Admission Procedure (Assessing Child)

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Army Public Schools & Colleges


Admission policy

Department Of Assessment & Examination

Army Public Schools & Colleges System

Admission Information And Procedure

It is very important that the Registration and Admission procedure and
policies must be explained to the parent / guardian very clearly at the time
of the Admission.
At the time of Admissions school environment / office must be organized
and professional.
Admission Test Day:
Admission Tests during the week would effect the school activities.
Admission Tests to be held on Saturdays.
Following Documents must be readily available in the Admission Office.
a) Registration Form
b) Admission Form
c) Admission Tests details according to class for which admission is
Admission Procedure / Schedule
Events Period
Registration/Prospectus issuance/
Issue of Admission Form 2nd week of February
Admission Test / Interview 1st week of March
Compilation of Result/
Display of Admission list 3rd week of March
Information to parents / guardians about 4th week of March
completing the formalities through
phone / post etc
Preparation of Admission Folder 1st week of April
Preparation of Student Personal File
Left over admissions and transfer cases
is an on going process
No child under aged for the concerned class to be considered for
admission in preschool. He/she can be admitted into a class lower
than the one in which admission is sought. (exceptionally gifted
children/struggling learners to be dealt with on case to case basis)
Every child desirous of admission has to get registered for an Admission
Test. A non refundable fee of Rs will be paid.


Admission test will be based on:

Class last attended with year and month.

Exam last passed with year and month.
Age on 31st March.

Play Group
Informal Assessment based on Vocabulary Motor Skills and I.Q level.
Oral / visual responses / awareness.
Only grades to be given.

Informal Assessment based on reading level, vocabulary, concepts of
numbers and colours, confidence / expression in spoken English.
Judging pencil grasp.
I.Q level of the child.
Only grades to be given.

Class Prep
Written Assessment based on concepts of numbers, Alphabets both in
English and Urdu.
Oral responses to question asked.

Class: I VI
Written Test in core subjects viz English, Urdu and Mathematics as well as
reading and comprehension levels.


Written Tests in English, Urdu and Mathematics.

Class IX and X
Written tests in English, Urdu, Mathematics and Science.

Papers not to be shown to the parents.

After the Admission Test a formal interview of the child will be conducted
with both parents present.

Final Selection
Admission will be on merit and on priority * as per policy
Army Personnel Serving
Army Personnel Retired
Air Force / Navy Personnel
Names of selected candidates will be displayed on the school notice
board on a given date.

ADMISSION FOLDER (to be handed over at the time of Admission)

Book List
Stationary List
Uniform List
Time Table
Schedule for next two weeks
Student ID Card


1. Admission Form and Photograph

2. Birth Certificate (photocopy).
3. School Leaving Certificate.
4. Report Card from Previous School.
5. Admission Order.
6. Test Papers.
7. Photograph.
8. Admission Fee Challan (photocopy).

APSAC System

Class Wise Recommended Age Group

Class Age of Children

Play Group 3 + Years
Kindergarten 4 + Years
Prep 5 + Years
Class I 6 + Years
Class II 7 + Years
Class III 8 + Years
Class IV 9 + Years
Class V 10 + Years
Class VI 11 + Years
Class VII 12 + Years
Class VIII 13 + Years
Class IX 14 + Years
Class X 15 + Years

Class suitability will be decided from childs age on 31st March.

Army Public Schools & Colleges System
Name of the School: ___________________

Admission Form

Please complete in block letters

1. Full Name ______________________________________________________

2. Date of Birth _______________________ Place of birth __________________
3. Age at registration ________ Years _______Months_____ Sex: Male / Female
4. Religion ______________________ Nationality _________________________
5. Fathers / Guardians Name: ________________________________________
6. Fathers / Guardians occupation (please give details) ____________________
7. Mothers Name: __________________________________________________
8. Mothers occupation: ______________________________________________
9. Fathers office tel. no. __________________ Mothers office tel. no. _________
10. Residence tel. no. _____________________ Emergency tel. no. ___________
11. Childs home address: _____________________________________________
12. Address to which correspondence should be sent: _______________________
13. Name, class and section of any siblings enrolled in this school

14. To which class is admission required? ________________________________

15. Has the child attended any other school? If so, give the name and address of last school
attended __________________________________________________
16. Does the child have any disability that may affect his/her performance? If so, please state
what it is ____________________________________________________

Student Information:
Army Others
Navy / Civs paid MES NESCOM
Offrs JCOs / NCOs Soldiers Teachers Etc Civilian
Air Force out of def Emp Emp
Srv Rtd Srv Rtd Srv Rtd - - - - - -

Admission Guidelines

Sample Admission Test Papers

APSAC System
Teachers Guide for Preschool Assessment for
Following guidelines should be carefully read prior to assessing the child.
Information regarding name, age, last school attended and duration should
be filled in advance.
1. Recognition of Objects:
A variety of familiar objects, real fruits, vegetables picture cards of
animals, things at home, in the kitchen etc can be shown to the child
to assess recognition.
2. Recognition of Numbers:
Number cards should be shown for number recognition.
3. Shapes:
Shapes cards or objects of different shapes should be shown
4. Concepts:
Questions about simple concepts like big/small, up/down can be
asked by showing pictures or objects.
5. Phonics Skills:
Alphabet Cards should be shown for phonic or sound identification.
6. Rhymes / Songs:
Famous and familiar rhymes and poems to be recited with child to
assess if he/she knows or is familiar to it.
7. Hand Movement Control:
8. Line Control: A picture of any simple shape/object colouring to the
child. Crayons should be used for this purpose. Colouring strokes
within the picture and the way child holds the crayon should be
9. Puzzle Skills:
Simple puzzles and fit-ins should be provided to the child. Also big
beads and strings can be given to assess the skills and hand and eye
10. Conversation & Comprehension Ability:
Simple and friendly discussion should be encouraged to enquire
about how the child spends his weekend. Colourful story books
should be shown to the child and questions asked like does he/she
have books at home, or who reads to him/her.
11. Remarks of Teacher:
This column should be carefully filled by the teacher giving a brief
report on childs performance and his/her eligibility for the
admission. Each proforma should be signed, dated and a grade given.

APSAC System

Pre school assessment Report for Admission

Branch: ______________________

Age: Years: Months:
Last school attended:
General behaviour:

Vocabulary Development
1. Recognition of Objects:
2. Recognition of Numbers:
3. Shapes:
4. Concepts:
5. Phonics Skills
6. Rhymes / Songs
Hand movement control
Line control
Puzzle skills
Conversation & comprehension ability

Remarks of teacher:

SECTION HEAD Date: __________

APSAC System

Interview Sheet

Region ______________ Corps

Branch Section Date

1. Childs Full Name:
2. Age as on 31st March 200__: _____yrs _____months Sex: Male / Female
3. Admission for class level:
4. Previous Schooling: Yes / No:
5. Last School(s) attended: a. b.
6. Duration of Schooling:
a. From: To:
b. From: To:
7. Number of Brother / Sisters:
8. List of Brother(s) / Sister(s) studying in this school
S# Name Class / Sec. Branch

9. Any special medical information / allergies school needs to be aware of

(specify nature of problem):


1. Fathers Profession:

2. Mothers Profession:

3. Language spoken at home:

4. Arrangement for Transportation: a. Own b. Van c. Any other

5. How often is the child taken for outings by father/mother/both?
(Quality of time spent and nature of outing)

1. What time does the child getup?

2. What time does the child go to bed at night?

3. Does the child sleep during the day? Yes No

When? How long?

4. Does the child have any food likes / dislikes.

5. How does the child get along with siblings / friends

6. What are the childs other activities at home?

7. Is the child encouraged to read / listen to stories?

8. Is the child encouraged to listen to nursery rhymes / music.

9. Is the child afraid of anything in particular?

10. Brief description of childs personality by parents:

SECTION HEAD Date: __________

APSAC System

Admission Assessment Test For Preschool

(Play Group)

Name: ______________________________

Age: _________ Years: ___________Months: ___________

Date: __________________

Assessment Procedure:
Informal assessment based on Vocabulary and Motor Skills.

For official use only:

Teachers Comments:

Assessment Test For Admission
Play Group

1. Social & Emotional Development

a. Relationship with adults: Dependent / Independent

b. Is he/she Confident / Shy

2. Appearance

a. Dress Neat / Untidy

3. Physical Development

a. Walks: Properly / Improperly

b. Active / Not active /

4. Awareness of Environment

a. Observant Non observant / Curious

5. Development of Sensory Skills

a. Hearing / Sight / Speech / Touch


6. Toilet habits

Toilet trained / Not trained

Interviewers recommendation and remarks

(Any physical or emotional problem)


___________________ __________________
Teachers Name Principal Signature

Admission Assessment Test For Preschool


Name: ______________________________

Age: _________ Years: ___________Months: ___________

Date: __________________

Assessment Procedure:
Informal assessment based on Vocabulary and Motor Skills.

For official use only:

Teachers Comments:

Assessment Test For Admission

Q.1: Write from Aa to Zz

Aa Ff Ll

Qq Xx

Q.2: Circle the correct sound

dac bdf

egh cgt

Q.3: Match the column

J b
L n
G m
B j
N g
M l


Q. 4: Write the missing numbers.

3 0 9 0

3 9 9 9

Teachers comments
Q.5: Count and Write

Q.3: Recognition of shapes and colours

Colour it Red Colour it Green

Colour it Yellow Colour it Blue

APSAC System

Admission Assessment Test For Pre-School


Name: __________________________________________
Age: _________ Years: ___________Months: ___________
Date: __________________

Assessment Procedure:
Informal assessment based on reading level, vocabulary, concepts of
numbers, colours and confidence / expression in spoken English.
Only grades are given.
For official use only:
Teachers Comments:

Assessment Test For Admission

1. Oral:

(Ask as many as possible)

Q.1 What is your name? ___________________

Q.2 What is your fathers name? ___________________

Q.3 What is your mothers name? ___________________

Q.4 What is the colour of your shirt? ___________________

Q.5 Tell the name of your favourite cartoon? ___________________

Q.6 What do you like to eat? ___________________

Q.7 Which is your favourite toy ___________________

Q.8 Do you have a pet? What is its name? ___________________

Q.9 Have you been to a zoo. ___________________

Q.10 Which animals did you see? ___________________

Recognise the shapes:

2. Development of Sensory Skills:

Hearing Sight Speech

3. Social and Emotional Development:

Dependent Independent Co-operative

4. Relationship with adults:

Shy Confident

5. Physical Development:

Active / Not active / Hyperactive

6. Recognition of Alphabets : AH
Counting : 1 10

Teachers recommendation and remarks:

(Any physical or emotional problem)




___________________ __________________
Teachers Name Principal Signature
Colour The Following Pictures

Colour the Apple


Colour the eyes


Colour the
nose Black

Fill in the Yellow


Count the number of leaves

Colour it Green
APSAC System

Admission Assessment Test For Junior School

(Class I)

Name: __________________________________________

Age: _________ Years: ___________Months: ___________

Date: __________________

Max Marks: _______ Marks Obtained: _______

For official use only:

Teachers Comments:

Admission Assessment Test For Junior School
(Class I)

Subject: English

Q.1: Look at the picture carefully and take help from the given
words to complete the sentences.

Two Sun Flowers House Smoke

1 There are ____________windows.

2 _________is coming out of the chimney.

3 I can see the _________ shining brightly.

4. The door of the __________ is close.

5. I can see beautiful ____________ in the garden.

Q.2: Make two words with each letter:-
A _______________ __________________

L _______________ __________________

P _______________ __________________

Q.3: Make sentences:-

1. Cat: __________________________________________

2. House: ________________________________________

3. Toy: __________________________________________

For Teacher
Make the child read the given lines & assess him/her for fluency
& pronunciation.

I like to play with the bat and ball.



Picture Discussion
Encourage the child to talk about the attached picture and assess
him/her for spoken language skills.


Admission Assessment Test For Junior School
(Class I)

Subject: Math

Q.1: Add to find the answer:-

(1) 4 (2) 4
+ 6 + 4


(1) 9 (2) 7
8 3

What comes after:-

(1) 8 9 _______________

(2) 3 3 _______________

What comes before:-

(1) __________ 82

(2) __________ 20
Count and write:-


Write in words:-

7 _________________________

4 _________________________

8 _________________________

Teachers comments:
Admission Assessment Test For Junior School
(Class I)

Subject: Urdu





_______________ _______________

________________ ________________
APSAC System

Admission Assessment Test For Junior School

(Class II)

Name: __________________________________________

Age: _________ Years: ___________Months: ___________

Date: __________________

Max Marks: _______ Marks Obtained: _______

For official use only:

Teachers Comments:

Admission Assessment Test For Junior School
(Class II)

Subject: English

Q.1: Read the passage carefully and then answer the questions.

Ali has a lot of books. Before going to bed he reads a book every
night. His friend came to see him in a car. He had a book in his
hand and was wearing a cap. In the book there was a story about
an elephant and an ant.

a. What does Ali have?


b. How did his friend come to see him?


c. What was the story about in his friends book?


For Teachers
Q.2: (a) Make the child read the passage & assess him for fluency
& pronunciation.


Q.2: (b) Picture Discussion

Encourage the child to talk about the attached picture and assess
him/her for spoken language skills.
Q.3: Make sentences of the following words.

a. Monkey: __________________________________________


b. Pencil: ____________________________________________


Q.4: Write a few lines on My Best Friend

My Best Friend










Admission Assessment Test For Junior School
(Class II)
Subject: Maths

Q.1: Addition.
2 2 0 2
+ 1 4 + 1 0

Q.2: Subtraction
9 2 5 8
1 0 1 6

Q.3 (a) What comes between?

7 __________ 9

(b) What come before?

_________ 5 2

(c) What come after?

22 ________

Q.4: Write in words:

2: ________________

8: ________________

100: ________________
Q.5: Dodging tables:

2X3= 2X1= 3X3=

3X2= 4X2= 5X2=

Admission Assessment Test For Junior School
)(Class II

Subject: Urdu


" "










1 _____________________________
3 _______________________________

____________ 1

____________ 2

____________ 3

____________ 4


1 ______________________________________________ :

2 ______________________________________________ :

3 ______________________________________________ :


APSAC System

Admission Assessment Test For Junior School

(Class III)

Name: __________________________________________

Age: _________ Years: ___________Months: ___________

Date: __________________

Max Marks: _______ Marks Obtained: _______

For official use only:

Teachers Comments:

Admission Assessment Test For Junior School
(Class III)

Subject: English

Look at the picture carefully and take help from the given words
to complete the sentences.

Cinderella ran to the garden and brought her godmother the

finest pumpkin. She could find, wondering how this would help
her to go to the ball.

The godmother scooped out the inside of the pumpkin, leaving

nothing but the rind. Then she touched it with her magic wand
and the pumpkin was changed in a moment into a fine coach, all
shining with gold.

After that she went to look into the mouse-trap, where she found
six mice all alive. She told Cinderella to lift the trap-door up a
little, and as each mouse came out she gave it a tap with her
ward. At once it was changed into a beautiful horse. This made a
very fine team of six horses, all dappled grey in colour.

Answer these questions.

Q.1: What did the godmother do with the pumpkin?

Q.2: What did godmother find in the mouse trap?


For teachers
Q.2 (a) Make the child read the comprehension passage & assess
him for fluency & pronunciation.




Q.2 (b)
Picture Discussion

Encourage the child to talk about the attached picture & assess
him/her for spoken language skills.




Write a paragraph on Park or My Pet






Q.3: Use the verbs from the box to finish these sentences

You ____________ the bread. take

You ____________ a story.

Make following sentences.

Words Sentences



Q.4: Complete the story

Read the story. In the last box, draw what you think will happen
next. Then write the words for the end of the story.

1. Do you want to go to the 3. Excuse me. Where can I

library with me? find a book about
Yes, I want a book about seashells?

2. Have you found your 4. _______________________

No. I cant find it.
Why dont you ask
Admission Assessment Test For Junior School
(Class III)

Subject: Maths

Q.1: Read each statement and then circle the correct digit

Circle the
4 8 7 Circle the tens 3 4 5

Circle the
Circle the unit 2 4 6 3 4 5

Q.2: Add:-

5 2 4 3 2 9
+ 1 8 4 + 1 2 4

Q.3: Subtract:-

5 8 6 9 6 8
3 9 2 1 7 6

Q.4: (a) What comes after?

148 ________ 205 ________

(b) What comes before?

________824 ________339

Q.5: Multiply

3 6 7 1
5 8
Admission Assessment Test For Junior School
(Class III)

Subject: Urdu
APSAC System

Admission Assessment Test For Junior School

(Class IV)

Name: __________________________________________

Age: _________ Years: ___________Months: ___________

Date: __________________

Max Marks: _______ Marks Obtained: _______

For official use only:

Teachers Comments:

Admission Assessment Test For Junior School
(Class IV)

Subject: English

Q.1: Comprehension

Tiny Tina was small. Tiny Tina was very, very small. She was
smaller than the boys and girls in her class. She was smaller than
her friends. She was even smaller than her baby sister. She was
small because she did not like to eat.
When it was time for lunch, she hid in her room. My tummy
hurts. She lied to her mother. When it was time for dinner, she
gave her food to the cat. The cat got big. Tiny Tina got smaller.
One day when she woke up, she was as small as a mouse. Her
bed looked very, very big. Tiny Tina was upset.
What will I do? she cried. Her mother came looking for her.
Where are you, Tina? she called. Here I am, said very Tiny
Tina. Her mother did not hear her.
Tiny Tina cried and cried. Her mother did not see her. Tiny Tina
went to sleep. She had a dream. She saw a kind fairy in her
dream. Please help me, kind fairy, Tiny Tina sobbed. I dont
like to be as small as a mouse. My mother cant see me. She cant
hear me. Please help me!

Answer these questions.

Q.a: Why was Tina small?


Q.b: Why did the cat become bigger?



Q.c: How did Tina feel when she became as small as a mouse?



Q.d: Why could Tinas mother not see or hear her?



Q.2: Circle one word in each list that does not belong.

1. teeth toothpaste soap toothbrush

2. strong dirty healthy tough
3. dull shiny bright sparkling
Admission Assessment Test For Junior School
(Class IV)

Subject: Maths

Time : 1 hr

Q.1: (a) Find the products

35 x 14 =
26 x 13 =

(b) Complete

4255 7354
+ 4534 + 1633

Q.2 (a) Compete the sequence

4202, 4302, ______, ______, ______, ______, 4802

8560, ____ , 8760 , ______, ______, ______, ______,

(b) Subtract

3605 6401
1439 3326

Q.3: 484 4 = 510 5 =

Q.4: Fill in the blanks

5x = 500 7 x 10

3 x 10 4x5

Q.5: Draw two sets of parallel lines


Q.1: Rashid borrowed two books from the library. One book had
928 pages & the other 1084 page. How many pages did the two
books have altogether?

Q.2: In a painting contest 4500 children took part of these 2951

were girls. How many boys tool part?

Q.3: School notebooks contain 75 pages each. How many pages

are there in 32 notebooks?
Admission Assessment Test For Junior School
(Class IV)
Subject: Urdu


APSAC System

Admission Assessment Test For Middle School

(Class V)

Subject: English

Name: __________________________________________

Age: _________ Years: ___________Months: ___________

Date: __________________

Max Marks: _______ Marks Obtained: _______

For official use only:

Teachers Comments:

Admission Assessment Test For Middle School
(Class V)

Subject: English


Five hundred years ago, nearly every body thought the world
was flat. If you sail far away from land, you will fall off the edge
of the earth, they said. But one man Christopher Columbus,
thought differently. He told the King and Queen of Spain that he
could reach India and China by sailing west across what is now
the Atlantic Ocean.
The royal rulers of Spain gave Columbus three ships. He set out
in 1492, even though most of the sailors were afraid. The ships
were very small, and the largest was only 21 meters long. The
wind blew from behind them and the men said, we will be never
be able to sail back. This wind will blow us away from Spain
forever. We are also in danger of falling off into the sky!
After about seven weeks of sailing, there was still no land in
sight. But soon they saw bits of wood floating in the sea. Birds
flew overhead, and Columbus said it must be India. The people
had dark reddish skins so he called them Red Indians. He was
mistaken, because this new land was not India but what is now
One of the ships sank on the reef, but the other two sail back
home. The King and Queen were very pleased.

Q.1: Read the given passage carefully and answer the following

a. From which country did Christopher Columbus sail?


b. Did most people in those days think the world was round or


c. Did the wind help Columbus find across what is now the
Atlantic Ocean?



d. What two things told Columbus that he was near land?



e. Did Columbus find white men in America?



f. How many ships were lost on the voyage?



g. Which word tells us that the Spanish rulers were happy that
Columbus returned?
h. Columbus called the people red Indians because (circle the
right answer):

i) They were dark but angry. ii) They were Indians but had red skin.
iii) He thought he was in India and the People had red skin.

i). Write a word from the passage that means:

a) Side _____________ b) frightened _____________

c) Pieces ____________ d) wrong ________________

Q.2: Rewrite these sentences using correct punctuation.

1. who came to your house


2. Amna asked if she could go


3. may I go asked Saima

Q.3: Write description of a Beggar
Describe a Policeman as you see him going his duty everyday.
















Admission Assessment Test For Middle School
(Class V)

Subject: Math

Q.1: Write these in vertical form and then complete them

400625 241813




Q.2: What is the difference between the largest 4-digit number

and the smallest 6-digit number?




Q.3: Write the following in vertical form and then complete

316010 + 187684 + 3472


Q.4: A pack of 20 pens cost Rs. 1020. What is the cost of one pen?





Q.5: Solve the following:-

a. 28 3100 b. 6 812 .4





Q.6: Find the HCF and LCM of these pairs

1 30 and 12




Q.7: Solve

x 7 6





Q. 8: Find the H.C.F

36 and 24




Q. 9: Find the L.C.M.

18 and 56

Q. 10: Draw any of the following Angles?

130 or 90
(Class V)

Subject: Urdu


" / "












APSAC System

Admission Assessment Test For Middle School

(Class VI)

Name: __________________________________________

Age: _________ Years: ___________Months: ___________

Date: __________________

Max Marks: _______ Marks Obtained: _______

For official use only:

Teachers Comments:

Admission Assessment Test For Middle School
(Class VI)
Subject: English

Sea-lions bear some resemblance to seals, though they are much
larger. When fully grown they are from twenty feet in length, and
from eight to fifteen feet in circumference; they are extremely fat,
so that having cut through the skin, which is about an inch in
thickness there is at least a foot of fat before you come to either
lean or bones.

Their skins are covered with short grey hair, but their tails and
their fins, which serve them for feet on shore, are almost black.
They have a distant resemblance to an overgrown seal, though in
some particulars there is a manifest difference between them,
especially in the males. These have a large snout, or trunk,
hanging down five or six inches below the end of the upper jaw,
which the females have not.

These animals divide their time equally between the land and the
sea, continuing at sea all the summer, and coming on shore at the
in of water, where they reside during the whole of that season. In
this interval they bring forth their young, and have generally two
at a birth. During the time these sea lions continue on shore, they
feed on the grass and small plant which grow near the banks of
fresh-water stream.

Q.1: Read the given passage carefully and answer the following
a. Which is bigger, a sea lion or a seal?

b. What is the length of a fully grown sea-lion?


c. What is the thickness of a sea-lions skin?



d. How does the face of a male sea-lion differ from that of a


Q.2: Write a paragraph on Computer









Admission Assessment Test For Middle School
(Class VI)

Subject: Maths

Q.1: Round off these numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.

a) 14039
b) 19650

Q.2: Find the L.C.M and H.C.F. of the following pairs:-

a) 108 and 144

b) 35 and 105
Q.3: Use brackets and reduce each number to its lowest term.

2 9 2

5 10 7

Q.4: Use BODMAS rule and simplify the following:-

2 5
20 + [5 {9 (1 )}]
3 6
Admission Assessment Test For Middle School
(Class VI)

Subject: Urdu

APSAC System

Admission Assessment Test For Middle School

(Class VII)

Name: __________________________________________

Age: _________ Years: ___________Months: ___________

Date: __________________

Max Marks: _______ Marks Obtained: _______

For official use only:

Teachers Comments:

Admission Assessment Test For Middle School
(Class VII)

Subject: English

Q.1: Write down a paragraph continuing the given line.

One day, while I was playing in the park, I saw














Q.2: Form Nouns.

Words Nouns
(i) robber
(ii) modern
(iii) great
(iv) conquer

Q.3: Form Adjectives

Words Adjectives
(i) father
(ii) life
(iii) fruit
(iv) milk

Q.4: Write down names of the parts of speech of the underlined


(i) The boys run after the ball

(i) boys
(ii) after
(iii) run
(iv) ball
(ii) He puts more care into his work nowadays.

(v) puts
(vi) more
(vii) care
(viii) his
Admission Assessment Test For Middle School
(Class VII)
Subject: Maths

Q.1: What is Rational and irrational number.

Ans: ________________________________________________


Q.2: Express the following fractions into decimals:-


Q.3: Find the sum of following :-

x 2 3x 1 , 3x 2 + 2 x + 9

Q.4: Write the formulas:-

(a + b)2 = _______________________________________

(a b)2 = _______________________________________

(a2 b2) = _______________________________________

Q.5: Draw the following figures:-

(a) Rhombus

(b) kite

(c) circle

(d) parallelogram

Q.8: Find the indicated angles:-


Admission Assessment Test For Middle School
(Class VII)
Subject: Urdu





APSAC System

Admission Assessment Test For Senior School

(Class VIII)

Name: __________________________________________

Age: _________ Years: ___________Months: ___________

Date: __________________

Max Marks: _______ Marks Obtained: _______

For official use only:

Teachers Comments:

Admission Assessment Test For Senior School
(Class VIII)
Subject: English

Note: Attach answering sheets with the question paper.

After having subdued Lahore once more, Babur and his army
marched on the capital, Delhi, in order to subjugate Sultan
Ibrahim Lodhi once and for all. On reaching the village of
Panipat, in the plain north of Delhi, Babur organized his forces.
He quickly noticed his inferiority in numbers: he had, probably,
only about 15000 men, of whom only about half were fit for
attack. On the other hand, Babur was a skilful strategist and he
had learned valuable tactical lessons in the course of his
numerous battles with the Uzbeks.
Moreover, he had at his side two talented Turkish gunners who
had mastered the art of using cannons in warfare. The cannon, a
mounted gun, was a weapon well known in Europe, but not on
the subcontinent at this time when an armys strength was in its
archers. Babur was very interested in firearms and artillery, and
used to supervise their casting. He gave the order for all the carts
seven hundred of them to be tied together with raw hide
ropes to form a large defensive formation. The matchlock men
and the cannons, protected by Mantelet shields, took up positions
between the carts. Behind them were the cavalry and the archers.
Irbahim Lodhi, however, hesitated to fight despite his 100,000
men and his many hundreds of elephants. In order to incite his
enemy to attack, Babur sent his soldiers by night to harass
Ibrahim Lodhis forces. On the morning of 21 April 1526, the
exasperated Ibrahim finally started the assault. He forced Baburs
right wing back, but his own army was swiftly overwhelmed by
the cannon fire and by the matchlock-men drawn up in the
centre. Terrorized by the noise of the gunfire, the elephants
stampeded, making any further attack impossible. Ibrahims
forces were quickly encircled and destroyed by Baburs
cavalrymen and archers.
By midday, his camp was destroyed, although his body was not
found until later. It was decapitated and the head was brought to
Babur. As a mark of respect to the dead sultan, Babur later had
and monument erected on the spot where he fell. Very quickly
after the battle, Babur became preoccupied with protecting the
treasures of Delhi and Agra from pillage by his own victorious
troops. He sent Humayun his son who was only seventeen years
old, to Agra, whilst he himself marched on Delhi, where he had
prayers read in his name in the great mosque, thereby
proclaiming himself Badishah, or Emperor, of Hindustan.
At Agra, Babur was greeted by Humayun, who presented the
conqueror with a magnificent diamond called the Koh-i-noor. The
ruling family of Gwalior had given it to Humayun and Babur
recorded that a gem collector estimated its worth as the whole
worlds expenditure for half a day. Babur immediately refused
this rich gift, and offered it to the one who wanted to give it to
him, Humayun.
Read the passage and give answers.
Q1: What was Baburs purpose in marching on Delhi?
Q2: Explain one advantage and one disadvantage which Babur
had over Ibrahim Lodhi before the Battle of Panipat.
Q3: Why were the Turkish gunners so useful to Babur?
Q4: By how many men was Babur outnumbered by Ibrahim
Q5: Why did Ibrahim Lodhi find it impossible to make an attack
with is elephants?
Q6: How were the cavalry and archers important to the battle?
Q7: What did Babur want to prevent happening in Agra and
Q8: How does the writer emphasize the value of the Koh-i-noor?
Admission Assessment Test For Senior School
(Class VIII)
Subject: Maths

Q. 1: Fill in the blanks.

a. 10m x 10n = __________.

b. 912400 expressed in standard form = _________.
c. H.C.F of 6a3b4 and 9a3b = __________
d. The sum of interior angles of a 13 gon = _______.
e. The value of x in the figure is = ________.


Q. 2: Solve the short questions

a. Simplify (16 x2yz / 48xy2z4)

b. Simplify (a2 b2) / (3a + 3b)
c. Factorize y2 + 6y + 8
d. Factorize 49 c2 d2 e2
e. Expand (a 5) (a + 6)
Q. 2: Find the value of a



Q. 3: Solve the algebraic expression.

b + 4 / 6 b / 3 + b c / 12

Q.4 (a): Find the number of sides of a regular polygon with

an interior angle of 60.
(b) Find the value of x and y for the given figure




ABCD is a kite
(c) Write the order of rotational symmetry and lines of
symmetry for the following

R.S= ________ R.S=_________

L.S = ________ L.S= _________

Q. 5: A model of a building is made to a scale of 1cm to 15m.

(i) If the height of the building is 85m, find its height

on the model.

(ii) If the length of the model is 15cm, find its actual


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