normally in the form of small (12 mm diameter) beads, usually white or yellowish, fabricated from an
organic polymer substrate. The material has highly developed structure of pores on the surface of which
is sites with easily trapped and released ions. The trapping of ion stakes place only with
simultaneous releasing of other ions; thus the process is called ion-exchange. There are multiple
different types of ion-exchange resin which are fabricated to selectively prefer one or several different
types of ions.
Most typical ion-exchange resins are based on cross-linked polystyrene. The required active
groups can be introduced after polymerization, or substituted monomers can be used. For example, the
crosslinking is often achieved by adding 0.5-25% of divinylbenzene to styrene at the polymerization
process. Non-crosslinked polymers are used only rarely because they are less stable. Crosslinking
decreases ion- exchange capacity of the resin and prolongs the time needed to accomplish the ion
exchange processes. Particle size also influences the resin parameters; smaller particles have larger
outer surface, but cause larger head loss in the column processes.
Besides being made as bead-shaped materials, ion exchange resins are produced as membranes.
The membranes are made of highly cross-linked ion exchange resins that allow passage of ions, but not
of water, are used for electrodialysis.
Several cations can form negatively charged (anionic) chloro complex with hydrochloricacid.
The anion complex can be adsorbed by an anion exchanger. Every metal is adsorbed at certain pH range
and property can be used as the basis for separation. For example, zinc can be adsorbed from 2 M of
acidic solution but not magnesium and aluminium. Therefore, if a solution containing Zn and Mg being
introduced to column, only Zn will be adsorbed. Mg is thus separated from Zn which can then be eluted
with dilute nitric acid. The amount of separated Mg and Zn can be determined through EDTA titration.
The advantages of ion exchange processes are the very low running costs. Very little energy is
required, the regenerant chemicals are cheap and if well maintained resin beds can last for many years
before replacement is needed. There are, however, a number of limitations which must be taken into
account very carefully during the design stages. When itemized these limitations appear to represent a
formidable list and the impression can be given that ion-exchange methods might have too many short
comings to useful in practice. However, this is not the case as the advantages mentioned above are very
great and compensation can readily be made for most restrictions.
There are a lot of applications of ion exchange resins in industry that obviously
identified. In water softening, ion-exchange resins are used to replace the magnesium and calcium ions
found in hard water with sodium ions. For water purification, ion - exchange resins are used to remove
poisonous (e.g. copper) and heavy metal (e.g. lead or cadmium) ions from solution, replacing them with
more innocuous ions, such as sodium and potassium. In sugar manufacturing, ion-exchange resins are
used in the manufacturing of sugar from various sources. They are used to help convert one type of
sugar into another type of sugar, and to decolorize and purify sugar syrups.
The applications are greatly benefitting in pharmaceuticals industry, ion-exchange resins are
used in the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals, not only for catalyzing certain reactions but also for
isolating and purifying pharmaceutical active ingredients. Ion-exchange resins are also used as excipients
in pharmaceutical formulations such as tablets, capsules, and suspensions. In these uses the ion-
exchange resin can have several different functions, including taste-masking, extended release, tablet
disintegration, and improving the chemical stability of the active ingredients.