Tutorial 4 Combinational Logic Circuit Design and K-Map: C C C C D C D C D C CD

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Tutorial 4

Combinational Logic Circuit Design and K-Map

Question 1
a) Reduce the combinational logic circuit below to the simplest form.


Question 2
a) What is the use of Karnaugh Map?
b) How is the number of cells in a K-Map determined?
c) To how many variables does the K-Map suitable to be used?
d) Draw the 2-variable K-map with inputs XY and show the standard product terms
for each cell.
e) Draw the 3-variable K-map with inputs ABC and show the standard product terms
for each cell.
f) Draw the 4-variable K-map with inputs ABCD and show the standard product
terms for each cell.
g) What is the meaning of cell adjacency? Why is it important?

Question 3
a) In a 3-variable K-Map, what is the binary value for the cell in each of the following
i) upper left corner ii) lower right corner
iii) lower left corner iv) upper right corner
b) What is the standard product term for each cell in Q3a) for variables X, Y and Z?
c) Repeat Q3a) for a 4-variable map.
d) Repeat Q3b) for a 4-variable map using variables W, X, Y and Z.
e) Why K-Map is not suitable for more than 4 variables? What is the other methods
that can be used to simplify Boolean expressions?

Question 4
a) Map the SOP expression C C C C on a K-map.
b) Map the SOP expression CD C D CD C D on a K-map.
c) Prove the following using K-map:
i) A + AB = A ii) B = A + B iii) (A + B)(A + C) = A + BC

Question 5
Use Karnaugh map to simplify the following expressions to a minimum sum-of-product
(SOP) form:

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a) A(BC BC) A(BC BC) b) AC[B B(B C)]

Question 6
a) From each of the following truth tables, draw the K-map.
b) From the K-map in Q5a), obtain the minimum SOP expression.
c) Draw the logic circuit using the expression obtained in Q5b) using NOR gates only.
d) Draw the logic circuit using the expression obtained in Q5b) using NAND gates


000 0 000 1
001 0 001 1
010 0 010 0
011 1 011 0
100 1 100 1
101 0 101 0
110 1 110 1
111 1 111 1

Question 7
Using K-map, simplify the following Boolean expressions:
a) AB ( A B)C AB b) ABC[ AB C(BC AC)]

Question 8
The following truth table contains the function of a logic circuit. Use the Karnaugh map to
determine the simplest Boolean expression. Then draw the resulting logic circuit.

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