Questions On S-Parameters For Practice

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Questions on S-parameters for Practice.

Q1- Why do we need S- parameters to characterise a linear network at high frequency,

although there are various other parameters like Z, Y, h, ABCD already available?
Q2- Define S- matrix. Discuss few advantages of S- parameters.
Q3- For a given [ABCD] matrix for a two port network derives its [S] matrix.

Q4- What are reciprocal networks. Taking the condition of reciprocity in ABCD parameter
show that for reciprocal networks, the [S] matrix is symmetrical i.e. S12=S21.
Q5- What are lossless networks? Discuss the two necessary properties imposed on defining
S- parameters for lossless network.
Q6- Analyse the S matrix for a two port network which is both reciprocal and lossless.
Q7- A two port network has the scattering matrix as shown below:
0.2 0.9
=[ ]
0.9 0.4
(a)- Determine whether the network is reciprocal or lossless.
(b)- If the o/p terminals are shorted together, what will be the i/p reflection

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