Vda. de Albar v. Carangdang - USURFRUCT

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PHIL 855

FACTS: The deceased Doa Rosario Fabie y Grey bequeathed the naked ownership of a parcel
of land situated at Ongpin St., Manila, and of the building and other improvements existing
thereon, to petitioners, and the usufruct thereof to respondent Josefa (usurfractuary) for life.
Au Pit, a Chinaman, offered to lease the property for a period of five years, at the same
time agreeing to construct on the lot a new building provided the naked owners as well as the
Josefa sign the agreement of the lease.
In order that the agreement of lease may be affected, the parties agreed on a temporary
compromise whereby the naked owners would receive P100.00, or 20% of the monthly rental of
P500.00 and the usufructuary the balance of 80% or P400.00 of said monthly rental. It was
likewise stipulated in the agreement that the title to the building to be constructed would accrue to
the land upon it completion as an integral part of the lot covered by the transfer certificate of title
issued in the name of the naked owners but subject to the right of usufruct of Josefa Fabie. The
parties expressly reserved the right to litigate their respective claims after the termination of the
contract of lease to determine which of said claims was legally correct.
Because the improvements (including the building) were destroyed during the battle for
the liberation of the City of Manila, the Philippine War Damage Commission paid petitioners a
certain sum of money war damage. In the meantime, the usufructuary paid the real estate taxes
due on the property at Ongpin for the years 1945 to 1952.
Josefa maintains that she has the exclusive right to cede the property by lease and to
receive the full rental value by virtue of her right to usufruct. On the other hand the naked owners
(petitioners) maintain that the right of usufruct was extinguished when the building was destroyed,
the right of the usufructory being limited to the legal interest on the value of the lot and the

ISSUE: Whether or not the usufruct included the building and the land? Who should receive the

HELD: The usufruct for life extended to the land and the building. It is clear that when the
deceased constituted the life usufruct on the rentals "fincas situadas" in Ongpin and Sto. Cristo
streets, she meant to impose the encumbrance both the building and the land on which it is
erected for indeed the building cannot exist without the land. And as this Court well said, "The
land, being an indispensable part of the rented premises cannot be considered as having no
rental value whatsoever." Moreover, in the Spanish language, the term "fincas" has a broad
scope; it includes not only building but land as well. (Diccionario Ingles-Espaol, por Martines
Amador) Since only the building was destroyed and the usufruct is constituted not only on the
building but on the land as well, then the usufruct is not deemed extinguished by the destruction
of the building for under the law usufruct is extinguished only by the total loss of the thing subject
of the encumbrance (Article 603, old Civil Code). Josefa, the usufructuary has the discretion to
reconstruct the building, who is deemed as the administrator of the property.
Josefa (usurfructuary) should received the reparation as it should be treated as fruits.
She should get 6% of the reparation (from the time it was actually received to the tend of the life
of the usufruct) because it was not used to construct a new building. Otherwise, the naked owner
is enriched twice first from the reparation and second from the fruits if payment of rent stops
when the building is constructed. Thus, the new building should be considered as the capital, and
the reparation as fruits. The naked owner should share the reparation with the usufructuary to
prevent unjust enrichment.

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