind you and as yo go deeper you understand that every habit of
action is run by a habit of thought and thoights an dbleifs and yoru cations are your to change, you are
changing those beliefs, thoughts, actions irgt now. You understand too your minds job is to keep you alive,
to move you towards pleasure (and away from pain) and I can see you getting elated, trghilre, dldieghted
and you tel eveyrone you stoped smoking and
Visual/Plug: you tel them how easy it is, how effortless it is, and you diretcly and indiretcly so many
people to styop smoking and you show them this is so easy, its a walk in the park. You tell everyone I am
so over smoking and its out of life, distintereste din cig, aliented in cigs and as you directly and indrietcly
so many otehr people to stop smoking like you, makes you feel relaly good.

Rules of the mind/motivation: You understand your mind primary job is to take you towards pleasure you
lik assive opkeausre to non smoking, you are so porud delighted baout all the otehr people who folow
your lead hwo stop smokking. You are proud that you have the ability,commitment , motivation to make
this work.

Personal: You are proud because people who smoke dont even want their kids to smoke, they are actng on
beliefs that they dont believe, they are victims of beliefs they dont hold, you dont want kids to smoke,
yoru duaghter etc.

Rules of the mind/pros and cons: It is also moving you away from pain and it will do more to avoid pain
bevause that is how we survive and eveyrtime you see a cig, you see the pain, and se eth pain and
understand that cigs are full of chemcial, poisouns and when you see other cigs, you see them inhaling
chemicals. You see them inhaling chemicals inhealing paint chemicals and the fact that cig put more
chemicals to make them burn fast and the thought of smoking that , inhaling that, is alinen to you, so
totally foreign, the idea to make your poor body to keep you alive, doing everything it can, poisoning that
and the thoght of inhaling such chemcials is becoming totally alien. Just the thought of putting those
chemcials in your gorgeous body is beocming totyally alience.

Behaviours and pratical stuff: Let yourslef go depee rfor 5 mire mins and keep seeing, your body was
craving you to stop, your mind ws not sure but it finaly got it. You are detemrined to make it work, you
take all vitamins, you take all medications, to take it out of your system, you play this recoridng an
dnitonie comes out of your body, you dirnk alot of dluif to process it out, you steam you skin brush ,you
rpaidly accenerate nitoctine leaing your body, as I speka, ti s leavig your body, your brilnat mind and
body are wokring together, Its levaing yoru skin, breathm your bladder, your bowels, you pee, prepisre,
dirnk more an dlet that nitcine go. And most important words ineth workld are let go,. the nictone is
going, shatterin, shrinking, gone,

General/motivated/personal/eradicating : You are so comittede to it everyday you play this reciording

everydaty, you love this recording, you do eveyrthing yo unee dto do and more, becaus ecomitted,
detemrined, motivated, so ine more time, your brilnat mind is conditioig, prgramming, compelling you, to
love not smoking. Your abiliyt to stay free from smoking is so clear. It is here, it is part of you, it is there
evryday, al lthe time and you tap into your power to stay free, forvber, for yourself na dfamilyies and hos
wothers how easy it is , because for you it is easy, eveyrthin is in the right place at the right time,
compeling you , motivtaing you to sfree, yOU mind is oding eveyrthing and your mind is doing eveyrthing
your brilnt nind id foretinge vyethring to do with smoking but remembeirng how greta it feel,.s, so while
your subconcious mind is forgetting forgetting forgetting, about needing to be like your sister like
msoking, yoru concious mind is rmember you love, prefer not smkomg, celberate, welcome, embarce not
smoking. While your subcinsious mind forgets about smoking , your conisoy remmbers how safge , /bf.,
an dforgteing, remmebr,s LOVED YOU. , gone forever, it is out of your life.

ENd: So knowing it, feeling it, believeing it, feeling right nw yor brilnat mind an dbody are doing an
amaizng job o fprocessing elimintaing, every thought of nitcotine from yoru mind and simlatneous
elimintaing nitocnie from yoru body, while your body is rapiudly removing every trace of nicotine, your
mind is more rpilyd removing every connection to smoking. It is gone, shattered, and you cannot run back
and pick it up even if you want to .It slike car fume, its not coming back, smoking is gone. So feeling
amazng, wonderuf,, wmpiered, exradfinayr, knwiong that my voice is going with you, staying with you.

So much so that with or without yoru recording you hear my voice, it has a powerful ermenant, all
pervasive, impact on your, you hear myt bvoice and you just feel amaizng, you love not smoking, you
make it work, you work with it, you do anything and eveytrhing you need to do you are detemrine,d
focused, certina, motivated, you make it work and eveyrthing is in the right place, at the right time, your
m ind, body and psyche are working together.

2nd end: knowing it, feeling it, belieing it, feeling amaizng, feeling livberatesd, free, detemrined, certain,
committed to make it work, work with t, you play this recoirndg, you take supplemets, you take whatever
it takes and so much more too./ You make it work, so knwonig it feeling it believing it, on the ocunt of 1 2
3 4 you can slowly, clamly, efrotless return to full awraness, feeling amazing, feeling empowered, cetrian
dirven detemrine dto keep cigs out of your life forvee,r so feeling wonderufl, good about this session,
about yourself an dfeeling produ of your bailit to do it , just ooen your eyes and whenever you play tis
recoirjdg at night you can drift into slee and vene in yoru dreams you are done with smoking.

[Viualzise: But I want you to do one more thing, I dont usually do, I want you to imagine you know when
fireman come along a burnt bulding and look at smoke, look within your body to look at smoke daamnge,
throat to lungs]

1:01 QnA


Jodei with depression --LIBRARY

Transition/beginning- You know that you have an extraordinary gift. You are incredibly suggestible. And
you know that understanding is power. And understanding in hypnosis
really is the most phenomenal power. And you're able to look over and around
and through so many things in your childhood and understand although they
were horrible, that's not your life and it will never be your life again.
Understanding is power.

Personal/understanding-You know that you have an extraordinary gift. You are incredibly suggestible.
And you know that understanding is power. And understanding in hypnosis
really is the most phenomenal power. And you're able to look over and around
and through so many things in your childhood and understand although they
were horrible, that's not your life and it will never be your life again.
Understanding is power. You know that you have an extraordinary gift. You are incredibly suggestible.
And you know that understanding is power. And understanding in hypnosis really is the most phenomenal
power. And you're able to look over and around
and through so many things in your childhood and understand although they
were horrible, that's not your life and it will never be your life again.
Understanding is power.

Rules of mind/recording/motivation- So as you go deeper, your mind, the most powerful part of you, has
one job And that job is to do exactly what it thinks you want it to do. So every day, a
you play this recording, your mind understands what you want. What you want, Jodie, is to be present, to
be involved, to be relaxed, to be happy, to really feel like an artist. To wake up with massive motivation
every day to contact galleries, to take pictures, to make your life what it was meant to be

Motivation/visualization/personal information and understanding-So as you go deeper, your inner mind,

the most powerful, the most driving,
the most motivating part of you, is every day motivating you, conditioning you,
compelling you to make your life wonderful. Your childhood wasn't great, but
that just makes you more determined than ever to have a great adulthood.
And that just motivates you and fires you to go out and take pictures, get your
work in galleries, let people love you and to love them right back So as you go deeper, your inner mind,
the most powerful, the most driving,
the most motivating part of you, is every day motivating you, conditioning you,
compelling you to make your life wonderful. Your childhood wasn't great, but
that just makes you more determined than ever to have a great adulthood.
And that just motivates you and fires you to go out and take pictures, get your
work in galleries, let people love you and to love them right back
Personal/understanding/eradicate- And you might occasionally think, "Oh, but that's a bit like my mum,"
and if it is
you just go, "Well, I'm going to change that because I will not let myself be like
her for a second." The belief that you are like her is in your past. It is all
behind you. The belief that you're like your mother is something you used to have. And I promise you it
cannot, it will not, it does not influence you now or
ever, ever, ever again.

Eradicate/personal /understanding----In fact, instead of looking to how you're like her, you wake up every
day and you notice that you're always looking for how different you are. Because you look for it, that's
what you find every day. Every day you notice, "Wow, I'm so different from my mum. She wouldn't do
that, think that." And the more you
look for that, the more you find it. And you're making looking for how different you are to your mum so
familiar, that looking for how you're like her is just something that's out of your life. It's gone. It's in the
past. It is so far behind you. It's not coming back. It's like the water in the shower you last took. And just
as you couldn't run home and
collect that, you can't go back and look at how you're like your mother,
because your mind is so invested in looking for and finding every single day
how different you areDoes not, will not, cannot influence you anymore

Eradicate/Personal/understanding/Motivation/behaviours--And even as I speak, your

brilliant, brilliant, brilliant subconscious mind is
going back and looking even now for all the ways you're different, finding so
many, many, many ways that you're different every day. While your brilliant
subconscious mind finds so many ways that you're different, your conscious
mind is forgetting anything that might have made you think the same.
So your subconscious mind is noticing, finding how different you are while
simultaneously your conscious mind is forgetting anything that might make
you the same. You are different. You wake up every day fired to make your
life different. So as you go deeper, your inner mind, the most powerful, the
most compelling, the most driving part of you is motivating you, conditioning
you, compelling you, firing you to be different. And this desire to be different is having such a powerful,
such a consistent, such an ever present impact on you. You look for the difference. You find the
difference. That difference sets you free. That difference makes you happy. You notice yourself singing,
painting, looking at everything and, "Wow, I'm an artist. My mum's not an artist. Well, that's normal
because I'm nothing like
Behaviour/motivation/personal/visuzlaition/goals/Its happening as well--- You go out and take
pictures. You notice that you have motivation and your mother is lazy. And you deliberately, consciously
and unconsciously, take actions every day that separate you in every way possible from your mother. And
it isn't even what you do. It's becoming who you are. You do it so much that very soon is stops being what
you do and it starts to become who you
are. The more you do it the easier it is. The easier it is the more you do it. You are
nothing like your mother.

Behaviour/personal/-You make a point of actively proving that. But you do

it so well that you don't even have to prove it. It's just who you are. You're you.
You're Jodie. You're a beautiful, talented, kind, loving artist. You've got a loving heart. You love other
people. You let people love you. You're able to forgive your mother and to let her live the life she's
chosen, which is blaming people and not doing a lot, being a blamer and being lazy and selfish. Doesn't
mean she hasn't got some nice qualities too, but that's not you. There's nothing in you that's lazy or selfish
or a blamer.

After some more understanding

I can add goals/Its happening as well

UPgrade the child-

So I want you to imagine bringing your friends into your home. And I want you
to say to that little girl of six, "Look where you live now. You don't live in that
messy house with someone lying on the couch. You're not in that pity party
ever again. You live in a different world." So take that little girl, take her out of
the house where you lived with your mum Take her back to where you live now. Show her your art and
say to her, "You
painted this. How cool is that? You put this house together. How cool is that?
You don't live with that mother. She can't hurt you anymore. How great is
that?" I want you to upgrade that little girl into your world, because guess
what? When you put her in your world and install her there, you can never go
back and live in that other world even in your daydreams.
So put that little girl into your world. Show her the friends you do have and the
art you do. And show her what's about to start happening from today, going
out and taking the photos, getting your work in galleries, having people
recognize your talent and going, "Wow, love what you do. You're so talented."
Having galleries ring you up and say they've sold your painting and sending
you checks.
Avaiable: I want you to show that little girl bit by bit all the things that are available to
you. Because your biggest problem, which is behind you already, is the belief
that, "Being normal isn't available to me because it wasn't available to my
mum." And you're able to decide that, "Well I don't have to believe that. Who
would believe that? I can, but I can also choose not to."

Everything is available to you: being an artist, having a boyfriend that adores

you and worships you, and you adore him back, having friends that love
coming to your home and hanging out. Every single thing you want is
available to you. So I want you to say to that little girl in your arms,
"Everything is available to you.

Assisted conversation with Girl, everything is available, UPgrade the girl and

Motivation/personal:want you to really feel how you are nothing like her and just feel how good that
feels. And just let yourself go deeper. And every day, Jodie, you
play this recording. And every day you love it. It inspires you. It thrills you. It
delights you. It empowers you, elates you to hear those words. And you know
what? As you play that recording, my voice goes with you. It stays powerfully,
permanently, all-pervasively embedded in you. And because you're so
suggestible, in no time at all you'll hear those words even without the
recording. Everywhere you go, you hear my voice, which then becomes your
voice, telling you that you're empowered, that you're strong, that you're
creative, that you are nothing like your mother.

Behaviours/pratical stuff/its happening: And every day you just remember instinctively to look for what
makes you different and to find it, find it, find it, find it. And in a matter of weeks, you've
forgotten that anything that could have made you similar because you can't be
the same. So as you go deeper, into an absolutely relaxed state, you are beginning to grow in confidence.
Every day you're aware of a phenomenal
transformation taking place in you.

Notice/its happening/understanding and personal: Every day you notice the wonderful, healing, liberating,
empowering transformation taking place in you. Every day you notice that you're free. When you do the
most simple things like get on a train, you think, "Well I'm not six because here I am taking a train up to
London on my own." You are
not that little girl. You're not different. You're not alone. You are happy and
motivated and ambitious. You're creative. You like yourself.

I am enough/praise: And every day you wake up and because the first things you say every day
are, "I'm lovable, I'm enough, and I belong," every day you feel connected.
You feel significant. You know that you matter. You feel this wonderful sense
of belonging. Every day you feel present. You feel involved. You feel happy.
You feel excited. Every day you know that the universe that put you here and
gave you all your talent is supporting you 1000% in recognizing just how
talented you are.

I am enough/praise, ego strentheing: And the universe that put you here supports you in feeling
connected, in feeling significant. You matter. You are significant. And people like you. Everybody really
likes you and you like you. Every day you remember that you
like you. Other people like you and you like them. You like yourself. You like
other people. They like you because you like them, but they really like you
because you like yourself.

I am enough/praise/pratical stuff/behaviours: Every day you're aware that you are an incredibly creative
person. Being creative is a gift. When you give yourself positive suggestions you take that on board. You
are massively motivated, highly disciplined, absolutely focused on giving yourself powerful suggestions
every day. Because you're a painter, you paint some amazing suggestions all around your room on
canvases. I'm
enough. I'm lovable. I'm a talented, creative artist.
You write that. You put it on the screensaver on your phone. You put it on
your phone contacts every day. You write it. You make that a work of art, too.
And every day you can only succeed at remembering that you are present,
you are involved, you're happy. You make your life work because you are not
lazy. You're ambitious. You're not a blamer. You take responsibility

Thoughts or behaviour/its happening: All you have to do is think these thoughts, hear these words, see
these images, and accept these suggestions. These suggestions are having a
powerful healing impact on you. You are responding perfectly, powerfully to
these direct mental commands because it's a creative, suggestible person.
Even as you hear these words your brilliant mind is already making a picture
of what I'm saying and starting to manifest it for you
Motivation: All you have to do is think these thoughts, hear these words, see these
images, and accept these suggestions. These suggestions are having a
powerful healing impact on you. You are responding perfectly, powerfully to
these direct mental commands because it's a creative, suggestible person.
Even as you hear these words your brilliant mind is already making a picture
of what I'm saying and starting to manifest it for you

Symptom going/its happening/visuzlation: tomahce ok, ncek ok etc

ENd, with visulizations/motivation

: You can make your life a masterpiece starting right now. So as I bring you
back to full awareness you are fired with motivation. You feel liberated. You
feel free. You feel empowered. Of course, if you ever play this recording at
night, you can simply drift to a deep, healing, wonderful sleep. And you dream
the most amazing dreams, the most freeing dreams, the most empowering,
motivating dreams. You live your life.
You can drift into a deep sleep until it's the right time for you to wake up. Or
on the count of one and two you can slowly, calmly, easily, effortlessly come
back to your full awareness feeling extraordinary, feeling thrilled with yourself,
feeling proud of yourself, feeling delighted with yourself. On the count of four
and five feeling wonderful, feeling amazing, feeling free, feeling phenomenal.
Just open up your eyes and fill up your lungs and just take a long, deep


Stacy fertiflity 2 Video 11

Understanding/personal: for you understanding is powerand for you it is the most ohenemol power. You
can look over and around and through so many scenes from your childhood and so clearly so precisely you
can understand how those scens effecte dyou, what they did to you, how they infucned you, you
understand osething else, you are an intelgence, storng, detemrined womnen and it will never bagain be
appropirte, or neceesary, or relevent or remotely interestingto think the thoughts you thought thenbecause
thats not you. You are not that littled girl, you are not that girl of 13 or 8, you are smart and wise and
beautiful. You are also super fertile, you are supermsrat and fetrile an dthe same briliant part thta was able
to pause your fertility believeing it is helping you, that same part is unblocking it right now, switching it on
right now.
Rules of the mind/Recording/happening/vizualition: You see the minds job is to do what it thinks you want
it to do. And evertime you play this recordng, you play it alot, abecause it is so profound, it knows with
clairty and prizion and accurancy th tawhat you want, isnist on, what you require off and give to yourself is
a baby, becaoming a mom, being pregnant, having a perfect baby, raising a perfetc baby and deciding that
its easy and you can do it again.

Motivation/command yourself: This is what you require yourself, and everyday your birlinat mind, the most
driving part of you is motivating you, conditiong, compeelling, prgrmaing you to make a bayb. T o make a
perfect baby, you are so specific what you require, you require your body to make a perfct baby.

Mind body connection/motivation/command yourself: Hormones that determine you getting pregnant start
in your mind and that is good news, because you have such a clever mind and everyday you rmind knows
with abslouteno room for any mis inetrperttaion, you want, you are detemrinnat, insistant on having a
perfect pregnancy, a perfect baby, a perfect experience of gving birth a dn what you want absloutely want ,
you want are moving towards right towards you with rapid speed.

Eradicate: So as you go deeper , all of thos eold issues are gone, they are erased, eradicated, shirnkning,
fading, disapperaing, they are out of your life, in the past, all behind , they sieze to interest you in any way
way or form.

Mind body connection/motivation: You have the most phenemenol power to make your own perfect baby ,
you are tapping into that power right now. Your body is controlled by a network of inteligence which is
completely influcned by your mind you have made up your mind, suet your mind, programmed and
conditioned your mind to give you a perfect baby, and all you need to do is to think these thoughts, heart
these words , see these images. They go right in and you respond to these direct mental commands Perfctly

Its happening.visuzliation: Even now tHis image of you becoming pregnant, carrying you rperfect baby, to
full term, being a mother, raising your child this image is so clear, so real , so life like, it is you because
everything is the right place, at the right time, giving you a baby. I want you to do ahead and look out into
the universe and just see your baby. The most perfect bouncing baby, the most robust baby, you can see,
you holding this little babuy in your arms that you just delivered, clapping the fingers and tose, kissing teh
littel feet, breathing in that gorgeous baby smell and this baby is perfect and its your baby. And ofcourse as
you are seeing, your mind is picking up already that this is what you want, this image, is becoming more
clear, more real, more life like, more attainable, every second of every day, so I want you to see thta perfect
baby, it is your baby, your body can concbebied it, carried it, made it, nourished it, and you are now reayd
to raise it.

Visualize/LoA/Assisted conversation: And as you look at that little baby, I want you to say out loud or in your
head whatever you perfer. I have created a place in my womb for you, I have creared aplkace in my heart
for you, I have created a plac ein my body for you. And I want you to invite that perfect litle baby into your
womb, into you rlife, into your body and I want you to imagine the energy of that baby. Its so near you culd
almost reach out and touch it and you know that in no time at all the energy of that baby will be right inside
you. So I want you to relaly tap into the enegry of that nbaby, see your bbay, feel your baby, tap into the
energy of that baby right now, invite it into your body becayse you can do that. I want you to do it right

Visualize/its happening: And as you do deeper , I want you to imagine that already the life source of that
baby is right now, its right there and you can feel yourself knowing that you will get one or two periods and
then that baby is there and you pee on that stick and you get the news you are prgennat, and you go for the
test and you heat the news you are pregnant. Perfect prgennay, this is a perfect baby. So I want you to see
that baby, to really look at the energy, the lifefource, this baby is coming on to the planet to be your baby.

Healing baby: It also has an important job, it is healing you from all the pain, this is relaly your healing baby.
Taking up residence .

Visulize/LoA/Its happening/ command cell therapy: I now want you to turn your eyes inwards and wnat you
to imagine that you are looking at your womb, you are travelling down your fallopian tubes and your
ovaries are perfect. Every minute of every day that mind set of yours is making your ovaries perfect, making
your hormines level just right for your perfect pregnanyc and as you look into your ovaries, into your eggs
reserves, you can see one egg that is luminous, you can see one glowing resilient luminous super fertile egg
and this egg contains the DNA the life force of this perfect baby your connect with right now.

And I want you to vizulaise with that perfect egg whats about to happen. All of your eggs in the egg folicles
are dveloping perfetcly but this one egg , contains the DNA the life force of your baby, you can see it,
moving in to your fallopian tubes, drawing to it the most perfect sperm this one perfect reislsinet , grade A
super intelligence preminum egg that is detined to be your child, is moving in to your fallopian tubes, its so
super smart, it gives off a chemcical and the flid aorund it draws to it SAS sperm, the most super perfect
grade A resislient sperm is traveling to meet your super grade A resilisent egg and immeditaely, fertizliation
takes place and that perfect egg becomes a perfect embryo it moves in to your womb and there it attaches ,
sticks to your wombs liek velcro it grows, and everyday you talk to this baby, the same baby that you
welcomed into your womb, your body, you see it growing, this baby knows that your womb is home for the
next 40 weeks, it loves being in there, it takes up residence, it makes itself at home. And it grows on target
perfectly and you can feel that and imemditaley you start to feel the first feelings of pregnanyc your breast
get bigger, you feel different, you get the first confirmation that your pregnant and you sail through your
perfect pregnancy becayse while your body does the most stellar job of growing that baby, on target, while
your body and womb work together to grow your baby psyhcilaly,

Loved CHild: you do the most increidble job of growing yoru aby emortioonay, you talk to it everyday, you
tell it how mch love you have, you tell it the truth. There is no baby on the pkante more wanted, more
welcomed more loved than your bbay and your baby comes into the world knowing its wanted, it belongs,
it has a place here. And I want you to show your baby, you and your partner, are such loving parents, you

Vizualiteze/its happening, LoA [continued]: celeberate the pregnanyc, you send out cards, everyone is
delighted, you start to get everything ready, you buy somethings for your baby, its your mark of absloute,
certainty, it is on its way. Its already there. And your baby grows perfecly that egg is firmly attached in your
womb, your wombs job is to grow your baby perfectly it does an amazing job and
Commanding the baby: you do an equally amazing job of talking to your baby everyday and all of a sudden,
you are 12 weeeks prgenant than 20 and you look at that embryo, you talk to your bbay, you say today your
little heart is forming perfectly, your spine is developing , your mouth is developing, your eyelashes are
growing, you look at the site and you and yoru baby, are so pwerfully connected, you get your baby to grow
perfect. Your every stage your say today this is whats happening to you. your baby listens to you. And in the
same wya you are suddenly 20 weeks prgennat and tellig your baby kick and rubbing you rtummy and it
kicks exactly when you tell it to because its so connected to you and your intelligent. When you tell your bay
to grow perfecly, to go through 40 weeks, so that everything is perfectm, it does that perfectly and as that

Vizualise: baby develops, the heart, the lungs, the skeletal systems, the nervous sytem, the immune system
every part of your baby grows perfectly, every scan, and every check up you hear the same words,
everything is perfect, your baby is growing perfectly, you see the heart on teh monitor, its so strong, and
you see your babys head and body and the little tiny fingers and toes are all perfect and you go right
through to 40 weeks and then your body perfectly delivers your perfect bay. The long uslces that have held
the bay safely in place contract to push the baby out , round muscle relax and you are always present and
you have the most amazing birth you tell your baby you cant wait to hold it and the baby just comes out of
your body so easily your able to put your hands down and feel your baby head emergto help your lift it on
to you so I want you to really see that and that you delivring a perfect baby and suddenly your holding thta
perfect baby in your arms and all of your senes, you can see the perfect klitel eyes, nose, mouth, you can
feel all the little gorgous baby girl, you can feel those lkittle feels, you can hear the baby noises, you can see
the perfect bay, you can feel its perfect weight, you can smell that gorgeous baby smell and there is the
perfect baby that you saw, tyhat you are making .So I want you to just stay in that scene and now I want you
to iagine showing that baby how wwanted it is. I want you to inagine, going home from hopistal to a house
that is full of flowers and cards and baloons and grand parents, you cant wait to visit the baby.

Loved baby/vizuslize: I want you to see all the congrats cards and now I want you to show your baby, how
very wanted it is, every room in your home, is full of baby things , you can see in the kicthen that the
laundry basket full of teeny litle vests and baby clothes, the sterlizing unit, the high chair, you can see in
your bedroom the little baby basket. You can see all the lotions and potiosna dn you can see the baby bath,
you can see in your lounge, allthe little teddys, discarded socks, because your baby is present in every room,
you can see the babies room with the cot etc.

Its happening: And from now on until you give birth that baby everyday that baby is coming into your life in
No time at all. By july your aware that even when you get dressed up, you are wearing materinty, even
when you do the most simple thing, like put on your clthes ,you are wearing lose clothes, because you are
pregnanncy bump isgettuing bigger. When you get in the car, you know that you have your little bbay safely
strapped in te car seat too when you walk in the street, you know that pushing your stroller carrying your
baby. Everytime you go to the store you know yoyu will be buying all kinds of baby prodicyts, even when
you are in the bathroom in the shower you know that so soon you will be massaging your baby. Watching it,
getting bigger loving every minute of being pregnay, you love being pregnant, you love growing your baby,
you love being a mother. AND everything is in the right place, at the right time and then
Visualize: you can ssee when you have that baby, you love motherghood, you velebrate every single event,
you can see yourself this chirtsmas with so many baby things under the tree, ready for the baby that Is in
your life already there, next june. You can see it every easter doing all those fun things like easter egg hunt,
you can asee all the first you take so many pics of your baby when it is born, you can see yourself docus the
first walk, words etc. THe first time you take your baby paddling in the sea, the first time you go swimming.
The first day at nursey, the first holiday, all those first.,

Motvation: And everytime you do that, it thrills you, it delights you, it empowers you,

Its happening/motivation: Your periods are comning back right awa because already your body is making
your super fertil, keeping you super fertile, giving you that baby. You can ssee it and you know absloutely
that what you want, what you are moving towards is moving towards you, you are moving towards your
baby . And your baby is absloutely moving, you are a detrjkined girl, super smart girl, super fertile girl, you
were smart enough to switch your fertiflity off and now you are smart enough to switch it on.Its so easy, so
just before you come back to your full aareness, I want you to one more time really connect to tha baby,
that little baby that looks half like you and half like your partner, that is such a source of joy, and delight to
you, to him, you can see his daufghter liaughing with the new baby, you love being part of the family. It is
absloutely the right time for you and your making it so so, knowing it, feeling it, believing it , ahcieing it, you
are super fertil, with super fertil egges, they are absloytely comtatible, super fertile sperm, your baby is on
your way into your life, right now.

Outro: Its energy is all around you, so knowing it, feeling it, beleinnig it, ahcigeibg ity, relaly fastand feeling
elated, delighted, in so proud of yourself. When you are ready, you can slowly, calmly, easilyl, effortlessly,
return to yoru fll awraness and ofcourse if ever you play thsi recorindg, you drift into the most beautiful
healing sleep, you dream the most amazing dreams, your baby is always there in your dream. And you
know that it will be in no time be there in life because you have alreayd made that happen, now you can
comebakc to full awareness or go to perfect sleep right now

Umairusman 533315380


Reprogram: [from earlier lecture] while your conscious mind is forgetting, forgetting, forgetting,
forgetting the trauma, but your subconscious mind is remembering that for 15 years you walked over that
bridge without thinking, or for four formative years you left food on your plate. And then I used other
various powerful words which you should write down. While your conscious mind is forgetting, your
subconscious mind is reactivating, remanifesting, regenerating, and recreating that perfect attitude to
food. Or that effortless crossing of the River Thames. Its recreating it for you now and for the rest of
your life.
See lecture on alcoholic, module 7 lecture 15-EXCELLENT


-Outro: Its energy is all around you, so knowing it, feeling it, beleinnig it, ahcigeibg ity, relaly fastand feeling
elated, delighted, in so proud of yourself. When you are ready, you can slowly, calmly, easilyl, effortlessly,
return to yoru fll awraness and ofcourse if ever you play thsi recorindg, you drift into the most beautiful
healing sleep, you dream the most amazing dreams, your baby is always there in your dream. And you
know that it will be in no time be there in life because you have alreayd made that happen, now you can
comebakc to full awareness or go to perfect sleep right now


I noticed marisa reviews it later. Eg Module 7 Fertiflity, part 2 video 11
Then she reviews it for the class. How it happened and asks how do you feel now? And she feels it was
specific and knows that it is not going to be me? And then what is to do, eg believe that its not you
anymore and you have to talk to baby, and it will be perfect etc etc and make it all more powerful and
increase it. Just a talking confirmation or reaffirmation of the process.



induction (tests)



transformation (toolkit)

Sinkhole suggestions

SUGGESTIONS here and there, and all can borrow from the other and it can be flexible

--She may speak to a client about the problem over phone and give them the expectation. Once they
believe they will be cured, you are half way there. Be confident. Module 6 lecture 9. A

-Get background, ask some questions about the issue, symptoms etc. Narrow down by asking, If I had a
magic wand, what would you wish for? I.e Wants to be etc etc etc

-Roll Eye test, follow hand

-Roll eyes, follow hand, take three breaths

-Chin down, downstairs deepening 1-10. 3 clicks

-Suggestibility test, show them

-Suggestibility test, do it, magnet and pulling hands

-Suggestibility test, eyes are jammed (neck touch, eye touch and clicks)

-Regression-Tell the problem and tell them that they will go back to a vivig, significant etc scene that is the
reason, cause etc of the problem (3 clicks and forehead touch). Do this and go back to three scenes. You
may discuss each issue to understand it as well.
-Chinese whisper technique is to be used here. Use complete the sentence technique with such
things as ..I feel and .because

-she moves from issue to issue, if a new issues seems to have risen in a scene

-taps forehead, rocks hand and clicks to make things clearer

-Unerstand the scenes: DVD in each hand technique (as well as discuss during regression). Ask why you
think it happened. Discuss the conclusions.

[when it does not work, you can use RFPI which has a regression component [see module fertility part 2
video 11 below, and when it does not work, you visit the child]

Cure-Is about freedom and empowerment

-This is also the recorded script and therefore has to start from beginning

-Help them understand that issue

-Talk to child, through eg assisted conversation. (There might also be roleplay as well. I have not seen it
but maybe). Also marisa once used this when regression was not working.

-Loving parent/upgrading the child technique1: As in holding the child and bringing them back into the
present (the child merges with the adult) to show that one is not the child. AND to be a loving parent to
that child. Related to the idea of not needing anyone elses priase.

-Loving parent/upgrading the child technique2: If been abused by an adult, look at the adult and have an
assited conversation with them, to confrontt them (one might also say what they want to<--she does not
discuss it) and (maybe we have to lead them from anger/resentment to sorrow<<--nope, she says it
happens naturally, but if its back and forth, maybe its guided). There can definately be roleplay
(back/forth) here as marisa orignall demonstrated (but nothing about forgivenes???)

-Sink hole: going out of the subconcious etc


Everytime you play this recoridngblah blah

Open your eyes to the count of whatever

-Command cell therapy-techinque of becoming ones disease and talking to oneself about the role, purpose,
function, intention of a disease. And then suggesting that the disease does not exist anymore.

-Healing Vortex. Similar to ray of light


-There is definately scope for imporvisation eg marisa used upgrade child technique to tacjle the client
would nopt regress . Also she mixed the idea that you could at one time do what you cannot do right now
in suggestion (and/or sinkhole part).

-Whatever happens, deal with it as if its normal and improvise. Make the client believe its all normal

-does not have to be perfect

-cure is all about changing beliefs and meanings attached to certain incidents. Beliefs/thoughts/feelings and
their reasons are more important that visuals



What can be use RIFP for?

Should we use variations in the tapes? I get bored

question.does it have to be everyday for 21 days? can we skip? it gets boring

I might do several various tapes

Is it like a toolkit??

What about Command Cells going back to when we were perfect as a kid. I was not!!

Transformation tools:


-What do you want? Where did it come from? For how long?
-Family/symptoms? What do you think it is? And so on. Get the script from here
-Where are you, where you coming from, where to go?
-Have you been hypnotised ?
-From assessment 20 mins, whether they have previous experience of
hypnosis and what they think about it and they think about it. What
combinations of presenting issues they have. What is the outcome you
would like toleave the session with. Note the lanugage they use to describe
the issues.


-Understanding is power (huma understood each scene one by one/resolve it). Ok as a kid but It knows
that its not necessary anymore.
-Going to each scene and saying thats not me, show empathy at each scene
- its not me or thats not me now, it will never be me
-use RFPI if necessary


-Child upgrade
-command cell therapy
-praise you never had and healing vortex
- loving parent, I am enough


-Overall, there is Intro, Motivation/commitment, rules of the mind, personal/understanding,

symptoms/thoughts, visualizations,goals, its happening, pros and cons, Erased, Behaviors, recording,
plug, mind body connection, forever, Outro

-Understanding is power
-for a break, use as you go deeper
-Make it slow (i say) and repetitive
-Simple exaggerated suggestions related to problem as well as what they want to hear, repeated over and
over, detailed.
-mind does what you think what it wants. That mind compels you (commanding it), motivates you and
knowns exactly what you want. This is what you want.
The correct images/words impact you. Correct mindset/thoughts
-You CHOOSE it
-I am enough/wonderful/lovable etc
-You stuff like the rules of mind etc
-Mind only responds to the present tense, so say you are getting better. Mind does not do negative, so use
positive statements. Mind only responds to pictures and words. Also use descriptive words that excite the
-You are smart, great intelligence, esteem building, you are feeling proud of yourself
-As you think of these things, It has to happen and as you hear these words, your mind pictures everything
and when it pictures it, it makes it happen.
-You will do anything, behavioral and think any thoughts, to make this happen [maybe even your
subconscious is being commanded while your conscious may do anything, to cover all basis, thats what I
THINK can be]
-Make them like new you eg you feel elated, wonderful, you want it, you love it
-Instill confidence, instill expectation, instill excitement (know it, believe it, achieving it)
-Your unconscious mind is forgetting and conscious is remembering
-Let your unconscious say, do, be, etc (whatever the hell), you do not have to do anything
-You will phenomenal, you feel wonderful(magical and exciting for kids)
-I am enough/let go is the most important words, praise is important, I have extraordinary coping skills
-Its all available to me, i deserve it, I am worth it [no sabotaging]
-Describing pros of the aim/objective, your subconscious mind is keen to give it to you.
-It has to happen, its natural, it will happen,
-You came to the planet being able to .....
-Tell them what they want to hear
-Its ok to make it funny.
-Describe what they want to hear
-Its gone!
-For self hypnosis [Mind only responds to the present tense, so say you are getting better. Mind does not
do negative, so use positive statements. Mind only responds to pictures and words. Also use descriptive
words that excite the imagination.] As Max says, exaggerate anything.
-the change is forever eg its gone forever, , you will be like this forever from now on [the change is
-post hypnotic suggestions & cues , eg you will do all to solve this issue, you will listen to recording, you
will repeat in your head
-It was age appropriate but no more.
-its no longer appropriate, its no longer necessary, its no longer relevant, it is even remotely interesting for
you to think those thoughts or feel those feelings ever again.
-Command the brain, the subconscious is knowing the new thing, conscious is forgetting etc
-All you have to do everyday is hear these words, and think these thoughts and see these imagines, so let
me record this for you.
-Trust the process
-Going back to default setting, this is how you were as a child.
-Keep it slow and take your time
-Sink Hole
-Will play the recording and it will make you do sleep and blah blah (review of above).
--loa and letting go
--Visualization (mirror, balloon, telling future friends, assisted talk, its fused in you [mine]), tap into the
energy of that see the whole process (including future/outcome) (Also use cartoons for kids) (maybe
change visuals, like a cocoon or seeing yourself in a TV and becoming that person

General stuff:
-General suggestions of getting better from now on and related to recording
-Generally should be positive and motivating
-Suggestions that they should trust the process (be involved and committed and believing-should be
before transformation but could be during transformation as well)
-Generally It feels like its about 'convincing ourselves' in every way possible, by facts, figures, emotions,
visualizations, command, anything really! direct/indirect/command/passive etc, anything
-General 'ego strengthening' suggestions told in the book 'hand book of hypnotic suggestions'
-Older the problem, the longer it takes? [I think it mentions in self hypnosis manual (brian elman) and is
believed in RTT as well]
-Generally deal with what emerges, be intuitive [maybe fake it till you make it]
-For best results, always do regression as well as RFPI
-Suggestions that are more attuned to ones style of predominant mode of communication (Visual,
auditory or kinesthetic) support change more effectively [pg 60] Also, it suggests using positive, passive,
negative etc and just many in general; This is because the mind may accept some and not the other [pg
64], and may even be desensitized to some suggestions/words and I believe this is what Marisa does, even
though she says she is mostly about positive and commanding and goes over images, sounds, you can
hear, feel etc (self hypnosis the complete manual by Brian Elman)
-Make them trust the process, maybe even give a suggestion for it in transformation
-I am guessing the imagery can/should be something familiar, from past or even some movie etc


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