Nursing Care Plan

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Name of Patient: J.F.
Sex: Male
Age: 18 years old

Assessment Data Nursing Rationale Desired Outcome Nursing Justification Evaluation

Diagnosis Intervention

Actual Abnormal Cues Acute pain Appendix becomes After 2 hours of nursing After 2 hours of
related to obstructed intervention, the client nursing intervention
• The client

verbalizes, “Ga disruption of will be able;
Intraluminal pressure
sakit akon kilid skin, tissue, increases
mag giho ko” muscle integrity ↓ a. To report pain is a. Administer analgesic a. To maintain a. Goal met. The
• Protective secondary to Decrease venous controlled. as ordered acceptable level client was able
surgical incision drainage, thrombosis, of pain to report that
(Appendectomy) edema, bacterial the pain was
• Sighing invasion of bowel wall

b. To verbalize relieved.
Definition: methods that b. Provide additional b. To provide b. Goal met. The
Strength: Appendix becomes comfort measures nonphramacolog
• Normal RR= Unpleasant hyperemic, warm, provide relief such as back rub, ic pain
client was able
17cpm sensory and covered with exudates
changing patient’s management to verbalize
emotional ↓ methods of
BP= 110/90 position, change linen,
experience Processing to gangrene provides relief
PR= 86 bpm and perforation tepid sponge bath as
02 stat= 99% arising from ↓ necessary. such as tepid
actual or sponge bath
• Strong family Appendectomy
potential tissue ↓ and
damage or Surgical Incision administering
Risk Factors:
described in ↓ analgesics.

terms of such Disruption of skin, tissue
damage. and muscle integrity

Stimulation of sensory
nerve endings


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