Admission Procedure (Assessing Child)
Admission Procedure (Assessing Child)
Admission Procedure (Assessing Child)
Admission policy
It is very important that the Registration and Admission procedure and
policies must be explained to the parent / guardian very clearly at the time
of the Admission.
At the time of Admissions school environment / office must be organized
and professional.
Admission Test Day:
Admission Tests during the week would effect the school activities.
Admission Tests to be held on Saturdays.
Following Documents must be readily available in the Admission Office.
a) Registration Form
b) Admission Form
c) Admission Tests details according to class for which admission is
Admission Procedure / Schedule
Events Period
Registration/Prospectus issuance/
Issue of Admission Form 2nd week of February
Admission Test / Interview 1st week of March
Compilation of Result/
Display of Admission list 3rd week of March
Information to parents / guardians about 4th week of March
completing the formalities through
phone / post etc
Preparation of Admission Folder 1st week of April
Preparation of Student Personal File
Left over admissions and transfer cases
is an on going process
No child under aged for the concerned class to be considered for
admission in preschool. He/she can be admitted into a class lower
than the one in which admission is sought. (exceptionally gifted
children/struggling learners to be dealt with on case to case basis)
Every child desirous of admission has to get registered for an Admission
Test. A non refundable fee of Rs will be paid.
Play Group
Informal Assessment based on Vocabulary Motor Skills and I.Q level.
Oral / visual responses / awareness.
Only grades to be given.
Informal Assessment based on reading level, vocabulary, concepts of
numbers and colours, confidence / expression in spoken English.
Judging pencil grasp.
I.Q level of the child.
Only grades to be given.
Class Prep
Written Assessment based on concepts of numbers, Alphabets both in
English and Urdu.
Oral responses to question asked.
Class: I VI
Written Test in core subjects viz English, Urdu and Mathematics as well as
reading and comprehension levels.
Class IX and X
Written tests in English, Urdu, Mathematics and Science.
After the Admission Test a formal interview of the child will be conducted
with both parents present.
Final Selection
Admission will be on merit and on priority * as per policy
Army Personnel Serving
Army Personnel Retired
Air Force / Navy Personnel
Names of selected candidates will be displayed on the school notice
board on a given date.
Book List
Stationary List
Uniform List
Time Table
Schedule for next two weeks
Student ID Card
APSAC System
Army Public Schools & Colleges System
Name of the School: ___________________
Admission Form
Student Information:
Army Others
Navy / Civs paid MES NESCOM
Offrs JCOs / NCOs Soldiers Teachers Etc Civilian
Air Force out of def Emp Emp
Srv Rtd Srv Rtd Srv Rtd - - - - - -
Admission Guidelines
APSAC System
Teachers Guide for Preschool Assessment for
Following guidelines should be carefully read prior to assessing the child.
Information regarding name, age, last school attended and duration should
be filled in advance.
1. Recognition of Objects:
A variety of familiar objects, real fruits, vegetables picture cards of
animals, things at home, in the kitchen etc can be shown to the child
to assess recognition.
2. Recognition of Numbers:
Number cards should be shown for number recognition.
3. Shapes:
Shapes cards or objects of different shapes should be shown
4. Concepts:
Questions about simple concepts like big/small, up/down can be
asked by showing pictures or objects.
5. Phonics Skills:
Alphabet Cards should be shown for phonic or sound identification.
6. Rhymes / Songs:
Famous and familiar rhymes and poems to be recited with child to
assess if he/she knows or is familiar to it.
7. Hand Movement Control:
8. Line Control: A picture of any simple shape/object colouring to the
child. Crayons should be used for this purpose. Colouring strokes
within the picture and the way child holds the crayon should be
9. Puzzle Skills:
Simple puzzles and fit-ins should be provided to the child. Also big
beads and strings can be given to assess the skills and hand and eye
10. Conversation & Comprehension Ability:
Simple and friendly discussion should be encouraged to enquire
about how the child spends his weekend. Colourful story books
should be shown to the child and questions asked like does he/she
have books at home, or who reads to him/her.
11. Remarks of Teacher:
This column should be carefully filled by the teacher giving a brief
report on childs performance and his/her eligibility for the
admission. Each proforma should be signed, dated and a grade given.
APSAC System
Branch: ______________________
Age: Years: Months:
Last school attended:
General behaviour:
Vocabulary Development
1. Recognition of Objects:
2. Recognition of Numbers:
3. Shapes:
4. Concepts:
5. Phonics Skills
6. Rhymes / Songs
Hand movement control
Line control
Puzzle skills
Conversation & comprehension ability
Remarks of teacher:
APSAC System
Interview Sheet
1. Fathers Profession:
2. Mothers Profession:
APSAC System
Name: ______________________________
Date: __________________
Assessment Procedure:
Informal assessment based on Vocabulary and Motor Skills.
Assessment Test For Admission
Play Group
2. Appearance
3. Physical Development
b. Active / Not active /
4. Awareness of Environment
6. Toilet habits
___________________ __________________
Teachers Name Principal Signature
Name: ______________________________
Date: __________________
Assessment Procedure:
Informal assessment based on Vocabulary and Motor Skills.
Assessment Test For Admission
Qq Xx
dac bdf
egh cgt
Q.3: Match the column
J b
L n
G m
B j
N g
M l
3 0 9 0
3 9 9 9
Teachers comments
Q.5: Count and Write
Name: __________________________________________
Age: _________ Years: ___________Months: ___________
Date: __________________
Assessment Procedure:
Informal assessment based on reading level, vocabulary, concepts of
numbers, colours and confidence / expression in spoken English.
Only grades are given.
For official use only:
Teachers Comments:
Assessment Test For Admission
1. Oral:
Shy Confident
5. Physical Development:
6. Recognition of Alphabets : AH
Counting : 1 10
___________________ __________________
Teachers Name Principal Signature
Colour The Following Pictures
Colour the
nose Black
Name: __________________________________________
Date: __________________
Admission Assessment Test For Junior School
(Class I)
Subject: English
Q.1: Look at the picture carefully and take help from the given
words to complete the sentences.
L _______________ __________________
P _______________ __________________
2. House: ________________________________________
3. Toy: __________________________________________
For Teacher
Make the child read the given lines & assess him/her for fluency
& pronunciation.
Picture Discussion
Encourage the child to talk about the attached picture and assess
him/her for spoken language skills.
Admission Assessment Test For Junior School
(Class I)
Subject: Math
(1) 4 (2) 4
+ 6 + 4
(1) 9 (2) 7
8 3
(1) 8 9 _______________
(2) 3 3 _______________
(1) __________ 82
(2) __________ 20
Count and write:-
Write in words:-
7 _________________________
4 _________________________
8 _________________________
Teachers comments:
Admission Assessment Test For Junior School
(Class I)
Subject: Urdu
_______________ _______________
________________ ________________
APSAC System
Name: __________________________________________
Date: __________________
Admission Assessment Test For Junior School
(Class II)
Subject: English
Q.1: Read the passage carefully and then answer the questions.
Ali has a lot of books. Before going to bed he reads a book every
night. His friend came to see him in a car. He had a book in his
hand and was wearing a cap. In the book there was a story about
an elephant and an ant.
For Teachers
Q.2: (a) Make the child read the passage & assess him for fluency
& pronunciation.
a. Monkey: __________________________________________
b. Pencil: ____________________________________________
Admission Assessment Test For Junior School
(Class II)
Subject: Maths
Q.1: Addition.
2 2 0 2
+ 1 4 + 1 0
Q.2: Subtraction
9 2 5 8
1 0 1 6
7 __________ 9
_________ 5 2
22 ________
2: ________________
8: ________________
100: ________________
Q.5: Dodging tables:
Subject: Urdu
" "
1 _____________________________
3 _______________________________
____________ 1
____________ 2
____________ 3
____________ 4
1 ______________________________________________ :
2 ______________________________________________ :
3 ______________________________________________ :
APSAC System
Name: __________________________________________
Date: __________________
Admission Assessment Test For Junior School
(Class III)
Subject: English
Look at the picture carefully and take help from the given words
to complete the sentences.
After that she went to look into the mouse-trap, where she found
six mice all alive. She told Cinderella to lift the trap-door up a
little, and as each mouse came out she gave it a tap with her
ward. At once it was changed into a beautiful horse. This made a
very fine team of six horses, all dappled grey in colour.
Q.2: What did godmother find in the mouse trap?
For teachers
Q.2 (a) Make the child read the comprehension passage & assess
him for fluency & pronunciation.
Q.2 (b)
Picture Discussion
Encourage the child to talk about the attached picture & assess
him/her for spoken language skills.
Q.3: Use the verbs from the box to finish these sentences
Words Sentences
Q.4: Complete the story
Read the story. In the last box, draw what you think will happen
next. Then write the words for the end of the story.
Subject: Maths
Q.1: Read each statement and then circle the correct digit
Circle the
4 8 7 Circle the tens 3 4 5
Circle the
Circle the unit 2 4 6 3 4 5
Q.2: Add:-
5 2 4 3 2 9
+ 1 8 4 + 1 2 4
Q.3: Subtract:-
5 8 6 9 6 8
3 9 2 1 7 6
________824 ________339
Q.5: Multiply
3 6 7 1
5 8
Admission Assessment Test For Junior School
(Class III)
Subject: Urdu
APSAC System
Name: __________________________________________
Date: __________________
Admission Assessment Test For Junior School
(Class IV)
Subject: English
Q.1: Comprehension
Tiny Tina was small. Tiny Tina was very, very small. She was
smaller than the boys and girls in her class. She was smaller than
her friends. She was even smaller than her baby sister. She was
small because she did not like to eat.
When it was time for lunch, she hid in her room. My tummy
hurts. She lied to her mother. When it was time for dinner, she
gave her food to the cat. The cat got big. Tiny Tina got smaller.
One day when she woke up, she was as small as a mouse. Her
bed looked very, very big. Tiny Tina was upset.
What will I do? she cried. Her mother came looking for her.
Where are you, Tina? she called. Here I am, said very Tiny
Tina. Her mother did not hear her.
Tiny Tina cried and cried. Her mother did not see her. Tiny Tina
went to sleep. She had a dream. She saw a kind fairy in her
dream. Please help me, kind fairy, Tiny Tina sobbed. I dont
like to be as small as a mouse. My mother cant see me. She cant
hear me. Please help me!
Q.b: Why did the cat become bigger?
Q.c: How did Tina feel when she became as small as a mouse?
Q.2: Circle one word in each list that does not belong.
Subject: Maths
Time : 1 hr
(b) Complete
4255 7354
+ 4534 + 1633
(b) Subtract
3605 6401
1439 3326
5x = 500 7 x 10
3 x 10 4x5
Q.1: Rashid borrowed two books from the library. One book had
928 pages & the other 1084 page. How many pages did the two
books have altogether?
APSAC System
Subject: English
Name: __________________________________________
Date: __________________
Admission Assessment Test For Middle School
(Class V)
Subject: English
Five hundred years ago, nearly every body thought the world
was flat. If you sail far away from land, you will fall off the edge
of the earth, they said. But one man Christopher Columbus,
thought differently. He told the King and Queen of Spain that he
could reach India and China by sailing west across what is now
the Atlantic Ocean.
The royal rulers of Spain gave Columbus three ships. He set out
in 1492, even though most of the sailors were afraid. The ships
were very small, and the largest was only 21 meters long. The
wind blew from behind them and the men said, we will be never
be able to sail back. This wind will blow us away from Spain
forever. We are also in danger of falling off into the sky!
After about seven weeks of sailing, there was still no land in
sight. But soon they saw bits of wood floating in the sea. Birds
flew overhead, and Columbus said it must be India. The people
had dark reddish skins so he called them Red Indians. He was
mistaken, because this new land was not India but what is now
One of the ships sank on the reef, but the other two sail back
home. The King and Queen were very pleased.
Q.1: Read the given passage carefully and answer the following
b. Did most people in those days think the world was round or
c. Did the wind help Columbus find across what is now the
Atlantic Ocean?
g. Which word tells us that the Spanish rulers were happy that
Columbus returned?
h. Columbus called the people red Indians because (circle the
right answer):
i) They were dark but angry. ii) They were Indians but had red skin.
iii) He thought he was in India and the People had red skin.
Admission Assessment Test For Middle School
(Class V)
Subject: Math
Q.4: A pack of 20 pens cost Rs. 1020. What is the cost of one pen?
a. 28 3100 b. 6 812 .4
1 30 and 12
Q.7: Solve
x 7 6
36 and 24
18 and 56
130 or 90
(Class V)
Subject: Urdu
" / "
APSAC System
Name: __________________________________________
Date: __________________
Admission Assessment Test For Middle School
(Class VI)
Subject: English
Sea-lions bear some resemblance to seals, though they are much
larger. When fully grown they are from twenty feet in length, and
from eight to fifteen feet in circumference; they are extremely fat,
so that having cut through the skin, which is about an inch in
thickness there is at least a foot of fat before you come to either
lean or bones.
Their skins are covered with short grey hair, but their tails and
their fins, which serve them for feet on shore, are almost black.
They have a distant resemblance to an overgrown seal, though in
some particulars there is a manifest difference between them,
especially in the males. These have a large snout, or trunk,
hanging down five or six inches below the end of the upper jaw,
which the females have not.
These animals divide their time equally between the land and the
sea, continuing at sea all the summer, and coming on shore at the
in of water, where they reside during the whole of that season. In
this interval they bring forth their young, and have generally two
at a birth. During the time these sea lions continue on shore, they
feed on the grass and small plant which grow near the banks of
fresh-water stream.
Q.1: Read the given passage carefully and answer the following
a. Which is bigger, a sea lion or a seal?
b. What is the length of a fully grown sea-lion?
Q.2: Write a paragraph on Computer
Admission Assessment Test For Middle School
(Class VI)
Subject: Maths
Q.1: Round off these numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.
a) 14039
b) 19650
2 9 2
5 10 7
Subject: Urdu
APSAC System
Name: __________________________________________
Date: __________________
Admission Assessment Test For Middle School
(Class VII)
Subject: English
Q.2: Form Nouns.
Words Nouns
(i) robber
(ii) modern
(iii) great
(iv) conquer
Words Adjectives
(i) father
(ii) life
(iii) fruit
(iv) milk
(i) boys
(ii) after
(iii) run
(iv) ball
(ii) He puts more care into his work nowadays.
(v) puts
(vi) more
(vii) care
(viii) his
Admission Assessment Test For Middle School
(Class VII)
Subject: Maths
Ans: ________________________________________________
x 2 3x 1 , 3x 2 + 2 x + 9
(a + b)2 = _______________________________________
(a b)2 = _______________________________________
(a) Rhombus
(b) kite
(c) circle
(d) parallelogram
Admission Assessment Test For Middle School
(Class VII)
Subject: Urdu
APSAC System
Name: __________________________________________
Date: __________________
Admission Assessment Test For Senior School
(Class VIII)
Subject: English
b + 4 / 6 b / 3 + b c / 12
ABCD is a kite
(c) Write the order of rotational symmetry and lines of
symmetry for the following
Subject: Urdu